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Face to face Classes


I can see many students asking the same question, why face to face is still not mandatory? I believe that
face to face should be mandatory because of several reasons


First, Some schools give too many works to students, and some of them cant handle the pressure of the
given task And ended up being depressed and some of them ended up killing themselves

Second, the students don't get to socialize with other students and as a result of that students have poor
social skills

Another argument against this position is about the COVID-19 pandemic because it can be dangerous for
students to gather in one place, but they can only open the places where the COVID-19 is low or none

Lastly, some students don't have money to pay for devices that are needed for online learning


All in all, the face to face classes should be optional because of the pandemic COVID-19 only those
places where the cases are low

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