OnlineAVL2 v3.6 Published Interface

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Published Interface


Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 1/362

Document version history
This table shows a record of significant changes to the document.

# Date Reason for update Author

1.0 24 Aug 2010 The version provides details on new event Matt Minor
sub-type definitions that were released in
10.2 and 10.2 SP1. See Appendix 1 for
these updates.
1.1 29 Jun 2011 This version includes Forms APIs. For more Kinnar Shah, Rahul
details, see Section: “Published Interface Wagh
Functionality and Data”.
1.2 23 Nov 2011 This version includes detail of newly added Rahul Wagh
AssignToVehicleGroup and
GetVehicleGroups methods. Refer section:
“Published Interface Functionality and
1.3 20 Feb 2012 Documented optional parameters to Joseph Tan
GetMessages, GetPeriodActivity, and
GetVehicleSnapShots. Added Values for
SMDP Event sub types.
1.4 13 Jun 2012 This version includes newly added API Kinnar Shah
namely UpdateVehicleCustomStatus. For
more details, see Section: “Published
Interface Functionality and Data”.
2.0 26 Jun 2012 Added information about versioning Joseph Tan
2.1 16 Sep 2012 Copied from PI Doc 12.2 Joseph Tan
Updated documentation for
DoSendTextMessage and
2.2 1 Nov 2012 Added new EMS events Joseph Tan
2.3 20 Dec 2012 Created from PI DOC 12.3 Joseph Tan
2.4 4 July 2013 Minor Edits Joseph Tan
2.5 5 July 2013 Added Install App API methods under V1.3 Zubair Ahmed
2.6 5 Mar 2014 Fixed regional reported issues in V1.4 Jan Ver Eecke

Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 2

3.0 6 Aug 2014 Copied PI Doc from 13.2 Murtaza Tinwala
Updated documentation for
3.1 4 Sep 2014 Added details about LDV-79758 - Change Murtaza Tinwala
Request: Additional attributes in web APIs
3.2 17 Oct 2014 Corrected the VB/C# code samples for Darshan Moghe
3.3 17 Feb 2015 Copied PI Doc from 14.1 and updated with Darshan Moghe
changes to GetPeriodActivityEx(), signature
field in Forms API.
3.4 18 Aug 2015 Copied PI doc from 14.2 and updated Zubair Ahmed
document about new PI version V1.7 and
the changes in DoSendRouteMessages,
3.5 6 Mar 2016 Updated from 15.1 to include additional Jeff Willis
events and EMS PI method

3.6 7 Jul 2016 Updated to include new event sub-types for Gopinath
Qube 300 firmware upgrade start/end. Sundharam

3.7 7th Nov 2016 Updated to include all of the new methods Jonathan Bailey
added as part of the HOS/DVIR PI update
which added PI V2.0 to AVL2 16-4. Updated
table of contents.
3.8 25 July 2017 Updated GetPeriodActivity and Sachin Patil
GetVehicleSnapshots methods for Input
and Output parameters to include sensor
temperature details. These changes are
part of PI V2.1released as part of DIRECTOR
17-1-SP2 release
3.9 15 December Added notes about current status of Murtaza Tinwala
2017 GetPeriodActivityEx method and
discontinued support for
“PreviousCallEndTime” parameter
4.0 14 June 2018 Updated to include the new Simon Crick
GetSafetyAnalyticsEvents method added in PI
4.0 14th August Added notes about Workflow – Deepthi Kendyala
2018 “GetPlanTemplates” and “ImportPlan”

5.0 14TH November Added notes about v2.6 GetPeriodActivity Murtaza Tinwala

6.0 15th February Added notes for v2.7 GetPeriodActivity and Murtaza Tinwala
2019 GetVehicleSnapshots new field

7.0 29th April Add notes for v2.8 GetVehicleTypes, Deepthi Kendyala
2019 SetVehicleDetails new field

8.0 21st May 2019 Added notes for v2.8 "GetDrivers ", Sachin Patil
"GetHOSDrivers", "AddDriverByType",
"EditDriverInfo" for new field
9.0 23 May 2019 Adding CredentialExpiryDate parameter in Deepthi Kendyala
EditDriverInfo Method

9.1 2nd Sept 2019 Adding section for v2.9 and a section for Jon Bailey
the new method ‘GetHOSDayTimers’.
Minor alterations to outdated
‘GetHOSTimers’ information.
9.2 3-Oct-2019 Adding section for v3.0 and a section for Chuyen Dong
the new methods ‘GetELDDriverDailyLogs’,
‘DoAssignUserToGroup’ and
Modified method ‘GetHOSDrivers’
9.3 17-Feb-2020 Adding section for v3.1 and a section for Chuyen Dong
the new methods ‘CreateVehicleGroup’ and

9.4 29-June-2020 Adding section for v3.2 and s section for Chuyen Dong
the new APIs ‘GetELDProductInfo’,
‘GetELDUnassignedDriveTime’ and
‘GetELDDriverLogEditRecords’. Modified the
API ‘GetELDDriverDailyLogs’ to include the
Yard Move and Personal User statuses
9.5 22-Sep-2020 Fixed the Active flag of the UpdateOwner Chuyen Dong
API and added the descriptions of this API
in this document.
Added the Hire Date field in the GetDrivers;
GetHOSDrivers; AddDriverByType and
EditDriverInfo APIs
9.6 22-Feb-2021 Added Chuyen Dong
the MobilePhone and LastPinLogindateTim
e. The RFID Pin is filled in the DallasKeyPin 
9.7 30-Mar-2021 - Added server-side threshold to limit Sachin Patil
data extraction of existing PI method
- Added new PI method
9.8 14-Apr-2021 Added new GetGPSHistoryByVehicle API Chuyen Dong

Copyright © 2009 - 2021 Teletrac Navman Ltd
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, of transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior
written permission of Teletrac Navman Ltd.
This document is the property of Teletrac Navman Ltd and may not be disclosed to a third party, other
than to any wholly owned subsidiary of Teletrac Navman Ltd, or copied without consent.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 11
V 3.6:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 3.5:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 3.4:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 3.3:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 3.2:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 3.1:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 3.0:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
V 2.9:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
V 2.8:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
V 2.7:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
V 2.6:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
V2.5:................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
V2.4:................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
V2.3:................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
V2.2:................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
V2.1:................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
V2.0:................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
V 1.9:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
V 1.8:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
V 1.7:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
V 1.6:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
V 1.5:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................................ 14

PUBLISHED INTERFACE VERSIONING..................................................................................................................... 15

UPGRADING CLIENT APPLICATIONS TO USE NEWER VERSIONS..................................................................................................16
PUBLISHED INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY AND DATA............................................................................................... 18
GLOBALIZATION & THE PUBLISHED INTERFACE.......................................................................................................................19
SECURITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONALITY....................................................................................................................19
INFORMATION COLLECTED FROM VEHICLES............................................................................................................................20
Retrieve Vehicle / GPS Activity / Hardware............................................................................................................20
Retrieve Text Messages from a Vehicle..................................................................................................................21
Retrieve Auxiliary Inputs (ConEx)............................................................................................................................21
Retrieve Geofences and Sites..................................................................................................................................21
Retrieve Engine Management System data...........................................................................................................21
Retrieve Forms Definition........................................................................................................................................22
Retrieve Forms........................................................................................................................................................23
Retrieve Vehicle Groups..........................................................................................................................................23
INFORMATION SENT TO VEHICLES........................................................................................................................................24
Send Text Messages to a Vehicle............................................................................................................................24
Send Auxiliary Outputs (ConEx)..............................................................................................................................25
Send Forms to Vehicles...........................................................................................................................................25
Update Custom Status for vehicle...........................................................................................................................25
Set the vehicle details:............................................................................................................................................27
Calibrate engine hours & odometer:......................................................................................................................27
Query vehicle location:............................................................................................................................................27
Monitoring and Controlling Usage of the Published Interface...............................................................................28
USAGE THRESHOLDS..........................................................................................................................................................28
Maximum Sessions..................................................................................................................................................28
Maximum Calls.......................................................................................................................................................28
DATA THRESHOLDS...........................................................................................................................................................28
THROTTLING ERROR REPORTING..........................................................................................................................................31
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TECHNICAL DETAILS.............................................................................................................................................. 31
WEB-SERVICE DEFINITION LANGUAGE (WSDL).....................................................................................................................31
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 32
SOAP/XML Messages..............................................................................................................................................34
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 49
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 50
When Vehicle ID is passed..................................................................................................................................................52
When Vehicle ID is NOT passed..........................................................................................................................................52
Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to the MNav. If you still want
to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue class empty.....................................................................54
XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage........................................................................................................................54
XML Element : AddressFieldValue......................................................................................................................................51
XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue....................................................................................................................................51
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 55
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 56
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 59
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 59
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 62
XML Element : VehicleActivity............................................................................................................................................63
HOS/DVIR API............................................................................................................................................................63
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 63
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 66
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 69
XML Element : HOSDriverLogEditRecords...........................................................................................................................70
Output Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................72
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 73
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Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 76
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 78
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 81
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 83
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 89
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 92
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 92
SOAP/XML Messages..............................................................................................................................................94
Input Parameters................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Output Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................96
XML Element: TemperatureMatrix...................................................................................................................................100
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 101
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 104
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................105
XML Element: TimeField...................................................................................................................................................107
XML Element: LinkFormAction..........................................................................................................................................109
XML Element: LinkFormParam.........................................................................................................................................110
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 110
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................111
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 115
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................116
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 120
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 121
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 123
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................124
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 126
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 127
Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to the MNav. If you still want
to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue class empty...................................................................128
XML Element : DecimalFieldValue....................................................................................................................................129
XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue..................................................................................................................................131
XML Element : SendFormsOperationStatus......................................................................................................................131
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Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 133
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 134
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 136
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 137
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 142
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 143
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 143
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 144
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 145
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 145
HOS/DVIR API..........................................................................................................................................................141
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 141
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 143
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 144
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 147
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................150
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 151
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 152
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 154
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 156
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 159
XML Element : HOSTimers................................................................................................................................................160
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 161
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 164
WORKFLOW SERVICE API.................................................................................................................................................166
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 166
TemplateAttribute.......................................................................................................................................................... 167
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 168
Stop.................................................................................................................................................................................. 168
Task.................................................................................................................................................................................. 168
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 169
ActionField........................................................................................................................................................................ 170
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Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 171
RouteUpdate.................................................................................................................................................................... 172
InstanceAttribute.............................................................................................................................................................. 172
Activity.............................................................................................................................................................................. 172
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 173
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 175
RECOMMENDED USAGE...................................................................................................................................... 176
RETRIEVING REFERENCE / STATIC DATA..............................................................................................................................177
RETRIEVING DYNAMIC DATA.............................................................................................................................................177
Retrieving regular reporting of Vehicle Activity....................................................................................................177
Retrieving regular reporting of Messages............................................................................................................178
Providing regular reporting of Vehicle Status.......................................................................................................179
VEHICLE EVENT TIMING...................................................................................................................................................180
ENTITY VERSIONS............................................................................................................................................................180
Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to the MNav. If you still want
to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue class empty...................................................................181
XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage......................................................................................................................181
XML Element : AddressFieldValue....................................................................................................................................183
XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue..................................................................................................................................183
XML Element : Message....................................................................................................................................................181
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 183
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 184
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 185
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 185
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 188
HOS/DVIR API..........................................................................................................................................................191
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 191
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 193
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 194
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 197
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................200
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 201
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 202
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 204
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Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 206
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 209
XML Element : HOSTimers................................................................................................................................................210
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 211
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 214
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 217
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 220
SOAP/XML Messages............................................................................................................................................222
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 222
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................224
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 229
XML Element : EMSDiagnosticsInfo..................................................................................................................................230
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 231
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 232
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................233
XML Element: TimeField...................................................................................................................................................235
XML Element: LinkFormAction..........................................................................................................................................237
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 238
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................239
XML Element : FormInstanceStatus..................................................................................................................................242
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 243
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................244
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 248
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 249
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 250
Output Parameters...........................................................................................................................................................251
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 253
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 254
Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to the MNav. If you still want
to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue class empty...................................................................255
XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage......................................................................................................................255
XML Element : AddressFieldValue....................................................................................................................................257
XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue..................................................................................................................................258
XML Element : RecipientStatus.........................................................................................................................................260
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 261
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 262
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Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 263
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 264
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 265
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 270
WORKFLOW SERVICE API.................................................................................................................................................272
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 272
TemplateAttribute.......................................................................................................................................................... 273
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 274
Stop.................................................................................................................................................................................. 274
Task.................................................................................................................................................................................. 274
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 275
ActionField........................................................................................................................................................................ 276
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 277
RouteUpdate.................................................................................................................................................................... 278
InstanceAttribute.............................................................................................................................................................. 278
Activity.............................................................................................................................................................................. 278
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 279
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 281
MAP LOCATION STRINGS.................................................................................................................................................282
ELD API....................................................................................................................................................................283
GetELDDriverDailyLogs – similar to GetHOSDriverDailyLogs API.........................................................................283
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 283
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 286
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 287
Input Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................. 289
DATA SECURITY..............................................................................................................................................................293
APPENDIX 1 : SMDP EVENT SUB-TYPE DESCRIPTIONS.......................................................................................... 294

APPENDIX 2 : COMMONLY RETURNED OBJECTS...................................................................................................... 2

Operation Status.......................................................................................................................................................2
StatusMessage array................................................................................................................................................2
StatusMessages array...........................................................................................................................................301

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APPENDIX 3 : CODE SAMPLES.............................................................................................................................. 302
VB.NET Sample:................................................................................................................................................................ 302
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................303
VB.NET Sample:................................................................................................................................................................ 304
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................305
VB.NET Sample:................................................................................................................................................................ 306
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................308
VB.Net Sample:................................................................................................................................................................. 309
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................311
VB.NET Sample:................................................................................................................................................................ 312
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................315
VB.NET Sample:................................................................................................................................................................ 318
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................319
C# Sample:........................................................................................................................................................................320
APPENDIX 4 : ERROR MESSAGES......................................................................................................................... 322

APPENDIX 5: ELD REFERENCE DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................... 364

MALFUNCTION DEFINITION...............................................................................................................................................364
DIAGNOSTIC DEFINITION..................................................................................................................................................364
EVENT RECORD STATUS DEFINITION...................................................................................................................................364
EVENT RECORD ORIGIN DEFINITION...................................................................................................................................365
EDIT TYPE DEFINITION.....................................................................................................................................................365
ELD STATUS DEFINITION..................................................................................................................................................365
APPENDIX 6: VEHICLE PROPERTIES REFERENCE DEFINITIONS...............................................................................366

APPENDIX 7: DVIR DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................... 370

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This document provides an overview of the Teletrac Navman Published Interface and detailed
notes on usage and technical features.

The Published Interface web-methods and usage information discussed in this document are
relative to the 21.2 version of the Teletrac Navman system.

Version History

V 3.6:
Added a new GetGPSHistoryByVehicle API to get the High Definition data.
V 3.5:
1. Added server-side logic to extract maximum last 1 year data of existing PI method
“GetSentFormsStatus”. No changes are needed from PI consumers of this OLD PI method
for this change to reflect. This change is applicable to OLD PI versions also.
2. Added new PI method “GetSentFormsStatusHistorical” to allow PI consumers to specify
start date and end date to which data is to be fetched. MaximumDataFetchHoursWindow
is set as standard 24 hours and MaximumDataHistoryDaysWindow is set as upto recent 1
year (356 days).
V 3.4:
3. Added MobilePhone, LastPinLogin DateTime in the GetDrivers(), Filled in the RFID Pin in
the existing field DallasKeyPin. 
V 3.3:
1. Fixed the Active flag of the UpdateOwner API and added the descriptions of this API in this
2. Added Hire Date in the GetDrivers(), GetHOSDrivers(), AddDriverByType() and
V 3.2:
1) New PI GetELDProductInfo(), GetELDDriverLogEditRecords()and GetELDUnassignedDriveTime()
methods have been added.
2) Modified the GetELDDriverDailyLogs to include the Yard Move and Personal Use statuses.
V 3.1:
3) New PI CreateVehicleGroup() and DeletVehicleGroup() methods have been added
V 3.0:
4) New PI Method GetELDDriverDailyLogs() has been added. It is similar to the
GetHOSDriverDailyLogs() with additional ELD data.
5) New PI Method DoAssignUserToVehicle() has been added. It returns the status message
success or fail. If it fails, it will return a list of the vehicles that have failed during the
assignment process.
6) New PI Method DoAssignUserToGroup() has been added. It returns the status message
success or fail. If it fails, it will return a list of the vehicle groups that have failed during the
assignment process.
7) New PI Method GetUserHeaders() has been added. It returns list of users from the owner
8) New PI Method GetCarrier() has been added. It returns a short carrier information that
Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 11
includes the US DOT number.
9) Modified PI Method GetHOSDrivers() to return additional ELD information – ELD Exempt
and ELD account type

V 2.9:
1) New PI Method GetHOSDayTimers() has been added. It is similar to the GetHOSTimers()
method which was introduced in v2.0, only GetHOSDayTimers() will be returning ‘day
based’ timers rather than ‘shift based’ timers. Both methods are returning some other
additional information that is exclusive to each method.
V 2.8:
1) New PI method GetVehicleTypesByOwner() is added and SetVehicleDetails () have extra
request parameters “Make”, “Model”, “Color”, “Year”, “Group”, “VehicleType”,
“VehicleClassID”, “Country”, ”State”
V 2.7:
2) PI methods GetPeriodActivity() and GetVehicleSnapshots() both now have an extra
request parameter “IncludeVehicleName”. If this parameter is set to true, the response
data element “VehicleName” would be populated. If it is set to false (which is default),
“VehicleName” field in response would be empty.

V 2.6:
1) PI method GetPeriodActivity() has been enhanced to fix TFS 201400 and include
additional features of GetPeriodActivityEx(). GetPeiodActivity v2.6 now handles out-of-
order (late arriving) events in a better way. In past, out-of-order events used to cause
problem in max version calculation. Presence of out-of-order events in a time window
would cause on-time events to get filtered in next time window because of wrong
elevated versions. This problem has been fixed. Following are the changes in v2.6
1. GetPeriodActivity v2.6 response XML element “VehicleActivity” now includes
“OutOfOrder” Boolean field. It will be true for late arriving out-of-order events.
2. The version 2.6 supports a new parameter in request – “IncludePrivateEvents”. This
parameter has been added to merge functionality of “GetPeriodActivityEx” with
3. Integrators using “GetPeriodActivityEx” can migrate to v2.6 “GetPeriodActivity” to
have TFS 201400 resolved. The GetPeriodActivityEx request will need to be adapted
to match GetPeriodActivity. Following table shows how parameters need to be
GetPeriodActivityEx GetPeriodActivity Comment
parameter parameter
OwnerId Ids Add OwnerId in
array “Ids"
PreviousCallEndTime N/A Discard it
N/A IncludePrivateEvents=true
N/A RequestType=Owner
Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 12
Rest of the parameters are directly compatible and remain unchanged.

4. Integrators using “GetPeriodActivity” can use v2.6 to have TFS 201400 resolved
directly without any changes.
5. The new version may return some events that have already been returned in
previous calls. This will happen only if there are late arriving events returned in
previous calls. This can be verified using “OutOfOrder” field.


1. Added new methods CancelRouteInstance and AssignRouteToVehicle for workflow

This PI version is part of 18.3 release


2. Added new method GetSafetyAnalyticsEvents() to retrieve harsh acceleration, harsh

braking, harsh cornering, speeding, and stop-sign violations.

This PI version is part of 18.2 release

1. New APIs added for Workflow feature viz. GetPlanTemplates, ImportPlan,
GetWorkflowTaskSettings, GetWorkflowTaskUpdates.
This PI version is part of 18.1 release.

2. Updated GetPeriodActivity, GetPeriodActivityEx and GetVehicleSnapshots to include
calibration data for OdoMeter. This PI version is part of 17.3 release.

3. Updated GetPeriodActivity and GetVehicleSnapshots methods for Input and Output
parameters to include sensor temperature details. The PI version 2.1 is part of AVL 17-1-
SP2 release

4. Added a number of different HOS/DVIR methods including: AddDriverByType(),
UpdateHOSDriverInfo(), GetHOSDriverDailyLogs(), GetHOSDriverLogEditRecords(),
GetVehicleDVIR(), UpdateDVIRByMechanic(), GetVehicleEngineHours(),
GetHOSDrivers(), GetHOSProfileTables(), GetHOSTimers(), GetDriverVehicleTables().

Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 13

V 1.9:
1. Added two new event sub-types to facilitate Qube 300 firmware upgrades. This upgrade
was required to support VPOD.

V 1.8:
1. Added a new method GetFleetDiagnostics method to accommodate a new diagnostic
message from Teletrac TM4xxx to support J1708, J1939, J1979 and J1850 JBUS protocols
2. Added additional fields to GetEMSPeriodActivity method to support TM 4xxx units
additional fields in the End Of Trip message

V 1.7:
1. DoSendRouteMessage() & DoSendRouteMessages() request parameter is modified to
accept ReplyToSentDateTime.

V 1.6:
1. GetPeriodActivityEx() supports business + private events. Refer to Issue 73313 in TFS.
2. Forms API (GetFormsDetails and GetFormListDetails) supports signature field

V 1.5:
1. GetPeriodActivityEx() added for LDV-62062. Also includes changes for LDV-79758. No
other changes.

Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 14

Published Interface User Documentation Page 11
To be able to use and implement the functionality outlined in this document you must have the
following pre-requisites in place:

# Pre-Requisite Who to Contact for Help

1 A sound understanding of the Teletrac Navman system, Regional Support
preferably at the 12.2 level
2 A Published Interface user account Regional Support
3 A general understanding of Web-Services technology
4 A general understanding of XML and XML data
5 A good understanding of SOAP and SOAP Messages
6 Solid understanding of databases to store information
returned from the Published Interface

Your Regional Support office will vary depending on your geographic region. Please visit for details of your support office.
The Published Interface is designed to provide programmatic access via the internet to the
Teletrac Navman Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management product. This document is aimed at
both business and technical users to allow you to understand what information is available via
the Published Interface.

To cater for these different audiences, this document will provide the following:
6. Data and functionality available through the Published Interface
7. Security and Access to the Published Interface functionality
8. How usage of the Published Interface is monitored and controlled
9. Recommended Usage to get the most from the Published Interface

Usage of the Teletrac Navman Published Interface is monitored and controlled using throttling
techniques to ensure consistent and acceptable usage across all users of the interface.

Not all information returned via the Published Interface will be of interest to the consumer so
please consult the technical details section to validate fields and what information they supply.
Published Interface Versioning
From AVL2 Release 12.2 onwards, the Published Interface is version controlled.
Once a version has been released, no further changes will be made to it, including:
10. No new method calls
11. No changes to any data structures used by any method calls
12. No new data types or event types will be returned
Customers who wish to avail themselves of new features must upgrade to later versions.

These versions exist:
13. Version 1.0 Published Interface - released with AVL2 12.1 and prior, available at
14. Version 1.1 Published Interface - released with AVL2 12.2, available at
15. Version 1.2 Published Interface - minor update for AVL2 12.3, available at
16. Version 1.3 Published Interface - minor update for AVL2 13.1, available at
17. Version 1.4 Published Interface - minor update for AVL2 13.2, available at
18. Version 1.5 Published Interface - minor update for AVL2 14.1, available at
19. Version 1.6 Published Interface - minor update for AVL2 14.2, available at
20. Version 1.7 Published Interface - minor update for AVL2 15.1, available at
21. Version 1.8 Published Interface - JBUS update for AVL2 16.1 to support TM units,
available at:
22. Version 1.9 Published Interface - VPOD update for AVL2 16.2, available at
23. Version 2.0 Published Interface - New HOS and DVIR related methods for AVL2 16.4,
available at

24. Version 2.1 Published Interface – Temperature sensor details information available
as part GetPeriodActivity and GetVehicleSnapshots methods.

25. Version 2.2 Published Interface – GetPeriodActivity, GetPeriodActivityEx
and GetVehicleSnapshots to include calibration data for OdoMeter.


26. Version 2.3 Published Interface – New GetPlanTemplates, ImportPlan,

GetWorkflowTaskSettings, GetWorkflowTaskUpdates.


27. Version 2.4 Published Interface – New GetSafetyAnalyticsEvents method.


28. Version 2.5 Published Interface – New CancelRouteInstance and

AssignRouteToVehicle for workflow


29. Version 2.8 Published Interface –

https://ServerName/OnlineAVL/API/V2.8/ - New GetVehicleTypesByOwner
30. Version 2.9 Published Interface – New GetHOSDayTimers method, available at:

31. Version 3.0 Published Interface – New GetELDDriverDailyLogs method, available at:

Upgrading Client Applications to Use Newer Versions

Currently there are no plans to deprecate earlier versions of the Teletrac Navman Public
Interface. Applications built to use earlier versions will continue to work without modification.

However, users may choose to upgrade to later versions to take advantage of new features or
new events.

In order to upgrade:
 The URL for the desired version of the Published Interface must be correctly specified in
the client application
 The client application may need to be enhanced to use the new methods or consume new
events made available in the desired version
 The end user application may need to be recompiled, if written in a programming
language that requires compilation.
Published Interface Functionality and Data
The Published Interface to the Teletrac Navman system consists of a set of web-methods made
available over the internet to authenticated users of the Published Interface. The Published
Interface provides the ability to send information to and retrieve information from the Vehicles
connected to the Teletrac Navman system. Specifically, this version of the Published Interface
provides the following functionality:

 Administrative and Security Functions

 Connect to the Published Interface
 Disconnect from the Published Interface
 Extract Fleet List and Details
 Retrieve information collected by Vehicles connected to the Teletrac Navman system:
 Retrieve Vehicle / GPS Activity
 Retrieve Text Messages (MDT/MNav)
 Retrieve Auxiliary Inputs (ConEx)
 Retrieve Geofences and Sites
 Retrieve Engine Management System data (EMS)
 Retrieve Forms Definition
 Retrieve Forms
 Retrieve Vehicle Groups
 Assign Vehicle to Vehicle Group
 Send information to Vehicles connected to the Teletrac Navman system
 Send Text Messages and Route To Text Messages
 Send Auxiliary Outputs (ConEx)
 Send Forms to Vehicles
 Assign Custom Status to Vehicles
 Get hardware details
 Set the vehicle details
 Calibrate engine hours & odometer
 Query vehicle location
 Add Driver by Type (Basic and HOS Drivers)
 Update Driver Info (Basic and HOS Drivers)
 Get HOS Driver Daily Logs
 Get HOS Driver Log Edit Records
 Get Vehicle DVIR
 Update DVIR By Mechanic
 Get Vehicle Engine Hours
 Get Driver Info (Basic and HOS Drivers)
 Get HOS Profile Tables
 Get HOS Timers (shift based timers)
 Get HOS Day Timers (day based timers)
 Get Driver & Vehicle Tables
 GetVehicleTypesByOwner

Globalization & the Published Interface

Please note that all date time values passed to any method of the Published Interface must be
specified in UTC unless specified otherwise. It should also be noted that all date time values
returned by the web service will be in UTC, and must be converted to the locale specific time
before display in a user interface.

Similarly, any temperature information fed into the system or output from the system will be in
Celsius and has to be converted if it has to be displayed in other formats like Fahrenheit.

Security and Administrative Functionality

To be able to use the Published Interface, you must have a user account (see
Pre-Requisites). This user account is different to any existing account you may already have for
accessing the Teletrac Navman system via the Teletrac Navman application software. The
Published Interface username and password assigned to you will have specific permissions
relevant to the tasks and fleets of Vehicles you have been granted access to.

Security is present on all calls to the interface. Security is implemented by way of a time-based
token. This token is mandatory for all calls into the Web Methods made available via the
Published Interface. All calls via the Published Interface are checked, and may be recorded and
traced using this token.

The following methods are used to gain access to the system once you have received your
username and password:

Method Name Description

DoLogin Used to authenticate yourself with the Published Interface. The method
will return a Session Id (token) with which all future calls to methods
must be made
DoLogoff Used to disconnect the Session Id from the Published Interface. Please
refer to the Usage and Monitoring section in this guide on recommended
usage of this method
GetOwners This method provides information on the Owners (Fleets) that the
username has access to
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see Usage Thresholds
GetDrivers This method provides information on the Drivers that the username has
access to
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see Usage Thresholds

Information collected from Vehicles

The web-methods made available via the Published Interface allow users to extract a range of
information from the Teletrac Navman system for vehicle(s) they have access to. These are
grouped into 4 main categories.

Retrieve Vehicle / GPS Activity / Hardware

All vehicles connected to the Teletrac Navman system will send a range of ‘events’ which can be
accessed via the Web Methods made available in the Published Interface. Event types are
available through the Published Interface are documented in Appendix 1.
The following Methods provide access to Vehicle GPS Activity Data:

Method Name Description

GetVehicles Provides a list of Vehicles for a given owner / fleet e.g. Default
Driver, Display Name, Description, Registration, Vehicle Group etc.
GetVehicleSnapShots Provides the current status of all the vehicles belonging to a
specified owner / fleet e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc.
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see Data
Thresholds section
GetPeriodActivity This method provides detailed information on all the specified
vehicle(s) 1 e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc. for the
specified period
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see Data
Thresholds section
GetHardwareDetails This web method gets the collection of the serial number and other
hardware details of the device for all the vehicles under the
specified Owner.

The Method accepts a list of vehicles if information on more than one vehicle is required
for the same time period

Retrieve Text Messages from a Vehicle

As well as GPS Activity data, text messages sent from a Vehicle can also be extracted using the
web-method available in the Published Interface. Text Messages can be accessed for a
specified time period and for all Vehicles in a specified fleet.

Method Name Description

GetMessages This method will return all text messages sent from vehicles for a
specified fleet in a specified time period

Retrieve Auxiliary Inputs (ConEx)

Web-methods are provided to allow you to access information on the configuration of ConEx
equipment installed on specified vehicle(s). The following Methods provide access to this
configuration data:

Published Interface User Documentation Page 20/362

Method Name Description
GetConExConfigurationsByVehicles Access the current configuration of ConEx equipment
installed on specified vehicle(s)
GetVehicleActivityDetails This method provides extended information regarding
a specific Vehicle activity record 2. This extended
information contains things like temperature logger
info or other devices connected via ConEx
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see
Data Thresholds section

The Method accepts an ActivityLogId as a key input parameter. The ActivityLogId is
returned from the GetPeriodActivity method

Retrieve Geofences and Sites

Web-methods are provided to allow you to access information on all geofences and sites stored
in a specified Fleet. The following Methods provide access to this configuration data:

Method Name Description

GetSites Access the current list of Sites for the specified Fleet
Note – this method has a data threshold in place –
see Usage Thresholds section
GetGeofences Access the current list of Geofences for the specified
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see
Usage Thresholds section

Retrieve Engine Management System data

Where a Vehicle has EMS equipment installed, a range of data is made available via a single
web-method e.g. RPM, Oil / Water temperatures, braking information etc. Information is
summarized at a trip level, where a trip is classified as all events between an Ignition On and
Ignition Off event. EMS data is very detailed and as such restrictions on the volume of data-sets
returned are in place.

Specific Units are used for certain fields returned by the EMS web-method:

Field Units Example

Published Interface User Documentation Page 21

StartOdometer Units are in 100s of meters 90 = 9km
BrakeDistance Units are in meters 90 = 90m
Distance Units are in 100s of meters 90 = 9km

The following Method provides access to EMS Data in Teletrac Navman application:

Method Name Description

GetEMSPeriodActivity Access Engine Management System data for a defined time period
for a specified vehicle(s) 3.
Note – this method has a data threshold in place – see Usage
Thresholds section

The Method accepts a list of vehicles if information on more than one vehicle is required
for the same time period

Retrieve Forms Definition

Web-methods are provided to allow you to access information regarding form definitions of
forms stored in a specified Fleet. The following Methods provide access to this configuration
Method Name Description
GetFormList This method will return the latest form definition of all
forms in a specified fleet
e.g. Form Number, definition number, Form Name, Form
Description, Sent By etc..
GetFormListDetail This method will return
Latest form definition
Form definition corresponding to the specified
definition number(s)
including the field definitions and associated actions in
a specified fleet
e.g. Form Number, Form Definition Number, Form
Name, Form Description, Sent By, Field label, data type
of the field, actions etc..
Retrieve Forms
Web-methods are provided to allow you to access information regarding form instances sent to
or retrieved from vehicle in specific fleet for specified time period. The following method
provides access to this data:

Method Name Description

GetForms This method will return
All Form instances
Form instances corresponding to specific form
for one or more vehicles for restricted period of time.
e.g. Form number, Form Definition number, Form
Instance Id, value of the Key field, Form status, Driver,
User details etc.
GetFormsDetails This method will return
All Form Instances
Form Instances corresponding to specific
instance id
Form Instances corresponding to specific Form
with details of each field within the form for one or
more vehicles for restricted period of time
e.g. Form number, Form Definition number, Form
instance Id, List of each field within the form with its
corresponding value, Form status, Driver, User details

Retrieve Vehicle Groups

Web-methods are provided to allow you to access the information to retrieve vehicle groups for
owner or assign the vehicle to vehicle group. The following methods provide access to this
Method Name Description
GetVehicleGroups This method will return the list of the vehicle group for
given owner.
AssignToVehicleGroup This method will assign vehicle to the given vehicle
display name.

Information Sent to Vehicles

The Published Interface provides a number of web-methods to allow the user to send
information to a Vehicle connected to the Teletrac Navman system. Functionality supports text
messaging to a Vehicle(s) as well as the ability to configure ConEx information on the Vehicle(s).

Send Text Messages to a Vehicle

Methods are available to send text messages to and delete text messages from a vehicle. Text
Messages sent to a Vehicle will appear on the Vehicle’s MDT. Messages can be sent to one or
more Vehicles. In addition to standard text messages, the Published Interface also allows a user
to send a Route-To message to a Vehicle(s). To support this functionality the following web-
methods are available:

Method Name Description

DoSendTextMessage Allows a text message to be sent to one or more vehicles.
The sent text message also contains the Id of the sender
and will be displayed on the Vehicle’s MDT
DoSendRouteMessage Allows a Route-To message to be sent to a Vehicle’s MDT.
The sent text message will contain location information as
well as the Id of the sender and will be displayed on the
Vehicle’s MDT
DoSendRouteMessages Allows multiple Route-To messages to be sent to the MDT
of multiple vehicles as a single batch operation. This is an
asynchronous method call, and the actual message send
operation will proceed after the method returns.
GetSendRouteMessagesStatus Allows the retrieval of the status of the
DoSendRouteMessages method invocation. This can be
called multiple times to retrieve the ongoing status of the
batch execution process.
DoSendDeleteTextMessages Allows a message to be sent to the Vehicle 4 which will
instruct the MDT to delete all Text Messages on the

The Method accepts a list of vehicles if information on more than one vehicle is required
for the same time period

Send Auxiliary Outputs (ConEx)

A method is available to allow the user to set values on the serial ConEx port of a Vehicle.

Method Name Description

DoSetDeviceOutputs This method provides the ability to set the values on the serial ConEx
port of a Vehicle. The method can be used on a per Vehicle basis

Send Forms to Vehicles

Methods are available to send forms to one or more vehicles. User can also test the status of
one or forms. To support this functionality the following web-methods are available:
Method Name Description
DoSendForms Allows one or more Form Instances to be sent to one or more
GetSentFormsStatus Allows the retrieval of the status of one or forms instances
that were sent using DoSendForms API. It will return the
latest status along with all its previous status changes with
their timestamps.
GetSentFormsStatusHistoric Allows the retrieval of the status of one or more forms
al instances that were sent using DoSendForms API. It will return
the latest status along with all its previous status changes with
their timestamps. It will allow user to specify
SentDateTimeFrom and SentDateTimeTo in request to pull the
data in this specified time window.

Update Custom Status for vehicle

Methods are available to update custom status for selected vehicle. To support this
functionality the following web-method is available:
Method Name Description
UpdateVehicleCustomStatus This method provides the ability to update custom status for
targeted vehicle. The method can be used on a per Vehicle
basis only.
Set the vehicle details:
The details of this API is available in separate document available at Documents/Install App Published
Interfaced User Documentation.docx

Calibrate engine hours & odometer:

The details of this API is available in saperate document available at Documents/Install App Published
Interfaced User Documentation.docx

Query vehicle location:

The details of this API is available in saperate document available at Documents/Install App Published
Interfaced User Documentation.docx
Monitoring and Controlling Usage of the Published Interface
To ensure acceptable and consistent usage of the Published Interface, a number of monitoring
mechanisms have been put in place. Should usage of the PI exceed acceptable levels then
facilities are in place to constrain usage to bring it in line with acceptable levels.

To implement this, some usage and data thresholds have been established. It is important that
all developers who use the Published Interface are fully conversant with these thresholds and
adapt their system to work with them:

Usage Thresholds
Usage thresholds are in place to monitor and maintain the load on the system and ensure
consistent and acceptable service for all users of the Published Interface. Thresholds are in
place which limits the number of active sessions as well as how those sessions are used.

Maximum Sessions
Each Published Interface User has a maximum number of sessions they can have active at any
one time. This limit is set to 5. To ensure this limit is managed, best practice is to ensure that
every session is actively logged-out using the DoLogout method.

Note – there is an active process running which removes sessions that have been inactive for
more than 60 minutes

Maximum Calls
Each Published Interface User can make a maximum number of calls in a 60 second period. This
limit is set to 10.

Note – if a user has concurrent sessions running, the number of calls made by all concurrent
sessions for this user will be aggregated and measured against this limit

Data Thresholds
When accessing historical data thresholds have been established to ensure acceptable and
consistent usage. For specified Methods the following rules are in place:
 The maximum period in which data is available is the last 8 days
 Within this 8 day window, data can only be fetched for a maximum of 24 hours
 Within this 24hr period, only 900 rows of data are returned for any given call.
Should more than 900 rows of data be required, subsequent calls should be made
to extract the remaining data
Take the example below. The current date is 16th December 2008 and the User wants to get all activity
data for 12th December:

8 Dec
9 Dec
th MoreItemsAvailable Version
10 Dec
900 TRUE 14003
th 2
11 Dec Rows MoreItemsAvaila Version
th 200 FALSE 16813
12 Dec 4
(1100 Rows)
13 Dec
2008 GetPeriodActivity 1
14 Dec GetPeriodActivity 3
15 Dec
Figure 1 : Extracting more than 900 rows of data via 2 Method calls

With the thresholds in place, the following steps are required to retrieve all the required data. For
simplicity only the key parameters are shown – the call to the web method would contain a
number of other parameters as well:
1. Call the Web-method specifying the period required, using the default
version number of 0 (zero) – this will get all rows of data up until the 900 limit
2. Collect the result set and note the setting of
 MoreItemsAvailable
 Version
3. If the MoreItemsAvailable flag is set to TRUE, then the period specified contains
more than the limit of 900 rows. Call the Web-method again with the same
parameters as in Step 1, but this time specify the version number returned in the
previous call.
4. Collect the result set and note the setting of MoreItemsAvailable which should be
FALSE if all data is successfully returned to the Client.
5. Data threshold parameters have been added related to Forms API. These
parameters restrict request and response data. Defined parameters is as follows:
a) MaxFormDefinitions: This will specify maximum number of form definitions
can be retrieved or request in any call. Default value is 25. The following
web- methods have this data threshold in place:
 GetFormListDetails : API has restriction on form definition requested and
o User request form definition with owner id only then response
has form definitions for given owner id. Maximum form
definitions returned is restricted to “MaxFormDefiniton”.
o User can request specific form definitions by specifying
DefinitionNumber list in request. Maximum requested
DefinitionNumber list restrict to “MaxFormDefinition”.

b) MaxForms: This will specify maximum number of forms can be sent/retrieved

in any call. Default value is 25. The following web-methods have this data
threshold in place:
 DoSendForms : API has restriction on number of forms can be sent to one
or more vehicles in a request.
o User can send specific number of forms to one or more vehicles in
a request. Maximum number of forms can be sent is restricted to

 GetFormsDetails : API has restriction on form instance requested and

o User request form instances without specifying form instance ids
then response has form instances for given owner id and
duration. Maximum form instances returned is restricted to
o User request form instances by specifying form instance ids in
request. Maximum form instance ids can be requested to

The following web-methods have this data threshold in place:

 GetVehicleSnapShots
 GetPeriodActivity
 GetVehicleActivityDetails
 GetEMSPeriodActivity
 GetOwners
 GetDrivers
 GetFormList
 GetSentFormsStatus
 GetForms
 GetVehicleGroups

The following web-methods have their seperate configurable thresholds,

 “GetSentFormsStatusHistorical”:
 The maximum period in which data is available is the last 365 days.
 Within this 365-day window, data can only be fetched for a maximum of 24 hours.
 “GetSentFormsStatus”
 The maximum period in which data is available is the last 365 days.
 Within this 365-day window, there is no limit of maximum limit for data to be

Throttling Error Reporting

The following error messages have been allocated to communicate specifically on problems with

Error Code Message

3000 Max Call Limit exceeded
3001 Max allowed sessions exceeded
3002 Date Range exceeds maximum fetch window
3003 Date Range exceeds maximum history window
9103 Number of form definitions requested are greater than throttle limit
9125 Number of forms sent are greater than throttle limit
9126 Number of forms sent are null
9130 Numbers of form instance id requested are greater than throttle limit.

As methods are called and executed via the Published Interface a range of other error messages
will be reported. This list can be found in Appendix 4.

Published Interface User Documentation Page 30/362

Technical Details
This section drills into the technical details behind each of the Web Methods in the Published
Interface. Also covered in this section is an introduction of the Published Interface Web-Service
Description Language.

To represent the XML schema of each message, tables have been used. Each method will
contain one table outlining the various input parameters to be used with the method. A
separate table(s) will be used to detail the output parameters. Where an XML message
contains nested XML attributes, a separate table is provided to document the detailed
descriptions each attribute.

Web-Service Definition Language (WSDL)

A WSDL is provided to ensure provide accurate and up to date definitions of the Public Interface
to the Web Services provided in the Published Interface. A client program connecting to a web
service can read the WSDL to determine what functions are available on the server. Any special
data-types used are embedded in the WSDL file in the form of an XML Schema. The client can
then use SOAP to actually call one of the functions listed in the WSDL.

The WSDL provides a summary overview (Figure 1) and detailed web-service definitions (Figure
2). The WSDL is SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 compliant.

Figure 1 : WSDL Overview of Published Interface

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 31

Figure 2 : WSDL Detailed Definition of Web-Service provided in the Published Interface

Typically, the WSDL would be available at a URL similar to

https://ServerName/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx (for Version 1.0)

https://ServerName/OnlineAVL/API/V1.1/Service.asmx (for Version 1.1)
https://ServerName/OnlineAVL/API/V1.2/Service.asmx (for Version 1.2)
https://ServerName/OnlineAVL/API/V1.9/Service.asmx (for Version 1.9)

To connect to the WSDL contact your regional support staff.

Use to authenticate your username and password with the Published Interface. The method
will return a Session Id (token) with which all future calls to methods must be made

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

UserName String Registered User name
Password String Authentication password

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

UserInfo String User information associated with the supplied login
credentials – see supplementary table below for details
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful
Authenticated Boolean True Returns True if authentication was successful
SessionId Guid Used to identify the user on all future method calls

XML Element : UserInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

UserId Guid Internal Id that points to the user of interest
OwnerId Guid Internal Id that points to the default
Fleet/Owner for this user (see GetOwners)
UserName String Designated user name used in the login
FirstName String Descriptive text for a user's First Name
LastName String Descriptive text for user's Last Name
Email String Descriptive text for a user's E-mail address
AlertEmail String E-mail address where alerts will be sent for
this user
PasswordExpiryDate DateTime Internal Date / Time (in UTC) for the
password to expire Note – this does not
to a PI User
PasswordExpiryDays Int Internal number to set the number of days for
the password to expire
Note – this does not apply to a PI User
AddressLine1 String Address text description
AddressLine2 String Address text description
AddressLine3 String Address text description
AddressLine4 String Address text description
MobilePhone String Text for mobile phone number
AfterHoursPhone String Text for after hours phone number
SystemUser Boolean Internal flag that describes if the user is a
System / Administrator User
Active Boolean Internal flag that describes if the User is
active in AVL2
JobTitle String Descriptive text for user Job title
DaysToPasswordExpiryDate Int Number of days left for the password to
Note – this does not apply to a PI User
ApplicationId Guid Internal Id for Application Id
Note – this does not apply to a PI User
Password String This will always have a value of null and is not
provided in the Published Interface
IsFirstLogon Boolean Internal Flag to denote first logon –
Note – this does not apply to the first logon
for a PI User

The Session Id returned by the method is not persistent and will expire in 60mins if not used.
To avoid a session timeout actively calling the methods in the Published Interface will reset the
expiration period to 60mins.
The Session Id returned is only valid for the server IP address from where it was requested. It
cannot be saved and used by another PI client on another machine. Each machine that
interfaces with the Published Interface must request its own Session Id.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Used to disconnect the Session Id from the Published Interface

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful and the
session has been disconnected

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method provides information on the Owners (Fleets) that the username has access to
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0
to start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OwnerInfo String Detailed Information of an Owner (Fleet) – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : OwnerInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

OwnerId Guid Internal Id of the Fleet / Owner of interest
OnwerName String Designated name of Fleet / Owner of interest
Code String Code that describes the Fleet / Owner
AddressLine1 String Address text description
AddressLine2 String Address text description
AddressLine3 String Address text description
AddressLine4 String Address text description
Active Boolean Flag that describes if this owner is active in the
SystemOwner Boolean Flag that describes if the Fleet / Owner is a
StrongPassword Boolean Indicates whether or not the password for the
Fleet / Owner was set using AVL2 Strong
password conventions or not. True identifies
that it was
BrandId Guid Internal Id used for branding the AVL2 Client
and Reports for this Fleet / Owner
Language Int Internal integer that describes the language to
be used when emails are sent
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method updates information on the Owner (Fleet). Before using this method, it
recommends to call the GetOwners API to get the existing information on the Owner and make a
change on the desired field. The fix of this method in the v3.3 is the Active flag to activate or
deactive the Owner (Fleet).
Note: The PI user must have the Published Interface Admin User role to use this method.
(*) the field is required.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId* Guid Internal Id of the Fleet / Owner of interest
OwnerName* String Designated name of Fleet / Owner of interest
Code* String Code that describes the Fleet / Owner
AddressLine1 String Address text description
AddressLine2 String Address text description
AddressLine3 String Address text description
AddressLine4 String Address text description
Active Boolean Flag that describes if this owner is active in the database
SystemOwner Boolean Flag that describes if the Fleet / Owner is a SystemOwner
StrongPassword Boolean Indicates whether or not the password for the Fleet /
Owner was set using AVL2 Strong password conventions
or not. True identifies that it was
BrandId Guid Internal Id used for branding the AVL2 Client and Reports for
this Fleet / Owner (See GetOwners API)
Language* int Internal integer that describes the language to be used
when emails are sent
CountryCode String Internal country used by Director (See GetOwners API)
TemperatureSolu enum Unknown, Euroscan,CoolTrax, IDEM (See GetOwners API)
DashboardEnabl Boolean Determine whether the dashboard will be available to the
ed fleet (See GetOwners API)
DefaultVehicleTi VehicleTZ See GetOwners API
Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method provides information on the Drivers that the username has access to

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0
to start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) to Driver is allocated

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverHeader String Detailed Information of an Owner (Fleet) – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : DriverHeader

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverId Guid Internal Id of the Driver
LicenseNumber String License Number of Driver (if recorded)
DallasKeyPin String RFID Pin assigned to the Dallas Key
DriverFullName String Full name of the driver (if recorded)
DriverGroupID String Internal Id of the Driver Group
Title String Title of the driver
FirstName String First Name of the Driver
LastName String Surname / Last Name of the Driver
DriverPIN String The PIN assigned to the Driver
MultipleLoginsAllowed Boolean Indicates whether the Driver is allowed to have
multiple logins. True confirms they are.
DriverGroupName String The driver group to which the driver belongs.
RestrictLogonPINInUse Boolean Indicates whether the Driver is restricted to login
on multiple vehicles. True confirms they are not.
HireDate DateTime Driver Hire date  <mm/dd/yyyy> for non metric
country and <dd/mm/yyyy> for metric country
MobilePhone String Driver mobile phone
LastPinLoginDatetime DateTime The last date time of the driver login (e.g. RFID, the last
RFID Pin has been used).

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Provides a list of Vehicles for a given owner / fleet e.g. Default Driver, Display Name,
Description, Registration, Vehicle Group etc.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleInfo String Detailed Information of a vehicle for the
supplied Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary
table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful
XML Element : VehicleInfo
Attribute Type Result Definition
DefaultDriverId Guid Internal Id that points to the Default driver
for this vehicle
VehicleId Guid Internal Id for the vehicle of interest
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the vehicle
DisplayName String Name of the vehicle
Description String Descriptive text for the vehicle of interest
Registration String Vehicle Registration information
Notes String Remarks for the vehicle of interest
VehicleTypeId Guid Internal Id pointing to a defined vehicle type
VehicleProfileId Guid Internal Id that points to the vehicle
NotifyDriverOfGeofenceAlert Boolean Flag that describes the driver Geofence
notification status
IsProfile Boolean Internal flag that describes if the Vehicle
information is for the Vehicle
configuration(1) or Vehicle(0)
VehicleGroupId Guid Internal Id that points to the group that the
Vehicle belongs to
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this vehicle was created
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this vehicle data was
UserId Guid Internal Id that describes the user who
created the vehicle
UniqueVehicleNumber String A unique number to identify this Vehicle
TypeDisplayName String Display name for the vehicle type Id
DefaultStateID Boolean Flag that indicates Default Vehicle state if
vehicle is configured for Business Private.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Provides the current status of all the vehicles belonging to a specified owner / fleet e.g.
Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc.

Input Parameters
Parameter Type Definition
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle(s) attributes are required
MaximumSeri Enumeration (Optional) The maximum event sub type understood by the client. If
alizableEventS not supplied, it defaults to
which was introduced in AVL 11.1.
If supplied, all event sub types up to, and including the specified
MaximumSerializableEventSubType are returned.
FetchTempera Boolean When value of this flag is set to true, latest temperature values of
tureData active sensors (if available) of the respective vehicle will returned as
part of response. When set to false, SensorDetail property won’t be
present in the response. See SensorDetail property of response
IncludeVehicl Boolean Available in v2.7 and above. When set to true, response would
eName include vehicle display name. When set to false (default), vehicle
display name will not be returned.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleSnapshot XML Detailed Information on the snapshot of a
vehicle for the supplied Owner (Fleet) – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed
again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : VehicleSnapshot

Attribute Type Result Definition

String Internal Id of the Vehicle for which
activity data is required (available
VehicleId from the GetVehicles method)
DateTime GPS Time (in UTC) when the event
ActivityDateTime was recorded
String GPS location when the event was
Latitude recorded
Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 40/362
String GPS location when the event was
Longitude recorded
Boolean Whether the GPS fix at time when
event was recorded was definitive
GPSValid or last known
String Textual description of position
referred to by latitude/longitude,
differs depending on Location
Location Type
IgnitionOn Boolean True True indicates the Ignition was on
Int GPS direction of travel in degrees
HDG when the event was recorded
Float GPS speed in km/h when the
Speed event was recorded
Decimal Virtual GPS odometer
Km*10 to the nearest 100 (wraps
ODOMeter at 999999 i.e. 99,999.9 km)
Decimal GPS Horizontal Dilution of
Precision when event was
HDOP recorded
Int Number of GPS satellites used in
the solution that produced
NumSatellites Latitude / Longitude
CustomID Guid Internal Id for custom data
Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in
DriverID Guid Internal Id for Driver in AVL2
Guid Internal Id to a row in an AVL2
table used to store Driver Hours
DriverHoursStatusID and Status
DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) when the
IgnitionStartTime Ignition started
Decimal Virtual GPS Odometer reading
IgnitionStartOdometer when the ignition started
Guid Internal Id to the owner of this
OwnerID vehicle
CustomType Int Internal Custom type
CustomDescription String Internal Custom Description
CustomData String Internal Custom data
Double When location type is not
ItNamedRoad, distance in meters
OffRoadMetres from the nearest feature
Int When location type is not
ItNamedRoad, bearing in degrees
DegreesBearing from the nearest feature
Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 40/362
Int One of enumerated One of the values opposite
ltNoLocation = 0 or
ltNamedRoad = 1 or
ltUnnamedRoad = 2 or
LocationType ltPOI = 3
String Undefined or Special reserved names (akin to
LondonCongestionZone sites) which are setup at
or deployment time – these are not
LCZ or intended to be changed with any
NamedArea LEZ degree of frequency
String Unknown or Alerting Priority associated with
Low or the Event – as configured in the
LowWithAlarm or AVL2 client
Medium or
MediumWithAlarm or
High or
HighWithAlarm or
Urgent or
EventPriority UrgentWithAlarm
Guid Internal Id to the last temperature
LastTemperatureId record
Boolean True Flag to determine if the driver of
DriverLoggedInViaPin the vehicle logged in via PIN
Boolean True Internal Flag to determine if the
Private vehicle is in a Private status trip
CustomStatus string Custom status which will be
assigned to targeted vehicle
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel over used
for the event
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
CurrentEngineSeconds Long The number of seconds the
engine has been running as
tracked by Online AVL2. Its
accuracy depends on the
vehicle having been calibrated
to AVL2.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 41

CurrentOdometerKm Decimal The “real world” odometer as
tracked by Online AVL2 in
kilometers. This is derived from
the GPS odometer and should
match the odometer as seen in
the vehicle, as long as the
vehicle has been calibrated to
LastActivityLogID Guid Internal Id to the last Activity
SensorDetail XML Details of each active temperature
sensor. See supplementary table
below for details.
VehicleName String Display name of vehicle the
snapshot belongs to.

XML Element: SensorDetail

Attribute Type Result Definition

Sensors XML List of active temperature sensors.
See supplementary table below for details.

TemperatureDateTime DateTime Date & Time (in UTC) when the event was

Latitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded.

Longitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded.

XML Element: Sensor

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Sensor name. It will be customized
name if provided otherwise default
name (e.g. Sensor 1, Sensor 2,…,
Sensor 6). Asset supports only 6
ValueCelsius Double Sensor temperature value in Celsius
when the event was recorded.

The Vehicle Snapshot information contains a number of detail fields. These fields are also
returned in the GetPeriodActivity method and are described there.
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method provides information about VehicleTypes available in the fleet
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

OwnerId Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet vehicle types belong to

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleTypes XML Detailed Information about
VehicleTypes which are available in the

StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned

Objects > StatusMessage Array

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was


XML Element : VehicleType

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleTypeID Guid Unique value for Vehicle type record
OwnerID Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet this vehicle type
DisplayName string DisplayName of the Vehicle type.

Description String Description of the vehicle type

Color Boolea Provides color of the Vehicle Type.
IconKey String Provides vehicle type Icon

IdleMetres Float Provides Idle meters of the vehicle type

IdleMinutes Int Provides Idle minutes of the vehicle type

FuelEfficiency Float Provides Fuel efficiency of the vehicle type

CO2EmissionsFactor Float Provides CO2EmissionsFactor of the vehicle

FuelType Boolean Provides Fuel type of the vehicle type

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method provides detailed information on all the specified vehicle(s) 1 e.g. Longitude,
Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc. for the specified period. This method extracts significant
numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use of the Published
Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways to use this

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
RequestType String Set to either ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Owner’
Default is set to ‘Vehicle’
Id Guid If RequestType set to ‘Owner’ specify valid OwnerId(s) (available
from the GetOwners method)
If RequestType set to ‘Vehicle’ specify valid VehicleId(s) (available
from the GetVehicles method)
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
MaximumSerializable Enumerat (Optional) The maximum event sub type understood by the
EventSubType ion Client. If not supplied, it defaults to
E, which was introduced in AVL 11.1. If supplied, all event sub
types up to, and including the specified
MaximumSerializableEventSubType are returned.
FetchTemperatureDat Boolean When value of this flag is set to true, list of active sensors will be
a returned. See Sensors property of response object. When set to
false, sensors property won’t be returned as part of response.
IncludePrivateEvents Boolean Only available in v2.6 and above. When set to True, private
events will be returned. It is False by default.
IncludeVehicleName Boolean Only available in v2.7 and above. When set to True, vehicle
display name will be populated in response. It is false by default.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleActivity XML Detailed Information on the activity
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is
returned. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the last
known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : VehicleActivity

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogId Guid Unique value for the Activity record
OwnerId Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet this vehicle belongs
VehicleId Long Internal Id of the Vehicle for which activity
data is required (available from the
GetVehicles method)
EventSubType String Enumeration type showing the type of alert.
Only event sub types up to AVL2 11.1
_BOUNDS_ MESSAGE ) are returned, unless
the optional parameter,
MaximumSerializable-EventSubType, is
IgnitionOn Boolean The status of the ignition signal when the
event was recorded.
ReceivedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the event was delivered
to the server
ActivityDateTime DateTime GPS time (in UTC) when the event was
Latitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
Longitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
HDG Int GPS direction of travel in degrees when the
event was recorded
Speed Float GPS speed in km/h when the event was
MaxSpeed Float GPS max speed in km/h since previous event
was recorded
GPSValid Boolean Whether the GPS fix at time when event was
recorded was definitive or last known
HDOP Decimal GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision when
event was recorded
NumSatellites Int GPS number of satellites used in the solution
that produced latitude/longitude
ODOMeter Decimal This is derived from the GPS odometer as
should match the odometer as seen in the
vehicle, as long as the vehicle has been
calibrated to AVL2. The value is in Km*10 to
the nearest 100 (wraps at 999999 i.e. 99,999.9
IncementalDistanc Decimal Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
e from the previous event
Trip Distance Decimal Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
from the previous ignition on event
LocationType Int One of One of the values opposite
= 0 or
d = 1 or
= 2 or ltPOI =
Location String Textual description of position referred to by
latitude/longitude, differs depending on
Location Type
OffRoadMeters Double When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
distance in meters from the nearest feature
DegressBearing Int When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
bearing in degrees from the nearest feature
RegionCode String Sub parts of Location description used for
state mileage report
AreaCode String Sub parts on Location description used for
State Mileage Report
OnSiteTime Double Time the vehicle entered a site
IsUnauthorized Boolean True If the event was performed during a definable
unauthorized period
SiteId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
DriverId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2 – this is
returned by the GetDrivers method
DriverHoursStatusI Guid Guid to a row in the Internal table
d DriverHoursStatus used in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
EventPriority String Unknown or Alerting Priority associated with the Event –
Low or as configured in the AVL2 client
LowWithAlarm or
Medium or
or High or
HighWithAlarm or
Urgent or
NamedArea String Undefined or Special reserved names (akin to sites) which
LondonCongestion are setup at deployment time – these are not
Zone or LCZ intended to be changed with any degree of
or LEZ Frequency
Private Boolean Flag to indicate if the vehicle activity is in a
Private Status trip
CommunicationCha String An Enumeration describing the
nnel communication channel over used for the
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
EventTypeDescripti String Description for Same event description that is displayed in all
on event type AVL reports where event type appears.
Sensors XML List of active temperature sensors. Date Time
on which temperature is recorded is same as
ActivityDateTime of VehicleActivity xml.
Location at which temperature is recorded is
same as Latitude, Longitude of
VehicleActivity xml.
See supplementary table below for details
XML Element: Sensor

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Sensor name. It will be customized
name if provided otherwise default
name (e.g. Sensor 1, Sensor 2,…,
Sensor 6). Asset supports only 6
ValueCelsius Double True or False Sensor temperature value in Celsius
when the event was recorded.
OutOfOrder Boolean True/False Only available in v2.6 and above.
Indicates whether this event was
received out of order (late arriving
VehicleName String Available in v2.7 and above. Display
name of vehicle this activity belongs to.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.


This method provides High Definition data points on the specified vehicle. This method
extracts significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your
use of the Published Interface. The recommendation is to set one day max between the
StartTime and EndTime.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleId Guid The vehicle ID is available from the GetVehicles method.
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of HD data.
EndTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of HD data. Due to the large number
of GPS data point (1 sec/data point) per vehicle, the time range
must be limited by up to one day per request – midnight to
CalculateDistanceAndS Boolean True to include the speed
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Record – Not use in this method. Set to 0
Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityPointList XML Detailed Information on the HD data
from the vehicle – see supplementary table
below for details
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : ActivityPoint

Attribute Type Result Definition

DateTimeUTC DateTime GPS time (in UTC) when the activity point was recorded
Lat Double Latitude-GPS location when the event was recorded
Lon Double Longitude-GPS location when the event was
HDG Int GPS direction of travel in degrees when the event was
Speed Float GPS speed in km/h when the event was recorded
HDOP Decimal GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision when event was
Sat Int GPS number of satellites used in the solution that
produced latitude/longitude
Metres Double Not use

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This web method gets the collection of the serial number and other hardware details of the
device for all the vehicles under the specified Owner.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition Use

OwnerID Guid The Owner ID of the feet for which M
hardware details is required.
VehicleID Guid The Vehicle ID for which hardware details is O
SessionID Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin M
Version Long Specifies the timestamp that should be M
used as a starting point to retrieve the
NOTES: O=Optional, M=Mandatory field.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True or Return the status of the call
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Indicates whether more items are
False available or not.
Version Long Specifies the timestamp that should
be used as a starting point to retrieve
subsequent records.
HardwareDetails List Returns the list of objects filled with
<VehicleFirmwareV hardware details.

XML Element : VehicleFirmwareVersion

Attribute Type Result Definition

Internal Id of the vehicle that belongs
VehicleID Guid
to specified Owner
Indicates the status whether device
Status Byte
has confirmed these hardware details
Indicates the date and time when
StatusDateTime DateTime?
status has changed.
Display name of firmware version on
QubeFirmwareversion String
Qube present in the vehicle
Serial number of firmware version on
SerialNumber String
Qube present in the vehicle

Usage Notes:
Pass all the mandatory parameters.

Vehicle ID is optional input parameter. Based on Vehicle ID parameter is passed or not, the
hardware details will be returned in following ways.

When Vehicle ID is passed

The hardware details of specified vehicle will be returned. In this case, the response
HardwareDetails list will contain only one item.

When Vehicle ID is NOT passed

The hardware details of all the vehicles under the specified fleet (Owner ID) will be returned in
the HardwareDetails list.

And in case, there are more than 900 vehicles then first 900 vehicles are retuned with the
MoreItemsAvailable output parameter is returned as ‘true’.

When MoreItemsAvailable is found to be true,

a) User must read the value of Version output parameter as well. Version parameter
specifies the timestamp that should be used as a starting point to retrieve subsequent
b) Then to fetch the next 900 records, call the same method again by passing the Version
as input parameter which was read from the response of previous call in step a.

Continue step a) and b) until MoreItemsAvailable is found to be ‘false’.

Below is the screenshot indicating the mapping between the VehicleFirmwareVersion

properties and the location on client where these properties are shown.
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method will return all text messages sent from vehicles for a specified fleet in a specified
time period. Although this method will not extract the volumes of data the GetPeriodActivity
method will extract, it is important that it is used appropriately – see the The SOAP packets that
are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

DoSendForms allows one or more Form Instances to be sent to one or more vehicles. This API is
also performing following validations on service side:
1) Validate whether form feature is enabled on all recipients
2) Validate whether form is sent according to latest form definition
3) Validate filled form for each of its field against the latest form definition
4) Validate whether form is not sent by driver
Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to the
MNav. If you still want to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue class

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which one or more forms need
to be send to one or more vehicles
XML List of SendFormInstanceMessage object- see
supplementary table below for details. One
SendFormInstanceMessage object will represent
one form that needs to be sent to one or more

Culture String Culture is used to get location details especially for

forms sent which are having address field.
Supported culture list can be found at :
All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Culture field needs to be set
when forms sent are having address field.

XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to correlate the
forms between request and response.
FormNumber int Its unique number to identify a form within
DefinitionNumber String Its unique number to identify version of the
Form within fleet.
BaseFieldValues XML Field Values collection defined for each form
sent. It will be list of BaseFieldValue object - see
supplementary table below for details
RecipientIds Guid[] Targeted vehicles to which form would be sent

XML Element : BaseFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition
ValueToString String Represent field value as string.

Field value types supported by form feature and their respected classes are as follows:
Field Value Type Class Name
Decimal DecimalFieldValue
String StringFieldValue
Address AddressFieldValue
Date DateFieldValue
Time TimeFieldValue
DateTime DateTimeFieldValue
Select SelectFieldValue
Checkbox CheckBoxFieldValue
Signature SignatureFieldValue

Each of above field Value type is derived from “BaseFieldValue” class.

While sending forms, the field value collection (BaseFieldValue[ ]) of form would be filled with
objects of field value types mentioned above. The type of field value class while filling up field
value collection of form can be derived by form definition which is being used to send a
particular form. Detailed explanation for each of field value class as follows:

XML Element : DecimalFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value Decimal Represent decimal field value

XML Element : StringFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent string field value

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 50/362

XML Element : AddressFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent address of location

Lat Float Represent latitude of location

Lon Float Represent longitude of location
Note: All above properties should be reverse-geocoded.

XML Element : DateFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : TimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date-time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 51

XML Element : SelectFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent value selected by user from given set
of values (i.e. from DropDownList box).

XML Element : CheckBoxFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String A ‘/’ separated string representing the selected
checkboxes. Even if checkbox from the list isn’t
checked an empty ‘/’ should be entered. E.g.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SendFormsOperationStatuses XML List of SendFormsOperationStatus object
– see supplementary table below for
details. One SebdFormsOperationStatus
object will represent status of one form
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SendFormsOperationStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to
correlate the forms between request and
FormErrorMessages XML List of Message Object -
see supplementary table below for
Contains validation error messages
related to form definition (i.e. whether
form is sent according to latest form
definition, form-field level validation
errors etc).
RecipientStatuses XML List of RecipientStatus object- see
supplementary table below for details.
Contains status of form sent recipient
wise. One RecipientStatus object will
represent status of form sent to one

FormInstanceResults XML List of FormInstanceResult object- see

supplementary table below for details.
Contains Form Instance Identifiers for
form sent successfully to one or more
One FormInstanceResult object will
represent one Form Instance Identifier.
Status Int Represents overall status of form sent to
one or more recipients. Following is value
description of this property :
1 - Form message is sent successfully to
all targeted recipients.
2 - Form message is sent partially to
one/some of targeted recipients.
(-1) - Form message is not sent any of
targeted recipients.

XML Element : Message

Attribute Type Result Definition

MessageCode Int Message Code for validation error

FieldName String Name of form field which causes validation


XML Element : RecipientStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition
RecipientID Guid Recipient ID of vehicle to which form would
be sent

VehicleErrorMessages XML List of Message Object - see supplementary

table above for details.
Contains validation error messages related
to vehicle (i.e. whether form feature is
enabled on targeted vehicle or not etc.)
Status Boolean Whether form sent successfully to this
vehicle or not

XML Element : FormInstanceResult

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier for form sent
successfully to vehicle

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetSentFormsStatus retrieves the status of one or form instances sent to one or more vehicles.
It would return form instance latest statuses’ along with all its previous status changes with
their timestamps. Possible statuses are as follows:
- Not received by driver
- Received by driver
- Read by driver (if read receipt is enabled).

If latest status for one of form instance sent to particular vehicle is “Read by driver” then
response would return in following order of status changes along with their timestamp when
they got changed:
1) Read by driver
2) Received by driver
3) Not received by driver

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which statuses for sent forms
need to be retrieved
FormInstanceIDs Guid Form Instance IDs for which their current status along
with all previous statuses need to be known
and timestamps of each status change

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SentFormsStatuses XML List of SentFormsStatus object – see
supplementary table below for details. One
SentFormsStatus object will represent one
sent form status detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed
again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record set.
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SentFormsStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier. It would represent
one form instance get inserted into DB for one
Statuses XML List of status changes for one particular form
instance along with timestamp. It will be
represented by FormInstanceStatus object –
see supplementary table below for details
XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

Status Enum FormStatus can be “NotReceivedbyDriver”,
“ReceivedbyDriver” or “ReadbyDriver”

StatusDateTime DateTime The timestamp on which particular status got


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetSentFormsStatusHistorical retrieves the status of one or more form instances sent to one or
more vehicles by specifying lower and upper boundaries of sentdatetime in the request. It
would return form instance latest statuses’ along with all its previous status changes with their
timestamps. Possible statuses are as follows:
- Not received by driver
- Received by driver
- Read by driver (if read receipt is enabled).

If latest status for one of form instance sent to particular vehicle is “Read by driver” then
response would return in following order of status changes along with their timestamp when
they got changed:
4) Read by driver
5) Received by driver
6) Not received by driver

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which statuses for sent forms
need to be retrieved
FormInstanceIDs Guid Form Instance IDs for which their current status
along with all previous statuses need to be known
and timestamps of each status change
SentDateTimeFrom DateTime Lower boundary of “SentDateTime” of form
instance statuses to be fetched.

SentDateTimeTo DateTime Upper boundary of “SentDateTime” of form

instance statuses to be fetched.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SentFormsStatuses XML List of SentFormsStatus object – see
supplementary table below for details. One
SentFormsStatus object will represent one
sent form status detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed
again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record set.
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SentFormsStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier. It would represent
one form instance get inserted into DB for one
Statuses XML List of status changes for one particular form
instance along with timestamp. It will be
represented by FormInstanceStatus object –
see supplementary table below for details

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

Status Enum FormStatus can be “NotReceivedbyDriver”,
“ReceivedbyDriver” or “ReadbyDriver”

StatusDateTime DateTime The timestamp on which particular status got


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
Method will assign the vehicle to the given vehicle group display name. Vehicle group
display name is unique across the owner/fleet. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
VehicleDisplayName string Vehicle display name which will assign to vehicle
ToVehicleGroupName string Vehicle group display name to which vehicle will be

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
UpdateVehicleCustomStatus is used to update custom status for vehicle. User will use this
method to manage custom status for vehicle. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle custom status needs to be
VehicleID Guid Vehicle for which custom status needs to be updated

CustomStatus string Custom status which will be assigned to targeted


Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

SendMNavMessage is used by Third Party services to communicate with Third Party
Applications which are installed on the M-NAV. For this API to be successfully used, the
Third Party application must be installed and enabled on the target M-NAV.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) which the vehicle(s) belong to. Messages
can only be sent to fleets which the PI User has access
MNavAppID short A Teletrac Navman assigned Application ID to identify
the Third Party Application.
Messages DeviceMessage A list of messages to send to the M-NAV.
XML Element : DeviceMessage

Parameter Type Definition

MessageID String (8) A user defined message ID of up to 8 characters
Must be unique for different messages to the same
MessageType unsignedByte An optional type for Third Party application use.
Priority short Not used.
TTL dateTime Not used.
VehicleIDs List of Guids The VehicleIDs of the Vehicles to send this message
MessageBody base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary payload to send to the
vehicles, of up to 102,400 bytes.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method is very similar to GetPeriodActivity() with few differences for addressing late
arriving data. This method was specifically added to resovle LDV-62062. The limitation with
GetPeriodActivity() is that it can miss some lower versions activities when a consumer supplies
an elevated “Version” parameter due to late arriving data present in result set returned by any
previous calls.

Note: due to technical issues found in LDV-87902, support for parameter

“PreviousCallEndTime” was removed. Currently this method does not fully resolve issue of
missing events due to late arriving data.

The main differences between GetPeriodActivity() and this method are as follows.
1. Fetches activities for all vehicles for the given fleet.
2. GetPeriodActivity() does not return any activities with a lower timestamp than the
version given in request. This method provides a way to override such behavior. Using
the “PreviousCallEndTime” parameter, consumer can specify that any activities that
occurred after “PreviousCallEndTime” should be returned irrespective of their versions.
As noted earlier, currently this parameter is ignored.
3. Returns additional “RequestPeriodEndTime” field in result set that can be used to set up
next call to this method.
4. Returns private events

This method provides detailed information for all the specified vehicle(s) belonging to given
fleet e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc. for the specified period. This method
extracts significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use
of the Published Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways
to use this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Specify valid OwnerId(s) (available from the GetOwners method)
for the fleet
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
PreviousCallEndTime DateTime Obsolete. Ignored by sever. Specifies the value of EndTime
parameter supplied in previous invocation of this API. For
intial very first call, set it equal to EndTime. For subsequent
calls, set it equal to
“RequestPeriodEndTime” returned in response.
MaximumSerializable Enumerat (Optional) The maximum event sub type understood by the
EventSubType ion client. If not supplied, it defaults to
E, which was introduced in AVL 11.1.
If supplied, all event sub types up to, and including the specified
MaximumSerializableEventSubType are returned.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleActivity XML Detailed Information on the activity
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is
returned. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the
last known Version
RequestPeriodEndTime DateTime DateTime Returns value of “EndTime”
parameter supplied in request.
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : VehicleActivity

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogId Guid Unique value for the Activity record
OwnerId Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet this vehicle belongs
VehicleId Long Internal Id of the Vehicle for which activity
data is required (available from the
GetVehicles method)
EventSubType String Enumeration type showing the type of alert.
Only event sub types up to AVL2 11.1
_BOUNDS_ MESSAGE ) are returned, unless
the optional parameter,
MaximumSerializable-EventSubType, is
IgnitionOn Boolean The status of the ignition signal when the
event was recorded.
ReceivedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the event was delivered
to the server
ActivityDateTime DateTime GPS time (in UTC) when the event was
Latitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
Longitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
HDG Int GPS direction of travel in degrees when the
event was recorded
Speed Float GPS speed in km/h when the event was
MaxSpeed Float GPS max speed in km/h since previous event
was recorded
GPSValid Boolean Whether the GPS fix at time when event was
recorded was definitive or last known

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 60/362

HDOP Decimal GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision when
event was recorded
NumSatellites Int GPS number of satellites used in the solution
that produced latitude/longitude
ODOMeter Decimal This is derived from the GPS odometer as
should match the odometer as seen in the
vehicle, as long as the vehicle has been
calibrated to AVL2. The value is in Km*10 to
the nearest 100 (wraps at 999999 i.e. 99,999.9
IncementalDistanc Decimal Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
e from the previous event
Trip Distance Decimal Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
from the previous ignition on event
LocationType Int One of One of the values opposite
ltNoLocation = 0
or ltNamedRoad
= 1 or
= 2 or ltPOI = 3
Location String Textual description of position referred to by
latitude/longitude, differs depending on
Location Type
OffRoadMeters Double When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
distance in meters from the nearest feature
DegressBearing Int When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
bearing in degrees from the nearest feature
RegionCode String Sub parts of Location description used for
state mileage report
AreaCode String Sub parts on Location description used for
State Mileage Report
OnSiteTime Double Time the vehicle entered a site
IsUnauthorized Boolean True If the event was performed during a definable
unauthorized period
SiteId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
DriverId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2 – this is
returned by the GetDrivers method
DriverHoursStatusI Guid Guid to a row in the Internal table
d DriverHoursStatus used in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
EventPriority String Unknown or Alerting Priority associated with the Event –
Low or as configured in the AVL2 client

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 61

LowWithAlarm or
Medium or
or High or
HighWithAlarm or
Urgent or
NamedArea String Undefined or Special reserved names (akin to sites) which
LondonCongestion are setup at deployment time – these are not
Zone or LCZ intended to be changed with any degree of
or LEZ frequency
Private Boolean Flag to indicate if the vehicle activity is in a
Private Status trip
CommunicationCha String An Enumeration describing the
nnel communication channel over used for the
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
EventTypeDescripti String Description for Same description that is displayed in AVL
on event type reports for event type.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a user to add a Driver to a specific fleet in Director via the Published
Interface. The type of Driver that the user adds to Director depends on the input parameter
‘RequestType’ which can take one of three values: ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_BASIC’,
‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_HOS’ OR ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_DRIVERID’. As the names of the Request Type values
suggest, this allows a user to add a basic Driver, a HOS Driver (requires additional information in HOS
related fields) or a Driver enabled for DriverID (requires DriverPortalUserID field).

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to add the Driver to
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_BASIC,
allow adding a basic Driver, a Driver enabled for HOS or a Driver
enabled for DriverID respectively
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
Surname String Driver Surname
IsCredentialsActive Boolean Flag to indicate whether Driver Identification Credentials are
active or not
CredentialsExpiryDate DateTime Expiration Date Time of Driver Identifiation Credentials
Time (nullable)
DriverPin String The PIN assigned to the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
DallasKeyID String Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is associated with
MultipleLoginsAllowe Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is allowed to have multiple
d logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UseLicenceAuthorizati Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
LicenceNumber String Driver Licence Number
LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id of Licence Class associated with the Driver Licence
ExpiryDate DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LicenceState String Driver License State
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date Time
DriverPortalUserID String User Id for the Driver Portal
RegulationID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated with the Driver
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated with the Regulation
(nullable) and Driver
TimezoneID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated with the Driver
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the Driver
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method
HireDate Date Time Driver Hire Date <mm/dd/yyyy> for non metric country and
<dd/mm/yyyy> for metric country

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method works on similar parameters to the AddDriverByType method,
but it instead allows a user to update a Driver’s details instead of adding a new Driver. The
Driver is identified using OwnerId and DriverId. Dependent on the input parameters, the user
can update both basic and HOS Drivers using this method. If a Driver is not enabled for HOS,
none of the HOS related input parameters need to be provided since these won’t make any
changes to the non-HOS Driver. If an Input parameter is empty or null, it will saved as
empty or null respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver belongs to
DriverID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
Surname String Driver Surname
DriverPin String The PIN assigned to the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
IsCredentialsActive Boolean Flag to indicate whether Driver Identification Credentials are
active or not
CredentialExpiryDate DateTime? Nullable DateTimeField, to determine expiry date for the Driver. If
IsCredentialsActive is false then CredentialExpiryDate is wiped
out (Available from V2.8)
DallasKeyID String Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is associated with
MultipleLoginsAllowe Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is allowed to have multiple
d logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UseLicenceAuthorizati Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
LicenceNumber String Driver Licence Number
LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id of Licence Class associated with the Driver Licence
Expiry DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LicenceState String Driver License State
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date Time
RegID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated with the Driver
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated with the Regulation
and Driver
TzUID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated with the Driver
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the Driver
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method
HireDate Date Driver Hire date <mm/dd/yyyy> for non metric country and
Time <dd/mm/yyyy> for metric country

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves the Status Logs from the HOS Service where the
Status Timestamp of the Status Log is between a Start and End Date Time defined by the user.
The user can choose to select all Status Logs in the date range on a per Fleet or per Driver basis
by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Daily
Logs based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDriverDailyLogs XML Array of HOSDriverDailyLog objects –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSDriverDailyLogs

Attribute Type Result Definition

NextEventTypes Int Array List of Next Event Types from Driver’s
current violation
DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated with
the Driver Daily Log
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Daily Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Driver Daily Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of HOS Status of the Driver Daily
HOSStatus Int HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the Status Log
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle Location County
Country String Vehicle Location Country
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the Status Log
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method works in a similar way to the GetHOSDriverDailyLogs method,
but instead retrieves the Edit History records, derived from the Status Logs, from the HOS
Service where the timestamp of the last edit is between a Start and End Date Time defined by
the user. The user can choose to select all Edit History records in the date range and per Fleet
or per Driver basis by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Log Edit
Records based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Log Edit
Records from
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Log Edit
Records from
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDriverLogEditRecords XML Array of HOSDriverLogEditRecord
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects >
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should
Array be removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly
Returned Objects >
StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSDriverLogEditRecords

Attribute Type Result Definition

NewHOSStatus Int New HOS Status for the Status Log
NewStatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of the new HOS Status
DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Edit History record
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with
the Edit History record
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated
with the Edit History record
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Status Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Status Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of the old HOS Status
HOSStatus Int Old HOS Status
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 70/362

TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the Edit
History record
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle County Location
Country String Vehicle Country Location
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the edited Status Log record

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve DVIRs (Driver Vehicle Inspection
Reports) from the DVIR Service. The user can choose to select DVIRs within a set time range,
defined by the StartDateUTC and EndDateUTC parameters, or the user can choose to use either
or both of these parameters as null to leave the time range open ended. The user can either
search for DVIRs by Fleet, Vehicle, or Driver as long as they have provided a valid OwnerId,
VehicleId or DriverId respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’, ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Driver’ to get Vehicle
DVIRs based on OwnerId(s), VehicleId(s) or DriverId(s)

Published Interface User Documentation Page 71

IDs Guid Unique Id(s) associated with the Driver/Fleet/Vehicle (dependent
Array on the value of RequestType)
StatusType Int Status Type of the DVIR – input to only get DVIRs with this this
(nullable) specific Status Type, otherwise all DVIRs are retrieved (refer to
Appendix 7 DVIR)
StartDateUTC DateTime Start Date Time of period to retrieve DVIR records within. Leave
(nullable) as null to leave the Start Date Time open ended
EndDateUTC DateTime End Date Time of period to retrieve DVIR records within. Leave as
(nullable) null to leave the End Date Time open ended
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleDVIRs XML Array of VehicleDVIR objects – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : VehicleDVIRs

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReportID String Id of the Report
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with
the DVIR
VehicleName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated
with the DVIR
DriverID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with
the DVIR
Trailer1 String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
Trailer2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
EventDate DateTime Event Date of the DVIR
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address
Odometer Double Vehicle Odometer
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
Summary String Summary
EventLogID Long Id of the Event Log associated with the
StatusType Int Id of the Status Type during the update
UpdateTypeID Int Id of the Update Type
Comments String Comments made with the update
UpdateID Long Id of the last update
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet containing the
DVIR record
FirstName String Driver First Name
LastName String Driver Last Name
StatusDescription String Description of the Status Type
UpdateTypeDescription String Description of the Update Type

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method has been provided to allow a user (in particular, a Mechanic as the name suggests)
to make an update to the DVIR via the Published Interface. The user can provide a ReportID of
the DVIR they would like to update, as well as an Update Type Id, a Status Type and comments
which will be used to update the DVIR and will go into the update history. The user must also
provide a valid OwnerId that the DVIR belongs to.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ReportID String Id of the Report to update
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the DVIR record will be placed into
UpdateTypeID Int Id of the Update Type
StatusType Int Id of the Status Type to update to
Comments String Comments made with the update
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a user to retrieve Engine Hours readings for a Vehicle via the Published
Interface. The Engine Hours reading is a total of all Engine Hours accumulated within a date and
time range, specified using the StartDateUTC and EndDateUTC parameters. The user can
choose to leave either or both of these nulls to make the date and time range open ended e.g.
leaving StartDateUTC null will retrieve the Engine Hours accumulated from all records up until
the date and time specified by the EndDateUTC. The user can choose to retrieve Engine Hours
for one or more Fleets/Vehicles, dependent on the value of the RequestType enum and
provided they have given valid OwnerId(s)/VehicleId(s) respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

IDs Guid Unique Id(s) associated with the Fleet/Vehicle (dependent on the
Array value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Vehicle’ to get Vehicle Engine
Hours based on OwnerId(s) or VehicleId(s) respectively
StartDateUTC DateTime Start Date Time of period to retrieve Vehicle Engine Hours
(nullable) records within. Leave as null to leave the Start Date Time open
EndDateUTC DateTime End Date Time of period to retrieve Vehicle Engine Hours records
(nullable) within. Leave as null to leave the End Date Time open ended
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Results XML Array of VehicleEngineHours objects
– see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : Results

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle the Engine Hours
reading has been taken from
EngineHours Double Total Engine Hours reported within the
specified Start and End Date Time period
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle is
associated with
LastRecalibrationDate DateTime Date Time of the last Engine Hours

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve HOS enabled Drivers for a Fleet by
specifying an OwnerId. However, the method isn’t confined to only retrieving HOS enabled
Drivers – it will retrieve all active Drivers for the Fleet specified by the OwnerId, but if the Driver
does have HOS enabled then HOS related fields will be retrieved also.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerId Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Drivers are associated with
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Drivers XML Array of HOSDriver objects – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : Drivers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverFullName String Full Name of the Driver
DriverID Guid Id associated with the Driver
DallasKeyID Guid Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is
associated with
DriverGroupName String Display Name of the group the Driver is
associated with
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
LastName String Driver Last Name
DriverPIN String The PIN assigned to the Driver
MultipleLoginsAllowed Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is
allowed to have multiple logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UserLicenseAuthorization Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
UserID Guid User Id associated with the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
LicenseNumber String Driver License Number
LicenseClass String Class of the Driver License
RegID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated
with the Driver
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the type of the Regulation
associated with the Driver
TzUID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated
with the Driver
LicenseState String Driver License State
ExpiryDate DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle
associated with the Regulation and
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the
CarrierID Guid Unique Id of the Carrier associated with
the Driver
CarrierName String Display Name of the Carrier associated
with the Driver
StreetAddress String Carrier Street Address Line 1
StreetAddress2 String Carrier Street Address Line 2
City String Carrier City Location
State String Carrier State Location
Zip String Carrier ZIP Code
Country String Carrier Country
DotNumber String Carrier DOT Number
RestrictLogonPINIn Boolean Indicates whether the Driver is restricted
Use to login on multiple vehicles. True
confirms they are not.
HireDate Date Time Driver Hire date  <mm/dd/yyyy> for non
metric country and <dd/mm/yyyy> for
metric country

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves all HOS Profile Tables and their related fields. A valid
OwnerId is required since the Terminal table contains data which is unique to a Fleet. However,
the other tables (Regulations, Regulation Types, Regulation Cycles, Time Zones and Status
Definitions) are not unique at a fleet level, so a call to GetHOSProfileTables will retrieve the
same data for these tables regardless of the OwnerId provided.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the HOS Profile Table records are
associated with
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverTimeZones XML Array of DriverTimeZone objects –
see supplementary table below for
RegulationTypes XML Array of RegulationType objects – see
supplementary table below for
TerminalData XML Array of HOSTerminal objects – see
supplementary table below for
StatusDefinitions XML Array of StatusDefinition objects –
see supplementary table below
for details
UniqueRegulations XML Array of UniqueRegulation objects –
see supplementary table below for
Regulations XML Array of RegulationWithMetaData
objects – see supplementary
table below for details
Carrier XML Carrier object – see supplementary
table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : DriverTimeZones

Attribute Type Result Definition

TzUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Time Zone
TzDisplayName String Display Name of the Timezone
TzStandardName String Standard Name of the Timezone
TzOffset Int Timezone offset against UTC
TzDLS Int Flag to indicate whether the Timezone is
using Daylight Saving or not
Comment String Comment about the Timezone

XML Element : RegulationTypes

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RegTypeID Int Id associated with the Regulation Type
RegTypeName String Display Name of the Regulation Type
XML Element : TerminalData

Attribute Type Result Definition

TerminalName String Display Name of the Terminal
TerminalID Int Id associated with the Terminal
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Terminal Data
record is associated with

XML Element : StatusDefinitions

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSStatus Int Id of the HOS Status
Definition String Definition of the HOS Status

XML Element : UniqueRegulations

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegName String Display Name of the Regulation
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Type associated
with the Regulation
RegID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RuleID Int Regulation Rule Id

XML Element : Regulations

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RegName String Display Name of the Regulation
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated
with the Regulation
CycleDay Int Cycle Day value of Regulation Cycle
MaxDay Int Max Day value of Regulation Cycle
RegTypeName String Display Name of the Regulation Type
associated with the Regulation
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Type associated
with the Regulation

XML Element : Carrier

Published Interface User Documentation Page 80/362

Attribute Type Result Definition
CarrierID Guid Unique Id associated with the Carrier
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Carrier is
associated with
CarrierName String Display Name of the Carrier
StreetAddress String Carrier Street Address Line 1
StreetAddress2 String Carrier Street Address Line 2
City String Carrier City Location
State String Carrier State Location
Zip String Carrier ZIP Code
Country String Carrier Country
DotNumber String Carrier DOT Number

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves some calculated timer information related to HOS
Drivers that is available on the HOS Overview screen of Director, mainly ‘On Duty Used’ and
‘Drive Time Used’ respectively for the shift based On Duty and Driving timers. Sleeper Berth
Used and Off Duty Used are not available in Director, and are calculated as the Sleeper Berth
timer and Off Duty timer respectively, exclusively for this function.
The user can choose to retrieve HOS Timers for a specific Driver or for all Drivers in a Fleet,
given that they have provided a valid DriverId or OwnerId respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Timers based
on OwnerId(s) or DriverId(s) respectively
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Published Interface User Documentation Page 81

HOSTimers XML Array of HOSTimers objects – see
supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSTimers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
OnDutyTimeAvailable Int On Duty time available for the current
shift minus the On Duty time used for the
current shift (in minutes)
OnDutyDrivingTime Int On Duty Driving time available for the
Available current shift minus the On Duty Driving
time used for the current shift (in minutes)
SevenEightCycleTime Int 7/8 Day Cycle time available for the
Available current shift minus the 7/8 Day Cycle time
used for the current shift (in minutes)
ThirtyFourHourReset DateTime Date Time of the last 34 Hour Reset
OnDutyTimer Int On Duty timer for the driver’s current shift
(in minutes)
OnDutyDrivingTimer Int On Duty Driving timer for the driver’s
current shift (in minutes)
SleeperBerthTimer Int Sleeper Berth timer for the driver’s current
shift (in minutes)
OffDutyTimer Int Off Duty timer for the driver’s current shift
(in minutes)
MilesDrivenOnCurrent Double Miles driven on the current day’s cycle
MilesDrivenFromLast Double Miles driven since the last 34 hour reset

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

The main purpose of this Published Interface method is to retrieve the same calculated timer
information related to HOS Drivers that is available on the HOS Logs screen of Director e.g.
accumulated timers from midnight to midnight (‘day based’). Timers are provided for the
current day and also the last 7 days.
The user can choose to retrieve HOS Timers for a specific Driver or for all Drivers in a Fleet,
given that they have provided a valid DriverId or OwnerId respectively and that the
Driver/Drivers are all considered active HOS Drivers.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Day Timers
based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDayTimers XML Array of HOSDayTimers objects – see
supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

Published Interface User Documentation Page 83

XML Element : HOSDayTimers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
DriverCurrentStatus Int The Driver’s current status, represented as
an integer.

DriverCurrentStatu String The Driver’s current status, represented in

sDefinition string form (e.g. Off Duty).

CurrentDayDutyTime XML HOSDayDutyTimers object for the current

rs day – see supplementary table below for
LastSevenDaysTimers XML Array of HOSDayDutyTimers objects for the
seven days before the current day – see
supplementary table below for details
IsBigDay Bool Whether or not ‘Big Day Qualifier’ is true
for the driver’s shift – this information is
also displayed in the Director HOS
Overview screen as ‘Big Day’.
DriverResetQualifyingB DateTime When the Driver last finished taking a break
reakLastEndedDateTim ? that qualified for a daily/weekly reset. Can
e be null.
AdverseDrivingConditio Int Indicates if the Driver has triggered Adverse
ns Driving Conditions for their current shift – 1
for true, 0 for false.
AdverseDrivingDateTim DateTime If a Driver has triggered Adverse Driving
e ? Conditions, the date time in which this
occurred – can be null.

XML Element : HOSDayDutyTimers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DutyTimersStartDateT DateTim The starting point from which to calculate
imeUTC e timers from for the day, in UTC. Should
always be equal to midnight in the driver’s
local timezone for the start of the day in
DutyTimersEndDateTi DateTim The ending point to stop calculating timers
meUTC e for the day, in UTC. Should always be equal
to midnight in the driver’s local timezone for
the end of the day in question for all ‘last
seven days’ timers. For the current day
timers, this should be equal to the time in
Published Interface User Documentation Page 84
which the GetHOSDayTimers method was
DayOnDutyTimerSeco Int For the day in question, how many seconds
nds the Driver has spent in an ‘On Duty’ status
(can also include ‘High Rail On Duty’).
DayOnDutyDrivingTim Int For the day in question, how many seconds
erSeconds the Driver has spent in the ‘Driving’ status
DaySleeperBerthTime Int For the day in question, how many seconds
rSeconds the Driver has spent in a ‘Sleeper Berth’
status (can also include ‘Sleeper Berth
DayOffDutyTimerSeco Int For the day in question, how many seconds
nds the Driver has spent in an ‘Off Duty’ status
(can also include ‘Off Duty At Well’).

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve Driver and Vehicle related tables for a
specified Fleet, given that the user has provided a valid OwnerId. The method retrieves data for
the Vehicle Types, Vehicle Groups, Driver Licence Classes and Driver Groups in a Fleet.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver/Vehicle tables belong to
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

LicenceClasses XML Array of LicenceClass objects – see
supplementary table below for
DriverGroups XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details

Published Interface User Documentation Page 85

VehicleTypes XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
VehicleGroups XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable

Published Interface User Documentation Page 86

RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : LicenceClasses

Attribute Type Result Definition

LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id associated with the Licence Class
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Licence Class
records belong to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Licence Class
Description String Description of the Licence Class
Deleted Boolean Indicates whether the LicenceClass has
been deleted or not
AuthorizedVehicleT XML Array of VehicleType objects – see
ypeList supplementary table below for details

XML Element : AuthorizedVehicleTypeList

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleTypeID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle Type
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle Type
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Type
Description String Description of the Vehicle Type
Color Int Color of the Vehicle Type
IconKey String Key of the Icon that represents the Vehicle
Type on the Map View
IdleMetres Single Idle Metres for Vehicle Type
IdleMinutes Int Idle Minutes for Vehicle Type
FuelEfficiency Single Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle Type
CO2EmissionsFactor Single CO2 Emissions Factor for Vehicle Type
FuelType Boolean Fuel Type for Vehicle Type
XML Element : DriverGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

ParentDisplayName String Display Name of the Parent Driver Group
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver Group
ParentDriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the Parent Driver Group
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver Group
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Driver Group
Deleted Boolean Indicates if the Driver Group has been
deleted or not

XML Element : VehicleTypes

Attribute Type Result Definition

FuelTypeDescription String Description of the Fuel Type for the Vehicle
VehicleTypeID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle Type
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle
Types belong to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Type
Description String Description of the Vehicle Type
Color Int Color of the Vehicle Type
IconKey String Key of the Icon that represents the Vehicle
Type on the Map View
IdleMetres Single Idle Metres for Vehicle Type
IdleMinutes Int Idle Minutes for Vehicle Type
FuelEfficiency Single Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle Type
CO2EmissionsFactor Single CO2 Emissions Factor for Vehicle Type
FuelType Boolean Fuel Type for Vehicle Type

XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

ParentDisplayName String Display Name of the Parent Vehicle Group

VehicleGroupId Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle

ParentVehicleGroupId Guid Unique Id of the Parent Vehicle Group
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet the Vehicle Group
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Group
Description String Description of the Vehicle Group

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways to use this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start
from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle(s) attributes are
FromDateTime DateTime Start of time period (in UTC) within messages are to be
ToDateTime DateTime End of time period (in UTC) within messages are to be
MaxMessageTypeAllowed Int (Optional) The maximum MessageType returned.
If not specified, it defaults to 2 (FormMessage).
Valid values are : 2, and 6.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

BaseMessage XML Detailed Information on the message
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : BaseMessage

Attribute Type Result Definition
MessageId Guid Internal Id representing the Internal Id of
the message
RecipientId Guid Internal Id of the recipient
SenderId Guid The Internal Id of the sender
This is set to NULL if message is from
MessageType UnsignedByte Internal message type.
Valid Values are:
MessageThreadId Guid Internal Id that links response and request
messages to a single thread
ParentMessageId Guid Internal Id used in hierarchy of messages
MessageThreadNumber Int A number that marks the message count
for a particular recipient
MessageBody String Text message
SentDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was
MenuNumber Int
Latitude Double Latitude of Route to GPS location
Longitude Double Longitude of Route to GPS location
Reply Boolean Whether the message has been replied to
IncomingMessage Boolean True True if the message is an incoming
MessageStatus XML Information on the status of the message
– see supplementary table below for
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was last
StreetName String Textual description of destination for
route Message
VehicleLatitude int Vehicle's latitude when the message was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree e.g. -
-36806880 = -36.806880
VehicleLongitude int Vehicle's longitude when the message
was sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree e.g.
174743020 = 174.743020
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel used to send or
receive the message
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
CurrentETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the current
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To messages.
ETAState string An enumeration indicating the ETA state
(only applies to Route-To messages)
 None
 InRouteOnTime
 InRouteEarly
 InRouteLate
 Arrived
 NavigationCancelled
OriginalETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the original
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Messages.
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean Is this message enabled for Satellite
delivery if out of cellular coverage

XML Element : MessageStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

MessageId Guid Internal Id representing the Internal Id of
the message
RecievedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was
received by the Vehicle
MessageDelivered Boolean Boolean confirming the message was
MessageRead Boolean
Status Int

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Access the current configuration of Conex equipment installed on specified vehicle(s)

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

VehicleId Guid Id of the Vehicle for which ConEx configuration information is
required (available from the GetVehicles method)
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ConExChannels XML True Detailed Information on the
Conex Channels on the vehicle –
see supplementary table below
for details
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : ConExChannels

Attribute Type Result Definition

ChannelTypeCanChange Boolean Specifies if the ConEx channel is a
changeable type
Enumeration Int The channel number associated to a
particular ConEx channel
OutputByes Base64Binary Only used for Serial ConEx which
contains the bytes that are stored in
the serial port
OutputSwitch Boolean For Digital ConEx output, this flag
determines if the output is on or off
ChannelValues XML Detailed information on the ConEx
Channel Values
See supplementary table below for
ConExChannelEvents XML Detailed information on the ConEx
Channel Events
See supplementary table below for
ConExChannelID Guid Internal Id that points to this
ConExChannel data
ConExId Guid Internal Id pointing to this ConEx
data record
VehicleId Guid Internal Id that points to the Vehicle
that has this ConEx data
SetUpForVehicle Boolean True Flag that describes if ConEx has
been configured or not for this
ChannelType String One of:
Unconfigured or
DigitalInput or
DigitalOutput or
DigitalIO or
AnalogInput or
ChannelChoices String One of:
DigitalIO or
DigitalIO or
AnalogInput or
Digital or
Status String
Reserved Boolean True / False
StatusDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the last status
was recorded
OutputDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) when an
activity on the output was recorded

Published Interface User Documentation Page 90/362

ChannelValuesChanged Boolean a flag that describes if a particular
ConEx channel value has changed
InputDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) when an
activity on the input was recorded
InputString String Input string to the ConEx channel
IOStatusQueryPending Boolean True / False True if IOStatus query is Pending
SetOutputPending Boolean True / False True if a Set operation to an output
is Pending
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : ChannelValues

Attribute Type Result Definition

ChannelValueID Guid Internal Id that points to this
channel value
ChannelID Guid Internal Id that points to this ConEx
Description String Description of the ConEx Channel
ChannelValue String The current value of the ConEx

XML Element : Events -> ConExChannelEvents

Attribute Type Result Definition

EmailAddressIds Guid Internal Id that points to an email
address for sending ConEx alerts
Description String Describes the ConEx event
ConExChannelEventId Guid Internal Id that points to this
IconId Guid Internal Id pointing to an icon image
ConExChannelID Guid Internal Id that points to the ConEx
HasEmailAlert Boolean True / False True that describes an email alert
exists or not
EventType String String that describes the ConEx
event type

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Published Interface User Documentation Page 91

This method provides extended information regarding a specific Vehicle activity record. This
extended information contains things like temperature logger information or other devices
connected via ConEx.

You must pass at least one ActivityLogId. Passing invalid ActivityLogIds to the method will
result in the method call working i.e. OperationStatus = True, but no rows will be returned.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
ActivityLogId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogExtID Guid Internal Id of the Extended data attached to
the specified ActivityLogId (below)
ActivityLogID Guid Internal Id of the specified ActivityLogId – this
associates the Extended data to the relevant
activity log record
RawExtendedData Base64Binary Extended data in raw format
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Provides a list of Sites for a given owner / fleet e.g. Display Name, Shape Type, Latitudes and
Longtitudes etc.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Site String Detailed Information of a site for the supplied
Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : Site

Attribute Type Result Definition

SiteId Guid Internal Id for the Site of interest
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the Site
SiteTypeId Guid InternalId of the Site Type
DisplayName String Name of the Site
ShapeType Unsigned 0 = Rectangle
Byte 1 = Polygon
MaxLat Int
MaxLong Int
MinLat Int
MinLong Int
NumberOfPoints Int
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Site was created
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Site was last modified
SiteTypeName String Name of the Site Type the site is categorized as
StartDate DateTime The date from which the Site is active
EndDate DateTime The date at which the Site is no longer active
Description String Description associated with the Site
AddressLine1 String Address Line 1 of the Site as entered by the
AddressLine2 String Address Line 2 of the Site as entered by the User
AddressLine3 String Address Line 3 of the Site as entered by the
AddressLine4 String Address Line 4 of the Site as entered by the
Notes String Any notes associated with the Site

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Provides a list of Geofences for a given owner / fleet e.g. Display Name, Shape Type, Latitudes
and Longtitudes etc.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which Geofence attributes are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Geofence String Detailed Information of a Geofence for the
supplied Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary
table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned.
False True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : Geofence

Attribute Type Result Definition
GeofenceId Guid Internal Id for the Geofence of interest
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the Geofence
DisplayName String Name of the Geofence
ShapeType Unsigned Byte 0 = Rectangle
1 = Polygon
MaxLat Int
MaxLong Int
MinLat Int
MinLong Int
NumberOfPoints Int
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Geofence was
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Geofence was last
Description String Description associated with the Geofence
Show on MDT Boolean
OverspeedAlertEnabled Boolean Whether an overspeed alert has been enabled
in this geofence
OverspeedThreshold Float Speed Threshold which triggers and
overspeed alert in this geofence

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Access Engine Management System (EMS) data e.g. rpm, oil/water temp, braking information
etc. for a defined time period for a specified vehicle(s). The EMS data is summarized across a
trip which is defined as the period between ignition on and ignition off.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleId Guid Vehicle(s) for which EMS data are required
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Detailed information on the EMS
Summary Trip data
See supplementary table below for
EMSTripInfo XML details
Detailed information on the EMS Speed
Matrix data
See supplementary table below for
SpeedMatrix XML details
Detailed information on the EMS
Temperature Matrix data
See supplementary table below for
TemperatureMatrix XML details
Detailed information on the EMS Oil
Pressure Matrix data
See supplementary table below for
OilPressureMatrix XML details

XML Element : EMSTripInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

Int Internal message handling Id for EMS
TransactionNumber trips
Int Internal Id describing transaction –
TransactionType default is Body ()
TripID Guid Internal Id for the EMS Trip
OwnerID Guid Internal Id of the Owner / Fleet
DriverID Guid Internal Id of the Driver
VehicleID Guid Internal Id of the Vehicle
Int Internal Id that points to the EMS
VehicleEMSConfigurationID configuration for a particular Vehicle
DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the trip was
StartDateTime started
Virtual GPS odometer reading when
StartOdometer the trip was started
DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the trip was
StopDateTime completed
Int Number of hours the engine has run
EngineHours on a trip
Int Total distance travelled for the trip
Distance (km/10)
Int Total distance travelled while the
BrakeDistance brake is applied in meters
Int Number of brakes incurred on this
BrakeCount trip
Int Total time (in secs) the brake was
BrakeRoll applied with the vehicle still in motion
BrakeOn Int Total time the brake has been applied
Int Number of over-speeding counts this
OverSpeedCount vehicle has incurred on this trip
Int Total time the vehicle has been over-
OverSpeedSeconds speeding
Int Number of RPM counts above the set
OverRPMCount RPM limit
Int Total time the vehicle was over the
OverRPMSeconds RPM limit
Int Total time the vehicle was over the
OverTempSeconds Temperature limit
Int Total time the vehicle was under the
UnderOilSeconds oil pressure threshold
Int Maximum threshold speed limit
MaxSpeed setting (km/hr)
MaxRPM Int Maximum threshold MaxRPM setting
Int Maximum threshold Maximum
MaxTemp temperature setting (degrees Celsius)
MinOil Int Minimum oil pressure setting (kPa)
KeyOnSeconds Int Total time the ignition is on
IdleSeconds Int Total time the vehicle was idling
WarmSeconds Int Total time for the engine to warm-up
ExcessIdleSeconds Int
Int Total time in seconds the vehicle was
RollingSeconds actually in motion
PTOSeconds Int Total time for Power Take-off
Int Total time for Power take-off when
PTOIdleSeconds the vehicle is idle
Int Total time for Power take-off when
PTORollSeconds the vehicle is in motion
Int Total time Power Take-off went over
PTOOverRPMSeconds the RPM limit
Int Number of hard breaks recorded
HeavyBrakeCount during the trip
Int Fuel usage in liters in the total idling
FuelUsedIdle period
Double Fuel usage in litres when the vehicle is
FuelUsedRoll in motion
Double Fuel usage in litres when the vehicle is
FuelUsedPTOIdle Power take-off idle
Double Fuel usage in liters when the vehicle is
FuelUsedPTORoll Power take-off is in motion
StartLatitude Double GPS location the when trip started
StartLongitude Double GPS location the when trip started
String Textual description of the location
StartLocation when the trip started
Float Distance (in meters) from the nearest
street or point of interest on trip
StartOffRoadMetres when trip started
StartDegreesBearing Int Start GPS bearing description
Int Type of Location when trip started.
One of:
No Location = 0
Named Road = 1 Unnamed Road = 2
StartLocationType POI = 3
Double GPS location when the trip was
StopLatitude completed
Double GPS location when the trip was
StopLongitude completed
String Textual description of the location
StopLocation when the trip was completed
Float Distance (in meters) from the nearest
street or point of interest on trip
StopOffRoadMetres when trip completed
StopDegreesBearing Int Stop GPS bearing description
Int Type of Location when trip
Completed. One of:
No Location = 0
Named Road = 1 Unnamed Road = 2
StopLocationType POI = 3
ReceivedUtc DateTime Received Time in UTC
Guid Associated Ignition On Id in
IgnitionOnActivityLogID ActivityLogReal
Guid Associated Ignition Off Id in
IgnitionOffActivityLogID ActivityLogReal
ExcessiveSpeedTime Int(nullable) Time in Exceesive Speed (k/h)
ExcessiveSpeedCount Int(nullable) Number of Times in Excessive Speed
ExcessiveSpeedDistance Int(nullable) Distance of Excessive Speed in km*10
OverSpeedDistance Int(nullable) Distance in Overspeed(km*10)
IdleCount Int(nullable) Number of idle counts
ExcessiveIdleCount Int(nullable) Number of excessive idle counts
HarshBrakingTime Int(nullable) Total time in harsh braking
RollStabilityCount Int(nullable) Total vehicle instability occurences
RollStabilityTime Int(nullable) Total vehicle instability in seconds
MaxFuelEconomy Int(nullable) Maximum fuel economy
OverRPMDistance Int(nullable) Total distance in Over RPM
TotalCruiseControlTime Int(nullable) Total time in cruise control

XML Element : SpeedMatrix

Attribute Type Result Definition

String EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
XAxisType OilPressure
YAxisType String EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
XOrigin Double Cartesian coordinate origin
YOrigin Double Cartesian coordinate origin
XCount Int X graduation count
YCount Int Y graduation count
YAxisValues Double Array of values on the Y axis
XAxisValues Double Array of values on the X axis
Values Int Array of values for the speed matrix

XML Element: TemperatureMatrix

Attribute Type Result Definition

String One of:
EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
AxisType OilPressure or Temperature
Origin Double Origin for X axis
Count Int X graduation count
AxisValues Double Array of values on the X axis
Int Array of values for Temperature
Values matrix

XML Element : OilPressureMatrix

Attribute Type Result Definition

String One of:
EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
AxisType EMSUnknown3 or

Published Interface User Documentation Page 100/362

EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
OilPressure or Temperature
Origin Double Origin for X axis
Count Int X graduation count
AxisValues Double Array of values on the X axis
Values Int Array of values for Oil pressure matrix

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Access Engine Management System (EMS) diagnostic codes for various protocols e.g. J1708,
J1939, J1979 and J1850 e.g. rpm, for specified vehicle(s)/owners. The EMS data is reported on
a regular basis as defined by the EMS reporting times.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from
first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleId/Ownerid Guid Vehicle(s)/Owner for which EMS data are required
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period
Active Bool Include events with an active report status
Inactive Bool Include events with an inactive report status
PreActive Bool Include events with an preactive report status

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known

Published Interface User Documentation Page 101

Detailed information on the EMS
Summary Trip data
See supplementary table below for
EMSDiagnosticsInfo XML details

XML Element : EMSDiagnosticsInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

Guid The vehicle identity where the
VehicleId device is installed
Int The date and time when the
VIN diagnostics-fault event occured
VehicleName String Name of the vehicle
EventDateTime DateTime Date/Time of the diagnostic
Int Odometer reading at the time of
Odometer diagnostic
Status Int 1= Active, 2-Inactive, 3=Preactive
String Rawcode - original JBus fault
Rawcode message - comma delimited string.
Description String Description of event/diagnostic
String Protocol of the ECM (Engine
Protocol Control Module e.g. J1939
String Source of the diagnostic info
Source e.g Communications Unit Cellular
MID Int Module ID
String Parameter Identification - String
FMI Int Fault Mode Indicator
Int Number of instances the
EventCount diagnostic event has taken place
Bool Anti-lock Brake System - flag to
ABS denote that the system was active
MIL Bool Malfunction Indicator Lamp
RSL Bool Red Stop Lamp
AWL Bool Amber Warning Lamp
HEST Bool High Exhaust System Temperature
DPF Bool Diesel Particulate Filter
PL Bool Protect Lamp
Bool Electronic Braking System
EBSAL Activation Lamp
Bool Electronic Braking System Red
Latitude Double Latitude (position) of the vehicle
Longitude Double Longitude (position) of the vehicle
Location String Address of the vehicle

This API will basically return latest form definition of forms in a specified fleet.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which latest form definition of
forms is requested

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormSummaryItemList XML List of FormSummaryItem object – see
supplementary table below for details.
One FormSummaryItem object will
represent one form definition detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful
XML Element : FormSummaryItem

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormNumber Int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber int Its unique number to identify version
of the Form within fleet.
Name String Name of the Form
Description String Description of the Form
CanBeSentBy Int One of the Enumeration value indicates form
enumerated instance sent by type.
values: If its 0 then form instance can be sent
both=0 or by driver and dispatcher.
dispatcher=1 If its 1 then form instance can be sent
or by dispatcher only.
driver=2 If its 2 then form instance can be sent
by driver only.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here to view samples

GetFormListDetails retrieves the latest form definitions for defined fleet. This API has definition
number as optional parameter to retrieve specific form definition. The response includes fields
and associated actions.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle(s) attributes are
FormDefinitionSpecificationList XML List of FormDefinitionSpecification object - see
supplementary table below for details

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Default latest Form definitions
for given owner will be returned.

XML Element : FormDefinitionSpecification

Attribute Type Result Definition

DefinitionNumber int Its unique number to identify version
of the Form within fleet.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Forms XML List of FormDefinition object– see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : FormDefinition

Attribute Type Result Definition

Fields XML Its collection of type BaseField.
Detailed information on BaseField –
see supplementary table below for
Actions XML Its collection of type BaseAction.
Detailed information on BaseAction-
see supplementary table below for details.
Name string Name of the form.
Description string Description of the form.
CanBeSentBy int One of the Enumeration value indicates form
enumerated instance sent by type.
values: If its 0 then form instance can be sent
both=0 or by driver and dispatcher.
dispatcher=1 If its 1 then form instance can be sent
or by dispatcher only.
driver=2 If its 2 then form instance can be sent
by driver only.
FormNumber int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber int Its unique number to identify version
of the form within fleet.
FormsLinkedTo XML List of linked form of type

XML Element : BaseField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Field name.
IsHeader bool True True indicates that its header field
IsOptional int One of the Indicates if the field is mandatory or
enumerated optional.
Required =0
Optional =1
IsParam bool True True indicates that field value should
be passed to the form to which it links.

Field types supported by form feature and their respected classes are as follows:
Field Type Class Name
Decimal DecimalField
String StringField
Address AddressField
Date DateField
Time TimeField
DateTime DateTimeField
Select SelectField
Checkbox CheckBoxField
Signature SignatureField

Each of above field type is derived from “BaseField” class.

FormDefinition object has (BaseField[]) object collection property of field types mentioned
above. Detailed explanation for each of field class is as follows:

XML Element : DecimalField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Precision Int The number of digits in a number.
Scale Int The number of digits to the right of the
decimal point in a number.

XML Element : StringField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Size Int Maximum total length of the field.

XML Element : AddressField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Size Int Maximum total length of the address.

XML Element : DateField

Attribute Type Result Definition

- - - Field expects date only as value while
sending form.

XML Element: TimeField

Attribute Type Result Definition
- - - Field expects Time only as value while
sending form.

XML Element: DateTimeField

Attribute Type Result Definition

- - - Field expects Date and Time as value while
sending form.

XML Element: SelectField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Options XML List of field to be selected of type
SelectFieldOption – see supplementary table
below for details

XML Element: SelectFieldOption

Attribute Type Result Definition

Selected bool True indicates field is selected else false.
Value String Value of the field.

XML Element : CheckBoxField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Options XML A list of checkboxes to be selected of type
CheckBoxFieldOption – see supplementary
table below for details

XML Element: CheckBoxFieldOption

Attribute Type Result Definition
SelectAll bool True indicates if the checkbox is selected
it would select all the checkboxes in the
Value String Text of the checkbox field

XML Element : SignatureField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Width ushort Width of the signature control
Height ushort Height of the signature control

XML Element: BaseAction

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Action name.

Action types supported by form feature are as follows:

1) LinkFormAction
2) RouteToAction

LinkFormAction and RouteToAction are derived from “BaseAction” class. FormDefinition object
has (BaseAction[]) object collection property of action type mentioned above. Detail
explanation for each action is as follows:

XML Element: LinkFormAction

Attribute Type Result Definition

LinkFormParams XML Array of type LinkFormParam –
see supplementary table below for
DefIdRef int Linked form definition number.
FormIdRef int Linked form number.
AutoDelete bool True True indicates that if form definition is
deleted then linked form will also be
XML Element: LinkFormParam

Attribute Type Result Definition

Index int Position of the field whose value will be
passed to KeyField of the linked form.

XML Element: RouteToAction

Attribute Type Result Definition

Index int Position of the address field whose value will
be passed to KeyField of the linked form.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetForms retrieves list of all form instance for defined fleet and for restricted period of time.
This API has optional parameter to retrieve list of all Form instances for one or more vehicles
for specific form number for restricted period of time. The response includes form instance
detail like Form number, definition number, value of the key field and other message details.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned
data – pass in 0 to start from
first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from
DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which
vehicle(s) attributes are
StartDate DateTime Starts of the time period (in
UTC) within which form
instance are to be retrieved.

Published Interface User Documentation Page 110/362

EndDate DateTime End of the time period (in UTC)
within which form instance are
to be retrieved.
SentBy int One of the enumerated Enumeration value indicates
values: form instance sent by type.
both=0 or If its 0 then form instance
dispatcher=1 or can be sent by
driver=2 driver and dispatcher.
If its 1 then form instance
can be sent by dispatcher
only. If its 2 then form
instance can
be sent by driver only.
VehicleIds Guid Array of Vehicle ids for which
form instances to be fetched.
FormNumbers int Retrieve the form instances
of given array of form
number only.

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Default all form instances for
given owner id and duration will be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstance XML Detailed Information on the form instance
– see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : FormInstance

Attribute Type Result Definition

Published Interface User Documentation Page 111

FormNumber Int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber Int Its unique number to identify
version of the form within fleet.
FormName string Name of the form.
KeyFieldValue string Value of the key field.
FormInstanceId Guid Internal Id representing the form
RecipientId Guid Internal Id of the recipient. This is set to
NULL if form instance is from driver.
SenderId Guid The Internal Id of the sender.
ThreadId Guid Internal Id that links response and
request Linked form instance to form a
conversation (message thread).
ParentId Guid Internal Id used in hierarchy of form
ThreadNumber int A number that marks the form instance
count for a particular recipient
SentDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form instance
was sent
Latitude Double Latitude of Route to GPS location
Longitude Double Longitude of Route to GPS location
Reply Boolean Whether the form instance has been
replied to
IncomingForm Boolean True True if the form instance is an incoming
FormInstanceStatus XML Information on the status of the form
instance – see supplementary table
below for details
StreetName String Textual description of destination for
route form
VehicleLatitude int Vehicle's latitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. --36806880 = -36.806880
VehicleLongitude int Vehicle's longitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. 174743020 = 174.743020
PriorityReadRequested boolean Indicates whether a priority read is
requested for this form
ReadReceiptRequested boolean Indicates whether a read receipt is
requested for this form
PriorityRead boolean Indicates whether a priority read is
assigned for this form
ReadReceipt boolean The Read Receipt is received from the
IsReadReceiptIncomingForm boolean Indicates whether the incoming form is
read receipt enabled.
DriverID Guid Driver id.
DriverFirstName string Value indicates Driver First Name
DriverLastName string Value indicates Driver Last Name
UserID Guid User id.
Username string Value indicates User name.
UserFirstName string Value indicates User first name.
UserLastName string Value indicates User last name.
VehicleLocation string Vehicle's location when the form was
GPSValid boolean Value indicates value of GPSValid.
OffRoadMetres double The Off road meters from which the
form was sent.
DegreesBearing int The Degrees bearing from which the
form was sent.
LocationType int The Locationtype from which the form
was sent.
RegionCode int Regioncode from which the form was
MenuNumber Int
AreaCode string The Areacode from which the form was
NamedArea int The NamedArea from which the form
was sent.
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel used to send
or receive the form
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
CurrentETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the current
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
ETAState string An enumeration indicating the ETA
state (only applies to Route To Forms)
 None
 InRouteOnTime
 InRouteEarly
 InRouteLate
 Arrived
 NavigationCancelled
OriginalETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the original
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean Is this message enabled for Satellite
delivery if out of cellular coverage

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReceivedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form
instance was received by the
FormDelivered Boolean Boolean confirming the form
instance was delivered
FormRead Boolean Value indicates whether the
form was read.
ReadReceiptReceived Boolean Value indicates whether the
form was read by Driver
ReadReceiptReceivedDateTime DateTime The ReadReceipt received
date time.
ReadReceiptActivityDateTime DateTime The date time when
ReadReceipt was sent by

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetFormsDetails retrieve list of all form instance detail for defined fleet and for restricted
period of time. This API has optional parameter to retrieve list of all form instances detail for
one or more vehicles for specific form number for restricted period of time. The response
includes form instance detail like form number, definition number, list of Field-Value and other
message details. From API version 1.6 it supports signature field. The signature bitmap is
exposed as base64 encoded string in the Value field of the FormField class.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned
data – pass in 0 to start from
first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from
DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which
vehicle(s) attributes are
StartDate DateTime Starts of the time period (in
UTC) within which form
instance are to be retrieved.
EndDate DateTime End of the time period (in UTC)
within which form instance are
to be retrieved.
SentBy int One of the enumerated Enumeration value indicates
values: form instance sent by type.
both=0 or If its 0 then form instance
dispatcher=1 or can be sent by
driver=2 driver and dispatcher.
If its 1 then form instance can
be sent by dispatcher only.
If its 2 then form instance can
be sent by driver only.
FormInstanceIds Guid Form instance ids for which
form instances to be
retrieved. If form instance
ids are specified then other
filter(s) (Vehicle Ids and
numbers) will be ignored.
VehicleIds Guid Array of vehicle ids for which
form instances to be fetched.
FormNumbers int Retrieve the form instances
of given array of form
numbers only.

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Default all form instance
details for given owner id and duration will be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceDetail XML Detailed Information on the form instance
detail – see supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : FormInstanceDetail

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormNumber Int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber Int Its unique number to identify
version of the form within fleet.
FormName string Name of the form.
FormFields XML List of field - value of type FormField
– see supplementary table below for
FormInstanceId Guid Internal Id representing the form
RecipientId Guid Internal Id of the recipient. This is set to
NULL if form instance is from driver.
FormDefinitionId Guid Internal Id of the form definition for
this form instance.
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel used to send
or receive the form
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
SenderId Guid The Internal Id of the sender.
ThreadId Guid Internal Id that links response and
request Linked form instance to form a
conversation (message thread).
ParentId Guid Internal Id used in hierarchy of form
CurrentETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the current
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
ETAState string An enumeration indicating the ETA
state (only applies to Route To Forms)
 None
 InRouteOnTime
 InRouteEarly
 InRouteLate
 Arrived
 NavigationCancelled
OriginalETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the original
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean Is this message enabled for Satellite
delivery if out of cellular coverage
ThreadNumber int A number that marks the form instance
count for a particular recipient
SentDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form instance
was sent
Latitude Double Latitude of Route to GPS location
Longitude Double Longitude of Route to GPS location
Reply Boolean Whether the form instance has been
replied to
IncomingForm Boolean True True if the form instance is an incoming
FormInstanceStatus XML Information on the status of the form
instance – see supplementary table
below for details
StreetName String Textual description of destination for
route form
VehicleLatitude int Vehicle's latitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. --36806880 = -36.806880
VehicleLongitude int Vehicle's longitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. 174743020 = 174.743020
PriorityReadRequested boolean Indicates whether a priority read is
requested for this form
ReadReceiptRequested boolean Indicates whether a read receipt is
requested for this form
PriorityRead boolean Indicates whether a priority is assigned
for this form
ReadReceipt boolean The Read Receipt is received from the
IsReadReceiptIncomingForm boolean Indicates whether the incoming form is
read receipt enabled.
DriverID Guid Driver id.
DriverFirstName string Value indicates Driver First Name
DriverLastName string Value indicates Driver Last Name
UserID Guid User id.
Username string Value indicates User name.
UserFirstName string Value indicates User first name.
UserLastName string Value indicates User last name.
VehicleLocation string Vehicle's location when the form was
GPSValid boolean Value indicates value of GPSValid.
OffRoadMetres double The Off road meters from which the
form was sent.
DegreesBearing int The Degrees bearing from which the
form was sent.
LocationType int The Locationtype from which the form
was sent.
MenuNumber Int
RegionCode int Regioncode from which the form was
AreaCode string The Areacode from which the form was
NamedArea int The NamedArea from which the form
was sent.

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReceivedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form
instance was received by the
FormDelivered Boolean Boolean confirming the form
instance was delivered
FormRead Boolean Value indicates whether the form
was read.
ReadReceiptReceived Boolean Value indicates whether the form
was read by Driver
ReadReceiptReceivedDateTime DateTime The ReadReceipt received date time.
ReadReceiptActivityDateTime DateTime The date time when ReadReceipt
was sent by driver.

XML Element : FormField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Name of the field.
Value string Value of the field.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

Method reterevies list of the vehicle group for given owner/fleet. It will have detail information
of vehicle group like Display Name, Descrption, Vehicle group Paraent Id etc.
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle groups are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleGroups String Detailed Information of a vehicle group for the
given Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleGroupId Guid Internal id for the vehicle group.
ParentVehicleGroupId Guid Parent group id of the vehicle group.
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the vehicle group.
DisplayName String Name of the vehicle group.
Description String Descriptive text of the vehicle group.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a text message to be sent to one or more vehicles. The sent text message
also contains the Id of the sender and will be displayed on the Vehicle’s MDT. SenderId is
returned from the UserInfo details section of the message returned from the DoLogin method.

Published Interface User Documentation Page 120/362

Please note that if the recipient does not have a MDT in their vehicle, the method will complete
successfully and the message will be stored in the database. It will simply never reaches it’s
intended destination.

The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 400 characters.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
RecipientIds Guid VehicleIds to receive the message
MessageType Int
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be queued
for sending over satellite if the vehicle goes out of
The default is false.
PriorityReadEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be tagged
as high priority message.
The default is false.

MessageBody String Message text

The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Allows a Route-To message to be sent to a Vehicle’s MDT. The sent text message will contain
location information as well as the Id of the sender and will be displayed on the Vehicle’s MDT.
A lot of the parameters and message fields discussed here are also referred to in the
GetMessages Method. The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250
Published Interface User Documentation Page 121
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
RecipientIds Guid VehicleIds to receive the message
MessageType Int
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be queued
for sending over satellite if the vehicle goes out of
coverage. The default is false.

MessageBody String Message text

The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250
Latitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
Longitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
StreetName String Textual description of destination for route Message

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.


Please note that this method requires additional setup to support asynchronous batch
operation. Contact your regional support staff to have it setup.

Allows multiple Route-To messages to be sent to the MDT of multiple vehicles. The sent text
message will contain location information as well as the Id of the sender and will be displayed
on the Vehicle’s MDT. The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250 characters.
Note that the batch operation is done asynchronously. This method returns as soon as a batch
execution process has been created to perform the batch operation.
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are
RecipientIds Guid VehicleIds to receive the message
MessageType Int
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be
queued for sending over satellite if the vehicle
goes out of coverage. The default is false.
MessageBody String Message text
The Text message being sent has a maximum
length of 250 characters
Latitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
Longitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
StreetName String Textual description of destination for route Message
SendDeleteTextMessageFirst Boolean Indicates whether to send a delete text message
command before sending route-to messages to a
vehicle in the batch.

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Note that, for simplicity, we
have mixed properties related to the batch, along with properties associated with a single
route-to message. In essence, the parameters taken by this method is a list of multiple singular
route-to message send requests.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful
OperationStatusGuid Guid Guid Returns a Guid which can be used to
query the server for the status of the
batch operation.
RequestedOperationsCount Integer Integer Returns the number of route-to message
send requests which will be processed by
the server.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
Allows the PI Client to retrieve the status of the batched route-to messages request which is
asynchronously processed by the server.

Please note that any date time values in the output of this method are NOT in UTC format for
the 10.2 release. These values are in server time (based on the server time zone). This has
been identified as an issue, and fixed for Release 10.2.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OperationStatusGuid Guid The operation status guid which was returned by the server
after scheduling initial batch route-to messages send
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

BatchOperationEndTime DateTime DateTime The end time for the batch
BatchOperationStartTime DateTime DateTime The start time for the batch
BatchProcessRunning Boolean Boolean Indicates whether the batch process
is currently running or not. This
value will be NULL if this cannot be
BatchRequestPickupTime DateTime DateTime The time the batch execution
process picked up this job for
processing on the server.
FailedOperationsCount Integer Integer The number of failed operations.
OperationsProcessed Integer Integer The total number of operations
which have been processed
currently (successful + failed).
OperationState Enum Enumeration The current batch operation state.
This can be: NotStarted, Started,
InProgress and Completed.
RequestedOperationsCount Integer Integer The number of operations
requested by the client (individual
route-to message send request
StatusUpdateTime DateTime DateTime The time when the status was last
updated on the server.
SuccessfulOperationsCount Integer Integer The number of operations
processed successfully.
MessageIds Integer [] Integer [] The message identifiers associated
with a failed record.
RecordId Integer Integer The index of the failed record.
VehicleIds Integer [] Integer [] The vehicle identifiers associated
with a failed record.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Allows a message to be sent to the Vehicle(s) which will instruct the MDT to delete all Text
Messages on the device. You must specify at least one Vehicle Id in this method call.
Unrecognised or invalid Vehicle Ids will see the OperationStatus return False and list of problem
Vehicle Ids identified in the associated StatusMessage.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

VehicleId Guid The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method provides the ability to set the values on the serial ConEx port of a Vehicle. The
method can be used on a per Vehicle basis only.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

VehicleId Guid Valid Vehicle Id for which the ConEx port is to be configured
SessionId String Valid session returned from DoLogin method
ChannelEnum 5 Int
OutputSetting 5 Boolean
SerialOutput 5 Base64Binary
SatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be queued for
sending over satellite if the vehicle goes out of coverage. The
default is false.

This information is available from the GetConExConfigurationsByVehicles Method

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

DoSendForms allows one or more Form Instances to be sent to one or more vehicles. This API is
also performing following validations on service side:
5) Validate whether form feature is enabled on all recipients
6) Validate whether form is sent according to latest form definition
7) Validate filled form for each of its field against the latest form definition
8) Validate whether form is not sent by driver

Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to
the MNav. If you still want to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue
class empty.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which one or more forms need
to be send to one or more vehicles
SendFormInstanceMessages XML List of SendFormInstanceMessage object- see
supplementary table below for details. One
SendFormInstanceMessage object will represent
one form that needs to be sent to one or more

Culture String Culture is used to get location details especially

for forms sent which are having address field.
Supported culture list can be found at :
All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Culture field needs to be set
when forms sent are having address field.

XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to correlate
the forms between request and response.
FormNumber int Its unique number to identify a form within
DefinitionNumber String Its unique number to identify version of the
Form within fleet.
BaseFieldValues XML Field Values collection defined for each form
sent. It will be list of BaseFieldValue object - see
supplementary table below for details
RecipientIds Guid[] Targeted vehicles to which form would be sent

XML Element : BaseFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

ValueToString String Represent field value as string.

Field value types supported by form feature and their respected classes are as follows:
Field Value Type Class Name
Decimal DecimalFieldValue
String StringFieldValue
Address AddressFieldValue
Date DateFieldValue
Time TimeFieldValue
DateTime DateTimeFieldValue
Select SelectFieldValue
Checkbox CheckBoxFieldValue
Signature SignatureFieldValue

Each of above field Value type is derived from “BaseFieldValue” class.

While sending forms, the field value collection (BaseFieldValue[ ]) of form would be filled with
objects of field value types mentioned above. The type of field value class while filling up field
value collection of form can be derived by form definition which is being used to send a
particular form. Detailed explanation for each of field value class as follows:

XML Element : DecimalFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition
Value Decimal Represent decimal field value

XML Element : StringFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent string field value

XML Element : AddressFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent address of location

Lat Float Represent latitude of location

Lon Float Represent longitude of location
Note: All above properties should be reverse-geocoded.

XML Element : DateFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : TimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent time field value
Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date-time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : SelectFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent value selected by user from given set
of values (i.e. from DropDownList box).

XML Element : CheckBoxFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String A ‘/’ separated string representing the selected
checkboxes. Even if checkbox from the list isn’t
checked an empty ‘/’ should be entered. E.g.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SendFormsOperationStatuses XML List of SendFormsOperationStatus object
– see supplementary table below for
details. One SebdFormsOperationStatus

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 130/362

object will represent status of one form
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SendFormsOperationStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to
correlate the forms between request and
FormErrorMessages XML List of Message Object - see
supplementary table below for details.
Contains validation error messages
related to form definition (i.e. whether
form is sent according to latest form
definition, form-field level validation
errors etc).
RecipientStatuses XML List of RecipientStatus object- see
supplementary table below for details.
Contains status of form sent recipient
wise. One RecipientStatus object will
represent status of form sent to one

FormInstanceResults XML List of FormInstanceResult object- see

supplementary table below for details.
Contains Form Instance Identifiers for
form sent successfully to one or more
One FormInstanceResult object will
represent one Form Instance Identifier.
Status Int Represents overall status of form sent to
one or more recipients. Following is value
description of this property :
1 - Form message is sent successfully to
all targeted recipients.
2 - Form message is sent partially to
one/some of targeted recipients.
(-1) - Form message is not sent any of
targeted recipients.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 131

XML Element : Message

Attribute Type Result Definition

MessageCode Int Message Code for validation error

FieldName String Name of form field which causes validation


XML Element : RecipientStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

RecipientID Guid Recipient ID of vehicle to which form would
be sent

VehicleErrorMessages XML List of Message Object - see supplementary

table above for details.
Contains validation error messages related
to vehicle (i.e. whether form feature is
enabled on targeted vehicle or not etc.)
Status Boolean Whether form sent successfully to this
vehicle or not

XML Element : FormInstanceResult

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier for form sent
successfully to vehicle

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples
GetSentFormsStatus retrieves the status of one or form instances sent to one or more vehicles.
It would return form instance latest statuses’ along with all its previous status changes with
their timestamps. Possible statuses are as follows:
- Not received by driver
- Received by driver
- Read by driver (if read receipt is enabled).

If latest status for one of form instance sent to particular vehicle is “Read by driver” then
response would return in following order of status changes along with their timestamp when
they got changed:
4) Read by driver
5) Received by driver
6) Not received by driver

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which statuses for sent forms
need to be retrieved
FormInstanceIDs Guid Form Instance IDs for which their current status
along with all previous statuses need to be known
and timestamps of each status change

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SentFormsStatuses XML List of SentFormsStatus object – see
supplementary table below for details. One
SentFormsStatus object will represent one
sent form status detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed
again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record set.
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SentFormsStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier. It would represent
one form instance get inserted into DB for one
Statuses XML List of status changes for one particular form
instance along with timestamp. It will be
represented by FormInstanceStatus object –
see supplementary table below for details

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

Status Enum FormStatus can be “NotReceivedbyDriver”,
“ReceivedbyDriver” or “ReadbyDriver”

StatusDateTime DateTime The timestamp on which particular status got


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

UpdateVehicleCustomStatus is used to update custom status for vehicle. User will use this
method to manage custom status for vehicle. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle custom status needs to be
VehicleID Guid Vehicle for which custom status needs to be updated
CustomStatus string Custom status which will be assigned to targeted

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
SendMNavMessage is used by Third Party services to communicate with Third Party
Applications which are installed on the M-NAV. For this API to be successfully used, the
Third Party application must be installed and enabled on the target M-NAV.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) which the vehicle(s) belong to. Messages
can only be sent to fleets which the PI User has access
MNavAppID short A Teletrac Navman assigned Application ID to identify
the Third Party Application.
Messages DeviceMessage A list of messages to send to the M-NAV.

XML Element : DeviceMessage

Parameter Type Definition

MessageID String (8) A user defined message ID of up to 8 characters
Must be unique for different messages to the same
MessageType unsignedByte An optional type for Third Party application use.
Priority short Not used.
TTL dateTime Not used.
VehicleIDs List of Guids The VehicleIDs of the Vehicles to send this message
MessageBody base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary payload to send to the
vehicles, of up to 102,400 bytes.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
This method is very similar to GetPeriodActivity() with few differences for addressing late
arriving data. This method was specifically added to resovle LDV-62062. The limitation with
GetPeriodActivity() is that it can miss some lower versions activities when a consumer supplies
an elevated “Version” parameter due to late arriving data present in result set returned by any
previous calls.

Note: due to technical issues found in LDV-87902, support for parameter

“PreviousCallEndTime” was removed. Currently this method does not fully resolve issue of
missing events due to late arriving data.

The main differences between GetPeriodActivity() and this method are as follows.
5. Fetches activities for all vehicles for the given fleet.
6. GetPeriodActivity() does not return any activities with a lower timestamp than the
version given in request. This method provides a way to override such behavior. Using
the “PreviousCallEndTime” parameter, consumer can specify that any activities that
occurred after “PreviousCallEndTime” should be returned irrespective of their versions.
As noted earlier, currently this parameter is ignored by server.
7. Returns additional “RequestPeriodEndTime” field in result set that can be used to set up
next call to this method.
8. Returns private events

This method provides detailed information for all the specified vehicle(s) belonging to given
fleet e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc. for the specified period. This method
extracts significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use
of the Published Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways
to use this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Specify valid OwnerId(s) (available from the GetOwners method)
for the fleet
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
PreviousCallEndTime DateTime Obsolete. Ignored by server. Specifies the value of EndTime
parameter supplied in previous invocation of this API. For
intial very first call, set it equal to EndTime. For subsequent
calls, set it equal to
“RequestPeriodEndTime” returned in response.
MaximumSerializable Enumerat (Optional) The maximum event sub type understood by the
EventSubType ion client. If not supplied, it defaults to
E, which was introduced in AVL 11.1.
If supplied, all event sub types up to, and including the specified
MaximumSerializableEventSubType are returned.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleActivity XML Detailed Information on the activity
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is
returned. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the
last known Version
RequestPeriodEndTime DateTime DateTime Returns value of “EndTime”
parameter supplied in request.
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : VehicleActivity

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogId Guid Unique value for the Activity record
OwnerId Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet this vehicle belongs
VehicleId Long Internal Id of the Vehicle for which activity
data is required (available from the
GetVehicles method)
EventSubType String Enumeration type showing the type of alert.
Only event sub types up to AVL2 11.1
_BOUNDS_ MESSAGE ) are returned, unless
the optional parameter,
MaximumSerializable-EventSubType, is
IgnitionOn Boolea The status of the ignition signal when the
n event was recorded.
ReceivedDateTime DateTi Date / Time (in UTC) the event was delivered
me to the server
ActivityDateTime DateTi GPS time (in UTC) when the event was
me recorded
Latitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
Longitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
HDG Int GPS direction of travel in degrees when the
event was recorded
Speed Float GPS speed in km/h when the event was
MaxSpeed Float GPS max speed in km/h since previous event
was recorded
GPSValid Boolea Whether the GPS fix at time when event was
n recorded was definitive or last known
HDOP Decima GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision when
l event was recorded
NumSatellites Int GPS number of satellites used in the solution
that produced latitude/longitude
ODOMeter Decima Virtual GPS odometer
l Km*10 to the nearest 100
Wraps at 999999 i.e. 99,999.9 km
IncementalDistanc Decima Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
e l from the previous event
Trip Distance Decima Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
l from the previous ignition on event
LocationType Int One of One of the values opposite
ltNoLocation = 0
or ltNamedRoad =
1 or
= 2 or ltPOI = 3
Location String Textual description of position referred to by
latitude/longitude, differs depending on
Location Type
OffRoadMeters Double When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
distance in meters from the nearest feature
DegressBearing Int When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
bearing in degrees from the nearest feature
RegionCode String Sub parts of Location description used for
state mileage report
AreaCode String Sub parts on Location description used for
State Mileage Report
OnSiteTime Double Time the vehicle entered a site
IsUnauthorized Boolea True If the event was performed during a definable
n unauthorized period
SiteId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
DriverId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2 – this is
returned by the GetDrivers method
DriverHoursStatusI Guid Guid to a row in the Internal table
d DriverHoursStatus used in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
EventPriority String Unknown or Alerting Priority associated with the Event –
Low or as configured in the AVL2 client
LowWithAlarm or
Medium or
or High or
HighWithAlarm or
Urgent or
NamedArea String Undefined or Special reserved names (akin to sites) which
LondonCongestion are setup at deployment time – these are not
Zone or LCZ intended to be changed with any degree of
or LEZ frequency
Private Boolea Flag to indicate if the vehicle activity is in a
n Private Status trip
CommunicationCha String An Enumeration describing the
nnel communication channel over used for the
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
EventTypeDescripti String Description for Same description that is displayed in AVL
on event type reports for event type.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 140/362

This method will return a list of users in the fleet. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0
to start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) to Driver is allocated

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

UserHeader String Detailed Information of an Owner (Fleet) – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : UserHeader

Attribute Type Result Definition

UserId Guid Internal Id of the User
UserName String Name of user
FirstName String First name of the user
LastName String Last name of the user

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 140/362


This method will assign a user to the given vehicle display names. The vehicle display
name is unique across the owner/fleet and the GetUserHeaders method helps to get a list
of users in the fleet. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
AssignUser Guid User ID which will assign to vehicle(s)
Vehicles Guid Array Array of the Guid vehicles
Unassigned Boolean Flag is true which will un-assign user from the vehicle, otherwise

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array
FailedVehicleList Guid Array Array of the Guid vehicles


This method will assign a user to the given group display names. The group display name
is unique across the owner/fleet and the GetUserHeaders method helps to get a list of
users in the fleet. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
AssignUser Guid User ID which will assign to vehicle(s)
VehicleGroups Guid Array Array of the Guid groups
Unassigned Boolean Flag is true which will un-assign user from the vehicle, otherwise

Output Parameters
Attribute Type Result Definition
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array
FailedGroupList Guid Array Array of the Guid groups


This method will create a vehicle group. The group display name is unique across the
owner/fleet. The GetUserHeaders method helps to get a list of users in the fleet, the
GeVehicleGroups method helps to get a parent vehicle group ID and the DoLogin method
helps to get the SessionId and OwnerId. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerID Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
Valid OwnerId returned from DoLogin method
VehicleGroupId Guid The integrator has to provide a new Guid and fill it in this field.
e.g In Visual Studio, select tab Tools > Create GUID
ParentVehicleGroupId Guid This is a parent of the new “VehicleGroupID” and get the valid
VehicleGroupId returned from GeVehicleGroups method
DisplayName String The new vehicle group name
Description String The description of the new vehicle group name
SuppressPublishToKine Boolean Set to true. Not applicable for this version
ModifyingUserID Guid Valid UserId returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

This method will delete a vehicle group. The DoLogin method helps to get the SessionId
and OwnerId and the GetVehicleGroups method helps to get the VehicleGroupID.
Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleGroupID Guid valid VehicleGroupId returned from GeVehicleGroups method
SuppressPublishToKine Boolean Set to true. Not applicable for this version

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array


This method will update specified vehicle properties for a specified vehicle and grant user
to access to that vehicle.The DoLogin method helps to get the SessionId and OwnerId and
the GetVehicleGroups method helps to get the VehicleGroupID. Following is the detail of
the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleID Guid Internal Id for the vehicle of interest-returned from the
GetVehicles method
DisplayName String Name of the vehicle
Registration String Vehicle Registration information
UniqueVehicleID String A unique number to identify this Vehicle
Description String Descriptive text for the vehicle of interest
Notes String Remarks for the vehicle of interest
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
DefaultDriverID Guid Internal Id for driver of interest –returned from the
VehicleTypeID Guid Internal Id pointing to a defined vehicle type
VehicleGroupID Guid Internal Id that points to the group that the
Vehicle belongs to
Make String Vehicle Make
Model String Vehicle Model
Color String Vehicle Color
Year Int Vehicle Year
CountryID Int CountryID - Refer to Appendix 6
StateID Int USAStateID - refer to Appendix 6
VehicleClassID Int Vehicle Class ID – Refer to Appendix 6

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

This method allows a user to add a Driver to a specific fleet in Director via the Published
Interface. The type of Driver that the user adds to Director depends on the input parameter
‘RequestType’ which can take one of three values: ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_BASIC’,
‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_HOS’ OR ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_DRIVERID’. As the names of the Request Type values
suggest, this allows a user to add a basic Driver, a HOS Driver (requires additional information in HOS
related fields) or a Driver enabled for DriverID (requires DriverPortalUserID field).

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to add the Driver to
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_BASIC,
allow adding a basic Driver, a Driver enabled for HOS or a Driver
enabled for DriverID respectively
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
Surname String Driver Surname
IsCredentialsActive Boolean Flag to indicate whether Driver Identification Credentials are
active or not
CredentialsExpiryDate DateTime Expiration Date Time of Driver Identifiation Credentials
Time (nullable)
DriverPin String The PIN assigned to the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
DallasKeyID String Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is associated with
MultipleLoginsAllowe Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is allowed to have multiple
d Logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 141

UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UseLicenceAuthorizati Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
LicenceNumber String Driver Licence Number
LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id of Licence Class associated with the Driver Licence
ExpiryDate DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LicenceState String Driver License State
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date Time
DriverPortalUserID String User Id for the Driver Portal
RegulationID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated with the Driver
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated with the Regulation
(nullable) and Driver
TimezoneID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated with the Driver
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the Driver
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method
RestrictLogonPINInUse Boolean Indicates whether the Driver is restricted to login on multiple
vehicles. True confirms they are not.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method works on similar parameters to the AddDriverByType method,
but it instead allows a user to update a Driver’s details instead of adding a new Driver. The
Driver is identified using OwnerId and DriverId. Dependent on the input parameters, the user
can update both basic and HOS Drivers using this method. If a Driver is not enabled for HOS,
none of the HOS related input parameters need to be provided since these won’t make any
changes to the non-HOS Driver. If an Input parameter is empty or null, it will save empty or
null respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver belongs to
DriverID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
Surname String Driver Surname
DriverPin String The PIN assigned to the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
IsCredentialsActive Boolean Flag to indicate whether Driver Identification Credentials are
active or not
CredentialExpiryDate DateTime? Nullable DateTimeField, to determine expiry date for the Driver. If
IsCredentialsActive is false then CredentialExpiryDate is wiped
DallasKeyID String Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is associated with
MultipleLoginsAllowe Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is allowed to have multiple
d Logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UseLicenceAuthorizati Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
LicenceNumber String Driver Licence Number
LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id of Licence Class associated with the Driver Licence
Expiry DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LicenceState String Driver License State
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date Time
RegID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated with the Driver
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated with the Regulation
and Driver
TzUID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated with the Driver
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the Driver
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method
RestrictLogonPINI Bool Indicates whether the Driver is restricted to login on multiple
nUse ean vehicles. True confirms they are not.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves the Status Logs from the HOS Service where the
Status Timestamp of the Status Log is between a Start and End Date Time defined by the user.
The user can choose to select all Status Logs in the date range on a per Fleet or per Driver basis
by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Daily
Logs based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDriverDailyLogs XML Array of HOSDriverDailyLog objects –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSDriverDailyLogs

Attribute Type Result Definition

NextEventTypes Int Array List of Next Event Types from Driver’s
current violation
DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated with
the Driver Daily Log
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Daily Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Driver Daily Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of HOS Status of the Driver Daily
HOSStatus Int HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the Status Log
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle Location County
Country String Vehicle Location Country
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the Status Log
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method works in a similar way to the GetHOSDriverDailyLogs method,
but instead retrieves the Edit History records, derived from the Status Logs, from the HOS
Service where the timestamp of the last edit is between a Start and End Date Time defined by
the user. The user can choose to select all Edit History records in the date range on a per Fleet
or per Driver basis by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Log Edit
Records based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Log Edit
Records from
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Log Edit
Records from
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDriverLogEditRecords XML Array of HOSDriverLogEditRecord
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects >
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should
Array be removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly
Returned Objects >
StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSDriverLogEditRecords

Attribute Type Result Definition

NewHOSStatus Int New HOS Status for the Status Log
NewStatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of the new HOS Status
DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Edit History record
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with
the Edit History record
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated
with the Edit History record
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Status Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Status Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of the old HOS Status
HOSStatus Int Old HOS Status
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the Edit
History record
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle County Location
Country String Vehicle Country Location
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the edited Status Log record

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve DVIRs (Driver Vehicle Inspection
Reports) from the DVIR Service. The user can choose to select DVIRs within a set time range,
defined by the StartDateUTC and EndDateUTC parameters, or the user can choose to use either
or both of these parameters as null to leave the time range open ended. The user can either
search for DVIRs by Fleet, Vehicle, or Driver as long as they have provided a valid OwnerId,
VehicleId or DriverId respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’, ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Driver’ to get Vehicle
DVIRs based on OwnerId(s), VehicleId(s) or DriverId(s)
IDs Guid Unique Id(s) associated with the Driver/Fleet/Vehicle (dependent
Array on the value of RequestType)
StatusType Int Status Type of the DVIR – input to only get DVIRs with this this
(nullable) specific Status Type, otherwise all DVIRs are retrieved
StartDateUTC DateTime Start Date Time of period to retrieve DVIR records within. Leave
(nullable) as null to leave the Start Date Time open ended
EndDateUTC DateTime End Date Time of period to retrieve DVIR records within. Leave as
(nullable) null to leave the End Date Time open ended
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleDVIRs XML Array of VehicleDVIR objects – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : VehicleDVIRs

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReportID String Id of the Report
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with
the DVIR
VehicleName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated
with the DVIR
DriverID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with
the DVIR

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 150/362

Trailer1 String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
Trailer2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
EventDate DateTime Event Date of the DVIR
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address
Odometer Double Vehicle Odometer
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
Summary String Summary
EventLogID Long Id of the Event Log associated with the
StatusType Int Id of the Status Type during the update
UpdateTypeID Int Id of the Update Type
Comments String Comments made with the update
UpdateID Long Id of the last update
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet containing the
DVIR record
FirstName String Driver First Name
LastName String Driver Last Name
StatusDescription String Description of the Status Type
UpdateTypeDescription String Description of the Update Type

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method has been provided to allow a user (in particular, a Mechanic as the name suggests)
to make an update to the DVIR via the Published Interface. The user can provide a ReportID of
the DVIR they would like to update, as well as an Update Type Id, a Status Type and comments
which will be used to update the DVIR and will go into the update history. The user must also
provide a valid OwnerId that the DVIR belongs to.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ReportID String Id of the Report to update
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the DVIR record will be placed into
UpdateTypeID Int Id of the Update Type
StatusType Int Id of the Status Type to update to

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 151

Comments String Comments made with the update
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a user to retrieve Engine Hours readings for a Vehicle via the Published
Interface. The Engine Hours reading is a total of all Engine Hours accumulated within a date and
time range, specified using the StartDateUTC and EndDateUTC parameters. The user can
choose to leave either or both of these nulls to make the date and time range open ended e.g.
leaving StartDateUTC null will retrieve the Engine Hours accumulated from all records up until
the date and time specified by the EndDateUTC. The user can choose to retrieve Engine Hours
for one or more Fleets/Vehicles, dependent on the value of the RequestType enum and
provided they have given valid OwnerId(s)/VehicleId(s) respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

IDs Guid Unique Id(s) associated with the Fleet/Vehicle (dependent on the
Array value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Vehicle’ to get Vehicle Engine
Hours based on OwnerId(s) or VehicleId(s) respectively
StartDateUTC DateTime Start Date Time of period to retrieve Vehicle Engine Hours
(nullable) records within. Leave as null to leave the Start Date Time open
EndDateUTC DateTime End Date Time of period to retrieve Vehicle Engine Hours records
(nullable) within. Leave as null to leave the End Date Time open ended
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Results XML Array of VehicleEngineHours objects
– see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : Results

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle the Engine Hours
reading has been taken from
EngineHours Double Total Engine Hours reported within the
specified Start and End Date Time period
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle is
associated with
LastRecalibrationDate DateTime Date Time of the last Engine Hours

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve HOS enabled Drivers for a Fleet by
specifying an OwnerId. However, the method isn’t confined to only retrieving HOS enabled
Drivers – it will retrieve all active Drivers for the Fleet specified by the OwnerId, but if the Driver
does have HOS enabled then HOS related fields will be retrieved also.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerId Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Drivers are associated with
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Drivers XML Array of HOSDriver objects – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : Drivers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverFullName String Full Name of the Driver
DriverID Guid Id associated with the Driver
DallasKeyID Guid Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is
associated with
DriverGroupName String Display Name of the group the Driver is
associated with
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
LastName String Driver Last Name
DriverPIN String The PIN assigned to the Driver
MultipleLoginsAllowed Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is
allowed to have multiple logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UserLicenseAuthorization Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
UserID Guid User Id associated with the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
LicenseNumber String Driver License Number
LicenseClass String Class of the Driver License
RegID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated
with the Driver
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the type of the Regulation
associated with the Driver
TzUID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated
with the Driver
LicenseState String Driver License State
ExpiryDate DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle
associated with the Regulation and
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the
CarrierID Guid Unique Id of the Carrier associated with
the Driver
CarrierName String Display Name of the Carrier associated
with the Driver
StreetAddress String Carrier Street Address Line 1
StreetAddress2 String Carrier Street Address Line 2
City String Carrier City Location
State String Carrier State Location
Zip String Carrier ZIP Code
Country String Carrier Country
DotNumber String Carrier DOT Number

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves all HOS Profile Tables and their related fields. A valid
OwnerId is required since the Terminal table contains data which is unique to a Fleet. However,
the other tables (Regulations, Regulation Types, Regulation Cycles, Time Zones and Status
Definitions) are not unique at a fleet level, so a call to GetHOSProfileTables will retrieve the
same data for these tables regardless of the OwnerId provided.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the HOS Profile Table records are
associated with
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverTimeZones XML Array of DriverTimeZone objects –
see supplementary table below for
RegulationTypes XML Array of RegulationType objects – see
supplementary table below for
TerminalData XML Array of HOSTerminal objects – see
supplementary table below for
StatusDefinitions XML Array of StatusDefinition objects –
see supplementary table below
for details
UniqueRegulations XML Array of UniqueRegulation objects –
see supplementary table below for
Regulations XML Array of RegulationWithMetaData
objects – see supplementary
table below for details
Carrier XML Carrier object – see supplementary
table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : DriverTimeZones

Attribute Type Result Definition

TzUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Time Zone
TzDisplayName String Display Name of the Timezone
TzStandardName String Standard Name of the Timezone
TzOffset Int Timezone offset against UTC
TzDLS Int Flag to indicate whether the Timezone is
using Daylight Saving or not
Comment String Comment about the Timezone

XML Element : RegulationTypes

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RegTypeID Int Id associated with the Regulation Type
RegTypeName String Display Name of the Regulation Type
XML Element : TerminalData

Attribute Type Result Definition

TerminalName String Display Name of the Terminal
TerminalID Int Id associated with the Terminal
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Terminal Data
record is associated with

XML Element : StatusDefinitions

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSStatus Int Id of the HOS Status
Definition String Definition of the HOS Status

XML Element : UniqueRegulations

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegName String Display Name of the Regulation
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Type associated
with the Regulation
RegID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RuleID Int Regulation Rule Id

XML Element : Regulations

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RegName String Display Name of the Regulation
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated
with the Regulation
CycleDay Int Cycle Day value of Regulation Cycle
MaxDay Int Max Day value of Regulation Cycle
RegTypeName String Display Name of the Regulation Type
associated with the Regulation
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Type associated
with the Regulation

XML Element : Carrier

Attribute Type Result Definition
CarrierID Guid Unique Id associated with the Carrier
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Carrier is
associated with
CarrierName String Display Name of the Carrier
StreetAddress String Carrier Street Address Line 1
StreetAddress2 String Carrier Street Address Line 2
City String Carrier City Location
State String Carrier State Location
Zip String Carrier ZIP Code
Country String Carrier Country
DotNumber String Carrier DOT Number

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves all the calculated timer information related to HOS
Drivers that is available on the HOS screen of Director. The user can choose to retrieve HOS
Timers for a specific Driver or for all Drivers in a Fleet, given that they have provided a valid
DriverId or OwnerId respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Timers based
on OwnerId(s) or DriverId(s) respectively
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSTimers XML Array of HOSTimers objects – see
supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSTimers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
OnDutyTimeAvailable Int On Duty time available for the current
shift minus the On Duty time used for the
current shift (in minutes)
OnDutyDrivingTime Int On Duty Driving time available for the
Available current shift minus the On Duty Driving
time used for the current shift (in minutes)
SevenEightCycleTime Int 7/8 Day Cycle time available for the
Available current shift minus the 7/8 Day Cycle time
used for the current shift (in minutes)
ThirtyFourHourReset DateTime Date Time of the last 34 Hour Reset
OnDutyTimer Int Daily On Duty timer (in minutes)
OnDutyDrivingTimer Int Daily On Duty Driving timer (in minutes)
SleeperBerthTimer Int Daily Sleeper Berth timer (in minutes)
OffDutyTimer Int Daily Sleeper Berth timer plus daily Off
Duty timer (in minutes)
MilesDrivenOnCurrent Double Miles driven on the current day’s cycle
MilesDrivenFromLast Double Miles driven since the last 34 hour reset

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 160/362


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve Driver and Vehicle related tables for a
specified Fleet, given that the user has provided a valid OwnerId. The method retrieves data for
the Vehicle Types, Vehicle Groups, Driver Licence Classes and Driver Groups in a Fleet.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver/Vehicle tables belong to
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

LicenceClasses XML Array of LicenceClass objects – see
supplementary table below for
DriverGroups XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
VehicleTypes XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
VehicleGroups XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable

Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 161

RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : LicenceClasses

Attribute Type Result Definition

LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id associated with the Licence Class
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Licence Class
records belong to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Licence Class
Description String Description of the Licence Class
Deleted Boolean Indicates whether the LicenceClass has
been deleted or not
AuthorizedVehicleT XML Array of VehicleType objects – see
ypeList supplementary table below for details

XML Element : AuthorizedVehicleTypeList

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleTypeID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle Type
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle Type
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Type
Description String Description of the Vehicle Type
Color Int Color of the Vehicle Type
IconKey String Key of the Icon that represents the Vehicle
Type on the Map View
IdleMetres Single Idle Metres for Vehicle Type
IdleMinutes Int Idle Minutes for Vehicle Type
FuelEfficiency Single Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle Type
CO2EmissionsFactor Single CO2 Emissions Factor for Vehicle Type
FuelType Boolean Fuel Type for Vehicle Type
XML Element : DriverGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

ParentDisplayName String Display Name of the Parent Driver Group
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver Group
ParentDriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the Parent Driver Group
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver Group
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Driver Group
Deleted Boolean Indicates if the Driver Group has been
deleted or not

XML Element : VehicleTypes

Attribute Type Result Definition

FuelTypeDescription String Description of the Fuel Type for the Vehicle
VehicleTypeID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle Type
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle
Types belong to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Type
Description String Description of the Vehicle Type
Color Int Color of the Vehicle Type
IconKey String Key of the Icon that represents the Vehicle
Type on the Map View
IdleMetres Single Idle Metres for Vehicle Type
IdleMinutes Int Idle Minutes for Vehicle Type
FuelEfficiency Single Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle Type
CO2EmissionsFactor Single CO2 Emissions Factor for Vehicle Type
FuelType Boolean Fuel Type for Vehicle Type

XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

ParentDisplayName String Display Name of the Parent Vehicle Group

VehicleGroupId Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle

ParentVehicleGroupId Guid Unique Id of the Parent Vehicle Group
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet the Vehicle Group
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Group
Description String Description of the Vehicle Group

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.


This method provides the harsh acceleration, harsh braking, harsh cornering, speeding, and stop-
sign violations for the specified vehicle(s) and/or driver(s) for the specified period. This method
extracts significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use of
the Published Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways to use
this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
RequestType String Set to either ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Driver’ depending on whether it is
primarily a vehicle-based query or primarily a driver-based query.
This will not affect the content of the output, but could potentially
impact performance if set incorrectly. For example, if you wish to
retrieve the events for a single vehicle and multiple drivers, the
request type should be set to ‘Vehicle’. On the other hand, if you
wish to retrieve the events for a single driver and multiple vehicles,
then it should be set to ‘Driver’. If there are similar numbers of
vehicles and driver, then it should be set to ‘Vehicle’, as vehicle-
based queries are generally more efficient than driver-based
queries unless there are significantly more vehicles than drivers.
OwnerID Guid Specify valid OwnerID (available from the GetOwners method)

VehicleIDs Guid Specify valid VehicleID(s) (available from the GetVehicles method)

DriverIDs Guid Specify valid DriverID(s) (available from the GetDrivers method)

StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period

EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period

EventType Int Specify a valid event type:

-1 = All Events, 2 = Harsh Braking, 3 = Harsh Acceleration, 4 = Harsh
Cornering, 5 = Stop Sign Violation, 6 = Speeding
Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Events XML Detailed information for each event –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Whether or not more events are
available. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the last
known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was


XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

OwnerID Guid Identifies the Owner / Fleet

VehicleID Guid Identifies the Vehicle

DriverID Guid Identifies the Driver

EventTypeID Int 2 = Harsh Braking, 3 = Harsh Acceleration, 4 = Harsh

Cornering, 5 = Stop Sign Violation, 6 = Speeding
Duration Double The duration of the event (in seconds)

Location String The address where the event occurred

SiteID Guid Identifies the site where the event occurred

Latitude Double The latitude (in degrees) where the event occurred

Longitude Double The longitude (in degrees) where the event occurred

PeakSpeed Double The peak speed (KPH) during the event

PostedSpeed Double The posted speed limit (KPH) where the event
Workflow Service API


This Published Interface method retrieves Plan Templates from WorkflowService for a
specific fleet. User should provide a valid OwnerId. Plan Template provides attribute
information in order to upload route through WorkflowService and flow it to MNav
devices, so that drivers can accept and start the route.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to get plan templates.
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

OwnerID parameter is mandatory.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Templates Template Cantains List of templates available in
the fleet.
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus


Attribute Type Result Definition

TemplateID Guid Unique identifier for plan template set while creating
a profile.
Name String Its unique name in the fleet to identify template
within fleet.
Description String Description of the template.

OwnerID Guid Unique identifier for the fleet.

IsActive bool Flag determines if template is active or inactive.

Attributes List<Templ Holds list of attributes available for the template


Attribute Type Result Definition

AttributeID Guid Unique identifier for template Attribute.

IsMandatory bool It determines if attribute is mandatory for route

InternalName String Unique name for the attribute across the
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is
exposed to customer.

DataTypeFormat string It holds data type format which is be displayed in

UI or MNav.
DataType AttributeD It determines DataType of the attribute.
ObjectType WorkflowOb It determines ObjectType of the attribute.(Route,
jectType Stop or Task)
PredefinedList List<Attri It determines predefinedList of values attribute
butePredef can hold.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a user to upload single route with multiple stops and at least one
single tasks for each stop. Once uploaded Driver can search route in MNav device and
proceed with the route.

Input Parameters
Parameter Type Definition

RouteAttributes Attribute Contains list of attributes for route.

Stops Stop Contains list of Stop object
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method


Parameter Type Definition

StopAttributes Attribute Contains list of attributes for Stop.

Tasks Task Contains list of tasks for one stop.


Parameter Type Definition

TaskAttributes Attribute Contains list of attributes for Task.


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Attribute Unique identifier for an Attribute
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is exposed to

NumericValue Single? Numeric value of the attribute

StringValue String String value of the attribute
DateTimeValue DateTime Datetime value of the attribute
LatValue Decimal Latitude value of the attribute
LongValue Decimal Longitude value of the attribute
GuidValue Guid Guid value of the attribute
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeO DatetimeOffset value of the attribute
Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ImportErrors ImportPla

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned

Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

This method allows a user to pull the tasks for given plan template. It provides with
details of all the action (form) definition.
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

TemplateID Guid Unique identifier for the template, which you receive by calling
GetPlanTemplates API.
OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Tasks WorkflowTasks List of workflow tasks see below table
more details
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array


Parameter Type Definition

TaskID Guid Unique identifier for an Task
TaskName string Task name
Actions WorkflowAction List of actions(forms) for this task see below table for
more details


Parameter Type Definition

ActionID Guid Unique identifier for an Action(form)
Name string Action/form name
ActionFields ActionField List of fields within the action(form) see below table for
more details


Parameter Type Definition

ActionFieldID Guid Unique identifier for an identifying a field on the form
ActionFieldTypeID ActionFieldType Enum (Button, Label, Dropdown, Textbox,
ActionFieldDataTypeID AttributeDataType Enum (Alphanumeric, Date, Time, Numeric etc.)
ActionFieldDataTypeFo DataTypeFormat Enum
Format String
Label String Label of the field on the form
ActionFieldValues ActionFieldValue Will be populated for collection control like dropdown


Parameter Type Definition

ActionFieldValueID Guid Unique identifier for an item in collection
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID AttributeDataType
NumericValue Single Will be populate if
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID is numeric
StringValue String Will be populate if
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID is alphanumeric
DateTimeValue Datetime Will be populate if
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID is datetime

This method allows a user to pull the workflow task updates across various workflows
within the fleet for specified time range.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet
DateTimeFrom Datetime DateTime from for querying the workflow updates
DateTimeTo DateTime Datetime to for querying the workflow updates
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with
the Fleet
WorkflowTaskUpdate WorkflowTaskUpdate See below table more
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2:
Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2:
Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage


Parameter Type Definition

RouteUpdates RouteUpdate List of route updates within the date range


Parameter Type Definition

TemplateID Guid The template which is used to import the route
RouteInstanceID Guid Unique ID to identify the route
RouteActivities Activity Route level tasks like Route Accepted, Activated, Started,
Completed, Abandoned, Rejected. For details of Activity
see table below
TaskActivities Activity Route level manual tasks will be null if you no manual
InstanceAttributes InstanceAttribute List of all the mandatory attributes for this route given at
the time of import
StopUpdates StopUpdate List of stop updates within this route


Parameter Type Definition

StopInstanceID Guid Unique ID to identify the stop
StopActivities Activity Stop level tasks like Stop Arrived, Departed etc.
InstanceAttributes InstanceAttribute List of all the mandatory attributes for this stop given at
the time of import
TaskUpdates TaskUpdate List of task update within this route


Parameter Type Definition

TaskInstanceID Guid Unique ID to identify the task
TaskActivities Activity Task level tasks like Task Complete, Incomplete
InstanceAttributes InstanceAttribute List of all the mandatory attributes for this stop given at
the time of import


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Guid Unique ID of an attribute
NumericValue Real Will be populate if attribute is of type numeric
DateTimeValue Datetime Will be populate if attribute is of type datetime
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeOffset Will be populate if attribute is of type datetime has value
with the time zone offset
StringValue String Will be populate if attribute is of type string

Parameter Type Definition

ActivityDateTime Datetime Local datetime when the activity happened
ActivityDateTimeUTC Datetime UTC date time when the activity happened
VehicleID Guid
DriverID Guid
EventStatus EventStatus Enum (RouteActivated, Started, Stop Arrived etc)
Latitude Decimal Location where the activity happened
Longitude Decimal Location where the activity happened
ActivityDetails ActivityDetail Will have the form data submitted by the drive app. See
table below more details.


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Guid(nullable) AttributeID
ActionID Guid Action/form unqiue ID (should match with
ActionFieldID Guid ActionField unique ID
NumericValue Single (nullable) If field is of numeric type
StringValue String If field is of string type
DateTimeValue Datetime (nullable) If field is date time type. Local time
DateTimeOffsetValue Datetime (nullable) If field is date time type
LatValue Decimal (nullable) If field is geolocation type
LongValue Decimal (nullable) If field is geolocation type


This Published Interface method assigns an existing route to a vehicle. Any route before
activation on mobile device can be assigned to a vehicle. Route Planned, Route Assigned,
Route Accepted and Route Decline statuses occur before activating a vehicle.
 Route can be assigned to a vehicle before Activation of the route.
 Route Assigned message is sent to vehicle after updating on server.
 Route Unassigned message is sent if route is already associated with a vehicle.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to get plan templates.
TemplateID Guid Unique Id associated with plan template of the route which should be
VehicleName String Vehicle’s Displayname to which route is supposed to be assigned.
Attributes Attribute AttributeId to identify route. (RouteID attribute)
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Parameter Type Definition
AttributeID Attribute Unique identifier for an Attribute
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is exposed to

NumericValue Single? Numeric value of the attribute

StringValue String String value of the attribute
DateTimeValue DateTime Datetime value of the attribute
LatValue Decimal Latitude value of the attribute
LongValue Decimal Longitude value of the attribute
GuidValue Guid Guid value of the attribute
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeO DatetimeOffset value of the attribute

Output Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array


This Published Interface method cancels an existing route in a fleet.

1) Route can be cancelled before completion of route.
2) If route is already assigned to vehicle cancellation message is sent to the vehicle after
cancelling on the server
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to get plan templates.
TemplateID Guid Unique Id associated with plan template of the route which should be
Attributes Attribute AttributeId to identify route. (RouteID attribute)
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Attribute Unique identifier for an Attribute
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is exposed to

NumericValue Single? Numeric value of the attribute

StringValue String String value of the attribute
DateTimeValue DateTime Datetime value of the attribute
LatValue Decimal Latitude value of the attribute
LongValue Decimal Longitude value of the attribute
GuidValue Guid Guid value of the attribute
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeO DatetimeOffset value of the attribute

Output Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

Recommended Usage
This section provides recommended usage patterns for the Published Interface. These
guidelines are aimed at working within the usage and data thresholds established to ensure a
Published Interface user can get what they need from the Teletrac Navman system in the most
practical way possible.

All methods available through the Published Interface would follow the following typical

DoRequest request = new DoRequest();

request.Session = new SessionInfo();
request.Session.SessionId = SessionId;
// set other request items here
DoResponse response = _service.DoRequest(request);
bool status = response.OperationStatus;

where DoRequest and DoResponse represent the appropriate objects for the method being

The SessionId will always be required for all commands (with the exception of the Login
process wherein the SessionId will be generated to serve as an Authorization token for
succeeding requests. In the login process, although the SessionId will not be supplied in the
request process the session would still have to be initialized as seen in the following line:

request.Session = new SessionInfo();

The status Boolean value means that the request was accepted by the server and processed
successfully. This serves as an acknowledgement to the request.
Retrieving Reference / Static Data
All IDs are immutable so there is no need to continually fetch them each session. The call to
DoLogin returns the session id. The session id is then used by all subsequent calls. Every call
except for DoLogin takes a SessionID as a mandatory parameter.

Function Versioned Parameters Comments

DoLogin No UserName Only needs to be called once to begin the
Password session
GetOwners Yes Version The first time this is called, pass a version
number of 0 and you will receive a list of
owners relevant to the provided login
details. It is not necessary to call this every
login, but any time you wish to check for
changes you can call passing in the version
number last returned.
GetVehicles Yes OwnerId
DoLogoff No Used to end the session

Retrieving Dynamic Data

Accessing dynamic data such as vehicle activity and messaging can be done in controlled bursts.
Here are some typical examples of how to access such data:

Retrieving regular reporting of Vehicle Activity

To maintain a regular log of all activity reported by the vehicle use the GetPeriodActivity
method in the following way.

Function Versioned Parameters Comments

DoLogin No UserName Only needs to be called once to begin the
Password session
GetOwners Yes Version The first time this is called, pass a version
number of 0 and you will receive a list of
owners relevant to the provided login
details. It is not necessary to call this every
login, but any time you wish to check for
changes you can call passing in the version
number last returned.
GetPeriodActivity Yes OwnerId StartDateTime (in UTC)
Version EndDateTime (in UTC)
RequestType (Owner or Vehicle)
List of ID’s (Vehicle or Owner depending
on Request Type)
5 mins lapse
GetPeriodActivity Yes OwnerI StartDateTime
d EndDateTime (in UTC)
Version RequestType (Owner or Vehicle)
List of ID’s (Vehicle or Owner depending
on Request Type)
DoLogoff No Used to end the session

It is recommended that this sequence of Methods is run every 60secs.

Retrieving regular reporting of Messages

Messages sent from the Vehicle will be less frequent than information automatically collected
from the vehicle i.e. activity data. As a result the concept used to extract regular activity data is
used but follows a less frequent timetable. Overall this approach maintains a workable balance
between too many method calls and large volumes of data.

Function Versioned Parameters Comments

DoLogin No UserName Only needs to be called once to begin the
Password session
GetOwners Yes Version The first time this is called, pass a version
number of 0 and you will receive a list of
owners relevant to the provided login
details. It is not necessary to call this every
login, but any time you wish to check for
changes you can call passing in the version
number last returned.
GetMessages Yes OwnerID Gets the messages that were sent in a
FromDateTime given time window
(in UTC)
(in UTC)
5 mins lapse
GetMessages Yes OwnerID Gets the messages that were sent in a
FromDateTime given time window
(in UTC)
(in UTC)
DoLogoff No Used to end the session

Providing regular reporting of Vehicle Status

Use the GetVehicleSnapshots method to retrieve what you want to see. It is assumed that any
frequency polling more than a 3-5min cycle would not be required on the basis that the Client
application would be used to do this. Published Interface Users are advised to run checks every
5 minutes to maintain status of a vehicle.

Function Versioned Parameters Comments

DoLogin No UserName Only needs to be called once to begin the
Password session
GetVehicleSnapShots Yes OwnerId Gets the last known details for all the
Version owners vehicles. Store current version
number returned
5 mins lapse
GetVehicleSnapShots Yes OwnerId Gets the last known details for all the
Version owners vehicles if they have been
updated since the last version. This may
return none if no status change has been
5 mins lapse
GetVehicleSnapShots Yes OwnerId Gets the last known details for all the
Version owners vehicles if they have been
updated since the last version. This may
return none if no status change has been
DoLogOff No Used to end the session
Important Information
The following section outlines some important information regarding how the Teletrac Navman
system works and should be considered in any usage of the Published Interface.

Vehicle Event Timing

The time of any event in the system is generally when the event occurred, and not when the
server received them. This is a key concept to understand. Vehicles have a large amount of
onboard memory to store data whilst they are out of coverage areas. When they are back ‘on
the network’ they will publish all the stored data into the database. This means that if you call a
method that has a date/time component, for instance GetPeriodActivity with a time window of
all day yesterday for instance, you cannot assume that this list will not change. A vehicle can
come back onto the network and update the server with historical data.

Entity Versions
Many of the datasets honor the concept of a ‘version’. This is in place to restrict the need for
unnecessarily transferring data that has not changed.

When a call is made to a Web Method, a version number for the result set is returned. This is
simply an ‘arbitrary’ incrementing integer (monotonically increasing 64Bit Integer). You cannot
rely on any patterns in this number except that it is always increasing. The next time the same
query is made with the same parameters, you provide the version number you were returned
last time. If no changes have been made, you will simply receive an empty dataset in response.
If any changes have been made, simply the rows ‘touched’ (added/altered/deleted) are
returned. This holds true for any given inputs, so if you run the same query against the system
and nothing has changed, you will get an empty result set. If you have no history, you pass in ‘0’
as your version number. See examples of ‘versioning’ in the . Although this method will not
extract the volumes of data the GetPeriodActivity method will extract, it is important that it is
used appropriately – see the The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this
Method are provided in the WSDL.

DoSendForms allows one or more Form Instances to be sent to one or more vehicles. This API is
also performing following validations on service side:
9) Validate whether form feature is enabled on all recipients
10) Validate whether form is sent according to latest form definition
11) Validate filled form for each of its field against the latest form definition
12) Validate whether form is not sent by driver

Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 180

Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to the
MNav. If you still want to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue class

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which one or more forms need
to be send to one or more vehicles
XML List of SendFormInstanceMessage object- see
supplementary table below for details. One
SendFormInstanceMessage object will represent
one form that needs to be sent to one or more

Culture String Culture is used to get location details especially for

forms sent which are having address field.
Supported culture list can be found at :
All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Culture field needs to be set
when forms sent are having address field.

XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to correlate the
forms between request and response.
FormNumber int Its unique number to identify a form within
DefinitionNumber String Its unique number to identify version of the
Form within fleet.
BaseFieldValues XML Field Values collection defined for each form sent. It
will be list of BaseFieldValue object - see
supplementary table below for details
RecipientIds Guid[] Targeted vehicles to which form would be sent
XML Element : BaseFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

ValueToString String Represent field value as string.

Field value types supported by form feature and their respected classes are as follows:
Field Value Type Class Name
Decimal DecimalFieldValue
String StringFieldValue
Address AddressFieldValue
Date DateFieldValue
Time TimeFieldValue
DateTime DateTimeFieldValue
Select SelectFieldValue
Checkbox CheckBoxFieldValue
Signature SignatureFieldValue

Each of above field Value type is derived from “BaseFieldValue” class.

While sending forms, the field value collection (BaseFieldValue[ ]) of form would be filled with
objects of field value types mentioned above. The type of field value class while filling up field
value collection of form can be derived by form definition which is being used to send a
particular form. Detailed explanation for each of field value class as follows:

XML Element : DecimalFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value Decimal Represent decimal field value

XML Element : StringFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent string field value
XML Element : AddressFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent address of location

Lat Float Represent latitude of location

Lon Float Represent longitude of location
Note: All above properties should be reverse-geocoded.

XML Element : DateFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : TimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date-time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).
XML Element : SelectFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent value selected by user from given set
of values (i.e. from DropDownList box).

XML Element : CheckBoxFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String A ‘/’ separated string representing the selected
checkboxes. Even if checkbox from the list isn’t
checked an empty ‘/’ should be entered. E.g.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SendFormsOperationStatuses XML List of SendFormsOperationStatus object
– see supplementary table below for
details. One SebdFormsOperationStatus
object will represent status of one form
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SendFormsOperationStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to
correlate the forms between request and
FormErrorMessages XML List of Message Object -
see supplementary table below for
Contains validation error messages
related to form definition (i.e. whether

Published Interface User Documentation 30-Mar-2021 Page 180/362

form is sent according to latest form
definition, form-field level validation
errors etc).
RecipientStatuses XML List of RecipientStatus object- see
supplementary table below for details.
Contains status of form sent recipient
wise. One RecipientStatus object will
represent status of form sent to one

FormInstanceResults XML List of FormInstanceResult object- see

supplementary table below for details.
Contains Form Instance Identifiers for
form sent successfully to one or more
One FormInstanceResult object will
represent one Form Instance Identifier.
Status Int Represents overall status of form sent to
one or more recipients. Following is value
description of this property :
1 - Form message is sent successfully to
all targeted recipients.
2 - Form message is sent partially to
one/some of targeted recipients.
(-1) - Form message is not sent any of
targeted recipients.

XML Element : Message

Attribute Type Result Definition

MessageCode Int Message Code for validation error

FieldName String Name of form field which causes validation


XML Element : RecipientStatus

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 181

Attribute Type Result Definition
RecipientID Guid Recipient ID of vehicle to which form would
be sent

VehicleErrorMessages XML List of Message Object - see supplementary

table above for details.
Contains validation error messages related
to vehicle (i.e. whether form feature is
enabled on targeted vehicle or not etc.)
Status Boolean Whether form sent successfully to this
vehicle or not

XML Element : FormInstanceResult

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier for form sent
successfully to vehicle

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetSentFormsStatus retrieves the status of one or form instances sent to one or more vehicles.
It would return form instance latest statuses’ along with all its previous status changes with
their timestamps. Possible statuses are as follows:
- Not received by driver
- Received by driver
- Read by driver (if read receipt is enabled).

If latest status for one of form instance sent to particular vehicle is “Read by driver” then
response would return in following order of status changes along with their timestamp when
they got changed:
7) Read by driver
8) Received by driver
9) Not received by driver

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which statuses for sent forms
need to be retrieved
FormInstanceIDs Guid Form Instance IDs for which their current status along
with all previous statuses need to be known
and timestamps of each status change

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SentFormsStatuses XML List of SentFormsStatus object – see
supplementary table below for details. One
SentFormsStatus object will represent one
sent form status detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed
again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record set.
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SentFormsStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier. It would represent
one form instance get inserted into DB for one
Statuses XML List of status changes for one particular form
instance along with timestamp. It will be
represented by FormInstanceStatus object –
see supplementary table below for details
XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

Status Enum FormStatus can be “NotReceivedbyDriver”,
“ReceivedbyDriver” or “ReadbyDriver”

StatusDateTime DateTime The timestamp on which particular status got


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

Method will assign the vehicle to the given vehicle group and grant user to access to that
vehicle. Vehicle group display name is unique across the owner/fleet. Following is the
detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
VehicleDisplayName string Vehicle display name which will assign to vehicle
ToVehicleGroupName string Vehicle group display name to which vehicle will be

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
UpdateVehicleCustomStatus is used to update custom status for vehicle. User will use this
method to manage custom status for vehicle. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle custom status needs to be
VehicleID Guid Vehicle for which custom status needs to be updated

CustomStatus string Custom status which will be assigned to targeted


Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

SendMNavMessage is used by Third Party services to communicate with Third Party
Applications which are installed on the M-NAV. For this API to be successfully used, the
Third Party application must be installed and enabled on the target M-NAV.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) which the vehicle(s) belong to. Messages
can only be sent to fleets which the PI User has access
MNavAppID short A Teletrac Navman assigned Application ID to identify
the Third Party Application.
Messages DeviceMessage A list of messages to send to the M-NAV.
XML Element : DeviceMessage

Parameter Type Definition

MessageID String (8) A user defined message ID of up to 8 characters
Must be unique for different messages to the same
MessageType unsignedByte An optional type for Third Party application use.
Priority short Not used.
TTL dateTime Not used.
VehicleIDs List of Guids The VehicleIDs of the Vehicles to send this message
MessageBody base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary payload to send to the
vehicles, of up to 102,400 bytes.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method is very similar to GetPeriodActivity() with few differences for addressing late
arriving data. This method was specifically added to resovle LDV-62062. The limitation with
GetPeriodActivity() is that it can miss some lower versions activities when a consumer supplies
an elevated “Version” parameter due to late arriving data present in result set returned by any
previous calls.

Note: due to technical issues found in LDV-87902, support for parameter

“PreviousCallEndTime” was removed. Currently this method does not fully resolve issue of
missing events due to late arriving data.

The main differences between GetPeriodActivity() and this method are as follows.
9. Fetches activities for all vehicles for the given fleet.
10. GetPeriodActivity() does not return any activities with a lower timestamp than the
version given in request. This method provides a way to override such behavior. Using
the “PreviousCallEndTime” parameter, consumer can specify that any activities that
occurred after “PreviousCallEndTime” should be returned irrespective of their versions.
As noted earlier, currently this parameter is ignored by server.
11. Returns additional “RequestPeriodEndTime” field in result set that can be used to set up
next call to this method.
12. Returns private events

This method provides detailed information for all the specified vehicle(s) belonging to given fleet
e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc. for the specified period. This method extracts
significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use of the
Published Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways to use
this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Specify valid OwnerId(s) (available from the GetOwners method)
for the fleet
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
PreviousCallEndTime DateTime Obsolete. Ignored by server. Specifies the value of EndTime
parameter supplied in previous invocation of this API. For
intial very first call, set it equal to EndTime. For subsequent
calls, set it equal to
“RequestPeriodEndTime” returned in response.
MaximumSerializable Enumerat ion(Optional) The maximum event sub type understood by the client. If
EventSubType not supplied, it defaults to
E, which was introduced in AVL 11.1.
If supplied, all event sub types up to, and including the specified
MaximumSerializableEventSubType are returned.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleActivity XML Detailed Information on the activity
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is
returned. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the
last known Version
RequestPeriodEndTime DateTime DateTime Returns value of “EndTime”
parameter supplied in request.
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : VehicleActivity

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogId Guid Unique value for the Activity record
OwnerId Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet this vehicle belongs
VehicleId Long Internal Id of the Vehicle for which activity
data is required (available from the
GetVehicles method)
EventSubType String Enumeration type showing the type of alert.
Only event sub types up to AVL2 11.1
_BOUNDS_ MESSAGE ) are returned, unless
the optional parameter,
MaximumSerializable-EventSubType, is
IgnitionOn Boolea The status of the ignition signal when the
n event was recorded.
ReceivedDateTime DateTi Date / Time (in UTC) the event was delivered
me to the server
ActivityDateTime DateTi GPS time (in UTC) when the event was
me recorded
Latitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
Longitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
HDG Int GPS direction of travel in degrees when the
event was recorded
Speed Float GPS speed in km/h when the event was
MaxSpeed Float GPS max speed in km/h since previous event
was recorded
GPSValid Boolea Whether the GPS fix at time when event was
n recorded was definitive or last known
HDOP Decima GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision when
l event was recorded
NumSatellites Int GPS number of satellites used in the solution
that produced latitude/longitude
ODOMeter Decima Virtual GPS odometer
l Km*10 to the nearest 100
Wraps at 999999 i.e. 99,999.9 km
IncementalDistanc Decima Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
e l from the previous event
Trip Distance Decima Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
l from the previous ignition on event
LocationType Int One of One of the values opposite
ltNoLocation = 0
or ltNamedRoad =
1 or
= 2 or ltPOI = 3
Location String Textual description of position referred to by
latitude/longitude, differs depending on
Location Type
OffRoadMeters Double When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
distance in meters from the nearest feature
DegressBearing Int When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
bearing in degrees from the nearest feature
RegionCode String Sub parts of Location description used for
state mileage report
AreaCode String Sub parts on Location description used for
State Mileage Report
OnSiteTime Double Time the vehicle entered a site
IsUnauthorized Boolea True If the event was performed during a definable
n unauthorized period
SiteId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
DriverId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2 – this is
returned by the GetDrivers method
DriverHoursStatusI Guid Guid to a row in the Internal table
d DriverHoursStatus used in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
EventPriority String Unknown or Alerting Priority associated with the Event –
Low or as configured in the AVL2 client
LowWithAlarm or
Medium or
or High or
HighWithAlarm or
Urgent or
NamedArea String Undefined or Special reserved names (akin to sites) which
LondonCongestion are setup at deployment time – these are not
Zone or LCZ intended to be changed with any degree of
or LEZ frequency
Private Boolea Flag to indicate if the vehicle activity is in a
n Private Status trip
CommunicationCha String An Enumeration describing the
nnel communication channel over used for the
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
EventTypeDescripti String Description for Same description that is displayed in AVL
on event type reports for event type.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 190/362


This method allows a user to add a Driver to a specific fleet in Director via the Published
Interface. The type of Driver that the user adds to Director depends on the input parameter
‘RequestType’ which can take one of three values: ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_BASIC’,
‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_HOS’ OR ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_DRIVERID’. As the names of the Request Type values
suggest, this allows a user to add a basic Driver, a HOS Driver (requires additional information in HOS
related fields) or a Driver enabled for DriverID (requires DriverPortalUserID field).

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to add the Driver to
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘_DRIVER_REQUEST_BASIC,
allow adding a basic Driver, a Driver enabled for HOS or a Driver
enabled for DriverID respectively
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
Surname String Driver Surname
IsCredentialsActive Boolean Flag to indicate whether Driver Identification Credentials are
active or not
CredentialsExpiryDate DateTime Expiration Date Time of Driver Identifiation Credentials
Time (nullable)
DriverPin String The PIN assigned to the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
DallasKeyID String Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is associated with
MultipleLoginsAllowe Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is allowed to have multiple
d logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 191

UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UseLicenceAuthorizati Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
LicenceNumber String Driver Licence Number
LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id of Licence Class associated with the Driver Licence
ExpiryDate DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LicenceState String Driver License State
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date Time
DriverPortalUserID String User Id for the Driver Portal
RegulationID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated with the Driver
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated with the Regulation
(nullable) and Driver
TimezoneID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated with the Driver
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the Driver
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method works on similar parameters to the AddDriverByType method,
but it instead allows a user to update a Driver’s details instead of adding a new Driver. The
Driver is identified using OwnerId and DriverId. Dependent on the input parameters, the user
can update both basic and HOS Drivers using this method. If a Driver is not enabled for HOS,
none of the HOS related input parameters need to be provided since these won’t make any
changes to the non-HOS Driver.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver belongs to
DriverID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
Surname String Driver Surname
DriverPin String The PIN assigned to the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
IsCredentialsActive Boolean Flag to indicate whether Driver Identification Credentials are
active or not
DallasKeyID String Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is associated with
MultipleLoginsAllowe Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is allowed to have multiple
d logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UseLicenceAuthorizati Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
LicenceNumber String Driver Licence Number
LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id of Licence Class associated with the Driver Licence
Expiry DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LicenceState String Driver License State
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date Time
RegID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated with the Driver
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated with the Regulation
and Driver
TzUID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated with the Driver
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the Driver
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves the Status Logs from the HOS Service where the
Status Timestamp of the Status Log is between a Start and End Date Time defined by the user.
The user can choose to select all Status Logs in the date range on a per Fleet or per Driver basis
by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Daily
Logs based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDriverDailyLogs XML Array of HOSDriverDailyLog objects –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSDriverDailyLogs

Attribute Type Result Definition

NextEventTypes Int Array List of Next Event Types from Driver’s
current violation
DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated with
the Driver Daily Log
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Daily Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Driver Daily Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of HOS Status of the Driver Daily
HOSStatus Int HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the Status Log
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle Location County
Country String Vehicle Location Country
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the Status Log
SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method works in a similar way to the GetHOSDriverDailyLogs method,
but instead retrieves the Edit History records, derived from the Status Logs, from the HOS
Service where the timestamp of the last edit is between a Start and End Date Time defined by
the user. The user can choose to select all Edit History records in the date range on a per Fleet
or per Driver basis by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Log Edit
Records based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Log Edit
Records from
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Log Edit
Records from
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSDriverLogEditRecords XML Array of HOSDriverLogEditRecord
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects >
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should
Array be removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly
Returned Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly
Returned Objects >
StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSDriverLogEditRecords

Attribute Type Result Definition

NewHOSStatus Int New HOS Status for the Status Log
NewStatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of the new HOS Status
DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Edit History record
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with
the Edit History record
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated
with the Edit History record
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Status Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Status Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of the old HOS Status
HOSStatus Int Old HOS Status
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the Edit
History record
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle County Location
Country String Vehicle Country Location
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the edited Status Log record

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve DVIRs (Driver Vehicle Inspection
Reports) from the DVIR Service. The user can choose to select DVIRs within a set time range,
defined by the StartDateUTC and EndDateUTC parameters, or the user can choose to use either
or both of these parameters as null to leave the time range open ended. The user can either
search for DVIRs by Fleet, Vehicle, or Driver as long as they have provided a valid OwnerId,
VehicleId or DriverId respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’, ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Driver’ to get Vehicle
DVIRs based on OwnerId(s), VehicleId(s) or DriverId(s)
IDs Guid Unique Id(s) associated with the Driver/Fleet/Vehicle (dependent
Array on the value of RequestType)
StatusType Int Status Type of the DVIR – input to only get DVIRs with this this
(nullable) specific Status Type, otherwise all DVIRs are retrieved
StartDateUTC DateTime Start Date Time of period to retrieve DVIR records within. Leave
(nullable) as null to leave the Start Date Time open ended
EndDateUTC DateTime End Date Time of period to retrieve DVIR records within. Leave as
(nullable) null to leave the End Date Time open ended
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleDVIRs XML Array of VehicleDVIR objects – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : VehicleDVIRs

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReportID String Id of the Report
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with
the DVIR
VehicleName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated
with the DVIR
DriverID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with
the DVIR

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 200/362

Trailer1 String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
Trailer2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
EventDate DateTime Event Date of the DVIR
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address
Odometer Double Vehicle Odometer
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
Summary String Summary
EventLogID Long Id of the Event Log associated with the
StatusType Int Id of the Status Type during the update
UpdateTypeID Int Id of the Update Type
Comments String Comments made with the update
UpdateID Long Id of the last update
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet containing the
DVIR record
FirstName String Driver First Name
LastName String Driver Last Name
StatusDescription String Description of the Status Type
UpdateTypeDescription String Description of the Update Type

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method has been provided to allow a user (in particular, a Mechanic as the name suggests)
to make an update to the DVIR via the Published Interface. The user can provide a ReportID of
the DVIR they would like to update, as well as an Update Type Id, a Status Type and comments
which will be used to update the DVIR and will go into the update history. The user must also
provide a valid OwnerId that the DVIR belongs to.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ReportID String Id of the Report to update
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the DVIR record will be placed into
UpdateTypeID Int Id of the Update Type
StatusType Int Id of the Status Type to update to

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 201

Comments String Comments made with the update
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a user to retrieve Engine Hours readings for a Vehicle via the Published
Interface. The Engine Hours reading is a total of all Engine Hours accumulated within a date and
time range, specified using the StartDateUTC and EndDateUTC parameters. The user can
choose to leave either or both of these nulls to make the date and time range open ended e.g.
leaving StartDateUTC null will retrieve the Engine Hours accumulated from all records up until
the date and time specified by the EndDateUTC. The user can choose to retrieve Engine Hours
for one or more Fleets/Vehicles, dependent on the value of the RequestType enum and
provided they have given valid OwnerId(s)/VehicleId(s) respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

IDs Guid Unique Id(s) associated with the Fleet/Vehicle (dependent on the
Array value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Vehicle’ to get Vehicle Engine
Hours based on OwnerId(s) or VehicleId(s) respectively
StartDateUTC DateTime Start Date Time of period to retrieve Vehicle Engine Hours
(nullable) records within. Leave as null to leave the Start Date Time open
EndDateUTC DateTime End Date Time of period to retrieve Vehicle Engine Hours records
(nullable) within. Leave as null to leave the End Date Time open ended
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Results XML Array of VehicleEngineHours objects
– see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : Results

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle the Engine Hours
reading has been taken from
EngineHours Double Total Engine Hours reported within the
specified Start and End Date Time period
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle is
associated with
LastRecalibrationDate DateTime Date Time of the last Engine Hours

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve HOS enabled Drivers for a Fleet by
specifying an OwnerId. However, the method isn’t confined to only retrieving HOS enabled
Drivers – it will retrieve all active Drivers for the Fleet specified by the OwnerId, but if the Driver
does have HOS enabled then HOS related fields will be retrieved also.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerId Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Drivers are associated with
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Drivers XML Array of HOSDriver objects – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : Drivers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverFullName String Full Name of the Driver
DriverID Guid Id associated with the Driver
DallasKeyID Guid Driver Dallas Key Id
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the group the Driver is
associated with
DriverGroupName String Display Name of the group the Driver is
associated with
Title String Title of the Driver
FirstName String Driver First Name
LastName String Driver Last Name
DriverPIN String The PIN assigned to the Driver
MultipleLoginsAllowed Boolean Indicates whether or not the Driver is
allowed to have multiple logins
MobilePhone String Driver Mobile Phone Number
Address1 String Driver Address Line 1
Address2 String Driver Address Line 2
Address3 String Driver Address Line 3
Address4 String Driver Address Line 4
Email String Driver Email Address
UniqueDriverNumber String Unique alphanumeric Driver number
UserLicenseAuthorization Boolean Flag for using License Authorization
UserID Guid User Id associated with the Driver
HOSPinID String Driver HOS PIN Id
LicenseNumber String Driver License Number
LicenseClass String Class of the Driver License
RegID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation associated
with the Driver
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the type of the Regulation
associated with the Driver
TzUID Guid Unique Id of the Timezone associated
with the Driver
LicenseState String Driver License State
ExpiryDate DateTime Expiry Date Time of Driver Licence
LastPhysical DateTime Driver’s Last Physical Examination Date
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle
associated with the Regulation and
TerminalID Int Id of the Terminal associated with the
CarrierID Guid Unique Id of the Carrier associated with
the Driver
CarrierName String Display Name of the Carrier associated
with the Driver
StreetAddress String Carrier Street Address Line 1
StreetAddress2 String Carrier Street Address Line 2
City String Carrier City Location
State String Carrier State Location
Zip String Carrier ZIP Code
Country String Carrier Country
DotNumber String Carrier DOT Number

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves all HOS Profile Tables and their related fields. A valid
OwnerId is required since the Terminal table contains data which is unique to a Fleet. However,
the other tables (Regulations, Regulation Types, Regulation Cycles, Time Zones and Status
Definitions) are not unique at a fleet level, so a call to GetHOSProfileTables will retrieve the
same data for these tables regardless of the OwnerId provided.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the HOS Profile Table records are
associated with
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverTimeZones XML Array of DriverTimeZone objects –
see supplementary table below for
RegulationTypes XML Array of RegulationType objects – see
supplementary table below for
TerminalData XML Array of HOSTerminal objects – see
supplementary table below for
StatusDefinitions XML Array of StatusDefinition objects –
see supplementary table below
for details
UniqueRegulations XML Array of UniqueRegulation objects –
see supplementary table below for
Regulations XML Array of RegulationWithMetaData
objects – see supplementary
table below for details
Carrier XML Carrier object – see supplementary
table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : DriverTimeZones

Attribute Type Result Definition

TzUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Time Zone
TzDisplayName String Display Name of the Timezone
TzStandardName String Standard Name of the Timezone
TzOffset Int Timezone offset against UTC
TzDLS Int Flag to indicate whether the Timezone is
using Daylight Saving or not
Comment String Comment about the Timezone

XML Element : RegulationTypes

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RegTypeID Int Id associated with the Regulation Type
RegTypeName String Display Name of the Regulation Type
XML Element : TerminalData

Attribute Type Result Definition

TerminalName String Display Name of the Terminal
TerminalID Int Id associated with the Terminal
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Terminal Data
record is associated with

XML Element : StatusDefinitions

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSStatus Int Id of the HOS Status
Definition String Definition of the HOS Status

XML Element : UniqueRegulations

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegName String Display Name of the Regulation
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Type associated
with the Regulation
RegID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RuleID Int Regulation Rule Id

XML Element : Regulations

Attribute Type Result Definition

RegID Guid Unique Id associated with the Regulation
RegName String Display Name of the Regulation
MaxDayID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Cycle associated
with the Regulation
CycleDay Int Cycle Day value of Regulation Cycle
MaxDay Int Max Day value of Regulation Cycle
RegTypeName String Display Name of the Regulation Type
associated with the Regulation
RegTypeUID Guid Unique Id of the Regulation Type associated
with the Regulation

XML Element : Carrier

Attribute Type Result Definition
CarrierID Guid Unique Id associated with the Carrier
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Carrier is
associated with
CarrierName String Display Name of the Carrier
StreetAddress String Carrier Street Address Line 1
StreetAddress2 String Carrier Street Address Line 2
City String Carrier City Location
State String Carrier State Location
Zip String Carrier ZIP Code
Country String Carrier Country
DotNumber String Carrier DOT Number

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method retrieves all the calculated timer information related to HOS
Drivers that is available on the HOS screen of Director. The user can choose to retrieve HOS
Timers for a specific Driver or for all Drivers in a Fleet, given that they have provided a valid
DriverId or OwnerId respectively.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Timers based
on OwnerId(s) or DriverId(s) respectively
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSTimers XML Array of HOSTimers objects – see
supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : HOSTimers

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverUID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
OnDutyTimeAvailable Int On Duty time available for the current
shift minus the On Duty time used for the
current shift (in minutes)
OnDutyDrivingTime Int On Duty Driving time available for the
Available current shift minus the On Duty Driving
time used for the current shift (in minutes)
SevenEightCycleTime Int 7/8 Day Cycle time available for the
Available current shift minus the 7/8 Day Cycle time
used for the current shift (in minutes)
ThirtyFourHourReset DateTime Date Time of the last 34 Hour Reset
OnDutyTimer Int Daily On Duty timer (in minutes)
OnDutyDrivingTimer Int Daily On Duty Driving timer (in minutes)
SleeperBerthTimer Int Daily Sleeper Berth timer (in minutes)
OffDutyTimer Int Daily Sleeper Berth timer plus daily Off
Duty timer (in minutes)
MilesDrivenOnCurrent Double Miles driven on the current day’s cycle
MilesDrivenFromLast Double Miles driven since the last 34 hour reset

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 210/362


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This Published Interface method allows a user to retrieve Driver and Vehicle related tables for a
specified Fleet, given that the user has provided a valid OwnerId. The method retrieves data for
the Vehicle Types, Vehicle Groups, Driver Licence Classes and Driver Groups in a Fleet.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver/Vehicle tables belong to
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

LicenceClasses XML Array of LicenceClass objects – see
supplementary table below for
DriverGroups XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
VehicleTypes XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
VehicleGroups XML Array of
objects – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > MoreItemsAvailable

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 211

RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Version
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element : LicenceClasses

Attribute Type Result Definition

LicenceClassID Guid Unique Id associated with the Licence Class
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Licence Class
records belong to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Licence Class
Description String Description of the Licence Class
Deleted Boolean Indicates whether the LicenceClass has
been deleted or not
AuthorizedVehicleT XML Array of VehicleType objects – see
ypeList supplementary table below for details

XML Element : AuthorizedVehicleTypeList

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleTypeID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle Type
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle Type
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Type
Description String Description of the Vehicle Type
Color Int Color of the Vehicle Type
IconKey String Key of the Icon that represents the Vehicle
Type on the Map View
IdleMetres Single Idle Metres for Vehicle Type
IdleMinutes Int Idle Minutes for Vehicle Type
FuelEfficiency Single Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle Type
CO2EmissionsFactor Single CO2 Emissions Factor for Vehicle Type
FuelType Boolean Fuel Type for Vehicle Type
XML Element : DriverGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

ParentDisplayName String Display Name of the Parent Driver Group
DriverGroupID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver Group
ParentDriverGroupID Guid Unique Id of the Parent Driver Group
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Driver Group
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Driver Group
Deleted Boolean Indicates if the Driver Group has been
deleted or not

XML Element : VehicleTypes

Attribute Type Result Definition

FuelTypeDescription String Description of the Fuel Type for the Vehicle
VehicleTypeID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle Type
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet that the Vehicle
Types belong to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Type
Description String Description of the Vehicle Type
Color Int Color of the Vehicle Type
IconKey String Key of the Icon that represents the Vehicle
Type on the Map View
IdleMetres Single Idle Metres for Vehicle Type
IdleMinutes Int Idle Minutes for Vehicle Type
FuelEfficiency Single Fuel Efficiency for Vehicle Type
CO2EmissionsFactor Single CO2 Emissions Factor for Vehicle Type
FuelType Boolean Fuel Type for Vehicle Type

XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

ParentDisplayName String Display Name of the Parent Vehicle Group

VehicleGroupId Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle

ParentVehicleGroupId Guid Unique Id of the Parent Vehicle Group
OwnerID Guid Unique Id of the Fleet the Vehicle Group
belongs to
DisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle Group
Description String Description of the Vehicle Group

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways to use this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start
from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle(s) attributes are
FromDateTime DateTime Start of time period (in UTC) within messages are to be
ToDateTime DateTime End of time period (in UTC) within messages are to be
MaxMessageTypeAllowed Int (Optional) The maximum MessageType returned.
If not specified, it defaults to 2 (FormMessage).
Valid values are : 2, and 6.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

BaseMessage XML Detailed Information on the message
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : BaseMessage

Attribute Type Result Definition
MessageId Guid Internal Id representing the Internal Id of
the message
RecipientId Guid Internal Id of the recipient
SenderId Guid The Internal Id of the sender
This is set to NULL if message is from
MessageType UnsignedByte Internal message type.
Valid Values are:
MessageThreadId Guid Internal Id that links response and request
messages to a single thread
ParentMessageId Guid Internal Id used in hierarchy of messages
MessageThreadNumber Int A number that marks the message count
for a particular recipient
MessageBody String Text message
SentDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was
MenuNumber Int
Latitude Double Latitude of Route to GPS location
Longitude Double Longitude of Route to GPS location
Reply Boolean Whether the message has been replied to
IncomingMessage Boolean True True if the message is an incoming
MessageStatus XML Information on the status of the message
– see supplementary table below for
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was last
StreetName String Textual description of destination for
route Message
VehicleLatitude int Vehicle's latitude when the message was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree e.g. -
-36806880 = -36.806880
VehicleLongitude int Vehicle's longitude when the message
was sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree e.g.
174743020 = 174.743020
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel used to send or
receive the message
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
CurrentETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the current
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To messages.
ETAState string An enumeration indicating the ETA state
(only applies to Route-To messages)
 None
 InRouteOnTime
 InRouteEarly
 InRouteLate
 Arrived
 NavigationCancelled
OriginalETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the original
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Messages.
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean Is this message enabled for Satellite
delivery if out of cellular coverage

XML Element : MessageStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

MessageId Guid Internal Id representing the Internal Id of
the message
RecievedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the message was
received by the Vehicle
MessageDelivered Boolean Boolean confirming the message was
MessageRead Boolean
Status Int

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Access the current configuration of Conex equipment installed on specified vehicle(s)

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

VehicleId Guid Id of the Vehicle for which ConEx configuration information is
required (available from the GetVehicles method)
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ConExChannels XML True Detailed Information on the
Conex Channels on the vehicle –
see supplementary table below
for details
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : ConExChannels

Attribute Type Result Definition

ChannelTypeCanChange Boolean Specifies if the ConEx channel is a
changeable type
Enumeration Int The channel number associated to a
particular ConEx channel
OutputByes Base64Binary Only used for Serial ConEx which
contains the bytes that are stored in
the serial port
OutputSwitch Boolean For Digital ConEx output, this flag
determines if the output is on or off
ChannelValues XML Detailed information on the ConEx
Channel Values
See supplementary table below for
ConExChannelEvents XML Detailed information on the ConEx
Channel Events
See supplementary table below for
ConExChannelID Guid Internal Id that points to this
ConExChannel data
ConExId Guid Internal Id pointing to this ConEx
data record
VehicleId Guid Internal Id that points to the Vehicle
that has this ConEx data
SetUpForVehicle Boolean True Flag that describes if ConEx has
been configured or not for this
ChannelType String One of:
Unconfigured or
DigitalInput or
DigitalOutput or
DigitalIO or
AnalogInput or
ChannelChoices String One of:
DigitalIO or
DigitalIO or
AnalogInput or
Digital or
Status String
Reserved Boolean True / False
StatusDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the last status
was recorded
OutputDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) when an
activity on the output was recorded
ChannelValuesChanged Boolean a flag that describes if a particular
ConEx channel value has changed
InputDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) when an
activity on the input was recorded
InputString String Input string to the ConEx channel
IOStatusQueryPending Boolean True / False True if IOStatus query is Pending
SetOutputPending Boolean True / False True if a Set operation to an output
is Pending
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : ChannelValues

Attribute Type Result Definition

ChannelValueID Guid Internal Id that points to this
channel value
ChannelID Guid Internal Id that points to this ConEx
Description String Description of the ConEx Channel
ChannelValue String The current value of the ConEx

XML Element : Events -> ConExChannelEvents

Attribute Type Result Definition

EmailAddressIds Guid Internal Id that points to an email
address for sending ConEx alerts
Description String Describes the ConEx event
ConExChannelEventId Guid Internal Id that points to this
IconId Guid Internal Id pointing to an icon image
ConExChannelID Guid Internal Id that points to the ConEx
HasEmailAlert Boolean True / False True that describes an email alert
exists or not
EventType String String that describes the ConEx
event type

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
This method provides extended information regarding a specific Vehicle activity record. This
extended information contains things like temperature logger information or other devices
connected via ConEx.

You must pass at least one ActivityLogId. Passing invalid ActivityLogIds to the method will
result in the method call working i.e. OperationStatus = True, but no rows will be returned.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
ActivityLogId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogExtID Guid Internal Id of the Extended data attached to
the specified ActivityLogId (below)
ActivityLogID Guid Internal Id of the specified ActivityLogId – this
associates the Extended data to the relevant
activity log record
RawExtendedData Base64Binary Extended data in raw format
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Provides a list of Sites for a given owner / fleet e.g. Display Name, Shape Type, Latitudes and
Longtitudes etc.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 220/362

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Site String Detailed Information of a site for the supplied
Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : Site

Attribute Type Result Definition

SiteId Guid Internal Id for the Site of interest
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the Site
SiteTypeId Guid InternalId of the Site Type
DisplayName String Name of the Site
ShapeType Unsigned 0 = Rectangle
Byte 1 = Polygon
MaxLat Int
MaxLong Int
MinLat Int
MinLong Int
NumberOfPoints Int
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Site was created
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Site was last modified
SiteTypeName String Name of the Site Type the site is categorized as
StartDate DateTime The date from which the Site is active
EndDate DateTime The date at which the Site is no longer active
Description String Description associated with the Site

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 221

AddressLine1 String Address Line 1 of the Site as entered by the
AddressLine2 String Address Line 2 of the Site as entered by the User
AddressLine3 String Address Line 3 of the Site as entered by the
AddressLine4 String Address Line 4 of the Site as entered by the
Notes String Any notes associated with the Site

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Provides a list of Geofences for a given owner / fleet e.g. Display Name, Shape Type, Latitudes
and Longtitudes etc.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which Geofence attributes are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Geofence String Detailed Information of a Geofence for the
supplied Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary
table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned.
False True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : Geofence

Attribute Type Result Definition
GeofenceId Guid Internal Id for the Geofence of interest
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the Geofence
DisplayName String Name of the Geofence
ShapeType Unsigned Byte 0 = Rectangle
1 = Polygon
MaxLat Int
MaxLong Int
MinLat Int
MinLong Int
NumberOfPoints Int
CreatedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Geofence was
ModifiedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) this Geofence was last
Description String Description associated with the Geofence
Show on MDT Boolean
OverspeedAlertEnabled Boolean Whether an overspeed alert has been enabled
in this geofence
OverspeedThreshold Float Speed Threshold which triggers and
overspeed alert in this geofence

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Access Engine Management System (EMS) data e.g. rpm, oil/water temp, braking information
etc. for a defined time period for a specified vehicle(s). The EMS data is summarized across a
trip which is defined as the period between ignition on and ignition off.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleId Guid Vehicle(s) for which EMS data are required
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Detailed information on the EMS
Summary Trip data
See supplementary table below for
EMSTripInfo XML details
Detailed information on the EMS Speed
Matrix data
See supplementary table below for
SpeedMatrix XML details
Detailed information on the EMS
Temperature Matrix data
See supplementary table below for
TemperatureMatrix XML details
Detailed information on the EMS Oil
Pressure Matrix data
See supplementary table below for
OilPressureMatrix XML details

XML Element : EMSTripInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

Int Internal message handling Id for EMS
TransactionNumber trips
Int Internal Id describing transaction –
TransactionType default is Body ()
TripID Guid Internal Id for the EMS Trip
OwnerID Guid Internal Id of the Owner / Fleet
DriverID Guid Internal Id of the Driver
VehicleID Guid Internal Id of the Vehicle
Int Internal Id that points to the EMS
VehicleEMSConfigurationID configuration for a particular Vehicle
DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the trip was
StartDateTime started
Virtual GPS odometer reading when
StartOdometer the trip was started
DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the trip was
StopDateTime completed
Int Number of hours the engine has run
EngineHours on a trip
Int Total distance travelled for the trip
Distance (km/10)
Int Total distance travelled while the
BrakeDistance brake is applied in meters
Int Number of brakes incurred on this
BrakeCount trip
Int Total time (in secs) the brake was
BrakeRoll applied with the vehicle still in motion
BrakeOn Int Total time the brake has been applied
Int Number of over-speeding counts this
OverSpeedCount vehicle has incurred on this trip
Int Total time the vehicle has been over-
OverSpeedSeconds speeding
Int Number of RPM counts above the set
OverRPMCount RPM limit
Int Total time the vehicle was over the
OverRPMSeconds RPM limit
Int Total time the vehicle was over the
OverTempSeconds Temperature limit
Int Total time the vehicle was under the
UnderOilSeconds oil pressure threshold
Int Maximum threshold speed limit
MaxSpeed setting (km/hr)
MaxRPM Int Maximum threshold MaxRPM setting
Int Maximum threshold Maximum
MaxTemp temperature setting (degrees Celsius)
MinOil Int Minimum oil pressure setting (kPa)
KeyOnSeconds Int Total time the ignition is on
IdleSeconds Int Total time the vehicle was idling
WarmSeconds Int Total time for the engine to warm-up
ExcessIdleSeconds Int
Int Total time in seconds the vehicle was
RollingSeconds actually in motion
PTOSeconds Int Total time for Power Take-off
Int Total time for Power take-off when
PTOIdleSeconds the vehicle is idle
Int Total time for Power take-off when
PTORollSeconds the vehicle is in motion
Int Total time Power Take-off went over
PTOOverRPMSeconds the RPM limit
Int Number of hard breaks recorded
HeavyBrakeCount during the trip
Int Fuel usage in liters in the total idling
FuelUsedIdle period
Double Fuel usage in litres when the vehicle is
FuelUsedRoll in motion
Double Fuel usage in litres when the vehicle is
FuelUsedPTOIdle Power take-off idle
Double Fuel usage in liters when the vehicle is
FuelUsedPTORoll Power take-off is in motion
StartLatitude Double GPS location the when trip started
StartLongitude Double GPS location the when trip started
String Textual description of the location
StartLocation when the trip started
Float Distance (in meters) from the nearest
street or point of interest on trip
StartOffRoadMetres when trip started
StartDegreesBearing Int Start GPS bearing description
Int Type of Location when trip started.
One of:
No Location = 0
Named Road = 1 Unnamed Road = 2
StartLocationType POI = 3
Double GPS location when the trip was
StopLatitude completed
Double GPS location when the trip was
StopLongitude completed
String Textual description of the location
StopLocation when the trip was completed
Float Distance (in meters) from the nearest
street or point of interest on trip
StopOffRoadMetres when trip completed
StopDegreesBearing Int Stop GPS bearing description
Int Type of Location when trip
Completed. One of:
No Location = 0
Named Road = 1 Unnamed Road = 2
StopLocationType POI = 3
ReceivedUtc DateTime Received Time in UTC
Guid Associated Ignition On Id in
IgnitionOnActivityLogID ActivityLogReal
Guid Associated Ignition Off Id in
IgnitionOffActivityLogID ActivityLogReal
ExcessiveSpeedTime Int(nullable) Time in Exceesive Speed (k/h)
ExcessiveSpeedCount Int(nullable) Number of Times in Excessive Speed
ExcessiveSpeedDistance Int(nullable) Distance of Excessive Speed in km*10
OverSpeedDistance Int(nullable) Distance in Overspeed(km*10)
IdleCount Int(nullable) Number of idle counts
ExcessiveIdleCount Int(nullable) Number of excessive idle counts
HarshBrakingTime Int(nullable) Total time in harsh braking
RollStabilityCount Int(nullable) Total vehicle instability occurences
RollStabilityTime Int(nullable) Total vehicle instability in seconds
MaxFuelEconomy Int(nullable) Maximum fuel economy
OverRPMDistance Int(nullable) Total distance in Over RPM
TotalCruiseControlTime Int(nullable) Total time in cruise control

XML Element : SpeedMatrix

Attribute Type Result Definition

String EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
XAxisType OilPressure
YAxisType String EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
XOrigin Double Cartesian coordinate origin
YOrigin Double Cartesian coordinate origin
XCount Int X graduation count
YCount Int Y graduation count
YAxisValues Double Array of values on the Y axis
XAxisValues Double Array of values on the X axis
Values Int Array of values for the speed matrix

XML Element: TemperatureMatrix

Attribute Type Result Definition

String One of:
EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
AxisType OilPressure or Temperature
Origin Double Origin for X axis
Count Int X graduation count
AxisValues Double Array of values on the X axis
Int Array of values for Temperature
Values matrix

XML Element : OilPressureMatrix

Attribute Type Result Definition

String One of:
EMSUnknown1 or
Speed or
EMSUnknown2 or
AxisType EMSUnknown3 or
EMSUnknown4 or
Temperature or
OilPressure or Temperature
Origin Double Origin for X axis
Count Int X graduation count
AxisValues Double Array of values on the X axis
Values Int Array of values for Oil pressure matrix

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Access Engine Management System (EMS) diagnostic codes for various protocols e.g. J1708,
J1939, J1979 and J1850 e.g. rpm, for specified vehicle(s)/owners. The EMS data is reported on
a regular basis as defined by the EMS reporting times.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from
first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
VehicleId/Ownerid Guid Vehicle(s)/Owner for which EMS data are required
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of the Period
Active Bool Include events with an active report status
Inactive Bool Include events with an inactive report status
PreActive Bool Include events with an preactive report status

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Detailed information on the EMS
Summary Trip data
See supplementary table below for
EMSDiagnosticsInfo XML details

XML Element : EMSDiagnosticsInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

Guid The vehicle identity where the
VehicleId device is installed
Int The date and time when the
VIN diagnostics-fault event occured
VehicleName String Name of the vehicle
EventDateTime DateTime Date/Time of the diagnostic
Int Odometer reading at the time of
Odometer diagnostic
Status Int 1= Active, 2-Inactive, 3=Preactive
String Rawcode - original JBus fault
Rawcode message - comma delimited string.
Description String Description of event/diagnostic
String Protocol of the ECM (Engine
Protocol Control Module e.g. J1939
String Source of the diagnostic info
Source e.g Communications Unit Cellular
MID Int Module ID
String Parameter Identification - String
FMI Int Fault Mode Indicator
Int Number of instances the
EventCount diagnostic event has taken place
Bool Anti-lock Brake System - flag to
ABS denote that the system was active
MIL Bool Malfunction Indicator Lamp
RSL Bool Red Stop Lamp
AWL Bool Amber Warning Lamp
HEST Bool High Exhaust System Temperature

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 230/362

DPF Bool Diesel Particulate Filter
PL Bool Protect Lamp
Bool Electronic Braking System
EBSAL Activation Lamp
Bool Electronic Braking System Red
Latitude Double Latitude (position) of the vehicle
Longitude Double Longitude (position) of the vehicle
Location String Address of the vehicle

This API will basically return latest form definition of forms in a specified fleet.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which latest form definition of
forms is requested

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormSummaryItemList XML List of FormSummaryItem object – see
supplementary table below for details.
One FormSummaryItem object will
represent one form definition detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 231

XML Element : FormSummaryItem

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormNumber Int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber int Its unique number to identify version
of the Form within fleet.
Name String Name of the Form
Description String Description of the Form
CanBeSentBy Int One of the Enumeration value indicates form
enumerated instance sent by type.
values: If its 0 then form instance can be sent
both=0 or by driver and dispatcher.
dispatcher=1 If its 1 then form instance can be sent
or by dispatcher only.
driver=2 If its 2 then form instance can be sent
by driver only.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here to view samples

GetFormListDetails retrieves the latest form definitions for defined fleet. This API has definition
number as optional parameter to retrieve specific form definition. The response includes fields
and associated actions.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle(s) attributes are
FormDefinitionSpecificationList XML List of FormDefinitionSpecification object - see
supplementary table below for details

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Default latest Form definitions
for given owner will be returned.

XML Element : FormDefinitionSpecification

Attribute Type Result Definition

DefinitionNumber int Its unique number to identify version
of the Form within fleet.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Forms XML List of FormDefinition object– see
supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : FormDefinition

Attribute Type Result Definition

Fields XML Its collection of type BaseField.
Detailed information on BaseField –
see supplementary table below for
Actions XML Its collection of type BaseAction.
Detailed information on BaseAction-
see supplementary table below for details.
Name string Name of the form.
Description string Description of the form.
CanBeSentBy int One of the Enumeration value indicates form
enumerated instance sent by type.
values: If its 0 then form instance can be sent
both=0 or by driver and dispatcher.
dispatcher=1 If its 1 then form instance can be sent
or by dispatcher only.
driver=2 If its 2 then form instance can be sent
by driver only.
FormNumber int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber int Its unique number to identify version
of the form within fleet.
FormsLinkedTo XML List of linked form of type

XML Element : BaseField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Field name.
IsHeader bool True True indicates that its header field
IsOptional int One of the Indicates if the field is mandatory or
enumerated optional.
Required =0
Optional =1
IsParam bool True True indicates that field value should
be passed to the form to which it links.

Field types supported by form feature and their respected classes are as follows:
Field Type Class Name
Decimal DecimalField
String StringField
Address AddressField
Date DateField
Time TimeField
DateTime DateTimeField
Select SelectField
Checkbox CheckBoxField
Signature SignatureField

Each of above field type is derived from “BaseField” class.

FormDefinition object has (BaseField[]) object collection property of field types mentioned
above. Detailed explanation for each of field class is as follows:

XML Element : DecimalField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Precision Int The number of digits in a number.
Scale Int The number of digits to the right of the
decimal point in a number.

XML Element : StringField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Size Int Maximum total length of the field.

XML Element : AddressField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Size Int Maximum total length of the address.

XML Element : DateField

Attribute Type Result Definition

- - - Field expects date only as value while
sending form.

XML Element: TimeField

Attribute Type Result Definition
- - - Field expects Time only as value while
sending form.

XML Element: DateTimeField

Attribute Type Result Definition

- - - Field expects Date and Time as value while
sending form.

XML Element: SelectField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Options XML List of field to be selected of type
SelectFieldOption – see supplementary table
below for details

XML Element: SelectFieldOption

Attribute Type Result Definition

Selected bool True indicates field is selected else false.
Value String Value of the field.

XML Element : CheckBoxField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Options XML A list of checkboxes to be selected of type
CheckBoxFieldOption – see supplementary
table below for details

XML Element: CheckBoxFieldOption

Attribute Type Result Definition
SelectAll bool True indicates if the checkbox is selected
it would select all the checkboxes in the
Value String Text of the checkbox field

XML Element : SignatureField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Width ushort Width of the signature control
Height ushort Height of the signature control

XML Element: BaseAction

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Action name.

Action types supported by form feature are as follows:

3) LinkFormAction
4) RouteToAction

LinkFormAction and RouteToAction are derived from “BaseAction” class. FormDefinition object
has (BaseAction[]) object collection property of action type mentioned above. Detail
explanation for each action is as follows:

XML Element: LinkFormAction

Attribute Type Result Definition

LinkFormParams XML Array of type LinkFormParam –
see supplementary table below for
DefIdRef int Linked form definition number.
FormIdRef int Linked form number.
AutoDelete bool True True indicates that if form definition is
deleted then linked form will also be
XML Element: LinkFormParam

Attribute Type Result Definition

Index int Position of the field whose value will be
passed to KeyField of the linked form.

XML Element: RouteToAction

Attribute Type Result Definition

Index int Position of the address field whose value will
be passed to KeyField of the linked form.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetForms retrieves list of all form instance for defined fleet and for restricted period of time.
This API has optional parameter to retrieve list of all Form instances for one or more vehicles
for specific form number for restricted period of time. The response includes form instance
detail like Form number, definition number, value of the key field and other message details.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned
data – pass in 0 to start from
first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from
DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which
vehicle(s) attributes are
StartDate DateTime Starts of the time period (in
UTC) within which form
instance are to be retrieved.
EndDate DateTime End of the time period (in UTC)
within which form instance are
to be retrieved.
SentBy int One of the enumerated Enumeration value indicates
values: form instance sent by type.
both=0 or If its 0 then form instance
dispatcher=1 or can be sent by
driver=2 driver and dispatcher.
If its 1 then form instance
can be sent by dispatcher
only. If its 2 then form
instance can
be sent by driver only.
VehicleIds Guid Array of Vehicle ids for which
form instances to be fetched.
FormNumbers int Retrieve the form instances
of given array of form
number only.

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Default all form instances for
given owner id and duration will be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstance XML Detailed Information on the form instance
– see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : FormInstance

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormNumber Int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber Int Its unique number to identify
version of the form within fleet.
FormName string Name of the form.
KeyFieldValue string Value of the key field.
FormInstanceId Guid Internal Id representing the form
RecipientId Guid Internal Id of the recipient. This is set to
NULL if form instance is from driver.
SenderId Guid The Internal Id of the sender.
ThreadId Guid Internal Id that links response and
request Linked form instance to form a
conversation (message thread).
ParentId Guid Internal Id used in hierarchy of form
ThreadNumber int A number that marks the form instance
count for a particular recipient
SentDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form instance
was sent
Latitude Double Latitude of Route to GPS location
Longitude Double Longitude of Route to GPS location
Reply Boolean Whether the form instance has been
replied to
IncomingForm Boolean True True if the form instance is an incoming
FormInstanceStatus XML Information on the status of the form
instance – see supplementary table
below for details
StreetName String Textual description of destination for
route form
VehicleLatitude int Vehicle's latitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. --36806880 = -36.806880
VehicleLongitude int Vehicle's longitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. 174743020 = 174.743020

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 240/362

PriorityReadRequested boolean Indicates whether a priority read is
requested for this form
ReadReceiptRequested boolean Indicates whether a read receipt is
requested for this form
PriorityRead boolean Indicates whether a priority read is
assigned for this form
ReadReceipt boolean The Read Receipt is received from the
IsReadReceiptIncomingForm boolean Indicates whether the incoming form is
read receipt enabled.
DriverID Guid Driver id.
DriverFirstName string Value indicates Driver First Name
DriverLastName string Value indicates Driver Last Name
UserID Guid User id.
Username string Value indicates User name.
UserFirstName string Value indicates User first name.
UserLastName string Value indicates User last name.
VehicleLocation string Vehicle's location when the form was
GPSValid boolean Value indicates value of GPSValid.
OffRoadMetres double The Off road meters from which the
form was sent.
DegreesBearing int The Degrees bearing from which the
form was sent.
LocationType int The Locationtype from which the form
was sent.
RegionCode int Regioncode from which the form was
MenuNumber Int
AreaCode string The Areacode from which the form was
NamedArea int The NamedArea from which the form
was sent.
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel used to send
or receive the form
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
CurrentETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the current
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 241

ETAState string An enumeration indicating the ETA
state (only applies to Route To Forms)
 None
 InRouteOnTime
 InRouteEarly
 InRouteLate
 Arrived
 NavigationCancelled
OriginalETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the original
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean Is this message enabled for Satellite
delivery if out of cellular coverage

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReceivedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form
instance was received by the
FormDelivered Boolean Boolean confirming the form
instance was delivered
FormRead Boolean Value indicates whether the
form was read.
ReadReceiptReceived Boolean Value indicates whether the
form was read by Driver
ReadReceiptReceivedDateTime DateTime The ReadReceipt received
date time.
ReadReceiptActivityDateTime DateTime The date time when
ReadReceipt was sent by

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

GetFormsDetails retrieve list of all form instance detail for defined fleet and for restricted
period of time. This API has optional parameter to retrieve list of all form instances detail for
one or more vehicles for specific form number for restricted period of time. The response
includes form instance detail like form number, definition number, list of Field-Value and other
message details. From API version 1.6 it supports signature field. The signature bitmap is
exposed as base64 encoded string in the Value field of the FormField class.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned
data – pass in 0 to start from
first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from
DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which
vehicle(s) attributes are
StartDate DateTime Starts of the time period (in
UTC) within which form
instance are to be retrieved.
EndDate DateTime End of the time period (in UTC)
within which form instance are
to be retrieved.
SentBy int One of the enumerated Enumeration value indicates
values: form instance sent by type.
both=0 or If its 0 then form instance
dispatcher=1 or can be sent by
driver=2 driver and dispatcher.
If its 1 then form instance can
be sent by dispatcher only.
If its 2 then form instance can
be sent by driver only.
FormInstanceIds Guid Form instance ids for which
form instances to be
retrieved. If form instance
ids are specified then other
filter(s) (Vehicle Ids and
numbers) will be ignored.
VehicleIds Guid Array of vehicle ids for which
form instances to be fetched.
FormNumbers int Retrieve the form instances
of given array of form
numbers only.

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Default all form instance
details for given owner id and duration will be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceDetail XML Detailed Information on the form instance
detail – see supplementary table below
for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is returned.
True indicates the method should be
executed again using the last known
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : FormInstanceDetail

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormNumber Int Its unique number to identify a form
within fleet.
DefinitionNumber Int Its unique number to identify
version of the form within fleet.
FormName string Name of the form.
FormFields XML List of field - value of type FormField
– see supplementary table below for
FormInstanceId Guid Internal Id representing the form
RecipientId Guid Internal Id of the recipient. This is set to
NULL if form instance is from driver.
FormDefinitionId Guid Internal Id of the form definition for
this form instance.
CommunicationChannel String An Enumeration describing the
communication channel used to send
or receive the form
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
SenderId Guid The Internal Id of the sender.
ThreadId Guid Internal Id that links response and
request Linked form instance to form a
conversation (message thread).
ParentId Guid Internal Id used in hierarchy of form
CurrentETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the current
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
ETAState string An enumeration indicating the ETA
state (only applies to Route To Forms)
 None
 InRouteOnTime
 InRouteEarly
 InRouteLate
 Arrived
 NavigationCancelled
OriginalETADateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) of the original
Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA). Only
applies to Route-To Forms.
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean Is this message enabled for Satellite
delivery if out of cellular coverage
ThreadNumber int A number that marks the form instance
count for a particular recipient
SentDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form instance
was sent
Latitude Double Latitude of Route to GPS location
Longitude Double Longitude of Route to GPS location
Reply Boolean Whether the form instance has been
replied to
IncomingForm Boolean True True if the form instance is an incoming
FormInstanceStatus XML Information on the status of the form
instance – see supplementary table
below for details
StreetName String Textual description of destination for
route form
VehicleLatitude int Vehicle's latitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. --36806880 = -36.806880
VehicleLongitude int Vehicle's longitude when the form was
sent by the Vehicle
This value is in millionths of a degree
e.g. 174743020 = 174.743020
PriorityReadRequested boolean Indicates whether a priority read is
requested for this form
ReadReceiptRequested boolean Indicates whether a read receipt is
requested for this form
PriorityRead boolean Indicates whether a priority is assigned
for this form
ReadReceipt boolean The Read Receipt is received from the
IsReadReceiptIncomingForm boolean Indicates whether the incoming form is
read receipt enabled.
DriverID Guid Driver id.
DriverFirstName string Value indicates Driver First Name
DriverLastName string Value indicates Driver Last Name
UserID Guid User id.
Username string Value indicates User name.
UserFirstName string Value indicates User first name.
UserLastName string Value indicates User last name.
VehicleLocation string Vehicle's location when the form was
GPSValid boolean Value indicates value of GPSValid.
OffRoadMetres double The Off road meters from which the
form was sent.
DegreesBearing int The Degrees bearing from which the
form was sent.
LocationType int The Locationtype from which the form
was sent.
MenuNumber Int
RegionCode int Regioncode from which the form was
AreaCode string The Areacode from which the form was
NamedArea int The NamedArea from which the form
was sent.

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

ReceivedDateTime DateTime Date / Time (in UTC) the form
instance was received by the
FormDelivered Boolean Boolean confirming the form
instance was delivered
FormRead Boolean Value indicates whether the form
was read.
ReadReceiptReceived Boolean Value indicates whether the form
was read by Driver
ReadReceiptReceivedDateTime DateTime The ReadReceipt received date time.
ReadReceiptActivityDateTime DateTime The date time when ReadReceipt
was sent by driver.

XML Element : FormField

Attribute Type Result Definition

Name string Name of the field.
Value string Value of the field.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

Method reterevies list of the vehicle group for given owner/fleet. It will have detail information
of vehicle group like Display Name, Descrption, Vehicle group Paraent Id etc.
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle groups are

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleGroups String Detailed Information of a vehicle group for the
given Owner (Fleet) – see supplementary table
below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed again
using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleGroupId Guid Internal id for the vehicle group.
ParentVehicleGroupId Guid Parent group id of the vehicle group.
OwnerId Guid Internal Id for the owner of the vehicle group.
DisplayName String Name of the vehicle group.
Description String Descriptive text of the vehicle group.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a text message to be sent to one or more vehicles. The sent text message
also contains the Id of the sender and will be displayed on the Vehicle’s MDT. SenderId is
returned from the UserInfo details section of the message returned from the DoLogin method.
Please note that if the recipient does not have a MDT in their vehicle, the method will complete
successfully and the message will be stored in the database. It will simply never reaches it’s
intended destination.

The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 400 characters.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
RecipientIds Guid VehicleIds to receive the message
MessageType Int
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be queued
for sending over satellite if the vehicle goes out of
The default is false.
MessageBody String Message text
The Text message being sent has a maximum length of
250 characters

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Allows a Route-To message to be sent to a Vehicle’s MDT. The sent text message will contain
location information as well as the Id of the sender and will be displayed on the Vehicle’s MDT.
A lot of the parameters and message fields discussed here are also referred to in the
GetMessages Method. The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
RecipientIds Guid VehicleIds to receive the message
MessageType Int
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be queued
for sending over satellite if the vehicle goes out of
coverage. The default is false.

MessageBody String Message text

The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250
Latitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
Longitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
StreetName String Textual description of destination for route Message

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.


Please note that this method requires additional setup to support asynchronous batch
operation. Contact your regional support staff to have it setup.

Allows multiple Route-To messages to be sent to the MDT of multiple vehicles. The sent text
message will contain location information as well as the Id of the sender and will be displayed
on the Vehicle’s MDT. The Text message being sent has a maximum length of 250 characters.
Note that the batch operation is done asynchronously. This method returns as soon as a batch
execution process has been created to perform the batch operation.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 250/362

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are
RecipientIds Guid VehicleIds to receive the message
MessageType Int
IsSatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be
queued for sending over satellite if the vehicle
goes out of coverage. The default is false.
MessageBody String Message text
The Text message being sent has a maximum
length of 250 characters
Latitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
Longitude Double GPS location at time message was sent
StreetName String Textual description of destination for route Message
SendDeleteTextMessageFirst Boolean Indicates whether to send a delete text message
command before sending route-to messages to a
vehicle in the batch.

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Note that, for simplicity, we
have mixed properties related to the batch, along with properties associated with a single
route-to message. In essence, the parameters taken by this method is a list of multiple singular
route-to message send requests.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful
OperationStatusGuid Guid Guid Returns a Guid which can be used to
query the server for the status of the
batch operation.
RequestedOperationsCount Integer Integer Returns the number of route-to message
send requests which will be processed by
the server.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 251

Allows the PI Client to retrieve the status of the batched route-to messages request which is
asynchronously processed by the server.

Please note that any date time values in the output of this method are NOT in UTC format for
the 10.2 release. These values are in server time (based on the server time zone). This has
been identified as an issue, and fixed for Release 10.2.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OperationStatusGuid Guid The operation status guid which was returned by the server
after scheduling initial batch route-to messages send
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

BatchOperationEndTime DateTime DateTime The end time for the batch
BatchOperationStartTime DateTime DateTime The start time for the batch
BatchProcessRunning Boolean Boolean Indicates whether the batch process
is currently running or not. This
value will be NULL if this cannot be
BatchRequestPickupTime DateTime DateTime The time the batch execution
process picked up this job for
processing on the server.
FailedOperationsCount Integer Integer The number of failed operations.
OperationsProcessed Integer Integer The total number of operations
which have been processed
currently (successful + failed).
OperationState Enum Enumeration The current batch operation state.
This can be: NotStarted, Started,
InProgress and Completed.
RequestedOperationsCount Integer Integer The number of operations
requested by the client (individual
route-to message send request
StatusUpdateTime DateTime DateTime The time when the status was last
updated on the server.
SuccessfulOperationsCount Integer Integer The number of operations
processed successfully.
MessageIds Integer [] Integer [] The message identifiers associated
with a failed record.
RecordId Integer Integer The index of the failed record.
VehicleIds Integer [] Integer [] The vehicle identifiers associated
with a failed record.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Allows a message to be sent to the Vehicle(s) which will instruct the MDT to delete all Text
Messages on the device. You must specify at least one Vehicle Id in this method call.
Unrecognised or invalid Vehicle Ids will see the OperationStatus return False and list of problem
Vehicle Ids identified in the associated StatusMessage.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

VehicleId Guid The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method provides the ability to set the values on the serial ConEx port of a Vehicle. The
method can be used on a per Vehicle basis only.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

VehicleId Guid Valid Vehicle Id for which the ConEx port is to be configured
SessionId String Valid session returned from DoLogin method
ChannelEnum 5 Int
OutputSetting 5 Boolean
SerialOutput 5 Base64Binary
SatelliteEnabled Boolean True or False – if True, the text message will be queued for
sending over satellite if the vehicle goes out of coverage. The
default is false.

This information is available from the GetConExConfigurationsByVehicles Method

All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
DoSendForms allows one or more Form Instances to be sent to one or more vehicles. This API is
also performing following validations on service side:
13) Validate whether form feature is enabled on all recipients
14) Validate whether form is sent according to latest form definition
15) Validate filled form for each of its field against the latest form definition
16) Validate whether form is not sent by driver

Note: In case a form has signature fields this API doesn’t support sending signature fields to
the MNav. If you still want to send such forms keep the Value field in SignatureFieldValue
class empty.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which one or more forms need
to be send to one or more vehicles
SendFormInstanceMessages XML List of SendFormInstanceMessage object- see
supplementary table below for details. One
SendFormInstanceMessage object will represent
one form that needs to be sent to one or more

Culture String Culture is used to get location details especially

for forms sent which are having address field.
Supported culture list can be found at :
All parameters are mandatory except those marked in Red Text. Culture field needs to be set
when forms sent are having address field.

XML Element : SendFormInstanceMessage

Attribute Type Result Definition

TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to correlate
the forms between request and response.
FormNumber int Its unique number to identify a form within
DefinitionNumber String Its unique number to identify version of the
Form within fleet.
BaseFieldValues XML Field Values collection defined for each form
sent. It will be list of BaseFieldValue object - see
supplementary table below for details
RecipientIds Guid[] Targeted vehicles to which form would be sent

XML Element : BaseFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

ValueToString String Represent field value as string.

Field value types supported by form feature and their respected classes are as follows:
Field Value Type Class Name
Decimal DecimalFieldValue
String StringFieldValue
Address AddressFieldValue
Date DateFieldValue
Time TimeFieldValue
DateTime DateTimeFieldValue
Select SelectFieldValue
Checkbox CheckBoxFieldValue
Signature SignatureFieldValue

Each of above field Value type is derived from “BaseFieldValue” class.

While sending forms, the field value collection (BaseFieldValue[ ]) of form would be filled with
objects of field value types mentioned above. The type of field value class while filling up field
value collection of form can be derived by form definition which is being used to send a
particular form. Detailed explanation for each of field value class as follows:

XML Element : DecimalFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value Decimal Represent decimal field value
XML Element : StringFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent string field value

XML Element : AddressFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String Represent address of location

Lat Float Represent latitude of location

Lon Float Represent longitude of location
Note: All above properties should be reverse-geocoded.

XML Element : DateFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : TimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).
XML Element : DateTimeFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent date-time field value

Bias Int Represent difference in minutes between

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local
time. By default, it is set to Zero (0).

XML Element : SelectFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value DateTime Represent value selected by user from given set
of values (i.e. from DropDownList box).

XML Element : CheckBoxFieldValue

Attribute Type Result Definition

Value String A ‘/’ separated string representing the selected
checkboxes. Even if checkbox from the list isn’t
checked an empty ‘/’ should be entered. E.g.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SendFormsOperationStatuses XML List of SendFormsOperationStatus object
– see supplementary table below for
details. One SebdFormsOperationStatus
object will represent status of one form
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

XML Element : SendFormsOperationStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition
TrackingID Guid Unique identifier set by PI clients to
correlate the forms between request and
FormErrorMessages XML List of Message Object - see
supplementary table below for details.
Contains validation error messages
related to form definition (i.e. whether
form is sent according to latest form
definition, form-field level validation
errors etc).
RecipientStatuses XML List of RecipientStatus object- see
supplementary table below for details.
Contains status of form sent recipient
wise. One RecipientStatus object will
represent status of form sent to one

FormInstanceResults XML List of FormInstanceResult object- see

supplementary table below for details.
Contains Form Instance Identifiers for
form sent successfully to one or more
One FormInstanceResult object will
represent one Form Instance Identifier.
Status Int Represents overall status of form sent to
one or more recipients. Following is value
description of this property :
1 - Form message is sent successfully to
all targeted recipients.
2 - Form message is sent partially to
one/some of targeted recipients.
(-1) - Form message is not sent any of
targeted recipients.

XML Element : Message

Attribute Type Result Definition

MessageCode Int Message Code for validation error

FieldName String Name of form field which causes validation


XML Element : RecipientStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

RecipientID Guid Recipient ID of vehicle to which form would
be sent

VehicleErrorMessages XML List of Message Object - see supplementary

table above for details.
Contains validation error messages related
to vehicle (i.e. whether form feature is
enabled on targeted vehicle or not etc.)
Status Boolean Whether form sent successfully to this
vehicle or not

XML Element : FormInstanceResult

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier for form sent
successfully to vehicle

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 260/362

GetSentFormsStatus retrieves the status of one or form instances sent to one or more vehicles.
It would return form instance latest statuses’ along with all its previous status changes with
their timestamps. Possible statuses are as follows:
- Not received by driver
- Received by driver
- Read by driver (if read receipt is enabled).

If latest status for one of form instance sent to particular vehicle is “Read by driver” then
response would return in following order of status changes along with their timestamp when
they got changed:
10) Read by driver
11) Received by driver
12) Not received by driver

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to
start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which statuses for sent forms
need to be retrieved
FormInstanceIDs Guid Form Instance IDs for which their current status
along with all previous statuses need to be known
and timestamps of each status change

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

SentFormsStatuses XML List of SentFormsStatus object – see
supplementary table below for details. One
SentFormsStatus object will represent one
sent form status detail.
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or Determines all data in scope is returned. True
False indicates the method should be executed
again using the last known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The maximum version of retrieved record set.
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 261

XML Element : SentFormsStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

FormInstanceID Guid Form Instance Identifier. It would represent
one form instance get inserted into DB for one
Statuses XML List of status changes for one particular form
instance along with timestamp. It will be
represented by FormInstanceStatus object –
see supplementary table below for details

XML Element : FormInstanceStatus

Attribute Type Result Definition

Status Enum FormStatus can be “NotReceivedbyDriver”,
“ReceivedbyDriver” or “ReadbyDriver”

StatusDateTime DateTime The timestamp on which particular status got


SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

Click here for navigating to samples

Method will assign the vehicle to the given vehicle group display name. Vehicle group
display name is unique across the owner/fleet. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle attributes are required
VehicleDisplayName string Vehicle display name which will assign to vehicle
ToVehicleGroupName string Vehicle group display name to which vehicle will be

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

UpdateVehicleCustomStatus is used to update custom status for vehicle. User will use this
method to manage custom status for vehicle. Following is the detail of the method:

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) for which vehicle custom status needs to be
VehicleID Guid Vehicle for which custom status needs to be updated

CustomStatus string Custom status which will be assigned to targeted


Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
SendMNavMessage is used by Third Party services to communicate with Third Party
Applications which are installed on the M-NAV. For this API to be successfully used, the
Third Party application must be installed and enabled on the target M-NAV.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Owner (Fleet) which the vehicle(s) belong to. Messages
can only be sent to fleets which the PI User has access
MNavAppID short A Teletrac Navman assigned Application ID to identify
the Third Party Application.
Messages DeviceMessage A list of messages to send to the M-NAV.

XML Element : DeviceMessage

Parameter Type Definition

MessageID String (8) A user defined message ID of up to 8 characters
Must be unique for different messages to the same
MessageType unsignedByte An optional type for Third Party application use.
Priority short Not used.
TTL dateTime Not used.
VehicleIDs List of Guids The VehicleIDs of the Vehicles to send this message
MessageBody base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary payload to send to the
vehicles, of up to 102,400 bytes.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was successful

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
This method is very similar to GetPeriodActivity() with few differences for addressing late
arriving data. This method was specifically added to resovle LDV-62062. The limitation with
GetPeriodActivity() is that it can miss some lower versions activities when a consumer supplies
an elevated “Version” parameter due to late arriving data present in result set returned by any
previous calls.

Note: due to technical issues found in LDV-87902, support for parameter

“PreviousCallEndTime” was removed. Currently this method does not fully resolve issue of
missing events due to late arriving data.

The main differences between GetPeriodActivity() and this method are as follows.
13. Fetches activities for all vehicles for the given fleet.
14. GetPeriodActivity() does not return any activities with a lower timestamp than the
version given in request. This method provides a way to override such behavior. Using
the “PreviousCallEndTime” parameter, consumer can specify that any activities that
occurred after “PreviousCallEndTime” should be returned irrespective of their versions.
Note – currently this parameter is obsolete. It is ignored by server.
15. Returns additional “RequestPeriodEndTime” field in result set that can be used to set up
next call to this method.
16. Returns private events

This method provides detailed information for all the specified vehicle(s) belonging to given
fleet e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Driver Id etc. for the specified period. This method
extracts significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use
of the Published Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways
to use this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
OwnerId Guid Specify valid OwnerId(s) (available from the GetOwners method)
for the fleet
StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period
PreviousCallEndTime DateTime Obsolete. At present, this parameter is ignored. Specifies the
value of EndTime parameter supplied in previous invocation
of this API. For intial very first call, set it equal to EndTime.
For subsequent calls, set it equal to
“RequestPeriodEndTime” returned in response.
MaximumSerializable Enumerat (Optional) The maximum event sub type understood by the
EventSubType ion client. If not supplied, it defaults to
E, which was introduced in AVL 11.1.
If supplied, all event sub types up to, and including the specified
MaximumSerializableEventSubType are returned.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

VehicleActivity XML Detailed Information on the activity
record form the vehicle – see
supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Determines all data in scope is
returned. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the
last known Version
RequestPeriodEndTime DateTime DateTime Returns value of “EndTime”
parameter supplied in request.
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data
OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was

XML Element : VehicleActivity

Attribute Type Result Definition

ActivityLogId Guid Unique value for the Activity record
OwnerId Guid Identifies Owner / Fleet this vehicle belongs
VehicleId Long Internal Id of the Vehicle for which activity
data is required (available from the
GetVehicles method)
EventSubType String Enumeration type showing the type of alert.
Only event sub types up to AVL2 11.1
_BOUNDS_ MESSAGE ) are returned, unless
the optional parameter,
MaximumSerializable-EventSubType, is
IgnitionOn Boolea The status of the ignition signal when the
n event was recorded.
ReceivedDateTime DateTi Date / Time (in UTC) the event was delivered
me to the server
ActivityDateTime DateTi GPS time (in UTC) when the event was
me recorded
Latitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
Longitude Double GPS location when the event was recorded
HDG Int GPS direction of travel in degrees when the
event was recorded
Speed Float GPS speed in km/h when the event was
MaxSpeed Float GPS max speed in km/h since previous event
was recorded
GPSValid Boolea Whether the GPS fix at time when event was
n recorded was definitive or last known
HDOP Decima GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision when
l event was recorded
NumSatellites Int GPS number of satellites used in the solution
that produced latitude/longitude
ODOMeter Decima Virtual GPS odometer
l Km*10 to the nearest 100
Wraps at 999999 i.e. 99,999.9 km
IncementalDistanc Decima Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
e l from the previous event
Trip Distance Decima Based on the virtual GPS odometer, km*10
l from the previous ignition on event
LocationType Int One of One of the values opposite
ltNoLocation = 0
or ltNamedRoad =
1 or
= 2 or ltPOI = 3
Location String Textual description of position referred to by
latitude/longitude, differs depending on
Location Type
OffRoadMeters Double When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
distance in meters from the nearest feature
DegressBearing Int When location type is not ItNamedRoad,
bearing in degrees from the nearest feature
RegionCode String Sub parts of Location description used for
state mileage report
AreaCode String Sub parts on Location description used for
State Mileage Report
OnSiteTime Double Time the vehicle entered a site
IsUnauthorized Boolea True If the event was performed during a definable
n unauthorized period
SiteId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
DriverId Guid Internal Id for a Site loaded in AVL2 – this is
returned by the GetDrivers method
DriverHoursStatusI Guid Guid to a row in the Internal table
d DriverHoursStatus used in AVL2
Not used in any other Methods
EventPriority String Unknown or Alerting Priority associated with the Event –
Low or as configured in the AVL2 client
LowWithAlarm or
Medium or
or High or
HighWithAlarm or
Urgent or
NamedArea String Undefined or Special reserved names (akin to sites) which
LondonCongestion are setup at deployment time – these are not
Zone or LCZ intended to be changed with any degree of
or LEZ frequency
Private Boolea Flag to indicate if the vehicle activity is in a
n Private Status trip
CommunicationCha String An Enumeration describing the
nnel communication channel over used for the
 Default (same as cellular)
 Cellular
 Satellite
EventTypeDescripti String Description for Same description that is displayed in AVL
on event type reports for event type.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.
Recommended Usage section.

Note that all returned result sets will also have a ‘removed items’ list which will contain a list of
all the identifiers that have been removed out of the list since the last call.


This method provides the harsh acceleration, harsh braking, harsh cornering, speeding, and stop-
sign violations for the specified vehicle(s) and/or driver(s) for the specified period. This method
extracts significant numbers of records and could be used inappropriately and impact your use of
the Published Interface. Please see the Recommended Usage section for appropriate ways to use
this method.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
RequestType String Set to either ‘Vehicle’ or ‘Driver’ depending on whether it is
primarily a vehicle-based query or primarily a driver-based query.
This will not affect the content of the output, but could potentially
impact performance if set incorrectly. For example, if you wish to
retrieve the events for a single vehicle and multiple drivers, the
request type should be set to ‘Vehicle’. On the other hand, if you
wish to retrieve the events for a single driver and multiple vehicles,
then it should be set to ‘Driver’. If there are similar numbers of
vehicles and driver, then it should be set to ‘Vehicle’, as vehicle-
based queries are generally more efficient than driver-based
queries unless there are significantly more vehicles than drivers.
OwnerID Guid Specify valid OwnerID (available from the GetOwners method)

VehicleIDs Guid Specify valid VehicleID(s) (available from the GetVehicles method)

DriverIDs Guid Specify valid DriverID(s) (available from the GetDrivers method)

StartTime DateTime Start Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period

EndTime DateTime End Date and Time (in UTC) of Activity Period

EventType Int Specify a valid event type:

-1 = All Events, 2 = Harsh Braking, 3 = Harsh Acceleration, 4 = Harsh
Cornering, 5 = Stop Sign Violation, 6 = Speeding

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 270

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Events XML Detailed information for each event –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean True or False Whether or not more events are
available. True indicates the method
should be executed again using the last
known Version
Version Long Value > 0 The starting point of versioned data

OperationStatus Boolean True Returns True if the method was


XML Element : VehicleGroups

Attribute Type Result Definition

OwnerID Guid Identifies the Owner / Fleet

VehicleID Guid Identifies the Vehicle

DriverID Guid Identifies the Driver

EventTypeID Int 2 = Harsh Braking, 3 = Harsh Acceleration, 4 = Harsh

Cornering, 5 = Stop Sign Violation, 6 = Speeding
Duration Double The duration of the event (in seconds)

Location String The address where the event occurred

SiteID Guid Identifies the site where the event occurred

Latitude Double The latitude (in degrees) where the event occurred

Longitude Double The longitude (in degrees) where the event occurred

PeakSpeed Double The peak speed (KPH) during the event

PostedSpeed Double The posted speed limit (KPH) where the event

Workflow Service API

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 271

This Published Interface method retrieves Plan Templates from WorkflowService for a
specific fleet. User should provide a valid OwnerId. Plan Template provides attribute
information in order to upload route through WorkflowService and flow it to MNav
devices, so that drivers can accept and start the route.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to get plan templates.
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

OwnerID parameter is mandatory.

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Templates Template Cantains List of templates available in
the fleet.
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus


Attribute Type Result Definition

TemplateID Guid Unique identifier for plan template set while creating
a profile.
Name String Its unique name in the fleet to identify template
within fleet.
Description String Description of the template.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 272

OwnerID Guid Unique identifier for the fleet.

IsActive bool Flag determines if template is active or inactive.

Attributes List<Templ Holds list of attributes available for the template


Attribute Type Result Definition

AttributeID Guid Unique identifier for template Attribute.

IsMandatory bool It determines if attribute is mandatory for route

InternalName String Unique name for the attribute across the
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is
exposed to customer.

DataTypeFormat string It holds data type format which is be displayed in

UI or MNav.
DataType AttributeD It determines DataType of the attribute.
ObjectType WorkflowOb It determines ObjectType of the attribute.(Route,
jectType Stop or Task)
PredefinedList List<Attri It determines predefinedList of values attribute
butePredef can hold.

SOAP/XML Messages
The SOAP packets that are sent and received as part of this Method are provided in the WSDL.

This method allows a user to upload single route with multiple stops and at least one
single tasks for each stop. Once uploaded Driver can search route in MNav device and
proceed with the route.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

RouteAttributes Attribute Contains list of attributes for route.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 273
Stops Stop Contains list of Stop object
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method


Parameter Type Definition

StopAttributes Attribute Contains list of attributes for Stop.

Tasks Task Contains list of tasks for one stop.


Parameter Type Definition

TaskAttributes Attribute Contains list of attributes for Task.


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Attribute Unique identifier for an Attribute
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is exposed to

NumericValue Single? Numeric value of the attribute

StringValue String String value of the attribute
DateTimeValue DateTime Datetime value of the attribute
LatValue Decimal Latitude value of the attribute
LongValue Decimal Longitude value of the attribute
GuidValue Guid Guid value of the attribute
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeO DatetimeOffset value of the attribute

Output Parameters
Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 274
Attribute Type Result Definition
ImportErrors ImportPla

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned

Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

This method allows a user to pull the tasks for given plan template. It provides with
details of all the action (form) definition.
Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

TemplateID Guid Unique identifier for the template, which you receive by calling
GetPlanTemplates API.
OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

Tasks WorkflowTasks List of workflow tasks see below table
more details
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array


Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 275

Parameter Type Definition
TaskID Guid Unique identifier for an Task
TaskName string Task name
Actions WorkflowAction List of actions(forms) for this task see below table for
more details


Parameter Type Definition

ActionID Guid Unique identifier for an Action(form)
Name string Action/form name
ActionFields ActionField List of fields within the action(form) see below table for
more details


Parameter Type Definition

ActionFieldID Guid Unique identifier for an identifying a field on the form
ActionFieldTypeID ActionFieldType
Enum (Button, Label, Dropdown, Textbox,
ActionFieldDataTypeID AttributeDataType Enum (Alphanumeric, Date, Time, Numeric etc.)
ActionFieldDataTypeFo DataTypeFormat Enum
Format String
Label String Label of the field on the form
ActionFieldValues ActionFieldValue Will be populated for collection control like dropdown


Parameter Type Definition

ActionFieldValueID Guid Unique identifier for an item in collection
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID AttributeDataType
NumericValue Single Will be populate if
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID is numeric
StringValue String Will be populate if
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID is alphanumeric
DateTimeValue Datetime Will be populate if
ActionFieldValueDataTypeID is datetime

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 276
This method allows a user to pull the workflow task updates across various workflows
within the fleet for specified time range.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet
DateTimeFrom Datetime DateTime from for querying the workflow updates
DateTimeTo DateTime Datetime to for querying the workflow updates
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with
the Fleet
WorkflowTaskUpdate WorkflowTaskUpdate See below table more
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2:
Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2:
Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage


Parameter Type Definition

RouteUpdates RouteUpdate List of route updates within the date range


Parameter Type Definition

TemplateID Guid The template which is used to import the route
RouteInstanceID Guid Unique ID to identify the route
RouteActivities Activity Route level tasks like Route Accepted, Activated, Started,
Completed, Abandoned, Rejected. For details of Activity
see table below
TaskActivities Activity Route level manual tasks will be null if you no manual
InstanceAttributes InstanceAttribute List of all the mandatory attributes for this route given at
Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 277
the time of import
StopUpdates StopUpdate List of stop updates within this route


Parameter Type Definition

StopInstanceID Guid Unique ID to identify the stop
StopActivities Activity Stop level tasks like Stop Arrived, Departed etc.
InstanceAttributes InstanceAttribute List of all the mandatory attributes for this stop given at
the time of import
TaskUpdates TaskUpdate List of task update within this route


Parameter Type Definition

TaskInstanceID Guid Unique ID to identify the task
TaskActivities Activity Task level tasks like Task Complete, Incomplete
InstanceAttributes InstanceAttribute List of all the mandatory attributes for this stop given at
the time of import


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Guid Unique ID of an attribute
NumericValue Real Will be populate if attribute is of type numeric
DateTimeValue Datetime Will be populate if attribute is of type datetime
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeOffset Will be populate if attribute is of type datetime has value
with the time zone offset
StringValue String Will be populate if attribute is of type string

Parameter Type Definition

ActivityDateTime Datetime Local datetime when the activity happened
ActivityDateTimeUTC Datetime UTC date time when the activity happened
VehicleID Guid
DriverID Guid
EventStatus EventStatus Enum (RouteActivated, Started, Stop Arrived etc)
Latitude Decimal Location where the activity happened
Longitude Decimal Location where the activity happened
ActivityDetails ActivityDetail Will have the form data submitted by the drive app. See
table below more details.


Parameter Type Definition

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 278

AttributeID Guid(nullable) AttributeID
ActionID Guid Action/form unqiue ID (should match with
ActionFieldID Guid ActionField unique ID
NumericValue Single (nullable) If field is of numeric type
StringValue String If field is of string type
DateTimeValue Datetime (nullable) If field is date time type. Local time
DateTimeOffsetValue Datetime (nullable) If field is date time type
LatValue Decimal (nullable) If field is geolocation type
LongValue Decimal (nullable) If field is geolocation type


This Published Interface method assigns an existing route to a vehicle. Any route before
activation on mobile device can be assigned to a vehicle. Route Planned, Route Assigned,
Route Accepted and Route Decline statuses occur before activating a vehicle.
 Route can be assigned to a vehicle before Activation of the route.
 Route Assigned message is sent to vehicle after updating on server.
 Route Unassigned message is sent if route is already associated with a vehicle.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to get plan templates.
TemplateID Guid Unique Id associated with plan template of the route which should be
VehicleName String Vehicle’s Displayname to which route is supposed to be assigned.
Attributes Attribute AttributeId to identify route. (RouteID attribute)
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Attribute Unique identifier for an Attribute
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is exposed to

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 279

NumericValue Single? Numeric value of the attribute
StringValue String String value of the attribute
DateTimeValue DateTime Datetime value of the attribute
LatValue Decimal Latitude value of the attribute
LongValue Decimal Longitude value of the attribute
GuidValue Guid Guid value of the attribute
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeO DatetimeOffset value of the attribute

Output Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array


This Published Interface method cancels an existing route in a fleet.

3) Route can be cancelled before completion of route.
4) If route is already assigned to vehicle cancellation message is sent to the vehicle after
cancelling on the server

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

OwnerID Guid Unique Id associated with the Fleet to get plan templates.
Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 280
TemplateID Guid Unique Id associated with plan template of the route which should be
Attributes Attribute AttributeId to identify route. (RouteID attribute)
Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0 to start from first
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method


Parameter Type Definition

AttributeID Attribute Unique identifier for an Attribute
ExternalName string It determines external name for attribute, is exposed to

NumericValue Single? Numeric value of the attribute

StringValue String String value of the attribute
DateTimeValue DateTime Datetime value of the attribute
LatValue Decimal Latitude value of the attribute
LongValue Decimal Longitude value of the attribute
GuidValue Guid Guid value of the attribute
DateTimeOffsetValue DateTimeO DatetimeOffset value of the attribute

Output Parameters

Parameter Type Result Definition

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > OperationStatus
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

Map Location Strings

Some of the returned records would have a location string as one of the columns. This following
Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 281
is how to interpret these strings:

The location string in the Teletrac Navman applicaton is produced from a combination of
database fields for display in the client as follows:
 OffRoadMetres (distance in metres from the nearest feature)
 LocationType (enum: ltNoLocation = 0, ltNamedRoad = 1, ltUnnamedRoad
= 2, ltPOI = 3)
DegreesBearing (bearing in degrees to the nearest feature)
Location (string containing nearest feature)
 If the location type is a road (locationType = ltNamedRoad) then we just display the
Location field and ignore the others e.g.: "583 E Coast Rd, Rosedale, Auckland, New
Zealand, 0630"
Location = 583 E Coast Rd, Rosedale, Auckland, New Zealand, 0630
Location type = 1
off road meters = 7.27623468447137
degrees bearing = 1
 If the Location string does not belong to a "road", then the location string is
constructed on the fly along a pattern similar to: "x distance SE of nearest
suburb/city" eg ""0.1 mi SW of Weavers Lane, Stone, United Kingdom, ST15 8""
location = Weavers Lane, Stone, United Kingdom, ST15 8
location type = 3
degree bearing = 240
off road metres = 162.282631503341

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 282



This Published Interface method retrieves the US DOT number and information of the carrier.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Version Long The starting point of versioned data – pass in 0
to start from first record
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method
CarrierId Guid Carrier ID returned from GetVehicles method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

CarrierName String Carrier name
DOTNumber String US DOT number
StreetAddress String Carrier Street address location
City String Carrier City location
State String Carrier State location
Zip String Carrier Zip Code Location

GetELDDriverDailyLogs – similar to GetHOSDriverDailyLogs API

This Published Interface method retrieves the Status Logs with additional ELD data from the
HOS Service where the StatusTimestamp of the Status Log is between a Start and End Date
Time defined by the user. The user can choose to select all Status Logs in the date range and
per Fleet or per Driver basis by changing the Request Type and providing a valid

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Daily
Logs based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Daily Logs
Version Long Not use – set to 0
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ELDDriverDailyLogs XML Array of ELDDriverDailyLog objects –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean Not use

RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be

Array removed from the client cache
Version Long Not use

OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned

Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element: ELDDriverDailyLog

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated with
the Driver Daily Log
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Daily Log info was received/processed
by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Driver Daily Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log
HOSStatus Int HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log– Appendix 5 for ELD defini
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the driver status daily log
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor who made an add or edit suggestion
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle Location County
Country String Vehicle Location Country
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the Status Log
ELDEventSeqNum Int Event Sequence ID Number
ELDEventRecordStatus Int Event Record Status – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEventRecordOrigin Int Event Record Origin – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEventType Int Event Type – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEventCode Int Event Code – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEngineHours Int Engine Hours (in second)
ELDDistanceFromLastPos Int Distance Since Last Valid Coordinates
ELDMalFunctionIndicator Int Malfunction Indicator – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDDiagEventIndicator Int Diagnostic Indicator – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDDriverLocDesc String Input the location description by driver
ELDAnnotate String Comment or annotation a driver
ELDManifestSpecialInstruction String Manifest special instruction
ELDMalfunctionDiagnosticCode String Malfunction/Diagnostic Code


This Published Interface method retrieves the TeletracNavman ELD compliance product

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method
Version Long Not use – set to 0

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ELDProductInfo XML Array of ELDProductInfo objects –
see supplementary table below for
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean False - Not use
RemovedItems Guid Not Use
Version Long Not use
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element: ELDProductInfo

Attribute Type Result Definition

ELDProvider String TeletracNavman
ELDRegistrationID String TeletracNavman product registration ID
ELDIdentifier String TeletracNavman product identifier
ELDID String TeletracNavman product ID, currently it is 1
ELDAuthenticationVal String TeletracNavman product authentication


This Published Interface method retrieves the Unassigned Drive Time (UDT) records where the
StatusTimestamp of the Status Log is between a Start and End Date Time defined by the user.
The user can choose to select all Status Logs in the date range and per Fleet or per Vehicle
basis by changing the Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/VehicleId.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Vehicle/Fleet
(dependent on the value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Vehicle’ to get
Unassigned Driving Time (UDT) Logs based on
OwnerId or VehicleId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS
Unassigned Driving Time Logs from
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS
Unassigned Driving Time Logs from
Version Long Not use – set to 0
SessionId Guid Valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ELDUnassignedDriveTi XML Array of ELDUnassignedDriveTime objects –
mes see supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean Not use
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long Not use
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element: ELDUnassignedDriveTime

Attribute Type Result Definition

HOSStatusID Guid Unique Id of the HOS associated with the UDT
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with the UDT
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated with the
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the UDT
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the UDT was received/processed by
the server
TimeZone String Timezone of Driver Daily Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log
HOSStatus Int HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log– Appendix 5 for
ELD definitions
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
Country String Vehicle Location Country
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
ELDEventSeqNum Int Event Sequence ID Number
ELDEventRecordStatus Int Event Record Status – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDEventRecordOrigin Int Event Record Origin – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDEventType Int Event Type – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEventCode Int Event Code – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEngineHours Int Engine Hours (in second)
ELDDistanceFromLastPos Int Distance Since Last Valid Coordinates
ELDMalFunctionIndicator Int Malfunction Indicator – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDDiagEventIndicator Int Diagnostic Indicator – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDDriverLocDesc String Input the location description by driver
ELDAnnotate String Comment or annotation a driver
ELDManifestSpecialInstr String Manifest special instruction
ELDMalfunctionDiagnosti String Malfunction/Diagnostic Code
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status

This Published Interface method retrieves the DriverLog Edit records where the LastChanged of
the Status Log is between a Start and End Date Time defined by the user. The user can choose
to select all Status Logs in the date range and per Fleet or per Driver basis by changing the
Request Type and providing a valid OwnerId/DriverId. The search of any driver log edit is up to
a maximum of 7 days.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Definition

ID Guid Unique Id associated with the Driver/Fleet (dependent on the
value of RequestType)
RequestType Enum Enum with options ‘Owner’ or ‘Driver’ to get HOS Driver Edit
Logs based on OwnerId or DriverId respectively
FromDateTime DateTime Start Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Edit Logs
ToDateTime DateTime End Date Time of the period to retrieve HOS Driver Edit Logs
Version Long Not use – set to 0
Session XML SessionInfo object containg Guid field ‘SessionId’ – this Guid
should come from a valid session returned from DoLogin method

Output Parameters

Attribute Type Result Definition

ELDDriverLogEditRecords XML Array of ELDdriverLogEditRecord objects –
see supplementary table below for details
MoreItemsAvailable Boolean Not use
RemovedItems Guid Specifices any records that should be
Array removed from the client cache
Version Long Not use
OperationStatus Boolean See Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned
Objects > Operation Status
StatusMessage XML See Appendix 2: Commonly Returned
Objects > StatusMessage Array

XML Element: ELDDriverLogEditRecord

Attribute Type Result Definition

DriverUID Guid Unique Id of the Driver associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleID Guid Unique Id of the Vehicle associated with the
Driver Daily Log
VehicleDisplayName String Display Name of the Vehicle associated with
the Driver Daily Log
DriverID String The PIN assigned to the Driver
DriverFirstName String First Name of the Driver
DriverLastName String Last Name of the Driver
EventDate DateTime Event Date Time of the HOS Status
ServerDate DateTime Date Time that the Daily Log info was
received/processed by the server
TimeZone Int Timezone of Driver Daily Log
StatusTimeStamp DateTime Date Time of HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log
HOSStatus Int HOS Status of the Driver Daily Log– Appendix 5 for
ELD definitions
Latitude Double Vehicle Latitude
Longitude Double Vehicle Longitude
StreetAddress String Vehicle Street Address Location
City String Vehicle City Location
State String Vehicle State Location
ZIP String Vehicle ZIP Code Location
AccuTotalMeters Double Vehicle Odometer Reading
CoDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Co-Driver
CoDriverFirstName String First Name of the Co-Driver
CoDriverLastName String Last Name of the Co-Driver
Note String Note against the Status Log
VIN String Vehicle Identification Number
CarrierName String Carrier Display Name
CarrierAddr String Carrier Address
TrailerID String Vehicle Trailer 1 Id
TrailerID2 String Vehicle Trailer 2 Id
ShipperName String Shipper Display Name
Commodity String Commodity
LastChanged DateTime Date Time of the last edit to the driver status daily
SupervisorName String Name of Supervisor who made an add or edit
SupervisorNote String Supervisor’s Note
CurrentHOSStatus Int Current HOS Status for Vehicle
RadiusToDomicile Int Vehicle Radius to Domicile
County String Vehicle Location County
Country String Vehicle Location Country
RecLock Int Rec Lock
ManifestNumb String Manifest Number
EditTypeID Short Id of the Edit Type – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
EditTypeDescription String Description of the Edit Type
CurrentDriverID String The PIN assigned to the Current Driver
Fuel Double Vehicle Fuel
GPSStatus Int Vehicle GPS Status
HOSStatusID Long Id of the Status Log
ELDEventSeqNum Int Event Sequence ID Number
ELDEventRecordStatus Int Event Record Status – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDEventRecordOrigin Int Event Record Origin – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDEventType Int Event Type – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEventCode Int Event Code – Appendix 5 for ELD definitions
ELDEngineHours Int Engine Hours (in second)
ELDDistanceFromLastPos Int Distance Since Last Valid Coordinates
ELDMalFunctionIndicator Int Malfunction Indicator – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDDiagEventIndicator Int Diagnostic Indicator – Appendix 5 for ELD
ELDDriverLocDesc String Input the location description by driver
ELDAnnotate String Comment or annotation a driver
ELDManifestSpecialInstr String Manifest special instruction
ELDMalfunctionDiagnosti String Malfunction/Diagnostic Code
Data Security

The Teletrac Navman system has been architected such that the methods used to access data
assume they are authorized. The rationale for this design is simply to avoid the implementation
and performance costs that come with performing full parameter checking on every function
call. The client application is assumed to be validated and authorized so this checking is not

The use of GUIDs (random 128 bits identifiers) in the application to identify entities in the
system, whilst providing an additional layer of security, does not make the system immune
from a user accessing data they are not authorized to see. For a PI User to guess a GUID with
the intent to access unauthorized data is a rare occurrence given the complexity of the GUID
and it’s construction.

However, where there is a weakness is with PI users who have their access to data revoked.
The PI User will have stored or recorded a GUID and using the methods available, continue to
access data which they have since had revoked. A good example of this is where a PI User had
access to a vehicle (referenced using a GUID) on their fleet which has since been revoked or
removed from their fleet. In this scenario, supplying the GUID to the GetVehicles method will
still return data.
Appendix 1 : SMDP Event Sub-type Descriptions

The following SMDP Event Sub-Types are returned in the GetPeriodActivityResponse XML. These can be translated as:

Value EventType Description

7 SMDP_EVENT_AUXILIARY_DIGITAL_INPUT_ON Auxiliary digital input on
8 SMDP_EVENT_AUXILIARY_DIGITAL_INPUT_OFF Auxiliary digital input off
Auxiliary analogue input above
Auxiliary analogue input below

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 294

Value EventType Description
31 SMDP_EVENT_DRIVER_STATUS_POA Period of Availability
53 SMDP_EVENT_HALO_POWER_ABOVE_THRESHOLD Halo Power Supply Above Threshold
54 SMDP_EVENT_HALO_POWER_BELOW_THRESHOLD Halo Power Supply Below Threshold
Value EventType Description
61 SMDP_EVENT_THATCHAM_ALERT_POWER_SUPPLY Stolen Vehicle Power Supply Isolation
63 SMDP_EVENT_THATCHAM_TIME_UPDATE Stolen Vehicle Location Update
66 SMDP_EVENT_TEMPERATURE Temperature Update
77 SMDP_EVENT_OVERSPEED_END Over Speed ended Alert
82 SMDP_EVENT_ASSET_STATUS_IDLE Asset is in Idle state
83 SMDP_EVENT_ASSET_STATUS_INUSE Asset is in In Use state
Value EventType Description
88 SMDP_EVENT_TEMPERATURE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_MESSAGE Temperature outside specified bounds
90 SMDP_EVENT_TEMPERATURE_IN_BOUNDS_MESSAGE Temperature inside specified bounds
101 SMDP_EVENT_TEMPERATURE_SETPOINT_IN_BOUNDS_MESSAGE Temperature within specified bounds
104 SMDP_EVENT_POSTED_SPEED_START Posted Overspeed Start
105 SMDP_EVENT_POSTED_SPEED_END Posted Overspeed End
180 SMDP_EVENT_EMS_VEHICLE_DIAGNOSTIC Vehicle Diagnostic event
181 SMDP_EVENT_EMS_CRUISE_START Cruise Control Start
182 SMDP_EVENT_EMS_CRUISE_END Cruise Control End
Value EventType Description
183 SMDP_EVENT_EMS_HARSH_ACCEL Harsh Acceleration
185 SMDP_EVENT_EMS_MIL_START Malfunction Indicator Light Start
186 SMDP_EVENT_EMS_MIL_END Malfunction Indicator Light End
198 SMDP_EVENT_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_BEGIN Qube 300 Firmware Upgrade Begin
199 SMDP_EVENT_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_END Qube 300 Firmware Upgrade End
Appendix 2 : Commonly Returned Objects
Some common objects are returned when using the Published Interface. These common
objects are detailed here.

Operation Status
This should be checked after calling any method to make sure it is true. A True return code
means the method was successful. If the OperationStatus is False, you should check the
StatusMessages to assess why the operation failed.


Determines all data in scope is returned. True indicates the method should be executed again using the
last known Version.

The maximum version of retrieved record set. Use this as part of the next method call if
MoreItemsAvailable is set to true in the Response object to retrieve the next set of data.

StatusMessage array
This object contains a list of SystemMessage objects.


MessageCode -> (see later in document for an explanation of all the
ExceptionMessage -> Has an optional English description of the problem
ExceptionStackTrace -> Not implemented

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 2

ExceptionType -> exception class name

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 3

StatusMessages array
The behavior of this property is exactly as that of the StatusMessage array.

The following methods additionally expose this array:


Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 301

Appendix 3 : Code Samples
This section describes code samples for using methods both in C# and VB.NET. These are as

VB.NET Sample:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Configuration

Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples
Public Class GetFormListVBSample

Public Function MakeGetFormListAPICall() As GetFormSummaryItemsResponse

Dim currentSession As SessionInfo

Dim service As New Service()

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx"

Dim loginRequest As New DoLoginRequest()

loginRequest.UserCredential = New UserCredentialInfo()
'Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser"
'Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2"
loginRequest.Session = New SessionInfo()

Dim loginResponse As DoLoginResponse

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest)

If loginResponse Is Nothing OrElse Not loginResponse.OperationStatus OrElse Not

loginResponse.Authenticated Then
'Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
Throw (New ApplicationException("Login Failed."))
End If

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session

Dim getFormSummaryItemsRequest As New GetFormSummaryItemsRequest

'Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be fetched
getFormSummaryItemsRequest.OwnerId = New Guid(
'Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token
getFormSummaryItemsRequest.Session = currentSession
'Set the initial Version to 0
getFormSummaryItemsRequest.Version = 0

Dim getFormSummaryItemsResponse As GetFormSummaryItemsResponse

getFormSummaryItemsResponse = service.GetFormList(getFormSummaryItemsRequest)
Return getFormSummaryItemsResponse

End Function
End Class

C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Configuration;

using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples;
public class GetFormListCSharpSample
public GetFormSummaryItemsResponse MakeGetFormListAPICall()
SessionInfo currentSession = null;
Service service = new Service();
service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx";

DoLoginRequest loginRequest = new DoLoginRequest();

loginRequest.UserCredential = new UserCredentialInfo();
//Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser";
//Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2";
loginRequest.Session = new SessionInfo();

DoLoginResponse loginResponse = null;

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest);

if (loginResponse == null || !loginResponse.OperationStatus ||

//Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
throw (new ApplicationException("Login Failed."));

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session;

GetFormSummaryItemsRequest getFormSummaryItemsRequest = new

//Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
getFormSummaryItemsRequest.OwnerId = new
//Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token
getFormSummaryItemsRequest.Session = currentSession;
//Set the initial Version to 0
getFormSummaryItemsRequest.Version = 0;
GetFormSummaryItemsResponse getFormSummaryItemsResponse = null;
getFormSummaryItemsResponse = service.GetFormList(getFormSummaryItemsRequest);

return getFormSummaryItemsResponse;

VB.NET Sample:
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Configuration

Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples

Public Class GetFormListDetailsCSharpSample

Public Function MakeGetFormListDetailAPICall() As GetFormListDetailResponse

Dim currentSession As SessionInfo = Nothing

Dim service As New Service()

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx"

Dim loginRequest As New DoLoginRequest()

loginRequest.UserCredential = New UserCredentialInfo()
'Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser"
'Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2"
loginRequest.Session = New SessionInfo()

Dim loginResponse As DoLoginResponse = Nothing

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest)

If loginResponse Is Nothing OrElse Not loginResponse.OperationStatus OrElse Not

loginResponse.Authenticated Then
'Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
Throw (New ApplicationException("Login Failed."))
End If

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session

Dim request As New GetFormListDetailRequest()

'Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
request.OwnerId = New Guid("9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5")
'Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token
request.Session = currentSession

'Set the initial Version to 0

request.Version = 0

Dim formDefSpecificationList As New List(Of FormDefinitionSpecification)()

Dim formDef As New FormDefinitionSpecification()
formDef.DefinitionNumber = 20

Dim formDef1 As New FormDefinitionSpecification()

formDef1.DefinitionNumber = 302

'Set form definition number for which definition to be fetched. Its optional
request.FormDefinitionSpecificationList = formDefSpecificationList.ToArray()

Dim response As GetFormListDetailResponse = service.GetFormListDetail(request)

Return response
End Function
End Class

C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Configuration;

using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples;

public class GetFormListDetailsCSharpSample

public GetFormListDetailResponse MakeGetFormListDetailAPICall()

SessionInfo currentSession = null;

Service service = new Service();

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx";

DoLoginRequest loginRequest = new DoLoginRequest();

loginRequest.UserCredential = new UserCredentialInfo();
//Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser";
//Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2";
loginRequest.Session = new SessionInfo();
DoLoginResponse loginResponse = null;
loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest);

if (loginResponse == null || !loginResponse.OperationStatus ||

//Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
throw (new ApplicationException("Login Failed."));

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session;

GetFormListDetailRequest request = new GetFormListDetailRequest();

//Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
request.OwnerId = new Guid("9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5");

//Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

request.Session = currentSession;

//Set the initial Version to 0

request.Version = 0;

List<FormDefinitionSpecification> formDefSpecificationList = new

FormDefinitionSpecification formDef = new FormDefinitionSpecification();
formDef.DefinitionNumber = 20;

FormDefinitionSpecification formDef1 = new FormDefinitionSpecification();

formDef1.DefinitionNumber = 302;

//Set form definition number for which definition to be fetched. Its optional
// parameter.
request.FormDefinitionSpecificationList = formDefSpecificationList.ToArray();

GetFormListDetailResponse response = service.GetFormListDetail(request);

return response;

VB.NET Sample:
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Configuration

Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples

Public Class GetFormsCSharpSample

Public Function MakeGetFormsAPICall() As GetFormsResponse

Dim currentSession As SessionInfo = Nothing

Dim service As New Service()

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx"

Dim loginRequest As New DoLoginRequest()

loginRequest.UserCredential = New UserCredentialInfo()
'Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser"
'Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2"
loginRequest.Session = New SessionInfo()

Dim loginResponse As DoLoginResponse = Nothing

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest)

If loginResponse Is Nothing OrElse Not loginResponse.OperationStatus OrElse Not

loginResponse.Authenticated Then
'Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
Throw (New ApplicationException("Login Failed."))
End If

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session

Dim request As New GetFormsRequest()

'Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
request.OwnerId = New Guid("9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5")

'Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

request.Session = currentSession

'Set the initial Version to 0

request.Version = 0

'Set starts of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.StartDate = New DateTime(2011, 6, 8)

'Set end of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.EndDate = New DateTime(2011, 6, 9)

'Set the type of form instances to be fetched. Default type is "both"

request.SentBy = FormSentBy.both

'Set form number for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional parameter.
request.FormNumbers = New Integer() {25, 52}

'Set vehicle id for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional

parameter. request.VehicleIds = New Guid() {New Guid("6E646103-C9DF-4687-9BB7-
4A80145E1DC7"), New Guid("F5567041-178F-4657-93DD-E9A43CC23ED1")}
Dim response As GetFormsResponse = service.GetForms(request)

Return response
End Function
End Class
C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Configuration;

using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples;

public class GetFormsCSharpSample


public GetFormsResponse MakeGetFormsAPICall()


SessionInfo currentSession = null;

Service service = new Service();

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx";

DoLoginRequest loginRequest = new DoLoginRequest();

loginRequest.UserCredential = new UserCredentialInfo();
//Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser";
//Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2";
loginRequest.Session = new SessionInfo();

DoLoginResponse loginResponse = null;

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest);

if (loginResponse == null || !loginResponse.OperationStatus ||

//Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
throw (new ApplicationException("Login Failed."));

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session;

GetFormsRequest request = new GetFormsRequest();

//Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
request.OwnerId = new Guid("9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5");

//Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

request.Session = currentSession;

//Set the initial Version to 0

request.Version = 0;

//Set starts of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.StartDate = new DateTime(2011, 6, 8);

//Set end of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.EndDate = new DateTime(2011, 6, 9);

//Set the type of form instances to be fetched. Default type is "both"

request.SentBy = FormSentBy.both;

//Set form number for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional parameter.
request.FormNumbers = new int[] { 25, 52 };

//Set vehicle id for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional parameter.
request.VehicleIds = new Guid[] {
new Guid("6E646103-C9DF-4687-9BB7-4A80145E1DC7"),
new Guid("F5567041-178F-4657-93DD-E9A43CC23ED1") };

GetFormsResponse response = service.GetForms(request);

return response;

VB.Net Sample:
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Configuration

Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples

Public Class GetFormsDetailsCSharpSample

Public Function MakeGetFormsDetailsAPICall() As GetFormsDetailsResponse

Dim currentSession As SessionInfo = Nothing

Dim service As New Service()

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx"

Dim loginRequest As New DoLoginRequest()

loginRequest.UserCredential = New UserCredentialInfo()
'Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser"
'Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2"
loginRequest.Session = New SessionInfo()

Dim loginResponse As DoLoginResponse = Nothing

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest)

If loginResponse Is Nothing OrElse Not loginResponse.OperationStatus OrElse Not

loginResponse.Authenticated Then
'Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
Throw (New ApplicationException("Login Failed."))
End If

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session

Dim request As New GetFormsDetailsRequest()

'Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
request.OwnerId = New Guid("{9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5}")

'Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

request.Session = currentSession

'Set the initial Version to 0

request.Version = 0

'Set starts of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.StartDate = New DateTime(2011, 6, 8)

'Set end of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.EndDate = New DateTime(2011, 6, 9)

'Set the type of form instances to be fetched. Default type is "both"

request.SentBy = FormSentBy.both

'Set form instance ids for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional
request.FormInstanceIds = New Guid() {
New Guid("F576D251-98FB-4B0A-93C8-767A0B4ADF0D"),
New Guid("FF81E8D0-E494-4B1D-B83D-D4986B1FE2AA")}

'Set form number for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional parameter.
request.FormNumbers = New Integer() {25, 52}

'Set vehicle id for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional

parameter. request.VehicleIds = New Guid() {
New Guid("6E646103-C9DF-4687-9BB7-4A80145E1DC7"),
New Guid("F5567041-178F-4657-93DD-E9A43CC23ED1")}

Dim response As GetFormsDetailsResponse = service.GetFormsDetails(request)

Return response
End Function
End Class

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 310

C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Configuration;

using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples;

public class GetFormsDetailsCSharpSample


public GetFormsDetailsResponse MakeGetFormsDetailsAPICall()


SessionInfo currentSession = null;

Service service = new Service();

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx";

DoLoginRequest loginRequest = new DoLoginRequest();

loginRequest.UserCredential = new UserCredentialInfo();
//Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser";
//Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2";
loginRequest.Session = new SessionInfo();

DoLoginResponse loginResponse = null;

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest);

if (loginResponse == null || !loginResponse.OperationStatus ||

//Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
throw (new ApplicationException("Login Failed."));

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session;

GetFormsDetailsRequest request = new GetFormsDetailsRequest();

//Supply Owner ID for which latest form definitions for forms need to be
request.OwnerId = new Guid("{9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5}");

//Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

request.Session = currentSession;

//Set the initial Version to 0

request.Version = 0;

//Set starts of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.StartDate = new DateTime(2011, 6, 8);

//Set end of time period (in UTC) within form instance are to be retrieved.
request.EndDate = new DateTime(2011, 6, 9);

//Set the type of form instances to be fetched. Default type is "both"

request.SentBy = FormSentBy.both;

//Set form instance ids for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional
request.FormInstanceIds = new Guid[] {
new Guid("F576D251-98FB-4B0A-93C8-767A0B4ADF0D"),
new Guid("FF81E8D0-E494-4B1D-B83D-D4986B1FE2AA") };

//Set form number for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional parameter.
request.FormNumbers = new int[] { 25, 52 };

//Set vehicle id for which form instance to be fetched. Its optional parameter.
request.VehicleIds = new Guid[] {
new Guid("6E646103-C9DF-4687-9BB7-4A80145E1DC7"),
new Guid("F5567041-178F-4657-93DD-E9A43CC23ED1") };

GetFormsDetailsResponse response = service.GetFormsDetails(request);

return response;

VB.NET Sample:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Configuration

Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples
Public Class DoSendFormsVBSample

Public Function MakeDoSendFormsAPICall() As DoSendFormsResponse

Dim currentSession As SessionInfo

Dim service As New Service()

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx"

Dim loginRequest As New DoLoginRequest()

loginRequest.UserCredential = New UserCredentialInfo()
'Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser"
'Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2"
loginRequest.Session = New SessionInfo()
Dim loginResponse As DoLoginResponse
loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest)

If loginResponse Is Nothing OrElse Not loginResponse.OperationStatus

OrElse Not loginResponse.Authenticated Then
'Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
Throw (New ApplicationException("Login Failed."))
End If

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session

Dim doSendFormsRequest As New DoSendFormsRequest

'Supply Owner ID to which forms need to be sent

doSendFormsRequest.OwnerId = New Guid("9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5")

'Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

doSendFormsRequest.Session = currentSession

'Supply list of forms. For each form set Tracking ID,Recipient IDs,Form
Definition Number, Form fields etc.

Dim doSendFormsInstnaceMessages As New List(Of SendFormInstanceMessage)

'Create first form

Dim tempSendFormInstanceMessage As New SendFormInstanceMessage
'Set Tracking ID
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.TrackingID = Guid.NewGuid()

'Set Form Definition Number

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.DefinitionNumber = 240
'Set Form Number
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.FormNumber = 50
'Set Recipients
Dim recipientIDs As Guid() = New Guid(1) {}
recipientIDs(0) = New Guid("1AD64143-75A2-4665-B0B1-C4B4307CBFEC")
recipientIDs(1) = New Guid("54701928-F7FC-45CA-BED7-9853276EBB6B")
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.RecipientIds = recipientIDs

'instantiate the BaseFieldValues

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues = New BaseFieldValues()

'Set Form Fields

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues.Values = New BaseFieldValue(6) {}
'Decimal Field
Dim objDecimalFieldValue As New DecimalFieldValue
objDecimalFieldValue.Value = 12.22
objDecimalFieldValue, 0)
'String Field
Dim objStringFieldValue As New StringFieldValue
objStringFieldValue.Value = "Dispatcher1"
objStringFieldValue, 1)
'Select Field
Dim objSelectFieldValue As New SelectFieldValue
objSelectFieldValue.Value = "1"
objSelectFieldValue, 2)
'Address Field
Dim objAddressFieldValue As New AddressFieldValue
objAddressFieldValue.Value = "London"
objAddressFieldValue.Lat = 75.33
objAddressFieldValue.Lon = 80.22
objAddressFieldValue, 3)
'Date Field
Dim objDateFieldValue As New DateFieldValue
objDateFieldValue.Value = Now.Date
objDateFieldValue, 4)
'Time Field
Dim objTimeFieldValue As New TimeFieldValue
objTimeFieldValue.Value = Now.ToLocalTime
objTimeFieldValue, 5)
'Date Time Field
Dim objDateTimeFieldValue As New DateTimeFieldValue
objDateTimeFieldValue.Value = Now
objDateTimeFieldValue, 6)


'Create Second Form

tempSendFormInstanceMessage = New SendFormInstanceMessage()
'Set Tracking ID
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.TrackingID = Guid.NewGuid()
'Set Form Definition Number
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.DefinitionNumber = 241

'Set Form Number

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.FormNumber = 51
'Set Recipients
recipientIDs = New Guid(0) {}
recipientIDs(1) = New Guid("54701928-F7FC-45CA-BED7-9853276EBB6B")
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.RecipientIds = recipientIDs

'instantiate the BaseFieldValues

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues = New BaseFieldValues()

'Set Form Fields

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues.Values = New BaseFieldValue(0) {}
objStringFieldValue = New StringFieldValue
objStringFieldValue.Value = "Dispatcher2"
objStringFieldValue, 0)


'Set list of forms

doSendFormsRequest.SendFormInstanceMessages =

'Set culture from which this API call is made

doSendFormsRequest.Culture =

Dim DoSendFormsResponse As DoSendFormsResponse

DoSendFormsResponse = service.DoSendForms(doSendFormsRequest)

Return DoSendFormsResponse

End Function
End Class

C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Configuration;

using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples;
public class DoSendFormsCSharpSample

public DoSendFormsResponse MakeDoSendFormsAPICall()


SessionInfo currentSession = null;

Service service = new Service();

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx";

DoLoginRequest loginRequest = new DoLoginRequest();

loginRequest.UserCredential = new UserCredentialInfo();
//Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser";
//Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2";
loginRequest.Session = new SessionInfo();

DoLoginResponse loginResponse = null;

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest);

if (loginResponse == null || !loginResponse.OperationStatus ||

//Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
throw (new ApplicationException("Login Failed."));

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session;

DoSendFormsRequest doSendFormsRequest = new DoSendFormsRequest();

//Supply Owner ID to which forms need to be sent
doSendFormsRequest.OwnerId = new Guid("9F79EA9B-8B43-47A6-92C1-2461167BB8D5");

//Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

doSendFormsRequest.Session = currentSession;

//Supply list of forms. For each form set Tracking ID,Recipient IDs,Form
//Definition Number, Form fields etc.

List<SendFormInstanceMessage> doSendFormsInstnaceMessages = new


//Create first form

SendFormInstanceMessage tempSendFormInstanceMessage = new

//Set Tracking ID
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.TrackingID = Guid.NewGuid();
//Set Form Definition Number
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.DefinitionNumber = 240;
//Set Form Number
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.FormNumber = 50;
//Set Recipients
Guid[] recipientIDs = new Guid[2];
recipientIDs[0] = new Guid("1AD64143-75A2-4665-B0B1-C4B4307CBFEC");
recipientIDs[1] = new Guid("54701928-F7FC-45CA-BED7-9853276EBB6B");
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.RecipientIds = recipientIDs;

//instantiate the BaseFieldValues

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues = New BaseFieldValues()

//Set Form Fields

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues.Values = new BaseFieldValue[7];
//Decimal Field
DecimalFieldValue objDecimalFieldValue = new DecimalFieldValue();
objDecimalFieldValue.Value = 12.22m ;
objDecimalFieldValue, 0);

//String Field
StringFieldValue objStringFieldValue = new StringFieldValue();
objStringFieldValue.Value = "Dispatcher1";
objStringFieldValue, 1);

//Select Field
SelectFieldValue objSelectFieldValue = new SelectFieldValue();
objSelectFieldValue.Value = "1";
objSelectFieldValue, 2);

//Address Field
AddressFieldValue objAddressFieldValue = new AddressFieldValue();
objAddressFieldValue.Value = "London";
objAddressFieldValue.Lat = 75.33f;
objAddressFieldValue.Lon = 80.22f;
objAddressFieldValue, 3);

//Date Field
DateFieldValue objDateFieldValue = new DateFieldValue();
objDateFieldValue.Value = DateTime.Now.Date;
objDateFieldValue, 4);

//Time Field
TimeFieldValue objTimeFieldValue = new TimeFieldValue();
objTimeFieldValue.Value = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
objTimeFieldValue, 5);

//Date Time Field

DateTimeFieldValue objDateTimeFieldValue = new DateTimeFieldValue();
objDateTimeFieldValue.Value = DateTime.Now;
objDateTimeFieldValue, 6);


//Create Second Form

tempSendFormInstanceMessage = new SendFormInstanceMessage();
//Set Tracking ID
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.TrackingID = Guid.NewGuid();
//Set Form Definition Number
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.DefinitionNumber = 241;
//Set Form Number
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.FormNumber = 51;
//Set Recipients
recipientIDs = new Guid[1];
recipientIDs[1] = new Guid("54701928-F7FC-45CA-BED7-9853276EBB6B");
tempSendFormInstanceMessage.RecipientIds = recipientIDs;

//instantiate the BaseFieldValues

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues = New BaseFieldValues()

//Set Form Fields

tempSendFormInstanceMessage.BaseFieldValues.Values = new BaseFieldValue[1];
objStringFieldValue = new StringFieldValue();
objStringFieldValue.Value = "Dispatcher2";

objStringFieldValue, 0);


//Set list of forms

doSendFormsRequest.SendFormInstanceMessages =

//Set culture from which this API call is made

doSendFormsRequest.Culture =
DoSendFormsResponse DoSendFormsResponse = null;
DoSendFormsResponse = service.DoSendForms(doSendFormsRequest);

return DoSendFormsResponse;


VB.NET Sample:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Configuration

Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI
Imports OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples
Public Class GetSentFormsStatusVBSample

Public Function MakeGetSentFormsAPICall() As GetSentFormsStatusResponse

Dim currentSession As SessionInfo

Dim service As New Service()

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx"

Dim loginRequest As New DoLoginRequest()

loginRequest.UserCredential = New UserCredentialInfo()
'Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser"
'Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2"
loginRequest.Session = New SessionInfo()

Dim loginResponse As DoLoginResponse

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest)

If loginResponse Is Nothing OrElse Not loginResponse.OperationStatus OrElse Not

loginResponse.Authenticated Then
'Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
Throw (New ApplicationException("Login Failed."))
End If

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session
Dim getSentFormsStatusRequest As New GetSentFormsStatusRequest

'Supply Owner ID for which sent forms status need to be retrieved

getSentFormsStatusRequest.OwnerId = New Guid(
'Supply array of Form Instance Identifiers for which status need to be known
Dim formInstanceIDs As Guid() = New Guid(1) {}
formInstanceIDs(0) = New Guid("6e30e996-bb90-e011-89cf-001d090c9689")
formInstanceIDs(1) = New Guid("6f30e996-bb90-e011-89cf-001d090c9689")
getSentFormsStatusRequest.FormInstanceIDs = formInstanceIDs

'Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token

getSentFormsStatusRequest.Session = currentSession
'Set the initial Version to 0
getSentFormsStatusRequest.Version = 0

Dim getSentFormsStatusResponse As GetSentFormsStatusResponse

getSentFormsStatusResponse =service.GetSentFormsStatus(getSentFormsStatusRequest)

Return getSentFormsStatusResponse

End Function
End Class

C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Configuration;

using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.OnlineAVL2PI;
using OnlineAVL.PITest.Core.Samples;
public class GetSentFormsStatusCSharpSample

public GetSentFormsStatusResponse MakeGetSentFormsAPICall()


SessionInfo currentSession = null;

Service service = new Service();

service.Url = "http://localhost/OnlineAVL/API/V1.0/Service.asmx";

DoLoginRequest loginRequest = new DoLoginRequest();

loginRequest.UserCredential = new UserCredentialInfo();
//Enter your user name below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.UserName = "piuser";
//Enter your password below.
loginRequest.UserCredential.Password = "8s8S55m2";
loginRequest.Session = new SessionInfo();

DoLoginResponse loginResponse = null;

loginResponse = service.DoLogin(loginRequest);

if (loginResponse == null || !loginResponse.OperationStatus ||

//Handle the Login Failure Appropriately.
throw (new ApplicationException("Login Failed."));

currentSession = loginResponse.SecurityProfile.Session;

GetSentFormsStatusRequest getSentFormsStatusRequest =
new GetSentFormsStatusRequest();

//Supply Owner ID for which sent forms status need to be retrieved

getSentFormsStatusRequest.OwnerId = new
//Supply array of Form Instance Identifiers for which status need to be known
Guid[] formInstanceIDs = new Guid[2];
formInstanceIDs[0] = new Guid("6e30e996-bb90-e011-89cf-001d090c9689");
formInstanceIDs[1] = new Guid("6f30e996-bb90-e011-89cf-001d090c9689");
getSentFormsStatusRequest.FormInstanceIDs = formInstanceIDs;
//Set the credentials using a valid OnlineAVl2 token
getSentFormsStatusRequest.Session = currentSession;
//Set the initial Version to 0
getSentFormsStatusRequest.Version = 0;

GetSentFormsStatusResponse getSentFormsStatusResponse = null;

getSentFormsStatusResponse =

return getSentFormsStatusResponse;


C# Sample:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data;
using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms;

// this class is auto-generated by Visual Studio by adding a Web reference


namespace InstallAppAPISamples

public partial class Form1 : Form

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 320

public List<QubeFirmwareDetails> GetHardwareDetails(SessionInfo currentSession,
Guid ownerId, Guid vehicleId)
List<QubeFirmwareDetails> list = new List<QubeFirmwareDetails>();

// Se create a new service object

rvice service = new Service();
GetHardwareDetailsRequest request = new GetHardwareDetailsRequest();
// specify a valid session id (returned from DoLogin)
request.Session = new SessionInfo();
request.Session.SessionId = currentSession.SessionId;
// pass the owner id for which hardware details is to be fetched
request.OwnerID = ownerId;
// pass the vehicle id for which hardware details is to be fetched. When set
to null or Guid.Empty, the hardware
// for all the vehicles will be returned.
request.VehicleID = vehicleId;

// Ge declare the response object

tHardwareD etailsResponse res ponse = null;
// the local variable pass version number to the request; initially pass zero
long version = 0;

// iterate the logic to fetch all items becuase API returns 900 records in
one go
.. // pass the next version in every iteration
request.Version = version;

response = service.GetHardwareDetails(request);

if (!response.OperationStatus)
return list;

if (response.HardwareDetails != null)

version = response.Version;
} while (response.MoreItemsAvailable);

return list;
Appendix 4 : Error Messages

Error messages reported by the Published Interface methods are listed below:

Error Error Message

1000 Unable to get vehicle list. Exception
1001 Unable to get vehicle details. Exception
1002 Unable to modify vehicle. Exception
1003 Unable to add vehicle. Exception
1004 The vehicle profile is currently being referenced.
1005 Unable to delete vehicle. Exception
1006 Unable to get feature list. Exception
1007 Unable to get vehicle feature details. Exception
1008 Unable to modify vehicle feature details. Exception
1009 Unable to get firmware version list. Exception
1010 Unable to get vehicle firmware version details. Exception
1011 Unable to modify vehicle firmware version details. Exception
1012 Unable to add vehicle group. Exception
1013 The vehicle group is currently being referenced.
1014 Unable to delete vehicle group. Exception
1015 Unable to modify vehicle group. Exception
1016 Unable to get vehicle group list. Exception
1017 Unable to perform IO channel modification. Possibly database or connectivity issue.
1018 Unable to get vehicle type list. Exception
1019 Unable to modify vehicle type. Exception
1020 The vehicle type is currently being referenced.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 322

1021 Unable to delete vehicle type. Exception
1022 Unable to add vehicle type. Exception
1023 Display Name is already in use by owner.
1024 Display Name is required field.
1028 Display Name is not allowed to be empty
1030 Vehicle Type is required field.
1031 Vehicle type is invalid for the owner.
1032 Vehicle Group is required field.
1033 Selected vehicle group is invalid for the owner.
1034 Registration is required field.
1035 Registration is not allowed to be empty
1036 Registration is already in use by owner.
1037 Unable to process vehicle details validation. Exception
1038 AVL ID is not allowed to be null.
1039 AVL ID is not allowed to be empty.
1040 AVL ID is already in use
1041 Unable to process vehicle network address validation. Exception
1042 There was an exception thrown by the business services attempt
1058 Could not find the AVLID for vehicle with ID of
1059 Could not send the Device IO Message to configure the Con Ex channel.
1066 Unable to get driver list. Exception
1068 Unable to create driver. Exception
1069 Unable to get driver detail. Exception
1072 Unable to add geofance. Exception
1073 Unable to delete geofance. Exception
1074 Unable to modify geofance. Exception
1075 Unable to get geofance. Exception
1076 Unable to get geofance list. Exception
1077 Unable to add polygonal geofance. Exception
1078 Unable to modify polygonal geofance. Exception
1079 Unable to get polygonal geofance. Exception
1080 Unable to add rectangular geofance. Exception
1081 Unable to modify rectangular geofance. Exception
1082 Unable to get rectangular geofance. Exception
1083 Unable to add site type. Exception
1084 Unable to delete site type. Exception
1085 Unable to modify site Type. Exception
1086 Unable to get site type. Exception
1087 Unable to get site type list. Exception
1088 Unable to add site. Exception
1089 Unable to delete site. Exception
1090 Unable to modify site. Exception
1091 Unable to get site. Exception
1092 Unable to get site list. Exception
1093 Unable to add canned message profile. Exception
1094 Unable to delete canned message profile. Exception
1095 Unable to modify canned message profile. Exception
1096 Unable to get canned message profile. Exception
1097 Unable to load canned message profile list. Exception
1098 Unable to modify canned message profile references. Exception
1099 Unable to load canned message profile references. Exception
1100 Unable to add standard message data. Exception
1101 Unable to delete the standard message data. Exception
1102 Unable to modify the standard message data. Exception
1105 Selected recipients do not have valid AVLID.
1106 Unable to send message to business service. Exception
1108 Selected recipients do not have a valid AVLID.
1109 Unable to send route message to business service. Exception
1110 Unable to get message. Exception
1111 Unable to load messages. Exception
1112 Vehicle owner is a required field.
1113 Recipient list is a required field.
1114 Sender is a required field.
1132 Unable to retrieve system message.
1133 Unable to get vehicle. Exception
1134 Unable to modify vehicle. Exception
1146 Unable to get Group Vehicles data
1147 Vehicle ID is empty.
1150 Vehicle Network Address reference is null.
1151 AVL ID is required field.
1154 Vehicle Reporting Time reference is null.
1160 VehicleID is a required field.
1164 ActivityLogID is a required field.
1165 Unable to get Vehicles Info data.
1166 Unable to get Vehicles ActivityLog data.
1167 Unable to get Vehicles ActivityLog Extension data.
1168 Unable to get Vehicle snap shot data.
1169 Unable to Get Driver Info Data.
1170 Could not get configurations since the vehicle guid was an empty Guid.
1171 Could not get configurations since the request object was null.
1173 The operation to get the configuration detail could not be completed as the Con Ex Channel ID was an empty Guid.
1174 The operation to get the configuration detail could not be completed as the request object was null.
1176 The configuration modification to uninstall a ConEx Channel could not occur as the Guid was empty.
1177 The configuration modification to uninstall a ConEx Channel could not occur as the ConEx Channel reference in the request was
1178 The configuration modification could not be completed as the request object was null
1180 The Set Outputs operation could not be completed as the channel type was not an output.
1181 The Set Outputs operation could not be completed as an empty Guid was received by the service for the Channel ID.
1182 The Set Outputs operation could not be completed as a null request object was received by the service.
1184 It was not possible to delete the configuration detail due to an empty Guid being received in the request.
1185 It was not possible to delete the configuration detail due to a null request being received.
1190 The modification of the ConEx could not be processed since a null ConEx object was received.
1191 The modification of the ConEx could not be processed since a null request was received.
1193 The creation of the ConEx Channel Value could not be processed since a null ConEx Channel Value object was received.
1194 The creation of the ConEx Channel Value could not be processed since a null request was received.
1196 The modification of the ConEx Channel Value could not be processed since a null Channel Value object was received.
1197 The modification of the ConEx Channel Value could not be processed since a null request was received.
1199 The deletion of the ConEx Channel Value could not be processed since an empty Guid was received for the Channel Value ID.
1200 The deletion of the ConEx Channel Value could not be processed since a null request was received.
1202 The creation of the ConEx Channel Event could not be processed since a null event object was received.
1203 The modification of the ConEx Channel Event could not be processed since a null request was received.
1205 The modification of the ConEx Channel Event could not be processed since a null ConEx Channel Event object was received.
1208 The deletion of the ConEx could not be processed since an empty Guid was received for the event.
1209 The deletion of the ConEx Channel Event could not be processed since a null request was received.
1211 Validation of a ConEx Channel Event failed as the Channel Event ID was an empty Guid.
1212 Validation of a ConEx Channel Event failed as the Guid suppplied for the channel was an empty Guid.
1213 Validation for the ConEx Channel Event failed due to a null Channel event object being received in teh request.
1214 Validation of a ConExchannelEvent failed as the message response object passed thorugh with it was null and this should never
be the case.
1215 Validation of a ConExChannelValue failed as the Channel Value Description suppplied for it was null.
1216 Validation of a ConEx Channel Value failed as the Channel Value suppplied for it was null.
1217 Validation of a ConEx Channel Value failed as the Guid suppplied for it was an empty Guid.
1218 Validation of a ConExChannelValue failed as the message response object passed thorugh with it was null and this should never
be the case.
1219 The ConExChannel
1227 ConExChannel invalid due to null status.
1228 The ConExChannel failed validation as it was null.
1231 Validation of the ConEx failed because the device type was uassigned.
1232 Validation of the ConEx failed because the type had zero length.
1233 Validation of the ConEx failed because the VehicleID was an empty Guid.
1235 Validation of the ConEx failed because it was null.
1236 The validation of the ConEx failed because a null response object was passed to the validation process.
1237 Configuration detail object for the vehicle ConEx set was null.
1238 Invalid Session
1240 Display Name field is already in use for owner.
1241 Canned Mesage Profile display name is required.
1242 Unable to add canned message to database. Exception
1246 Canned Message profile has been used by vehicles.
1247 Unable to delete canned message. Exception
1248 Unable to load canned message profile details. Exception
1249 Unable to load canned message profiles. Exception
1251 Unable to load canned message profile refernces. Exception
1252 Unable to modify canned message reference status. Exception
1254 Unable to modify standard message data. Exception
1255 Unable to delete standard message. Exception
1256 Unable to load standard message details. Exception
1258 Display Name field required.
1260 Error occurs during standard message validation process. Expectation
1264 Development status...
1265 Unable to add message. Exception
1266 Unable to add message to database. Exception
1267 Unable to update the message status for the user. Exception
1268 Unable to insert parent record for Bulk Route to Messages. Exception
1269 Unable to add route message. Exception
1270 Unable to save incoming message. Exception
1272 Validation of the calendar template failed because there was an alert on any event flag set as well as other alerts and this is not
1273 Validation of the calendar template failed because there were more than the allowed ten time periods slots.
1274 Validation of the calendar template failed because the number of metres not moved was defined as less than zero.
1276 Validation of the calendar template failed due to the type of calendar being a base type.
1277 Validation of the calendar template failed due to the type of calendar not being recognised.
1278 Validation of the calendar template failed because there is already a calendar of that name/description.
1279 Validation of the calendar template failed due to the calendar not being a template.
1280 Validation of the calendar template failed due to it having a null or empty description.
1281 Validation of the calendar template failed due to it having a null owner id.
1282 Validation of the calendar template failed due to it having a null calendar id.
1283 Validation of the calendar template failed due to it being null.
1284 The AddCalendarTemplate operation failed because the request object was null.
1285 The GetCalendarTemplateList operation failed. See the following exception.
1286 The GetCalendarTemplateDetail operation failed because the requested calendar template had no event attached to it.
1287 The requested calendar template did not exist.
1288 The GetCalendarTemplateDetail operation failed because the request object was null.
1289 The GetCalendarTemplateDetail operation failed. See the following exception.
1291 The AddCalendarTemplate operation failed. See the following exception.
1293 The DeleteCalendarTemplate operation failed. See the following exception.
1295 The ModifyCalendarTemplate operation failed. See the following exception.
1303 Unable to load geofance. Exception
1304 Unable to load geofance list. Exception
1326 Unable to load site. Exception
1327 Unable to load site list. Exception
1328 Site type ID field required.
1329 Owner filed required
1330 Display Name field required.
1341 Unable to load site type. Exception
1342 Unable to load site type list. Exception
1343 The request object of the operation was null.
1344 There was an exception during the operation. This is the exceeption string
1375 There was a problem getting the new PIN. Exception
1376 Validation of the driver failed because the driver had no first or last name.
1377 Validation of the driver failed because the driver pin was empty.
1378 Validation of the driver failed because the driver pin was null.
1379 Validation of the driver failed because the driver id field was an empty guid.
1380 Validation of the driver failed as the driver object was null.
1385 Cannot add email address since the supplied address was null.
1386 There request failed because the request object received by the business service was null.
1387 There was an exception during the request when passed to the email address book business service
1388 Cannot delete the email address entry because the supplied Guid was empty.
1391 The get address book request failed because the identifier supplied for the owner was empty.
1394 The get address book entry request failed because the identifier supplied for the entry was empty.
1399 Email address incorrect format.
1401 The display name was of zero length and the display name is a compulsory field.
1402 The display name was of null and it is a compulsory field.
1403 The address field is compulsory and the length of it was zero.
1404 The address field is compulsory and it was null.
1405 The email address entry was null.
1406 Email entry id was empty.
1407 An empty email address book id was received.
1408 Null email address entry received.
1409 Email address incorrect format, should not contain white space.
1411 Unable to load user's fleet preference.
1412 Unable to save user's fleet preference.
1419 Email address entry with an empty Owner ID received.
1420 Up to 100 canned messages can be defined.
1421 Up to 10 canned message menus can be defined.
1422 Under each canned message menu there are 30 sentences items that can be defined.
1423 Unable to create ConEx from Vehicle Profile.
1424 Incorrect username or password.
1425 Logon disabled.
1426 Each Geofence can have maximum of 20 points.
1427 Unable to load geofence reference list.
1428 Unable to modify geofence reference list.
1429 Unable to delete, the geofence has been used by vehicle
1430 The request received by driver service to create driver configuration was null.
1431 The request received by driver service to delete driver configuration was null.
1432 The attempt to get the request driver failed because the driver did not exist or has been deleted.
1433 The attempt to get a PIN for the driver failed as all 999 999 different PINs are in use.
1434 Could not perform GetDriverConfiguration operation as the request was null.
1435 Could not perform DeleteDriverConfiguration operation as the request was null.
1436 Could not perform CreateDriverConfiguration operation as the request was null.
1437 Could not perform UpdateDriverConfiguration operation as the request was null.
1438 Unable to save all vehicle information. Please contact a system administrator.
1439 The PIN number supplied is already in use.
1440 The PIN number supplied contains invlaid characters.
1441 An exception was thrown by the Delete Driver Configuration operation.
1442 Unable to add user.
1443 Last Name is required.
1444 First Name is required.
1445 Login Name is required.
1446 Login Name already exists.
1447 Login Name exceeds 50 characters.
1448 First Name exceeds 50 characters.
1449 Last Name exceeds 50 characters.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 330

1450 Email Address exceeds 50 characters.
1451 Alert Email Address exceeds 50 characters.
1452 Contact Address Line 1 exceeds 50 characters.
1453 Contact Address Line 2 exceeds 50 characters.
1454 Contact Address Line 3 exceeds 50 characters.
1455 Contact Address Line 4 exceeds 50 characters.
1456 Mobile Phone exceeds 20 characters.
1457 After Hours Phone exceeds 20 characters.
1458 Unable to add User Owners.
1459 Unable to delete System Administrator user.
1460 Unable to check user status.
1461 Unable to delete user.
1462 Unable to delete User Owners.
1463 Unable to load user.
1464 Unable to load users.
1465 Unable to modify user.
1466 Reset password failed.
1467 Email password failed.
1468 Change password failed.
1469 Unable to add customer.
1470 Unable to delete customer.
1471 Unable to delete default customer.
1472 Unable to delete customer as users are currently assigned to it.
1473 Unable to load customer.
1474 Unable to load customers.
1475 Unable to load customers for user.
1476 Customer Name is required.
1477 Code is required.
1478 Customer code already exists. It must be unique.
1479 Customer code exceeds 10 characters.
1480 Customer Name exceeds 50 characters.
1481 Address line 1 exceeds 50 characters.
1482 Address line 2 exceeds 50 characters.
1483 Address line 3 exceeds 50 characters.
1484 Address line 4 exceeds 50 characters.
1485 Unable to modify customer.
1486 Unable to check users assigned to customer.
1487 Unable to add user roles.
1488 Unable to delete user roles.
1489 Unable to load user roles.
1490 Role Name is required.
1491 Role Name is already assigned.
1492 Role Name exceeds 50 characters.
1493 Unable to add role.
1494 Unable to delete. Users are still assigned to this role.
1495 Unable to check users assigned to role.
1496 Unable to check if Role Name is already assigned.
1497 Unable to delete role.
1498 Unable to load role.
1499 Unable to load roles.
1500 Unable to load default roles.
1501 Unable to modify role.
1502 Unable to add permissions.
1503 Unable to delete permissions.
1504 Unable to load permissions.
1505 Unable to check for duplicate customer code.
1506 Unknown user.
1507 Old password did not match.
1508 Unable to load user preferences.
1509 Unable to modify channel status.
1510 Unable to get configurations.
1511 Unable to create configuration.
1512 Unable to get configuration detail.
1513 Unable to modify configuration detail.
1514 Unable to set outputs.
1515 Unable to load command log list.
1516 Unable to create command log record.
1517 Unable to modify command log detail.
1518 Job Title exceeds 50 characters.
1519 The get driver from PIN operation failed due to receiving a null request.
1520 The get driver from PIN operation failed due to an general exception in execution.
1521 The get driver from PIN operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1522 The get driver list operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1523 The get driver detail operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1524 The delete driver detail operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1525 The get next driver PIN operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1526 The modify driver operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1527 The modify vehicle driver configuration operation failed due to an exception during execution.
1528 The add selected entry list for creating chosen list of contracts has failed with an exception in the business layer.
1529 The get selcted entry list for retrieving a previously set up contact list has failed with an exception in the business layer.
1530 The add secleted entry list failed with an exception in the solution layer.
1531 The get secleted entry list failed with an exception in the solution layer.
1532 The request to retrieve the driving configuration for the vehicle failed due to a data source problem.
1533 The request to retrieve the driving configuration for the vehicle failed due to an exception.
1534 The request to retrieve the driving configuration failed because the request object was null.
1535 The request to modify the driving configuration for the vehicle failed due to a data source problem.
1536 The request to modify the driving configuration for the vehicle failed due to an exception.
1537 The request to modify the driving configuration failed because the request object was null.
1538 The request to create the driver status failed because the request object was null.
1539 The request to retrieve the driver status failed because the request object was null.
1540 The request to modify the driver status failed because the request object staus id was null.
1541 The request to retrieve the driver status list failed because the request object was null.
1542 The request to delete the driver status failed because the request object was null.
1543 The request to create the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1544 The request to retrieve the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1545 The request to modify the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1546 The request to retrieve the driver status list failed due to a data source exception.
1547 The request to delete the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1548 The request to create the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1549 The request to retrieve the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1550 The request to modify the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1551 The request to retrieve the driver status list failed due to a data source exception.
1552 The request to delete the driver status failed due to a data source exception.
1553 The request to delete the driver failed because a vehicle has the driver associated with it.
1554 The request to retrieve alerts list failed due to a data source exception
1555 The request to update alert failed due to a data source exception
1556 The request to reset password failed due to an exception, please inspect the event log at the server.
1557 The request to create driver configuration failed due to an exception.
1558 The request to update driver configuration failed due to an exception.
1559 The request to get driver configuration failed due to an exception.
1560 The request to delete driver configuration failed due to an exception.
1561 The request to get driver status by its enuemration failed due to an exception.
1562 The request to get driver status by its enuemration failed due the request being null.
1563 The request to get the driver status list for the owner due to an exception.
1564 The request to create driver could not be completed due to the first or last name containing the variations on the set of
characters: No Driver
1565 The request to register a driver could not be completed due to an exception.
1566 The request to modify vehicle driver configuration could not be completed due to an empty vehicle guid.
1567 The request to modify vehicle driving configuration could not be completed due to invalid parameters.
1568 Unable to delete site type. Site type is already in use by site. Exception
1569 Unable to create new contacts address book for the fleet. Exception
1570 Unable to get vehicle pending messages due to an exception. Exception
1571 Unable to delete site type. One site type should be left for the fleet. Exception
1572 Unable to process the solution request to add a driver hours status. Exception
1573 Create driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1574 Modify driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1575 Get driver hours entry list failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1576 Get driver hours entry audit failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1577 Get driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1578 Delete driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1579 Create exceptional driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1580 Deletion of exceptional driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1581 Get exceptional driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1582 Modify exceptional driver hours entry failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1583 Create driver hours settings failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1584 Delete driver hours settings failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1585 Get driver hours settings failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1586 Modify driver hours settings failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
1587 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to create driver entry detail. Exception
1588 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to create driver entry detail. Exception
1589 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to modify a driver entry detail record. Exception
1590 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to modify a driver entry detail record. Exception
1591 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to get the driver hour entry audit. Exception
1592 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to get the driver hour entry audit. Exception
1593 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to get the driver hour entry list. Exception
1594 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to get the driver hour entry list. Exception
1595 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to get a driver hour entry. Exception
1596 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to get a driver hour entry. Exception
1597 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to delete a driver hour entry. Exception
1598 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to delete a driver hour entry. Exception
1599 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to create an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1600 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to create an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1601 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to delete an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1602 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to delete an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1603 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to get an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1604 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to get an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1605 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to modify an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1606 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to modify an exceptional driver hours entry. Exception
1607 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to create driver hours settings. Exception
1608 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to create driver hours settings. Exception
1609 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to delete a set of driver hours settings. Exception
1610 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to delete a set of driver hours settings. Exception
1611 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to get a set of driver hours settings. Exception
1612 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to get a set of driver hours settings. Exception
1613 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to modify a set of driver hours settings. Exception
1614 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to modify a set of driver hours settings. Exception
1615 Invalid driver hours entry received in the business layer. The entry supplied was null
1616 Could not create driver hours entry because the supplied request was null
1617 For a new driver hours entry, the driver id cannot be null.
1618 For a new driver hours entry, the vehicle id cannot be null.
1619 For a new driver hours entry, the driver hours status id cannot be null.
1620 For a new driver hours entry, the date time must be set.
1621 For a new driver hours entry, the id of the record cannot be empty.
1622 For a new driver hours entry, the created on date must be set.
1623 For a new driver hours entry, the created by id must not be empty.
1624 When modifying a driver hours entry, the driver id cannot be null.
1625 When modifying a driver hours entry, the vehicle id cannot be null.
1626 When modifying a driver hours entry, the driver hours status id cannot be null.
1627 When modifying a driver hours entry, the date time must be set.
1628 When modifying a driver hours entry, the id of the record cannot be empty.
1629 When modifying a driver hours entry, the created on date must be set.
1630 When modifying a driver hours entry, the created by id must not be empty.
1631 When modifying a driver hours entry, the created on date must be set.
1632 When modifying a driver hours entry, the changed by id must not be empty.
1633 The call to retrieve the list of driver hours entries failed due to a null request object being received in the business layer.
1634 The call to retrieve the audit list for a driver hours entry failed due to a null request object or empty guid being received in the
business layer.
1635 The call to get the driver hours entry failed due to a null request object or empty guid being received in the business layer.
1636 The call to get delete a driver hours entry failed due to a null request object or empty guid being received in the business layer.
1637 The exceptional driver hours request object could not be processed because the driver id was empty.
1638 The request to get an exceptional driver hours record could not be processed because the driver id was empty or the request
object was null.
1639 An invalid driver hours settings object was received by the business services layer. The owner id was empty.
1640 An invalid driver hours settings object was received by the business services layer. The request or settings object was null
1641 A call to the business service to delete driver hours settings has failed because either the request object or the settings object
was null.
1642 There was an exception in the solution service attempt to add a driver licence class.
1643 There was an exception in the solution service attempt to create a driver licence class.
1644 There was an exception in the solution service attempt to retrieve a list of driver licence classes.
1645 There was an exception in the solution service attempt to retrieve a list of driver licence classes.
1646 There was an exception in the EMS business service during the operation.
1647 Cannot delete the EMS summary range entry because the supplied Guid was empty.
1648 Cannot get the EMS summary range entry because the supplied owner was empty.
1649 Cannot get the EMS summary range entry because the supplied vehicle was empty.
1650 Cannot find either EMS configuration or EMS email entry for the supplied vehicle.
1651 Cannot find the EMS summary range entry because the supplied summary range id was empty.
1652 Cannot find specified summary range entry by the supplied summary range id.
1653 Cannot insert EMS configuration settings to database.
1654 Cannot Get EMS incident header info from database.
1655 There was a SQL exception when trying to add a driver licence class.
1656 There was a non-SQL exception when trying to add a driver licence class.
1657 There was a SQL exception when trying to create a driver licence class.
1658 There was a non-SQL exception when trying to create a driver licence class.
1659 There was a SQL exception when trying to get a driver licence class.
1660 There was a non-SQL exception when trying to get a driver licence class.
1661 There was a SQL exception when trying to remove a driver licence class.
1662 There was a non-SQL exception when trying to remove a driver licence class.
1663 There was a SQL exception when trying to create a driver hours entry.
1664 There was a non-SQL exception when trying to create a driver hours entry.
1665 There was an exception produce int he solution service call to force driver logoff.
1666 Cannot get the EMS incident header list because the supplied owner was empty.
1667 There was an error when trying to retrieve a calendar.
1668 There was an error when trying to get driver status detail in the solution.
1669 There was a SQL error when trying to check if a status name is unique for a fleet.
1670 There was a non SQL error when trying to check if a status name is unique for a fleet.
1671 The driver hours status name chosen is in use by the fleet already, please choose another.
1672 The driver hours status modification failed due to an exception in the solution layer.
1673 The driver hours status deletion failed due to an exception in the solution layer.
1674 It is not possible to delete a driver hours status that has a default value, another status must be assigned that default first.
1675 Unable to modify driving configuration
1676 Unable to add vehicle network address
1677 Unable to add vehicle reporting times
1678 Unable to add vehicle feature
1679 Unable to add vehicle firmware version
1680 Unable to delete vehicle pending message
1681 Unable to get driving configuration
1682 The new driver status cannot be added as the business service received a null driver status object.
1683 The new driver status cannot be added because the enumeration matches an exisiting record for another status.
1684 The new driver status cannot be added because the name matches an exisiting record for another status.
1685 The AVLID of the vehicle was null when trying to modify the IO channels of a vehicle.
1686 The business service rejected the new driver status as the guid of the request object was empty.
1687 The business service rejected the new driver status because the status name was null or empty.
1688 The business service rejected the new driver status because the enumeration was less than one.
1689 The business service rejected the new driver status because the owner was empty.
1690 The business service could not find the driver status to delete it.
1691 The modified driver status cannot be added because the business service received a null driver status object.
1692 The business service rejected the modified driver status as the guid of the request object was empty.
1693 The business service rejected the modified driver status because the status name was null or empty.
1694 The business service rejected the modified driver status because the enumeration was less than one.
1695 The business service rejected the modified driver status because the owner was empty.
1696 The business service rejected the new driver status because it was not possible to create an enumeration.
1697 The business service rejected the new driver status because all 65536 statuses are currently in use.
1698 The driver status cannot be modified because the name matches an exisiting record for another status.
1699 Unable to load vehicle snapshot.
1700 There was no driver hours settings record with the id received.
1701 Unable to delete a calendar template. This template is used as a base template.
1702 There was an error when trying to get vehicle calendar alerts.
1703 There was an error when trying to save vehicle calendar alerts.
1704 A SQL exception was thrown in the business service while trying to retrieve the details of a driver licence.
1705 An exception was thrown in the business service while trying to retrieve the details of a driver licence.
1706 A SQL exception was thrown in the business service while trying to retrieve the set of licences for a driver.
1707 An exception was thrown in the business service while trying to retrieve the set of licences for a driver.
1708 Cannot get the EMS incident detail list because the supplied header was empty.
1709 An exception was thrown when trying to modify a list of driver licences in the soluton layer.
1710 An exception was thrown when trying to modify a list of driver licences in the business layer.
1711 A SQL exception was thrown when trying to modify a list of driver licences in the business layer.
1712 There was an exception thrown when attempting to get a list of licences for a driver in the solution layer.
1713 A SQL exception was thrown when trying to update a list of driver statuse in the business layer.
1714 There was an exception thrown when attempting to get a list of licences for a driver in the solution layer.
1715 A SQL exception was thrown when trying to retrieve a list of vehicle ids and avlids for an owner.
1716 There was an exception thrown when attempting to retrieve a list of vehicle ids and avlids for an owner.
1717 There was a problem when attempting to retrieve a list of vehicle ids and avlids for an owner. The request was null.
1718 Could not modify the driver status as it was not possible to validate this status against the original.
1719 The default logoff field cannot be removed without reassigning this default field.
1720 The default logon field cannot be removed without reassigning this default field.
1721 The default driving field cannot be removed without reassigning this default field.
1722 Unable to get address book. Exception
1723 Unable to get address book entry detail. Exception
1724 Unable to add address book entry detail. Exception
1725 Unable to modify address book entry detail. Exception
1726 Unable to delete address book entry detail. Exception
1727 Unable to modify vehicle reporting times
1728 Unable to delete vehicle pending messages due to an exception. Exception
1729 Unable to assign driver to vehicle due to an exception. Exception
1730 Unable to retrieve vehicle administration due to an exception. Exception
1731 Unable to modify vehicle administration due to an exception. Exception
1732 The request to retrieve vehicle administration failed because the request object was null.
1733 The request to modify vehicle administration failed because the request object was null.
1734 Unable to retrieve vehicles assigned to driver.
1735 Unable to get firmware version details. Exception

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 340

1736 Unable to get vehicle network address
1737 Unable to modify vehicle network address
1738 Unable to retrieve vehicle reporting times
1739 Unable to delete configuration due to an exception.
1740 Unable to create Conex due to an exception.
1741 Unable to delete Conex due to an exception.
1742 Unable to modify Conex due to an exception.
1743 Unable to process driver hours rest break alert in the vehicle tracking business service due to an exception.
1744 Unable to update the vehicle calendaring alert settings status due to an exception.
1745 Unable to perform address search due to an exception in the Address Search service.
1746 Summary range description is not unique.
1747 Unable to check whether the summary range description is unique.
1748 An exception was generated in the vehicle tracking service during the handling of the Driver Status Change Event
1749 Unable to get location details due to an exception in the geoprocessing service.
1750 Unable to get road details due to an exception in the geoprocessing service.
1751 Unable to get map data due to an exception in the vector service.
1752 Unable to get map data details due to an exception in the vector service.
1753 Unable to get area details due to an exception in the attribute service.
1754 Unable to get area name details due to an exception in the attribute service.
1755 Unable to add vehicle time zone due to an exception in the vehicle service.
1756 Unable to get vehicle time zone due to an exception in the vehicle service.
1757 Unable to modify vehicle time zone due to an exception in the vehicle service.
1758 Unable to modify calendar template due to an exception in the calendar service.
1759 Unable to add calendar template due to an exception in the calendar service.
1760 Unable to add vehicle template.
1761 A licence cannot be the same name as another licence for the driver.
1762 Unable to delete vehicle type. At least one vehicle type should be left for the fleet. Exception
1763 Unable to delete vehicle group. Root groups and groups containing vehicles or vehicle templates cannot be deleted. Exception
1764 Unable to delete vehicle configuratiion template. At least one vehicle configuration template should be left for the fleet.
1765 Unable to process calendar alert details validation. Exception
1766 Unable to retrieve users for owner.
1767 Unable to add firmware version due to an exception in the vehicle service.
1768 Unable to requery vehicle firmware version due to an exception in the solution service.
1769 There was a SQL exception when trying to create a reporting schedule.
1770 There was a SQL exception when trying to get a reporting schedule.
1771 There was a SQL exception when trying to get the set of reporting schedules for the fleet.
1772 There was a SQL exception when trying to delete a reporting schedule.
1773 There was a SQL exception when trying to modify a reporting schedule.
1774 There was a SQL exception when trying to create a reporting template.
1775 There was a SQL exception when trying to get a reporting template.
1776 There was a SQL exception when trying to get the set of reporting templates for the fleet.
1777 There was a SQL exception when trying to modify a reporting template.
1778 There was a SQL exception when trying to delete a reporting template.
1779 There was an exception when trying to create a reporting schedule.
1780 There was an exception when trying to get a reporting schedule.
1781 There was an exception when trying to set of reporting schedules for the fleet.
1782 There was an exception when trying to delete a reporting schedule.
1783 There was an exception when trying to modify a reporting schedule.
1784 There was an exception when trying to create a reporting template.
1785 There was an exception when trying to get a reporting template.
1786 There was an exception when trying to get the set of reporting templates for the fleet.
1787 There was an exception when trying to modify a reporting template.
1788 There was an exception when trying to delete a reporting template.
1789 There was an exception when trying to verify whether the owner has any vehicles.
1790 The owner has vehicles.
1791 There was an exception when trying to get the driver assigned to the vehicle.
1792 Error validating the reporting schedule.
1793 Error validating the reporting schedule, the supplied report parametes was null.
1794 Error validating the reporting schedule, report has not been deloyed to fleet report schedule folder.
1795 Error validating the reporting schedule, fleet report schedule folder has not been created.
1796 Error validating the reporting schedule, the supplied recurrence pattern for the schedule was null.
1797 Error validating the reporting schedule, the supplied recurrence pattern for the schedule had an empty id.
1798 Error validating the reporting schedule, the supplied recurrence pattern for the schedule indicated a daily recurrence but the
daily recurrence object was null.
1799 Error validating the reporting schedule, the supplied recurrence pattern for the schedule indicated a weekly recurrence but the
weekly recurrence object was null.
1800 Error validating the reporting schedule, the supplied recurrence pattern for the schedule indicated a monthly recurrence but the
monthly recurrence object was null.
1801 Error validating the reporting schedule, the daily recurrence id was empty.
1802 Error validating the reporting schedule, the weekly recurrence id was empty.
1803 Error validating the reporting schedule, the mothly recurrence id was empty.
1804 Error validating the reporting schedule, the daily recurrence cannot be everyday and also state a frequency, the frequency must
be -1 if the daily pattern is set to everyday.
1805 Error validating the reporting template, the supplied template was null.
1806 Error validating the reporting template, the supplied owner id for the schedule was empty.
1807 Error validating the reporting template, the supplied template id was empty.
1808 Error validating the reporting template, the supplied report id on which the template is to be based was empty.
1809 Error gettting the set of reports due to a SQL exception.
1810 Error gettting the set of reports due to an exception.
1811 Error gettting the set of reports due to an invalid cast exception.
1812 Error creating a report due to a SQL exception.
1813 Error creating a report due to an exception.
1814 Error deleting a report due to a SQL exception.
1815 Error deleting a report due to an exception.
1816 Error modifying a report due to a SQL exception.
1817 Error modifying a report due to an exception.
1818 Error validating a report due to a SQL exception.
1819 Error validating a report due to an exception.
1820 Error validating a report schedule name already existing.
1821 Error validating a report template due to the criteria list being null.
1822 Error validating a report template due to the criteria list being null.
1823 Could not refresh configurations since the vehicle guid was an empty Guid.
1824 Could not refresh configurations since the request object was null.
1825 Unable to refresh configurations due to an exception.
1826 The refresh driver list operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
1827 The refresh driver list request was null.
1828 There was an exception during the operation. This is the exceeption string
1829 Unable to create report history.
1830 Unable to delete report history.
1831 Unable to get report histories.
1832 Unable to get report history parameters.
1833 Unable to refresh configurations due to an exception in the solution layer.
1834 Unable to refresh driver list due to an exception in the solution layer.
1835 There was an exception when trying to refresh the driver hours status list for the cache in the solution layer.
1836 There was an exception when trying to update the driver hours status list in the solution layer.
1837 There was an exception in the solution service attempt to refresh the list of driver licence classes.
1838 The refresh address book request failed because the identifier supplied for the owner was empty.
1839 There refresh request failed because the request object received by the business service was null.
1840 There was an exception during the refresh request when passed to the email address book business service
1841 There was a SQL exception during the attempt to create a reporting schedule in the solution layer.
1842 There was an exception during the attempt to create a reporting schedule in the solution layer.
1843 There was a SQL exception during the attempt to delete a reporting schedule in the solution layer.
1844 There was an exception during the attempt to delete a reporting schedule in the solution layer.
1845 There is no avlid against this vehicle.
1846 Unable to get smdp log
1847 Please enter a valid country name or a well known pseudonym in the Country combobox to search
1861 Unable to get vehicle hardware
1862 Unable to add vehicle hardware
1863 Unable to modify vehicle hardware
1864 Unable to redraw geofence from rectangle to polygonal. At least one vehicle assigned with this geofence cannot accept
polygonal geofences.
1865 The goefence does not exist.
1866 The site does not exist.
1867 Default Driver count could not be retrieved.
1868 Logon count for drivers could not be retrieved.
1869 Default driver count for driver could not be retrieved.
1870 The list returned a large number of records. The most recent 900 have been displayed.
1871 When resending geofences, must resend all.
1872 Unable to send delete geofence message to the device.
1873 Failed while performing Basic Event Processing in the Vehicle Tracking Service.
1874 Failed to insert event message in the vehicle activity log.
1875 Failed to insert vehicle snapshot.
1876 Failed to modify vehicle snapshot.
1877 Failed while updating vehicle activity and/or snapshot.
1878 Failed while processing event message in the Vehicle Tracking Service.
1879 Failed to insert vehicle activity detail.
1880 Display Name must not contain wildcard character.
1881 Failed to back associate vehicle activities with the logged on driver.
1882 An Error occured in the Security service during Authorization of a service call
1883 Failed to send the Login response message to the device.
1884 Failed to send Specific Driver Hours Rest Break Alerts Setup message to the device.
1885 Failed while processing event message in the Incoming Message Handler.
1886 The event message is of an invalid type.
1887 Failed to get site details.
1888 Failed to owner or vehicle details.
1889 Failed to find geofence.
1890 Failed to send email notification.
1891 The list returned a large number of records. The first 900 have been displayed.
1892 IMH PrepareEventMessage Operation timeout.
1893 Unable to connect the Search Server at the moment, please try again.
1894 Unable to authenticate user.
1895 Unable to get vehicle details for selected configuration template, as it may be deleted. Please select other configuration
template and try again.
1896 Owner does not exist
1897 Failed to send ConEx configuration messages due to an exception.
1898 The specified input parameters generated no results.
1899 A driver with the same name already exists.
1900 Unable to add vehicle maintenance template. Exception
1901 Unable to add vehicle maintenance template item. Exception
1902 Unable to delete maintenance template. Exception
1903 Unable to delete maintenance template item. Exception
1904 Unable to get vehicle maintenance template detail. Exception
1905 Unable to get vehicle maintenance template list. Exception
1906 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance template. Exception
1907 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance template item. Exception
1908 Unable to add vehicle maintenance type. Exception
1909 Unable to delete vehicle maintenance type. Exception
1910 Unable to get vehicle maintenance type list. Exception
1911 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance type. Exception
1912 Vehicle maintenance template display name required.
1913 Vehicle maintenance template display name is already in use for owner.
1914 The vehicle maintenance type should be unique for this vehicle maintenance template.
1915 The vehicle maintenance template can not be deleted as it is already in use.
1916 Vehicle maintenance type display name required.
1917 Vehicle maintenance type display name is already in use for owner.
1918 Unable to delete vehicle maintenance type. vehicle maintenance type is already in use. Exception
1919 Unable to delete vehicle maintenance type. One vehicle maintenance type should be left for the fleet. Exception
1920 Unable to add vehicle maintenance log. Exception
1921 Unable to delete vehicle maintenance log. Exception
1922 Unable to get vehicle maintenance log list. Exception
1923 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance log. Exception
1924 Unable to add vehicle maintenance schedule item. Exception
1925 The vehicle maintenance type should be unique for this vehicle.
1926 Unable to delete vehicle maintenance schedule item. Exception
1927 Unable to get vehicle maintenance schedule item list. Exception
1928 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance schedule item. Exception
1929 Unable to get vehicle maintenance type. Exception
1930 Unable to get vehicle maintenance template item detail. Exception
1931 Unable to get vehicle maintenance schedule item detail. Exception
1932 Unable to get vehicle maintenance log item detail. Exception
1933 Unable to get vehicle maintenance recalibration detail. Exception
1934 Unable to get vehicle maintenance recalibration audit log. Exception
1935 Unable to get vehicle maintenance recalibration audit log list. Exception
1936 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance recalibration detail. Exception
1937 Unable to get vehicle maintenance status. Exception
1938 Unable to modify vehicle maintenance status. Exception
1939 Unable to get vehicle maintenance sending emails. Exception
1940 Unable to update vehicle maintenance email sending status. Exception
1941 Unable to get vehicle maintenance snap shot. Exception
1942 Unable to update vehicle maintenance snap shot. Exception
1943 DeviceCommsHandler failed to send query digital output message.
1944 Failed to send query digital output message because an exception occurred.
1945 Failed to get defined zone list.
1946 Unable to insert vehicle alerting log.
1947 Unable to update the vehicle alerting snapshot while performing Alarm Activation.
1948 Unable to update the vehicle alerting snapshot while performing Alarm Cancellation.
1949 Unable to get vehicle alerting snapshot.
1950 Unable to add vehicle alert log.
1951 Unable to add vehicle alert contact.
1952 Unable to add vehicle alerting response log.
1953 Unable to get vehicle alerting log list.
1954 Unable to get vehicle alerting log list with response.
1955 Unable to get vehicle alerting log response list.
1956 Unable to add overspeed alert.
1957 Unable to get overspeed alert.
1958 Unable to update overspeed alert.
1959 Unable to add stolen vehicle alert.
1960 Unable to get stolen vehicle alert.
1961 Unable to update stolen vehicle alert.
1962 Unable to disable alarm feature.
1963 Unable to enable alarm feature.
1964 Unable to add vehicle event priority list.
1965 Unable to get vehicle event priority list.
1966 Unable to update vehicle event priority list.
1967 Unable to get vehicle alerting activity list.
1968 Unable to get vehicle alerting contact list.
1969 The specified directory does not exist or is inaccessible.
1970 The specified file does not exist.
1971 The attached file is too big.
1972 Unable to update vehicle alerting snap shot.
1973 Unable to get level one vehicle alerting snap shot list.
1974 Unable to update vehicle snap shot to level two alarm.
1975 Unable to update stolen vehicle setting status.
1976 Unable to update vehicle idle alert configuration.
1977 Unable to get vehicle idle alert configuration.
1978 Unable to add temperature alert.
1979 Unable to update temperature alert.
1980 Unable to get temperature alert.
1981 Unable to get temperature alert polling list.
1982 Unable to update the geofence. At least one vehicle assigned with this geofence cannot accept the required number of points.
1983 Unable to add the site because it has too many points.
1984 The Vehicle Unique Number is already in use.
1985 Unable to delete vehicle maintenance schedule. Exception
1986 Error while checking Vehicle Unique Numbers for duplicates. Exception
1987 Cannot Swap Fleet: The specified Destination Fleet does not exist.
1988 Cannot Swap Fleet: The specified Source Vehicle does not exist or already belongs to the destination fleet.
1989 Cannot Swap Fleet: The specified destination Group does not exist or does not belong to the destination Fleet.
1990 Cannot Swap Fleet: The specified destination Type does not exist or does not belong to the destination Fleet.
1991 Cannot Swap Fleet: An error occured while validating data for Swap Fleet.
1992 Unable to accept the site because it has too few points.
1993 Unable to accept the geofence because it has too few points.
1994 Cannot retrieve EMS trip information because the request parameters were invalid.
1995 Display name contains invalid characters.
1996 Display name may not contain leading or trailing spaces.
1997 Display name may not consist solely of dots.
1998 User is not authorized to access RealtimeData service.
1999 An error occured in GetEntityData of the RealtimeData service.
2000 Session has expired.
2001 Unable to get vehicles that support unicode.
2002 Too many sites.
2003 Location is off the edge of the earth.
2004 Unable to create geofence templates.
2005 Unable to get geofence templates.
2006 Unable to get geofence template.
2007 Unable to modify geofence template.
2008 Unable to delete geofence template.
2009 Unable to add geofence template items.
2010 Unable to delete geofence template items.
2011 Unable to get geofence template items.
2012 Unable to get device geofence capabilities.
2013 Unable to get report settings for the current Fleet.
2014 There was a problem applying calendar alert to multiple vehicles.
2015 Unable to update SOC Disabled Activity in the database.
2016 Unable to update SOC Vehicle State in the database.
2017 Vehicle does not have an SOC configured.
2018 Vehicle has multiple SOC's configured.
2019 Unknown database error.
2020 Unable to update SOC Vehicle Alarm State in the database.
2021 Unable to retrieve SOC real-time activity vehicles from the database.
2022 Parser error while retrieving SOC real-time activity vehicles from the database.
2023 Unable to retrieve Vehicle SOC details from the database.
2024 Parser error while retrieving Vehicle SOC details from the database.
2025 Unable to update SOC Activity Status in the database.
2026 Unable to update SOC Activity Start Time in the database.
2027 Unable to update SOC Activity Stop Time in the database.
2028 Get Owner Map Settings failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
2029 An invalid owner map settings object was received by the business services layer. The owner id was empty.
2030 An invalid owner map settings object was received by the business services layer. The request or settings object was null
2031 There was a database exception in the business layer when trying to create owner map settings. Exception

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 350

2032 There was an exception in the business layer when trying to create owner map settings. Exception
2033 Modify owner map settings failed in the solution layer with an exception. Exception
2035 The Dallas Key PIN number supplied is already in use.
2036 The Dallas Key PIN number supplied is invalid.
2037 The create driver operation failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
2038 Unable to retrieve temperature field display names.
2039 MinutesToFetch is a mandatory parameter.
2040 Unable to retrieve temperature fields for the fleet.
2046 The request to modify the asset configuration could not be completed due to invalid parameters.
2047 The request to modify the asset configuration could not be completed due to an exception in the vehicle service.
2048 The request to retrieve the asset configuration could not be completed due to an exception in the vehicle service.
2049 The vehicle temperature activities requested contain a large number of records. The most recent have been displayed.
2050 The EnableTemperatureFieldsForFleetDisplay request is invalid.
2058 Unable to retrieve form instance detail
2059 The delete form definition and vehicle mapping failed due to a SQL exception in execution.
2060 There was a database error saving the enabled temperature fields for the Fleet.
2061 There was a vehicle tracking service error saving the enabled temperature fields for the Fleet.
2062 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to get location details.
2063 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to get named area details.
2064 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to get public road details.
2065 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to get public road extra details.
2066 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to ping.
2067 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to do an address search.
2068 There was an exception in the GIS decision service when trying to set a throttle.
2069 There was an exception in the GIS Google Map service when trying to set a throttle.
2070 There was an exception in the GIS Talon service when trying to set a throttle.
2071 There was an exception in the GIS EMapGo service when trying to set a throttle.
2072 There was an exception in the GIS Decision service when trying to retrieve a throttle value.
2073 There was an exception in the GIS Google Map service when trying to retrieve a throttle value.
2074 There was an exception in the GIS Talon service when trying to retrieve a throttle value.
2075 There was an exception in the GIS EMapGo service when trying to retrieve a throttle value.
2076 There was an exception in the GIS Decision service when trying to get the map offset.
2077 There was an exception in the GIS Google Map service when trying to get the map offset.
2078 There was an exception in the GIS Talon service when trying to get the map offset.
2079 There was an exception in the GIS EMapGo service when trying to get the map offset.
2080 There was an exception in the GIS MapPoint service when trying to get the map offset.
2081 There was an exception in the GIS AVL service when trying to get the map offset.
2082 There was an exception trying to get an ETA configuration.
2083 There was an exception trying to update an ETA configuration.
2084 There was an exception trying to send out an ETA configuration.
2085 There was an exception trying to send out an Satellite Event Priority configuration.
2086 GetVehicleAlertingEventPriorityByEventSubType returned false.
2087 Failed to insert vehicle geofence event log entry.
2091 Unable to get Alert Token List.
2092 Unable to insert alert token.
2093 Unable to delete ConEx channel as the Request object was null or ConexChannelID is empty
2094 Unable to perform deletion of ConEx channel. Possible database or connectivity issue.
2095 Unable to add posted speed alert configuration.
2096 Unable to update posted speed alert configuration.
2097 Unable to get posted speed alert configuration.
2098 QCS detected date times out of sequence.
2099 RST start.
2100 RST end.
2101 RST Service1 constructor.
2102 RST Service1 destructor.
2103 RST Emergency Valve Shutdown.
2104 RST Emergency Valve Reenable.
2105 Unable to retrieve OwnerIDs based on supported vehicle hardware.
2106 Unable to save Data Usage settings.
2107 Unable to retrieve Data Usage settings.
2108 Unable to save Data Usage email logs.
2109 Unable to retrieve Data Usage email logs.
2110 Error occured during stored procedure 'ScheduledDailyDataUsageAggregation'
2111 Unable to retrieve Satellite Daily Data Usage.
2112 Unable to retrieve Satellite Monthly Data Usage.
2113 Unable to retrieve Satellite Projected Data Usage.
2114 Satellite Modem ID is already in use.
2115 Unable to update calibration.
2116 Unable to save pseudo ignition configuration
2117 Unable to get pseudo ignition configuration
2118 GIS cache unable to store location
2125 Error occured while retrieving licence classes
3000 Maximum call limit exceeded.
3001 Maximum active sessions exceeded.
3002 Date range exceeds maximum fetch window.
3003 Date range exceeds maximum history window.
3004 Date range is invalid.
3005 Unable to load Published Interface Integration User List.
3006 Unable to load Published Interface Integration User-Owner mapping.
3007 Unable to load Published Interface Integration Owner List.
3008 Unable to serialize the supplied DoSendRouteMessagesRequest parameter Non-Fatal Error.
3009 Unable to find the source XML file for the request BEP.
3010 Unable to locate the BEP Executable.
3011 Non-Fatal Deserialization Error in the BEP.
3012 An Exception occurred during the execution of the batch request in the BEP.
3013 The requested status information no longer exists on the server BEP.
3014 Fatal Deserialization Error.
3015 Failed to cleanup batch process in the BEP.
3016 Failed operations exceed maximum set limit. The batch execution was terminated.
3017 Could not retrieve Vehicle Feature Validation information.
3018 Could not save route-to message to database.
3019 Some of the vehicles in the recipient list for the request are invalid.
3020 The supplied request object is NULL.
3021 The session object within the supplied request object is NULL.
3022 The supplied session id is NULL.
3023 The supplied operation status GUID is NULL.
3024 No Route-To message requests were found in the supplied request.
3025 Please use the DoSendRouteMessage method to process a single Route-To message request.
3026 Batch Processing is NOT enabled on this server.
3027 The Server is already running the max allowed number of batch processes, Please try again later.
3028 The supplied vehicle identifier list cannot be NULL or EMPTY.
3029 The supplied stolen vehicle details list cannot be NULL or EMPTY.
3030 AVL2 Client users cannot login to the Published Interface. Published interface users cannot login to the AVL2 client.
3031 Could not retrieve owner identifiers for the supplied vehicles.
3060 Failed to assign user to vehicles
3061 Failed to assign user to vehicle groups
4000 Unable to perform action due to invalid modifying user ID
4001 Unable to perform action due to invalid session ID
4002 A vehicle group cannot be its own parent.
4003 Vehicle group is invalid because the parent does not exist.
4004 Cannot create root group for fleet as fleet already has groups.
4005 Invalid vehicle group - would produce cyclical heirarchy.
4006 Invalid vehicle group - would exceed maximum nesting depth.
4007 A vehicle group may not move within the heirarchy.
4008 A problem occured while updating the VehicleGroup reference.
4009 A problem occurred while getting the user header
4010 Failed to assign a user to the vehicle
4011 Failed to assign a user to the group
4100 Reverse geocoding failed.
4101 Reverse geocoding not sufficient accuracy.
4101 Unable to update vehicle activity trips.
4102 Address search threw an exception.
4102 Grace period to edit trip has lapsed
4103 Exceeded Google Reverse Geocode Rate Lookups
4203 Trip audit trail creation failed.
4204 Unable to access trip notes.
4205 Could not perform UpdateBusinessPrivateConfiguration operation as the request was null.
4206 The request to update business private configuration failed due to an exception.
4207 Unable to get vehicle business private details. Exception
4208 Failed to update vehicle activity business private status.
4209 The request to modify the vehicle business private configuration could not be completed due to an empty vehicle guid.
4210 The request to modify the vehicle business private configuration for the vehicle failed due to a data source problem.
4211 The request to modify the vehicle business private configuration for the vehicle failed due to an exception.
4301 The request to update move to stationary configuration failed due to an exception.
4302 Could not perform UpdateMoveToStationaryConfiguration operation as the request was null.
4303 The request to modify the vehicle move to stationary configuration for the vehicle failed due to an exception.
4304 The request to modify the vehicle move to stationary configuration for the vehicle failed due to a data source problem.
4305 The request to modify the vehicle move to stationary configuration could not be completed due to an empty vehicle guid.
4306 The request to retrieve the planned stop summary failed.
4307 The request to create planned stops failed.
4308 The request to get planned stops failed.
4309 The request to view the vehicle move to stationary configuration for the vehicle failed due to an exception.
4310 The request to view the vehicle move to stationary configuration for the vehicle failed due to a data source problem.
4311 The request to view the vehicle move to stationary configuration could not be completed due to an empty vehicle guid.
4312 The request to add planned stops failed.
4313 The request to finish adding planned stops failed.
4314 The driver's name does not match a valid driver.
4315 The vehicle's name does not match a valid vehicle.
4316 There was an unexpected problem converting the location address to a coordinate latitude, longitude.
4317 Latitude must be between 90 and -90 degrees, and Longitude must be between 180 and -180 degrees.
4318 A street address, or position has not been provided.
4319 There was an unexpected problem converting the location coordinates to a street address.
4320 The street address cound not be found. Please check the address to see if it is correct.
4321 The AVL GIS Server reported an error.
4322 More than one result matched your street address. Please add more information to your address, like suburb, city etc...
4323 The coordinate provided returned no matching address. Please check that your location is correct.
4324 The street address search criteria was not in the correct format. Please check the address to see if it is correct.
4325 The stop identifier cannot be blank.
4326 The stop identifier is duplicate.
4401 RAM Template could not be generated
4402 Could not get RAM Summary for the selected time period
4403 Could not upload RAM for the selected time period
4500 G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR: A geocoding or directions request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact reason for the
failure is unknown.
4501 Unexpected exception in vehicle transfer process
4502 Could not validate transfer request item
4503 Could not transfer vehicle on the same fleet
4504 Either source or target detail does not exist
4505 Duplicate transfer request
4506 Source Vehicle is inactive
4507 AVLID is too long
4508 Transfer suceeded
4509 Copy Vehicle failed
4510 Transfer process unknown failure
4511 Error retrieving validation parameters
4512 Error updating transfer details
4513 Error updating transfer audit log
4514 Error adding vehicle transfer requests in queue
4515 Transfer Item added in queue
4516 Error Retrieving transfer status
4517 Error Queuing transfer request
4518 Error updating transfer status
4519 Transfer started
4520 Merge started
4521 Uknown error in moving maintenance
4522 Failed moving maintenance entities
4523 Error on move maintenance call
4524 Error sending configuration
4525 Send configuration succeeded
4526 Error resending driver configuration
4527 Error resending geofence configuration
4528 Error resending driver status configuration
4529 Error resending reporting times
4530 Error resending canned message
4531 Error resending calendar configuration
4532 Error resending timezone configuration
4533 Error resending EMS configuration
4534 Error resending ConEx configuration
4535 Error resending Hardware configuration
4536 Error resending MoveToStationary configuration
4537 Error resending ETA configuration
4538 Error resending Satellite event priority
4600 Reverse geocoding failed, unrecognised error code from third party GIS service.
4601 G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY: An empty address was specified in the HTTP q parameter. Retry
4610 G_GEO_BAD_KEY: The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given.
4620 G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES: The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many
requests in too short a period of time. If you're sending multiple requests in parallel or in a tight loop, use a timer or pause in
your code to make sure you don't send the requests too quickly.
4701 Apply Vehicle Profile entry failed
4702 Error creating Apply Vehicle Profile request entry
4704 Error updating Apply Vehicle Profile status
4705 Error updating Apply Vehicle Profile Result Log
4706 Error Getting Property data
4707 Error Validating Property data
4708 Error Updating Property data
4709 Apply Template Property successful
4710 Both template and vehicle should have geofence overspeed events supported
4711 Template geofence is greater than vehicle limit.
4712 Both template and vehicle should have batch update supported.
4713 Both template and vehicle should have health check supported.
4714 Both the vehicle and template should have a Sat Modem installed.
4715 Both template and vehicle should be an asset qube type.
4716 Both template and vehicle should have Dallas key supported.
4717 Both template and vehicle should have Identification key supported.
4718 Both template and vehicle should have ETA supported.
4719 Both template and vehicle should have Move to stationary supported.
4720 Both template and vehicle should have Business private supported.
4721 Both template and vehicle should have Calendar events supported.
4722 Both template and vehicle should have Stolen vehicle alert supported.
4723 Both template and vehicle should have Over speed alert supported.
4724 Both template and vehicle should have Temperature alerts supported.
4725 Both template and vehicle should have Posted speed alert supported.
4726 Warning: Vehicle does not support polygonal geofences and may fail.
5000 InsertVehicleTemperatureLog stored procedure returned null.
5001 InsertVehicleTemperatureLog stored procedure failed.
5002 Unable to Insert vehicle temperature data.
5003 Unable to Insert vehicle temperature data for Euro Scan.
5005 InsertSensorTemperatureLog stored procedure returned null.
5006 InsertSensorTemperatureLog stored procedure failed.
5007 Unable to Insert vehicle sensor data.
5010 InsertZoneTemperatureLog stored procedure returned null.
5011 InsertZoneTemperatureLog stored procedure failed.
5012 Unable to Insert vehicle zone data.
5015 InsertTemperatureDigitalInputLog stored procedure returned null.
5016 InsertTemperatureDigitalInputLog stored procedure failed.
5017 Unable to Insert digital inputs data.
5020 UpdateVehicleSnapshotTemperatureId stored procedure returned null.
5021 UpdateVehicleSnapshotTemperatureId stored procedure failed.
5022 Unable to Update temperatureId for vehicle snap shot.
5023 Unable to Get Temperature Settings for fleet.
5024 Unable to Update Temperature Settings for fleet.
5025 Unable to Get Temperature Activity Alerts.
5026 Unable to add temperature Activty Alert.
5027 Unable to delete temperature Activty alert.
5027 Unable to update temperature Activty alert.
5029 Unable to Get VehicleTemperatureFieldNameConfiguration.
5030 Unable to Update VehicleTemperatureFieldNameConfiguration.
5031 User does not currently have access to the vehicle
5032 Unable to Get Digital Input Labels for fleet.
5033 Unable to Get Vehicle Temperature Details.
6000 Unable to update schedules - Next run times
6001 Unable to update schedules - Error and status information
6002 Unable to update schedules - Last run times
6003 Exception occured when processing Report Schedules with Null NextRun times
6004 Exception occured when running ReportSchedulesProcessSubscription process
6005 Exception occured when running GetReportSchedulesToEmail process
6006 Exception occured when getting LastRun time for subscription
6007 Exception occured on updating NextRun time for schedules
6008 Exception occured on getting NextRun time for schedule
6009 Report branding image is null.
6010 Report could not be branded.
7001 Unable to delete driver group. Root groups and groups containing drivers or child driver groups cannot be deleted.
7002 A driver group cannot be its own parent.
7003 Display Name is required field.
7004 Display Name is already in use by owner.
7005 Cannot create root group for fleet as fleet already has groups.
7006 Driver group is invalid because the parent does not exist.
7007 A driver group may not move within the heirarchy.
7008 Invalid driver group - would produce cyclical heirarchy.
7009 Invalid driver group - would exceed maximum nesting depth.
7603 Unable to get Vehicle Engine Hours
9000 Operation failed due to a data source problem.
9001 Failed to read a record due to an exception.
9002 Failed because the result of an internal request was null.
9003 Failed because the request falls outside permitted date window.
9004 Failed because the request contains too many items.
9005 Required parameter is missing.
9006 Invalid Parameter.
9007 Fleet role cannot be used without fleet access.
9008 Only a single Owner ID can be supplied
9100 Unable to retrieve list of form summary.
9101 Unable to retrieve list of form definition.
9103 Number of form definitions requested are greater than throttle limit.
9105 Failed because the user does not have access to fleet/Invalid UserID.
9106 Unable to retrieve list of form instance.

Published Interface User Documentation 5-Dec-16 Page 360

9107 Failed because form is not according to latest form definition.
9108 Form Feature is not enabled on any of targeted vehicles .
9109 Form Feature is not enabled on one/few of targeted vehicles.
9110 Field is mandatory.
9111 Field value is larger than required size.
9112 Field value is not numeric.
9113 Field value is larger than allowed precision size.
9114 Field scale value is larger than allowed scale size.
9115 Field value is not as per choices of value specified in form definition.
9116 Latitude\Longitude value is not entered.
9117 Latitude is not in valid range.
9118 Longitude is not in valid range.
9119 Form is inserted successfully.
9120 Form is not inserted successfully.
9121 Bias is not valid.
9122 Unable to send forms.
9123 Unable to send one or more forms due to validation errors.
9124 Forms are empty.
9125 Number of forms sent are greater than throttle limit.
9126 Number of forms sent are null.
9127 Failed because form is driver sent only.
9128 Unable to retrieve the list of form instance details.
9129 Unable to retrieve list of send form statuses.
9130 Numbers of form instance id requested are greater than throttle limit.
9131 SendFormInstanceMessages is empty.
9132 FormInstanceIDs is empty.
9133 Unable to assign vehicle to vehicle group.
9134 Failed because the user does not have access to fleet/Invalid UserID.
9135 Vehicle display name does not exist for given owner.
9136 Vehicle Group display name does not exist for given owner.
9137 Unable to update vehicle custom status.
9148 SQL Time out occurred.
9999 An error has occurred
13037 Unable To Get Driver Vehicle Tables. Exception
13038 Unable to get HOS Profile Tables
13039 Unable to get HOS Drivers
13040 Unable to get HOS Timers.
13041 Unable to get HOS Driver Daily Logs
13042 Unable to get HOS Driver Log Edit Records
13043 Unable to Update HOS Driver Info
13044 Unable to get DVIR for Vehicle
13055 Unable to get HOS Day Timers.
13056 Unable to get HOS Driver Profiles.
13057 Unable to get HOS Regulation Parameters.
13058 Exceeded the ELD date range allowed (Maximum of 8 days)
13060 Unable to get Carrier by ID
13079 Unable to get ELD Driver Log Edit Records
16000 No DVIR record found with the matching Owner id and Report Id.
16001 Unable to update DVIR - Exception:
16002 Invalid or non-existent UpdateTypeID
16003 Invalid or non-existent StatusType
19003 UpdateRouteStatus failed due to an exception
19004 Route already accepted by another driver
19009 GetPlanTemplates failed due to an exception
19012 ImportPlan failed due to incorrect TemplateId
19013 GetWorkflowTaskSettings failed due to an exception
19014 ImportPlan failed due to in Valid data - Refer to Message along with the code
19024 GetWorkflowTaskUpdates failed
19025 GetWorkflowTaskUpdates failed due to an exception
19058 Cancel Route – Refer to Message along with the code
19060 AssignRouteToVehicle – Refer to Message along with the code
19061 Route already cancelled.
3059 RestrictLogonPINInUse flag is not applicable when AllowMultipleLogIn flag is set to TRUE.
9149 Unable to retrieve list of send form statuses historical.
Appendix 5: ELD Reference Definitions

Malfunction Definition

Malfunction Code Malfunction Description

P Power compliance malfunction
E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
T Timing compliance malfunction
L Positioning compliance malfunction
R Data recording compliance malfunction
S Data transfer compliance malfunction
O Other ELD detected malfunction

Diagnostic Definition

Diagnostic Code Data Diagnostic Description

1 “Power data diagnostic” event
2 “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event
3 “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event
4 “Data transfer data diagnostic”event
5 “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event
6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event

Event Record Status Definition

Event Record Status Definition

1 Active
2 Inactive - Changed
3 Inactive – Change Requested
4 Inactive – Change Rejected
Event Record Origin Definition

Event Record Origin Definition

1 Automatically recorded by ELD
2 Edited or entered by the Driver
3 Edit requested by an Authenticated User other than the Driver
4 Assumed from Unidentified Driver profile

Edit Type Definition

Edit Type Description

0 From VLU
1 Supervisor Add
2 Supervisor Edit
3 The daily summary is not generated by the VLU. The total driven meter and odometer are the estimated
values if the last status is driving
4 On Duty marker to terminate the Driving Status when driver login to different vehicle
5 Overlap record(s) marked as unauthorized

ELD Status Definition

HOS Status Definition Event Code Event Type Event Definition

1 Off Duty 1 1 Driver’s duty status changed to “Off-duty”
2 On Duty 4 1 Driver’s duty status changed to “On-duty not driving”
3 Driving 3 1 Driver’s duty status changed to “Driving”
4 Sleeper Berth 2 1 Driver’s duty status changed to “Sleeper Berth”
5 Driver Log In 1 5 Authenticated driver’s ELD login activity
6 Driver Log Out 2 5 Authenticated driver’s ELD logout activity
8 Driver Signature 1 4 Driver’s first certification of a daily record. Driver’s n’th certification of
a daily record (when recertification necessary). “n” is an integer
between 1 and 9. If more than 9 certifications needed, use 9 for each
new re-certification record.
31 Off Duty at Well 1 1 Driver’s duty status changed to “Off-duty” (Oil field)
35 Unauthorized On Duty 3 6
36 Unauthorized Driving 1 1
52 Engine Power Status 0 6 Engine Power Status. ELDEventCode 1=Engine power-up with
conventional location precision. 2=Engine power-up with reduced
location precision. 3=Engine shut down with conventional location
precision. 4=Engine shut down with reduced location precision
53 Diagnostic & Malfunction 0 7 Diagnostic & Malfunction. ELDEventCode 1=An ELD malfunction
logged. 2=An ELD malfunction cleared. 3=A data diagnostic event
logged. 4=A data diagnostic event cleared
66 Yard Move Off End the Yard Move status or any Duty status to end the Yard Move
67 Yard Move On Begin the Yard Move status
82 Personal Use Off End the Personal Use status or any Duty status to end the Personal Use
83 Personal Use On Begin the Personal Use status
85 Hyrail 4 1 Driver’s driving status changed to “Hyrail”
86 Off Duty AG 1 1 Off Duty status with AG= Agriculture Exempt

Appendix 6: Vehicle Properties Reference Definitions

Vehicle Class ID:
Class Description
Empty No class
0 Unclassified
1 Light
2 Medium
3 Heavy

CountryID FullName Abbreviation
0 United States Of America USA
1 Canada CAN
52 Mexico MEX
61 Australia AUS
64 New Zealand NZ
99 Other OTH
USAStateID FullName Abbreviation CountryID
0 Alabama AL 0
1 Alaska AK 0
2 Arizona AZ 0
3 Arkansas AR
4 California CA 0
5 Colorado CO 0
6 Connecticut CT 0
7 Delaware DE 0
8 District of Columbia DC 0
9 Florida FL 0
10 Georgia GA 0
11 Hawaii HI 0
12 Idaho ID 0
13 Illinois IL 0
14 Indiana IN 0
15 Iowa IA 0
16 Kansas KS 0
17 Kentucky KY 0
18 Louisiana LA 0
19 Maine ME 0
20 Maryland MD 0
21 Massachusetts MA 0
22 Michigan MI 0
23 Minnesota MN 0
24 Mississippi MS 0
25 Missouri MO 0
26 Montana MT 0
27 Nebraska NE 0
28 Nevada NV 0
29 New Hampshire NH 0
30 New Jersey NJ 0
31 New Mexico NM 0
32 New York NY 0
33 North Carolina NC 0
34 North Dakota ND 0
35 Ohio OH 0
36 Oklahoma OK 0
37 Oregon OR 0
38 Pennsylvania PA 0
39 Rhode Island RI 0
40 South Carolina SC 0
41 South Dakota SD 0
42 Tennessee TN 0
43 Texas TX 0
44 Utah UT 0
45 Vermont VT 0
46 Virginia VA 0
47 Washington WA 0
48 West Virginia WV 0
49 Wisconsin WI 0
50 Wyoming WY 0
51 American Samoa AS 0
52 Guam GU 0
53 Northern Marianas MP 0
54 Puerto Rico PR 0
55 Virgin Islands VI 0
100 Alberta AB 1
101 British Columbia BC 1
102 Manitoba MB 1
103 New Brunswick NB 1
104 Newfoundland and Labrador NF 1
105 Northwest Territories NT 1
106 Nova Scotia NS 1
107 Nunavut NU 1
108 Ontario ON 1
109 Prince Edward Island PE 1
110 Quebec QC 1
111 Saskatchewan SK 1
112 Yukon YT 1
5200 Aguascalientes AG 52
5201 Baja California BN 52
5202 Baja California Sur BS 52
5203 Campeche CP 52
5204 Chiapas CS 52
5205 Chihuahua CI 52
5206 Coahuila CH 52
5207 Colima CL 52
5208 Federal District (Mexico City) DF 52
5209 Durango DG 52
5210 Guanajuato GJ 52
5211 Guerrero GE 52
5212 Hidalgo HD 52
5213 Jalisco JA 52
5214 México MX 52
5215 Michoacán MC 52
5216 Morelos MR 52
5217 Nayarit NA 52
5218 Nuevo León NL 52
5219 Oaxaca OA 52
5220 Puebla PU 52
5221 Querétaro QE 52
5222 Quintana Roo QI 52
5223 San Luis Potosí SL 52
5224 Sinaloa SI 52
5225 Sonora SO 52
5226 Tabasco TB 52
5227 Tamaulipas TA 52
5228 Tlaxcala TL 52
5229 Veracruz VC 52
5230 Yucatán YU 52
5231 Zacatecas ZA 52
6100 Australian Capital Territory ACT 61
6101 New South Wales NSW 61
6102 Northern Territory NT 61
6103 Queensland QLD 61
6104 South Australia SA 61
6105 Tasmania TAS 61
6106 Victoria VIC 61
6107 Western Australia WA 61
6200 New Zealand NZ 64
9999 Other OT 99

Appendix 7: DVIR Definitions

Status Type:
StatusType Description
1 Vehicle condition satisfactory. No safety-affecting defects.
2 Vehicle condition unsatisfactory. Repair required.
3 Vehicle condition satisfactory. I have corrected defects.

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