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& REVIEW AND TRAINING CENT! Lect MULTIVECTOR REVEMSca wes Revewe UAT) Manila A REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination 2.00 AM 100 PM 90. Ycn of th fotowing rope feng ene? meter yard © saunas 15 cectiootrs ‘01, The causation othe direct ftha pares y= Ox Ad Ie0 Bxroe0 k=? 0) pmea-0 ca Ty pouten wun oth wren vlmane A= xe ds bape ate Wo ¥°R a) ea ony a 48 feet tong: How many yards ot mauve reben wl De 0. 20yaros (03, The brge’s tao ata bag wedcirg 183 eat wide frase 1 go orourd be porter of he ati? ‘ton yarae B51 yaroe The voy of mv etiomste sturrtm ote any St« SH Olina ern mrrerigt 08 a miem! pone a] a5 we y¥O- = 148d ms BY Da75th oa (ertece 195. 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