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Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom is nothing but an ability to generate income by using our skills. 

Steps to attain Financial Freedom:

1. Understanding where you are at Present and making a clear idea of what you wanted to
be in the Future after a certain time. 
2. Setting some goals and working for them to achieve excellence.
3. Making a budget and where you can avoid money wastage
4. Creating a Passive income source by smartly investing money.
5. Be sure that you are using your time productively.
6. Preparing for the uncertainties of life. 
7. Improving and investing in your skills where you can excel the excellence and where you
can create opportunities for a few more people.
8. Having an alternate ability frees us from the feeling of Job insecurity.
9. Influence the people around you by not just sharing your thoughts and experiences
instead showing them your success. 
10. At last, be ready for the Right Time to take a risk and jump on to the Bright Side

There are four types of People involved in the cash flow Quadrant. They are:
1. Employee
2. Self-Employed 
3. Big Businessman
4. Investor 
 Employee:
 Strives for a Secure job with a good Work Environment and Benefits.
 Pros:
 Less Financial Uncertainty 
 Health Benefits 
 Good work Environment
 Cons:
 Need to invest more time to achieve more success
 Work Pressure
 Performance has to be more over the salary
 Self-Employed:
 Expert in particular work. Strives for a work environment where his skills and
time can be compensated and where he can be In charge.
 Pros:
 You are your Boss
 Paid as per your Performance
 Cons:
 Financial Uncertainty
 Need to invest more time for more success

 Big Businessman:
 Strives for freedom by creating a profitable business system. He hires the smartest
people than him to run his business for him.
 Pros:
 Financial Freedom can be achieved very quickly.
 Apart from taxes greater portion of profits goes to you.
 Cons:
 Need to manage a lot of people.
 Financial Uncertainty 
 Investor:
 Strives for Freedom by investing his money where he can get the Highest
amounts of returns.
 Pros:
 Financial Freedom can be achieved very quickly.
 Apart from taxes greater portion of profits goes to you.
 Cons:
 Apart from taxes greater portion of profits goes to you.

 Levels of Being an Investor:

1. Zero Financial Intelligence level where you have nothing left after paying for yourselves.
2. Savers are Loser level. Saving the money in Bank with a very low amount of Profits.
Because Inflation Erodes the value of money.
3. I’m at a Busy level where we hand over our money to someone else to invest. However
such persons will never learn how to Invest money.
4. I’m at a professional level where you can use your own money and make your own
5. Capitalist Level you will have a team who will give you some idea about the investment.
At this level, you will learn how to reduce taxation and increase the gains. 

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