Adelya Agustin p1337424121243 Bing t4

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NIM: P1337424121243
In 2016 I wanted to take extracurricular pencak silat at my junior high school.
Before I registered I asked my parents for permission, but my parents didn't
allow me to joined the extracurricular pencak silat. Because I didn't get
permission from my parents, I secretly registered myself and took part in the
extracurricular pencak silat. But as time went on, my parents finally gave me
permission to participate in the pencak silat training. And I'm even more excited
to follow it
When I was practicing pencak silat I was often asked by my coach to take part
in a pencak silat competition in my area, but I always refused. Because I still
have doubts about my own abilities. However, when I had been training for 6
months and was offered to take part in a pencak silat competition, I immediately
agreed. And this is my first time participating in a pencak silat competition.
There was anxiety and fear because this was my first experience participating in
a race. I tried to fight my fear, but at that time my fear was bigger than my
spirit and I finally lost the match.
At that time I felt sad and disappointed in myself because I could not win the
match, but there was one person who always supported me and wanted to
accompany me to continue training.
A few months later I received information that in 1 month there would be a
pencak silat competition. That's where I began to practice diligently and
increasingly excited to prepare myself for the competition. It was time for the
race to start, before I left for the race I asked my parents for blessings and
prayers. Then me and my friends registered to take part in the competition.
Before the competition there is a technical meeting (that is, providing
information about the rules that must be carried out during the competition and
ensuring how many parties are in the match). In the competition there were 10
parties/classes, and I entered the 6th class or female F class. Thanks to my
efforts and hard work so far, thank God I managed to win the match, was able
to bring home the trophy, and make my parents pround.
That was my experience that I will never forget, that is, from the beginning of
participating in pencak silat until now. I will continue to practice to develop my
interests and talents so that I can take part in national competitions.
NO Verb 1 Verb 2 meaning
1. Register Registered Mendaftar
2. Ask Asked Bertanya
3. Join Joined Ikut
4. Take Took Mengambil
5. Go Went Pergi
6. Give Gave Memberi
7. Is Was Adalah
8. Can Could Bisa
9. Support Supported Dukungan
10. Want Wanted Ingin
11. Receive Received Menerima
12. Begin Began Mulai
13. Refuse Refused. Menolak
14. Try Tried Berusaha/mencoba
15. Lose Lost Kehilangan
16. Pray Prayed Berdoa
17. Carry Carried Ditaati
18. Enter Entered Masuk
19. Win Won Menang
20. Leave Left Berangkat/meninggalkan
21. Allow Allowed Mengizinkan
22. Participate Participated Berparisipasi/Ikut serta
23. Follow Followed Mengikuti
24. Start Start Mulai
25. Provide Provided Menyediakan/memberikan
26. Ensur Ensured Memastikan
27. Bring Brought Membawa
28. Make Make Membuat
29. Forget Forgot Melupakan/lupa
30. Develop Developed Mengembangkan

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