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Course Code : EDUC 102

Course Name : Educational Technology 1
Course Schedule : 8 – 11 am S 134CABA
Course Facilitator : Perfecto M. Garcia III
Topic : TPACK
Reporter : William B. Cardenas

 TPACK- is a framework that combines the teacher’s three knowledge areas, namely:
technological knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge. This
shows the interconnectedness of content knowledge with pedagogical knowledge
and the integration of technology in making teaching more engaging, relevant and


 CK-Content Knowledge
 PK-Pedagogical Knowledge
 TK-Technological Knowledge

 Content Knowledge – It is the ‘WHAT” - understanding of the content such as

Language Arts, History, Math, Science, among others. This is composed of facts,
concepts, theories or principles in a given discipline.
 Pedagogical Knowledge – It is the “HOW.” It is the expert knowledge in the science
of teaching from educational and learning theories to individual differences to
strategies and techniques as well as assessment of learning.

 Technological Knowledge – This is the teacher’s knowledge on how to select, use

and integrate technological tools in the teaching and learning context. This is also
about the quality of content that students can access through appropriate
applications and sites.


 PCK-Pedagogical Content Knowledge

 TCK-Technological Content Knowledge
 TPK-Technology-Pedagogical Knowledge
 TPACK-Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

 Pedagogical Content Knowledge – The intersection of the pedagogical content

areas of knowledge. This is how much competencies the teachers have in making
the students learn concepts and skills. This includes the knowledge on how to use
techniques that can meaningfully address different learning styles while supporting
content with deeper understanding.

It is the knowledge that teachers have about their content and the knowledge that
they have about how to teach that specific content.  First identified by Shulman in
1986, we can see evidence of PCK as we consider the different strategies that
science teachers use as compared to the strategies used by language arts teachers,
or teaching strategies used by art teachers as opposed to teachers of mathematics. 
This specialized knowledge allows teachers to use the most effective methods for
teaching specific content.

 Technological Content Knowledge – The intersection when technology is used in a

specific subject area to enrich and deepen student’s understanding of content.

It is the set of skills, identified by Mishra and Kohler in 2006, which teachers acquire
to help identify the best technologies to support their students as they learn content.

 Technology-Pedagogical Knowledge – is knowing how to select, use or develop

technology to manage student learning. It allows student to learn content through
digital tools.  

It is the set of skills, also identified by Mishra and Kohler in 2006, which teachers
develop to identify the best technology to support a particular pedagogical approach. 
 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge – The intersection of all
knowledge areas. It is choosing the best tool to help teach the content in the most
effective way possible.

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