Ericsson Cobe 2021 English

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1 Our Compass

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

2 Our Compass

A message from
our President & CEO

Dear colleagues, Ericsson values and five focus areas. I encourage you up if you see something. In a company of our size,
to think of the Code as Our Compass, a tool which will there is always a risk that a person tries to cheat,
At Ericsson, we want to create connections that help you set your ethical course and make the right we must all pull together to avoid that.
make the unimaginable possible. It’s an inspirational decisions.
purpose we have set for ourselves, working towards This lack of speak up culture was a lesson we learned
our vision of a world where limitless connectivity Our Compass outlines Ericsson’s ethical expectations the hard way. In 2019, Ericsson concluded a settlement
improves lives, redefines business and pioneers and equips us to navigate the dilemmas we each with U.S. authorities for conduct that violated anti-
a sustainable future. face in our work. It also points us to additional corruption laws. The fine we paid is money that was
resources, including where to find advice and support taken away from forward looking investments. Just
Our technology reaches far and wide, connecting whenever we need it. Senior management has a special imagine what USD 1b could have done if invested in
people and enterprises. The opportunity we have obligation to foster a culture of integrity, but following our world-class R&D. Those violations were also serious
is exciting, but it comes with a big responsibility. our Compass is every individual’s responsibility. breaches of our Code of Business Ethics. We now have
How we conduct our business matters. Simply put, we a valuable opportunity to learn from this experience
must always conduct our business ethically – we have When doing work for Ericsson, we need to think and prevent any recurrence. We want to make ethically
zero-tolerance for anything else. carefully before we act. Ask yourself: does the action based decisions to make us a better company.
feel like the right thing to do? Is it in the best interest
Ethics are the moral principles that guide a of Ericsson? Is it legal and ethical? How would I feel if I ask you to read our Compass, understand it, ask
person’s actions. We are each expected to bring my action appeared on the front page of a newspaper? questions and raise concerns. By following our Compass,
ethical thinking into every interaction, decision and we can earn and sustain the trust of society, our
transaction we undertake in the course of our work. As you answer these questions, use common sense customers and colleagues — trust that is fundamental
As long as we do so in good faith, we should not be and refer to our Compass to understand which rules to our company’s success over the long term.
afraid of making those decisions or taking actions. may apply. If you have any doubts about the purpose,
principles or perception of your action, pause and seek We imagine possible. We are Ericsson.
Similar to sports, winning against competitors is help from your manager. If your manager tells you to
everything in business. But we only win playing by proceed but you are still uncertain, seek guidance from
the rules, fair and square. Not following the rules is your compliance officer or contact the Compliance Börje Ekholm
cheating, and we have no tolerance for that. Consultation Desk. President & CEO

In 2021, we have added integrity to our existing Also, if you see anything that you believe is not June 2021
values of respect, perseverance and professionalism, right, speak up. Remember, you will always be
to emphasize the importance we place on taking protected when you raise concerns in good faith.
ethical and responsible decisions. We have also Turning a blind eye is never acceptable. Actually,
updated our Code of Business Ethics to reinforce our I would like to raise the bar: I expect you all to speak
3 Our Compass

Use our

Our Compass is your guide to Ericsson’s ethical

principles and expectations. It’s aligned to our values
of professionalism, respect and perseverance, which
enable us to lead with integrity. By referring to it often,
you can be confident that your actions and decisions
are in line with Ericsson’s requirements for ethical
business conduct.
4 Our Compass

The requirements and guidelines described in our

Compass flow from six core ethical expectations,
which we all must know and follow

Our Code, our Compass Our business Our engagement

01 We build trust by making informed, 03 We do business with integrity 05 We respect human rights and
ethical decisions and seeking and transparency, and we are we make a positive social and
support whenever we are unsure. a law-abiding, responsible environmental impact in the
corporate citizen. communities where we work.

Our people Our assets We speak up

02 We maintain a safe, respectful, 04 We protect our company’s 06 We speak up whenever we have

inclusive and supportive work- reputation, assets and ethical concerns and we do not
place where harassment and intellectual property. tolerate any form of retaliation
discrimination have no place. against those who raise such concerns.
5 Our Compass

Every time you act for

Ericsson, remember the 3 Ps

What is the P2
What principles P3
How will
purpose of should guide my action
my action? my action? be perceived?
• Is there a legitimate business • Is the action legal and • How would my action look
reason for this action? consistent with our Compass if it appeared on the front
and steering documents? page of a newspaper?
• Is the action in Ericsson’s
best interests? • Is the action ethical and • Will my action impact
in line with our values? Ericsson’s reputation?
• What risks could this action
carry? How can I mitigate them?
6 Our Compass

Our Code, our Compass Our physical assets and intellectual property
Table of 1.1 Be informed on Ericsson’s ethical expectations 08 4.1 Protect confidential information and intellectual property 23

Contents 1.2 Know your responsibilities when working for Ericsson 09 4.2 Use company information and assets responsibly 24

1.3 Raise compliance concerns 10 4.3 Protect personal data 25

4.4 Maintain proper financial controls and prevent fraud 26

Our people and workplace

4.5 Communicate responsibly 27

2.1 Treat everyone respectfully, inclusively and with dignity 12

2.2 Provide just and favorable working conditions and promote trade union rights 13 Our social and environmental engagement
2.3 Encourage health, safety and well-being 14 5.1 Promote the right to privacy and freedom of expression 29

2.4 Prohibit and prevent forced labor, human trafficking and child labor 15 5.2 Uphold our commitment to environmental sustainability 30

5.3 Empower and support local communities 31

Our business, customers and suppliers

3.1 Conduct business with integrity – and zero tolerance for corruption 17

3.2 Act in Ericsson’s best interest 18

3.3 Compete on the merits 19

3.4 Engage only with third parties who share our commitment to integrity 20

3.5 Respect international trade and anti-money laundering laws 21

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

7 Our Compass

Our Code
Our people Our Code, We are committed to
conducting our business
Our business
Our assets our Compass ethically and responsibly
Our engagement – always.

1.1 Be informed on Ericsson’s ethical expectations 08

1.2 Know your responsibilities when working for Ericsson 09

1.3 Raise compliance concerns 10

01 To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

8 Our Compass 1.1

Our Code
Our people
Be informed on Ericsson’s
Our business ethical expectations
Our assets
Our engagement

Our Compass sets out our You can always talk to your line manager or the relevant function
(for example, the People Function or Group Function Legal Affairs
company’s expectations for & Compliance). They are all here to help. You can also reach out
to the Compliance Office directly or through the Compliance
how we conduct business. Consultation Desk to obtain compliance advice or relevant
approvals, or if you have any questions related to our Compass.
The Code of Business Ethics is our Compass. It is rooted
in Ericsson’s core values of professionalism, respect and
perseverance, and assists us in conducting our business with

Our Compass applies to all Ericsson employees, any person

working for Ericsson over whom Ericsson controls the day-to-day
work, and members of the Board of Directors of all entities directly
or indirectly controlled by Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. Our
third parties, such as suppliers and partners, are also expected
to adhere to the values contained in our Compass by committing
to our Code of Conduct for Business Partners.

We are all required to follow applicable laws, regulations and

standards and adhere to Ericsson’s Group Steering Documents
and Local Steering Documents (collectively known as our
“steering documents”). If any of the requirements in our Compass
differ from legal requirements, you should always apply the more
demanding standard.

Violations of our Compass may lead to disciplinary action, up

Learn more to and including termination – regardless of your position in
the company. At the same time, we understand that people
Useful links sometimes make honest mistakes despite good intentions.
If that happens, be accountable and transparent. Speak up
• Our company story if you have a question or concern or if you have made a mistake.
• Ericsson on the Move webpage
• EGMS Application

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

9 Our Compass 1.2

Our Code
Our people
Know your responsibilities
Our business when working for Ericsson
Our assets
Our engagement

We act with honesty • Not destroy or alter records

and integrity at all times. • Raise a compliance concern if you know

of, or suspect, violations of the law, our
Compass or steering documents
Each of us is responsible for acting with
integrity when we conduct business as If you’re a manager, member of the Executive
representatives of Ericsson. Team or member of the Board of Directors,
you have an especially important role. You
You are expected to: are responsible for driving a culture of
integrity and compliance.
• Be respectful, professional,
honest and transparent Leaders are also expected to:

• Not ask or allow another person or • Encourage your team members to

third party to do something that an ask questions and talk to them about
Ericsson employee is not allowed to do challenging ethical situations

• Always act with integrity, even if it • Ensure direct reports are properly trained
means losing a business opportunity and know how to comply with our Compass
Learn more
and steering documents
• Be mindful of ethical risks which may be
Steering documents elevated in certain markets and business • Avoid putting pressure on your team
models, and take steps to mitigate them at the risk of implicitly encouraging
• Group Directive, Audit, Assessment
and Certification of Ericsson Group
unethical conduct
Management System (EGMS) • Cooperate and be forthcoming in any
investigations, audits or assessments • Report potential misconduct and
conducted by Ericsson or a legitimate support your team members when
Useful links outside party (such as law enforcement they raise concerns
• Audits, Assessments, or an investigator retained by Ericsson)
Certificates and Accreditation

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

10 Our Compass 1.3

Our Code
Our people
Raise compliance concerns
Our business
Our assets
Our engagement

We speak up if something We are all expected to alert the company

to any suspected breaches of our Compass.
doesn’t seem right. People who raise a genuine concern will
always be protected; we do not tolerate What happens after I report a compliance concern?
retaliation in any form. If you’re a line
It is important to raise concerns promptly manager or other trusted person and someone Your concern will be assessed by the Allegation Management Office.
whenever you suspect that a violation of raises a compliance concern to you, you must If the concern relates to a potential violation of our Compass, it will be
our Compass may have occurred. report it to Group Function Legal Affairs & investigated by Corporate Investigations or other relevant function. If a
Compliance or to the Ericsson Compliance violation is found to have occurred, actions will be taken to hold people
If something doesn’t seem right: Line. Although it may be necessary to speak accountable and improve our processes to prevent future breaches. When
with the reporter to better understand the sharing information about reported compliance concerns, the Allegation
• Talk to your line manager or the nature of their concern before you report it, Management Office and Corporate Investigations will respect privacy laws,
superior of your manager you must not start your own investigation. confidentiality and the rights of the individuals involved. Information about
the allegation management process that is not confidential may be shared
• Talk to someone in the People Function You always have the right to raise concerns with those who reported a concern, where appropriate.
or Group Function Legal Affairs & with your trade union or works council
Compliance, or representatives – but you are still expected
to report potential violations of our Compass
• Contact the Ericsson Compliance Line. through the proper Ericsson channels.
(When using the Ericsson Compliance Line, If your concern involves a senior member of Group Function Legal Af-
you have the option to remain anonymous, fairs & Compliance, please refer to the Reporting Compliance Concerns
where permitted by local law.) webpage for guidance.
The Ericsson Compliance Line is hosted by
Learn more
an independent third party, which handles
all reports securely and confidentially.
Steering documents The Ericsson Compliance Line is available
24/7 to all internal and external stakeholders
• Group Directive, Raising Compliance Concerns
• Group Instruction, Allegation Management in 63 languages.

Useful links

• Reporting Compliance Concerns webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

11 Our Compass

Our Code
Our people Our people We are committed to fostering an inclusive and
supportive workplace where you can reach your
Our business
Our assets and workplace full potential. We respect the dignity of every human
Our engagement being and work in accordance with all internationally
recognized human rights including those outlined
in the International Bill of Human Rights and the
International Labor Organization’s Declaration on
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

2.1 Treat everyone respectfully, inclusively and with dignity 12

2.2 Provide just and favorable working conditions and promote trade union rights 13

2.3 Encourage health, safety and well-being 14

2.4 Prohibit and prevent forced labor, human trafficking and child labor 15

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

12 Our Compass 2.1

Our Code
Our people
Treat everyone respectfully,
Our business inclusively and with dignity
Our assets
Our engagement

We foster a work environment We know that diversity makes us

stronger as a company. Having a diverse
based on respect. and inclusive workplace helps ensure that we At Ericsson, we prohibit all forms of discrimination, even if local law
attract the best global talent, foster innovation would permit it. We do not discriminate based on factors such as race,
and bring greater value to our customers. color, gender, language, religion, political affiliation, national or social
Treating our colleagues with respect, dignity We want everyone to feel valued and included. origin, pregnancy or parental status, disability, marital status, age,
and inclusion brings out the best in everyone, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, transgender
and it’s the right thing to do. At Ericsson, there We must all contribute to ensuring Ericsson status, health status, trade union membership or any other characteristic.
is simply no room for harassment, threats, is a place where each individual can grow
bullying or violence against anyone, and feel empowered – regardless of factors
regardless of their position or seniority. such as their personal background, cognitive
perspectives or disability.
Ericsson prohibits all forms of harassment,
threats and acts of violence, including: You are expected to:

• Physical, oral or written harassment • Recruit, reward and promote

directed at employees or any third party people based on merit
in the line of work (whether at the office,
outside the office or online) • Prevent nepotism or
discriminatory practices
• Bullying, intimidation, hostility,
humiliation, discrimination or • Avoid any conduct that could make
psychological mistreatment an employee feel excluded or unwelcome.
Learn more This applies within or outside working
• Offensive or disparaging remarks, hours, inside or outside Ericsson premises
jokes, images or name-calling and during external events or business
Steering documents travel
• Unwanted attention or physical
• Group Policy, People
contact or other invasions of privacy
or personal space
Useful links
• Behavior intended to disturb or
• Check with local People function
for local steering documents
prevent normal work activities

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

13 Our Compass 2.2

Our Code
Our people
Provide just and favorable working
Our business conditions and promote trade union rights
Our assets
Our engagement

We uphold everyone’s We also promote your rights when it

comes to forming or joining independent
right to fair and favorable trade unions as well as collective bargaining.
In places where local laws restrict these
working conditions and rights, Ericsson seeks other ways of having
the right to form and join a meaningful dialogue with employees. This
includes alternative, independent and freely
trade unions and bargain elected forms of employee representation
collectively. such as employee committees or councils.

As a responsible employer, we respect You must respect all colleagues’ freedom

your rights to just and favorable working of association and right to collective
conditions regardless of your position. bargaining, and you must not unlawfully
This includes: limit these rights. You are not permitted
to treat anyone differently based on their
• Receiving a written document in a choice to join – or not join – a trade union
language you understand, outlining or similar organization and trade union
the basic terms and conditions of your representatives must be able to communicate A normal work week should not be What is a living wage?
employment effectively with employees. more than 48 hours. Hours worked
above and beyond a normal work Having a living wage means
• Fair and reasonable pay and terms, week must be voluntary unless a receiving a rate of payment from
which guarantee your rights and, at a collective bargaining agreement work that is high enough to
minimum, include a living wage or pay allows for extra time under certain maintain a decent standard of
Learn more in line with industry standards, whichever conditions or in exceptional living. For a worker to have a living
is higher (deductions from fixed salaries circumstances. Such circumstances wage, they would need to be able
or wages as a disciplinary measure are include short-time business demands to cover their costs for food, water,
Steering documents
not permitted for hours worked) and emergencies. Additionally, housing, essential healthcare,
• Group Policy, People except for exceptional circumstances, transportation, etc.
• The right to rest and leisure to support you have the right to at least one day
a healthy work-life balance, including off in every seven-day period.
Useful links working hours that comply with all
• Check with local People function
applicable laws and industry standards
for local steering documents

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

14 Our Compass 2.3

Our Code
Our people
Ensure health, safety
Our business and well-being
Our assets
Our engagement

We work together to ensure

a safe and healthy work
You are expected to:
environment for all.
• Adopt safe behaviors by taking assigned
safety training courses and using personal What should I do if I’m concerned
We are committed to providing a work for my – or a colleague’s – safety,
protective equipment when appropriate or
environment that promotes and protects health or well-being?
required by the site rules
everyone’s health, safety and well-being.
To achieve our goal of zero work-related You have the right to speak up
• Identify and mitigate health and safety
fatalities, injuries and illnesses, we all need and stop working if there is a
risks related to our activities
to work together. Ericsson Care is our holistic reasonable concern about your
health, safety and well-being program for our or your colleague’s health, safety
• Proactively help to create an environment
employees, suppliers and anyone working or well-being. If the situation is
that promotes physical and emotional
for us to achieve this target. Ericsson Care not corrected, you should reach
focuses on safety risks and well-being that out to your local health and safety
encompasses physical, emotional, financial, representative or report it in the
• Not work under the influence of alcohol.
and social well-being. Global Incident Reporting Tool.
In addition, illegal substance abuse is
prohibited while performing work for
Learn more • Not work under the influence of medication
if doing so could jeopardize anyone’s health
Steering documents or safety

• Group Policy, Health, Safety and Well-being • Report any health and safety incidents via
• Group Directive, Occupational
Health and Safety
the Global Incident Reporting Tool so we can
prevent recurrences

Useful links

• Health & Well-being webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

15 Our Compass 2.4

Our Code
Our people
Prohibit and prevent forced labor,
Our business human trafficking and child labor
Our assets
Our engagement

We work here because we have

freely chosen to do so, and we
support the rights of children.
What is the minimum age of employment?
At Ericsson, any form of slavery exploitation – including
human trafficking and forced, coerced, bonded or compulsory The International Labor Organization (ILO)
labor – is strictly prohibited. All work performed for Ericsson defines the minimum age for employment as the
must be voluntary, consensual and free from coercion or age at which someone would complete compulsory
threats. We are all free to leave our employment or assignment schooling – or 15 years and older – unless an explicit
after giving reasonable notice according to applicable law. ILO exemption is provided. In addition, young
You shall never accept to leave deposits of money or identity workers (under 18 but over the minimum age for
papers with Ericsson or a recruitment agency. employment) cannot be employed for hazardous
work or work that is inconsistent with their
You are prohibited from purchasing, or allowing others to personal development. This includes working
purchase for you, sexual services – or other services of a at heights, working with dangerous machinery
sexual nature – while on company-sponsored trips or in or hazardous substances, working for long hours
connection with company business, regardless of local or working overnight.

We uphold and defend the rights of children. We firmly

prohibit child labor and apply precautionary principles to
avoid causing harm to children throughout our operations.
An individual’s age must be verified and documented during
the hiring process to ensure that they are of appropriate
working age.

You must not ask prospective employees to pay recruitment fees or other service-related costs.
This applies whether or not a recruiting agency is used.

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

16 Our Compass

Our Code
Our people Our business, We are committed to doing business
in every market with integrity and
Our business
Our assets customers and transparency and being a responsible
Our engagement
suppliers corporate citizen.

3.1 Conduct business with integrity – and zero tolerance for corruption 17

3.2 Act in Ericsson’s best interest 18

3.3 Compete on the merits 19

3.4 Engage only with third parties who share our commitment to integrity 20

3.5 Respect international trade and anti-money laundering laws 21

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

17 Our Compass 3.1

Our Code
Our people
Conduct business with integrity
Our business – and zero tolerance for corruption
Our assets
Our engagement

We win business by doing You are expected to:

business with integrity. • Ensure that any gifts, entertainment,

hospitality, sponsorships, donations and
employment opportunities are compliant
Reputation and trust are hard-won and easily with our steering documents and the law
lost. At Ericsson, we advocate our industry and Who qualifies as a public official?
regulatory positions to governments based on • Never provide any personal benefits to
facts, and never seek to improperly influence individuals, such as cash, cash equivalents,
actions by public officials. Offering or giving loans, vacations or similar benefits Members, employees
any benefit to a public official, colleague, or representatives of:
customer or other third party as a way to gain • Be diligent when providing anything to
an undue advantage is called bribery, and it is public officials (or their family members) • Governments – whether
strictly prohibited. You must also not demand and remember that pre-approvals and national, regional or local
or accept any such benefits from anyone. more restrictive rules apply
• State-owned or state-
We have no tolerance for any form of bribery • Obtain the necessary approvals and controlled companies
or corruption. In addition, Ericsson will not document them
make contributions, directly or indirectly, to • The military, police and courts
Learn more political parties or individual politicians except • Never make a payment to expedite or
to support voluntary employee contributions secure a routine governmental action, such • Political parties and candidates
Steering documents permitted under local law and supported by as the issuance of a visa, permit or license
public reporting regulations. • Public international organizations
• Group Policy, Government
• Not use personal funds or someone else’s (for example, the United Nations
& Industry Relations
• Group Directive, Anti-Corruption funds to do something that you couldn’t or the World Bank)
• Group Directive, Partnering do with corporate funds, for example
• Group Directive, Third Party Management purchasing illegal gifts such as ivory, • Royal families
• Group Instruction, Gifts, Entertainment
& Hospitality - Third Party Benefits narcotics or sexual services

• Consult Government & Industry Relations or

Useful links Group Function Legal Affairs & Compliance
prior to meeting with government officials
• Anti-Corruption Compliance webpage
• Gifts, entertainment and hospitality webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

18 Our Compass 3.2

Our Code
Our people
Act in Ericsson’s best interest
Our business
Our assets
Our engagement

We act swiftly and Examples of potential conflicts of interest:

transparently to disclose • Doing business with third parties that

employ or are owned by your family
anything that may be a members, friends or former Ericsson
conflict of interest. colleagues
Is it a potential conflict of interest
• Hiring or supervising anyone with if I refer someone for a position
In our work for Ericsson, situations can whom you have a personal relationship within Ericsson?
arise where our professional judgment could
be seen to be impaired by other competing • Working in your free time for Ericsson
interests related to relationships and roles customers or suppliers It depends. You may refer friends,
we maintain outside of Ericsson. This is family members or others for open
called a conflict of interest, and it is not • Working outside Ericsson or taking positions – and you may receive
inherently wrong. However, we each have on engagements or directorships that rewards if the referred individual
a responsibility to put Ericsson’s legitimate interfere with your job performance, is hired through the Employee
business interests first. Whenever we become require you to use Ericsson’s information Referral Program. If the position
aware of a potential conflict of interest, or assets or would create intellectual is within your function, you should
we don’t ignore it; we ensure that it is property disclose the potential conflict of
Learn more interest to your People Business
properly disclosed and handled.
• Engaging on behalf of Ericsson with Partner at the time of the referral
Steering documents You are expected to: customers, suppliers or other external as well as to your line manager and
stakeholders of a company in which the Compliance Consultation Desk
• Group Policy, Legal Affairs and Compliance
• Avoid conflicts of interest you have ownership or other significant – so steps can be taken to avoid any
• Group Directive, Board positions
and Ownership interests when manageable financial interest appearance of bias or favoritism
• Group Instruction, Conflict during the hiring process.
of Interest Disclosure • Disclose all situations, transactions
• Group Instruction, Gifts, Entertainment
& Hospitality - Third Party Benefits and relationships that could lead to or
be perceived as a conflict of interest via
the Compliance Consultation Desk.
Useful links Compliance Office and People Function
will help you manage the situation
• Conflict of Interest webpage
• Compliance Consultation Desk webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

19 Our Compass 3.3

Our Code
Our people
Compete on the merits
Our business
Our assets
Our engagement

We compete on the merits You are expected to:

of our technologies and • Not discuss or exchange competitively What is competitively sensitive information?
sensitive information with competitors
offerings. either directly or indirectly through third Any information that could influence a commercial decision of
parties Ericsson or a competitor. This could include details of prices, costs,
margins, offers or quantities, and allocations of product, markets
Competition laws – also known as antitrust
• Not fix or control distributors’ resale prices and territories.
or anti-monopoly laws – exist to protect
consumers and ensure that businesses have
• Check with Group Function Legal Affairs &
a fair opportunity to compete in the market-
Compliance before negotiating exclusivity
place. They prohibit, for example, practices
or non-compete agreements or hiring
that fix prices, allocate customers or markets
restrictions with third parties
between competitors or restrict market
competition. These laws also prohibit the
• Contact Group Function Legal Affairs &
abuse of a dominant market position.
Compliance if you have concerns in relation
to any competition matters

Learn more

Steering documents

• Group Policy, Antitrust law

Useful links

• Antitrust Compliance Guide webpage

• Compliance Consultation Desk webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

20 Our Compass 3.4

Our Code
Our people
Engage only with third parties who
Our business share our commitment to integrity
Our assets
Our engagement

We only work with third You are expected to:

parties who abide by the • Work only with qualified, approved third
parties that go through our responsible
same standards of integrity sourcing processes, including our enhanced
that we demand of ourselves. Third Party Management (TPM) process

• Ensure that our third parties sign and

Working with third parties can present commit to our Ericsson Code of Conduct
significant risks that we must carefully for Business Partners or equivalent
navigate – so that the values we stand for
aren’t compromised. At Ericsson, we only • Actively monitor the performance of our
engage with suppliers and other partners third parties for compliance with the Code
who share our high standards in relation of Conduct for Business Partners and any
to integrity, human rights, health and safety other conditions upon which an approval
and the environment. decision was made

• Never use a third party to do something

that Ericsson employees are not allowed
to do themselves

Learn more

Steering documents
A Politically Exposed Person (PEP) is someone who holds
• Group Directive, Third Party Management
• Group Directive, Anti-Corruption (or formerly held) a prominent public position or a family member
• Group Directive, Partnering or close associate of such a person. PEPs present a higher risk of
being involved in corruption because of their position and influence.
Be especially diligent when working with PEPs.
Useful links

• Ericsson Responsible sourcing page

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

21 Our Compass 3.5

Our Code
Our people
Respect international trade
Our business and anti-money laundering laws
Our assets
Our engagement

We adhere to applicable laws We support free and fair trade and are
Money laundering is an illegal activity where someone attempts to hide the
true origins of money that was obtained through crime. Terrorist financing
and regulations governing committed to comply with applicable anti- is when funds are used to support terrorist activities. Ericsson does not allow
boycott regulations. Always seek advice from any activities resulting in money laundering or terrorist financing.
international trade and anti- Group Function Legal Affairs & Compliance if
money laundering. you are unsure of the legality of an action or if You are expected to:
you are asked to participate in a boycott.
• Never engage in a business transaction if you suspect
The European Union (EU), United States that it involves funds connected with criminal activity
(U.S.) and other countries enforce trade and
sanctions laws; these include export and • Adhere to all Ericsson responsible sourcing and due
customs controls, embargoes and sanctions. diligence requirements
Such laws impact the persons, countries and
entities with whom we can do business. They
also affect the hardware, software, services A “United States person” is a
and solutions we can sell. U.S. citizen, green-card holder
or person physically located in
You are expected to: the U.S. If you are such person
Learn more you may be restricted from
• Be aware of any sanctions, import or export participating in certain business
controls that might apply to your business activities under U.S. sanctions
Steering documents dealings on behalf of Ericsson before doing laws and you might need to
such business and ensure that a license is recuse yourself under certain
• Group Directive, Trade Compliance
obtained when required circumstances.
• Group Directive, Customer Finance
• Group Directive, Third Party Management
• Group Directive, Sourcing • Ensure that Ericsson’s sanctions screening
• Group Instruction, Trade Compliance process is performed before onboarding
• Instruction, Recusal of U.S.
persons for sanctions purposes
new third parties and regularly thereafter

• Contact Trade Compliance within Group

Useful links Function Legal Affairs & Compliance
when in doubt
• GFLA Trade Compliance webpage
• Trade Compliance Global Operations webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

22 Our Compass

Our Code
Our people Our physical assets We are committed to protecting our
company’s assets and intellectual
Our business
Our assets and intellectual property as well as information and
Our engagement
property assets entrusted to us by our colleagues,
customers and third parties.

4.1 Protect confidential information and intellectual property 23

4.2 Use company information and assets responsibly 24

4.3 Protect personal data 25

4.4 Maintain proper financial controls and prevent fraud 26

4.5 Communicate responsibly 27

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

23 Our Compass 4.1

Our Code
Our people
Protect confidential information
Our business and intellectual property
Our assets
Our engagement

We handle confidential • Not take or use Ericsson confidential

information when you leave the company
information and intellectual Be sure to report all potential information security incidents
• Not attempt to improperly obtain
property with great care. confidential information belonging
via the Security Incident Management System (SIMS).

to other companies or third parties

At Ericsson, our technical and financial
Each of us has a responsibility to watch out
information as well as our intellectual
for cybersecurity threats – such as malware or
property are critical to our success.
phishing – and follow best practices to protect
This includes research and development
Ericsson’s information and systems.
information, patents, business and product
plans and strategies as well as customer
You are expected to:
and supplier information. We must ensure
that such information is used for proper I recently joined Ericsson and What steps do we need to take
• Keep your computer and mobile devices
and authorized purposes only. have confidential information when onboarding a new supplier
updated to the latest software versions
and change your passwords about my former employer: who will need access to Ericsson’s
You are expected to: a competitor. Is it OK to discuss confidential and proprietary
Learn more
• Not share user IDs (signums) their sales strategy? information?
• Not discuss confidential information
or passwords
Steering documents in public places or on the internet No. This information does not Any disclosure of confidential
• Group Policy, Intellectual Property Rights • Use the software provided for securely belong to you and it’s not OK to and proprietary information to
• Only access or share confidential use it for your own purposes or third parties requires the signing
• Group Policy, Security connecting your laptop to Ericsson’s
• Group Directive, Intellectual Property Rights information if there is a legitimate for Ericsson’s. You could breach of a non-disclosure agreement
network when away from the office
• Group Directive, Handling of financial business reason to do so the law or your own obligations (NDA) or similar provisions in a
information within Ericsson Operating Units
• Group Directive, Information Security • Never download or use unapproved to your former employer by contract. Contact your Sourcing
• Only store confidential information on disclosing the information to Business Partner or Group Function
Management System software or devices
Ericsson-authorized devices and cloud Ericsson. Please contact the Legal Affairs & Compliance if you
services Compliance Consultation Desk have any questions or need support.
Useful links
• Encrypt emails containing any
confidential or personal information if you need further guidance
• Accompany your visitors at Ericsson’s regarding potential conflicts
• Reporting Security and Privacy Incidents
webpage offices and facilities of interest.
• Compliance Consultation Desk webpage
• Security at Ericsson

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

24 Our Compass 4.2

Our Code
Our people
Use company information
Our business and assets responsibly
Our assets
Our engagement

We do not engage in any form You are expected to:

of insider trading and we use • Not buy or sell financial instruments and
securities when having inside information
company assets for legitimate or tell others to do so
purposes only.
• Not share inside information with anyone All Ericsson employees are
including colleagues except on a strict recommended not to trade in Ericsson
Inside information is non-public and need-to-know basis, as approved by financial instruments and securities
material information about Ericsson or other the project leader during a period of 30 days before the
companies that would have a significant publication of financial reports even if
effect on the price of financial instruments • Check with Group Function Legal Affairs you do not possess inside information.
and securities, such as shares, bonds or & Compliance before trading if you are
derivatives, if disclosed. Using this information unsure if you are in possession of inside
or providing it to others to trade in financial information
instruments and securities is illegal. It is called
insider trading, and it must be avoided without

Use Ericsson’s IT systems and

Learn more resources only for business-related
activities. You are responsible for
protecting company assets from
Steering documents misuse, waste, theft and loss.
• Group Policy, Insider Rules
This includes not using Ericsson’s
• Group Policy, Security IT resources for any activity that is
• Group Instruction, Handling illegal, harassing, sexually oriented,
of Inside Information defamatory, racially inflammatory,
in violation of human rights or related
to child sexual abuse.
Useful links

• Security at Ericsson

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

25 Our Compass 4.3

Our Code
Our people
Protect personal data
Our business
Our assets
Our engagement

We process personal data • Share personal data only with people

(within and outside Ericsson) who are
responsibly and in accordance authorized to receive it
with data privacy laws. • Report any suspected data breaches
to the Security Incident Management
System (SIMS)
We protect personal data and support global
efforts to safeguard it. We adhere to global
privacy principles and applicable laws,
including the EU General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR). We also have Binding
Corporate Rules and contractual agreements
which regulate how we process and share

You are expected to:

What is “personal data”?
Learn more • Collect and process personal data in
accordance with the law and Ericsson Personal data is information that
steering documents can be related to an identifiable
Steering documents person. Examples include name,
• Ensure that people from whom we obtain address, phone number, IMEI
• Group Policy, Privacy
• Group Directive, Data Privacy Management personal data understand why it is being (International Mobile Equipment
• Group Directive, Processor Binding collected and processed Identity), IMSI (International
Corporate Rules relating Data Privacy Mobile Subscriber Identity), email
• Group Directive, Binding Corporate
Rules for Data Controller
• Use personal data only for legitimate and bank or credit card information.
• Group Instruction Product business purposes and approved uses
Security and Privacy necessary for your job

Useful links

• Reporting Security and Privacy

Incidents webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

26 Our Compass 4.4

Our Code
Our people
Maintain proper financial
Our business controls and prevent fraud
Our assets
Our engagement

We record all financial • Record all financial transactions in

accordance with applicable rules and
information diligently, Ericsson Accounting Directives and Raise a concern if you
accurately and honestly. become aware of for example:

• Never authorize the payment of vague

or questionable expenses or third-party • Payments to or from a third party
We must all take steps to prevent fraud in a country other than where the
invoices that are poorly documented or
and financial irregularities. We should service was provided
always ensure that the true nature and
extent of our business transactions are • Payments to a third party in a
• Ensure expense reports are complete,
recorded transparently and accurately. country known as a “tax haven”
truthful and accurate
Making false or misleading entries in our
records, or sidestepping internal controls, • Payments to or from third parties
• Use corporate cards for legitimate
are strictly prohibited and may be illegal. different from those specified in
business expenses
approved agreements
You are expected to:
• Provide all supporting documentation
needed to ensure accurate financial • False, misleading or incomplete
• Enter into written (never oral) business records, including time
contracts with customers and third parties statements
Learn more reporting records
• Ensure our contracts reflect the • check with Group Function Finance &
Steering documents Common Functions or your local finance • Pressures to make an inaccurate
substance of the commercial transaction entry in our accounts or to omit
support if you are not sure what to do or
• Group Directive, Ericsson Operating Model
have finance-related questions or concerns relevant information
• Group Directive, Travel & Expenses • Avoid giving unusual incentives or
• Group Directive, Financial Authorization agreeing to terms that are not in
• Group Directive, Signatory Powers • Unrecorded funds or financial accounts
• Group Directive, Sourcing
Ericsson’s best interest
• Group Directive, Ericsson Sales Directive • Revenues or expenses that have been
• Group Instruction, Time Reporting • Follow signature and spending authority unduly shifted between time periods
for Employees and relevant approval processes
• Use corporate cards for legitimate
Useful links business expenses only
• Ericsson Governance

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

27 Our Compass 4.5

Our Code
Our people
Communicate responsibly
Our business
Our assets
Our engagement

We speak on behalf of the company

only if authorized to do so and take
care when posting on social media.

Our reputation depends on the transparency, accuracy and

consistency of our public statements. That’s why we have
measures in place to ensure the right information goes out.
These measures apply to statements you make publicly on
social media or in articles, papers, speeches or other statements
relevant to Ericsson’s business. While we promote freedom
of expression, each of us is responsible and may be held
accountable for social media posts that are inconsistent
with our values and Compass.

You are expected to:

• Use good judgment and protect confidential

I’ve received an invitation to speak at an industry I’ve received a straightforward question about
information about Ericsson
conference. Do I need permission to speak? What the company from a friend. May I respond?
Learn more can I say about Ericsson or my work for the company?
• Make clear that your views are your own and
We love speaking about what we do at Ericsson,
that you do not speak for Ericsson (unless you
The first step is to get approval from your line but it all depends on what was asked. You cannot
Steering documents are authorized to do so)
manager and notify Marketing & Corporate share confidential information, but you are, of course,
• Group Policy, Communications Relations. Generally, when speaking at conferences, encouraged to share officially published information.
• Not post anything that would cause
• Group Directive, Spokesperson focus on your own area of responsibility and personal The key is to take a moment to think about this
• Group Directive, Investor Relations embarrassment or harm Ericsson’s
opinions and observations – do not share sensitive carefully before answering. You can ask your line
• Group Instruction, External Social Media reputation
and Security at Ericsson or confidential company information. manager if you need further guidance on what can
and cannot be discussed openly.

Useful links

• Security at Ericsson

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

28 Our Compass

Our Code
Our people Our social and We are committed to respecting
human rights, reducing environmental
Our business
Our assets environmental impact and supporting socio-economic
Our engagement
engagement development across the communities
in which we work.

5.1 Promote the right to privacy and freedom of expression 29

5.2 Uphold our commitment to environmental sustainability 30

5.3 Empower and support local communities 31

05 To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

29 Our Compass 5.1

Our Code
Our people
Promote the right to privacy
Our business and freedom of expression
Our assets
Our engagement

We respect the right to You are expected to:

privacy and freedom of • Respect, promote and support human

rights through responsible decision-
expression, as the two most making, including during product
salient human rights related development, the use and sales of our
technology, and in business relationships
to the technology we deliver. with customers and suppliers

• Assess external requests and demands

We fundamentally believe that our hardware, that may impact the freedom of expression
software, services and solutions bring positive or right to privacy of individuals and ensure
change to people. At the same time, we such requests are legitimate, proportionate
work to mitigate and minimize the risk of and necessary before acting in response
potential misuse of our technology. We do
this by conducting due diligence in our sales • Consider the risks of misuse of our
engagements to assess, prevent and mitigate technology in business engagements,
potential negative impacts on human rights. follow the correct procedures to mitigate
such risks and raise a concern if such risks
We also advocate strongly for freedom are being ignored or not properly addressed
of expression and privacy protections.
This includes raising concerns about new
legislative, administrative, license or law
Learn more enforcement rules if they may negatively
impact individuals’ freedom to express their
views or protect others from intrusion.
Steering documents

• Group Policy, Sensitive Business

• Statement, Business and Human Rights

Useful links

• Ericsson respect for human rights webpage

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

30 Our Compass 5.2

Our Code
Our people
Uphold our commitment to
Our business environmental sustainability
Our assets
Our engagement

Our environmental You are expected to:

sustainability programs • Contribute to Ericsson’s ambitions and

targets related to the environmental
make a difference for the impact of our operations and activities
world around us and create and our product sustainability
value for all stakeholders. • Minimize business travel and consider
surface transportation before air travel
We use a science-based and triple bottom • Follow all environment-related
line (economic-social-environmental) product requirements, guidelines
approach to create positive impact for and recommendations
stakeholders throughout our operations,
across our portfolio and in society. • Consider how you can perform your
work in a way that positively impacts
We are committed to minimizing the negative the environmental performance of our
Learn more environmental impact of all our operations customer offerings
and activities, and are on track to be carbon
neutral in our own operations by 2030. We • Report any risks or incidents with
Steering documents develop hardware, software, services and potentially negative environmental
solutions designed with life cycle and circular impact using the Global Incident
• Group Policy, Sustainability
• Group Directive, Product Take-Back economy perspectives in mind – striving for Reporting Tool
high energy performance and sustainable
material and design choices. And we take At Ericsson, we are actively engaging
Useful links back and recycle decommissioned products in partnerships and developing hardware,
• Ericsson sustainability and
responsibly. software, services and solutions that
corporate responsibility webpage support industries and societies in their
• Ericsson and the Sustainable Environmental sustainability shall be an efforts to realize the UN Sustainable
Development Goals webpage integrated approach spanning all our units –
• Design for Environment webpage Development Goals (SDGs).
• Ericsson requirements
a mindset we all share as part of Ericsson’s
on material declarations workforce.
• Ericsson List of Banned and
Restricted Substances

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

31 Our Compass 5.3

Our Code
Our people
Empower and support
Our business local communities
Our assets
Our engagement

We empower and support • Ensure due diligence is conducted as

local communities to drive required in accordance with steering
positive impact.
• Disclose any connections between
sponsorships or donations and Ericsson’s Am I allowed to sponsor the
We practice good corporate citizenship by annual gala of a local charity
customers, suppliers, partners, public
providing sponsorships, donations and volun- – one that is chaired by a key
officials or Ericsson current or former
teers to support stakeholder engagement and customer?
empower our local and regional communities.
We pay applicable local taxes in the countries It depends. If, for example,
We are proud of our Ericsson Volunteer
in which we operate. there is a significant business
Program. It allows employees to
volunteer their time to serve local opportunity pending with the
We carefully assess sponsorships and customer, there could be an
communities and make a positive impact
donations to confirm that they are consistent appearance that the customer’s
in society. All active Ericsson full-time and
with Ericsson’s strategy in terms of where business decisions had been,
part-time employees are eligible to participate.
we think our support can have the greatest or could be, influenced by the
impact. We also do our due diligence to sponsorship. In all cases, you
Before volunteering, you must approve the
ensure they are free from any actual or should submit a request via the
terms and conditions within the program
potential conflicts of interest – or have Sponsorships and Donations
Learn more and adhere to the guidelines related to
any association with improper payments. request form so it can be
eligible volunteer activities – both Ericsson’s
and the receiving organization’s. evaluated – giving you peace
Steering documents You are expected to: of mind either way.
• Group Policy, Finance • Request approvals for sponsorships
• Group Policy, Sponsorships and Donations
• Group Directive, Sponsorships and Donations
and donations falling under the
• Group Instruction, General Expenses Sponsorships and Donations Directive
via the Sponsorships and Donations
Request form
Useful links • Seek approvals for other sponsoring
• Sponsorships and Donations webpage activities and contributions via the
• Ericsson Response webpage Compliance Consultation Desk
• Ericsson employee volunteering framework

To raise a compliance concern, contact the Ericsson Compliance Line

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