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Lesson 6
Employee Training and Development

● Systematic setup where employees are instructed and taught matters of technical
knowledge related to their specific job
● Process of increasing the knowledge and skills of the workforce to enable them to
perform their jobs effectively
● Process where individuals acquire job related skills and knowledge
● A formal and programmed intervention by an employer that is designed to improve the
job-related skills of an employee
● Is done in response to:
○ Rapid technological advancements
■ Technology is evolving fast because of accelerating change where each
technological improvement can create the next stronger generation of
technology at a faster rate
■ Ex: Creation of semiconductor chip
○ Increased competition
■ Rivalry between companies selling similar products and services with the
goal of achieving revenue and market growth, product, place,
promotion, and price
■ Competition among companies can spur the invention of new products
or services or a more efficient processes
○ Economic difficulties
■ Domain of the multi-dimensional construct of social economic
circumstances wherein its issue is within the scarcity of resources but
unlimited wants
■ Examples are: inflation (occurs when the demand for goods or services is
higher when compared to the production capacity, when cost of
production increases or expectation of future inflation would result to a
built-in inflation, can be demand-pull or cost-push or built-in inflation) and
crisis (natural disasters and technological crisis)
■ 5 stages of crisis management: signal, detection, prevention, damage
containment, recovery and learning
○ Changing customer profiles
■ Records about individual customers in terms of age, gender, spending
patterns and etc.; this information are vital to successful marketing

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

because it enables a brand to better define its audience and effectively

engage with them
■ How to understand customers:
● Demographic profiling
● Psychological profiling
● Lifestyle coding
● Cluster coding
● Affinity profiling
○ Career development
■ Important part in employee management
■ Career development programs help employees build a sustainable,
future proof and adaptable approach to the management of their career
■ Link between an individual’s drive and motivation and organization’s
talent management strategy

A. Training Process
a. Systematic activity performed to modify skills, attitudes, behavior of an
employee to perform a particular job
b. Composed of assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation.
c. Main objective of training is to improve current or future employee performance
by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning usually by
changing employee’s attitude or investing in his/her skills and knowledge
d. Training process:
■ Training needs analysis
■ Training design
■ Implementation
■ Evaluation

B. Training Needs Analysis Process

a. Think about your business goals and the skills that will help you reach these goals
■ Think about what your business goals are for the next year
■ An example of a business goal is to raise the amount of sales
■ It is important to think about the skills that will help you reach your goals,
and also which areas of your business you will need to drive success
■ For instance, if you want to increase sales, you must determine what skills
should sales associates possess to drive sales.

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

■ In this step, it is vital to gather data from various sources such as: 1.)
conversations with managers or team leads, 2.) company
documentation, and 3.) evaluations of high performers currently
performing the task
b. Evaluate your current staff’s current skills
■ Do a complete audit of all the skills each member of staff currently holds.
■ Look at your employees’ completed past training (whether that’s within
your business or as part of another job), as well as hold discussions with
team managers to ensure you have a full picture of all the skills available
to you.
■ Keep a record of the level of these skills each staff member holds, as
some could be more advanced in certain areas than others.
c. Identify knowledge gaps in your staff
■ Compare the skills you need your staff to have against the skills they
actually have and see what is missing.
■ Knowledge gaps could be skills that are missing altogether, or they could
be skills that your team currently have but they aren’t up to the required
level to ensure success with your company goals.
d. Plan your training
■ Think about which training to prioritize.
■ If you are bringing in some new software or a new tool to help aid your
business, then you will need to bring the relevant staff members up to
speed on how to use it.
■ Only propose a training solution when you identify that a lack of
knowledge and skills is causing the performance gap

C. Popular Training Methods

a. Technology-based Learning (TBL)
■ Include interactive multimedia using a PC-based CD-ROM, interactive
videos, and web-based training programs
■ Learning through electronic technology such as internet, intranet, audio-
video conferencing, chatrooms, and webcast
b. Simulators
■ Are used to imitate real work experiences and environments
■ Program or machine that simulates a real-life situation creating a virtual

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

■ Often used for the purpose of instruction or experiment allowing the

participants to learn and experience without the risk
c. On-the-job Training
■ Involves learning by doing since the trainee jumps right into work from
day one
■ Improves people’s skills and knowledge of the job and builds their
confidence in their abilities
d. Coaching/Mentoring
■ Gives employees the chance to receive training one-on-one from an
experienced colleague
■ Coaching - provides sharing your skills, knowledge, and expertise wherein
its primary focus is task-oriented; focuses on improving a specific skill
■ Mentoring - more on relationship orientation, more holistic development
of the mentee where the mentor shares their knowledge, skills, and
experiences to help the mentee to develop and grow
e. Lectures, Group Discussions & Tutorials
■ Are usually done in classroom format where a group of employees
discuss workplace issues
■ Lectures - lessons are typically delivered through a speech or
presentation by an instructor
■ Group discussions - involves a variety of forums for open-ended
collaborative exchange of ideas among students and their teachers
■ Tutorials - may be a one-on-one session or a small group
f. Role Playing
■ Allows employees to act out issues that could occur in the workplace
■ Key issues touched upon are negotiating and teamwork
■ Provides individuals the opportunity to assume the role of a person or act
out a given situation
■ Role play pedagogy is effective in reaching learning outcomes in 3
domains: affective, cognitive, and behavioral wherein empathy and
perspective are achieved
g. Management Games
■ Include computer and board games that simulate real-life issues which
could occur in the workplace
■ Main objective is to improve decision making, enhance strategic thinking,
improve business acumen, build leadership and teamwork, and increase
financial understanding

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

h. Outdoor Training
■ Provides a nice break from regular classroom- or computer-based training
as it builds teamwork and camaraderie
■ Supports healthy and active lifestyle by offering physical activity and
promoting sense of well-being
■ Builds team-building relationships, strategy making, and personality
i. Films & Videos, Case Studies and Planned Readings
■ Improve analytical and problem-solving skills through the analysis of
common business principles presented in practical format

D. To Have an Effective Training Program

a. Make sure to hire a program manager or develop someone from the
organization that would be responsible for planning and executing all training
initiatives within the organization.
■ S/he must be invested in developing employees’ skills to help them reach
their potential and is committed to learning and working to improve their
own skills and competencies.
b. Assessments of Learning Needs
■ The program manager can conduct research, interviews, and internal
surveys to determine the needs of the employees and the organization.
■ The core of any effective training program is correctly identifying who
needs to be trained, and on what skills or topics.
■ Training need - gap between current performance and required
c. Aligning Training to Business Goals
■ After identifying the needs, the program manager should build a
curriculum to address problems in the organization and support business
goals. By following this model, employees will be more likely to
understand the training and it will be supported by managers and
d. Setting Goals and Tracking the Right Training Metrics
■ When developing goals, make sure to provide a metric system that gives
the whole picture, including quantity, quality, time, cost and
■ Develop a benchmarking strategy to evaluate progress.

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

■ Schedule time to monitor, analyze and review progress towards goals on

a regular basis to allow you to become agile and shift strategy as needed.
e. Encouraging Employee Learning
■ Having leadership support helps drive the importance of a program,
assist with accountability, and establish appropriate expectations.
■ Leadership buy-in is more easily obtained when the program manager
has been able to identify the needs of the organization, align them to the
business, and develop formalized goals and metrics that will provide
effective and efficient results.
f. Modern and Relevant Training Content
■ The training content must be applicable and timely to help employees
with their daily duties, expand their mind, and provide them with quick
takeaways that can immediately be applied.
g. Creative Ideas that Draw Employees into Learning
■ Programs that are creative are viewed as more valuable to the
h. Training Reinforcement to Increase Learning Retention
■ Training reinforcement is a series of small lessons or learning activities
that support a core concept or skill. By continuing to teach what was
learned at a seminar or from a video, employees will not only remember
more, but they will also be more likely to apply it to their everyday work.

E. Training Costs and Benefits


● Trainer’s salary / Fee ● Increase in production

● Materials for training ● Reduction in errors
● Cost of accommodations ● Reduction in turnover
● Cost of facilities/equipment ● Less supervision
● Transportation cost ● Career development
● Trainee’s salary ● Enhanced capabilities and
● Opportunity cost behaviors

F. 6 Types of Training for Small Business Owners

a. Compliance Training
■ Know the fundamentals of building a compliant business, such as with
regards to the required licenses and taxation requirements
Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim
Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

b. Marketing Training
■ Provide valuable insights on how to effectively promote products and
c. Customer Service Training
■ Learn how to handle complaints effectively and increase customer
d. Leadership Training
■ Can help in effectively managing employees of your small business
e. Financial Management Training
■ Can equip small business owners with better knowledge on how they can
manage the financial aspect of their business
f. Soft Skills Development Training
■ Emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, ethics, team management,
and communication

G. Online Learning Platforms That Business Owners Can Utilize

a. Skillshare
■ American online learning community for people who want to learn from
educational videos
■ The main course categories include creative arts, design,
entrepreneurship, lifestyle and technology.
b. EDX
■ American massive open online course provider created by Harvard and
■ Hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a
worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge
c. Linkedin Learning
■ American massive open online course provider and a subsidiary of
■ Provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative,
and business skills
■ All the courses on LinkedIn fall into 3 categories: Business, Creative, and
d. Udemy
■ American massive open online course provider aimed at professional
adults and students
e. Coursera

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

■ Coursera works with universities and other organizations to offer online

courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects

H. Training Evaluation
a. Occurs at the end of the training process
b. Systematic process of collecting information and using the information to
improve the organization’s training programs
c. Main purpose is to gain knowledge whether the training objective has been
achieved or not and how to improve the program itself
d. Types of evaluation for training programs can be through:
■ Formative
■ Summative
■ Process
■ Outcome
■ Impact

Prepared by: Dr. Cristina Teresa Lim

Associate Professorial Lecturer
DSI Department, RVR College of Business

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