Training Report Himanshu Kumar, Sid 17102103

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(Internship Semester January-June 2020)

Construction of Residential Flats for Defence Personnel

Submitted by

Himanshu Kumar


Under the Guidance of

Dr. Shakti Kumar Mr. Lalit

Associate professor Assistant Engineer

Civil Engineering Department Housing Board Haryana,

Punjab Engineering college Panchkula, Haryana

(Deemed to be University)


(Deemed to be University)

January to June 2020


I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Construction of Residential Flats for
Defence Personnel, sector-31, Panchkula, Haryana” is an authentic record of my own
work carried out at (Housing Board Haryana) as requirements of six months project
semester for the award of degree of B.E./B.Tech. (Civil Engineering), Punjab Engineering
College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh, under the guidance of Mr. Lalit and Prof.
Shakti Kumar, during 1 January to 20 March and 7 May to 30 June, 2020.

Himanshu Kumar

Student ID- 17102103

Date: ___________________

Certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of our knowledge

and belief.

Dr. Shakti Kumar Mr. Lalit

Associate professor Assistant Engineer

Civil Engineering Department Housing Board Haryana,

Punjab Engineering college Panchkula, Haryana

(Deemed to be University)


First of all, I am grateful to the almighty God for blessing me and providing me with the
resources, strength and acumen to do this project. I would also like to thank Mr. Anil Kumar,
Executive Engineer, Housing Board Haryana to grant me an opportunity to work in their
esteemed firm. I am also thankful to my college viz. Punjab Engineering College. I owe it to
the curriculum of the institution that I am capable enough for the sixth semester training
during my B.E. Civil program.

I am grateful to Prof. Shakti Arora, my Faculty coordinator for his most valuable feedback as
well as guidance during this semester. It was an enlightening and a worthwhile experience for
me to work with my site coordinator Mr. Lalit, Assistant Engineer, Housing Board Haryana
and I am indebted and much obliged for his continuous and valuable guidance from time to
time. I am also grateful to Mr. Krishan lal for his valuable guidance and encouragement in
carrying out this project work.

At the end, I would like to express my gratitude and requital to my family who stood by my
side during this project all through the six months.

Himanshu Kumar

SID: 17102103

Table of Contents

1. Summary……………………………………………………………………………....6
2. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………7
2.1 Details of Site……………………………………………………………………...9
3. Work………………………………………………………………………………….11
3.1 tests conducted on cement………………………………………………………..11
3.1.1 Physical examination of cement………………………………………….12
3.1.2 Compressive strength test………………………………………………...12
3.1.3 Slump test………………………………………………………………...13
3.1.4 Setting time……………………………………………………………….14
3.1.5 Standard consistency…………………………………………………..…15
3.1.6 Soundness test……………………………………………………………15
3.2 tests conducted on aggregates……………………………………………………16
3.2.1 silt content in sand………………………………………………………..16
3.2.2 tests on coarse aggregate…………………………………………………17
3.3 calculation work on site………………………………………………………..…18
3.4 Laying of DI pipes……………………………………………………………..…20
3.5 Laying of storm water concrete pipes……………………………………………22
3.6 Laying of sewerage pipes…………………………………………………….…..24
3.7 Laying of floor tiles………………………………………………………………26
4. Industry……………………………………………………………………………….29
5. Details of Work and Results……………………………………………………….....30
5.1 Scaffolding………………………………………………………………….……30
5.1.1 Formwork……………………………………………………………..……31
5.2 Bricks……………………………………………………………………..………32
5.3 Reinforced concrete design………………………………………………………33
5.3.1 Concrete…………………………………………………………..………33
5.3.2 Steel………………………………………………………………………35
5.3.3 Concrete mixing………………………………………………………….36
5.4 Batching plant…………………………………………………………….………38
5.5 Plaster…………………………………………………………………….………42
5.6 Cover……………………………………………………………………………..43
5.7 Curing…………………………………………………………………………….44

5.8 Testing for leakage in GI pipes………………………………………..…………46
5.9 Miscellaneous……………………………………………………...……………..46
5.9.1 Waterproofing in bathrooms………………………………..……………46
5.9.2 Roof tile terracing……………………………………………...…………47
5.9.3 Waterproofing in RCC water tank………………………………..…...…48
5.9.4 Function of weep holes………………………………………………..…50
5.9.5 Plate Earthing……………………………………………………….……51

5.10 Results…………………………………………………………………..………53

6. Conclusion and future scope………………………………………………………....53

7. Impediments………………………………………………………………………….54
8. References……………………………………………………………………………55

1. Summary

Haryana Housing Board came into existence during the year 1971 with the enactment of the
Haryana Housing Board Act of 1971. Housing board is developing group housing scheme in
sector 31, panchkula, where I had the opportunity to experience how work is done at a site
and also to learn the various processes, methods, safety measures and cautions associated
with on-site work along with the work carried on before construction begins.

First of all I was told to read Haryana Schedule of rates which is a standard followed by
housing board to prepare bills. This code contains various material and labor rates. After that
I came to know about Haryana building code which is a booklet containing all the
specifications of the building construction.

In my second week I went to the site and learnt about various materials used in construction
work, there dimensions and unit weights and how to calculate their quantities used in the
structure (e.g. calculating no. of bags of cement used in a wall or calculating no. of bricks
used). When I was able to do all these things they provided me drawings of the structure to
check either all the processes are going according to the way they should go or there is any
fault. As all site works should go according to the structural drawings provided by the
Department. Certain adjustments were allowed on the site because of the difference between
the theoretical conditions and practical conditions. But these were only minor changes.

I got opportunity to see new instruments and how they are used on the site. I learnt how to
guide the labor. A building can be constructed only when all the site engineers and laborers
work in a team. So we should put in our efforts to make this teamwork successful.

I think that I got a good variety of things to learn during this semester. I hope this experience
will surely help me in my future and also in shaping my career.

This report offers a variety of methods, field tests and experience which I have gained from
this training program.

2. Introduction

Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction differs

from manufacturing, in that manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar
items without a designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for
a known client. Construction as an industry comprises six to nine percent of the gross
domestic product of developed countries. Construction starts with planning, design and
financing; it continues until the project is built and ready for use.

Large scale construction requires collaboration across multiple disciplines. A project

manager, design engineer, construction engineer or architect supervises it. Those involved
with design and execution must consider zoning requirements, environmental impact of the
job, scheduling, budgeting, construction– site safety, availability and transportation of
building materials, logistics, and inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays
and bidding. Large construction projects are sometimes referred to as megaprojects. In
general, there are three sectors of construction: buildings, infrastructure and industrial.
Building construction is usually further divided into residential and non- residential. In
Industrialized world, construction usually involves the translation of designs into reality. A
formal design team may be assembled to plan the physical proceedings, and to integrate those
proceedings with the other parts. The design usually consists of drawings and specifications,
usually prepared by a design team including architect, civil engineer, mechanical engineer,
structural engineer, fire protection engineer, planning consultants and archaeological
consultants. The design team is most commonly employed by the property owner. Under this
system, once the design is completed by the design team, a number of construction
management companies or construction management companies may be asked to make a bid
for the work, either based directly on the design, or on the basis of drawings and a bill of
quantities provided by a quantity surveyor. Following evaluation of bids, the owner typically
awards a contract to the most cost efficient bidder.

The best modern trend in design is toward integration of previously separated specialties,
especially among large firms. In the past, architects, interior designers, engineers, developers,
construction manager, and general contractors were more likely to be entirely separate

companies, even in large firms. Presently, a firm that is nominally an “architecture” or
“construction management” firm may have experts from all related fields as employees, or to
have an associated company that provides each necessary skill. Thus, each such firm may
offer itself as “one- stop shopping” for a construction project, from beginning to end. This is
designated as a design build contract where contractor is given performance specifications.

In construction, the authority having jurisdiction is the governmental agency or sub- agency
that regulates the construction process. Before the foundation can be dug, contractors are
typically required to verify and have existing utility lines marked, either by the utilities
themselves or through a company specializing in such services. This lessens the likelihood of
damage to the existing electrical, water, sewage, phone, and cable facilities, which could
cause outages and potentially hazardous situations.

There are many routes to the different careers within the construction industry. These three
main tiers are based on educational background and training, which vary by country:
Unskilled and semi- skilled labor
Skilled labor
Technical and management

A short list of the main careers with an outline of the educational requirements is given
Civil Engineer
Building Service Engineer
Project Manager

2.1 Details of Site
Haryana Housing board is developing up group housing scheme in sector-31, Panchkula
which is located at panchkula-saharanpur NH 344 National Highway. It is located at foot hills
of Morni Hills with sprawling green pastures at its back.

This scheme is for defence personnel and the total flats are 711 in 3 different pockets namely
GH-2, GH-3 and GH-5. There are two type of flats which are being constructing Type-A –
720 Sq. Ft. And Type-B-645 Sq. Ft. Out of these 700 flats 40% has already been completed
and allotted to intact applicants and possession has already been given. The GH-2 pocket is
complete and the work of GH-3 is in the advance stage of completion with tentative date of
completion being by the end of current year i.e. 2020.

Flats in GH-2 has been completed and allotted.

In GH-3 there are three blocks. Work in block-1 and block-2 is in progress. Construction of
block-3 is not yet started. Most of the works are finishing works.

In GH-5 there are two blocks. Most of the works are finishing works.

The elevation of the terrain is very high and low. A seasonal river also crosses the boundary
wall, so due to that a retaining wall has been constructed at that portion of wall.

View of site (GH-3)

GH-3 side view

GH-3 Front view GH-5

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2.2 Introduction to General Arrangements.

The general arrangement drawing shows the combination of all structural elements like beam,
slab, column, foundation layout, etc. Layout drawings, commonly known as general
arrangement drawings (or GA) are developed over a period of time and coordinated from
dimensional information provided by the architect, engineer and specialists. The dimensions
should be checked and approved before commencing the detailing of reinforcement General
Arrangement (GA) drawings must be fully dimensioned, with sufficient sections and details,
and should show or reference all necessary service ducts, provisions for ducts and cast

Method of Preparing General Arrangement Drawings for Concrete Structures

Projects vary in size and complexity. It is important to select a scale that will enable the final
drawing to be read with clarity and relative ease. Large floor areas can be spread over several
drawings and linked and referenced by means of key plans. Local complexities, such as
staircases, can be isolated and referenced to a larger scale drawing.

When the engineer “stamps” his/her drawing, the contractors are required to then follow
those drawings (along with project specifications) to erect the designed structure. Any
changes that are considered to be “materiel” to the design must be reviewed and approved by
all parties involved, especially the engineer, because they could affect the safety,
performance, cost and schedule of the finishing the structure.

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3. Work
3.1 Tests conducted on cement.

3.1.1 Physical Examination of Cement

 When the cement bag is first opened, there should be no lumps in them and the
cement should be fine throughout.
 When we put our hand in the cement it should feel cool. If the cement feels warm
that indicates that hydration of cement has taken place which releases heat.
 The cement should be of uniform color. There should be no non uniformity in color
of cement as it indicates adulteration.
 Take a small amount of cement in your hand and gently throw it in a bucket of water.
If the cement settles instantly that indicates that there
is adulteration of cement with sand. If the cement
particles keep on floating then that indicates that there
is more fly ash in the cement. If the cement powder
floats for about some time and then settles down that
means the cement is of good quality.

3.1.2 Compressive Strength Test (IS 4031 part-6 1988)

Cubes of concrete of size 150 mm were cast in a mold and were completely submerged in
water for 28 days. Cubes were checked after 28 days for their compressive strength.
Apparatus: Standard compression testing machine
 Test the specimens stored in water immediately on removal from water and while
they are still in wet condition.
 Wipe off surface water, grit and any projecting fins removed.
 Record the weight and dimensions of the specimens up to two decimal places.
 Wipe the bearing surface of the testing machine clean and dry.
 Place the cube specimens in the machine in such a manner that the load is applied
equally to opposite sides of the cubes as cast, not to the top and bottom.

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 Carefully align the axis of specimen with the center of the thrust of the spherically
seated plate.
 Do not use any packing between the faces of the test specimen and the platens of the
testing machine.
 Apply the load without shock and increase continuously at a rate of approximately
140 kg/ cm2/ min until the resistance of the specimen of the increasing load breaks
down, and no further load can be sustained.
 The maximum load applied to the specimen shall then be recorded and the appearance
of cracks and any other unusual features shall be noted.

3.1.3 Slump test (IS 1199-1959)

 Concrete is filled in 3 layers in the mold.

 Each layer is tamped 25-tymes with 16mm

diameter steel rod.

 After filling top surface is leveled with

screening and rolling motion of the tamping
 Cone is lifted. The decrease in height of center
of the slumped concrete is slump.

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Table: Slump value with there uses
Degree of Slump(mm) Compacting Uses
workability factor
Very low 0-25 0.78 Roads
Low 25-50 0.85 Foundations
Medium 50-100 0.92 Manually compacted flat slabs
High 100-175 0.95 Congested reinforcement

3.1.4 Initial and final setting time of cement (IS 4031 part-5 1998)

The time to which cement can be moulded in any desired shape without losing its strength.
The time at which cement starts hardens is called initial setting time.

For OPC initial setting time is minimum 30 minutes.

The time at which cement completely loses its plasticity and became hard is called final
setting time.

For OPC final setting time is maximum 600 minutes.

Apparatus: VICAT apparatus


 Take 400g cement.

 Add 0.85P times water (standard consistency).
 Start stop watch on adding water.
 Place the mold on a porous glass plate. fill it with mix and clean the surface.

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 Make sure plunger touches surface of
the mold.
 Release the plunger.
 Repeat the same until the plunger stop
penetrating 5mm from bottom of the
mold. Time taken by it is initial time
of cement.
 Replace the needle with annular
 Time at which no impression is made
is final setting time of cement.

3.1.5 Standard consistency of cement (IS 4031 part-4 1988)

Apparatus: 10mm plunger, VICAT apparatus.


The consistency which will permit the VICAT plunger to penetrate 5 to 7mm from the
bottom of the VICAT mold is called standard consistency.

3.1.6 Soundness test for cement (IS 4031 part-3 1988)

Le-chatelier method

Apparatus: Le-chatelier apparatus.


 Place lightly oiled mold on lightly oiled sheet and fill it with cement mixed with 0.78
times water.
 Cover the mold with another piece of oiled glass sheet. Place small wt. on it and
submerge in water at 27 degree calcius. Keep it for 24 hours.

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 Measure distance between
indicator points. Submerge again
and make water to boil in 25-
30min and boil for 3 hours.
 Remove the mold and measure the
distance again. Difference between
two ends is expansion of cement.
 Expansion of cement should less
than 10mm.

Fig. cement test Results

3.2 Tests conducted on site for aggregates.

3.2.1 Silt content in sand

A good quality construction sand has a particle size measuring about 150 microns to 4.75mm.
Particles smaller than this are classified as silt. The presence of excess quantity (> 8%) of silt
in sand reduces the bonding capacity of raw materials and affects the strength and durability
of work. It is recommended to conduct silt content test for every 20m3 of sand.

Apparatus: measuring cylinder (250ml), water, sand.


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 Firstly, a 50ml solution of 1% salt and water is prepared in the measuring cylinder.
The addition of salt increases the settlement time of silt.

 The sample of sand to be tested is then added to the cylinder until the level reaches

 50ml of the solution of salt and water is again added to the measuring cylinder.

 Close the open end of the measuring cylinder and shake it well.

 After a period of 3-4 hours, you will notice a layer

of silt settled over the sand.

 Now note down the volume V1 of the silt layer

settled over the sand.

 Note down the volume V2 of the settled sand.

 Repeat the procedure a couple more times to get the

 Percentage of Silt Content = (V1/V2) x 100

V1 – Volume of silt layer

V2 – Volume of sand layer

3.2.2 Tests on coarse aggregates

Aggregates influence, to a great extent, the load transfer capability of pavements. Hence it is
essential that they should be thoroughly tested before using for construction. Not only that
aggregates should be strong and durable, they should also possess proper shape and size to
make the pavement act monolithically. Aggregates are tested for strength, toughness,
hardness, shape, and water absorption.

Table: Tests for Aggregates with IS codes

Property of
Aggregate Type of Test Test Method
Crushing strength Crushing test IS : 2386 (part 4) -1963
Hardness Los Angeles abrasion test IS : 2386 (Part 5)-1963
Toughness Aggregate impact test IS : 2386 (Part 4)-1963

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Durability Soundness test- accelerated durability test IS : 2386 (Part 5)-1963
Shape factors Shape test IS : 2386 (Part 1)-1963
Specific gravity and Specific gravity test and water absorption IS : 2386 (Part 3)-1963
porosity test
Adhesion to bitumen Stripping value of aggregate IS : 6241-1971

3.3 Calculation work on site

1 cum = 35.314 cft.

1 cft. = 0.0283 cum

For Mortar: dry volume =1.33 x wet volume

For Concrete: dry volume = 1.54 x wet volume


Density = 1440 KG/M3

1 bag of cement contains 50 KG cement.

Volume of 1 bag of cement = mass/density = 50/1440 = 0.0347cum = 0.03472x35.314



Density = 7850 KG/M3

Weight of steel = d2/162 KG per meter (d=dia. in mm)


Density = 1600 to 1840 KG/M3


Density = 2850 to 2960 KG/M3

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Calculating no. of bags of cement used in 1m2 of plaster
Let us take 12mm plaster of 1:6.

Volume of plaster = 1m2 x 0.012 = 0.012m3.

Dry volume = Wet volume X 1.33 = 0.012 x 1.33 = 0.01596m3

Cement used = 0.01596 X (1/7) X 1440 =3.2832 kg

No. of bags of cement = 3.2832/50 = 0.065664 bags

Sand used = 0.01596 x (6/7) = 0.01368 cum.

Calculation of cement used in tiling 1m2 Area.

Let us take 25mm, 1:4 mortar

Volume of mortar = 0.025 x 1 = 0.025m3

Dry volume = wet volume x 1.33 = 0.025 x 1.33 = 0.03325m3

Cement used = 0.03325 x (1/5) x 1440 = 9.576 kg

No. of bags of cement = 9.576/50 = 0.19152 bags

Sand used = 0.03325 x (4/5) = 0.0266 cum.

Calculating quantity of cement, sand and coarse aggregate in 1m3

Let us take M20 concrete

Cement: sand: stone = 1:1.5:3

Volume = 1m3.

Dry volume = wet volume x 1.54 = 1 x 1.54 = 1.54m3

cement used = 1.54 x (1/5.5) x 1440 = 403.2 kg = 8.064 bags.

Sand used = 1.54 x (1.5/5.5) x 1600 = 672 kg

Aggregate used = 1.54 x (3/5.5) x 2850 = 2394 kg.

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3.4 Laying of ductile iron pipes (IS 12288-1987)
 Preliminary work required to be done before laying of pipelines includes pegging out,
clearing and disposal of all shrubs, grasses, large and small bushes, trees, hedges,
fences, gates, portions of old masonry, boulders, and debris from the route.
 The width of the trench at bottom between the faces of sheeting shall be such as to
provide not less than 200 mm clearance on either side of the pipe except where rock
excavation is involved. Trenches shall be of such extra width, when required, as will
permit the convenient placing of timber supports, strutting and planking, and handling
of specials.
 Laying Underground - Pipes should be lowered into the trench with tackle suitable for
the weight of pipes. For smaller sizes, up to 250 mm nominal bore, the pipe may be
lowered by the use of ropes but for heavier pipes, either a well designed set of shear
legs or mobile crane should be used. When lifting gear is used, the positioning of the
sling to ensure a proper balance, should be checked when the pipe is just clear of the
ground. If sheathed pipes are being laid, suitable wide slings or scissor dogs should be
 All construction debris should be cleared from the inside of the pipe either before or
just after a joint is made. This is done by passing a pull-through in the pipe, or by
hand, depending on the size of the pipe. When laying is not in progress, a temporary
end closure should be securely fitted to the open end of the pipeline. This may make
the pipe buoyant in the event of the trench becoming flooded, in which case the pipes
should be held down either by partial re-filling of the trench or by temporary strutting.
All persons should vacate any section of trench into which the pipe is being lowered.
 On gradients of 1:15 or steeper, precautions should be taken to ensure that the spigot
of the pipe being laid does not move into or out of the socket of the laid pipe during
the jointing operations. As soon as the joint assembly has been completed, the pipe
should be held firmly in position while the trench is backfilled over the barrel of the
pipe. The backfill should be well compacted.
 Hydrostatic Testing - The completed pipeline may be tested either in one length or in
sections; the length of section depending upon : 1) availability of suitable water, 2)
number of joints to be inspected, and 3) difference in elevation between one part of
the pipeline and another

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 The test pressure to be applied should be not less than any of the following: a> b) c>
The maximum pressure, sustained operating The maximum static pressure plus 5
N/mm2, and The sum of the maximum sustained operating pressure ( or the maximum
static pressure ) and the maximum calculated surge pressure.

Sluice valve Laying of DI pipes

90 degree bend 120 degree bend Tee

Double Air valve Single Air valve check valve

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3.5 Laying of storm water concrete pipes (IS: 783-1985)
 Socket and Spigot Joint : The annular space between socket and spigot is filled with
cement mortar (1 : 2). This joint is used for low pressure pipe line. The details of joint
are shown in Fig.

 Trench Excavation: Trench shall be of sufficient width to provide a free working

space on each side of the pipe. The free working space shall be preferably not less
than 150 mm on either side. For deeper excavations wider trench may be required.
The trench width should be kept minimum, sufficient to allow proper tamping of the
backfill. Any inadvertant increase in the actual width should be referred to the
designer. If the sides of the trench are not vertical, the toes of the side slopes shall end
at the top of pipe. and practically vertically sided trench shall be dug from these down
to the subgrade. All the cutting and filling operations are done by using by using
dumpy level.
 Inspection of Pipe Before Laying: Prior to being placed in the trench, pipes should
be visually inspected for evidence of damage with 24 IS: 783 - 1985 particular
emphasis laid on examination of the joint surfaces which may have been damaged by
impact during transit or during off loading and handling at site.

Pipe installation instructions

 Clean the Socket End

Brush and wipe the end of the pipe fitted previously
to remove any particles or water, ensure that the
receiving socket is clean and undamaged.

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 Inspect Joint Surfaces
Inspect the joint faces for damage which may
affect the performance of the joint.

 Handle Pipes with Care

Use only proper lifting equipment, eg woven slings. Make sure the pipe is balanced so
that it is horizontal.

 Fit the Ring

Fit the correct ring the in correct position and
equalise the tension by lifting out intervals at its
length and letting it snap back against the socket.

 Clean the Socket End

Brush and wipe the end of the pipe fitted
previously to remove any particles or water,
ensure that the receiving socket is clean and

 Prepare the Trench Bed

Make a recess in the bed to accommodate the pipe.

 Line Up the Pipes

Carefully centre the spigot within the socket. Fig. preparing trench

 Gradient is given by using dumpy level.

 Make the Joint
The jointing procedure should develop a steady
controlled push or pull until joint is in final position.
Method of jointing will depend on size of pipe.
Ensure timber blocks are used to prevent damage to
socket of pipe. Fig. filling cement mortar in joints

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Fig. laying of storm water concrete pipes.

Fig. GH-2 Storm water scheme

3.6 Laying of Sewerage Pipes (IS 783-1985)

 Locate the positions of the manhole on the ground along the longitudinal section of
the sewer line. It is common practice to lay sewer line between two manholes at a

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 The center line pegs of the sewer are driven at a distance of every 7.5 m or 15m.
 The center line of the sewer line should be properly maintained by providing an off-
set line usually marked at a distance of 2m to 3m. The
off-setline helps in locating the sewer center line when
excavation is carried out to laying of sewer pipe.
 The trench is excavated between two manholes and the
bedding layer of concrete is provided for soft soil while in
case of rocky or hard soil, no bedding. The sewers are laid
down between two manholes.
 After completing the laying of sewer pipe between two
manholes. Further excavations are carried out for laying
of sewer pipe between the next consecutive manholes.
The process is continued form the outfall end of the sewer
towards the starting end till the entire sewers is laid out.
 The refilling of trenches is started after the sewer line is
properly laid in position, aligned, jointed and test for
leakage and alignment.

Fig. Sewerage scheme GH-2

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3.7 Laying of floor Tiles (IS 1443-1972)
It involve following operations:

Marking of reference and level lines

A reference line is marked on room walls. On the basis of this reference line, a level for sub
grade, mortar bed and the tile-finished surface are established taking into consideration the
slope required & their thickness. Thereafter, respective level lines are transferred/marked on
the walls with the use of line thread and indigo (Neel).

Preparation of sub-grade

 For laying base concrete, the ground or earth filling shall be thoroughly compacted by
watering and ramming in 15 cm layers. This shall then normally covered with clean
coarse well consolidated sand layer of thickness not less than 10 cms and the sand
layer is well wetted before laying concrete for the sub-grade. For laying the
cushioning layer, the surface of sub floor shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, loose
particles and laitance by scrubbing with steel wire brush. The surface then shall be
thoroughly cleaned and soaked with water over night and surplus water removed by
mopping immediately before cushioning layer is laid in position. On the clean damp
surface of the sub floor cushioning layer shall be evenly spread between forms and if
necessary, thoroughly tamped and leveled.
 Slope desired in the floor finish shall be provided in the sub-grade concrete. For this
base concrete shall be laid with top level corresponding to reference line marked on
the wall. Some time a level stubs (thiyyas) corresponding to top of the base concrete
is also built on the floor area for the guidance during concreting.

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 Laitance, scum and inadequately embedded aggregate shall be removed and the
surface of base concrete or cushioning layer, shall be roughened with wire brushes
while the concrete is still green, taking care that not to disturb the concrete.

Laying of mortar bed

 Cement mortar used shall be of specified mix (normally 1:6). Cement and coarse sand
shall be thoroughly mixed in required proportion by volume either manually or by
mechanical mixer. The quantity of water added should be the minimum necessary to
give sufficient plasticity and workability for laying, as high water-cement ratio will
produce a bleeding bed with high drying shrinkage.
 The sub-grade shall be cleaned of all scum, laitance or plaster droppings or any other
loose foreign matter. It shall be properly wetted without allowing any water pools on
the surface.
 (a) For laying of mortar bed, first of all the level stubs corresponding to mortar bed
level are provided on the floor area with the help of reference line.
 (b) Then, mortar is evenly spreaded over the sub-grade starting from the side of the
wall with thread level fixed at both ends to act as guide. The mortar shall be spread
and levelled with the help of screeding board/float in such a manner that a slightly
rough surface is left, so as to permit absorbsion of cement slurry for satisfactory
keying of the tiles. The average thickness of mortar bed shall be kept as specified
(normally 20 mm with thickness at any place not less than 10 mm).

Fixing of tiles

For fixing of tiles, first of all, it is ensured that the corners are square. If it is not, then
from the corner, which is accurately square, snap/mark perpendicular lines at one tile

27 | P a g e
length or width of edge tile as decided above, away from both the adjacent wall with the
use of square and thread line as shown in figure.

 Use cement and sand mortar in the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 or as specified. Add some
water to create a consistent paste. Do not use neat cement for fixing tiles.
 Once the mixing has been completed, do not add any further water and use the
same within one hour.
 Soak the tiles in clean water for at least 30 minutes before fixing.
 Remove the tiles from water and allow them to drain to ensure that there is no film
of water on the tile surface.
 Apply the bedding material evenly and tap the tile firmly into position to ensure
proper contact between the tile and floor.
 Backing material between tile joints should be cleaned before the tile is fixed. It is
advisable to maintain a gap of 1.5 mm between two tiles to allow for possible
expansion. Remove all excess cement from joints. The surface of the flooring
during laying/fixing shall be frequently checked with the straight edge, so as to
obtain a true surface of required slope.
 Wait for adequate time after fixing the tiles preferably for 24 hours. For wet
fixing, after this period, fill the joints with the grout as specified or recommended
by manufacturer. Fifteen minutes after the grouting process, wipe off the excess
grout with a damp sponge and polish the tiles with a soft & dry cloth. After
removing excess paste & cleaning the tiles, curing should be done thoroughly for
about 15 days.

28 | P a g e
Checking tiles (Hollow sounding tiles)

The installation problems in tiles are detected by taping the

tiles with a hard object. If the tile is well bonded it will have
high pitched sound. If we hear a lower pitched sound or
hollow sound then it indicates that the tiles have not bonded
with the floor properly

Fig. Checking the tiles by taping

4. Industry

Haryana Housing Board came into existence during the year 1971 with the enactment of the
Haryana Housing Board Act of 1971. The Act was published in extra ordinary gazette of
State Government dated 18.05.1971. The primary purpose of the constitution of the Board is
to undertake the work in any area within the jurisdiction of State Government of Haryana for
Housing Schemes.

The main objective of the Board is to construct houses for allotment to the public in
accordance with the guidelines issued by the State Government and the prescribed procedure.
The emphasis is to construct houses for socially and economically weaker sections of the
society. At the apex level, there is a Board of members appointed by the State Government
under Section 3 of the Act. Chairman heads the Board. The Board so set up decides all the
policy matters. Chief Administrator is its Chief Executive. The Board has set up construction
divisions, design cell, and other necessary paraphernalia.

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5. Details of Work and Results

5.1 Scaffolding

Scaffolding or Staging is a temporary structure used to support a work crew and materials to
aid in construction, maintenance and repair of buildings, bridges and all other man-made
structures. Scaffold is made of timber or steel.


 A base plate for bearing load of scaffold.

 Standards: The vertical posts (or uprights) with connector joints.
 Ledgers: The horizontal members parallel to wall.
 Transoms: Putlogs with both ends supported on ledgers in double scaffolding.
 Brace diagonal.
 Batten or board decking (Challi).
 Coupler: a fitting used to join components together.
 Scaffold tie used to tie scaffold to the structure.
 Bracket used to extend width of working platforms.

Base plate U jack Coupler

Challi Joint
30 | P a g e
Scaffolding scaffold tie Jhula

5.1.1 Formwork

Formwork is temporary or permanent molds into which concrete or similar materials are
poured. In the context of concrete construction, the formwork supports the shuttering molds.
While formwork is a broad term that is used in relation to the forming process using a wide
variety of materials, shuttering is a term that is often used to refer to the process of using
plywood to form the mould.

Shuttering is perhaps the most popular type of formwork and is normally constructed on site
using timber and plywood. A special grade of plywood is necessary for shuttering, and it
must be water-resistant. It is easy to produce, although it can be time consuming for larger
structures. It is used when the labor costs are lower than the cost of producing re-usable
formwork from materials such as steel or plastic. It also has the advantage of being at a
significant amount of concrete can be poured at once. Simple plank shuttering can be used for
the construction of a path or hard standing. The planks should be trimmed so they are level
with the top surface of the slab, allowing a tidy concrete finish to be achieved.

When selecting formwork, the type of concrete and temperature of the pour are important
considerations as they both affect the pressure exerted. The formwork sides must be capable
of resisting the hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete which will diminish to zero within
several hours depending on the rate of setting and curing. The formwork base or soffit must

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be capable of resisting the initial dead load of the wet concrete and the dead load of the dry
set concrete.

The following requirements should be satisfied by good formwork:

 Strong enough to withstand dead and live loads.

 Capable of retaining its shape by being efficiently propped and braced horizontally
and vertically.
 Joints should prevent leakage of cement grout.
 Should be capable of being removed in various parts without damaging the concrete.
 Material used be suitable for reuse.
 Should be set accurately to the desired line.
 As lightweight as possible.
 Material should not warp or distort on exposure to the elements.
 Should rest on a firm base.

Removal of formwork: The removal of concrete formwork also called as strike-off or

stripping of formwork should be carried out only after the time when concrete has gained
sufficient strength, at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected to when
the formworks are removed.

5.2 Bricks (IS 1077 : 1992)

 Bricks shall be hand moulded or machine moulded and shall be free from cracks and
flaws and nodules of free lime.
 Bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and should be uniform
in colour.
Standard size of brick Traditionally used brick
190mm x 90mm x 90mm 230mm x 110mm x 70mm
190mm x 90mm x 40mm 230mm x 110mm x 30mm.

 The bricks, when tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in IS 3495 ( Part
2) : 1992 after immersion in cold water for 24 hours, water absorption shall not be

32 | P a g e
more than 20 percent by weight up to class 12'5 and 15 percent by weight for higher

Fig. Brick

5.3 Reinforcement Cement Concrete

5.3.1 Concrete: Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, fine

aggregates (sand) and coarse aggregates mixed with water which hardens with time. Portland
cement is the commonly used type of cement for production of concrete. Concrete technology
deals with study of properties of concrete and its practical applications.

In a building construction, concrete is used for the construction of foundations, columns,

beams, slabs and other load bearing elements.

Materials are mixed in specific proportions to obtain the required strength. Strength of mix is
specified as M5, M10, M15, M20, M25, M30 etc, where M signifies Mix and 5, 10, 15 etc. as
their strength in kN/m2. In United States, concrete strength is specified in PSI which is
Pounds per Square Inch. Water cement ratio plays an important role which influences various
properties such as workability, strength and durability. Adequate water cement ratio is
required for production of workable concrete.

When water is mixed with materials, cement reacts with water and hydration reaction starts.
This reaction helps ingredients to form a hard matrix that binds the materials together into a
durable stone-like material.

Concrete can be casted in any shape. Since it is a plastic material in fresh state, various
shapes and sizes of forms or formworks are used to provide different shapes such as

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rectangular, circular etc. Various structural members such as beams, slabs, footings, columns,
lintels etc. are constructed with concrete.

 Box of size 1.25cft is used to prepare concrete mix.

 Dimensions of box (15” x 1’ x 1’)

M10 - 1:3:6

M15 – 1:2:4

M20 – 1:1.5:3

M25 – 1:1:2

Fig. Box for preparing concrete mix

Cement: cement is a binder, a substance used for construction that sets, hardens, and
adheres to other materials to bind them together. Cement is seldom used on its own, but
rather to bind sand and gravel (aggregate) together. Cement mixed with fine aggregate
produces mortar for masonry, or with sand and gravel, produces concrete

 Ordinary Portland Cement: Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) the most widely and
commonly used cement in the world. This type of cement is manufactured to powder
by mixing limestone and other raw materials which consist of argillaceous, calcareous
and gypsum. It is preferred in places where there is need of fast construction. This
cement is available in the market in three grades namely OPC 33, OPC 43 and OPC
53.These grades imply the maximum strength of the particular cement after 28 days.
 Portland Pozzolana Cement: Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC) is manufactured by
combination of pozzolanic materials. Pozzolana is an artificial or natural material
which has silica in it in a reactive form. Along with pozzolanic materials in specific
proportions, PPC also contains OPC clinker and gypsum. These pozzolanic materials
includes volcanic ash, calcined clay or silica fumes and fly ash which make around
15% to 35% of cement weight.

Fine aggregate: Sand act as a filler. it also add more volume to the concrete. More
volume means less air and a stronger product.

 According to IS 650: 1991 in India standard sand shall be obtained from Ennore,
Tamil Nadu. Standard sand shall be quartz, light grey or whitish variety and shall be

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free from silt. The sand grains shall be angular in shape. The standard sand shall pass
through 2-mm IS sieve and shall be retained on 90-micron IS Sieve with the following
particle size distribution:

Particle Size Percent

Smaller than 2 mm and greater than 1 mm 33.33
Smaller than 1 mm and greater than 500 33.33
Below 500 micron but greater than 90 33.33

 Standard sand shall be free from organic impurities

Coarse Aggregate: Aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75 mm IS Sieve and

containing only so much finer materials as is permitted for various types described in IS 383 :

5.3.2 Steel: Concrete reinforcement specifications are in accordance with IS 1786 : 2008.
steel having a great strength to cost ratio, is perfect for its use in constructions. It has high
tensile strength, high ductility, great seismic resistance, and offers flexibility based on the
type and shape of the construction.

Rebar (short for reinforcing bar), also known as reinforcing steel and reinforcement steel, is a
steel bar or mesh of steel wires used as a tension device in reinforced concrete and reinforced
masonry structures, to strengthen and hold the concrete in compression. The surface of the
rebar may be patterned to form a better bond with the concrete.

Most steel reinforcement is divided into primary and secondary reinforcement, but there are
other minor uses:

 Primary reinforcement refers to the steel which is employed to guarantee the

resistance needed by the structure as a whole to support the design loads. Secondary
reinforcement, also known as distribution or thermal reinforcement is employed for
durability and aesthetic reasons, by providing enough localized resistance to limit
cracking and resist stresses caused by effects such as temperature changes and

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Fe 500D stands for the grade of TMT bars that are made from superior quality raw materials
to the enhanced ductility of the product.

 Lowered levels of carbon, phosphorus, and sulphur making the structures resistant to
seismic activity.
 Enhanced physical properties of strength and ductility achieved with a controlled
 An application needs fewer bars for reinforcements, reducing time, money, and labor.
 Higher amounts of alloying materials increase the resistance to rust and corrosion.

5.3.3 Concrete Mixing: Mixing of concrete is a very important step for achieving
good final properties, and one that can be quite difficult without the right equipment. This is
one of the best reasons for using readymixed concrete. Mixing distributes the aggregate
evenly throughout the cement paste, ensures that all of the cement has been fully saturated in
water, and removes large air voids. In addition, mixing breaks up agglomerated clusters of
cement particles and allows air entraining admixtures to generate the correct air void system.
Under mixing leaves large flaws and thus results in inferior strength, while over mixing
wastes time and energy and can destroy entrained air voids. The lower the workability, the
more mixing energy and mixing time is required.

 Objective of mixing is to obtain homogeneous and uniform color concrete of desired

 Mixing time depends on the type and capacity of mixer.
 Generally, 20 revolution of concrete in mixture provides sufficient mixing.
 A poor quality of concrete is obtained if mixing time is reduced whereas if it is
increased it is uneconomical.
 If mixing time is increased to 2 minutes the compressive strength of concrete
produced is enhanced and beyond this time the improvement in compressive strength
is insignificant and prolonged mixing may cause segregation as, due to longer mixing
periods the water may get absorbed by the aggregates or evaporate resulting in loss of
workability and strength.
 Mixing is either done by hand or by machine mixing.

36 | P a g e
Batch Type
Mixing Continuous
Concrete Type
Batch Type

Hand mixing:

 Hand mixing is adopted for small jobs where the quality of concrete involved is small
 Mixing type should be approximately 2 minutes and should never exceed 3 min

Machine mixing:

When a large quality of concrete of the desired quality is to be produced, the machine mixing
becomes imperative as concrete can be produced; the machine mixing becomes imperative as
concrete can be produced at a faster rate with the better quality. Tilting type machine mixed
mixer is used on the site due to portability issues on the site. Mixing time is about 3-4


Non Tilting
Tilting Type

37 | P a g e
Fig. Tilting type batch mixer

5.4Batching Plant

There are two types of concrete batching plants:

Dry mix plant or Ready mix plant: A ready mix plant combines all ingredients except for
water at the concrete plant. This mixture is then discharged into a ready mix truck (transit
mixer). Water is added to the mix in the truck and mixed during transportation.

Wet mix plant or Central mix plant: A central mix plant combines some or all of the above
ingredients (including water) at a central location. The final product is then transported to job
site. Central mix plants differ from ready mix plants in that they offer a much more consistent
product, since mixing of all ingredients is done at a central location and is computer assisted
to ensure uniformity of product.

Working of Concrete Mixing Plant

Concrete batching plant process flow will start from feeding aggregates into individual bins.
Size wise aggregates have to be fed into individual bins. These aggregates will be weighed
individually as per the design set in the control panel. After weighing they will be transferred
to the mixing unit. Above the mixing unit there are weigh hoppers for cement additives and
water. The job of the weigh hopper is to weigh and then transfer the contents into the
following mixing unit. Cement is transferred to the weigh hopper by means of screw

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conveyor. Water is pumped up into the weigh hopper. After mixing for a specific time as set
in mixing unit, the mixer will discharge the contents into transit mixer or concrete pump.

Fig. CP30 concrete mixing plant (front view)

Concrete batching plant (back view)

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Hydraulic gates with load cells Concrete mixer

 All ingredients of concrete are used by mass.

 Aggregates of size 40mm, 20mm, 10mm, and sand are used.
 Aggregates of different size are weighed individually and fed to the feeding bin by
using hydraulic gates as per the required set. A trolly carries this bin to the aggregate
hopper where aggregate is transferred to the mixer.

Cement silo water feed, cement hopper

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Cement bags are opened at the mouth of the cement silo
which pumps powder cement to the cement hopper.
Cement in cement hopper is weighed and supplied to
the mixer as per the requirement.

 Water is weighed and supplied to the mixer.

 Admixtures if any are added to the mixer.
 All the ingredients are mixed as per design mix
as shown in the table.

Table: M-25 design mix as per 1 bag

Design Mix M-25

Design Mix 0.122 cum say Weight for Measurement Box Measurement Box
M-25 per cum 1 bag Gross wt. Empty box Net wt. as per bag
Required wt.
Cement 409 KG 1 bag 1 BAG
(8.18 bags)
20mm 630 KG 77 KG 77 KG -25.7 KG 51.3 KG 1.5 BOX

10mm 456 KG 55.74KG 76.15 KG -25.7 KG 50.45 KG 1.1BOX

Sand 705 KG 86.18 KG 79 KG -25.7KG 53.3KG 1.61 BOX

Water 192 LTR 23.47 LTR 23.47 LTR

 Mixer discharges the concrete into the transit mixer which carries it to the site.

Fig. Transit Mixer

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5.5 Plaster
Plastering is a finishing coat which protects the masonry and gives a decent look. It also
enhances the hygienic conditions of the building.Cement and sand mortar is used in
plastering which comprises of different thickness according to requirement of site.

 Plastering should be done with cement mortar in ratio of 1:3, 1:4, 1:6 etc. as per
requirements of the work.
 Plastering should be done from top to down.
 Before starting the plaster, the surface should be raked and properly cleaned by wire
brush and it should be wet for 24 hours.
 The plaster should be in straight line leveled, plumbed, and the joint must be in right

Recommended thickness of plastering for brick walls is 12 MM, 15 MM or 20 MM.

 12 MM thick cement plaster is done where the plain surface of brick masonry is
 15 MM cement plaster is required on the rough side of 9” and 4.5” wall.
 Plaster is checked with a true straight edge, the difference between two points should
never exceed 2.5mm.
 When we check the plaster using plumb bob the difference should not exceed 3mm.
 20 MM thick cement plaster is done in two coats in some cases on rough side of wall
or according to the design requirement.
 18 MM thick cement plaster with neat cement slurry is required for making „Dado‟
with the cement concrete flooring.
 Recommended thickness of plastering for RCC surface is 6 MM and 10 MM.
 6 MM thick cement plaster is done on the RCC surface where it is required.
 10 MM thick cement plaster is done underside of the RCC ceiling/ roof.
 Curing of the plastered surface should be done properly. Curing starts after 24 hours
and It should be done at least for 7 days to get desired strength.

Grooves in Plaster

Bricks are wetted before plastering to negate it from absorbing water from the plaster. The
shrinkage of masonry and concrete is different. Thermal expansion coefficient are different.

42 | P a g e
The heat produced by concrete and masonry, due to reaction of cement is different. Further in
framed structures, the brickwork is done later.

All the above are sources of crack formation in plaster. The groves limit these cracks to the
grove line. Grooves are necessary to avoid cracks in plaster. Grooves are necessary wherever
there is a joint of R.C.C. and brick masonry.

Maximum width of grooves which can be provided is 20mm.

5.6 Cover
A reinforcement bar must be surrounded by concrete so as to develop the desired strength of
a bar by ensuring proper bond between concrete and steel throughout its perimeter. Thickness
of cover depends on the importance of structure, exposure conditions and fire rating required.

Importance of cover:
 To provide the reinforcement steel from environmental in order to prevent corrosion
and safe guard reinforcement from other various environmental agents as well like
harmful chemicals like sulphates and chlorides, carbonation due to atmospheric CO2
and moisture cover is provided.
 To give reinforcement bars sufficient embedding to enable them to be stressed
without slipping.
 To provide insulation from fire and heat.

“ The more cover is safer the reinforcement is” , however this is not true, because as the
cover depth increases it leads to increased crack width in flexural RCC members and crack
width greater than 0.3 mm permit ingress of moisture and chemical attack to the concrete,
resulting in possible corrosion of reinforcement and deterioration of concrete. Therefore,
thick cover defeats the very purpose for which it is provided. There is need for judicious
balance of cover depth and crack width requirements.

Cover provided to the components on the site:

Cover provided for beams: 30 mm
Cover provided for columns: 40 mm

43 | P a g e
Cover provided for beams: 25 mm

These covers are provided using cover blocks of 20mm and 40 mm thickness. The wire
coming out of the cover block is used to tie up the block with the steel of columns, beams and

5.7 Curing

Curing is the process of preventing the Loss of moisture from the concrete whilst maintaining
a satisfactory temperature regime. This process results in concrete with increased strength
and decreased permeability. Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks, which can
severely affect durability. Once concrete has been placed and consolidated it must be allowed
to cure properly to develop good final properties.
As the concrete hardens and gains strength it becomes less and less vulnerable, so the critical
time period is the first hours and days after it is placed. Proper curing of concrete generally
comes down to two factors, keeping it moist and keeping it supported. Hydration of cement,
as the word itself implies, involves reaction with water. To cure properly, the cement paste
must be fully saturated with water. If the relative humidity level inside the concrete drops to
near 90% the hydration reactions will slow, and by 80% they will stop altogether. Not only
this will prevent the concrete from gaining its full strength, but it will also generate internal
stresses that can cause cracking. Spraying is particularly helpful when the w/c of the concrete
is low, because the original mix water is not enough for the cement to hydrate fully. The
additional water will not penetrate through a thick concrete structure, but it will help create a
stronger surface layer.
When concrete is placed using formwork, there is generally a desire to remove the formwork
as quickly as possible to continue the construction process. However, if this is done too soon
the fresh concrete will deform under its own weight. This will lead to a loss of dimensional
tolerances, cracking, or even a complete collapse. Similar problems occur if loads are applied
to the surface of a floor or slab too early.
The weather plays an important role in the curing process. Hot windy weather leads to rapid
evaporation and thus particular care must be taken to keep the concrete moist. Cold weather
causes the concrete to harden much more slowly than hot weather. This delays the
construction process, but leads to better concrete in the long run, because the hydration

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products develop differently at different temperatures. If fresh concrete freezes, however, it
will likely be destroyed beyond repair. The prevention of moisture loss from the concrete is
particularly important if,
The water cement ratio is low,
If the cement has a high rate of strength development,
If the concrete contains granulated blast furnace slag or pulverized fuel ash.
The curing regime should also prevent the development of high temperature gradients within
the concrete. The rate of strength development at early ages of concrete made with
supersulphated cement is significantly reduced at lower temperatures. Supersulphated cement
concrete is seriously affected by inadequate curing and the surface has to be kept moist for at
least seven days.
Moist Curing: Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept continuously in a damp of wet
condition by ponding or by covering with a layer of sacking, canvas, hessian or similar
materials and kept constantly wet for at least seven days from the date of placing concrete in
case of ordinary Portland Cement and at least 10days where mineral admixtures or blended
cements are used. The period of curing shall not be less than 10 days for concrete exposed to
dry and hot weather conditions. In the case of concrete where mineral admixtures or blended
cements are used, it is recommended that above minimum periods may be extended to
Membrane curing: Approved curing compounds may be used in lieu of moist curing with the
permission of the engineer-in-charge. Such compounds shall be applied to all exposed
surfaces of the concrete as soon as possible after the concrete has set. Impermeable
membranes such as polyethylene sheeting covering closely the concrete surface may also be
used to provide effective barrier against evaporation.
For the concrete containing Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland slag cement, period of
curing may be increased.

The Indian Standard IS 456 – 2000 recommends that curing duration of concrete must be at
least seven days in case of ordinary Portland Cement, at least ten days for concrete with
mineral admixtures or blended cements are used. It also recommends that the curing duration
should not be less than ten days for concrete exposed to dry and hot weather conditions and
14 days for concrete with mineral admixtures or blended cement in hot and dry weather.

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5.8 Testing for Leakage in GI Pipe Fitting

Leakage is tested by using a pressure gauge. Water is filled with pump in GI fittings at a high
pressure. Initial reading of pressure gauge is noted. Final reading is taken after 24 hours. If
the loss of pressure in pressure gauge is more than permissible value then fittings are checked
for any kind of leakage and testing is done again until no leakage is there. For an initial
pressure of 15kg/cm2 and a period of 24 hours, the loss in pressure should not be more than
2kg/cm2. Loss in pressure indicates presence of leakage.

Setting pressure gauge at required pressure pressure gauge

5.9 Miscelleneous
5.9.1 Water proofing in Bathrooms
First of all surface of the floor is cleaned and all loosely adhered particles, oil and greese are
removed mechanically.

Waterproofing coat should be prepared by mixing water proofing compound and cement in
1:2. Water is not used to make the slurry. The slurry should be applied within 30 minutes of

Slurry is applied in two layers:

46 | P a g e
 First layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488
kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @0.253 kg/sqm. This layer will be
allowed to air cure for 4 hours.

 Second layer of slurry of cement @ 0.242

kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @ 0.126 kg/sqm. This layer will be
allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed with
water curing for 48 hours.
Fig. Waterproofing polymer

5.9.2 Roof Tile Terracing

Mud Phuska Terracing With Tile Paving

To lay brick tiles with mud mortar on rammed earth over mud Phuska on R.C.C. slabs
painted with bitumen and the joints of tiles grouted with cement mortar and clean with wire
brush or brooms is called tile tracing on roof. This method of terracing is equally suitable to
hot as well as arid regions, and is commonly used over R.C.C. roofing.


 The R.C.C. slab is dried and cleared off dust and loose material by using brushes and
brooms etc.
 Surface of the slab is painted with a thin layer of bitumen primer and after that a layer
of hot bitumen is spread over it @1.7Kg per square meter.
 After painting immediately clean coarse sand is spread on the surface at the rate of 0.6
cum per 100 square meters on the surface of the roof so that bitumen layer is not
damaged during subsequent work.
 One layer of 25mm thick mud plaster mixed with bhusa should be laid.
 Damp soil should be laid on the roof to the required thickness and slope. The slope
should be between 1 in 50 and 1 in 60. Minimum thickness of the soil should be about
25 mm near rain water pipe.
 The soil should be compacted with wooden rammer to obtain an even surface to
correct slope.

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 Another coat of 25 mm thick mud plaster should be laid on compacted earth.
 Flat brick tiles of size 22.86X11.43X3.81 Cm. are laid on mud plaster to correct
slope. It should be ensured that a mud plaster does not come into vertical joints of
tiles by more than 12 mm.
 The thickness of joints in tiles should not be less than 6 mm and more than 12 mm in
 After drying of mud mortar the joints of tiles should be grouted with cement mortar
1:3 and ensure that all joints of tiles are completely filled with mortar.
 The surface of brick tiles is then checked for evenness and slope by means of straight
edge and spirit level.
 If any unevenness found, it should be rectified immediately.
 As soon as cement grouting obtain initial setting, the surface of brick tiles should be
covered with gunny bags to prevent quick drying of cement mortar in joints.
 After 8 to 12 hours, brick tiles paving should be cured by frequent sprinkling of water
on the surface for a period of 7 days.

Fig. Bitumen. Fig. Bitumen Primer Fig. Preparing bitumen

5.9.3 Waterproofing treatment of RCC water tanks

Injection grouting is usually carried out from the surface of RCC water tanks/ lift pits etc.
This process is done by the filling of cracks, filling of open joints, and filling of voids with a

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Injection Grouting steps:

 Holes are drilled in structure along cracks and in an around hollow spots.

 If there are several cracks, holes can be drilled in a staggered manner at 500 to
750mm spacing in both directions covering adequately the area proposed to be
grouted. Holes spacing can be altered as per site conditions.

 G.I. pieces (12 to 20mm dia. x 200mm) with one end threaded or PVC nozzles are
fixed in the holes with rich cement mortar.

 All the cracks and annular space around G.I. pipes are sealed with rich cement mortar.

 All the cracks are cut open to a „V‟ shaped groove, cleaned & sealed with rich cement
 All the grout holes should be sluiced with water using the same
equipment a day before grouting as per following sequence; so as to saturate the
 Pressure grouting of cement slurry admixed with Fosroc chemical conplast WL @
300 ml is done by using 140 PSI hand operated Grouting Pump.
 The grouting is carried out till refusal and/or till grout starts flowing from the
adjacent hole. Finally Cutting & Sealing of Nozzle is done.
 After grouting, curing should be done for14 days.

12mm dia. PVC nozzzles Fosroc chemical conplast WL

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5.9.4 Function of Weep Holes

Weep holes are provided in earth retaining

structures like retaining walls, underpasses
wing walls and other below ground
drainage structures. From engineering point
of view, weep hole is provided in structures
to relieve hydrostatic pressure on the walls.
Reducing the water pressure on the walls will reduce the structural design demand of the
water or earth resisting wall by reducing its thickness as well as reinforcement requirements.

Retaining Wall without Weep Hole Retaining Wall with Weep Hole

Core Cutting Machine

Core cutting machine is used to cut/drill cores of
various diameter of concrete or bituminous

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5.9.5 Plate Earthing
In Plate Earthing an earthing plate either of copper of dimension 60cm×60cm×3m of
galvanized iron of dimensions 60 cm× 60 cm×6 mm is buried into the ground with its face
vertical at a depth of not less than 3 meters from ground level.

The earth plate is inserted into auxiliary layers of coke and salt for a minimum thickness of
15 cm. The earth wire (GI or copper wire) is tightly bolted to an earth plate with the help of
nut or bolt. The copper plate and copper wire are usually not employed for grounding
purposes because of their higher cost.

Inserting GI plate in ground

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Fig. Plate Earthing drawing

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5.10 Results


Checking of all the processes are going according to the way they should go like: process of
Tiling, plastering, concreting etc. Check cover, reinforcement and size provided in beams and
columns are according to the drawings. All site work should be going on according the
structural drawing provided by the Department, certain adjustments can be done on the site
because of the difference between the theoretical conditions and practical conditions.

6. Conclusions and future scope

The internship is like a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. It is
an excellent opportunity for us to get to the ground level and experience things which we
would have never gained through going straight into a job. I am grateful to Punjab
Engineering College for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

The main objective of this training program is to provide an opportunity to the students to
identify, observe and practice how engineering is applicable in real industry. It is not only to
get experience on technical practices but also to observe management practices and to
interact with field workers. I think that I got a good variety of things to learn during this
program. My seniors advised me to use various IS codes to improve my knowledge. In my
opinion I have gained lots of knowledge and experience in this training program. I hope this
experience will surely help me in my future and also in shaping my career.

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7. Impediments
Difficulties faced during project semester:

Weather: The weather in the months of January, February and March is not so good for
construction work. Rain was quite unpredictable in these months. Almost once a week
rain disturbs the construction. Making difficult to do works coming under public health
(laying of water supply pipes, storm water pipes and sewage pipes).

Lockdown: On 24 March 2020, a historic nationwide lockdown was imposed by government

of India in an effort to control spread of the corona virus. This lockdown came with many
difficulties. Construction sites were shut down or lesser no. of staff members was allowed to
come to the site. As a result training had to be discontinued in this duration.

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8. References

IS 4031 part-6: 1988 for Compressive strength test.

IS 4031 part-5: 1988 for Initial and final setting time of cement.

IS 4031 part-3: 1988 for Soundness test.

IS 4031 part-4: 1988 for standard consistency test.

IS 1199: 1959 for slump test.

IS 12288: 1987 laying of DI pipes.

IS 783: 1985 laying of storm water concrete pipes.

IS 783: 1985 laying of sewer line.

IS 1443: 972 laying of floor tiles.

IS 1077: 1992 Brick specifications.

IS 1791 for batch type concrete mixers.

IS 650: 1991 Specifications for sand.

IS 383: 2016 Coarse aggregate.

IS 1786: 2008 Steel specifications.

IS 456: 2000 for plaster, cover, curing. for Industry.

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