Gender Privilege

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Gender Privilege

Gender privilege is the system of advantages, rights, and benefits that are available
solely based on gender. Just being a woman or a man can make someone privileged.

While women and men do share certain privileges, in our society, men are seen as
more superior, therefore making them more privileged because of their gender.

Women are more prone to sexual harassment, lack of women in positions of power, so much
misogyny and sexism, large amounts of economic and societal inequality.

Privilege based on gender has been seen throughout history. Olympe De Gouges was against the idea of male privilege and fought for women rights. Confucius
had principles and virtues that supported the ideas of equality, equity, and overall love.

“EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK” A man will have

a better chance
than a
woman of
being hired for
a job.

Olympe De Gouges believed in women's rights and strongly opposed discrimination, violence and oppression in all
Olympe De Gouges
its forms.

Loyalty Piety Peace
Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen published in France in 1791. Gouges’s
manifesto asserted that women are equal to men in society and, as such, entitled to the same citizenship

The right to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression; the right to participate fully in the making of
laws that they are to abide by; the right to participate at all levels of government; and the right to voice opinions in


Propriety Righteousness

Principles Justice

Integrity Shame

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