Psalm 121: Other Settings Possibly Not Included in The Manual List Above

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Psalm 121

91 101 111 121 131 141

92 102 112 122 132 142
93 103 113 123 133 143
94 104 114 124 134 144
95 105 115 125 135 145
96 106 116 126 136 146
97 107 117 127 137 147
98 108 118 128 138 148
99 109 119 129 139 149
100 110 120 130 140 150

General Information
Settings by composers
Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
Text and translations
Clementine Vulgate (Psalm 120)
Church of England 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Douay-Rheims Bible
Deutsch (Luther 1912)
Káldi fordítás
English metrical Old Version (William Whittingham)
Metrical paraphrase by Isaac Watts: Peculiar Meter
Metrical paraphrase by James Merrick

General Information

Settings by composers

Anonymous in the 15c Trent codices SATT (Latin) Philippe de Monte SATTB (Latin)
Thomas Clark: Michael J. Oczko S solo (English, paraphrase by the composer)
Cipriano de Rore SATTB (Latin)
Lo, from the hills my help descends SATB (English metrical
version by James Merrick) Heinrich Schütz
Upward I lift mine eyes SATB (English metrical paraphrase by SWV 31 SATB,SATB with SATB soli (German, from Psalmen
Isaac Watts) Davids op. 2)
John Clarke-Whitfeld SATB (vv. 1,2,5-8, English BCP) SWV 226 SATB (German metrical version)
Philipp Dulichius SSAT.ATTB (German) SWV 399 ATB.SATB (German)
Giles Farnaby (STTB, English) Leo Sowerby SATB (English BCP)
Alfred Faust SATB (German) Charles Villiers Stanford S (English)
Andrea Gabrieli SATTB or ATTTB etc (Latin) Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson SATB (vv. 1-4, Icelandic or English
Nicolas Gombert SATB (Latin) BCP)
Hans Leo Hassler SSATB and AATTB (Latin) Thomas Tomkins STTBB (English)
Christoph Dalitz SATB (German, metrical version by Caspar Melchior Vulpius SSATTB (Latin)
Ulenberg) Henry Walford Davies SATB (Anglican chant, English BCP)
Joseph Key SATB (English, metrical Old Version) Karl Heinrich Zöllner TTBB (German)
Orlando di Lasso SATB.SATB (Latin)
Jakob Heinrich Lützel SATB (German)
Elias (Elijah), Op. 70 (Felix Mendelssohn) contains two choruses
based on this psalm:
Lift thine eyes SSA (German or English)
He watching over Israel SATB

Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above

Thomas Herbert Dimmock ( — Psalm 121
Adam Gumpelzhaimer ( — Levavi oculos
Hezekiah Moors ( — Dalton
Ernest Walker ( — I will lift up mine eyes
Elisha West ( — Ohio

Text and translations

Clementine Vulgate (Psalm 120) Church of England 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Latin text English text
1 Canticum graduum. Levavi oculos meos in montes, unde veniet 1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills: from whence cometh my help.
auxilium mihi. 2 My help cometh even from the Lord: who hath made heaven and
2 Auxilium meum a Domino, qui fecit caelum et terram. earth.
3 Non det in commotionem pedem tuum, neque dormitet qui custodit 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: and he that keepeth thee will
te. not sleep.
4 Ecce non dormitabit neque dormiet qui custodit Israël. 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel: shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5 Dominus custodit te; Dominus protectio tua super manum dexteram 5 The Lord himself is thy keeper: the Lord is thy defence upon thy right
tuam. hand;
6 Per diem sol non uret te, neque luna per noctem. 6 So that the sun shall not burn thee by day: neither the moon by
7 Dominus custodit te ab omni malo; custodiat animam tuam night.
Dominus. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: yea, it is even he that shall
8 Dominus custodiat introitum tuum et exitum tuum, ex hoc nunc et keep thy soul.
usque in saeculum. 8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in: from this
time forth for evermore.

Douay-Rheims Bible Deutsch (Luther 1912)

English text German text
I have lifted up my eyes to the mountains, from whence help shall 1 Ich hebe meine Augen auf zu den Bergen von welchen mir Hilfe
come to me. kommt.
My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 2 Meine Hilfe kommt von dem HERRN, der Himmel und Erde gemacht
May he not suffer thy foot to be moved: neither let him slumber that hat.
keepeth thee. 3 Er wird deinen Fuß nicht gleiten lassen; und der dich behütet schläft
Behold he shall neither slumber nor sleep, that keepeth Israel. nicht.
The Lord is thy keeper, the Lord is thy protection upon thy right hand. 4 Siehe, der Hüter Israels schläft noch schlummert nicht.
The sun shall not burn thee by day: nor the moon by night. 5 Der HERR behütet dich; der HERR ist dein Schatten über deiner
The Lord keepeth thee from all evil: may the Lord keep thy soul. rechten Hand,
May the Lord keep thy coming in and thy going out; from henceforth 6 dass dich des Tages die Sonne nicht steche noch der Mond des
now and for ever. Nachts.
7 Der HERR behüte dich vor allem Übel, er behüte deine Seele;
8 der HERR behüte deinen Ausgang und Eingang von nun an bis in

Káldi fordítás

Hungarian text
Ének a fölmenetekre. A hegyekre emelem szemeimet, onnét jő segítség nekem.
Az én segítségem az Úrtól van, ki a mennyet és földet teremtee.
Nem hagyja ingadozni lábadat, és nem szunnyadoz, ki tégedet őríz.
Ime nem szunnyadoz és nem aluszik, ki őrzi Izraelt.
Az Úr őriz téged, az Úr a te oltalmad jobb kezed felől.
Nappal nem éget téged a nap, sem éjjel a hold.
Az Úr megőríz téged minden gonosztól, őrizze meg az Úr lelkedet.
Őrizzen az Úr jártodban és keltedben, mostantól és mindörökké.

English metrical Old Version (William Whittingham) Metrical paraphrase by Isaac Watts: Peculiar Meter
English text English text
I lift mine eyes to Sion hill, Upward I lift mine eyes,
From whence I do attend, From God is all my aid;
Till succour God me send: The God that built the skies,
The mighty God me succour will, And earth and nature made:
Who heav'n and earth did frame, God is the tow'r
And all things therein name. To which I fly;
His grace is nigh
Thy foot from slip he will preserve, In ev'ry hour.
And will thee safely keep;
For he doth never sleep: My feet shall never slide
Lo, he that Israel doth conserve, And fall in fatal snares,
Sleep never can surprise, Since God, my guard and guide,
Nor slumber close his eyes. Defends me from my fears:
Those wakeful eyes
The Lord thy keeper is always, That never sleep
On thy right hand is he Shall Israel keep
A shade to cover thee: When dangers rise.
The sun shall not thee parch by day
Nor moon, scarce half so bright, No burning heats by day,
With cold thee hurt by night. Nor blasts of evening air
Shall take my health away,
The Lord will keep thee from distress, If God be with me there:
And will thy life sure save: Thou art my sun,
Yea, thou shalt also have And thou my shade,
In all thy business good success; To guard my head
When thou goest in or out By night or noon.
He'll compass thee about.
Hast thou not giv'n thy word
To save my soul from death?
And I can trust my Lord
To keep my mortal breath:
I'll go and come,
Nor fear to die,
Till from on high
Thou call me home.

Metrical paraphrase by James Merrick

English text
1 Lo, from the hills my help descends,
To them I li mine eyes;
My strength on him alone depends
Who form'd the earth and skies.

2 He ever watful, ever nigh,

Forbids thy feet to slide;
Nor sleep nor slumber seals the eye
Of Israel's guard and guide.

3 He at thy hand, array'd in might,

His shield shall o'er thee spread:
Nor sun by day, nor moon by night,
Shall hurt thy favour'd head.

Safe shalt thou go, and safe return,
While he thy life defends,
Whose eyes thy ev'ry step discern,
Whose mercy never ends.

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