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Week 1-8 Install and Configure Computer Systems

Lesson Information 1

Learning Objectives:
1. Install Operating System (OS) in accordance with established installation procedures and to comply
with end-user requirements
2. Install peripherals/ devices in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and/ or OS installation
3. Configure peripherals/ devices in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and/ or OS
installation procedures
4. Access OS and drivers updates/ patches in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and
5. Install OS and drivers updates/ patches in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and
6. Check the quality of the work undertaken in accordance with established procedures.

Software Fundamentals

Software consists of computer programs, which are sequences of instructions for the
computer. The process of writing (or coding) programs is called programming, and individuals who
perform this task are called programmers.


1. Systems software - is a set of instructions that serves primarily as an intermediary between computer
hardware and application programs and may also be directly manipulated by knowledgeable users.


1. Operating System

a. Mobile device operating systems( e.g Embedded Linux, Windows CE Pocket PC,
Windows Embedded NT 4.0, The Palm OS)

b. Desktop and notebook computer operating systems(e.g. Windows, UNIX,

Linux, The Macintosh, Enterprise server OS)
2. System Support Programs The second major category of systems software
3. System utilities-are programs that have been written to accomplish common tasks such as
sorting records, checking the integrity of diskettes (i.e., amount of storage available and
existence of any damage), and creating directories and subdirectories
4. System performance monitors are programs that monitor the processing of jobs on a
computer system
5. System security monitors are programs that monitor the use of a computer system to
protect it and its resources from unauthorized use, fraud, or destruction.

2. Application software - is a set of computer instructions that provide more specific functionality
to a user. That functionality may be broad, such as general word processing, or narrow, such as an
organization’s payroll program.
1. Proprietary application software addresses a specific or unique business need
for a company
2. Off-The-Shelf Application Software can be purchased, leased, or rented from a
vendor that develops programs and sells them to many organizations.

Software Suites and Other Personal Application Software

Software suites are collections of application software packages that integrate many functions in one package.

Open Source Software- is software made available in source code form at no cost to developers.


ISO and IMG Files

WHAT IS AN IMG OR ISO FILE? An IMG or ISO file is a complete image of physical media such as a
CD-ROM, DVD, floppy disk, etc. that contains all of the files in a particular package.

Bootable Installation Packages


a. Installation Package: what you purchase from the WebStore

b. Installation Image: the content of the installation package
c. Installation Disk/Media: what you produce from the installation image through the burning process


The bootable installation package contains a

disk image that is identical to the boxed product
that you would purchase at any software retailer.
This image may be burned directly to physical
media to produce a bootable installation DVD.
Once copied to physical media, this package
may be used to install an Operating System on
any compatible hardware, with or without an
existing Operating System installed.


Your installation package contains one of the images identified in the previous section. To install any
software package from an image, the image itself must first be “mounted” by the Operating System.

This can be accomplished by:

 Burning the image directly to DVD making sure to specify the source type as “image”. Once the
burning of the image is complete, the physical media can be inserted into the computer and will be
recognized like any other DVD. You must have a writable DVD drive. See the Creating Bootable
DVD Media section below.
 Burning the image directly to a USB thumb drive. This is particularly useful for those people
who have Netbooks or other computers without a writable DVD drive. See the Creating Bootable
USB Media section below.

Note: Burning the file to a disk as a “data disk” will simply end up with an
.img or .iso file on the disk, which cannot be used for the installation.

Preparing physical media from a bootable installation Image


To prepare physical media from a bootable installation image, you require the following:

 Writable DVD drive (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW)

 Writeable DVD media

 CD/DVD Burning Software (Roxio©, Nero ©, Active@ ISO Burner, CD BurnerXP

Pro, etc.)
 Bootable Installation image
o The image downloaded when selecting the Bootable Installation Package or that created
from the Executable Installation Package using the instructions in the section entitled
“Creating A Bootable Installation Image from the Executable Installation Package”


The general process for creating bootable DVD media is similar in all CD/DVD burning software.
If you do not already have an application to burn files onto a DVD, you will need to download a
freeware version. Following are the steps to download Active@ISO Burner (available through
at If you choose to use a different application, follow the
steps for that application.


The instructions below use Windows as an example

To launch the burning software:

1. Double Click to launch the program.

SELECTING THE IMAGE TO BURN To select the image to burn:

1. In the Active@ISO Burner window, click on the

locator box as shown by the red arrow

2. Find and select the IMG file

previously downloaded.

3. Mode: Track-At-Once Speed:2.0x

4. Click Options: Check: Verify Data & Burn in Test Mode

5. Click Burn and wait for the process to Finish , then Exit



To create bootable USB Media:

To be able Create a Windows bootable USB from an ISO image we must have a 32GB or higher
USB and a Windows 10 ISO image downloaded on your computer.

Download: Rufus app: Download Windows 10:

Steps in Creating a bootable USB Media (Using Rufus)

1. Insert the USB Drive to any USB Port in your PC.
2. Double click the Rufus Application to launch the program.
3. Once its open, make sure the USB Drive you inserted can be seen Rufus, else click the drop down arrow
to select your media.
4. On the Boot Selection Menu, Click Select.
5. Browse for your Windows Image file in your PC.
6. Click Start. When prompted with a Warning: ALL DATA… Click OK.

When the status bar reached 100 percent or Ready, click Close.

Assemble a Desktop Computer:

Note: These assumes that all parts/components were properly arranged on

your working table and well prepared.

1. Install the processor in the CPU socket by following the correct alignment of
the processor in its place and also the CPU fan. Use thermal compound/paste if
2. Install the RAM/memory card to its module by aligning to its notch.
3. Remove the side cover of the system/computer case.

4. Install the motherboard inside the PC case, make sure it is aligned in its stand-offs where you screw the
motherboard. Use proper size screws.

5. Install the VGA card in the video card slot and LAN card in PCI slot if you have, screw these cards
6. Install the Hard Disk Drive (SATA/IDE) inside the case then connect it to the motherboard.

7. Install the CD/DVD ROM/RW (SATA/IDE) inside the case and connect it to the motherboard.

8. Connect the front-panel LED’s (Power/Reset button, HDD Led, front USB port) in the motherboard.
9. Install the Power Supply Unit, screw it properly and then connect the 20/24 pins and 4 pins in the motherboard.

10. Connect the peripherals (Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, AVR/UPS) to the system unit. Test the unit.

Installing Windows 10

In order to install your copy of the Windows 10 operating system please make sure to have the following items:

-Windows 10 Installation disk / bootable USB Drive

-Drivers CD: * Use after installation process if needed.

*NOTE: Please make sure to back up all of your important data before proceeding with this installation.

Setting up your Computer & BIOS changes ( If required)

Boot your computer after popping in the Windows 10 DVD into the DVD Drive/ bootable USB Drive. In most
cases if you do this you'll automatically boot in to the Windows 10 Installation DVD. Bootable USB Drive. But in
some cases if the Boot device order is changed in the BIOS it may boot in to your older OS, instead of our
DVD/USB Drive. In that case you'll need to change the BIOS settings to get it done.

Before the starting installation make sure what type of PC you are using( 32bit or 64 bit) To do this:
1. Right Click on This PC and click Properties:
2. You will then get the necessary information you need.

Booting Up and First Installation Steps

The steps are pretty straight forward. Please read the descriptions in each pages carefully before clicking the Next
Step 1. Insert the Windows operating system disk into
your DVD/USB drive, and then restart your computer
Step 2. You will see a prompt that says ‘Press any key
to continue’. When you see this press any key
immediately. *NOTE:

The following screen shots may differ from what you

may see during your installation.
Step 3:Starting windows with windows logo will

Step 4: Language option, by default is English will be set along

with “time currency “format and “keyboard” or input method.
Click Next

Step 5. Install Now

You will be prompted to

enter the license key. You
can choose skip at this time

Step 6. End User License Agreement ( E.U.L.A) check the box and click

Step 7: “Which type of installation?” will appear. Choose

Custom(advanced) for clean installation.

Step 8. “Where do you want to install Windows?” Make sure the

partition is highlighted.

Step 9. Delete the partition by clicking on Drive options (advanced) on

the bottom right corner of the field. Make sure the partition is
highlighted and click Delete.

Note: Deleting all the partition will erase all data in the system
Step 10. Disk 0 Unallocated Space should be the only listing at this
point. If it is press next, if not please delete any additional
partitions that are listed. Clicking Next will automatically reformat
the drive and install the Operating System

Step 11. The next screen will show “Installing Windows” This
process will take approximately 25-20 minutes after which the
system will reboot.

Note: Do not press any key during this boot up process so as

not to disturb the rest of the installation process.

Step 12. The next screen will show “Installing Windows” to

complete the installation process.

Step 13. “Set=up is staring windows “will appear, then you will
be asked to create a username and a computer name

Step 14. The next screen will prompt you to create a password
for your account (optional)

At this point windows installation will be setting up you

computer for its first run.

The installation is done. You have successfully installed Windows 10

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