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中国吉林省长春市朝阳区湖西路与建平街交汇 南湖祥水湾 23 栋 521 室

Mid-Level to Upper-Level Lesson Plan

Class: Level: Time: Date:
Greeting & Warm Up Time
o Hello everyone.
o Question and answer about what are you wearing
o What are you wearing
o What color is it
o Listen to the song/ sing with if they know the lyrics
Teaching Task 1
o Clothes on the washing line
o Review basic clothing items as well as the washing line with pins to hang the clothes up
o Use a ppt with pictures and a ball ask questions about the pictures.
o Tornado

Teaching Task 2
o Review (Boil, ketal, water, tea bag, milk,)

Teaching Task 3

Teaching Task 4

New Lesson
Teaching Task 1
o Teach the individual words
o Make ppt with the steps in order and get dressed in that order. But ask the children to guide you
with the correct order.
o Make a student get dressed in my clothes let the children guide him without any ppt.
Teaching Task 2
o Let the children explain how to make a cup of tea.
o Review the words with them before you let them explain the process.
o Make them explain how to make the cup of tea.
Teaching Task 3

Teaching Task 4

中国吉林省长春市朝阳区湖西路与建平街交汇 南湖祥水湾 23 栋 521 室

o What do we wear
Language Objective
o How to follow the correct order. (First, next, then, after that, last, now)
o PPT, WB, Ball
Review o
New Lesson o
Real World Situation
o Doing things in the correct order and following instructions.
Review Q&A o Question and answer about clothes as well as colors.
Lesson o Review on words that is connected to materials making tea
Review (Boil, ketal, water, Cup, tea bag, milk,)
New Lesson Speech o Make a speech on how they get dressed in the morning following the
correct order.

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