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to abandon (abandonar) to announce (anunciar)

to abstain (abster-se) to answer (responder)
to accept (aceitar) to appear (aparecer)
to accuse (acusar) to applaud (aplaudir)
to acquire (adquirir) to approve (aprovar
to add (acrescentar) to argue (argüir, discutir)
to admire (admirar) to arrange (arranjar, dispor)
to admit (admitir) to arrive (chegar)
to adore (adorar) to ask (perguntar)
to advance (avançar) to assassinate (assassinar)
to advise (aconselhar) to assemble (reunir-se)
to affirm (afirmar) to assure (assegurar)
to agree (concordar) to astonish (admirar)
to allow (permitir) to attack (atacar)
to amuse (divertir) to attempt (tentar)
to animate (animar) to attract (atrair)
to avenge (vingar-se) to cultivate (cultivar)
to avoid (evitar) to carry (carregar, levar)
to baptise (batizar) to celebrate (celebrar)
to bark (ladrar) to change (mudar, trocar, transformar)
to bathe (banhar) to charm (encantar)
to beg (pedir, rogar) to civilize (civilizar
to behave (comportar-se) to claim (reclamar)
to believe (acreditar) to collect (reunir)
to belong (pertencer) to combine (combinar)
to bet (apostar) to command (ordenar)
to betray (trair) to communicate (comunicar)
to borrow (pedir emprestado) to compel (compelir, obrigar)
to bow (cumprimentar, curvar-se) to compare (comparar)
to breath (respirar) to complain (queixar-se)
to brush (escovar) to compose (compor)

Mr Lutxo School
to call (chamar) to comprehend (compreender)
to care (importar-se) to conceal (ocultar)
to confess (confessar) to deny (negar)
to confide (confiar) to depart (partir, deixar alguém)
to confound (confundir) to derive (derivar)
to conquer (conquistar) to describe (descrever)
to consent (consentir) to deserve (merecer
to consider (considerar) to desire (desejar)
to consist (consistir) to despise (desprezar)
to console (consolar) to destroy (destruir)
to conspire (conspirar) to determine (determinar)
to construct (construir) to dictate (ditar)
to consult (consultar to diminish (diminuir)
to contain (conter) to dine (jantar)
to continue (continuar) to dip (mergulhar)
to convince (convencer) to concede (conceder)
to cook (cozinhar) to conceive (conceber)
to cover (cobrir) to condemn (condenar)
to cross (atravessar, cruzar) to cry (gritar)
to dance (dançar) to dirty (sujar)
to dare (atrever-se) to dispose (dispor)
to deceive (enganar) to dispute (disputar)
to decide (decidir) to distinguish (distinguir)
to declare (declarar) to disturb (perturbar)
to defeat (derrotar) to divide (dividir)
to delay (demorar) to doubt (duvidar)
to deliver (entregar) to drag (arrastar)
to denote (denotar) to dress (vestir)
to drop (deixar cair, gotejar) to favour (favorecer)
to drown (afogar) to fear (temer)
to effect (efetuar) to fetch (ir buscar)
to elapse (decorrer) to fill (encher)
to embark (embarcar) to finish (acabar)

Mr Lutxo School
to employ (empregar) to fire (demitir, despedir)
to end (acabar, terminar) to fold (dobrar)
to endeavour (esforçar-se) to follow (seguir)
to enjoy (gozar) to force (forçar)
to entertain (entreter) to form (formar)
to envy (invejar) to found (fundar)
to equal (igualar) to free (livrar)
to escape (escapar) to fulfil (cumprir)
to establish (estabelecer) to esteem (estimar)
to examine (examinar) to guide (guiar)
to exchange (trocar) to excite (excitar)
to exclain (exclamar) to happen (suceder)
to excuse (desculpar) to hasten (apressar)
to exist (existir) to help (ajudar)
to frighten (assustar) to furnish (fornecer)
to honour (honrar) to jump (saltar, pular)
to hope (esperar) to judge (julgar)
to hurry (apressar) to justify (justificar)
to idle (vadiar) to kick (dar pontapé)
to imagine (imaginar) to kill (matar)
to imitate (imitar) to kiss (beijar)
to implore (implorar) to knock (bater)
to impose (impor) to labour (trabalhar)
to improve (melhorar) to lament (lamentar)
to impute (imputar) to land (desembarcar, aterrissar)
to incline (inclinar) to last (durar)
to indicate (indicar) to laugh (rir-se)
to inhabit (habitar) to lean (encostar)
to injure (maltratar, prejudicar) to leap (pular)
to insist (insistir) to learn (aprender)
to inspire (inspirar) to like (gostar)
to instruct (instruir) to listen (escutar)
to insult (insultar) to live (morar)

Mr Lutxo School
to intend (pretender) to love (amar)
to interest (interessar) to march (marchar)
to interrupt (interromper) to mark (marcar)
to join (juntar, unir) to marry (casar-se)
to joke (zombar) to mediate (meditar)
to mention (mencionar) to paint (pintar)
to miss (faltar, ter saudades) to pardon (perdoar)
to mistake (enganar-se) to part (apartar-se)
to mount (montar) to pass (passar)
to move (mover) to penetrate (penetrar)
to murder (assassinar) to perish (perecer)
to name (nomear) to persecute (perseguir)
to need (necessitar) to persuade (persuadir)
to note (notar) to place (colocar)
to obey (obedecer to plant (plantar)
to oblige (obrigar) to point (apontar)
to observe (observar) to play (brincar, jogar, tocar)
to obtain (obter) to please (agradar)
to occupy (ocupar) to possess (possuir)
to offend (ofender) to praise (louvar)
to omit (omitir) to pray (orar)
to open (abrir) to prepare (preparar)
to oppose (opor-se) to prevent (evitar)
to oppress (oprimir) to promise (prometer)
to order (ordenar, encomendar) to produce (produzir)
to own (reconhecer, possuir) to prefer (preferir)
to pain (doer) to pronounce (pronunciar)
to propose (propor) to remove (mudar)
to protect (proteger) to repeat (repetir)
to prove (provar) to reply (responder)
to publish (publicar) to represent (representar)
to pull (puxar) to request (pedir)
to punish (punir) to require (exigir)

Mr Lutxo School
to purchase (comprar) to resemble (assemelhar-se)
to push (empurrar) to reside (residir, morar)
to quarrel (disputar) to resist (resistir)
to question (questionar) to resolve (resolver)
to rain (chover) to respect (respeitar)
to raise (levantar) to rest (descansar)
to reach (alcançar, chegar) to restore (restituir)
to receive (receber) to retire (retirar)
to recognize (reconhecer) to revenge (vingar)
to recollect (recordar-se) to reward (recompensar)
to recover (recuperar) to rub (esfregar)
to refuse (recusar) to satisfy (satisfazer)
to regulate (regular) to save (salvar)
to rejoice (regozijar-se) to scratch (arranhar)
to relate (relatar) to search (procurar)
to remain (ficar, permanecer) to seem (parecer)
to remember (lembrar-se) to taste (provar)
to separate (separar) to tempt (tentar)
to serve (servir) to thank (agradecer)
to shout (gritar) to tie (atar)
to sigh (suspirar) to torment (tormentar)
to sin (pecar) to torture (torturar)
to smile (sorrir) to touch (tocar, mexer)
to snow (nevar) to translate (traduzir)
to stop (parar) to travel (viajar)
to struggle (lutar) to treat (tratar)
to study (estudar) to trouble (incomodar)
to succeed (suceder, prosperar) to try (experimentar)
to suffer (sofrer) to undress (despir)
to supply (fornecer) to unite (unir)
to support (sustentar) to use (usar)
to suppose (supor) to value (avaliar)
to surprise (surpreender) to vanish (desaparecer)

Mr Lutxo School
to surrender (entregar-se) to venture (aventurar)
to surround (cercar) to violate (violar)
to suspect (suspeitar) to visit (visitar)
to talk (falar, conversar) to wait (esperar)
to walk (andar, caminhar) to weigh (pesar)
to wander (viajar, vagar) to wet (molhar)
to want (querer, precisar) to whistle (assobiar, apitar)
to warn (admoestar, prevenir) to wink (piscar o olho)
to wash (lavar) to wonder (admirar)
to waste (estragar, desperdiçar) to worship (adorar)
to watch (vigiar) to wound (ferir)
to water (regar) to wave (flutuar, ondear)

Mr Lutxo School

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