Instructional Materials For Lesson Plan in English Phonology

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Name: Ricsy Jade G.

Monencillo Date: March 1, 2021

Instructional Materials for Lesson Plan in English Phonology

Topic: Pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonant digraph /th/


Below are words that have /th/ sound. Students will listen to the pronunciation of
these words through an audio recording file which will be played by the teacher.
Students will then list and group these words based on their similarity on the
pronunciation of /th/ sound. The teacher will ask students what they have observed
and after the analysis, they will be asked to read all the words in chorus.

think bother though seventh theatre

within seethe toothache math athlete
worthy together thunder something feather

I. An image of how /th/ sound is produced.

To make this sound, the tongue protrudes slightly between the teeth.  The tongue
touches the bottom teeth and air is blown over the tongue and through the mouth
creating a frication sound due to some obstruction in the mouth opening.  Airflow is
continuous.  The difference between the sounds is in using the vocal cords or not
using the vocal cords.
II. The teacher will give examples of voiced and voiceless /th/ sounds and students
will be asked to imitate the teacher. After the imitation, students will be asked to
pronounced the words without the help of the teacher.

III. The teacher will present examples and students will also be asked to give their
own examples.

Voiceless /th/ sound: /θ/ 

 Voiceless /th/ at the beginning:

Examples: think, thin, thirty, thumb

 Voiceless /th/ at the middle:

Examples: bathtub, toothpick, birthday, anything

 Voiceless /th/ at the end:

Examples: math, tooth, earth, south

Voiced /th/ sound: /ð/

 Voiced /th/ at the beginning:

Examples: this, that, there, them

 Voiced /th/ at the middle:

Examples: feather, weather, father, mother

 Voiced /th/ at the end:

Examples: breathe, bathe, seethe, loathe

The teacher will ask students to listen to the following words and put a check mark if
the pronunciation of /th/ sound is correct or incorrect. Afterwards, the students will
have to pronounce the words correctly.


1. think ________ ________

2. thousand ________ ________

3. rather ________ ________

4. three ________ ________

5. breathe ________ ________

6. north ________ ________

7. weather ________ ________

8. bandwidth ________ ________

9. healthy ________ ________

10. leather ________ ________


This activity will be done in pair. Students will be asked to identify whether these
highlighted words that have /th/ sound are voiceless or voiced. Afterwards, they will
have to practice reading the paragraphs. They need to pay attention to the highlighted
words and must make sure that they will be able to pronounce these words correctly.
When the pair is ready, they will have to read this to the teacher and the teacher will
rate them accordingly.

Paragraph 1
My birthday was on April 30th, which was on Thursday. Unfortunately, I had something at
work until 8:30, so I couldn’t have a party. Instead, I decided to throw a party at my house
at three o’clock on Saturday. When my friends came through my door with presents and a
birthday cake, I was thrilled. I said “Thank you” to everyone. Then I filled my mouth with
cake. The things they bought for me were both kind and thoughtful. I think I have great
friends, and I wish my birthday could be every month.

Paragraph 2
The other day, my family all went together to the mall. I wanted to buy a feather pen, my
father wanted a leather jacket, my mother wanted clothing, and my brother just came along.
Although we were bothered by the crowds, we needed to buy these things. Another reason
we went is that we were rather bored at home, and the weather was nice. In the end, we
found all those items. Then we put them in the car and drove home. Thus, it was a
successful day.

Words with voiceless /th/ sound Words with voiced /th/ sound
and so on.


This is an individual activity. Students will underline the words in the sentence with
voiceless /th/ sound and incircle the words with voiced /th/ sound. Students must
practice reading the sentences until they can pronounce the words correctly.

1) I think it is Thursday.
2) It is his thirteenth birthday today.

3) You can clean your teeth with a thin toothpick.

4) They should ask their father or their mother.

5) The other clothes are new.

6) There is another feather over there.

7) That thing is bigger than that other thing.

8) Those three boys will be three this Thursday, October ninth.

9) There is something in that dog's mouth.

10) My brother said the weather is warmer in the south than in the north.

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