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3041 Journal of Physiology (1995), 485. 1, pp.

203-212 203

Localization of chemosensitive structures in the isolated

brainstem of adult guinea-pig
M. P. Morin-Surun, E. Boudinot, T. Schafer and M. Denavit-Saubie
Institut Alfred Fessard, Biologie Fonctionnelle du Neurone, CNRS,
91198 Gf sur Yvette Cedex, France
1. Central respiratory chemosensitivity has been intensively examined but some questions
remain unsolved; namely, what is the nature of the stimulus (fixed acid and/or C02) and
where is the site of brainstem chemosensitivity (near the ventral medullary surface or
structures deeper within the brainstem)? To examine these questions, we used the in vitro
isolated brainstem of adult guinea-pig perfused independently through the basilar artery
and the bath.
2. Respiratory motor output was recorded with a suction electrode from cranial hypoglossal
(XII) roots. Changes in pH and CO2 in the Krebs perfusate were made by changing either
the bicarbonate concentration or the Pco, saturating the Krebs solution.
3. Changes in basilar artery perfusate consisting of (i) an acidifying increase in PCO, (hyper-
capnic acidic Krebs solution), (ii) an increase in Pco, with no change in pH (hypercapnic
Krebs solution), or (iii) a decrease in pH with no change in Pco, (acidic Krebs solution)
evoked increases in respiratory frequency and a concomitant decrease in inspiratory burst
4. Bath superfusion with hypercapnic acidic Krebs solution increased the inspiratory burst
amplitude with no effect on respiratory burst frequency.
5. Bath superfusion with hypercapnic non-acidic Krebs solution increased the inspiratory
burst amplitude and decreased the respiratory frequency, while normocapnic acidic Krebs
solution increased the respiratory frequency with no change in burst amplitude.
6. These results show that respiratory responses to changes in CO2 and pH depend upon the
sites of action. While a CO2 increase or a pH decrease affected the respiratory frequency in
the deep brainstem structures (perfused through the basilar artery), CO2 respiratory
chemosensitivity at the ventral surface could be differentiated from the hydrogen ion
chemosensitivity. This suggests that different mechanisms mediated respiratory responses
when deep versus superficial brainstem structures were stimulated.

It has been well established that after deafferentation of of the brainstem induced by CO2 inhalation (Cohen, 1968;
peripheral chemoreceptors, central respiratory chemo- Mitchell & Herbert, 1974; Trouth, Patrickson, Holloway &
sensitivity persists in the brainstem. However, questions Wright, 1982; Arita, Kuwana, Ichikawa & Kogo, 1989;
regarding the location and the stimuli involved in central Kogo & Arita, 1990). One particular stimulus may either
respiratory acid-base homeostasis have not yet been activate, inhibit or have no effect on the cells (Arita et al.
resolved. 1989). However, it is unknown whether or not the
The central chemosensitive mechanism has been ascribed activation or inhibition of neuronal firing rate is due to a
to defined areas on the ventral medullary surface direct effect on chemosensitive neurones or is dependent
(Mitchell, Loeschcke, Massion & Severinghaus, 1963; upon synaptic connections. Recently Takeda & Haji
Schlaefke, See & Loeschcke, 1970). However, recent (1991) have shown that most respiratory neurones located
studies have shown that other areas within the brainstem in the ventral respiratory group (nucleus ambiguus) have
could also be responsible for central respiratory responses a postsynaptic response to a hypercapnic ventilatory
to CO2 (Arita, Kogo & Ichikawa, 1988; Konig & Seller, stimulation. On the other hand, in the brainstem slice
1991; Sato, Severinghaus & Basbaum, 1992). Several preparation, Dean and collaborators (Dean, Bayliss,
attempts have been made to record from cells involved in Erickson, Lawing & Millhorn, 1990) have described a
this respiratory regulation within the brainstem and to depolarization of cells recorded in the nucleus tractus
relate changes in their firing rate to changes in the acidity solitarius after bath superfusion of a hypercapnic Krebs
204 M. P. Morin-Surun and others J. Physiol. 485.1

solution, even after synaptic blockade. These different consisted of (mM): NaCl, 124; KCl, 5; MgSO4, 2-2; KH2PO4,112;
results reopen the question about the location of NaHCO3, 26; CaCl2, 2; glucose, 10; and was saturated with 95%
brainstem chemosensitive sites. 02 and 5% C02 (pH 7.38 + 0 06). Respiratory-related activity
was monitored from the hypoglossal roots through a glass suction
Regarding the nature of the central chemosensitive electrode. Nerve activity was amplified and filtered (10-100 Hz)
stimulus, it has long been thought that the hydrogen ion with a preamplifier. The half-wave activity of the hypoglossal
concentration of the medullary extracellular fluid is of roots was integrated through a passive RC integrating circuit
primary importance rather than the content of carbon (time constant 20 ms). All signals were displayed on an
dioxide in the extracellular space (Loeschcke, 1982; oscilloscope and simultaneously recorded on digital tape and a
thermal paper recorder.
Millhorn & Eldridge, 1986). Recent evidence, however,
indicates that C02 plays an independent role. Using the Changes in Po, and H+ concentration of the Krebs
isolated brainstem preparation of the newborn rat, perfusate
Harada, Kuno & Wang (1985) have differentiated The hydrogen ion concentration of the perfusate was adjusted by
between the respiratory effects of hydrogen ions and changing the bicarbonate (NaHCO3) concentration to 10 mm for
molecular C02. Similarly, in tissue culture, Neubauer, acidic Krebs solution (pH 6 9-7 2) and to 60 mm for alkaline
Krebs solution (pH 7 6-7 8). The osmolarity of the Krebs
Chou, Gonzales, Sterbenz, Geller & Edelman (1991) have solution was maintained by adjusting the NaCl concentration.
demonstrated that ventral brainstem neurones respond
directly to C02. Increases in Pco2 were obtained by increasing the percentage of
C02 (FCO2) bubbled through the Krebs solution. Hypercapnic
Recently, we have developed a perfused isolated brain- acidic Krebs solution was obtained by increasing Fco2 (from 5%
stem preparation of the adult guinea-pig which maintains to 9-13%) giving an acidic pH (pH 6 9-7 2). Hypercapnic Krebs
a functional respiratory network (Morin-Surun, Boudinot, solution without change in pH (hypercapnic non-acidic Krebs
Sarraseca, Fortin & Denavit-Saubie, 1992). In this solution) was obtained by increasing FCO2 (from 5% to 9-13%)
preparation it is possible to separate the ventral surface and increasing [NaHCO3] to 60 mm. The FCO2 in the gas mixture
superfusion (accessed by the bath) from the extracellular equilibrating the Krebs solution was measured with an infrared
fluid perfusion (accessed by the basilar artery) (see C02 gas analyser.
Methods). Furthermore this preparation allows us to Durations of different perfusate applications through the basilar
control the metabolite concentration of the perfusion artery were estimated after obtaining a respiratory effect that
was reversible within -15 min. Basilar artery applications of
medium. acid or alkaline Krebs solution were effective after 1 min.
The aim of the present study was to separate the Hypercapnic acid and hypercapnic non-acidic Krebs solution
respiratory effects of CO2 and pH in different brainstem applications were effective after 3 min. Bath superfusion was
areas. Preliminary reports of this work have been effective after 15 min. The long delay of the response in bath
presented in symposia (Denavit-Saubie, Morin-Surun, superfusion is due to the experimental conditions. When we
measured the bath concentrations of H+, we observed that the
Jacquin, Schiifer & Boudinot, 1993; Morin-Surun, Schiifer superfusion had to be continued for 15 min before the entire
& Denavit-Saubie, 1994) volume of the bath was completely replaced (see Fig. 5). Control
ionic composition reappeared within 35 min of superfusion with
control Krebs solution.
METHODS Data analysis
In vitro perfused isolated brainstem preparation of adult
guinea-pig The phasic neural activity recorded from hypoglossal roots
consisted of a single burst followed by low-amplitude tonic
Data were obtained from twenty-five adult guinea-pigs activity. The burst of activity represents the inspiratory-related
(200-320 g) anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone phase and the low tonic activity the expiratory-related phase
(30 mg kg' i.P.), decapitated at the first cervical vertebra and (Fukuda & Honda, 1982; Hwang, St-John & Bartlett, 1983). One
decerebrated at the intercollicular level. The brainstem with the cycle was considered to begin at the onset of the inspiratory
cerebellum was rapidly removed from the cranium (within burst and to end at the onset of the next inspiratory burst. The
2-3 min). During this surgical procedure, cold (4 °C), oxygenated integrated hypoglossal nerve activity was digitized with an
Krebs solution was dripped onto the exposed brain surfaces. The A/D-converter CED 1401 (Cambridge Electronic Design Limited,
brainstem was held in place by pins, ventral surface upward, in a Cambridge, UK) to calculate the following respiratory variables:
recording chamber filled with oxygenated Krebs solution at room respiratory burst frequency, duration of the inspiratory and
temperature. The basilar artery was rapidly (within 2-3 min) expiratory phases, and amplitude of the integrated neural
cannulated with a catheter inserted at the level of the pons, and activity. For each experiment, respiratory variables were
the vascular system was perfused (1X6-2 ml min-) with averaged over ten consecutive cycles during control conditions
oxygenated Krebs solution at room temperature using a and at the time of the maximal effect. The maximal effect for
peristaltic pump (Minipuls 2, Gilson Medical Electronics SA, each protocol was expressed as a percentage of the control value.
France). Caudal ends of arteries at the first cervical segment of All data are given as means + standard error of the mean.
the spinal cord were ligated (within 2-3 min). The pia mater was Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t test for
completely removed from the ventral surface. The entire surface related measures and data were judged to be significant when
of the brainstem was immersed and continuously superfused at a P< 0*05.
constant rate (2-2-5 ml min-). The control Krebs solution
J. Phy8iol. 485.1 Central chemosensitivity in isolated brainstem 205

RESULTS Figure 2 illustrates the mean values of the maximal

Respiratory effects induced by changes in pH respiratory effects after the various modifications to the
and/or Pco, of the vascular perfusion perfusion solutions. Hypercapnic acidic Krebs solution
Figure 1 illustrates the pattern of the inspiratory activity (FCO2 11P3 + 0-6%, pH 6-97 + 0-06, n = 5) increased the
maximal respiratory burst frequency by 118 + 16%
recorded from the hypoglossal roots of the brainstem (P< 0-01, n = 5,) within 3 min of the arrival of the test
preparation. Under control conditions, the respiratory solution to the brainstem, whereas the maximal decrease
variables showed slight burst-to-burst variations. When
in the burst amplitude (284 + 45%, P< 001, n = 5)
the control Krebs solution perfusing the basilar artery
was replaced (for 3 min) by a hypercapnic acidic Krebs appeared within 5 min. The effect on respiratory burst
solution, the respiratory burst frequency increased frequency was essentially due to a decrease in the
significantly with a concomitant decrease in the expiratory duration (59X8 + 3-8%, P< 0 01) together
respiratory integrated neural activity. with inconsistent change in the inspiratory duration
(1P7 + 6-2%). The control values recovered within
7-10 min of return to the control medium.
pH 6-9
Fco'13% 3 min

Int XII uJ%

pH 7-4
Fc°2 1 1 %

Int XII L"

Figure 1. Effects of intrabasilar artery perfusion on integrated respiratory activity recorded
from hypoglossal nerve activity (nt XII)
Horizontal bars indicate the duration of the application of the medium into the perfusion. The values of
the FCO, and the pH perfused are indicated over the bars. Control values were FCO, 5% and pH 7'4.
Upper trace, respiratory variation during hypercapnic acidic Krebs solution application. Lower trace,
respiratory variation during hypercapnic non-acidic Krebs solution application.
206 M. P. Morin-Surun and others J. Physiol. 485.1

Vascular perfusion Bath superfusion

** ***
120 120 -

o 80 80 -
40 -

0 LJi

-40 -40-

o 40- 40 -

a) C 0 0

-s -40 - U
-40 J

Figure 2. Effects of perfusate on respiratory variables

Maximal variations in respiratory frequency and amplitude induced by the different Krebs solutions in
the vascular system perfusion and the bath superfusion. O, hypercapnic + acidic pH; 0, hypercapnic
+ normal pH; U, normocapnic + acidic pH. Mean values (+ S.E.M.) are given as a percentage of the
control values. ***P< 0 01, **P< 0-02.

, -. MI I 1 ;
pH 6-9 1 min


pH 7-7

Figure 3. Respiratory effects of an acidic and alkaline solution perfused through the basilar
Recordings are effected on the same preparations. Upper trace, increase of respiratory frequency,
recorded as integrated hypoglossal nerve activity (Int XII), after intrabasilar artery perfusion of acidic
solution for 1 min (horizontal bar). Lower trace, decrease of respiratory frequency after alkaline
perfusion for 1 min (horizontal bar). Thirty minutes elapsed between both applications; the pH of the
control medium was 7-3.
J Physiol. 485.1 Central chemosensitivity in isolated brainstem 207

When the isolated brainstem was perfused through the burst frequency (53 9 + 17-8%, P< 0 01, n = 4) with a
basilar artery with hypercapnic non-acidic solution (Fco, slight and inconsistent increase in the amplitude of the
10 3 + 0 5%, pH 7-32 + 0-02, n = 5), the respiratory burst inspiratory burst (7 1 + 5-8%; Fig. 3). This decrease of
frequency increased significantly (115-3 + 15-7 %, the respiratory burst frequency was due to an increase in
P< 0. 01, n = 5; Fig. 2, left-hand histogram). As with a the expiratory duration (88'1 + 36'0%, P< 0 01) and a
hypercapnic acidic medium, this effect was rapidly slight but significant increase in the inspiratory duration
followed by a significant decrease in the amplitude (i1O0 + 6'1 %, P < 0'02). Respiratory variables recovered
(23f7 + 5-2 %, P< 0 01, n = 5) of the inspiratory burst to control values within 9 0 + 09 min.
(Fig. 1). The increased respiratory frequency was due to a
decrease in the expiratory duration (55'2 + 7 9%, Respiratory effects induced by changes in pH
P< 0 01) together with little change in the inspiratory and/or Pco of the bath superfusion
duration (-5-48 + 6-4%). Recovery to control values Bath superfusion of hypercapnic acidic medium (Fco.
appeared within 8 min of return to the control medium 10'36 + 0-67%I pH 7 07 + 0 03, n = 5) for 15 min
(8-1 + 1P3 min). increased the inspiratory burst amplitude (Fig. 2). The
maximal increase (17-8 + 6-0%, P< 0-02, n = 5)
A 1 min application of acidic Krebs solution perfused appeared within the first 10 min (9'9 + 1-3 min) of
through the basilar artery (Fco, 5%, pH 6-99 + 0-02, superfusion of the test solution. During this time, the
n = 4) increased the frequency with a decrease in the burst frequency was unaffected (457 + 417%, n = 5).
amplitude of the inspiratory burst (Figs 2 and 3). This After 25 min of wash, the burst amplitude had nearly
increase in the respiratory frequency was due to a recovered to control values.
simultaneous decrease in both the expiratory duration
(38'6 + 9-6%, P< 0 01) and the inspiratory duration To dissociate the effects of FCO, and H+ on the ventral
(19-9 + 4-2%, P< 0 01). Recovery to control values was surface, we superfused a hypercapnic non-acidic medium
observed within 8 min (7-2 + 2 min) of return to the (FcO2 9'4 + 0 07 %, pH 7'34 + 0'03, n = 5) for 15 min. The
control medium. respiratory effects were different from those observed
after superfusion with the hypercapnic acidic medium
Alkalinization of the medium perfusing the basilar artery and are illustrated in Fig. 4A.
(FcO2 5%, pH 7-8 + 0 03, n = 4) decreased the respiratory

A FCO2 9-6%, pH 7-3


.1-.& Llk-J.A IL-LILAU J.-I -1 -L LLj m . I -1

Int XII -, -.- -r -r


B Fc0025%, pH 68
t = 30 min t = 60 min

Int XII .-I I L L-1- I I I II ILL-it I-JLL-,] I I I-LLA- I I-A Lit L-1 iljltl 1,11 000000
"Alu"AllnuJIMSMAIII 0 0 00 0 0

5 min

Figure 4. Respiratory effects of bath superfusion

Differential respiratory effects during bath superfusions of a hypercapnic non-acidic (A) and a
normocapnic acidic solution (B). Horizontal bars indicate the duration of the superfusion (15 min). Fco2
and pH values of the superfused medium are presented over the bars; Fco2 of the control medium was
208 M. P. Morin-Surun and others J. Physiol. 485.1

On average, we observed a significant increase in the DISCUSSION

burst amplitude (33 9 + 11P3%, P< 0-02, n = 5) together In this study, we show that the isolated perfused adult
with a significant decrease in the respiratory burst brainstem retains a central respiratory chemosensitivity.
frequency (31i6 + 5 5%, P< 0-01, n = 5) within the first This chemosensitivity may regulate the respiratory
15 min (Fig. 2) with no significant change in the rhythmicity by different mechanisms, depending upon
inspiratory duration. After 60 min of wash, the the site of action and the nature of the stimuli.
respiratory activity returned to control values.
Oxygen diffusion measurements in this preparation have
Figure 4B illustrates the effects of pH on the hypoglossal shown that bath superfusion irrigates only the first
respiratory burst activity. On average, a 15 min 300 /sm of superficial tissue while the basilar perfusion
superfusion of normocapnic acidic medium (Fco2 5 %, irrigates all brainstem structures (Schiifer, Morin-Surun &
pH 6-99 + 0-02, n = 4) induced a long-lasting (10-40 min) Denavit-Saubie, 1993). When the brainstem was perfused
increase in the respiratory frequency (27-1 + 06 %, via the basilar artery, C02 and pH produced the same
P< 0.01, n = 4) without a significant change in the burst changes in respiratory burst activity. This indicates first
amplitude (Fig. 2). This increase resulted from a decrease that central chemosensitivity exists within the brainstem
in the expiratory duration (42-0 + 341 %, P< 0.01, n = 4). and second that the nature of the chemostimuli within the
Conversely, the respiratory frequency was decreased brainstem structures are not discernable by their specific
(28 2 + 1P9%, P< 0 01, n = 4 ) after a 15 min superfusion effects on the respiratory related variables, suggesting
of alkaline normocapnic medium (Fco, 5%, pH 7-80 + 0 03, that both stimuli act on the same target to achieve
n = 4) (Fig. 5). The maximal decrease appeared at the chemosensitive regulation. On the other hand,
same time as the plateau pH reached the steady-state pH superfusion of the ventral surface with Krebs solution
in the bath solution. This decrease was due to an increase equilibrated to different PCO2 and pH levels produced
in the expiratory duration (45 4 + 2 7 %, P < 0 01, n = 4) distinct effects on the respiratory variables: acidic pH
with little change in the inspiratory duration. The stimulated respiratory burst frequency whereas increased
decrease in burst frequency was accompanied by an C02 levels increased the amplitude of the inspiratory
increase in the amplitude of the inspiratory burst burst, concomitant with a decrease in the burst frequency.
(15-3 + 1P2%, P< 0.01, n = 4). This suggests that C02 and pH act as distinct stimuli on

7-8 -


7-4 -

0 10 20 30 40 50 min

FC2 5% pH 7-8 5 m

1 _-

C°2i '..L
5LLIL iLflhLn
1. -

Figure 5. Time course of the diffusion of a Krebs solution alkalinization in the bath
superfusion and the induced respiratory effect
A, time course of the pH values in the bath during 15 min of an alkaline Krebs solution application,
indicated by the horizontal bar. B, integrated hypoglossal nerve activity (Int XII) during the same
time. Control values were Fco, 5 % and pH 7.4.
J. Phy-siol. 485.1 Central chemosensitivity in isolated brainstem 209

the ventral surface to modulate respiratory burst time course of the changes in the bath concentrations of
activity. This difference between respiratory responses C02 and pH (see Fig. 5). Since superfusion of a hyper-
evoked by C02 acting within the brainstem and on the capnic acidic medium can only activate cells located
ventral surface suggests the existence of different within 300 ,um of the ventral surface, the effect on
chemosensitive mechanisms in deep and superficial respiratory neurones in the ventral respiratory group
structures. could be due either to synaptic inputs coming from specific
In vivo, perfusion of subarachnoid spaces with solutions chemosensitive cells located at the ventral surface, or to a
of low pH and high C02 increased ventilation and direct effect of C02 on the rostrally projecting dendritic
contributed to proof of the existence of central respiratory arborization of neurones comprising the Botzinger
chemosensitivity (Schlaefke, 1981; Loeschcke, 1982; complex (Grelot, Bianchi, Iscoe & Remmers, 1988; Nattie
Millhorn & Eldridge, 1986). CO2 (9-13%) and pH (7-7 8) & Li, 1990).
levels used in this study represent the extreme of values A change in Pco, and pH of the Krebs solution perfusing
observed in vivo. Similar pH fluctuations in vivo produced the basilar artery consistently evoked changes in the
respiratory responses many times larger than those respiratory burst frequency. In vivo, intravertebral artery
documented here. Several factors could account for the injection of C02-saturated saline associated with an acidic
quantitative differences in responsiveness observed in shift of extracellular fluid pH evokes a transient increase
vivo and in vitro. The extreme values of pH required to in the respiratory frequency (Ichikawa, Kuwana & Arita,
evoke responses in the in vitro preparations (Kaila, 1989). Furthermore, modification of the respiratory
Voipio, Paalasmaa, Pasternack & Deisz, 1993) may be frequency is observed in response to C02 inhalation in
related to the complete isolation of the brainstem chronically instrumented cats when the ventral surface is
structures from any peripheral and central inputs. destroyed (Schlaefke, See, Herker-See & Loeschcke, 1979).
Furthermore, the in vitro preparation is maintained in Our results demonstrate that these effects described in
survival conditions at 27 0C to reduce the metabolic rate vivo on the respiratory frequency are induced in deep
of the brain tissue, rendering the preparation stable for structures of the brainstem.
a long period of time. It is well known that the
chemosensitive respiratory response is temperature An increase in respiratory burst frequency after basilar
dependant. Decreases in the ventral surface temperature artery perfusion or bath superfusion of an acidic Krebs
decreased the ventilatory response to hypercapnia solution is also observed in the isolated newborn
inhalation (Cherniack, von Euler, Homma & Kao, 1979). brainstem preparation (Harada et al. 1985; Tarasiuk &
Grossman, 1991; Issa & Remmers, 1992). The main effect
Respiratory responses to vascular and ventral of this stimulus is on the expiratory duration. We have
surface perfusions shown that in this in vitro preparation, as in vivo, there is
In this study, superfusion of the different test solutions a relationship between the inspiratory and expiratory
over the ventral surface modified respiratory parameters. duration (Morin-Surun et al. 1992). However, in the
These results confirm that respiratory chemosensitivity is present study as in other in vitro studies (Murakoshi,
also present on the ventral medullary surface in the Suzue & Tamai, 1985; Greer, Smith & Feldman, 1991; Di
isolated brainstem of the adult guinea-pig. As in vivo Pascale, Morin, Monteau & Hilaire, 1992), this
(Schlaefke, 1981; Loeschcke, 1982; Millhorn & Eldridge, relationship is easily disturbed by modifying the
1986), a hypercapnic acidic medium applied to the ventral composition of the extracellular fluid, i.e. the expiratory
surface increased the respiratory burst amplitude which duration is more sensitive than the inspiratory duration.
corresponds to either an increased recruitment or a Changes in the inspiratory-expiratory relationship could
depolarisation of neurones in the respiratory network. be the result of changes in the synaptic inputs to the
Three different chemosensitive areas have been described respiratory neurones. For example, the expiratory
on the ventral medullary surface. Organized as a rostro- duration might be affected by any non-specific excitatory
caudal column, they are the rostral, the intermediate and input such as (CO2) which triggers the 'on switch'
the caudal chemosensitive fields, named M, S and L, inspiratory mechanism.
respectively (Schlaefke, 1981; Loeschcke, 1982; Millhorn In this study, only stimulation of external structures by
& Eldridge, 1986). Bilateral cold block of the intermediate
area (S) causes apnoea when aortic and sinus nerves are hypercapnic acidic Krebs solution produces a response
cut (Schlaefke et al. 1970). This effect has led to the
close to that seen in vivo in decerebrate vagotomized cats
after C02 inhalation (Bradley, von Euler, Marttila & Roos,
working hypothesis that the information from both
chemosensitive fields (rostral (M) and caudal (L) areas) 1974). This suggests that in vivo, ventral surface
converges within the intermediate area (S), from where it stimulation plays the major role in producing the
is relayed to the respiratory integrative network located respiratory response. Furthermore, this should lead to the
deeper within the brainstem. In the present study, the conclusion that both pH and C02 are important
time course of the respiratory response is related to the respiratory stimuli since the in vivo response is only
observed in vitro when both stimuli are present.
210 M. P. Morin-Surun and others J. Physiol. 485.1

Nature of the stimuli implicated in the different there is a link between the neuronal excitability and the
respiratory effects regulation of the neuronal intracellular pH. It is well
Basilar artery perfusion with either hypercapnic non- established that respiratory rhythmicity is dependent
acidic or normocapnic acidic Krebs solution evoked upon synaptic connections between different types of
qualitatively the same responses as perfusion with hyper- respiratory neurones (Ballantyne & Richter, 1984;
capnic acidic Krebs solution. This shows that the same Richter, Ballantyne & Remmers, 1986; Ezure, 1990;
respiratory response can be effected by either hydrogen Onimaru & Homma, 1992) and particularly important is
ions, bicarbonate ions or carboxylic acid within deeper GABAergic reciprocal inhibition (Champagnat, Denavit-
structures. There are at least two explanations for these Saubie, Moyanova & Rondouin, 1982; Pierrefiche, Foutz &
observations. One is that each stimulus alone is able to Denavit-Saubie, 1993). The modulation of GABAergic
affect all the respiratory neurones implicated in the transmission by bicarbonate or consequently by hydrogen
regulation of the respiratory burst frequency. The other ion concentration in the extracellular space may explain
possibility is that changes in any one of these stimuli leads the change in the respiratory frequency that we observed
to only one stimulus for respiratory cells because of the with changes in the bicarbonate concentration of the
chemical interdependence of these stimuli. C02 dissociates perfusate solution.
freely in the extracellular space and, as such, Recent results of hypoxic acidification of the ventral
chemotransduction mechanisms may very well occur medullary chemosensitive areas in vivo (Xu, Sato,
here. The other key factor in this interdependence is the Spellman, Mitchell & Severinghaus, 1992) contradict the
enzyme carbonic anhydrase. This enzyme is present only hypothesis that the normal stimulus of medullary ventral
in a small number of neurones (Neubauer et al. 1991) but respiratory chemoreceptors is an acidification of the
exists to a large degree in glia and in the endothelium of extracellular fluid. The authors speculate that the chemo-
blood vessels (Pan, Nauss, Bernard, Douglas & Trouth, receptor neurones respond to changes in their
1991), confirming the extra neuronal space for the transmembrane H+ gradient. In this model, an
chemotransduction mechanisms. electrogenic inward flux of H+ would depolarize the
The classical view is that the chemosensitive stimulus is chemoreceptor cells, whereas outward H+ flux would
the hydrogen ion (Loeschke, 1982). In the present study hyperpolarize them. In the present study, such a
we differentiate between the role of pH (i.e. hydrogen transmembrane H+ gradient could explain the effect of
ions) and C02 in the ventral chemosensitive response. We high Fco, solution when applied superficially, as CO2
show that acidic pH stimulates respiratory activity by an easily penetrates the extracellular space at the ventral
increase of the respiratory burst frequency while surface (followed by the intracellular compartment) where
elevation of CO2 affects the respiratory burst amplitude. the buffering capacity is much higher than in the
This implies that in the cerebrospinal fluid, CO2 acts extracellular fluid. Thus, this mechanism could explain
independently from hydrogen ions on a specific target to the different respiratory effects observed after changes of
increase the amplitude of the neural burst. Respiratory C02 in the perfusate solution between the ventral surface
effects induced by a change in pH on the ventral surface and the brainstem deep structures.
and within the brainstem were similar while C02 had Conclusion
different effects on the respiratory activity, depending on
the brainstem structures stimulated. This suggests that The isolated perfused brainstem preparation is
C02 preferentially stimulated chemosensitive cells on the particularly convenient for studying brainstem chemo-
ventral surface while hydrogen acted on the same target sensitivity. Respiratory chemoresponses are evoked by
both within the brainstem and on the ventral surface. Use different brainstem areas. On the ventral surface, this
of a novel fast CO2/H+-sensitive microelectrode (Voipio & regulation seems to be functionally specific for the C02
Kaila, 1993) within the different chemosensitive areas content of the superfusing medium.
located at the ventral surface and within the brainstem
would help to reveal any correlation between effects on
respiratory motor output and variations in Fcoj/pH
levels. ARITA, H., KOGO, N. & ICHIKAWA, K. (1988). Rapid and transient
excitation of respiration mediated by central chemoreceptor.
Possible neuronal mechanisms implicated in the Journal of Applied Physiology 64, 1369-1375.
respiratory chemosensitive responses ARITA, H., KUWANA, S., ICHIKAWA, K. & KOGO, N. (1989). Possible
In vivo, C02 evokes changes in postsynaptic activity of locations of pH-dependent central chemoreceptors: intra-
respiratory neurones located in the ventral respiratory medullary regions with acidic shift of extracellular fluid pH during
hypercapnia. Brain Research 485, 285-293.
area (Takeda & Haji, 1991) which could result from a
modulation of neurotransmission. Such modulation has BALLANTYNE, D. & RICHTER, D. W. (1984). Post-synaptic inhibition
of the bulbar inspiratory neurones in the cats. Journal of
been described for bicarbonate ions which act as charge Physiology 348, 67-87.
carriers of GABA-gated currents (Kaila et al. 1993). Thus,
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This work was supported by CNRS and DRET 92.075. T. Schiafer
was supported by an European Neuroscience Programme Short-
Term Fellowship of the European Science Foundation. The
authors wish to thank Dr Schlaefke for her comments on the
discussion and Dr H. A. McLean for English revisions and
scientific comments.
Author's present address
T. Schiifer: Abteilung fur angewandte Physiologie, Ruhr-
Universitiat Bochum, UniversitUtstraB3e 150, D-44780 Bochum,

Received 25 January 1994; accepted 2 November 1994.

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