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According to Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “A goal without plan is just a wish. Goal is the

aim of the person which they desired to achieve it in the future but goal will not work if most of

us are just thinking it just a goal without doing an action. Will this plan with action helps the

family to strengthen their needs in times of emergency situation?

One of the current situation that is rapidly growing in our country are the problem of

teenage pregnancy which are bound by many consequences like getting pregnant without a

proper plan or budget that can sustain them in their needs. As much as we don’t want to think

about this issues, but we do not know our future.

According to Marc Adrian of I Money Learning Centre Philippines, pregnancy covers a lot of

expenses such like in their prenatal check-ups, ultra-sound and scans, normal delivery,

caesarian section and other miscellaneous fees which will cost around 500,000.00 or even

more. In this situation, planning before having pregnant will help the current situation of teenage


Life insurance creates a big impact also in the educational purposes. Education is one of the

most important factor which will result to a child’s brighter future but there are many hindrances

or obstacles that we will face just like the every year rising cost of the tuition. Best start of

planning are the vision in making your goal be successful by making an action.

One of the benefits of life insurance is to help the sick or even in burial. True story of

married couple which is John and Anne Ganggos survived the hardship of life because of the

help of life insurance. When John Ganggos died in cancer, he make sure that his family and

their business will not suffer if something will happen to him. After he died, her wife received the
death benefits from John’s personal life insurance and because of that her family was taken

care by the life insurance for lifetime.

According to Future General Total Insurance Solutions, life insurance is very important

when it terms in financial planning like in the increasing of inflation and changing in lifestyle of

individual. Planning should be given much important to attain the different goal and also to meet

the individual’s need in the different stages in life such like protection, savings and wealth


Life insurance can flex at any circumstances and at this stage discipline will emerge.

Simple financial planning may vary for it can create impact to help the community and other

in the society. It is a big help in times of needs or emergency which is unexpected. It is very

reliable, accessible and can rely on. There are many ways to save and plan your goal to

achieved it like simple savings, putting goals in the notepad so that it will not be erase and the

exact year which you want to achieved it, discipline in using money and lastly sacrificing.

Life insurance will gives us the opportunity to have a life that is away to any problems and

to lessen our burdens. Financial planning will come because you will decide which way your

money go and choose the best way so that your family and others that are very much important

to us are in good hand.

According to Alexa Von, “A good financial plan is road map that shows us exactly how the

choices we make today will affect our future.” Therefore our future lies at our hand and every

single goal should have plan and the specific action so that in the end we can attain our

individual goal in our life.

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