VKCTE Audit Report 2020-21

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\VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST MARCH, 2024 VIVEKANANDA KENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRJULI |. SOURCES OF FUND: Schedule 34.03.2024 31.03.2020 1.0. ACCOUNTS: 2016732208 15419483.85 ‘Add: College Development Fee 191300000 2417000.00 Ad: Excess of Income over Expenditures Transferred {rom income & Expenditures Ale 1296197.10 _2330696.21 Dasi646@ 16 9018730206 ‘Add: Capital Grant Received from ONGC, Lid. (upto 31.03.2021) 313370400 _§3133704.00 76450163.16 ~ 73301026.06 VKVAP Trust 2391468.00 _4884471.00 7a781631.16 _ 77985497.06. 2 CURRENT LIABILITIES & PROVISIONS ‘Student Securty Deposit 542500.00 515000.00 ‘Audit Fee Payable 3150.00, 3150.00 ‘Unspent Balance of NSS Activities 0564.00 0.00 606334.00 518150.00 79387965.16 __78503647.06 1 FIXED ASSETS 1 (@) Gross block 2287161700 19108383.00 (©) Less : Depreciation 736639.00 605042.00 (©) Net Block 2213477800 16503341.00 2 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS & ADVANCES. 2 (@) Loans & Advances 4787574100 _47713706.00 (@) Cash & Bank Balances 9003253.16 12159497.06 (©) Interest Accrued on Fixed Deposit 574183.00 127103.00 15725318716 _60000306.06 "79387965.16 3503647.06 NOTES ON ACCOUNT 3) se APARNA PALKAR ‘SECRETARY mr RT We have audited the Balance Sheet of VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS, ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST, VIVEKANANDA XENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRJULI as at 31st March, 2021 and the Income & Expenditure Account of the ‘said Trust for the year ended 31st March 2021, both annexed hereto. These financial statements are the responsibilty of the ‘Administrative Committee. Our responsibilty is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our aualt in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit Includes examination, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the Administrative Committee, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give a true and talr view ) inthe case of the Balance Sheet ofthe state of affairs of the Trust as at 31st March, 2021 b) _inthe case of the Income and Expenditure Account of the Income of the Trust on that date, For KANO! ASSOCIATES. (ICAI REGN, NO, 309101) ‘Chartered Accountants P.K. GOENKA PLACE : DIBRUGARH Partner DATED : 30TH JULY, 2021 Mocca UDIN NO. : 21050946AAARBW8517 VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR MIVEKANANDA KENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRIUL ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2021 INCOME 2020-2021 2019-2020 (CONTRIBUTION FROM PARENTS: ‘Admission Fee 118380000 1497850.00 Registration & Enrolment Fee 253500.00 202000.00 Establshme 3158800.00 2959650.00 Resource Center Utitsaton Fee 118380.00 150250.00 Tution Fee 1183800.00 148425000 Library & Magazine Fee 2237500.00 296700.00 ‘Games & Sports / Cultural Fee 157840.00 +198300.00 ‘Computer Fee 157840.00 +98000.00 Examination Feo 207380.00 310837.00 Field Tip Chrages 118360.00 +50000.00 Wdentiy Card Fee 30420.00 20200.00 Fine 0.00 1043.00 ‘Stationary Charges 194731.00 199250.00 7000371,00 __6668330.00 Bank interest Interest on savings accounts 45952.00 96222.00 Interest on fixed deposits 450481.00 502416.00, 496433.00 598638.00 749680400 9266968.00 ‘EXPENDITURE : Pay Allowances Salary 5136648.00 __$576012.00 ‘Contibution o Staff welfare scheme Employer's Contribution to Provident Fund 9850.00 30199.00 Employers Contibuton to Famy Pension Fund 7250.00 168825.00 Employer's Contribution to EDL 4275.00 4118.00 ‘Administrative Charges on PF & EDL 11318.00 4171700 Gratuity +129509.00 48103.00 Contributions to staff Mediclaim Policy 8200.00 6612.00 254402.00 7169384.00 '5391051.00 __5747396.00 Administrative Expenses. Traveling & conveyance 24228.00 +110300.00 ‘Transportation charges 0.00 4200.00 Postage & Telephone Charges Paid 19181.00 351.00 Advertisement charges 28728.00 58275.00 Bank charges 810.90 767.78 Rent +28000.00 78000.00 Insurance 16165400 4874700 Audit fees 3500.00 3500.00 Loga & Professional charges paid 2.00 1500.00 Repairs to other Asstes 1100.00 20228.00 267201.90 Page -2 College Expenses, College Affiliation Renewal Fee & Other Charges paid to RGU Functions & celebrations Camp & Seminar, Meeting expenses Classroom Expenses Examination Expenses Fleld Tip charges pald Printing & Otfce Stationaries Games & Sports Prizes: Poriodicals & Subscriptions. College & Office Expenses Depreciation Excess of Income over Expencsture transterred to Capital Reserve 2020-2021 2019-2020 a1es1s00 24857000 21142.00 41820700 11085.00 4026.00 5227000 1484200 0.00 58208.00 a0 ——_2se6a6.00 4900.00 4791500 9901.00 52109000 10530.00 1690.00 470000 15004.00 6494.00 441000 —_s7os17.00, | __727817.00_ 13179700 5260665.90 ‘As per our report on the Balance Sheet For KANOI ASSOCIATES (CAI REGN. NO. 309101E) Chartered Accountants eS Zara sconal PLACE : DIBRUGARH DATED : 30TH JULY, 2021 Partner LUDIN NO. : 21050046AKAABWAS17 \VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUS™ SCHEDULE.“ OF FIXED ASSETS AS ON 31ST MARCH, 2021 \VIVEKANANDA KENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRJUL. Ross _ELOCK DEPRECIATION NeT__BLOCK. BALANCE, BALANCE cost As ADDITIONS TOTAL uPTOLAST ‘ASON ‘ASON PARTICULARS ON142020 UptoSastenoer ter September «COST ‘ACCOUNT THis YEAR ‘TOTAL 98,2021 31.¢3.2020 Building workin progress ‘7371842.00 234852600 137721800 71004266.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21004288.00 17371842.00 Furiture & Focures 1495694.00, 000 3919000 0s024.00 39336200 100208.00 50258500 —1002420.00 s072442.00 ‘Computer & Electronic items 186808.00 0.00 000 158503,00 +35388,00 2448.00 143831.00 1267200 2v120.00 rary Books. 196074.00 0.00 130000 10737400 73471.00 49201.00 9877200 20802.00 :32603,00 Machinary ‘3490.00 0.00 0.00 8430.00, 2796.00 1545.00 2641.00 4769.00 624.00 Total — 19708565,00 234852600 141770800 __22671617.00 ‘0504200 astTo700 73683000. 2213677800 778503361.00 {As per our report onthe Balance Sheet For KANOI ASSOCIATES (ICAI REGN. NO. 3001016) Chartered Accountants PRs se PK. GOENKA Partner LACE: DISRUGARH [APARNA PALKAR inca DATED: 30TH JULY, 2021 ‘SECRETARY Lonino :210sceuenamaswest7 \VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST VIVEKANANDA KENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRJ ‘Schedule 2 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS & ADVANCES : (a) LOANS & ADVANCES : (2) Ms, NT, Industries (0) Sti Nikam Beyong (©) Staff Advance (Security Deposit paid for Rent (®) TOSClaim AY. 2017-18 AY. 2018-19 AY. 2020-21 (0) CASH & BANK BALANCES as on 31/03/2021 : (2) State Bank of India, Nijuli SB A/c No. 35889320860 ) (©) State Bank of India, Nijull S/B Ale No, 39202676628 (@) State Bank of india, Dibrugarh F/D Account PLACE : DIBRUGARH. DATED : 30TH JULY, 2021, ‘SCHEDULES ANNEXED TO & FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2021 31.03.2021 31.03.2020 48813068.00 _48267066.00 0.00 300000,00 0.00 3965.00 0.00 ‘8000.00 1531337.00 $31337.00 295188,00 295188.00 236150.00 236 150.00 “47675741.00_ _ 47713706.00 000.71 1082.11 2188.45 1222070.95 61748.00 9.00 8914316.00 __10935544.00 —2008258.16° 12159487.06 howe SECRETARY. ‘As per our report on the Balance Sheet For KANO! ASSOCIATES. (ICAI REGN. NO. 309101) Chartered Accountants CoS P.K. GOENKA Partner MN 050846 LUDIN NO. 21050346AAAABW8517 VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS ‘SCHEDULE ‘3’ NOTES TO & FORMING ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AS AT ae Se 31ST MARCH, 2021 AND INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED ON THAT DATE 1 Significant Accounting Policies vis-a-vis Accounting Standard ) Accounting Convention : ‘The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, on the accrual basis of accounting and materially comply wih the mandatory accounting standards and statements Issued by the Insitute of Chartered Accountants of india, ) Exod Assets & Depreciation Foxed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation thereon. Cost includes purchase price, dues, taxes or any ‘other directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition. In case of adetons during the year, depreciation is charged depending onthe date of purchase /acqustion. Incase of sale, no depreciation is charged in the year of sale. Depreciation is provided on written down value basis at the following rates = 2) Furntur,Fotures, Office Equipments - 10% b) brary Books : 40% ©) Computer & Electronic tems = 40 % ) Machinery s 15% ° ynue Recognition CContbution from Parents CContbution from Parents towards Admission fee forthe semistr etc. are accounted on accutal bass. Contribution towards college development fund is capitalised. Interest Interest income is accounted on accrual basis. 2 Figures of previous year have been re-grouped, re-arranged wherever found necessary. [As per our report on the Balance Sheot : For KANO! ASSOCIATES (87a (ICAI REGN. NO. 3081016) (oensca\’) Chartered Accountants SOON P.K. GOENKA Partner PLACE : DIBRUGARH sro ms DATED: 30TH JULY, 2021 LUDIN NO. : 21050046AAAABWAS17 VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS ACCOUNT FOR THE ‘ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST ‘YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2021, (ANDA KENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRJULI zoze-2021 2018-2020 RECEIPTS : ‘Opening balances as on 01.04.2020 With Bank balances. ‘State Bank of India, Nijull S/B.AVe.No, 35889320860 1982.11 24431.30 ‘State Bank of India, Nijuli S/B.AVe.No. 36516008102 1222070.95 719633.55 ‘State Bank of india, Dibrugarh F/D Account 1093554400 _12023618.00 712150497.06 _ 12767682.85 CONTRIBUTION FROM PARENTS: ‘Admission Fee 118380000 1497850.00 Registration & Enrolment Fee 253500.00 202000.00 Establishment F 3156900.00 3959650.00 Resource Center Utiistion Fee 118380.00 150250.00, ution Fee 119380000 1512480.00 Urary & Magazine Fee 237500.00 296700,00 Games & Sports / Cultural Fee 157840.00 +98800.00, ‘Computer Fee 157840.00, +98000.00 Examination Fee 207380.00 310837.00 Feld Tap Chrages 419920.00, +150000.00 Identity Card Fe 30420,00 20200.00 Fine 0.00 +1043.00 Stationary Charges 19473100, 199250.00 7000371.00. —6696530.00 ther Receipts ‘Capital Crant Received from ONGC, Ud. 0.00 1180749000 allege Development Fund fee 191300000 2417000.00 ‘Students Security Deposit 324000.00 '252500.00 Interest on savings accounts 45952.00 6222.00 Interest on fixed deposits 3391.00 573762.00 Receipt for NSS Activiles 9578400 0.00 Loans & Advances +208200.00 122420.00 ‘Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas Arunachal Pradesh Trust 8213666.00, 7175.00 71903999,00 26756579.00 TOTAL _31063867.06 _ 48220791.85 PAYMENTS : Pay 8 Allowances Salary s1ses49.00 _578012.00 Contribution to Staff welfare scheme Employers Contribution to Provident Fund 29850.00 0199.00 Employer's Contribution to Family Pension Fund 7120.00 6863500 Employer's Contribution to EDLI 4275.00 4118.00 ‘Administrative Charges on PF & EDL! 1191.00 11717.00 Gratuity 120508.00, 42103,00 Contributions to staff Mediclaim Policy 8200.00 6512.00 254402.00 79304,00, 339105%.00 _ 5747396.00 ‘Administrative Expenses Traveling & conveyance 2428.00 +10300.00 Traneporation charges 9.00 4200.00 Postage & Telephone Charges Paid 19181.00 351.00 ‘Advertisement charges, 28728.00 5827500 Bank charges 810.90 767.79 Rent paid -48000.00 772000.00 Insurance 1654.00 46747.00 uit feos 3500.00 2260.00 Legal & Professional charges paid 0.00 1500.00 Repairs to other Asstes 1100.00 2022800 7201.90 322718.79 RT = Page -2 2020-2024 2010-2020 College Expenses : College Affiliation Renewal Fee & Other Charges paid to RGU 318615.00 1249670.00 Functions & celebrations 2143.00, 18237.00 ‘Camp & Seminar, Meeting expenses 11065,00 4086.00 53279.00 +14842.00 0.00 8238.00 Field Trp charges paid 0.00 '258626.00 Printing & Office Stationaries 4900.00 47318.00 Games & Sports 9891.00 3109.00 Prizes 10530.00 3690.00 Periodicals & Subscriptions 4700.00 15084.00 College & Office Expenses 36494.00 4410.00 1470617.00 727817.00 Addition to Fixed Assets : Building Work in Progress 13722744.00 3308811.00 Furniture, Foture & Office Equipments 39190.00 166280,00 Library Books. 1300.00 42768.00 13763234.00 '3517859.00 ‘oans & Advances : ‘Students Security Deposit -296500.00 :302000.00 NSS Activities 35100.00 0.00 TDS Claim for AY. 2020-21 0.00 296150.00 Loans & Advances 1950235.00 1704371800 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas Arunachal Pradesh Trust 110566669.00 8169696.00 12248504.00_ __25745504.00 Closing balances as on 31.03.2021 ~ ‘Bank balances:- ‘State Bank of India, Nijull S/B.AVc.No. 35889320860 5000.71 1882.11 State Bank of India, Nijuli S/B.Alc.No. 36516008102 2188.45 1222070.95 ‘State Bank of India, Nijuli S/B.A/c.No, 39202676628 61748.00 0.00 Sate Bank of India, Dibrugarh FID Account 18914316,00_ _10935544.00 '9003253.16_ _ 12159497.08 TOTAL _31063861.06 4822079: al SECRETARY AUDITOR'S REPORT We have auclted the above Receipts and Payments Account of VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYAS, ARUNACHAL PRADESH TRUST, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NIRJULI forthe year ended Sst March, 2021, with the Books of Accounts and vouchers as produced before us and have found the same correct and in accordance therewith ‘As per our report on the Balance Sheet For KANO! ASSOCIATES »\ {ICAI REGN. NO. 309101E) Chott Aca / Aa piace: vemvoart ‘coe DATED : 30TH JULY, 2021 UUDIN NO. :21050048AAAABWES17

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