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1. Find S.P when

a) C.P = RS.56.25, Gain = 20%
b) C.P = RS.80.40, Loss = 15%
A. RS. 67.50 , RS.68.34
B. RS. 65.50 , RS.69.50
C. RS. 63.73, RS. 68.59
D. RS. 62.81, RS. 66.36

2. A Hawker sells 100 candies for 5 rupees. If he manages to makes a profit of 20%, how many candies
did he buy for a rupee?

A. 16

B. 24
C. 36
D. 40

3. A book was sold for RS. 27.50 With a profit of 10%. If it were sold for RS. 25.75, then what would
have been the percentage of profit or loss?

A. 5% profit

B. 4% loss

C. 6% loss

D. 3% profit

4. A vendor bought bananas at 6 for RS. 10 and sold them at 4 for RS. 6. Find his r=gain or loss percent.

A. 15% Profit

B. 10% loss

C. 8% profit

D. 12% loss

5. By selling a casserole for RS. 960, a man incurs a loss of 4%. At what price should he sell the casserole
to gain 16%?

A. RS. 1160

B. RS.1080

C. 1120

D. 1260

6. A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for RS.10.50 less,
he would have gained 30% find the cost of article.

A. RS. 60

B. RS. 80
C. RS.50

D. RS. 90

7. An article is sold at RS. X at y% loss. Find its cost price (in RS)

100 X

100 X

100 X


8. Two TV sets are bought at the same price. One is sold at 20% profit and the other is sold for 20% less.
Find the overall profit/loss percentage made in the transaction.

A. 1% Profit

B. 1% loss

C. 2% profit

D. Neither profit nor loss

9. The price of a jewel, passing through three hands, rises on the whole by 65%. If the first and the
second seller earned 20% and 25% profit respectively, find the percentage profit earned by the third

A. 20%

B. 15%

C. 12%

D. 10%

10. After getting two successive discount, a shirt with a list price of RS. 150 is available at RS. 105. If the
second discount is 12.5%, find the first discount.

A. 25%

B. 20%

C. 30%
D. 35%

11. At what percentage above the CP must an article be marked so as to gain 33% after allowing a
customer a discount of 5%?

A. 25%

B. 30%

C. 40%

D. 45%

12. When a product allows 36% commission on the retail price of his product, he earns a profit of 8.8%.
What would be his profit if the commission is reduced by 24%?

A. 49.65

B. 46.5%

C. 44.8%

D. 48%

13. If a commission of 105 is given on the written price of an article, the gain if 20%, if the commission is
increased to 20%, the gain is

A. 7 %

B. 6 %

C. 12 %

D. 13 %

14. A smartphone costs 10 times the cost of a headphone. On selling smartphones three is a profit of
15% while the total profit on the selling both headphones and smartphone IS 20%.If there is profit of
RS.2800 on selling headphones then find the cost price of smartphones ?

A. RS.40000

B. RS.30000

C. RS.50000
D. RS.20000

15. Ram bought two articles A and B at a total cost of RS. 8000. He sold A at a 20% profit and article B at
12% loss. In the whole deal he made no profit and no loss. At what price should the article B be sold to
gain 25%?

A. RS.5200

B. RS.5850

C. RS 6400

D. RS. 6250

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