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Group Members: Section:


Instructions: Solve the following problems. (2 items x 10 points)

1. The machine is defined by the operator 2. The machine is defined by the operator
𝑋 = 2𝐾2 + 𝐷 + 3 where 𝑌 = 4𝐷(𝐾) + 1 where
𝐾: 𝑓 ↦ 𝑒𝑓 𝐾: 𝑔 ↦ 𝑔 + 3𝑥
Show the detailed solution of 𝑋 operating on 𝑓 Show the detailed solution of 𝑌 operating on 𝑔
to produce 𝑋(𝑓). to produce 𝑌(𝑔).

𝑓(𝑥) = ln(𝑥) 𝑔(𝑥) = 2𝑥 + 1

X(f(x)) = (2 K 2+ D+ 3 ¿(ln x)
X(f(x)) =2 e (ln x)+3 ln x
2 1
X(f(x)) = 2 e + +3 ln x
K ( g )=( 2 x+ 1 )+3 x=5 x +1

Y ( g ( x ) ) =¿ ( 4 D(5 x+1) ) +3(5 x +1)

Y ( g ( x ) ) =4 ( 5 x +1 ) +15 x +3
Y ( g ( x ) ) =4 (5 )+ 15 x +3

Y ( g ( x ) ) =20+15 x+ 3

Hint: 𝑒ln(𝑥) = 𝑥
𝑋(𝑓(𝑥)) = 2𝑒 𝑥 + +3
𝑌( (𝑥 )) = 2𝑥 + 21
ln(𝑥) 𝑔
Rubric: 𝑥
Criteria Points
Complete and correct solution 10
Last two major steps of the solution are incorrect 7-9
Half of the solution is correct 5-6
First two major steps of the solution are correct 2-4
First major step of solution is correct 1
04 Activity 1 *Property of STI
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