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Kapan informed consent diberikan?

Sebelum tindakan pada:
 Tests or treatments with significant risks or
alternatives, you will be asked to give explicit (written)
consent. contohnya (pembiusan/anestesi, transfusi darah, terapi
radiasi/kemoterapi penjahitan luka, imunisasi,biopsi, donor organ
(pendonor & penerima).

Sesudah tindakan pada:

Under certain circumstances

An emergency in which medical care is needed immediately to

prevent serious or irreversible harm

English expression in Asking for permission :

1. Can I...?
2. Is it okay if...?
3. May I...?
4. Could I...?
5. Please, can I have your phone number?
6. Please, may I taste that hot spicy dish?
7. Do you mind if I smoke?
8. Would you mind if I asked you something?
9. Is it okay if I sit here?
10.Would it be all right if I borrowed your mobile Phone?

The nurses and doctors at hospitals will always ask permission

before they treat patients. Expression in health conversation.

1. Can I check your temperature?

2. Is it okay if check your respiration rate?
3. May I measure your blood pressure?
4. Could I check your pulse?
5. Please, can I have a look at your stomach?
6. Please, may I have your wrist ?
7. Would you mind if I asked you to stop smoking?
8. Is it okay if I check your mouth?
9. Would it be all right if I know your address?

Respond giving and refusing permission

Giving permission :
1. Yes, you can.
2. Sure.
3. Go ahead.
4. Yes, you may.
5. I don't mind.
6. No problem.
7. Why not?
8. You have my permission

Refusing permission
1. I'm afraid not.
2. No, I think.
3. No, you cannot.
4. You couldn't do that.
5. Sorry, you are not permitted.
6. I absolutely forbid you!


Read the following dialogue between a patient and her doctor as they discuss

joint pain during an appointment. The doctor ask permission before he check
her patient politely, so her patient feels comfortable.

Joint Pain

Patient: Good morning. Doctor Smith?

Doctor: Yes, please come in.

Patient: Thank you. My name is Doug Anders.

Doctor: What have you come in for today Mr. Anders?

Patient: I've been having some pain in my joints, especially the knees.

Doctor: How long have you been having the pain?

Patient: I'd say it started three or four months ago. It's been getting worse

Doctor: Are you having any other problems like weakness, fatigue or

Patient: Well I've certainly felt under the weather.

Doctor: Right. How much physical activity do you get? Do you play any

Patient: Some. I like to play tennis about once a week. I take my dog on a walk
every morning.

Doctor: OK. Let's have a look. Could you point to the area where you are
having pain?(Asking permission 1.)

Patient: It hurts right here. 

Doctor: Would you mind if I ask you to stand up and put weight on your knees.
(Asking permission 2)

Patient: No, I don’t mind

Doctor: Ok, please, can you do it right now, don’t worry, I will help you.
(asking permission 3)

Patient: Ok, doctor, I’ll do it right now.

Doctor : Does this hurt? How do you feel?

Patient: Ouch! I can not stand anymore doctor, can I sit right now?

Doctor: Ok, please, it seems you have some inflammation in your knees.
However, there's nothing broken.
Patient: That's a relief!

Doctor: would it be allright if I recommend you to do a therapy? (asking

permission 4)

Patient: No, I am afraid doctor.

Doctor : Ok, it does not matter, I wil prescribe you some medicine to reduce
your pain and your swelling will go down. You’ll feel better after you consume

Patient: Ok, doctor, thank you so much.

Doctor; You are welcome

Key Vocabulary

 joint pain = (noun) the connection points of the body where two bones
connect including wrists, ankles, knees
 knees = (noun) the connection point between your upper and lower legs
 weakness = (noun) the opposite of strength, feeling like you have little
 fatigue = (noun) overall tiredness, low energy
 headache = (noun) a pain in your head that is steady
 to feel under the weather = (verb phrase) not feel well, not feel as strong
as usual
 physical activity = (noun) exercise of any kind
 to have a look = (verb phrase) to check something or someone
 to have pain = (verb phrase) to hurt 
 to put your weight on something = (verb phrase) put the weight of your
body onto something directly
 inflammation = (noun) swelling 
 ibuprofen/aspirin = (noun) common pain medicine that also helps reduce
 swelling = (noun) inflammation
Check your understanding with this multiple choice
comprehension quiz.
Choose the best answer to each question about the dialogue.

1. What seems to be Mr. Smith's problem?

  Broken knees
  Fatigue
  Joint pain

2. Which joints are bothering him the most?

  Elbow
  Wrist
  Knees

3. How long has he been having this problem?

  three or four years

  three or four months
  three or four weeks

4. Which other problem does the patient mention?

  He's felt under the weather.

  He's been vomiting.
  He doesn't mention another problem.

5. Which phrase best describes the amount of exercise the patient gets?

  He works out a lot.

  He gets some exercise, not a lot.
  He doesn't get any exercise.

6. What's Mr. Anders problem?

 He has broken his knees.
 He has some swelling in his knees.
 He has broken a joint. 

Vocabulary Review

Fill in the gap with a word or phrase from the dialogue.

1. I've had a lot of _________for more than a week. I'm really tired!
2. Are you feeling _________the weather today?
3. I'm afraid I have some _________around my eyes. What should I do?
4. Could you please put your _________on your left foot?
5. Take some _________and stay home for two days.
6. Are you having any pain in your _________?

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