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1. The factory was on the ____side____ of the valley

A river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one ________ and the market
place on the other.
Julia was lying on her ________ on the bed.
2. Susan is not the ___type_____ to get annoyed.
Open up the accounts database, and ________ in the amount of each order.
Your hair ________ requires a specific shampoo.
3. Ferguson planned to broaden its product ___range_____ to include internet telephones.
Joan hoped that the others were out of ________ of her mother's voice.
Prices ________ from around £10 for a basic keyboard, to £50 for an ergonomic one.
4. Barbara Molland had found the box in a ___trunk_____ that stood under the window in Kate's
As the phrase suggests, a main ________ of cables splits off into branches which supply
individual subscribers.
The enormous tree ________ provided a home for rich colony of bird and insect life.
5. But the re-organisation means the ____boot____ is now on the other foot as far as money is
I wouldn't like to be stuck down a dark alley at night with whoever put the ________ in here.
This can be accessed even if the machine won't ________ up correctly.
6. You need to ____close____ all applications before shutting down your computer.
Should the factory ________ down, 100 people will lose their jobs.
Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty ________ shaves.
7. A new ____code____ of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being
It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal ________ of behaviour that men should show
The source ________ and documentation will be available to developers.
8. I can't believe that Colin doesn't ___even_____ like sport.
Families somehow survived, ________ as they were being torn apart by the war.
Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, ________ surface to concentrate on your
control and technique?
9. The cliff ____face____ was starting to crumble into the sea.
I don't know how I'm going to ________ her after what happened.
The Wasps ________ the Hornets in two weeks.
10. I seem to have lost the ___file_____ with all my personal records on it.
Today is the deadline for self-employed people to ________ their tax returns.
We walked in single ________ along the path.
11. The riots presented a considerable risk to ___life_____ and property.
The building began ________ as a church.
Try to put some ________ into your painting.
12. At the age of 17, he went ___into_____ the building trade as an apprentice.
Eight ________ twenty-four is three.
I'm really ________ folk music.
13. I invited them to ___join_____ us for dinner.
A lot of people want to ________ the club, so there's a long waiting list.
Her parents are going to London next week and she will ________ them later.
14. He is a tall, clumsy-looking boy with two ___left_____ feet
How much milk is ________ in the fridge?
All that's now ________ to show for our hard work is an empty office.
15. It's just a ________ to them. They don't care what happens.
John gave the ________ away by laughing when Jim walked in.
We've been in this ________ for twenty years.
16. We sat and talked by the ________ of the fire.
They set out at first ________ for the summit.
These discoveries may throw new ________ on the origins of man.
17. I need to ________ 5 pounds if I am to fit inside my suit.
It's an awful thing to ________ someone dear to you.
You might as well go for it - you've got nothing to ________ in any case.
18. His new job will ________ travelling all over the world.
It was ________ of him not to invite her.
The study involved 60 patients with a ________ age of 58.2 years.
19. She's a woman without fear, with a ________ of her own, who says what she thinks.
He didn't ________ that other people thought him odd.
If you want to carry on with what you were doing, please don't ________ me.
20. The ________ thing about him is that he never eats in the evening
She takes the ________ day off work.
We've got a few ________ jobs to do this weekend.
21. A good diet and fitness ________ a large part in helping people live longer.
So far, the company has refused to ________ ball, preferring to remain independent.
Rain stopped ________ after only an hour.
22. Could you do me a ........and hold the door open while I bring in the shopping?
All those in ........ of the proposal please raise your hand.
After being out of fashion for years the painter is now in ........ with the critics.
23. on the not too ........ future many of the diseases we suffer from today will be eradicated.
I'm a little worried about Steve lately as he seems so ........ and in a world of his own.
The story follows the hero as he travels to ........ galaxies in search of other life forms.
24. I am writing with ........ to our recent meeting on 21st May.
I think students in other countries seem to have more ........ for teachers than they do here.
The match has been cancelled out of ........ for the death of our previous Manager.
25. They are planning to postpone their house-warming ........ till the spring when the weather is
There is little support within the ........ for a change of leadership and most politicians seem happy
to support the Prime Minister.
The restaurant got very busy when a coach ........ arrived full of people travelling to the coast.
26. Before we close the meeting I'd like to raise the ........ of punctuality in the office.
The press are calling into ........ Government claims that the crime rate has fallen and point to latest
research figures as evidence that this isn't true.
The company claim there is absolutely no ........ of making anybody redundant as business has
never been better.
27. I'm driving into town and can ........ you off at the station if you need a lift.
Can we just ........ the subject and talk about something else, please.
Gardeners be warned that temperatures are likely to ........ to below freezing tonight.
28. In the end, his wild party turned out to be a fairly   quiet ………affair………….
The manager is having an ………………… with the waitress   in the staff canteen.
What I do in my free time is my ………………….
29. The police had all the exits ………covered…………, so there was   no chance of the gunman
Mavis very kindly …………………   for me when I had to go to the dentist’s.
The guide’s explanation ………………… all the important   points of the cathedral
30. Mark was playing with ………fire………… when he suggested that   Bill had cheated in the
The minister came under ………………… for his remarks on   the strike.
The protesters set ………………… to the shop which sold   products made in a factory by child
31. All of the best runners in the country have ………entered…………   the race.
The violence in the city centre has just ………………… its   third week.
The woman accused of stealing a million pounds from   her employer has ………………… a plea
of not guilty
32. Things have finally ………returned………… to normal after the   storm.
Jake dashed to the library and ………………… the books   before it was too late.
Jessica    glanced up briefly as Herman entered the room and then ………………… to her  
crossword puzzle.
33. In the long term it’s better to sleep on a …………firm……… mattress.
The unions remain …………………   in their opposition to the new law.
Keep a ………………… hold of the handlebars or you might fall off the   bike
34. No one told them to clean the garden; they did it   off their own ………bat…………
She’s so sociable her classmates accepted her straight   off the …………………
The ………………… flew out of the darkness and got tangled   in her hair.
35. Jess ………flashed………… a light in my eyes and for a moment I   saw nothing.
Mick ………………… a smile at Rachel and offered to buy   her a drink.
The thought ………………… through my mind that maybe I was   in the wrong classroom.
36. Gareth was delighted to find a perfect ……match…………… for   the lamp he had driven
over the week before.
We’ve got to go to the stadium this week – it’s a   really important …………………!
My friends Brad and Angelina are a perfect …………………   for each other.
37. We should   ………cut………… our losses and sell the business before it’s too late.
Some of the more violent scenes have been …………………   from the film.
He started to explain, but she ………………… him short and   walked away angrily.
38. Veronica holds a very different ……view…………… to Tamsin on the   subject of marriage.
Having paid a lot for his ticket, Roy was annoyed   not to have a better ………………… of   the
Bert is reforming the garage with a ………………… to using it as a   studio.
39. Ted is still working in genetics, the same ………field………… that has always   fascinated
Penny decided not to apply for the job, which left   the ………………… open   for Emma.
The crowd went wild when the Australian rugby team   took the ………………….
40. As he entered Margaret’s room, the pocket of   his  jacket ………caught………… on the door
Sam ………………… the waiter’s eye, but the waiter still didn’t bring them the bill.
Marvin hurried home and ………………… the last 20 minutes   of the match on TV.
41. You should ………apply………… this kind of paint thinly.
If they ………………… themselves, they will pass all their   exams.
John’s going to ………………… to join the fire brigade.
42. According to the weatherman, tomorrow will be   ……fine…………… and sunny.
In the closed room there was a ………………… layer of dust   on all the furniture.
Mr Jones always told us there was a ………………… line   between success and failure.
43. She had to ………bend………… over to pick up the coins.
The manager decided to ………………… the rules in light of David’s recent problems.
Be careful! The road will ………………… sharply to the right when we reach the top of the hill.
44. Every time someone mentions his marriage, he tries to ………change………… the subject.
She was against the idea at first, but was quick to ………………… her tune when she realised
how much they would earn.
I really need to ………………… out of these dirty jeans.
45. Without warning, the gunman ………fired………… into the crowd.
Mr Henderson was ………………… for taking money from the till.
I was lucky to have a history teacher who ………………… me with enthusiasm for the subject.
46. It has …………come… to my attention that some students have been smoking in the toilets.
The heater is not working properly because a wire has ………………… loose.
The minister has ………………… in for a lot of criticism over his handling of the crisis.
47. I’m exhausted – I’ve been on my ……feet…………… all day
Carlie was rushed off her ………………… and finally didn’t have time to make the sandwiches.
It’s no use dreaming about what you might do if you win the lottery – you have to keep your
………………… on the ground
48. Before going out Joan made a withdrawal from her   ………account………….
Ralph gave us an exciting ………………… of his adventure   in the desert.
It is of no ………………… to me whether he likes my dress   or not.
 49. Henry’s basketball team were penalised for having   too many players on the …
court……………They are threatening to take Denise to ………………… for   not paying her rent
on time.
The castle we visited yesterday had a beautiful …………………   where we walked and enjoyed
the architecture.
50. I watched her face ………fall………… as she read the news.
It must be amazing to see a meteorite ………………… to   earth.
The books in this shop ………………… into six categories.
51. Isobel’s new table has a ………regular………… geometric pattern   engraved on the top.
The teachers at our school have to attend rather   tedious meetings on a ………………… basis.
After searching for months, Desmond still couldn’t   find any ………………… work.
52. It had never ………crossed………… my mind that Jackie and Joan   might be sisters.
At midnight they ………………… from Albania into Greece.
Tina ………………… the almonds off the list when Robert   told her he was allergic to them.
53. During the war our town came under ………attack………… many   times.
The dust in the air caused Lydia’s ………………… of   asthma.
Our team is strong in ………………… but hopeless in   defence.
54. Does   Frank know about the party or should we give him a ……ring……………?
When   he heard her name it had a familiar ………………… to it.
There   were thousands of spectators around the …………………   to watch   the boxing match.
55. To make good tea, first you have to ……bring…………… the   water to the boil.
I was hoping you wouldn’t ………………… up the subject of   my mother’s dress.
The government are saying they might ………………… forward   the elections.
56. The   last time we played tennis he beat me ……hands…………… down.
I’ve   got a lot on my ………………… at the moment, so I’m afraid I can’t help you.
Sean   has been trying to get his ………………… on that new book for ages.
57. The water in the pond is so ………clear………… you can see the   bottom.
We had a wonderfully ………………… view of the mountains   from the bedroom window.
It   is not ………………… what Edward will do when he finishes his degree in   History.
58. If you’re tired, I think you should ………call………… it a   day.
The director has decided to ………………… a meeting to   talk about pay.
I   can’t go out because the electrician is going to ………………… round this morning.
59. A man who ………answers………… to the police description was seen   outside the bank.
My teacher is always shocked when a student …………………   her back.
My uncle is self-employed and ………………… to no one.
60. She   screamed when she ………hit………… her thumb with the   hammer.
Tom   ………………… the bottle when he realised his marriage was over.
Colin   ………………… it off with Carla’s friends and they have asked him to go on holiday with
61. Our next door neighbour has been ……charged…………… with   murder.
How much were you ………………… for the flowers you   ordered?
Juan was ………………… with looking after the premises in   the absence of the owner.
62. Len   ………set………… the alarm clock and went to sleep immediately.
Our   school has decided to ………………… higher standards   this year.
We   all think that the building was …………………   on fire   deliberately.
63. You are in charge so you have to ………bear………… the   responsibility if it goes wrong.
John looks like his father now, but he used to   ………………… a resemblance to his mother
It doesn’t ………………… thinking about what would have   happened if they hadn’t seen the
train coming.
64. All the newspapers ………ran………… stories about the   scientific breakthrough.
Smith ………………… for president but was not elected.
The other day I ………………… into a couple of old school   friends.
65. The problem really came to a ………head………… in the office   when Sally called the boss
a fool.
Ken tried to pay off all his debts, but he was in   over his ………………….
Bill became furious when he got it into his …………………   that someone had taken his phone.
66. Sally waved across the river at the children on the   opposite ……bank……………
In fear, they stared up at the dark ………………… of   clouds.
Before going to the restaurant Mike had to go to the   ………………… to make a withdrawal.
67. It was a ………bit………… mean of her not to invite him to   her party.
The vase smashed on the floor and a little …………………   fell in the dog’s water.
I’m sick and tired of being indoors all day. I’m   going out for a …………………
68. The unions are up in ………arms………… about the new labour laws.
The minister has called on insurgents to lay down their …………………
We had to alter the ………………… to make the suit fit.
69. Natalie stood up and ……brushed…………… the wrinkles out of her dress.
Before I visited Paris I ………………… up on my French.
As they passed in the narrow hall, Antonia ………………… against Valentino.
70. During her ………time………… in office, she introduced many changes.
It’s about ………………… you stopped messing around and did something useful!
I had a really bad ………………… at your party because I didn’t know any of your friends.
71. I’m glad I bought these new shoes; they ………fit………… perfectly.
We have a problem getting the new bed into the bedroom because it won’t …………………
through the door.
I’m not surprised she’s leaving – I always said she didn’t ………………… in.
72. How did he ever ………get………… to be a mechanic? – He knows nothing about cars.
News of Hanna’s pregnancy will soon ………………… around the office.
See you later – I’ve got to ………………… back to work.
73. We put some sand-bags in front of the door to   ………hold………… the water back for a
Tom is so impetuous that it’s impossible for him to   ………………… down a job for long.
If you know you did your best you can ………………… your   head high.
74. My neighbour has parked behind me on the drive and   ………blocked………… me in again.
The new plant in front of the window ………………… out all   the light.
The politicians in the opposition party ………………… the   minister’s new proposal.
75. My aunt …………checked……… on her 80-year old neighbour every   couple of days to
make sure he was alright.
Jess was not sure of her legal position so she   ………………… with a lawyer.
We ………………… out of the hotel at 8.00 pm as we had to   get a train at 9.00 pm.
76. Generosity is one of her better ………points………….
We could just make out two tiny ………………… of light – a   car’s headlights.
Although the speaker was boring he made two good   ………………… about the economy.
77. We went out for walk to ………blow………… the cobwebs away.
He loves to ………………… his own trumpet. What an   arrogant boy!
I saw her ………………… him a kiss from the platform as   his train left
78. I will .................... heaven and earth to get this CD.
Then he told us his girlfriend wanted to .................... in.
She enjoyed her job, but it was time to .................... on.
(v) move heaven and earth => to try very hard to achieve something.
(v) move in => to start to live in your new home.
(v) move on => to leave your present job and start doing another one. 
79. You need a .................... hand to be a surgeon.
It's very hard to find a .................... job nowadays.
Mike is as .................... as rock - you can always rely on him
(adj) steady => firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking.
(adj) steady job => a regular job.
(adj) as steady as rock => very steady and unmovable; very stable.
80. Those who offended the girls in some way paid back with .................... .
She used to be very active in politics, but she has lost .................... now.
There are many places of .................... near my town. 
(n) pay sth back with interest => react to some harm by doing sth even worse.
(n) lose interest => stop being interested.
(n) place of interest => place that is interesting.
81. Take care to .................... through the documents before signing it.
'Would you like some coffee?' 'You .................... my mind'.
I always ..................... every one of her books from cover to cover.
v) read through => to read something carefully from beginning to end.
(v) read sb's mind => to guess what someone else is thinking.
(v) read sth from cover to cover => read all of sth because you are very interested.
82. Thank you for your suggestions; I'll take them on .................... when I start my next project.
This inn provided .................... and lodging.
They want wages increase across the ....................
(n) take sth on board => to listen to and accept a suggestion, idea etc.
(n) board and lodging => meals and a place to stay.
(n) across the board => involving everyone or everything in a company etc.
 83. Having had a taste of cruising last winter, he's been thoroughly bitten by the bug.
    You know, this chicken has hardly any taste at all!
    She always dresses with such taste, doesn't she?
84. The club's best palyer seemed to have lost his touch, and was beaten by a junior.
     I'm fine now, thanks- it was just rather annoying touch of flu.
     Do keep in touch once you get to Australia, won't you?
85. I dare say that mobile phones will be superseded in due course.
    Kim didn't dare to move from her seat while the invigilator was watching her.
    How dare you threaten me like that!
86. The books dropped to the floor with a surprisingly heavy thud.
     If you're found guitly, you'll have to pay a heavy fine
     Hazel had to drive through heavy rain on her way go home
87.The missing article of clothing was later discovered in the lost property cupboard.
    I first read about McNulty's new film in a magazine article
    The article is one of the parts of speech that cause most difficulty to students.
88. Jane has just turned  twenty, although you'd never think it to look at her.
     As the evening wore on, the conversation turned to football.
    The milk in the pantry turned rancid in the unaccustomed heat
89. The opposition party pressed the goverment for an answer to their questions.
   With great darling I pressed the button, and the machine started clicking and whirring.
     Henry had to have his suit pressed at the hotel before attending the meeting.
90. You'll be able to hold the audience's attention if your speech is lively enough
    I realise you're in agony, but just hold on till the doctors gets here
    How many files is that drawer really supposed to hold?
91. He was tired after a ..............hard...................... day in the office.
I’m not very good at Maths, but I always try really .................................... .
The theatre seats weren’t very comfortable. They were really ....................................... .
92. The blacksmith tied on his ..................apron............................ to protect his clothes from
hot metal.
The aircraft was parked on the hard surface of the .......................................... while its cargo was
being unloaded.
The actor came forward on to the ...................................... of the stage to deliver his emotional
93. The rain had been so heavy that the river had ....................burst........................... its banks.
The audience ..................................... out laughing at the comedian’s joke.
A nose bleed is caused by ..................................... blood vessels in the nose.
94. On New Year’s Eve, guests were asked to wear ......................fancy..................... dress for the
He had a really overactive imagination and was always going off on flights of
....................................... .
The bridegroom decided to buy a ....................................... waistcoat to complement the plain, dark
suit he would be wearing on the big day.
95. Just before Christmas, the shop’s cash ..................register....................... was ringing merrily
as customers bought gifts for friends and family.
After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom went to sign the
.................................... .
She knew the woman’s face, but it did not ......................................... that she was a famous actress
until it was too late to ask for her autograph.
96. Jack brought in a ............cushion........................ from home to make his office chair more
Sarah found herself in the position of having to give her staff bad news about their jobs, so she
decided to ............................. the blow by taking them out for a farewell drink in the local pub.
The .................................... round the edge of the billiard table is especially useful when players
have to take awkward shots.

97. Temperatures had plummeted, leaving Jack so cold he had to ....................stamp......................

his feet to get the feeling back into them.
Make sure you buy the right ...................................... for the size and weight of your letter.
The new boss had to ..................................... his authority from the outset, or he would have lost
the respect of his staff.

98. The meal was so delicious and the service so good that the customer left a generous
................tip.................. to show his appreciation.
The snooker player carefully applied chalk to the ..................................... of his cue before taking
the shot.
The racegoer gave his friend a ...................................... for the 2.30 race at Cheltenham. He was
sure he knew which horse would win.

99. It had been an excellent year and the ..................yield................... of fruit would easily repay
the cost of buying the trees.
The scientists did not expect their research to ................................... such disturbing results.
The debate was closely contested, but the home team had to .................................... in the face of
superior arguments.

100. Before going to fight abroad, the troops had to ..............train...................... hard to cope with
tropical conditions.
The .................................. currently being restored for exhibition in the transport museum was a
rare model which would be sure to attract a lot of visitors.
The bride looked stunning in her wedding dress, and two bridesmaids were needed to carry her
long ........................................... .
101. In some hot, dry countries the only source of water is from a ................well........................
sunk into the ground.
Four days after the operation the patient was deemed ........................................... enough to go
The talk was so .................................... -attended that some members of the audience had to sit on
the floor at the back of the room.
102. I had ................... feelings about leaving home - I was excited but at the same time I knew I
would miss my family.
Getting promotion is rather a ............. blessing - it means more money but I'll have to work longer
There's a real .............. bag of people on our course - all ages and backgrounds.
 103. The ............... on a compass always points to north.
I wish you wouldn't ................ him about his weight - you know how sensitive he is.
When the nurse put the ............ in my arm I nearly fainted.
104. This is my first ................ job - I've only done temporary work up to now.
I've had some sandwiches but I haven't had a ........... meal so far today.
It's really a suburb of Liverpool, not Liverpool ..........
105. It was a moving speech which brought a .......... to my throat.
Sugar? One ........... or two?
That's my decision and if you don't like it you can ........ it.
106. We hired a magician to ............ the children.
He refused to ............... the possibility of defeat.
Now that I live on my own I don't ............. much any more.
107. My uncle has a ............... sense of humour.
After three months of drought the rivers had all run ..........
The talk wasn't very lively - in fact it was pretty .........
108. This carpet would be ...........right for the living room.
I think it was a ................ punishment, all things considered.
At that moment the boss walked in - ............ my luck!
 109. I always keep a .................. of paper by the phone.
This essay is a bit short so I need to ............. it out with a few quotations.
She wiped off her makeup with a cotton wool .......
 110. The whole family was ................... at my sister's wedding.
There's no time like the ......................
Thank you so much for the lovely .................
 111. John and Andrew are in a ................. for promotion.
We allow no discrimination on the basis of ........... or sex.
John had to ................ to the hospital in a taxi when his wife began to give birth.
 112. Is this medicine ................. for children?
Put the valuables in the hotel ..............
Don't worry - you're in ............... hands.
 113. I don't think it was fair to .............. him out for special criticism.
Patience is the .............. most important quality you need to have in this job.
He's been ............... for so long now I don't think he'll ever get married.
 114. I really .................... you when you were away lat week.
Fortunately, the bullet .................. him by several inches.
I ................. the start of the film because of the traffic.
115. Flowers grew on the sloping river ....................
I don't ..................... with them any more because they charged me too much interest.
I wouldn't ....... on winning first prize if I were you.
 116. And to ................. it all, they made me pay for the postage!
The government has put a ..................... on local authority spending.
He won his first international ................ at the age of 18.
 117. My dad gets .............. with me if I borrow the car without permission.
Always look both ways before you ........... the road.
I'm just going to ................ my fingers and hope it works.
 118. She's in a .................. because her parents are coming to stay.
The bird slowly began to ................ its wings.
He lifted the tent ................. and peered inside.
 119. I ............. you it must have been upsetting, but even so I think she made a bit of a fuss.
She was awarded a special ............... to allow her to study in the USA.
On this occasion I have decided to ................ your request.
 120. He shook my hand with a very firm ................
I managed to ................ the main points of his lecture.
I'm afraid my ................ of macroeconomics is rather limited.
 121. When I’ve had a………hard… at work, all I want to do is go home and relax in front
of the television.
You shouldn’t have been so ……hard……..on Jackie- she only made a small mistake and there
was no need to shout at her like that.
I’m a bit ……hard……of hearing. Would you mind speaking up?

122. Obviously, something had frightened the cat because it……ran… out of the house and up the
road with an expression of panic on its face.
The critics …………her last film to shreds and one of them even called it ‘comfortably the worst
movie in living memory’.
Mike was obviously annoyed by the contents of the letter because as soon as he’d read it he
……….it up and threw it in the bin.

123. Katherine and her sister look so alike that I simply can’t…tell….. them apart.
I expect the boss is going to ……….me off for not getting my work done on time again.
I bought my niece a toy clock because she’s just learning to………the time.
124. Everyone's searching for the next .....big..... idea in the field of information
technology. He's a ........... fan of Manchester United.
I'm afraid I've got rather a .......... mouth and so often offend people.
125. The rope is too thin to ....bear...... our weight.
Try to .......... with me. I'm very stressed at the moment.
They had the misfortune to encounter a .......... while hiking in the woods.
126. My father .....banked..... at the same branch for over thirty years.
They had .......... on their parents to pay off their debts for them. Instead of landing, the
plane .......... and headed away from the airfield.
127. No one in .....authority..... will make any comment on such a controversial issue.
The court is unable to rule on this issue as it has no .......... in military matters. Professor
Wilkins is a well-known .......... on medieval church architecture.
128. This product should never be ....applied...... to areas of irritated or broken skin.
John's professor told me that the problem was that John had never really .......... himself to
his studies.
Over fifty thousand people .......... to take part in the new TV reality show.
129. Please .....allow..... sufficient time to check in and pass through security and passport
Computers are provided in order to .......... students to check their e-mail and keep in
contact with their families.
The problem is that the parents .......... the child to do whatever he likes, without any sort
of discipline.
130. No one expected that the dictator would ever have to .....answer..... for his crimes.
The broken hip meant she was unable to reach the phone to call for help or .......... the
door when people came round to check on her.
In my day, children were taught not to .......... back to their elders.
131. There's an amazing exhibition of ...... ABSTRACT
.... art on at the moment! You must go and see it.
As an .......... idea, the theory of relativity can be hard to understand.
If you want to get your article published, you should send an .......... to the editor first.
132. My brother isn't classically good-looking, but there's no denying his .....appeal..... to
the opposite sex.
The parish priest has launched an .......... for funds to restore the frescoes in the church.
He was found guilty of murder but insists he is innocent and says he will .......... against
the conviction.
133. The economy has a strong industrial .....base..... but also a powerful agricultural
sector. They .......... their theory on the observations made by the space telescope.
Demonstrators have surrounded an American military .......... north of Oxford.
134. You will need a password to ....access...... certain applications.
Only a lucky few in the third world enjoy the .......... to health care that we in developed
countries take for granted.
The cinema has been fined for not providing adequate .......... for disabled people.
135. The meeting this evening will be a good chance for everyone to ....air...... their
views. What I really disliked about him was the .......... of superiority that he had.
The only remaining opposition radio station is likely to be taken off the .......... at any
136. Don't worry! We've got ..bags........ of time before we need to be at the airport.
The fact that she wasn't sleeping properly was evident from the .......... under her eyes.
Excuse me? Is there anyone here who could give me a hand with my ..........?.
137. He is being tried for his part in a conspiracy to ....arms...... rebel forces.
Due to the car's airbag and the fact that he was wearing his seatbelt, John was fortunate
enough to escape with only a broken .......... .
Someone had left a glass of champagne on the .......... of a chair, and when I turned
around I knocked it off.
138. He was caught in the ..... ACT..... of attempting to steal a valuable sculpture.
Every since she was a child, all she wanted to do was .......... .
The play was so bad that we left at the end of the first .......... .
139. Politicians in all countries must begin to .....address..... the underlying causes of
global warming.
If unsure as to how to .......... a member of the royal family, ask one of the courtiers
present at the ceremony.
We'd better send out a letter notifying our suppliers of our change of ...........
140. Which team are you going to .....back..... in the championships? Can you ........... up
a bit so the van is closed to the loading bay?
Shooting pains in the lower .......... can be caused by damage to nerves or by physical
141. The new technology will be useful on the ocean .....bed..... for prospecting for oil.
The weapon used in the attack was found by police in a flower ........... near the scene.
My operation was cancelled because the hospital didn't have a .......... for me.
143. She already had strong romantic feelings for her new colleague but lacked the
courage to .....approach..... him.
The plane developed technical problems on its final .......... and had to abort the landing.
What would you say is the best way to .......... a problem of this type?
144. Persons under the age of 21 will not be ..admitted........ to the premises. After losing
seven games in a row, I finally ........... defeat.
The suspect is said to have .......... being at the scene but denies any involvement in the
crime itself.
145. The ravages of the disease have left him unable to speak without the ...aid....... of a
voice synthesizer.
A number of countries have agreed to provide emergency .......... to the stricken region.
The students have organised a fund-raising event in .......... of them.


Think of ONE WORD only which can be used appropriately IN ALL THREE SENTENCES.

a. Sally's front tooth is very _ . I'm sure it'll come out soon.
a. Jane has lost so much weight that all her clothes are too .
b. The horse got from the stable and started trotting towards the road.
a. The thief the watch into his pocket when he thought no one was looking.
a. Several visitors to the castle almost on the newly polished floor.
b. The speaker a few references to the local football team into his speech,
which the audience appreciated greatly.
a. Chris arrived very early for his flight in order to be at the of the queue when
the check-in desk opened.
a. My sister's got a really good _ for figures, but I'm hopeless at maths.
b. George has just been promoted to of department so he'll be even more busy from
now on.
a. The restaurant out of fish quite early on in the evening.
a. The boat into a storm as it neared the French coast.
b. Mrs. Benson the company single-handed after her husband's death.
a. This is the exact where the famous scene from the film was shot.
a. When they felt the first of rain, they gathered the picnic together and rushed
b. The high of my trip around India was definitely the trip to Calcutta.
a. Nikki already had a idea of how she wanted her career to develop.
a. It soon became that Paula would not be able to finish the race.
b. The area in front of the fire exit should be kept at all times.
a. It's hard to how tall buildings are when you see them from the air.
a. I have been asked to a song-writing competition.
b. It's a mistake to people by appearances alone.
a. "I've got to go now, but I'll try to up with you later in the park", said Jake.
a. The organisers agreed to the costs of clearing up after the pop concert.
b. The company has failed to its targets for the second consecutive year.

a. "We've achieved a great deal in a short of time", said the company director.
a. Mandy liked most things about her friend's new home but thought that the dining table
took up far too much .
b. "I've arranged a car parking _ for you", said the administrator.
a. My neighbour is 96 but is still able to walk without the of a stick.
a. The electronic tablet is a wonderful new learning for use in the classroom.
b. Flights carrying donated by charity organisations are now arriving in
the areas affected by drought every day.
a. I entirely agree with the government's on free medicine for pensioners.
a. I'm feeling very stiff because I slept in a really uncomfortable last night.
b. Sandra has applied for the in our company that was advertised in the paper
a. Stella has been the business almost single-handed since her assistant left.
a. I never knew you were interested in politics and now I see you're for parliament!
b. We'd better stop at a filling station soon as we're out of petrol
a. If you think you need a bit more exercise, why don't you up tennis?
a. If you find the gadget doesn't suit your needs _ it back to the shop.
b. I it you'll be at the meeting tomorrow - it's really vital that you come.
a. My school has a very policy towards time-keeping and you can't be late for
a. Candela is a vegetarian and refuses to eat meat or poultry.
b. We need a very translation of the report so as to avoid any
a. The new law means that the tax system will in a different way from now on.
a. Before you this machinery, make sure you are wearing the appropriate safety
b. The surgeon decided not to as he felt that the patient's condition would improve without
a. 'I think this would be a good _ at which to take a break,' said the tour guide.
a. Everyone agreed with Janine's that the accounts could have been falsified.
b. The students felt discouraged because what they were doing didn't seem to have any .
a. Stella bought the for her new living-room curtains in the market and made them
up herself.
a. Jake is going to Italy to get for his new historical novel, which will be set in
Ancient Rome.
b. A waterproof such as plastic or glass should be used to cover the top of the
a. The group a new album last month.
a. The engineer the safety catch carefully and then started the machine.
b. Last year the factory _ five per cent more toxic fumes into the atmosphere.

a. I think that your brother will an excellent doctor when he
a. I am afraid I can't the meeting on Saturday because I'm busy.
b. What do you of the new manager in the production
a. The factory was on the of the valley
a. A river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one and the
market place on the other.
b. Julia was lying on her on the bed.
a. You need to all applications before shutting down your computer.
a. Should the factory down, 100 people will lose their jobs.
b. Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty shaves.
a. I can't believe that Colin doesn't like sport.
a. Families somehow survived, as they were being torn apart by the war.
b. Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, surface to concentrate on your
control and technique?
a. I seem to have lost the with all my personal records on it.
b. Today is the deadline for self-employed people to their tax returns.
c. We walked in single _ along the path.
a. The riots presented a considerable risk to and property.
a. The building began as a church.
b. Try to put some into your painting.
a. At the age of 17, he went the building trade as an apprentice.
a. Eight twenty-four is three.
b. I'm really folk music.
a. It wasn't my - the vase just fell off the table.
b. There was a with the computer and we had to take it back to the shop to get it
c. The manager is always finding with people and complaining about the quality of their
a. I had a real of achievement when I passed the exams and got my degree.
b. I don't see the of going all the way into town when we can buy the dress locally.
c. Paul has a great of humour and always has everyone in the office in fits of laughter.
a. During the tutorial I was asked to give my of the portrayal of the main character in the
a. There was a wonderful from the hotel window, which looked out over beautiful
b. Our son couldn't see the game as his was blocked by the people in front.
a. John has just taken up the of Marketing Manager at a local college.
a. He put me in a really difficult asking for money when he knows I'm not very well off.
b. The yoga teacher told everyone to remain in a standing for 30 seconds.
a. Apparently, the police are going to the man with assault following that fight the other
a. I couldn't get the car to start this morning and finally had to the battery as it had gone flat.
b. The company have been asked to submit a proposal outlining how much they will
for the consultancy work.
a. I invited them to us for dinner.
b. A lot of people want to the club, so there's a long waiting list.
c. Her parents are going to London next week and she will them later.
a. He is a tall, clumsy-looking boy with two feet
a. How much milk is in the fridge?
b. All that's now to show for our hard work is an empty office.
a. It's just a to them. They don't care what happens.
b. John gave the away by laughing when Jim walked in.
c. We've been in this for twenty years.
a. We sat and talked by the of the fire.
a. They set out at first for the summit.
b. These discoveries may throw new on the origins of man.
a. I need to 5 pounds if I am to fit inside my suit.
b. It's an awful thing to _ someone dear to you.
c. You might as well go for it - you've got nothing to in any case.
a. His new job will travelling all over the world.
a. It was of him not to invite her.
b. The study involved 60 patients with a age of 58.2 years.
a. She's a woman without fear, with a of her own, who says what she thinks.
a. He didn't that other people thought him odd.
b. If you want to carry on with what you were doing, please don't me.
a. The thing about him is that he never eats in the evening
a. She takes the day off work.
b. We've got a few jobs to do this weekend.
a. A good diet and fitness a large part in helping people live longer.
a. So far, the company has refused to ball, preferring to remain independent.
b. Rain stopped after only an hour.
a. The factory was on of the valley

a. A river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one and the market
place on the other.
b. Julia was lying on her on the bed.
a. Susan is not the to get annoyed.
a. Open up the accounts database, and in the amount of each order.
b. Your hair requires a specific shampoo.
a. Ferguson planned to broaden its product to include internet telephones.
a. Joan hoped that the others were out of of her mother's voice.
b. Prices from around £10 for a basic keyboard, to £50 for an ergonomic one.
a. Barbara Molland had found the box in a that stood under the window in Kate's room.
a. As the phrase suggests, a main of cables splits off into branches which supply
individual subscribers.
b. The enormous tree provided a home for rich colony of bird and insect life.
a. But the re-organisation means the is now on the other foot as far as money is concerned.
a. I wouldn't like to be stuck down a dark alley at night with whoever put the in here.
b. This can be accessed even if the machine won't up correctly.
a. Could you do me a and hold the door open while I bring in the shopping?
a. All those in of the proposal please raise your hand.
b. After being out of fashion for years the painter is now in with the critics.
a. They are planning to postpone their house-warming till the spring when the weather is
a. There is little support within the for a change of leadership and most politicians seem
happy to support the Prime Minister.
b. The restaurant got very busy when a coach arrived full of people travelling to the coast.
a. I'm driving into town and can you off at the station if you need a lift.
b. Can we just the subject and talk about something else, please.
c. Gardeners be warned that temperatures are likely to to below freezing tonight.
a. I loved working in Greece. Every morning I would the curtains and there was
always a beautiful blue sky.
a. I don't want you to the conclusion that I'm unhappy in my job. I'd just appreciate
a bit more responsibility.
b. I'm just going to the cash point to some money out.
a. The two companies into an agreement whereby neither would try to steal
customers from the other.
a. It never my mind that Sue would want to visit us.
b. So few people had the competition that it had to be cancelled.
a. I watched her face as she read the news.
b. It must be amazing to see a meteorite to earth.
c. The books in this shop into six categories.
Tutor for High school------compiled LUU THANH HUNG- - Page 26


Question 1: loose Question 26: fault

Question 2: slipped Question 27: sense
Question 3: head Question 28: view
Question 4: ran Question 29: position
Question 5: spot Question 30: charge
Question 6: clear Question 31: join
Question 7: judge Question 32: left
Question 8: meet Question 33: game
Question 9: space Question 34: light
Question 10: aid Question 35: lose
Question 11: position Question 36: mean
Question 12: running Question 37: mind
Question 13: take Question 38: odd
Question 14: strict Question 39: play
Question 15: operate Question 40: side
Question 16: point Question 41: type
Question 17: material Question 42: range
Question 18: released Question 43: trunk
Question 19: make Question 44: boot
Question 20: side Question 45: favour
Question 21: close Question 46: party
Question 22: even Question 47: drop
Question 23: file Question 48: draw
Question 24: life Question 49: entered
Question 25: into Question 50: fall

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