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Output 1: Assessment:

1. As a student, identify two strengths that can tell that the learner-centered
teaching approach will work best for you. Represent each strength with a symbol.

A. It is interactive. Students will be able to share there knowledge and ideas

in interacting with one another.

B. Improvements in students' communication and collaboration skills.

2. Identify two struggles which you anticipate and explain how you will be able to
overcome them to benefit from this kind of an approach. Represent each strength
with a symbol. Show your artistry and substance in terms of format, content.

A. Lack of self-esteem- Student centered learning is more focused on

interactive learning in this way, people who aren’t sociable are not in favor in this
kind of setup. As a student I should encourage myself to be more sociable so that I
can enhance not just the Ideas I will get but also my communication skills.

B. Not verbally inclined- it is hard to share your thoughts if you are not
skilled in talking. As a student I should practice delivering such ideas in front of

Output 2: Activity and Assessment:

Answer the questions below.

1. Reflect on your high school days and identify what teacher qualities do you think
this kind of a teacher possess to be able to effectively use the learner-centered
teaching paradigm and assume the role as a “guide on the side” instead of “a sage
on the stage.

My teacher qualities to effectively use the learner-centered teaching is being

COLLABORATIVE towards it’s students. Collaboration in the room takes into account
students' ideas, skills, experiences, and opinions. When individuals work together
openly, processes and goals become more aligned, leading the group towards a
higher success rate of achieving a common goal.
2. Create an illustration using symbols based on your explanation of what it means
by a teachers as a guide on the side.

Output 3: Activity and Assessment:

In your own words, answer the question

Choose one learning principle under each factor and explain comprehensively its
impact on the learner when each one is in a particular subject during your high
school years. This means I expect you to provide a total of four (4) well explained
learning principles.

A. Context of thinking- in out high school years we often have a subject

called Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, this kind of principle helps the
students to apply learnings in real life basis. Students will able to learn
with sharing each other’s experiences.

B. Effects of motivation in effort- students in high school years struggle a lot

in mathemathis subjects. This subject requires this kind of principle where
you should put more time on practicing and guiding yourself in solving to
be able to be good at it.

C. Social influences on learning- this is always applicable during group task.

Student will be able to share different ideas to come up with a result such
as roleplay, monologue and etc.
D. Standards and assessment- students always face this in their High school
years. After such discussion, students are sometimes expected to be
assessed. Some might not be prepared because they might not be
prepared that time.

Output 4: Activities and Assessment:

Answer the question below.

Cite a particular a learning activity during your high school days where several
teaching principles are applied by a teacher in a particular subject as he engages
students in learning a particular lesson (concepts, procedures and creating an
output). Explain which particular teaching principle was implemented in each part of
the lesson and its impact to the learner. You can use a specific textbook (esp. in
Practical Arts) to guide you in terms of lesson content.

Role Playing where it requires social learning and Effects of motivation in

effort, because to come up with a result they must collaborate with their ideas.
They must also give their best in acting in order to execute well the objective of the
role play.

Output 5: Activities and Assessment:

answer the question below.

1. Identify two particular subject matters that

a. allow you to do positive transfer. Cite specific common elements or similarities

that make positive transfer of learning possible.

A. Playing musical instruments facilitates you to learn singing.

B. Playing Badminton may facilitate you in playing tennis.

b. cause negative transfer. Cite extremely different elements that pose struggles
for you to have easy transfer.

A. Left hand writing hindering the learning of right hand writing.

B. Playing ukulele makes it hard for you to play guitar.

c. Neutral transfer

A. Swimming doesn’t affect running.

B. Learning Taekwondo doesn’t affect singing.

2. Explain in detail one inborn tendency which your teacher used to make your
learning on one particular concept or lesson content more student engaging.

Intelligence- it can help you to understand more and it will help you to easily
comprehend what he/she is explaining because he has sufficient knowledge on
what you really need to learn.

Output 6: Activity and Assessment.

Analyze the activity and answer the activity below.

How are the three types of learning activities applied in one topic. Using the three
learning activities, demonstrates how the teacher applied all of them in one learning
activity. An example is shown on the next page.

Subject Topic Type of Activity Description

Basic Foods Principles of Diet Observational Your teacher will
Management Learning let you to watch a
(Diet Modification) video about diet
Motor Learning After watching the
video you are
asked to prepare
different types of
diet modification.
Associative After watching and
Learning preparing different
diet modification I
concluded that in
every condition
there is a specifis
diet per meal
Output 7: Activities and Assessment:

Answer the following questions below.

Based on your experience, choose two learner-centered activities used by your

teachers and explain how each one has brought the best outcomes in you as a
student/learner. Relate each one with the subject where each particular method
was executed. Using your own words, explain the diagram showing the relationship
of Experience, Information and Ideas and Reflective dialogue in relation to student

Direct instruction- it helped me to be independent and learn on my own by

exploring my capabilities in order to meet the objective.

Demonstration Method- it helped me especially in my lab experiences because I

have learned a lot with their thorough demonstration in order for us to have the
same result. It helped us to better execute it.

Output 8: Activity and Assessment:

Answer the two questions below.

What is the impact of using Differentiated Instruction to improve delivery of

instruction and in improving the achievement levels of the learning outcomes.

Differentiated instruction can take a variety of forms. Instructors can control what
students learn, how they learn, and how they are tested in the classroom by using
differentiation. Differentiated instruction allows teachers to maximize individual
learning in the course content because of its flexibility.

Using your own words, explain the three bases for differentiated instruction.

All three learner characteristics—allow educators and students to relate new

learning to current knowledge and preferred working methods. Differentiating
education for students relies on regular evaluation to acquire information about
where students are in their learning, as well as their preparedness and interests.

Output 9: Activity and Assessment:

Answer the questions below.

1. During this time of pandemic, identify two challenges that our teachers face in
order to implement effective strategies for improved quality of teaching in

(A) a face to face set-up

Lack of Collaboration- in a face to face set up, teachers aren’t allowed to get
close to students due to health and safety protocols. So it will be hard for teacher’s
to answer the students questions in a face to face set up specially to students who
aren’t sociable enough to ask questions in front of the class.

(B) an online set-up.

A. Some teacher’s specifically who are a bit old might not be unto
technology. It will be a big adjustment for them because they should know how to
use the basics of a computer in order to teach online.

B. Internet Connection problems- not everyone are privileged to have a

strong connection so student might not understand them.

As a student of the College of Education, identify two effective classroom

management techniques which will keep you motivated in complying withcourse
requirements and bringing out the best in you.

A. Establish routines for all daily tasks and needs

B. Strike a balance between variety and challenge in students’ activities

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