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Semester I/II - Week 1
Democratic Practices
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century–SHS
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Semester I/II - Week 1: Democratic Practices

First Edition, 2020

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Lesson I

Democratic Practices

MELC: Identify democratic practices. (HUMSS-MCT12-IIa-c-1)

Explain the importance of participation in democracy. (HUMSS-MCT12-IIa-c-4)
Differentiate participatory from representative democracy. (HUMSS-MCT12-IIa-c-5)

1. Identify democratic practices.
2. Explain the importance of participation in democracy.
3. Differentiate participatory from representative democracy.

Let’s Try
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on the space provided.

________1. Which of the following refers to the source of all government powers to protect
the fundamental rights of all citizens?
A. constitution B. democracy C. government D. human rights

________2. What government approach is created as a system for justice and peace that
protects individual’s human rights and civil liberties?
A. good governance C. political system
B. participation D. public interest

________3. Which refers to a set of principles and practices that guide how people
interact and work together every day to improve their community and to create
a more just society?
A. civil participation C. democratic participation
B. democracy D. democratic practices

________4. In democracy, citizens have the power to influence policy decisions, what type
of democracy was adopted in the United States of America government system?
A. federal B. participatory C. representative D. unitary

________5. Why is participation in democracy important?

1. Improve self interest.
2. Respond to citizens need.
3. Make people’s voice heard.
4. Strengthen good governance.
A. 1 & 2 B. 1, 2, & 3 C. 1, 2, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3, & 4

________6. What article states that Philippines is a democratic and republican state where
sovereignty resides in the people and government authority emanates from
A. Article II, Section 1 C. Article III, Section 4
B. Article II, Section 2 D. Article III, Section 5
________7. Which refers to the right of every citizens to access official records, documents,
and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions?
A. civil participation C. free and fair elections
B. constitutional government D. freedom of information

________8. Which process allows citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing
proposed laws on a ballot?
A. initiative B. participation C. representative D. referendum

________9. What type of democracy states that citizens exercise their popular sovereignty
through elected representatives?
A. federal C. representative
B. participatory D. unitary representative

________10. What democratic practice supports the freedom of the individual community
in public/private to manifest religion/belief in teaching, practice, and worship
A. Freedom of Religion C. Free and Fair Elections
B. Freedom of Information D. Freedom of Expression and Media

Let’s Explore and Discover

Unlocking of
The free flow of information and ideas lies at the heart of the
very notion of democracy and crucial to effective respect for human
Democracy - rights. Democracy demands individuals to participate effectively in
government of decision making and assess the performance of government.
the people, by
the people and How did people power prove that democracy is the rule of the
for the people. common people? Does the voice of the people really influence policy
making in the state?
Participation - Democracies derive its legitimacy from the citizen’s ability to
acts that are exercise freewill through voting.
intended to
As citizen of the country, have a voice in democracy! Exercise
influence the
your right!
behavior of those
empowered to This lesson introduces the democratic practices of
make decisions. governance. It also focuses on forms of democracy and its
importance to democratic participation.

( Source: Dullhunk, “Banksy Fought The Law... (but the law won)."
4a92-beac-ef3c4645d8b0, Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0. )

 It is a set of principles and practices that guide how people interact and work together
every day to improve their community and to create a more just society.
 These are ways citizens can work together even when they disagree to address shared
 It refers to variations on the things that happen every day in communities.

Democratic Practices
in the Philippines Legal Bases in 1987 Constitution
1. Constitutional Government Article II, Declaration of Principles and State
Policies Principles.
 The constitution is the supreme Section 1
law of the land. It is the source of
all government powers and also  The Philippines is a democratic and
provides important limitations on republican State. Sovereignty resides in
the government that protect the the people and government authority
fundamental rights of citizens. emanates from them.
2. Protection of Human Rights Article II, Section 5

 Human Rights are the basic rights  The maintenance of peace and order, the
and freedom to which all humans protection of life, liberty, and property and
are entitled. promotion of the general welfare are
essential for the enjoyment by all the
people of the blessings of democracy.
3. Freedom of Religion Article III, Section 5
 Principle that supports the freedom
of an individual or community in  No law shall be made respecting an
public or private to manifest establishment of religion, or prohibiting
religion or belief in teaching, the free exercise thereof.
practice, and worship observance.
4. Freedom of Expression and Media Article III, Section 4
 Covers freedom of speech, freedom
of the press, and gives individuals  No law shall be passed abridging the
and communities the right to freedom of speech, of expression, or of the
articulate their opinions without press, or the right of the people to
fear of retaliation, censorship, or peaceably assemble and petition the
punishment. government for redress of grievances.
5. Free and Fair Elections Article V, Section 1 Suffrage
 Free means that all those entitled  Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens
to vote have the right to be of the Philippines not otherwise
registered and to vote and must be disqualified by laws who are at least
free to make their choice. eighteen years of age.
 Fair means that registered political  Suffrage refers to a person’s right to
parties have an equal right to participate in elections through voting.
contest the elections, campaign for  Republic Act 9006 is “an act to enhance
voter support and hold meetings the holding of free, orderly, honest,
and rallies. peaceful, and credible elections through
 Elections are integral to democratic fair election practices”.
governance. Through the
mechanism of elections, politicians
are held accountable for their
6. Freedom of Information Executive Order No. 2, series of 2016

 The right of every citizen to access  Known as Freedom of Information signed

official records, documents, and by President Rodrigo R. Duterte.
papers pertaining to official acts,  The right of the people to information on
transactions, or decisions. matters of public concern.
7. Civil Participation Article II, Section 4
 Any individual or group activity
addressing issues of public  The prime duty of the government is to
concern. serve and protect the people. The
 Includes communities working government may call upon the people to
together or individuals working defend the State and in the fulfilment
alone in both political and non- thereof, all citizens may be required,
political actions to protect public under conditions provided by law, to
values or make a change in the render personal, military, or civil service.
(Source: “The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines”, Official Gazette of the
Philippines, accessed April, 2021,

Diagram 1
Importance of Participation in Democracy

A true democracy is where the voice of the people is heard. Participation in
democracy through voting, joining campaigns, sharing petitions, and organizing events to
call social change. People eligible to vote should register so that they can cast their votes
when election came.
Leaders may respond to citizens need. This time of pandemic through collaboration
and transparency across network of teams like civil society.
In crisis situation, leaders should consolidate decision-making authority and promote
psychological safety so people can openly discuss ideas, questions, and concerns without
fear. Participation should be consulted and empowered to all sectors of society.
Improve public services. eGovernment (electronic government) has been the dominant
term used in policy making to improve public services and increase citizen participation.
Government information like COVID-19 total and active cases is delivered to citizens
through Facebook, YouTube, and downloading documents to websites. Citizens can also
interact to ask questions and make complaints to government issues on line. ICT provides
tool for faster and more efficient public services.
Reform political system. Civil society can facilitate links at national and local levels
between the community and the government and increase the involvement of different
groups to act as a watchdog over the state and monitor what the government is doing.
The aim of monitoring is to ensure that public policies are defended and implemented.
Through people’s movements political platforms on equality, justice, freedom participation,
transparency, and monitoring reforms in institutional systems would be created and
Good governance is an approach to government that is committed to creating a system
found in justice and peace that protects individual human rights and civil liberties.
It is measured by factors of participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness,
consensus oriented, equity and inclusiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency and

( Source: “Reforming the Political System: Giving Power Back to the People,” Social Watch,
accessed April 29, 2021,

Forms of Democracy

1. Participatory  A model of democracy in which citizens have the power to

Democracy influence policy decisions.
 It emphasizes the broad participation of people in politics.
 Initiatives and referendums are two ways in which local and
state governments allow citizens to influence policy

1. Initiative is a process that allow citizens to bypass their state
Kinds of legislature by placing proposed laws on a ballot. Some states
Participatory even allow citizens to place constitutional amendment on the
Democracy ballot.
2. Popular referendum allow voters to approve or repeal an act of
the state legislature. Similar to initiatives, voter’s sign a petition
to get the measure on the next ballot, but popular referendum
differ in that the law in question has already passed in the state

Both initiatives and referendums show how local and state

governments allow for the broad participation of voters to influence
policy making. Elected representatives are then responsible for
enacting the decisions of their constituents.

The United States of America adopted participatory democracy.

2. Representative  Type of democracy in which the citizens of the state exercise
Democracy their popular sovereignty through elected representatives.
 The citizens choose their representatives by voting in
elections. The chosen representatives then congregate in a
legislative assembly where they debate policy and determine
legislation. Representatives should act in accordance with
the will or interest of the citizens.

The Philippines adopted representative democracy.

( Source: “Types of Democracy”, Khan Academy, accessed April 27, 2021,

Let’s Practice

Activity 1

Directions: Identify the terms that is described in the statement. Choose your answer in
the box below and write it on the space provided.

__________1. It refers to any individual or group activity addressing issues of public

__________2. It is the right of the people to information on matters of public concern.
__________3. It is the principle that supports the freedom of an individual or
community in public or private to manifest religion or belief in teaching
__________4. It is the supreme law of the land.
__________5. It is the basic rights and freedom to which all humans are entitled.

Freedom of Religion Freedom Human Rights

Civil Participation of Information Constitution

Activity 2

Directions: Fill in the importance of participation in democracy. Write you answer in the

How can we improve Philippine democracy?

Let’s Do More

Activity 1

Directions: Use the concepts learned and fill in the differences of the two terminologies.
Write your in the space provided.

Concept 1: Forms of Democracy Concept 2:

Participative Representative
Democracy Democracy

How are they different?

________________________________ ___________________________________
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Activity 2

Directions: Explain the importance of participation in democracy. Write your answer on

the space provided.


What can you contribute to strengthen the democratic culture in the Philippines?

Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Fill out the missing words below to complete the sentences. Select your
answer in the box and write on the space provided.

Representative strengthen good governance make people’s voice heard

Participatory reform political system respond to citizen’s need
Initiative referendum improve public services

Let’s Assess

Directions: Identify the correct answer to each questions. Write the

letter of your answer on the space provided.

________1. What democratic principle supports the freedom of an individual/ community

in public/ private to manifest religion/ belief in teaching, practice, worship and
A. Freedom of religion
B. Free and fair elections
C. Freedom of information
D. Freedom of expression and media

________2. Which type of democracy states that citizens exercise their popular sovereignty
through elected representatives?
A. federal C. representative
B. participatory D. unitary

________3. Which process allow citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing
proposed laws on a ballot?
A. initiative B. participation C. represented D. referendum

________4. Which refers to the right of every citizens to access official records, documents,
and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions or decisions?
A. Civil Participation C. Free and Fair Elections
B. Constitutional Government D. Freedom of Information

________5. What law states that Philippines is a democratic and republican State where
sovereignty resides in the people and government authority emanates from
A. Article II, section 1 C. Article III, section 4
B. Article II, section 2 D. Article III, section 5
_________6. Why participation in democracy is important?
1. Make people’s voice heard.
2. Respond to citizens need.
3. Improve self interest
4. Strengthen good governance

A. 1 & 2 B. 1, 2, & 3 C. 1, 2, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3, & 4

_________7. In democracy, citizens have the power to influence policy decisions, what type
of democracy was adopted in the United States of America government system?
A. federal B. participatory C. representative D. unitary

________8.Which refers to a set of principles and practices that guide how people
interact and work together every day to improve their community and to
create a more just society?
A. civil participation C. democratic practices
B. democracy D. democratic participation

_________9. What government approach is created as a system founded in justice and

peace that protects individual’s human rights and civil liberties?
A. good governance C. political system
B. participation D. public interest

_______10. Which refers to the source of all government powers and provides important
limitations on the government that protect the fundamental rights of citizens?
A. constitution B. democracy C. government D. human rights

Answer Key

Let’s Practice Let’s Do More

Activity 1
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 2-
1. Civic 1. Strengthen good Answer may vary
Participation governance Participatory Answer may
2. Freedom of 2. Make people’s democracy vary
Information voice heard -It emphasizes broad
3. Freedom of 3. Respond to participation of people
Religion citizens need in politics.
4. Constitution 4. Improve public Representative-citizens
5. Human Rights of the state exercise
their popular
5. Reform political

Let’s Sum It Up
Let’s Try Assessment
1. Democratic
1. A practices 1. A
2. A 2. Initiative &
2. C
3. D Referendum
3. A
4. B 3-5 Strengthen good
4. D
5. D governance
5. A
6. A -Make people’s voice
6. D
7. D heard
7. B
8. A -Respond to citizens need
8. C
9. C -Improve public service
9. A
10. A -Reform political system
10. A
4 Participatory


Khan Academy. “Types of Democracy”. Accessed April 27, 2021.

Official Gazette of the Philippines. “The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines”.
Accessed April, 29, 2021.

Social Watch. “Reforming the Political System: Giving Power Back to the People”. Accessed April 29,



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