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Sílvia Regalat Aguilera

Task 2. 4Cs relationship

Topic: School’s menu
Subject: Science
Years: 1st and 2nd Grade of Primary
Global aim: Identify situations in their closest environment whose understanding or
treatment requires healthy food contents.

Objectives Activity

Choose one week from the school’s

menu and classify the food in the

Identify different groups of food

Relation to other Cs
Students choose one menu and think if that meal is
adequate according with the food pyramid.

Children from different nationalities of the class can bring

CULTURE typical meals from their countries (Spain, Italy, France,
Morocco, etc.).

We can organize different groups and each group has to

create a week menu. Then, they will have to explain their
menu to other classmates. Finally, each student will vote
the menu that he/she likes the most.

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