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Subject: MATHEMATICS Time: 1hr 30 Min.
Class: I PUC Max Marks: 50

Section - A
I Answer all of the following questions 5x1=5M
1. Write the set 1, 4,9,.......100 in the builder form.

2. If the set A has 3 elements and the set B  3, 4,5 ,find the number of elements in AXB.
3. If (x+1,1) = (3,1), find the value of x.
4. Write  2,6 in the set builder form.
5. If A has 4 elements. How many subsets does A has?

Section - B
II answer any five of the following questions 5 x 2 = 10 M
6. If X and Y are two sets such that X  Y has 18 elements, X has 8 elements and Y has 15 elements. How
many elements does X  Y have
7. If A  1,1 ,then find A X A .

8. Define power set and write the power set of A  1, 2

9. Find the range of function f  x   2  3x, x  R, x  0

Find the domain of the real function f  x   9  x

11. Let A  x, y, z and B= 1, 2 .Find the number of relations from A to B.
Section - C
III. answer any five of the following questions 5 x 3 = 15 M
12. In a group of students, 100 students know Hindi, 15 know English and 25 knows both. Each of the student
knows either Hindi or English. How many students are there in the group?
13. If A  1, 2,3,5 and B=4,6,9 .Define a relation R from A to B by

R   x, y  : the difference between x and y is odd;x  A,y  B .Write R in roster form, write domain
and range of relation R.
14. If A B   a, x ,  a, y  , b, x  , b, y  ,then find A and B.
15. Let f  1,1 ,  2,3 ,  0, 1 ,  1, 3 be a function from Z to Z defined by f  x   ax  b ,for some
integers a, b. find a, b
16. Define relation R on the set N of natural numbers by
R   x, y  : y  x  5, x is a natural number less than 4; x,y  N .Depict this relationship using roster
form. Write down the domain and the range.
17. In a survey it was found that 21 people liked product A, 26 liked product B and 29 liked product C, if
14 people liked product A and B, 12 liked product C and A, 14 liked product B and C, 8 liked all the three
products, how many liked product C only?

Section - D
IV. answer any four of the following questions 4x 5 =20 M
18. Define modulus function. Write its domain and range Also draw the graph
19. Define Signum function. Write its domain and range Also draw the graph
20. a) There are 200 individuals with a skin disorder,120 had been exposed to the chemical C1 ,50 to chemical

C 2 ,and 30 to both the chemicals C1 and C2 .Find the number of individuals exposed to

(i) Chemical C1 but not chemical C2 (ii) Chemical C2 but not chemical C1

(iii) Chemical C1 or chemical C2

21. a) If A  2,3 , B  1, 2,3, 4 , C  3, 4,5,6 .Verify A X  B  C    AXB    AXC 

and also find (A B)  C .

22. Define identity function. Write its domain and range Also draw the graph.

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