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The Positive and Negative Impact of Peer

An author said that, “no man is an island.” I do believe in this line because I am
an outgoing person where I bond and enjoy a company of good friends. Living or
bonding with friends is what we call peer pressure and it could be both negative and
positive. I will discuss the impacts of peer pressure in my life in general.

I do have peers where they are pressuring me for a good cause and that are
what I want and admire to them and I call these the positive impacts. Some of my peers
are motivating me. It is good that whenever I am down and thinking that I don’t have
anything to hold on, they are their trying to make me laugh and comforts me. They are
also the ones who help me in school. Helping me with my assignments, projects, output
and trying to explain to me lessons I did not understand. Overcoming my weaknesses
and trying to push me to do things I am good at are the pressure I get with good ones.

On the other hand, people or peers that pressure me for a bad cause is what I
called negative impacts or negative friends. It is given that I may once be with people
with bad intentions and I do accept that fact, that I will be with them for a lesson and I
never regret that. These people are the ones who are trying to make you down or
belittle you. These people are the one trying to path my life to something that my parent
wouldn’t be proud of- something harmful and may cause of my downfalls.

Those are the impacts of peer pressure. It may be good or bad. I am happy for
the positive impacts of peer pressure for it results me to a better person. Also, I am
thankful enough for the negative impacts of it for I have learned many lessons.

To end this, peer pressure is good and you just need not to get too much
attached to it. It is your life and don’t let anyone control you, if you want, choose the one
that will benefit you for a better cause. We should analyze everything we are about to
do in life because in the first place, we know what is right and what is wrong. Peers are
there just to make our life better or worse: it is always you to choose from those.

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