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T&D policies of Samsung

In Samsung Vietnam, there are 2 basic kinds of training: on-boarding program & on-working training
program. The on-boarding training is created for newcomers, and the other is for current staffs.

After On-boarding program, new employees will know about Samsung Group history, values, culture &
objectives. In general, this course helps the newcomer understanding and adapting the Samsung
Vietnam working environment.

Regarding On-working training: This is a very clear & helpful training system with the staffs. They can
choose, learn the course from Learning and Development system of Samsung Vietnam that fit with them
and after that, they will get the appraisal about the efficiency from his/her managers.

About DEVELOPMENT policies:

To develop the staffs’ career, each staff will be required to submit his own career management plan to
be evaluated with the line manager and have the plan for development in the future.

Moreover, Samsung Vietnam usually organizes sends some staffs to Head Quarter for learning. It’s the
reward for who delivers the good performance at working.

In another hand, Samsung Vietnam introduced a merit-oriented personnel system- a kind of motivation
for improving the ability of employees.

In general, Samsung Vietnam members will manage his career as well as the line manager and company
will help him to achieve his goals.

However, there are some advantages and disadvantages in T&D policies:

advantages disadvantages
T&D .  Due to L&D schedule,
 Learning &Development some staffs cannot join
system is clearly for all staffs their courses because of
with a lot of courses not fit time.
 The on-boarding program is  It takes time for staff to
helpful to the newcomers for register, for Head of
quick adapting. Department to approve.

It’s a clear job grading  It takes so much time to
structure. go to the next level.
 The career management rule  It conflicts between the
is very helpful for the staffs. current staffs & the new
 The line manager guides a lot hired employee with
for the staffs to achieve his higher level
T&D disadvantages (career management (Development problems))
For example, to be promoted from senior staff level to assistant manager level, minimum 3 years
working for Samsung Vietnam is required. Because Long-term orientation dimension in Vietnamese
culture is lower compared to that in South Korea. Therefore, this leads to the problem:

 Firstly, Vietnamese employees will be disappointed with this one. They feel it’s not a good policy
because although they achieve a great goal, they cannot move to next level if don’t have enough
limit time.
 Secondly, they feel unfair between them and the new hired employee. Some of newcomers can
get the higher level while the current staffs need to wait some years to get it.
 And one more point, some employee resigns to join the smaller company to get the high title
then get back to Samsung Vietnam with the new title.

Solution: To avoid this point, Samsung Vietnam should get the flexible policy for promotion, there have
not the required time. Besides, should promote the current staffs more than hire the new ones

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