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Good lesson plan is essential to the teaching and learning process. A
well-prepared instructor is well on his or her way to a successful teaching
experience. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to create engaging classes.
As a new teacher, you must be committed to putting in the necessary effort.

It's also essential to remember that the best-planned lesson is pointless

without engaging delivery strategies and effective classroom management.
There is a large body of research on lesson development and delivery, as well
as the importance of classroom management. They are skills that must be
investigated, tailored to your personal style, implemented in a
teacher/learning setting, and assessed and redesigned as needed. When it
comes to implementing a classroom management strategy, consistency is

It is important to draw on the ideas of indigenous perspectives,

researched knowledge, and new practices as you design learning experiences
for your students. It helps the students to have an effective learning and to
their own development.

Non-Indigenous students' educational experiences would be enhanced

by engaging knowledge about indigenous perspectives. It's critical that we
recognize and respect each other's perspectives - our different ways of
perceiving the world — and that we find a common ground where we can all
meet, grow, and learn.
Research knowledge is the generation of new concepts, methodologies,
and understandings through the development of new knowledge. This could
include synthesis and analysis of existing research that results in fresh and
creative conclusions.

The learning experience's content was personally relevant, engaging,

interesting, or significant to the learning, which is why it's essential in
developing new practices for their own advantage.

The assessment for learning and planning for teaching has a lot of
connection when we say assement for learning it is to assess their learning after
the lesson it is very important to determine if the students learning.Teachers can
tell if their lessons are effective by assessing them on a regular basis. Teachers use
the assessment to ensure that students learn what they need to know in order to
satisfy the learning objectives of the course.
The feedback of the students is very essential in lessong planning. It
help students learn more effectively and perform better on assessments. It also
way to improve their strategies in teaching .
There are lot of connection between the assessment for learning and
planning for teaching. Assessments for learning, where a student's academic
performance is regularly assessed between benchmarks to determine if the
current instruction and intervention is positively impacting student achievement
or if adjustments need to be implemented.

As a future these are some of essential things that we should improve in

our development skills, this are the skills the we should improve. Creativity is one
of the value that we must be more better for the new strategies of learning that
helps an effective learning.

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