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Author: Bobby Medlin, University of Arkansas-Fort Smith

Kenneth W. Green, Jr., Southern Arkansas University

People perform their best when managed by effective managers. Many approaches executed
by managers to upgrade performances. It is described the prominence of the basics set by
Fayol and Taylor. Employee engagement has been discussed in the management literature. It
has been proven that to bring performance improvements and is imperative to recognize the
precursors. The adherence to the traditional principles and processes set by Fayol on
employee engagement. A structural model that incorporates the principles and processes as
precursors to assists in collecting and analyze the data from adhering to a partial least squares
structural equation modeling methodology.

Significant Areas
The relevant literature is reviewed, as is the methodology, the structural equation modeling
results and concludes by discussing the study’s contributions. The management has been
studied extensively in the literature. Fayol’s work in the managerial principles and process is
still relevant to this day. Contemporary effective management concepts are highly dependent
on the basics set by Fayol.

Analysis and Method

Over the years, employee engagement has gotten a lot of interest in the management
literature as an approach to improve individual and organizational performance. Research in
the other human resource outcomes has been studied by academicians and practitioners to
improve performance (Medlin and Green, 2010; Green and Medlin, 2009). An internet search
had resulted over 94,500 citations, using the term employee engagement.

The main objective of the study is to ascertain managerial exploits to improve employee
engagement. Adoption of managerial principles and processes will spearhead the employee
engagement improvements. The review of the related literature, failed to determine any
empirical research to ascertain any relationships between the principles, process, and
engagement constructs. The empirical results support the proposition that the principles of
management and the processes as possible precursors to employee engagement.

Adherence to the principles and operations in accordance with the management process
would develop an advanced levels of employee engagement. Merging these results with the
awe-inspiring confirmation that engagement leads to improvements in performance affords
practicing managers with the evidence needed to link the principles and process to
engagement and finally to performance. The findings supports that the original work of Fayol
in 1916 is linked to the management principles and the processes remain as relevant to
successful management today as it over a hundred years ago, at the time of Fayol’s writing.



Author: Elias Milana , Issa Maldaon

Modern day organization are becoming increasingly complicated and which effectively use
latest information and exploit their human resources effectively can ensure their success. It
requires innovation, creativity and strategy (Analoui et al. 2009).
Coleman (1990) stated that the individuals is transformed into human capital by giving them
skills, enabling better work. It is influenced by social structures (Urban, Shree 2012).
McCarthy et al. (2011) noted that the focus on human capital ensures that the right talent will
take over to achieve the strategic aims by effective practices. The aim is to give evidence that
would help experts and scholars to understand the public service systems, the reform nature
and the necessary changes.

Significant Areas
(Auw, 2009) indicated that to human capital as consisting of the education, skills and
experience at a given point in time. (Memon et al. 2009) noted that the value of human factor
has only been recently realized by organization’s leadership to be critical for a sustained
competitive advantage. Top managers develop a strategy while mid-level managers
implement it, and the employees who produce goods that is responsible for the strategy’s
success (Harris 2009). The human capital theorizes that persons own human capital,not the
organizations. Often due to mismanagement of individuals or poor work design, the
organizations do not adequately deploy the human capital to achieve strategic impact (Hester
2005). The managerial human capital is a specialized form of human capital with the
experience in how to organize production to achieve predictable outcomes, while the human
capital is the skills and knowledge embodied in individuals. (Radell 1997). He also (1997)
noted that when managers leave an organization, they leave together with their accumulated
skills, knowledge, and experience. They are regarded as the most important member in the
modern organization and can exert the greatest impact on the strategy of organization (Liu,
Ravichandran 2007).

The public organizations operate differently from their private counterparts. They do not
compete in a profit driven market and do not have the discretion to change their own
personnel policies. They also do not use incentives or performance-based appraisals to
motivate their employees (Ma 2010).

Analysis and Method

This study depend on the descriptive analytical method. This study applied to employees in
Directorate of Finance of province of Damascus, the government facility based on tax
collection, and is affiliated to Ministry of Finance. Managerial human capital on the
performance, is deemed worthy of exploration despite the limitations. The organizational
performance is influenced by several factors that may improve performance, such factors as
customer satisfaction and service quality. Carton (2004) stated that the organizational
performance is based on the idea that it is a voluntary group of assets to realize a common
goal . The core of performance is the creation of value. As long as the value created by the
use of the assets is greater than the value expected by those the assets, the assets will
continue to be available.

This study applies in a highly bureaucratic administrative section of a public organization,
but the important decisions is made elsewhere. This, weakens impact of managerial
characteristics on workflow where the work is routinely done, which explains why age, level
of education and functional track of managers does not influence the performance. A long
tenured manager who can influence the performance. With his long experience, he had
earned a moral stature and influence at work as well as an advice and question.
This study had identified that the managerial characteristics is irrelevant in organization
performance. It had also explained the results and the features to be considered for future
studies. Further research should be carried out in order to enhance understanding of role of
managerial characteristics in organization,but with a larger sample size to be generalized to a
larger population. Future studies should be carried out in different areas and in countries with
different level of development in order to knowledge of various aspects of effect of
managerial characteristics on organizational performance.

The internal consistency of organizational performance was measured by computing the total
reliability value which is substantial and this is an indication that the items of organizational
performance are accepted for analysis. The age of manager has a positive effect on
organizational performance but his education level doesn’t but rather his experience and
people skills.
The length of his tenure has a significant and positive influence on organizational
performance, but that functional track doesn’t have a significant influence on organizational

Effective managers elicit people to perform at their best, with many approaches used to
improve performances. The prominence of the basics set by Fayol and Taylor is described.
The management literature has discussed employee engagement in detail. Performance
improvements and the importance of recognizing the precursors, has been proven with strict
adherence to the traditional principles and employee engagement processes set by Fayol. A
structural model that incorporates the principles and processes as precursors to assists in
collecting and analyze the data from adhering to a partial least squares structural equation
modeling methodology.
The complicated modern day organization are hard-pressed to effectively exploit their human
resources and appropriately use latest information to ensure their success. It would require
creativity, strategy and innovation (Analoui et al. 2009). Coleman (1990) stated that the
individuals is given new skills and transformed into human capital thus enabling better work.
McCarthy et al. (2011) noted that the focus on human capital and effective practices would
ensure that the right talent will in charge to achieve the strategic aims. The aim is to give
evidence that would help experts and scholars to understand the public service systems, the
reform nature and the necessary changes.

Significant Areas
The methodology, the structural equation modeling results and conclusion are discussed at
length in the study. The literature has studied management extensively. Fayol’s work in the
managerial principles and process are still relevant to this day. Effective contemporary
concepts of management are dependent on the Fayol’s set basics.
(Auw, 2009) had shown that human capital is education, skills and experience. (Memon et al.
2009) state that the true value of human factor had only been newly realised to be critical as a
competitive advantage. Top tier managers develop strategies, mid-level officers implement
them, the employees produce goods and as a team are responsible for the organization’s
success (Harris 2009). Often due to mismanagement, the human capital is not optimally used
in achieving strategic goals (Hester 2005). The management is specialized experienced in
organizing production to achieve set outcomes, while the human capital is the skills,
experience and knowledge within each individual. (Radell 1997). He also noted that when
managers leave an organization, their accumulated skills, knowledge, and experience is lost
too. Regarded as the most important member in the organization and can exert the greatest
impact on the strategy of organization (Liu, Ravichandran 2007).
The public organizations is different from their private counterparts. They don’t vie in a
profit driven market without any discretion to change their adjust policies. They also do not
use incentives or performance-based appraisals to motivate their employees (Ma 2010).

Analysis and Method

Management literature had begun showing interest in employee engagement as a way to
improve organizational performance. Other human resource outcomes has been studied by
academicians and practitioners to improve performance (Medlin and Green, 2010; Green and
Medlin, 2009). An internet search had resulted over 94,500 citations, using the term
employee engagement.
The is study dependent on the descriptive analytical method and is done on employees of
Directorate of Finance of province of Damascus affiliated to Ministry of Finance, in charge
of tax collection. Managerial human capital is worthy of consideration besides the
limitations. The organizational performance is determined by factors such as customer
satisfaction and service quality that would improve performance. Carton (2004) stated that
performance is based on a voluntary group of assets to reach a common goal, which the core
is the creation of value. As long as the value created by the use of the assets is greater than
the value expected by those the assets, the assets will continue to be available.

The study aims to determine the managerial exploits for employee engagement
improvements. Acceptance of managerial principles and processes will lead the way in
improvements of employee engagement. The related literature has failed to specify any
empirical research to determine any relationships between the principles, process, and
engagement constructs. The empirical results support the proposition that the principles of
management and the processes as possible precursors to employee engagement.
This study is carried out in an administrative section of a public organization. As the
important decisions is made elsewhere, it weakens impact of managerial on workflow, which
explains why multiple factors does not influence the performance. A long time serviced
manager can influence the performance, as he had earned a moral stature and influence at
work as well as an advice and question. Further research should be carried out in order to
enhance understanding of role of managerial characteristics in organization,but generalized
with a larger sample size. They should be carried out in different areas to study managerial
characteristics on organizational performance.
Acceptance of the principles and operations in conformity to management process will
evolve into advanced engagement. Blending the results with the confirmation that
engagement positions improvements in performance would provide managers with the
indication to link the processes to engagement and to performance. The findings supports
Fayol work is connected to the management principles and the processes remains relevant to
successful management today.
An organizational consistency performance is measured by the substantial total reliability
value, indicating the items of organizational performance are acceptable for analysis. The
manager’s education doesn’t affect performance but but rather his age, experience and
people skills. The length of his tenure has a positive influence on organizational
performance, but functional track doesn’t.

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