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Pasig Catholic College


School Year 2021-2022
PCC@109: Missio et Evangelizatio


TOPIC: Death Penalty – Government Side


Prime Minister:

Deputy Prime Minister:


1. The death sentence deters future assassinations.

- The death penalty is the most severe form of punishment available to deter murder. If
murderers are sentenced to life in prison,
Potential murderers will think twice about killing if they are sentenced to death and
executed. Punishment was always used by society to deter would-be criminals from
conducting illegal behavior.
Even though society has a vested interest in preventing murder, it should utilize the most
restrictive action.
2. As of July 2019, the Philippine government had acknowledged at least 6,600 killings by police as
part of the ‘war on drugs.’ Thousands of people suspected of being linked to the drugs trade
have also died at the hands of ‘unknown armed persons’ according to Amnesty International.
Only a single extrajudicial killing has resulted in charges and a conviction. In this context,
President Duterte's decision to reinstitute the death penalty, particularly for drug offenses, is a
logical transition.
3. According to Section 22. Article 47, The death penalty shall be imposed in all cases in which it
must be imposed under existing laws, except when the guilty person is below eighteen (18)
years of age at the time of the commission of the crime or is more than seventy years of age
or when upon appeal or automatic review of the case by the Supreme Court, the required
majority vote is not obtained for the imposition of the death penalty, in which cases the
penalty shall be reclusion perpetual.

-This indicates that everyone over the age of 18 who commits a crime is fine with the
death sentence. We were specifically discussing MURDERING someone and losing their
life, as well as the families seeking justice. Don't urge me to seek justice in other ways
because, as I already stated, what you did to someone should be done to you.

4. Victims of horrific crimes, as well as their families, have no voice to convey how they struggle
every day, feeling every piece of excruciating pain brought on by injustice. People are unaware
of what they must endure on the daily, in order to move on and put the experience behind
them. Just like the mother of a poor 3-year-old who got raped and murdered, Do you believe
the family will pursue the death sentence for their daughter? Indeed, they seek justice because
the child's and her parents' futures are at stake.


1. Shouldn't there be a right to justify a victim of violent crime and their families?

Possible answer:
- No, for us revenge isn't the solution. The solution is to reduce violence rather than to
increase death. If a family seeks justice, they should go the other route or imprison a
2. Don't you deserve to die if you assassinate someone else? Isn't it a case of "an eye for an
eye"? and isn’t the death penalty intended to deter people from committing crimes?

Possible answer:
- No. Executing someone for taking someone's life is a kind of retribution, not justice. There is
no credible evidence that the death penalty is more effective than a prison sentence in
deterring crime. In fact, crime stats in other countries that have abolished the death penalty
have not increased.


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