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Business Free Talk

Chapter 2 Computer

Lesson 6 USB Drive

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1 2 3
Expressions Discussion Further Reading
Useful expressions under Questions for you to discuss An article for you to read
this topic for your freely with your teacher. after class.

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Useful expressions about USB drives.
You can refer to them to provoke your
thoughts in the Discussion part.

1 Expressions Glossary
(suggested time: 8mins)
USB (flash) drive / USB disk / USB stick / USB memory U盘
USB drives are used almost every day in our office file 文件 delete 删除
life. In this part, you are going to study and practice gigabyte 千兆字节(=GB) megabyte 兆字节(=MB)
some expressions and sentences about USB drives. format 格式化 backup 备份
fit on 装上,装入

In Sentences
• How many gigs/megs does your USB disk have?
• Make a backup of important files in the USB stick and
delete files that you don't need anymore.
• My USB device isn't working properly*. I think I need to
format it but this means all data will be erased*.
• USB devices can work without Internet access.
• It's a 12 gig file! It is too large to fit on my USB drive.
© Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved. not work properly: 有问题,出故障 erase: 消除,抹去
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2 Discuss questions about USB drives.
Use your experience and imagination to
talk about them with your teacher.

2 Discussion Discuss these questions in detail with your
teacher. Give reasons and explanations for your
(suggested time: 15mins)
opinion and speak as much as possible. You can
use words you learnt in Expressions to help you.
Q1. Do you have a USB drive? Where did you get it? What do you
usually use it to do?

Q2. Have you ever run into any errors* when using a USB drive?
What was the error? How did it happen and how did you
fix it?

Q3. Nowadays we have so many ways to share files with each

other: bluetooth, email, USB drive, cloud storage*, etc.
Which one do you prefer to use? Why?

Q4. Some people think that USB drives are not so necessary
today since we all have access to the Internet* and can send
files to each other online. What is your opinion?

© Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved. error: 错误,故障 cloud storage: 云存储,网盘 have access to the Internet: 能上网,能联网
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Further Reading
3 An article about USB drives. You can read it
after class if you are interested.

3 Further Reading
• A USB drive is hardware storage that is typically used for computers,
although other systems like gaming consoles (游戏机) and smart-phones also now
USB Flash Drive use USBs.
• ‘USB’ stands for ‘Universal Serial Bus’, and the ‘flash’ in the full name of the USB
drive means the USB writes to flash memory.
• The first USB drive was invented in 1999 by the companies Amir Ban, Dov Moan
• universal /ˌjuːnəˈvɝːsəl/ and Orsn Ogdon.
adj. 普遍的 • Since September 2011, some USB drives could hold up to 256 GBs.
• typical /ˈtɪpɪkəl/
• A USB drive has a typical shape of a flatter rectangular prism (长方形柱体), but
adj. 典型的
• item /ˈaɪt̬əm/ some USBs come in shapes of everyday items like pocket knives and pieces of
n. (一件)物品 LEGO.
• erase /ɪˈreɪs/ • USB drives use very little power.
v. 抹去,擦除 • USB drives can fail and not work properly when they have been through to many
• cycle /ˈsaɪkəl/
‘write and erase’ cycles.
n. 循环
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Next Lesson: Hard Drive




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