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Name of Student NICA ROSE G. GROZEN

Year and Section 1-C
Name of Instructor JOEY BAL RODILLADO
Date Submitted NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Ratings

A. Which primary goal of the health system do you think should be the priority in the
Philippines? Why?

For me, it should be improving the health of population. They say, Health is Wealth.
The people of our country need to be healthy in order for them to be productive. It must be
addressed because it is one of the factors that can ruin our economy. For example, when
COVID-19 arrived, the whole world was almost completely affected by it. Many businesses
closed, many people lost their jobs, many people suffered starvation during of the lock down
and many people died because of this infectious disease. Why did this happen? Why has the
pandemic done so much damage to our lives? This pandemic has taught us that we must be
prepared at any time. Now that our country is slowly recovering, the government continues to
launch free vaccinations for all citizens. As citizens, it is our duty to participate in government
programs and projects especially if they are good for us and our health. Always remember
that, “Prevention is always better than cure.”

B. Do you think that the directions of the Philippine Health Sector are on the right track? Do
you have any other recommendations?

Yes, but not everyone receives health benefits from the government. Poor people
deserve attention because they do not have enough money to be treated in the hospitals.
They can't afford it, even though their illness is severe, they just choose to stay at home. Such
situations are very difficult so must be proactive. Our government should launch health
programs. It must be ensured that the aid goes to those in need. Many people are willing to
help especially children and the elderly who are sick through donations and volunteerism. I
think the main cause of these diseases is the lack of immunization. Many babies lack the
vaccine so they grow weak and always get sick. Awareness should be raised about vaccines
and their benefits. Another reason is the malnutrition that is experienced today especially
among young people. There should be an organization that will do food feeding and
deworming programs in schools monthly. Due to the rising population of our country, poverty
is also worsening. Many poor people cannot afford to go to the hospital due to lack of money
so our government should form further programs and hopefully, we will have free
consultations. Nothing is impossible if everyone unites to achieve the development of our

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