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Nino Cris Allen Cano

Grade 12-STEM A

My Career Personal Development


- Achieve a passing grade

- Apply for Scholarship programs

- Graduate successfully from Senior High


2022 - Enroll in a University that offers Marine

Engineering program

- Readying myself for college

- Consult senior students who take the same


2023 - Organize and make a timetable for school

works to be more efficient as a student .

- Focus on school and dreams

- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

- Develop social relationships

- Study related lessons on the course that I'm


2024 - Be active and stay fit

- Achieve a satisfactory grade

- Aim to be a dean's lister

- Maintain my grades

- Studying more diligently

2025 - Have a good reputation

- Paying more attention on my physical

and mental health 2026.

- Readying myself to the real world

- Apply Marine Engineering internships

2026 - Achieve a high grade

- Atleast graduate cum laude

- Pass the board exam and become a license

marine engineering.

- Apply for a entry-level marine

engineering jobs in order to gain practical

2027 experience.

- Paying attention on the instructions and

tasks given by senior engineers.

- Use my accumulated work experience to

2028 aim higher position.

- Do my marine engineering role proficiently

- Save my salary and invest on some venture


- Give my family a comfortable life and let

them travel all around the world .

- Help my parent to support the schooling

of my siblings.

- Buy my own house and car

- Marry my Girlfriend

- Work harder in my job

- Be promoted at my job

- Have a child

- Provide a better life for my child

- Be more motivated at work

- Have a savings

- Have my own business

- Start a charity of my own and provide a

2031 scholarship for promising students.

- Don't get a head of myself and give back

to the community.

- Become a respectable human

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