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Date : ____________________ Day: ____________________


DIARY I am very happy today. Teacher/ Sir ________________________

taught me about __________________________________(topic). I
gained so much knowledge. I can remember these words.
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
I like ____________________________ (activity) because it was
fun and interesting. I think my _______________________ (skill)
Is better now but the _____________________ (skill) is not good
yet. I hope Teacher/ Sir _______________________ can help me.
I am proud of my English. I rate myself:

Name : _________________________________ Class : _________

Teacher’s Comment:
School : ________________________________________________ Medal : _______________________________________________
Teacher : _______________________________________________ Mission : ______________________________________________
Date : ____________________ Day: ____________________ Date : ____________________ Day: ____________________

Dear Diary, Dear Diary,

I am very happy today. Teacher/ Sir ________________________ I am very happy today. Teacher/ Sir ________________________
taught me about __________________________________(topic). I taught me about __________________________________(topic). I
gained so much knowledge. I can remember these words. gained so much knowledge. I can remember these words.
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
I like ____________________________ (activity) because it was I like ____________________________ (activity) because it was
fun and interesting. I think my _______________________ (skill) fun and interesting. I think my _______________________ (skill)
Is better now but the _____________________ (skill) is not good Is better now but the _____________________ (skill) is not good
yet. I hope Teacher/ Sir _______________________ can help me. yet. I hope Teacher/ Sir _______________________ can help me.
I am proud of my English. I rate myself: I am proud of my English. I rate myself:

Teacher’s Comment: Teacher’s Comment:

Medal : _______________________________________________ Medal : _______________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Mission : ______________________________________________ Mission : ______________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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