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HADBA: Business Plan Proposal

First of all, thank you for the opportunity to hear out our business model and how it can benefit
you and our country. HADBA is an Ethnic Studies based educational program for high schoolers
who will eventually need to take Ethnic Studies required courses through New Mexico’s House
Bill 240 that was put into law in early 2021.

In order to secure out future visons and goals we need a perfect location which needs to
be in Albuquerque. Specifically, up north where there is more land to be built. We need a
building in the five-year plan that will showcase and represent our business. Therefore, a
Adobe based with many aspects of race included in the building. However, until we can
establish ourselves in a big building, we need a place similar to rent. Therefore, your office
space on Coors that used to be a school would be a perfect place to have our start up.
Consequently, we would pay you for the rent each month; however, we know the
inconvenience for needing the office now so we are also offering a 12% equity of our business
in order to have the space right away.

What is HADBA?
HADBA is a curriculum based on Ethnic studies for each culture and race. We will be an established
course that deals with all the forgotten history of all our ancestors and help bring this forgotten history
back to the light. By never forgetting where each one of us comes from, we can learn about the
differences and similarities each one of us has. Therefore, we will understand that at the end of the day
we are all human with the same color of blood on the inside with the same goal of advancing and
preserving humanity in our hearts. 

Our world is filled with bigotry and ignorance towards one

another, but it is an issue that can be solved. With the
growing awareness of ignorance in our country, due to the
rise of protestors during the COVID-19 pandemic, we can
finally start to make this needed change. The only way we
can start to alleviate this problem with racism in our country
is by educating one another about each other. Most of this
racism comes from ignorance from being uneducated; thus,
educating people all over the country and educating people
about culture and identity from a young age will alleviate
the amount of ignorance we have in our country. 

Therefore, as an LLC, we will be able to have our business on the front lines without putting any of
ourselves at risk. By doing so we can advocate fully for our business in all state legislation for them to
create this as a requirement. The way our business works is that we have a set curriculum in which we
have some of the best and qualified educators do research on all of these Ethnicities and put their
findings in a level-by-level course for each student K-12. We will start with a high school curriculum
as this will be the most needed. In this high school curriculum, we will offer E-Books online in which
there will be chapter by chapter content with each Ethnicity in the world being explaining thoroughly.
Through this content, students will receive knowledge on the forgotten history in each of our
ethnicities as well as reading works from important people of our ethnicities such as Phillis Wheatley,
Frederick Douglas, Octavio Paz, etc. In addition, this content will be received by teachers through set
lesson plans in which teachers will have PowerPoints, lesson outlines, lesson goals, etc. that will allow
them to teach the class without needing a full background not the studies. 

As we stated before, our world is changing, and we will help it change for the better. Through
legislation, we will be full advocates for Ethnic Studies bills to pass throughout the country as we will
greatly benefit from them. As states such as New Mexico create Ethnic Studies into a school
requirement by law, they will need an outside source who can provide all the content and outlines for
teachers to be able to teach these classes. For instance, New Mexico will implement a law in which all
New Mexico schools will be required to teach Ethnic Studies, a specific high school making every
graduate must be required to take one of these courses. As stated before, they will need the outside
source to provide them with the content and outlines needed for all of this; thus, the demand for our
product will be high as schools are forced to need a product and service like ours. In addition, with the
parents that will be acquired for the business, we will be the only ones who will be able to offer
schools this curriculum. Lastly, with the Governor signs SB 210 into law, New Mexico schools will be
required to have very high school students take this course starting 2023. Thus, all high schools will
need to offer an Ethnic Studies course. Therefore, with this in law, our sales forecast will start
gradually increasing with schools being forced to acquire an outside source for this.  

What’s Our Plan?

Our Vision is to be the number one educational program that helps alleviate problems with racism
towards people of all races, colors, and cultures and that helps motivate high school students to
graduate. We will do this through our educational services through virtual and physical learning
platforms. Thus, our educational services will create a safe place in schools to have these important
discussions on race, culture, and identity which will help alleviate the tragic racism in our world.
Consequently, HADBA operates on the mission to bring racial and cultural education to every student
in the United States of America; this mission is broken up into a two-part mission which is to educate
every student in racial and cultural diversity and to help every student dream for a better tomorrow.   

Therefore, we first began our Ethnic Studies business plan to profit from our passion and advocacy
for cultural equity. In addition, it is a way for us to provide schools with the resources in an Ethnic
Studies program for when Ethnic Studies is taught at schools. We are in the beginning stages of our
business as we are developing the software and content that goes hand in hand with the common core
standards. Our start-up will be in the state of New Mexico; thus, we are focusing on the educational
standards that New Mexico has established in its education system. As a student who has taken Ethnic
Studies in high school, I believe this will help build a perfect Segway into building a successful
program for our future students. As a business, we feel like it is the perfect timing to establish our
business as our educational environment is shifting to a more virtual space across all schools in our
nation. In addition, we feel if it is especially necessary to educate our youth on cultural and racial
equity in schools to help prevent the racism we see today. Legal structure is an LLC as it is a sole
proprietorship until I partner up with the people who I would give shares to.

We still have not launched our business; thus, we are not receiving any profit from our business. As
previously mentioned, we are in the begging stages of our business and will not be able to make any
revenue for it. However, we will need an amount of money to start the business. To start things off, we
would need to share the holdings of the business with a person who is highly tech-savvy and can help
us start the software for the business. This person would need to be efficient in the following skills:
application programming, server setups, and website designing. In addition, we would need an
educated with expertise in Ethnic Studies. Once we find somebody who can help us build the
software, we would then need to pay for website hosting expenses and data storage fees. These serves
can cost up to 20$ a month plus other programs that would need to be bought to help the program stay
running. This would be $45 dollars a month. In addition, to start up the website it would take
anywhere from $300 to $1,250. So, the timing to make it would be around a year to two years; thus,
we would need around $2,330 to start the software. In addition, a patent would cost around $8,800 and
a one-third contingency would cost us around 1/3 of the settlement. We would want a business
contingency lawyer to pay the money upfront and not have to worry about financial impacts on our
day-to-day operations. So, depending on their fee we would pay them that amount. Thus, the amount
of money to completely startup will be $11130 + the one-third contingency fund. However, the
income we will get after the finishing of our business will be easily establishing the amount put in as
educational programs charge a high price (Edgenuity charges $300-$1000 per student) and it is
starting to be in high demand with states putting Ethnic Studies bills in sessions. 
There is a market for a space like this as of right now.
For instance, we as UNM students have been exposed
to different types of online learning programs such as
Blackboard. However, the programs for education are
very limited through k-8. They are either out of date or
only amplifiable for a limited number of students.
Thus, I believe there can be a great opportunity in this
space to create a program for k-12 students in which
they are given an educational program. This program
would be converted into various amounts of languages
so that any native speaking language can use the
educational program. In addition, I would also implement a structured program that fits the capacity of
students k-12. For instance, we would have a more storytelling-based curriculum for the earlier stages
and then transfer to more case problems for the later stages. The market for the business as of right
now is open. There are only a handful of big successful educational programs for k-8 that are
applicable for today's standards. Due to the pandemic, there is going to be a shift in the way our
educational system works. I truly believe that since there is a lot of students and teachers who have
really enjoyed teaching and learning from home due to the more flexible schedules and personal
reasons. Thus, there is going to be a shift into more schools starting to become more virtual-based
learning curriculums. Also, the aspect of what I would probably want this educational program to be
focused on is the class of Ethnic Studies for grades K-12. Ethnic Studies provides students the
opportunity to learn race, culture, and identity from a young age and I believe it would help educate
our next generations to be empathetic and courteous to the world around us. Also, it is in talks from
our legislature to make Ethnic Studies a core requirement for high school students. So, implementing a
program for teachers to use to jump-start this new addition of a core requirement would be a key place
to start up a business. Consequently, we would have a concentrated marketing strategy that would be
the best strategy for me to use on this business as it is in its beginning stages. As an early bird, we
want to market to places locally. Thus, it would be best to concentrate on one segment, specifically
here in New Mexico. I believe this is the best strategy that will help us grow quicker. The bill is in
session this year for Ethnic Studies as a requirement, thus it will be easier to market this program in
New Mexico. 

Who are the Principal Players?

We are a small business start up therefore we only have one full time business partner:

Brandon Moncada (CEO) has been an ethnic studies student for most of his life and has had
paretns who were both in bilingual education. Therefore, his passion for the business startup has
been with him since an early age. In addition, he is also finishing his undergraduate in Business
Administration to forgo the business plan.

Also, we are hoping to expand the other people with the following requirements:

Have at least one full-time employee. We will need to have had a programmer who had
helped us start up the full program for our virtual educational program. Although the
projections of the profit for the first year look very promising, it is the best idea to not have
too many employees just yet. I can handle the financial statements and balance sheets for the
meanwhile in the first year and be the sales pitcher for the business in the first year. Who else
can make sure to start up your business other than yourself? I will know all of the information
on our business and thus will be the best to sales pitch it to customers. 

In addition, we also want to eventually have the following business structure:

The management structure for HADBA will be based on a chain of command structure. We will have
my word be the most important or as my decisions will make or break the direction of our business.
Then the managers manage the work of the programmers, accountants, and sale pitchers. The
employee structure in my business will be divided into three parts: Programmers, Accountants, and
Sale Pitchers. Each department will have a manager in Chief who organizes all the work in each
department and helps solve problems with any of them. There will be the Programmer in Chief who
the leader and manager of all the programmer employees is. Accountant in chief who is the manager
and leader of all financial-related things. Lastly, we will have the sales pitch chief of managers who
will oversee looking at data to advise what the best sales pitches and advertisement strategies work
best. Lastly, I will oversee all three together and any problems they cannot deal with I will handle
myself. I will be the one who makes the last decision for every problem in the business that is
significant to the business. 

Costs and Return on Investment

First of all, we need to produce our services. So, this will be a one-time thing and then we will not have to
create big things after. First, we will build a site in which it is a program that does virtual learning. Like
Edgenuity's website program. After building this, we will only have to create accounts every time we
purchase a new student. Thus, we will have to buy a new server for each school. Each server will cost $1,
476.31 (which will be around the same amount of 3 students). So, the money in production will be to buy
new servers and we will (for free) create an account for each student. Then, for our physical learning, we
will have lesson plans built into teacher files per school server so that one will also be free of charge.
However, the textbooks for each student will need to be produced through a factory. The price to print
each textbook is $4.65. Thus, we will print and make textbooks for that amount every time we get an
order. Lastly, we will have two things to keep all our services. We will need a warehouse to keep our
textbooks and servers at and offices to build accounts and keep the other expenses of our business
running. So, after we have our establishment, we will also have our website in which schools can directly
ask to buy for our services. We will make it feasible to abide by all business transactions with schools to
make it a feasible purchase for each school. They order through our website and we deliver in person.

Our competitive edge is that we are the first in this market. Although we do have other online school
programs such as Ecademy that allow students to take courses online. There is not a whole program
for students in Ethnic Studies or a whole program-based one. For instance, in math, you have probably
had the "McDougal Littell" Algebra books which are based on their math program that lines up with
the common core standards. In this essence, we would be the "McDougal Little" of the Ethnic Studies

The prices for our services will be broken up into two different parts: Online Services, Teacher
pram/textbooks. So, this can be used in two different settings whether you want it to be virtual learning or
if you want it to be physical classroom setting learning. The online services (Online learning) will consist
of the online services that each student will have access to. To compete with our competitors, we will be
selling our online services for $500 for each student. For Edgenuity, they sell their services for $1000 for
each student. Thus, we will be doing half of that as our program will be the only one for the Ethnic
Studies curriculum. In Albuquerque, there are 38 high schools with an average of 1,747 students in each
one. We will target one specific group of students whether they are Freshmen or Sophomores. So that
means we would get 1/4 of the students in each high school. That would be roughly around 437 students
per high school. Then, for our physical learning services, we will charge $50 per textbook as that is how
much the average of a high school textbook that is brand new costs around. in addition, the lesson plans
per teacher will be $7,000. It will be this high as it will usually be a one-time purchase. In addition, with
the updated Ethnic Study curriculum for teachers, it will be $350 each time we update. For instance, with
the Capitol event, we would implement that into the curriculum and would have to update the teacher's
lesson plans according to events that happen recently. 
The most important milestone that our business wants to get
to in the next 5 years is to have our Ethnic Studies
curriculum and program implemented in at least 50% of all
schools in the state. This will be allowed as legislation has
almost made it a requirement for every high school student
for example to have to take an Ethnic Studies class in order
to graduate. Thus, with the legislation making Ethnic Studies
a requirement in New Mexico's education system, we will
have a mission of being in at least 50% of all schools in this

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