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Harga Kambing Rp 2,750,000

Discount Factor 5.5%

Direct Labor Harga peternak kambing Rp1,900,000
Direct Material Harga bibit kambing Rp1,200,000
Overhead Cost Maintenance & depresiasi peralatan Umur Ekonomis
Investasi Kandang Rp15,000,000

Name Quantity Price
Konsentrat 0.60 kg per sheep per Rp 3,500 per kg
Serat Kambing 0.75 kg per sheep per Rp 2,200 per kg

Animal Medicine
Name Quantity Price
Kalbazen SG 1.0 ml per 5 kg Rp 210,000 per liter
4.0 ml for 1st month
4.5 ml for 2nd month
5.0 ml for 3rd month
6.0 ml for 4th month
6.5 ml for 5th month
7.0 ml for 6th month
Methylene Blue 5.0 ml per treatment Rp 45,000 per 100 ml
Permethyl 5.0 ml per treatment Rp 30,000 per 25 ml
Super Tetra 1 capsule per treat Rp 10,000 per strip

Asumsi Sick Animal 10%

Average Daily Gain (Target)
Per day 0.10 kg
Per week 0.70 kg
Per month 3.00 kg
5 Per siklus penggemukan (rata-rata 75 hari)
Bulan 1 Bulan 2 Bulan 3 Bulan 4

Initial Investment
Upgrade Kandang Rp15,000,000
Cost of Goods Sold
Direct Labor
Peternak Rp1,900,000 Rp1,900,000 Rp1,900,000 Rp1,900,000
Administrasi & keuangan Rp1,000,000 Rp1,000,000 Rp1,000,000 Rp1,000,000
Direct Material
Pakan Konsentrat Rp210,000 Rp210,000 Rp210,000 Rp210,000
Serat Kambing Rp165,000 Rp165,000 Rp165,000 Rp165,000
Harga bibit kambing Rp120,000,000
Medicine Kalbazen SG Rp84,000 Rp94,500 Rp105,000 Rp126,000
Methylene Blue Rp22,500 Rp22,500 Rp22,500 Rp22,500
Permethyl Rp60,000 Rp60,000 Rp60,000 Rp60,000
Super Tetra Rp16,667 Rp16,667 Rp16,667 Rp16,667
Overhead Cost
Depresiasi kandang Rp250,000 Rp250,000 Rp250,000 Rp250,000
Total Cost of Goods Sold Rp123,708,167 Rp3,718,667 Rp3,729,167 Rp3,750,167
Freight Cost
Revenue -Rp138,708,167 -Rp3,718,667 -Rp3,729,167 -Rp3,750,167
PV -Rp 138,708,167 -Rp 3,701,701 -Rp 3,695,216 -Rp 3,699,071
NPV Rp 101,827,123
Bulan 5 Bulan 6

Rp 275,000,000

Rp1,900,000 Rp1,900,000
Rp1,000,000 Rp1,000,000

Rp210,000 Rp210,000
Rp165,000 Rp165,000

Rp136,500 Rp147,000
Rp22,500 Rp22,500
Rp60,000 Rp60,000
Rp16,667 Rp16,667

Rp250,000 Rp250,000
Rp3,760,667 Rp3,771,167
Rp 10,000,000
-Rp3,760,667 Rp261,228,833
-Rp 3,692,504 Rp 255,323,781
Income Statement Projection

COGS Composition
Inflation rate 2.98% Direct Labor Harga peternak kambing
Harga kambing Rp1,500,000 Direct Material Konsentrat
Initial Investment Serat kering
Current capital Harga bibit kambing
Overhead Cost Maintenance & depresiasi peralata
Animal health cost
Sewa Kandang
Growth data
Penambahan berat kambing 11.73 kg/tahun
Proses Penggemukan 2 bulan
Investasi kandang Rp 15,000,000
Kondisi Pengiriman
Optimis 1 pengiriman per bulan 2 kali stocking per bulan
Moderate 1 Pengiriman per 2 bulan 1 stocking per bulan
Pesimis 1 pengiriman per 3 bulan

Optimist 1 kali antar tiap bulan Inflation rate

1 2 3
Penjualan Rp150,000,000 Rp150,372,500 Rp150,745,925
Cost of Good Sold
Direct Labor Rp1,900,000 Rp1,904,718 Rp1,909,448
Direct Material Rp375,000 Rp375,931 Rp375,931
Gross profit Rp147,725,000 Rp148,091,850 Rp148,460,545
Operating cost
Net Income Rp147,725,000 Rp148,091,850 Rp148,460,545

Payback period

Moderate 1 kali antar tiap 2 bulan Inflation rate

1 2 3
Penjualan Rp150,000,000 Rp150,745,000 Rp151,493,700
Cost of Good Sold
Direct Labor
Direct Material
Gross profit Rp150,000,000 Rp150,745,000 Rp151,493,700
Operating cost
Net Income Rp150,000,000 Rp150,745,000 Rp151,493,700

Payback period

Pesimis 1 kali antar tiap 3 bulan Inflation rate

1 2 3
Penjualan Rp150,000,000 Rp151,117,500 Rp152,243,325
Cost of Good Sold
Direct Labor
Direct Material
Gross profit Rp150,000,000 Rp151,117,500 Rp152,243,325
Operating cost
Net Income Rp150,000,000 Rp151,117,500 Rp152,243,325

Payback period
a peternak kambing Rp1,900,000
entrat Rp3,500 0.6
Rp2,200 0.75
a bibit kambing Rp1,000,000
enance & depresiasi peralata Umur Ekonomis
al health cost

4 5 6 7
Rp151,120,277 Rp151,495,559 Rp151,871,773 Rp152,248,922

Rp1,914,190 Rp1,918,944 Rp1,923,709 Rp1,928,486

Rp375,931 Rp375,931 Rp375,931 Rp375,931

Rp148,830,156 Rp149,200,684 Rp149,572,133 Rp149,944,504

Rp148,830,156 Rp149,200,684 Rp149,572,133 Rp149,944,504

4 5 6 7
Rp152,246,119 Rp153,002,275 Rp153,762,186 Rp154,525,871
Rp152,246,119 Rp153,002,275 Rp153,762,186 Rp154,525,871

Rp152,246,119 Rp153,002,275 Rp153,762,186 Rp154,525,871

4 5 6 7
Rp153,377,538 Rp154,520,201 Rp155,671,376 Rp156,831,128

Rp153,377,538 Rp154,520,201 Rp155,671,376 Rp156,831,128

Rp153,377,538 Rp154,520,201 Rp155,671,376 Rp156,831,128

Harga jual kambing
3-5 bulan Rp1,100,000
6-7 bulan Rp1,700,000
8-12 bulan Rp2,400,000
1-2 tahun Rp2,800,000

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