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DLS/540/MAY 2021


1. Liming – Farmers often practice liming to adjust the soil pH and increase its structure but then
the application of lime in the soil reduces the soil acidity and therefore soil is formed easily and

2. Heavy vehicles and machinery- Heavy vehicles like tractors and overloaded cars contribute to
soil formation especially when driven on rough roads therefore leading to the breakdown of rocks
hence soil formation.

3. Building and construction- During building and constructions, digging is done and it leads to the
breakdown of large stones and particles thus soil formation.

4. Irrigation- This has led to the alteration of land because of land use changes, for example,
Solonchaks developed from Cambisols in arid environments.

5. Use of pesticides- Use of pesticides decreases soil biodiversity, intensive irrigation

leading to soil salinization, and the accumulation of heavy metals in polluted soil. 

6. Manuring- Manure that is applied on the earth surface contains a lot of humus that decays thus
causing soil formation.

7. Accumulation of Waste materials- New mineral materials, organic matter and decomposing
materials deposited by human beings on the earth surface accumulate over time and start falling
off thus the formation of soil.

8. Long-term application of organic matter- Diagnostic soil horizons related mainly to long-term
applications of organic matter or to wetland cultivation.

9. Deep soil disturbance- This includes deep plowing, trenches, excavations, pipelines, and
construction sites without any distinguishable horizons;

10. Rearrangement of the land topography- Landform changes due to the rearrangement of the
land topography applied mostly to improve agricultural practices for example terracing.

11. Mining- Mining as a process of digging underground in search of minerals, it leads to the
formation of soil in the process due to digging and breaking down of rocks.

12. Afforestation- This is the process of planting trees where they never existed before. Trees
contribute to formation of soil hence the roots of the trees being cut break down the soil structure
thus leading to soil formation.

13. During the application of fertilizer- During agriculture, nutrients are needed in the soil to
improve in soil fertility. During application of the fertilizers, soil is broken down for the nutrients
to dissolve easily and this leads to soil formation.

14. Overstocking- Soil formation processes are driven by the expenditure of energy on the earth
surface leading to the breakdown of rock particles hence the formation of soil.Large heard of
animals and heavy ones breaks down soil by movement.

15. Soil contamination- This is another process by which anthropogenic activities

significantly alter soil properties. Here, too, the impact can be related to several of the
soil-forming factors, and the implications of contamination are extensive. The
contaminants are often toxic to the soil microbial population (and upon exposure also to
humans), leading to changes in the natural fauna and flora. Increased concentrations of
pollutants can alter soil composition, water repellence, adsorption capacity, and soil pH
and redox properties.

16. Soil biota- Soil biota supply a wide range of essential services, such as regulating
nutrient cycles, modifying soil physical structure and soil water regimes, controlling the
dynamics of soil organic matter and carbon sequestration, and enhancing the amount
and efficiency of nutrient acquisition

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