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Kunci Jawaban

Pathway to English SMA/MA Grade XII


Share Your Experience

In pairs observe these pictures. Fill in the bubbles with the suitable expressions provided in the

1) D
2) A
3) B
4) C
5) E

1. Listen to a dialog.

2. Answer the following questions.

a. The dialog is about asking for and offering help
b. No he can’t. Because the mechanics are working on others’ cars.
c. Contact another mechanic to help with the man’s car.
d. the man accepted the offer. Because he really needed a mechanic to fix his car.
e and f.
Offering Help Accepting Offers Refusing Offers
Can I help you? Yes, I hope so
Let me call him for you That’s very kind of you to
offer. thanks

3. Classify the following expressions into their correct functions.

1) offering help
2) refusing help
3) Accepting help
4) offering help
5) offering help
6) accepting help
7) accepting help
8) offering help
9) offering help
10) offering help
11) accepting help
12) accepting help
13) refusing help
14) offering help
15) refusing help
4. a. Because they want to ease the others’ burden.
b. Let me help you, perhaps, I could assist you in some way, do you need any help?
c. Can you help me? Will you help me? Do you want to help me? Are the expressions of
asking for help while “can I help you?”, “How can I help you?”, “Do you want me to help
you?” are the expressions of offerring help.

5. In Indonesia, offering drinks to guests is a must. Usually, the hosts will prepare the drinks
themselves. They don’t ask the guests about their choice of drinks. Guests usually don’t
drink until invited to.

6. a. Make a dialog regarding a friend who gets a tootache

b. make a dialog to offer help
c. make a suggestion to a friend who got a fever to drink much water,
d. make a dialog to offer help
e. make a dialog to offer help
f. make a dialog to offer help

7. Make a dialog which consist of the expressions of offering and accepting help.

8. 1) Yes, or no is acceptable
2) yes, I did
3) they offer some assistance to the passengers.
4) they may need a drink, they may need a blanket

a. 1) It’s cold. Needs a blanket

2) want to watch movie
movie or listen to some music
3) a novel or a magazine
4) offering to fasten the seatbelt
5) wants to drink some water
6) offering an eyepatch or a glass of milk

b. students do a role play

9. students do a role play

10. a. Rearview mirror

b. seat
c. windshield wiper
d. battery
e. radiator
f. trunk
g. tail light
h. spare wheel
i. wheel
 j. steering wheel
k. disk brake
11. Listen to the dialog and fill in the chart below with services that the mechanic offers.
No. Parts of the car OK Need of Repair Notes
1. Tail light OK Replace the left Agree to the
tail light, it won’t suggestion
turn on
2. radiator OK It leaks. She Agree to the
should fix it suggestion
3. wheels Needs balancing Not sure
4. Disk brake OK
5. Battery OK
6. Windshield Replace the Agree To the
wipers windshield suggestion
7. Steering wheel OK

12. Listen to the dialog again and find out how much each service cost and how much the total
cost Mrs. Carpenter has to pay.
No. Services Price
1. A pair of windshield wipers $55
2. The wheel alignment $85
3. Fixing the leaking radiator $35
4. A tail light bulb $15
5. Balancing services $45
Total $235

13. In your opinion, what will Mrs. Carpenter do? Will she get the mechanic to repair her car or
will she postpone the repair. Give your reasons.
In my opinion, she is going to postpone the repair until she can read the report from the
mechanic. Mrs. Carpenter is going to postpone the repair because she needs to make sure
that all the repairs worth the money.

14. Read the poster carefully and answer the questions.

a. It tells me about a boarding house for pet
b. they will take care of our pets
c. pets such as cats, rabbits, dogs, hamster.
d. contact The Holiday Home for Pets

15. Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions of offering help.

1) Do you want us to keep your pet
2) would you like us to vaccinate your cat
3) we can do that for you if you like
4) do you want us to do the same thing to your cat
5) If you have any questions about pet boarding

16. Discuss the following questions with your friends.

a. Yes, they are
b. They want to offer some assistance and they also want to promote their place.
c. no, they aren’t
d. students present the discussion in front of the class

17. Students write letters based on the situations. The letter should consist of the expressions of
offering help.

18. Complete these dialogs with expressions to offer help with the responses.

Dialog 1
Dodo: Can I offer you some assistance?
Friska: Umm, I would be grateful
Dodo: What can I do for you?
Friska: Thank you so much.

Dialog 2
Justin: The soup won’t taste delicious
Mother: Yes, can you help me?
Justin: Shall I get to the market? What do you need?

Dialog 3
Shop Assistant: May I help you?
Shop Assistant: Do you want me to take of
Customer : That would be great
Shop assistant : Do you also want me to wrap the book for you?

19. Students make a dialog based on the situations

20. Students make a short message based on the situations.
Chapter 2

Share Your Experience

1. Match information below with the right heading.

A. Education
b. Work history
c. accomplishment
d. capabilities
e. Target job

2. The followings are abbreviations that are often found in application letters. Match the
abbreviations with the correct words.
1) e
2) g
3) d
4) f
5) a
6) c
7) b

1. Listen to a monolog. Then fill in the blanks.

No. Things to Discuss Your Proof of the Answers
1. The name of the Yes Milton college
mentioned in the monolog
2. The position/job offered Yes Director of freshment residence hall
3. The job description Yes Supervising maintenance, room
assignment, the social program,
The requirements needed Yes Min. 5 years exp working in a similar
The grammar in the monolog Simple The responsibility of the director
Present includes supervising maintenance,
Tense room assignment, and the social
The speaker in the monolog No
Possible listeners Yes Radio listeners

2. Complete each blank space with a suitable phrase provided.

1) sit down
2) experience
3) working in a team
4) in particular
5) a large company
6) fair working conditions
7) by e-mail within a week

3. Complete the job interview with the correct questions.

1) Where do you know about this job vacancy?
2) Why do you want to work here?
3) What do you know about this college?

4. Discuss the following questions.

a. Before having a job interview the applicants should research about the company
they intend to work for. The applicants should also prepare some questions that
may be asked by the interviewer and prepare the best answers. The applicants
should arrive early for the interview and eat something beforehand.
b. Because they want to be accepted in the company.
c. To evaluate and to assess whether the applicants should be hired.

5. Students present the discussion in front of the class.

6. Compare the letters by completing the table that follows.
No. Heading 1st letter 2nd letter 3rd letter resume
1) Month/day/year   - -
2) Name of the company   - -
appplied to
3) Full name of the  - - -
hiring manager
4) Street address of the  - -
hiring manager
5) Applicant’s full name    
6) Applicant’s address  - - 
7) Personal details - - - 
8) education - - - 
9) Special training - - - 
10) awards - - - 
11) activities - - - -
12) experience   - -
13) Title of position being  -  -
applied for
14) Company name   - -
15) Reason for being a   - -
good fit for the
16) Background  - - -
information that
matches the
38. In pairs, write the reasons behind an event based on this information.

39. Perform a dialog based on one of the following situations.

40. D, a, c, b

41. Rewrite those jumbled paragraphs so that they make a coherent piece of news.
42. Rewrite an interesting event into a piece of news.
Chapter 5


1. Look at the pictures. Provide ten words to describe each picture.

a. dirty, ugly, disgusting, messy, unhealthy, untidy, bad, nasty, worse, stink.
b. clean, pure, nice, tidy, fresh, green, comfortable, relaxing, sterile, enjoying.
c. crowded, polluted, unhealthy, traffic jam, damaging, bad, poisoning, worse,
depressing, dusty.

2. Discuss the following questions.

a. The picture which describes a healthy environment is picture B.
b. I assume that picture B is a healthy environment because it looks clean and fresh.
c. I suggest to not destroy the plants and trees and keep the environment clean to
create a healthy environment.
d. I do not throw the rubbish on the road in order to keep my environment clean
and healthy.

3. Look at the picture in activity 1 and then match the following slogans with the
correct picture.
Picture 1 :
Let’s recycle our unused things if you want to make our environment clean.
Don’t let your environment be dirty if you really want to live a healthy life!

Picture 2:
You can save lives if you keep me green.
We grow to help the world. If you destroy us, we can’t help you anymore.

Picture 3:
If you prefer motorcycles to me, your health will get worse.
If you love me, stop polluting the atmosphere.

Page 96

1. Read the following leaflet. Then, discuss the questions.

a. The leaflet is about to learn batik painting in order to relax.
b. If I learn batik painting, I can earn some cash to help my family and pay my tuition
c. If I don’t have much time to study batik painting, I can get guidance from tutorial
2. Listen to the recording and repeat what the woman says.
3. Listen and repeat.
4. Listen to the recording and then practice the interview with your friend.

5. Work in pairs to discuss the following questions.

a. The topic of the interview is Songklod’s activity in batik painting.
b. Songklod is a batik painter that has ever been one of the victims of tsunami in 2004.
c. Songklod is interested in batik painting because it helps him increasing his
d. Songklod felt depressed after the tsunami because his lost his house and his parents
lost their jobs.
e. According to the interview, Songklod suggests us to cheer our friends up by
encouraging them to join a collaborative program between UNICEF and the Ministry
of Education’s Non-Formal Education Department.
f. If we study batik, our life can be restored.
g. We can learn from Songklod to not give up in every hard situation and try to learn
something new to make our life better.

6. Listen and repeat.

7. Discuss the following questions with your friends and your teacher.

8. Read the texts. What is probably the problem? Think about a solution and give some
advice, suggestions, of information.

Text 1
Problem : People don’t know batik well.

a. If we want to know more about batik, why don’t we learn the hand-drawn
technique and the stamped technique.
b. If you want to know more about what you can earn from batik, create batik crafts.
c. Unless we learn more about batik , we will not know quality of every kind of batik.

Text 2

Problem : traffic jam in big cities.

a. If we don’t want to get frustrated to face traffic jam in big cities, why don’t we use
online transportation.
b. If we feel depressed of traffic jam , create solutions for it.
c. Unless we use public or online transportation , we will get stressed driving our own
vehicle, we should also think about stopping to pollute the atmosphere .
12. Match each clause in Column A with the continuation in Column B.
Column A Column B
1) If you feel upset, b) why don’t you tell him?
2) People will be happy a) if you are happy.
3) If your friend makes you sad, d) cheer up!
4) Your friends feel sad c) if you always have a long face.
5) If your friend does not trust you, e) why don’t you earn his trust?

13. Fill in the K-W-L Table.

14. Work in groups of four. Read the following letter and then discuss the questions.

Reading for specific information

a. Complete the following table with information from the text.

The sender The receiver Nurhayati’s Problem

Diana Nurhayati  Nurhayati thinks too

much about whether
her firend really like

 Nurhayati is not
confident with her

Reading for detailed information

b. Read the letter again. Then, complete the statements about giving advice or

1) If you have a problem with your friend, you should talk about it with his or her .
2) You will create success if you work hard.
3) If you want everyone to like you, why don’t you be kind.
4) You should treat your friends with respect and warmth if you want them treat
you the same.
5) If they abuse you, why don’t you tell your parents.
15. Write a similar letter by changing the advice /suggestions offered.

Dear Nuryahati,

Don’t worry too much about friendship. Don’t think too much about whether your
friends really like you. Here are some tips to be more confident with your friends.
Lighten up!
1. You will successfully make friends if treat your friend with respect .
2. Think positive! No one feels enjoy  if they are together with a negative-thinking
3. Good friends will treat you well. If they don’t respect you , you don’t have to be
friends with them. Get yourself new friends.
4. Stay calm, happy, centered. People will happy to be your friends if you are a
cheerful person.

Cheer up!

Sincerely yours,

16. Read the announcement and then discuss the questions.

a. The announcement is written to people living in Queensland.

b. The announcement is about prohibition from disturbing dolphins when they rest
and hunt.
c. If the water of Tangalooma is rough, the dolphins will not come to rest and hunt.
d. The word “them” refers to dolphins.
e. Complete the following (if/unless) clause.
1) If the waters of Tangalooma are calm, dolphins will often come to rest and
2) If you watch dolphins rest and hunt, you are prohibited from approaching them
within 50m.
3) If you need further information about the dolphin feeding program, you can
visit the dolphin education centre .
4) If you approach dolphins within 50m, you will disturb them while rest and
5) Unless you have a permit, you should not disturb the dolphins .
6) Please come at 5.30 pm, if you want to come to the dolphin feeding program.
17. Read the announcement again and change the information stated in the
announcement using an (if/unless) clause. See the example.

 Unless you stay within 50m, you can watch the dolphins rest and hunt.
 If you want to know more about the dolphin feeding program, you can go to the
dolphin education centre.
 You can feed the dolphins if you have a permit.

18. Read the sentence below. Write the patterns in the following table. See the example.

If S + P (present) Subject Predicate

you want to be more why don’t you join the club?

you are a good citizen, obey the rules!

they want to reduce the local authority should enlarge the

pollution in the city, forest in the city
you ride a bike early in don’t forget to wear
the morning, a jacket!
Unless the school keeps the we won’t be able to
environment clean, improve your

19. Read the sentences. Then underline and correct the wrong word in each sentence.

a. If you want to be happier, why don’t you join the club?

b. If you are a good student, be on time!
c. Unless you obey the school rules, you won’t be considered a nice students.
d. The school staff should not allow students under 17 years old to ride motorcycles to
school if they want to reduce pollution in the school.
e. If you want to withdraw your money using an ATM, remember   to check the
f. You should not open an umbrella indoors if you don’t want to have bad luck.
g. Some people believe you will have seven years bad luck if you break a mirror.
h. If you are not in the room, turn off the light.
i. If you ask me, I will keep silent.
 j. If you need more information, call me.
a. Keep smiling, keep shining. That’s what friends are for.
b. Love of my life, bring it back.
c. It’s my life, it’s now or never, I ain’t gonna live forever.
d. Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more

e. Love of my life, you've hurt me,

You've broken my heart and now you leave me.
Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back, bring it back,

f. It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life

g. Friendship
h. Love
i. Life
 j. Yes, it is.
k. Yes, it is.
l. Yes, it is.

17. Analyze the grammar used in the lyrics and complete the following tables.

Part A
Commands Negative Commands
make no mistake Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back
close your eyes and try Don't take it away from me
keep shining
then close your eyes and know
Bring it back
Hurry back
Part B

Present Tense Present Perfect Future Tense

This ain't a song for the You've got to make your own You will remember
broken-hearted breaks

I ain't gonna be just a you've hurt me I will be there at your side to

face in the crowd remind you how I still love you,
I still love you.
You're gonna hear my You've broken my heart I'll be on your side forever more
It's my life You've stolen my love

It's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while

I'm alive

My heart is like an open


This is for the ones who

stood their ground

It's for Tommy and Gina

who never backed down

Tomorrow's getting
harder, make no mistake
Luck ain't enough
you leave me.
Don't take it away from
me because you don't
know what it means to

Past Tense Present Continuous Tense

I did it my way The words are coming from my
And I never thought I'd
feel this way

I got the chance to say

Well, you came in loving

18. Summarize the message of each chorus in about 50 word.

19. Work individually to do the following activities.

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