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Peer-teaching Observation Report

Name – Student ID: Lê Thị Thảo Tiên - 2194841

Presenter: Group 1

Skill focused: Reading Skill

This report is divided into two main parts.

● A summary of peer’s lesson

With Reading Skill, the lesson that Group 1 presented to the whole class was the subject
"Travel" book: Intermediate Solution. The duration of their whole class is about 30 minutes. In
the first warm-up activity, Ms. Nghi led an interesting list question which is "What hobby do
you usually do when you have TIME and MONEY?" And most of the students responded that
shopping and traveling. So, she introduced the lesson topic is “Travel”. Then she showed
transport images and asked students which of them they usually used to travel. In addition,
Ms.Nghi showed three pictures of crowded cars and people and asked ''What is happening? What
are the people thinking and feeling?'' refers to the effect of being crowded. Coming to the
vocabulary presentation of Ms. Ngan, she gave the exercise of filling in the word looking at the
picture inserted in the blank to guess the word. Through 6 paragraphs, the teacher mentioned 7
new words. Then Ms. Ngan gave the class a small game called ''unscramble the words'' to make
it easier for students to remember the newly learned vocabulary. Coming to the vocabulary
presentation of Ms. Ngan, she gave the exercise to fill in the word by looking at the picture
inserted in the blank to guess the new word. Through 6 paragraphs, the teacher mentioned 7 new
words. Then Ms. Ngan gave the class a small game called ''unscramble the words'' to make it
easier for students to remember the newly learned vocabulary. Coming to the main part of the
lesson, which is Reading, Ms. Nhi had the class read two paragraphs A and B silently, then
students had to choose the appropriate title for each paragraph. It is the same two paragraphs,
Ms. Nhi let me play ''match photos with paragraphs''. She then had students read the passages
again to answer the questions to emphasize how new words were in the answers. Moving to the
practice reading of Ms. Cam, she engaged the students by asking for short answers to the given
situations (When the plane landed / Customs clearance at the airport / Buying tickets / The train
had to stop…) Besides, students watch 4 text frames cut out from the given passage so they can
locate the text and place it in the box to be filled in. The last part deals with a short speaking
activity led by Ms. Linh. She has students use Stat an opinion phrase and use adjectives to
practice describing the advantages and disadvantages of means of transportation. At the end of
the lesson is homework, that writes 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of 1 vehicle that you like.
Using starting opinion phrases.

General comments:

- Strength:

From my point of view, the overall advantage of the presentation is that all members have
good preparation for the lesson, the slides are full of information to be mentioned and
easy to follow. Besides, almost all members of group 1 have very good pronunciation,
their voices and faces are always happy, giving learners a lightness and comfort when

About each member has different advantages, such as Ms. Nghi, the way she leads the
lesson with questions about means of transport is very interesting, she uses many vivid
images, when students look at it, it is easy to understand and attract more attention. And
the speaking part of Ms. Linh is the activity that I find the most useful, because after
learning and doing exercises on vocabulary, this speaking activity can both review new
vocabulary and apply it to talk about pros and cons of the means of transport from the
individual student's way of thinking.

- Weakness:

From my observation, with such a good presentation, I only regret two little things from
lesson of group 1.
Firstly, the activities in the Let's Read section of Ms. Nhi and Ms.Cam, I think it's a bit
difficult and too long and too many words. If you do that, students will be confused, if
you ask questions and force them to answer without any hints or pictures and that will
make it impossible for students to pay attention to the lesson.

The second one, which is the uneven interaction between the teacher and the students.
Why do I feel that, because in my opinion, the members of the group are teaching and
talking quite a lot, most of the students are heard and read, there is no continuous
interaction between the teacher and the students. students, because that can capture how
students understand the lesson.

- Recommend:

Drawing on strengths and weaknesses, group 1 should be able to use more pictures,
assignments should not be too long, and group 1 friends should prepare freer activities to
increase interaction between teacher and students, the lesson will be better. Furthermore,
another thing to pay attention to is that you are in group 1 when students answer, right or
wrong, you should give them more words of encouragement and encouragement than

● Application

From the Group 1’s demonstration, I have been learning and drawing some experiences for
myself. The first thing is that we must always have a good mental preparation and script, and
have to grasp the lesson carefully before the presentation. Because looking at the friends in group
1, we can see the confidence, the pronunciation ability of the whole group is smooth, not
embarrassed. This is really a public speaking skill, practice this important skill as it is essential in
a teacher.

The second thing is the organization of activities. We should add games and activities with
exercises to be included in the lecture which will make the lecture always exciting and extremely
And finally, I have learned from experience in teaching that it takes a lot of factors to be a good
teacher. My classmates and I are in the process of learning and improving ourselves to achieve
future goals together. So, we are always learning and listening to the work of friends and
teachers, we will become a better version of ourselves.

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