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Meli, Intan, Kiki, Atri, Ilham and Yogi are odd semester students of English education at
Halu Oleo University. They have built friendships since the beginning of college and have
survived until now, although sometimes they meet a saturation point. Meli is ambitious and
stubborn. Intan is lazy, dizzy, cold, and looks cynical. Kiki with a warm and friendly nature. Atri
with her slang and modern nature. Ilham who doesn't like fuss, especially near Kiki. Yogi the
gamer boy who likes to play games without knowing time perfect.For starting a friendship that is
full of drama, let alone the drama of a cage.
However, their meeting is now limited by a large and sturdy partition where nothing can
tear it down. Everything has changed 280° and is no longer the same. At first they could still
enjoy class in the classroom, gather together while laughing happily, have lunch together, until
they go home from campus. It's normal to be together but in the end there is only boredom, stress
and a sense of enthusiasm for college just evaporates. Well, what happened to them? Why can't
they get together anymore? To find out the answer, let's look at the following drama.
Scene 1

Today Meli, Kiki, Atri, Ilham and Yogi attacked and joked in the classroom after class
time was over. They occasionally discussed tomorrow's plans to eat together in the sports center
building where they usually spend their free time before the next class starts. As usual, the
prepare's is Meli because she is the only diligent one among them.

Yogi : "Mel, what are you going to cook for us tomorrow?" (Yogi asked while playing a game
on his cellphone).
Kiki : "Yes Mel, I want to eat what you cook again, because it's delicious". (Connect Kiki with
his trademark smile).
Ilham : "Not because it's delicious, but just say you're lazy to make your own breakfast."
(Scolded Ilham with a straight face).
Intan : "Don't be like that ham, she's just like you, lazy to bother people." (Intan sarcasm while
Meli : “Yes, already. I cook for you, you're happy, tomorrow I'll just bring fried rice or brown
toast, okay?" (continued Meli with her face not looking away from her notebook).
Atri : “Mell, Mell…. How come the book is still being taken care of, let's go home." (invite Atri
and everyone starts to pack things up and get ready to go home).

Scene 2
This morning with the spirit of 45 Meli, Kiki, Intan, Atri, Yogi and Ilham prepared at their
respective homes. As planned yesterday, Meli cooks happily because she wants to meet her
friends. Intan, kiki, Atri, Yogi and Ilham also perform rituals to get ready before going to
Meli : (Wearing hijab, lip balm while humming a little. After that she left the room in full
uniform and got ready to put on her shoes.)
"aaa…. It's nice to be able to study together again this morning. Moreover, today's course
is a little light and doesn't cause headaches."
Not long after that, the phone rang indicating that a call had come in.
Kiki : "Hello mell, where are you?"
Meli : "I'm at home now, I want to go to campus.Why sista?"
Kiki : "Take a look at the majors group chat, there's some bad news."
With trembling hands, Meli quickly opened the majors group chat to see what was going
on. With a tired face he returned to the room and called all his friends.
The phone rings and one by one they pick up the phone.
Yogi : “It's bad guys, what are we going to do? Time to stay at home because the virus is not
clear like this." (Complained the Yogi.)
Atri : "Yes, there are benefits too, we can relax in class."
Kiki : "That's right, going to class, chatting with everyone is still going on." (Replied Kiki
while smiling raising her eyebrows.)
Ilham : “How can there be such a thing, at the very least I am disturbed and not focus on
studying. My neightboar, who is next to my house,plays dangdut music, it keeps getting
earaches." (Complained with a sour face.)
Meli : “I'm okay if the class are online, because i can cook while study too. In the morning I
always have to prepare breakfast for the people at my home.”
The conversation lasted until one by one they were allowed to carry out their respective

Scene 3

A sunny morning with the sun shining quite brightly, today is the first day of online class
for these 6 friends. Meli who prepares equipment from the night, Intan who sleeps early because
she is going to college in the morning, Kiki who starts collecting study materials, Atri with
enthusiasm 45 because her favorite lecturer will give online classes, Yogi who deletes the game
for college and Ilham who deliberately sleeps early for fear of falling asleep while in college.
Class started at 8 to 15 in the morning.
Lecturer : "Assalamualaikum warahmatuahi wabarakatuh”.
College student : "Wa'alaikumussalam Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh".
Lecturer : "Good morning children. Today, the first day of online class and we continue the
previous material only with a different system, namely online class.Okay, the last
material is Preference". The lecturer explained and started teaching
The lecturer explained until the end of the class and the 6 friends listened well, and of
course Meli took notes on all the material explained.
Meli : "Alhamdulillah today went smoothly".

Scene 4

Day after day passed with online class What was originally 14 days has now become 24
months. It's not that the more enthusiastic these 6 students are getting bored and tired of studying
online. Difficult material, lecturer explanations that are difficult to absorb, piled up assignments
make everything difficult.
(When online class take place, 6 students study at their homes).
Meli POV
Meli : "Tired, oh God, sitting from morning to evening, continuing to work at night. When will
the lecture go offline again, huuuuuhh" (She complained).
Suddenly, nausea and dizziness hit him. He just realized that since this morning there had
been no food in her stomach.
Meli : “Masyaallah, it turns out that I haven't eaten since morning, how can I forget this.
Because class is eating time so it's tight."
Finally, because her ulcer recurred, Meli had to be infusion for a few days and made her
reflect for a moment. She was too embarrassed by the existing system, still too new and difficult
to implement. Moreover, in recent days the lecturer rarely came in and only gave assignments.
That's when he started ignoring her class ignoring the lecturers while studying, ignoring his
books and getting busy with his cellphone and always taking breaks.
Meli : "Tired of being like this all the time, where does it hurt because I'm tired. Besides, the
lecturer explains that I don't really understand. It's better to just sleep, I'm already
absent." (She said before picking up sweet dreams and falling asleep).
Intan POV
In another place, there is Intan who is silent and contemplating in her room. She also
feels the same way as Meli, bored with lectures that are full of screens. Her eyes get sleepy
quickly if she has to look at the cellphone screen all day long.
Intan : "why are online lectures so boring from day to day? Can't meet friends, even getting
out of the house is difficult".
Not long after, Intan's cellphone rang, there was a WA call from diamond's friends who
told them that there was a zoom link for today's class. Intan also attended the lecture with
unbearable boredom.
Intan : "Online class are really boring, I feel even more lazy to take this course, the material
presented by the lecturer is difficult for me to understand. (While looking at the
cellphone screen with the online class room view).
Feeling bored, Intan didn't pay attention to the material explained by her lecturer, she also
divided the screen display into 2 cellphone screens where the top screen showed the on going
class and the bottom screen was used to play games. She was also engrossed in playing games
without paying attention to the online class.

Kiki POV
Kiki has just finished doing her morning routine. This time she has the housework to
sweep and wash the dishes.
Kiki : "Finally I'm done sweeping and washing dishes."
Suddenly Kiki's cellphone rang, it turned out to be a reminder alarm for online lectures
this morning.
Kiki : "Apparently it's already 8 o'clock, but there's no zoom link from the lecturer. I'd better
prepare my laptop for a short lecture now."
Kiki : "It's already 8.15am but there's no zoom link yet. Usually this lecturer comes on time
but it's already 15 minutes late." (Kiki muttered while looking at his cellphone).
Kiki : "I think it looks like there's no class this morning." (But suddenly a notification
appeared on his cellphone. It turned out to be a zoom link for this morning's lecture).
Kiki : "I was just about to put my cellphone on the table, but now there's a zoom link. Let's
start class this morning.”
Kiki finally entered the zoom meeting where the link was shared. At first he was very
focused on his lectures but suddenly a message notification from a chat group with his friends
appeared so Kiki opened her cellphone and saw the contents of the group chat.
Kiki : "Omg... this video is so funny."
(It turns out that one of his friends sent a funny video to the group.)
Finally, Kiki was busy chatting in a group with her friends while occasionally focusing
back on her class even though there were some important parts during the material.

POV Atri
As usual this morning Atri also took the same class as Meli, Intan, and Kiki even though
she woke up with difficulty because she was not used to getting up again. After entering the
room, the lecture began.
Atri : "ahhh, it's already eight o'clock, but I'm still very sleepy" (Atri muttered as she yawned
and glanced at the clock on her cellphone).
In the middle of the class,attri lost her focus because the material this time was very
difficult and quite racking on her brain.
Atri : "What meteri is this, my God, where did he run to?" (Atri complained while massaging
her head).
While the lecturer explained, Atri turned off his zoom camera and listened to the
lecturer's explanation while lying down.
This activity is often done by Atri when she goes to online class in the morning. But
when she goes to evening lectures, her behavior changes. She often studies while hanging out
with her friends in high school.

POV Ilham
When I opened my eyes, the first thing Ilham saw was the sun's rays coming through the
glass of his bedroom window. After he was silent for about 10 seconds, he immediately grabbed
a cell phone that had been charged all night and looked at the cellphone which showed 7:48,
indicating about 10 more minutes before class started.
He quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. After getting out of
the bathroom, as soon as he could prepare his lecture needs and about a few minutes later the
lecture began. Everything seems to be going smoothly. But, that's just the description before the
storm. After the lecture lasted about 15 minutes, the sound of the 'sound system' began to attack
from the north of the house. A music was played accompanied by someone singing.
Ilham : "Oh, so today the song 'Kehilangan'."
('Kehilangan'=one of Rhoma rhythm's song titles).
The sound penetrated the walls of Ilham's house and he followed the lecture while
listening to my neighbor's karaoke.
Ilham : "Oh god, why do I have to experience something like this every day?" (He complained
This is not the first time, he karaoke almost every morning. In the past, Ilham had the
initiative to talk to neighbors but this is the answer.
Ilham : "Excuse me sir, can you turn your voice down? I'm in college, so I'm a bit disturbed."
Mr. Ruslan : "Oh yes, son." (Ilham neighbors say yes).
Ilham : "Thank you sir".
Ilham returned home and his voice was somewhat reduced. However, this only worked
for a few days, the next day his voice became louder again regardless of Ilham who was in
class.And that's how Ilham's class was accompanied by a neighbor's dangdut song.

Yogi POV
On the other hand, during the class, Yogi also complained about his lecture. He was very
tired if he had to study via cellphone. His eyes only hurt and boredom always appeared.
Yogi : " huhh ...... why am I studying online like this? There's no fun”. (While lying on the
couch and listening to online classes in the morning).
A few minutes later a notification from WA appears. Yogi immediately woke up and saw
the notification.
Yogi : "Hmmm...Pipin invites me to play games, but I'm still studying online. Ahhhhh but
college is also boring, so I'd better play the game". (He muttered in his heart).
Yogi immediately opened the game without heeding his lecture that day. He was lost in
his own fun.
After a while, there was a disturbing feeling in his mind today.
Yogi : “Why does it taste like this... It's like something's missing." (While playing cellphone).
Yogi : “How come it reminds me of going to college first. Remembering our friends when we
were on campus. It must be fun for us to get together, joke, get scolded together in
college. It's not true if we go to college like this”.

Scene 5
Time flies so fast that the midterm exams are only hours away. The six friends decided to
take the exam in the same place as well as have their first get-together after the ban on going out
was relaxed. The exam is determined. After they arrive, they talk lightly about their complaints
during lectures.
Yogi : "Do you understand the material that the lecturer explained during online lectures
Ilham : "Where is it, I'm studying with the karaoke neighbor's voice, that sucks".
Meli : "Moreover, I don't understand the material. I also do tasks like military training. I get
sick because I'm late for eating."
Kiki : "Same, if you don't understand in college, it's better to chat. Than a headache, right?"
Atri : "That's right, instead of a headache, right, online lectures are relaxed. Just turn off the
camera, take a pillow, continue to lie down. The grades are definitely safe because we
can work together." (Continued Atri).
Intan : "Agreed, all this time I've been studying while playing games so I don't get dizzy when I
hear the difficult material."
Meli : "Okay okay, let's continue to work because." (Invite Meli to end the light conversation).
They continued their midterm exams smoothly. The exam system this time was not so
strict, they could still turn off the camera because the lecturer only gave questions and then they
were answered and sent a few hours later to the class group. Their habit of ignoring the quizzes
continued until the final exam.

Scene 6
INT. HOME INTAN-afternoon

Time is like water that just flows. It feels like only one week ago the midterm exams but
the final exams are in sight again. As usual, they take the exam at the same place as the last
midterm exam, namely Intan house but at a different time, namely at 4 pm.
However, they were surprised by the exam rules sent by the lecturer. This time the exam
system is no longer the same, they are required to activate the camera and show whatever is in
front of them. No cell phones and notebooks are allowed. Only a sheet of paper and a pen are
allowed. They confused and confused about how to answer. During college, none of them
prepared for college well, including Meli, even though she was ambitious in studying.
Meli : "So how is this? I'm confused about how to answer the question. I haven't studied all of
the material"
Yogi : "You're not alone Mel, I haven't studied either" (Added Yogi).
Intan : " huuuuh, where is the lecturer who is also meticulous, our grades are ruined this
Kiki : "It can't be helped, after all this is also our fault" (Connected Kiki with a gloomy face).
They also looked down and rushed to open their cellphones and take the exam with guilt
in their hearts. Guilty for neglecting lectures and underestimating the importance of studying.
After the exams were over they continued their conversation and exchanged thoughts
about studying online.
Ilham : "Do you miss the same class?"
Kiki : "Obviously miss it, if we study in class we are more flexible, can focus well".
Atri : "yes duh, when will this pandemic end. Tired of being stuck with conditions like this"
Meli : "Tired of everything, Tri, how do you like shortness of breath if you wear an old mask".
Yogi : "Pray to your god, I also ask God to make it all end."
Everyone was lost with their respective thoughts. I don't know where the thoughts went.

Everything became too difficult to live after this epidemic came. At first they were
exemplary students but became lazy because of the circumstances. Everything became a mess
because of conditions that were very different from the lectures they usually went to. Looks
small and simple but can change everything until everything is no longer there control over
oneself. The point is that one thing that is in their minds that being trapped in this condition is
not everyone's will. But the one that everyone wants, Corona will pass quickly.

Drama structure:
Title : Tangled
Theme : Education
Casting : 6 people
1. Melinda as Meli
2. Intan Kurnianingsi as Intan
3. Wd. Rezkita Nur Wahyuningsih as Kiki
4. Nur Atriani Sab'a as Atri
5. Putu Yogi Ardiyantika as Yogi
6. Ilham as Ilham

1. Melinda
2. Intan Kurnianingsi
3. Wd. Rezkita Nur Wahyuningsih
4. Nur Atriani Sab'a
5. Putu Yogi Ardiyantika
6. Ilham

Chronological plot
Character character:
1. Melinda = Ambitious
2. Intan Kurnianingsi = Doesn't care around and is indifferent
3. Wd. Rezkita Nur Wahyuningsih = Cheerful and cheerful
4. Nur Atriani Sab'a = Likes to sleep and hang out
5. Putu Yogi Ardiyantika = Hobby of playing games
6. Ilham = Don't talk much
a. Place : Campus, their respective homes, rooms and campus.
b. Time : morning, afternoon and evening.
c. Atmosphere: happy, sad, bored, and tense.

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