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Teacher: Okay Class Good morning, so today in our class, we will be having an

activity. I will be sharing a song and I will be giving you a task afterwards.
Pupils: Okay Teacher.
Teacher: Okay class, so I want you to listen as I read the song, for I will be giving you
an activity after this.
Teacher: Okay now class, did you enjoy the song? Oh Great!!! Because now I will be
giving you an activity.

Teacher: The name of this activity is ‘DRAW SOMETHING RELATED TO THE

SONG’, so class here’s what you need to do for this activity. I want you to get a bond
paper, and draw something that you are imagining now which is related to the song
that you have heard. Remember, it should be related to the SONG of the ‘MEET
THE SHAPES’. Understand? So okay let’s start. I will give you time to do your task
and I will post your work in front when you’re done. Good Luck!!

Teacher: Okay class are you all done? Okay, since all of you have done the activity,
now I will be posting each of your works on the board. This will be all, and thank you
for your participation. See you Tomorrow my dear pupils!! Thank you and God Bless
you all…

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