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Assessment Task


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Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

● Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

● Correctly address all of the submission instructions
● Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
● Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Assessment Task 2 1
BSBMGT517Manage operational plan Sep 18
Performance objective:
In this task you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to plan and manage resource

Assessment description:
In response to a simulated business scenario, and using work completed in Assessment Task 1, you
will develop and implement strategies to ensure physical and human resourcing is carried out in
accordance with organisational policies, practices and procedures and intellectual property (IP)

Assessment Questions:
1. Read the BBQfun simulated business information provided in Appendix 1 of this task and in
the business, documentation provided by your assessor (the same documentation provided in
Assessment Task 1).
2. Plan and implement physical resourcing:
a. Review the physical resourcing activities in the action plan you developed in
Assessment Task 1.
b. Elaborate on your plan by including all steps and strategies to acquire resources
in accordance with organisational requirements.
c. Explain the risk management strategy needed to protect the organisation’s IP
and/or ensure the organisation does not breach third-party IP.
3. Plan and implement human resourcing:
a. Review the human resourcing activities in the action plan you developed in
Assessment Task 1.
b. Elaborate on your plan by including all steps and strategies to recruit people in
accordance with organisational requirements.
c. Incorporate IP requirements for human resource acquisition to ensure trade secrets
and confidential information is protected from theft, misuse and unauthorised
d. Prepare to interview two recruits by organising a role-play interview with each and
preparing paperwork. You may wish to prepare using the interview planning
template provided in Appendix 4.
e. Interview, assess and make recommendations on two potential recruits in accordance
with your plan. You may use the templates provided or develop your own. You may want
to use the assessment and evaluation template provided in Appendix 5.
4. Submit a portfolio of your implementation documents as outlined in the specifications below.
Keep copies of your work for your records.
You must:
● participate in two interview role-plays
● submit a portfolio including:
○ action plans

○ interview plan

○ assessment and evaluation record with

recommendations. Your assessor will be looking for:

● reading and writing skills to access and use workplace information and to write a detailed
resource acquisition plan using vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions
appropriate to the context.
● writing and numeracy skills to complete planning documentation
● planning and organisational skills to identify IP risks and take responsibility for implementing
a physical and human resource acquisition plan to achieve operational goals
● communication skills to present information using clear and professional English, listen and
comprehend information from interviewees and confirm understanding through questioning
and active listening skills
● monitoring skills to identify the implications and requirements for protecting IP
● interaction skills to communicate and empathise with candidates during interview
processes, facilitate one-on-one interviews and influence direction to achieve business
● knowledge of organisational resource acquisition policies, practices and procedures.
Appendix 1: Scenario – e-Commerce resourcing
Background to
The BBQfun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to
maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with
company strategic directions.
You have been hired as an external consultant to manage operational planning activities for
BBQfun’s e-commerce strategy.
Under the strategy, BBQfun would offer all products in an online store. Stock could be stored at
no extra cost at existing stores. Customers would cover delivery costs.
Currently, BBQfun has a website, but this website lacks e-commerce functionality. The website
would need to be redeveloped to incorporate this functionality in line with relevant technical
specifications. Existing infrastructure, such as office and store configurations, would need to be
adapted to the new strategy. Additionally, assets such as delivery vehicles would need to be
acquired. New staff would need to be recruited and existing staff retrained or informed of the e-
commerce strategy and associated operational and performance targets.
All resourcing must be acquired, and operations undertaken in accordance with relevant internal and
external standards – legislation and codes of practice; intellectual property (IP) rights and
responsibilities; and organisational policies and procedures.
High-level planning has been completed and approval has been given to implement the strategy.
According to your plans, you are now at the stage where you must plan and then implement the
resourcing required to enable the strategy. Physical resourcing and human resourcing are about to
commence. Remember, e-commerce operations are expected to be underway by 1 October 2014.

Scenario task
You will need to plan physical and human resourcing at a detailed level in accordance with all
organisational requirements. You are expected to deploy resourcing strategies to plan and implement:
● physical resourcing of redeveloped website (plan entire process as per
organisational requirements)
● recruitment of four customer service representatives (plan entire recruitment process as per
organisational requirements; you will need to demonstrate implementation through
interviewing and assessing two candidates).

Note: You may consider the management team of BBQfun, including warehouse team leaders to be
human resources for the acquisition of physical resources. Use description of their roles in operational
planning when assigning responsibilities.
Physical resourcing
Consultation with the management team at BBQfun has provided you with the following information:
● Three website developers will bid for the contract to redevelop the existing website:

Company Bid
Ace developers $70,000

Premier Tech $80,000

Innovative Technologies $90,000

● The budget for the redevelopment is $100,000.

● Bids have been analysed as follows.

Ace Developers Premier Tech
Factor Weight Scor Weighted Scor Weighted Scor Weighted
e score e score e score
(S) (W x S) (S) (W x S) (S) (W x S)
Maintenance x1 2 2 3 3 3 3
Range of features: x3 2 6 2 6 2 6
● payment
● integration
Future-proofing: x5 3 15 6 30 6 30
● ability to be
Quality: x10 4 40 4 40 6 60
● usability
Total 63 79 99
Price (% of .70 .80 .90
Assessment Task
Total score/price 90 98.75 110
assessment of
bid quality)

Human resourcing
Consultation with the management team at BBQfun has provided you with the following information:
● The budget for recruitment of four online customer service and sales representatives is $30,000.
The breakdown of costs is as follows:
Advertising $5,000

Recruitmen $10,000
t consultant

Your time $10,000

Contingency $5,000

● You now have three suitable online customer service and sales representatives.
● You have two more candidates to interview.
● The candidate is required to have the following skills and attributes:
○ enthusiastic and
○ attention to
○ compliance with organisational
○ takes
○ problem
○ two years’ experience in online
○ telephone and keyboarding
○ ability to learn features and benefits of products to discuss with
● The following skills and attributes are not strictly required, but desired:
o marketing and sales formal training
o knowledge of BBQfun’s product
line o familiarity with CRM systems.
Assessment Task
Appendix 2: Action plan template 2

Milestone: Action and/or objective Date Person Budget or resources

(to achieve strategic aims of physical or responsible (where applicable)
human resourcing)
Appendix 3: Expenditure payment approval form
For completion by person verifying payment:

Date Invoice date

Payee name:
Job/project Project title:

Description of

Payment amount: $ ⬜ ex. GST ⬜ inc. GST

Signature of person Signature of delegated manager

verifying payment

For completion by finance:

Account number Account name Amount

Total Payable: $

Approved: Date:




Appendix 4: Interview planning template

Planning aspect Description Time
1. Type of
2. Objectives

h and
4. Schedule

5. Topics

Appendix 5: Assessment and evaluation template


Question Ideal answer contains: Number of Score




Recommendation: Person
Milestone: Action and/or objective Date responsibl Budget or resources
(to achieve strategic aims of physical or human e (where applicable)
a. Budgetary and financial
performance 30 January Chief Financial resources
2018 Financial
prepare a budget (recurrent operating or Officer
project based funds)
monitor receipts and payments
negotiate and restructure budgets
implement and monitor a budget

● Gurmeet kaur
● 10821170
● Sam
● 2 May 2021
● 6 May 2021
Appendix 2: Action plan template

b. Productivity performance
30 January HR Manager Material resources
Track non-financial measures like 2018 (survey)
speed of response and product
Focus on external measures like
customer satisfaction and product
c. Employee performance in line with
30 January HR Manager Material resources
performance management policy
2018 (appraisal)
Ask employees to use self-monitoring
tools to assess performance (project
plans, checklist, activity logs)
Conduct performance appraisal on a regular
basis to review work in progress
e. Dates for monitoring activities
01 April 2018 Operations
Tracks the operational work quarterly General

ces for Monthl Operations
monitori y General
ng invento Manager
g. Progress reporting at the end of
each quarter to the Operations 01 April 2018 All team
General Manager
Regular meeting with the team about
performance report/feedback
h. Regular performance management of
01 April 2018 Operations
online staff and lodgement of records
with the HR Manager Manager & HR
Regular appraisal Manager

d. Milestone achievement and performance

against targets 30 January All team Materials
2018 Managers
Set up KPIs
Set up monitoring and measurement system
like meeting notes, financial reports, or by
surveys, interviews etc.
Appendix 3: Expenditure payment approval form
For completion by person verifying payment:

Date 27\12\2019 Invoice date 27\12\2019

Payee name: BBQfun

Job/project Project title:

Description of

Payment amount: $95,000 ⬜ ex. GST ⬜ inc. GST

Signature of person Signature of delegated manager

verifying payment

For completion by finance:

Account number Account name Amount

Ace developers $70,000

Dalton recruitment consultant $15,000

e-commerce consultant $10,000

Total Payable: $95,000

Approved: Date:

Director: yes



Finance yes

Appendix 4: Interview planning template

Planning aspect Description Time
General interview 5 min
1. Type of

Have basic idea of candidate communication skill.

2. Objectives

Assertive communication style

h and
4. Schedule
1. Your availability.
5. Topics
and 2. Your experience.
3. Do you know what job you are applying for.

Planning aspect Description Time

Situational interview 15 Mins
1. Type of
To know how the candidate solve a impromptu problem.
2. Objectives
IF a candidate is expertise in customer service, the answer
will show it.

The interviewer will give a customer problem scenario

and ask how would you deal with it. A candidate should
and style describe the solution how to take action and why?
Schedule the potential candidate first and accordingly.
4. Schedule

1. Your availability
5. Topics
and 2. Your experience
3. Do you know what job you are applying for
Appendix 5: Assessment and evaluation template


Question Ideal answer contains: Number of Score

1. What would you do if Luckily, I have quite a bit of 10
the work of your previous team experience
subordinate and your and have faced this situation
team member was not a few times in the past.
up to would
expectations? I would notify everyone 10
1. What you do
working on the project of the
if the priorities on a
changes. I would then want to
project you are
know that why the priorities
working on
have changed, and if there is
how you riskThe best way to convince
2. of them changing again in 10
would handle the thepeoplefuture.isI to be able
would thentomeet
situation if you met everyone where theythe
involved with
resistance when coming from and address
new strategy to address the
introducing a new idea their questions and concern
or policy to a team or about the new idea directly.
work group? It is also important to stay
2. You disagree with I would confidentevaluate why I in
and believe 10
the way your disagreed
yourselfwith my supervisor
because if you don’t
supervisor says to andbuy come up with a different
it, no one else will
handle a problem. way that
either. I think the situation
What would you should be handled. I would
do? then sit down with my
supervisor in private and
discuss the problem with him
and how I think it should have
been addressed.


General comments

The company need to be focus on our targets and work hard to achieve our goals.
All of our projects are set to improve and benefit all of our customers and staff members
By tallying all production costs for the product your company is selling, you can get a
better idea of both what your product markup should look like and what your actual profit
margin is. This is key in determining how to outsell your competition.

Some Recommendations are:

1. The just-in-time inventory system shall be used to reduce its overstocking and wastage

2. The job training programming shall be initiate and arrange for all employees, so
employees will learn how to perform the actual job and responsibility.

3. The robust marketing plan shall be positioned in the market as an online marketer wo
aware the potential customers.

Role Play (coaching an underperforming employee)

Coach: Hi good afternoon. Nice to meet you.

Lee: Nice to meet you too. You have a prior appointment with me, Jun?

Coach: Yes, it is me. Let me clear my role at the meeting. I am the external consultant of
BBQfun. I have reviewed your performance data. I just found that you have great room for
improvement and I am here to talk with you about how to do it.

Lee: That’s great.

Coach: First question. Are you clear about your job goals?

Lee: Not really, the HR manager said it is time to develop.

Coach: How do you think about your role in your team?

Lee: I think I could be the top of few in my team.

Coach: Why?

Lee: My error Rate is low, speed of delivery and sales target achievement story is better than

Coach: But it is well below the performance target.

Lee: Oh I know…

Coach: what do you think is the reason?

Lee: I think, because I do not have no any experience before in this field. And I was not able
to participate in training programming due to work pressure.

Role play with operational general manager

Myself (Jun): Hi, good morning Chen! Nice to see you again.

OGM (Kim Chen): Good morning Jun.

Myself: Today, I have to report and negotiate with you about monitoring performance of both
staff individual and organization.

OGM: Fine, please proceed.

Myself: From my review of all the employee performance form and organization
performance data, I just found that, because of the staffs, job design and communication
line, error rate and quality of service target is deteriorated.

OGM: How about the organization?

Myself: BBQfun also experienced a large budget overrun, it happened because of the
wastage, over-stocking and overtime. All these might result in the continuously failure to
meet its sales target.

OGM: Any suggestion?

Myself: Yes, job training programming shall be initiate and arrange for all employees, so
employees will learn how to perform the actual job and responsibility.

OGM: I shall talk to the HR Manager.

Myself: The robust marketing plan shall be positioned in the market as an online marketer
aware the potential customers.

OGM: Got it.

Myself: And, the just-in-time inventory system shall be used to reduce its overstocking and
wastage cost.

OGM: Ok.

Myself: For more information, I will send you the whole report and plan to you soon.

OGM: That’s great.

Myself: Thanks for your time.

OGM: Pleasure.
Assessment Task 2 10
BSBMGT517Manage operational plan Sep 18

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