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Language Learning Steps-Schedule

İf you want to learn any language fluently there will be some process, I’ll cover what is needs to
speak and understand any language fluently and how this process works.

First chapter:What is needs to speak and understand any language fluently

You have to learn a lot of things but “which things” this chapter will cover this question.

1-Grammar:grammar is important but easy to learn,which ı can say easiest if we compare to the
other titles (vocabulary etc.)like learning numbers or colors.

Let’s detail this:if we dont know anything about grammar maybe we partially understand the
sentences but if we try to make sentence we’ll be ruined.

My grammar learning method is:learning by reading,so we do not learn the grammar like this:

There is a singular nominative case and plural case,memorize this.No we’ll not do this.

We’ll learn like this:there is a singular nominative case and plural case but you dont have to
memorize all of those,I will give you sentences everyday or everyweek let’S give you and example;

This example will be according to the latin nominative singular and plural case;

Singular:-a / Plural:-ae // puella servum salutat. Which means:the girl greeting the slave

PuellA is the nominative singular case ,the noun.servum is the adjective case which the latin does in
the adjective case TO HİM,to slave.another example recognize the difference;

Corsica insula est:corsica is an island--------est:is

Corsica et sardinia insulae sunt:corsica and sardinia are islands-----sunt:are ---et:and---insulAE:islands

So,what we have learned,-a uses for singular so if ı want to say the queen ı’ll say reginA ,if ı want to
say queens ı’ll say reginae

Of course there will be some rules but these are the main thing if you learn them you easily adapt to
the rules,for example;

-a,-ae are feminen noun endings so ı can only use this for feminen things like puella:girl not on the
boy:PUER:there is no –a or –ae addition right ? because this is a masculine.

Rule 2:mostly feminen,so there can be the masculine things

Then you’ll say oh ı got it.

That’s how we will learn the grammar,we don’t have to be hesitate.

Grammar chapter include this things;(it might depend on the language)

1-Tenses 5-Modals 9-Phrasal verbs

2-conjugation 6-Passive

3-auxilary 7-determiners

4-subjunctive 8-prepositions
2-The Alphabet:Learning an Alphabet is the first thing to do for learner

We just learn the alphabet like a,b,c and how they pronunce but don’t look over too much just being
adopt the language and read.

Read,listen, again and again you dont have to do it for a 5 hour on the day,you will get used to do it.

3-Numbers And Colors

Just use the space repetition method and done.

4-Culture:Language is Culture.

That’s it.All languages has own culture and their culture shapes his life etc etc so on and the language
especially if you learn the modern language,because their culture shapes their life and culture is
changing so their life too,as a result the language for examle “I’m falling to him”this Word wasn’t
used to 90’s ,ı mean fall ? ı am falling to you ?,this comes to awkward to them but now it seems us a
meaningful,make watch the especially latest movie or listen the music or podcasts,read the
poem,novel etc etc.(get used to it.)

5-Vocabulary:finally if you know the little grammar next step:learn little vocabulary.

Vocubulary but which words ı should know?

There is ton of words for each language at least 100.000(japanese 500.000 words)

But if you know the 1.75 percent of the words you’ll be able to understands %95 of what you read.

The first 1000 words are used in %89 of everday writing and speaking.but there are speculations like
someone says the first 2000 words are cover the %85 percent.and someone saying the 3000 words
cover %95 percent.

So ı’m saying that first learn the most used 2000 words cover at least %80 of what speaking.

So memorize the words grow your vocabulary and that’s enough for you, if you’ll not teacher of this

But ı’ve already learned 2000 words you might say.

Learn mostly uses 5000 words that’s pretty enough.also you don’t have to memorize this all day you
can learn the first 2000 words,grammar and etc etc.pass another language if you want to do also of
course.for example learn 5 month one language and other 5 month learn another language and
when two months stays,practice this languages and add some new vocabulary.

Also use the space repetition.

And let’s make a program and see in the process.

First month we’ll look on the basic rules of grammar and embody it.

I give the examples on Latin language and for a beginner.

Before you start you’ll divide your one day for researching.just search on the google ,look how kind
sites are there and pick up one.

1-Find a beginner level book.

2-Find the mostly uses words in this language.

First Month;
First Week
Monday Watch about this language
culture,pronunciation etc. Watch at
least 5 hour efficiently.
Tuesday Grammar day:look on the internet
pdf’s and download some,learn the
basics(how many noun case have
,over look it).And learn the
alphabet(what letters language
have,how they pronounce that’s
it,we’ll adapt the alphabet when we
listening etc etc.)
Wednesday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words
just one day.
Thursday Start the read book and note every
word you learn and be sure
understand what you read(corsica
insulA EST=corsica et sardinia insulAE
SUNT) search on the internet est
usage in latin language and you’ll be
learned this.Read 30 page or 2 hour
and make sure you’ll understand
EVERYTHİNG.(you dont have to
memorize all word’s meanings.
Friday Numbers:find the numbers of this
language and learn the which system
they uses for numbers and by using
the space repetition start learning
Saturday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.
Sunday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just
listening music with subtitles for at
least 4 hour.
Second week
Monday Grammar Day:list what the language
have as grammar like nominative case
etc etc. Look what you’ve learned,saw
and write a sentence with following the
rules(for each case 5 sentence for
example:latin nouns divided to 6
cases,nominative case:puellA servum
laudat-puellAE servum laudat.genitive
case:….) by using the space repetition
learn first 25 words.
Tuesday read book and note every word you
learn and be sure understand what you
read(corsica insulA EST=corsica et
sardinia insulAE SUNT) search on the
internet est usage in latin language and
you’ll be learned this.Read 30 page or 2
hour and make sure you’ll understand
Wednesday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just listening
music with subtitles for at least 4 hour.
by using the space repetition learn first
25 words.
Thursday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.
Friday Colors:find the colors of this language
and learn the which system they uses
for colors and by using the space
repetition start learning colors.
Saturday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just listening
music with subtitles for at least 4 hour.
Sunday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.
Third Week;
Monday Grammar Day:list what the language
have as grammar like nominative
case etc etc. Look what you’ve
learned,saw and write a sentence
with following the rules(for each case
5 sentence for example:latin nouns
divided to 6 cases,nominative
case:puellA servum laudat-puellAE
servum laudat.genitive case:….) by
using the space repetition learn first
25 words.
Tuesday read book and note every word you
learn and be sure understand what
you read(corsica insulA EST=corsica
et sardinia insulAE SUNT) search on
the internet est usage in latin
language and you’ll be learned
this.Read 30 page or 2 hour and
make sure you’ll understand
Wednesday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just
listening music with subtitles for at
least 4 hour. by using the space
repetition learn first 25 words.
Thursday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.
Friday Speaking:make sentences with
you’ve learned words and speeak
aloud if possible all the day speak just
that language what you are learning.
Saturday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just
listening music with subtitles for at
least 4 hour.
Sunday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.
Fourth Week
Monday Grammar Day:list what the language
have as grammar like nominative case
etc etc. Look what you’ve learned,saw
and write a sentence with following the
rules(for each case 5 sentence for
example:latin nouns divided to 6
cases,nominative case:puellA servum
laudat-puellAE servum laudat.genitive
case:….) by using the space repetition
learn first 25 words.
Tuesday read book and note every word you
learn and be sure understand what you
read(corsica insulA EST=corsica et
sardinia insulAE SUNT) search on the
internet est usage in latin language and
you’ll be learned this.Read 30 page or 2
hour and make sure you’ll understand
Wednesday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just listening
music with subtitles for at least 4 hour.
by using the space repetition learn first
25 words.
Thursday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.
Friday Speaking:make sentences with you’ve
learned words and speeak aloud if
possible all the day speak just that
language what you are learning.
Saturday Musics,Podcasts,Videos etc etc.(my
advice songs)this day we’ll just listening
music with subtitles for at least 4 hour.
Sunday Vocabulary day:find the mostly uses
words in this language,by using the
space repetition learn first 50 words.

Revise what you’ve learned in this month practice with grammar and vocabulary and
take rest for remains day in this month.

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