PART-A (Answer All Questions) (10x2 20)

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Intensive Coaching Test - I

Degree / Dept: B.E / CSE Year/Sem: III/V
Subject Code & Name: CS8501 & Theory of Computation
Date: 17.11.2021 Time: 10AM – 1 PM Max. Marks:100

PART-A (Answer All Questions) (10x2=20)

1. Define Turing Machine
2. Prepare the difference between finite automata and turing machine
3. Define a universal language Lu?(Apr-17)
4. Formulate the two properties of recursively enumerable sets which
are undecidable
5. Summarize PDA .Convert the following CFG to PDA S ->aAA , A->aS|
6. Define ambiguous grammar and CFG
7. Define the two normal forms of CFG
8. Prepare the difference between finite automata and turing machine
9. Define a universal language Lu?(Apr-17)
10. Formulate the two properties of recursively
enumerable sets which are undecidable
PART-B (5x13=65)
11(a) i. Examinethe role of checking off symbols in a Turing 13
ii. Describe a Turing Machine M to implement the function
“multiplication” using the subroutine copy(6)(Nov-13)
(b) i. Construct a TM to reverse the given string {abb}. (6 ) 13
ii. Explain Multi tape and Multi head Turing machine with suitable
12(a) Express the following grammar G into Griebhak Normal Form(GNF) 13
S->XA|BB B->b|SB X->b A->a

(b) i. Summarize in detail about multihead and multitape TM with an 13
ii. Construct a Turing Machine to accept palindromes in an alphabet
set ∑={a,b}.Trace the strings “abab” and “baab”.(6)

13(a) i Define PDA. Give an Example for a language accepted byPDA 13

by empty stack.(7)
ii. Convert the grammar S ->0S1|A A ->1A0|S| PDA that accepts the
same language by the empty stack .Check whether 0101 belongs to
(b) i. Design and Explaina PDA to accept each of the following language 13
{aibjck|i=j or j=k}
ii. The set of all string with twice as many 0’s and 1’s.
14(a) Express the following grammar G into Griebhak Normal Form(GNF) 13
S->XA|BB B->b|SB X->b A->a
(b) i. Discussa TM to accept the language LE={1n 2n 3n|n >= 1} 13
ii. Construct a turing machine that estimate unary multiplication (Say
111 X 11 = 11111)
15(a) i. Explain about PCP. 13
ii. Show that the characteristic function of the set of all even
number is recursive
(b) Prove that the universal language is recursively enumerable but not 13
recursive. Generalize your answer
PART-C 1x15=15
16(a) i. Describe about Recursive and Recursive Enumerable languages 15
with example.
ii. State and describe RICE theorem
(b) Examine whether the language L=(0n1n| n>=1) is regular or not? 15
Justify your answer

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