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We members of KANYOGOGA AGALIWAMU PWDS ASSOCIATION assembled with a common desire to

form an association as a means of empowering PWDS in Kanyogoga municipality by promoting and
developing self generated developmental activities as a means of sustainability. This will be the
interframe work that will enable people to become holistic, self sufficient based on the principles of
social justice equality and thus involving in contributing to the process of national development.

Nature of the Association

This association intends to make profits after sometime b/se we are looking at establishing projects that
will generate some revenue to the PWDS in the community.


To have a model municipality with self sustainable significant PWDS knowledgeable and having holistic
exemptations and families.


To establish a community with lightened citizens/children holistic, educated and self reliant in the


The members of Kanyogoga Agali awamu PWDS Association and its official partners should honor and
uphold the following values;


Love one another and build trust through honesty grace and patience.


Give selflessly and share resources for the good of all.


Promote self reliance with communities and avoid dependency.


Take responsibility for activities and fulfil commitment with intergrity.


Seek understanding through listening and learning from others.


Show justice and practice fairness to all.


Be obedient to the commandments of GOD and work in the power of holy spirit.


As members of Kanyogoga Agali awamu PWDS association are here by to ordain, adopt and bind over
posterity and our selves to Kanyogoga Agali awamu PWDS consitition on this


Name: The Association formed is known as KANYOGOGA AGALI AWAMU PWDS Association found in
Kanyogoga Municipality.


A: The prime objectives of the association are to promote the fight against poverty amongst the PWDS
in our municipality and to continually decrease unemployment, increase household income hence
becoming independent.

B: To minimise illiteracy and promote education by paying school dues to our children at all levels.

C: We aim at looking for PWDS empowerment programes especially those who have no chance to go to
school 18 and above train and empower them with skills that can help them generate income for their
own benefits.

D: To promote government programes concerning agriculture through coffee planting.


1. Modern farming (practising coffee planting on small scale at household level)

2. Cash round: hence learning savings and borrowing members at small interest and hence developing
our own projects at household level.

3.Capacity building: awareness of HIV AIDS, micro financing. Knowledge and mobilizing PWDS to engage
themselves in skill development activity which the Association will be providing instead of engaging
themselves in bad habits.


Leadership and responsibilities

A: The association has the board of whom are the overall supervisors of the association this body will be
highly responsible of seeing the association movements based upon mission, vision, and corevalues. It is
responsible to appoint and recruit any official incase a need rises.

B: The board shall be responsible on date today runing of work, monitoring, supervising and making all
fianacial management and accountability and any paterner that may be intrested in knowing how this
organisation is managing funds, and insure that the association upholds the national law about this or
activities under this.

C: This board shall be elected by members.


Every after....................yrs the PWDS board shall re elect new leaders of the board of governors and at
every 3 months there shall be an evaluation meeting on how the association has performed


Every member shall have rights to resign from the association with sound reason, like migration, death
or bankrupcy however with a written note submilted in 30 days before resignation time. Therefore the
board shall be able to register a new member as a re-filling and the board shall give time when to refund
shares and interests that matches.

Every member is a subject to national consitition, organisation, any by law that may deem important.

This consitition is amendable when the need arises and at least 3/4 of the members must be present in
agreement of amendment.


a)There shall be ageneral meeting of the PWDS board held once every after 3months.

a)Notice of atleast 7days shall be given to members for the meeting.

b)The PWDS board shall also hold regular meetings to take decisions on policies.

c)The chairperson shall preside over the entire meeting.


a)The board shall cause true and proper records to be kept in respect of :-

1.All the money received or expended by the association and the matters in respect of which such
reciept and expenditures take place.

2.All purchases of the organisation.

3.All assets and liabilities of the organisation.

4.Proper books shall not be deemed to be kept if there are not such books of accounts as are
necessary to give a true and fair view of the associations' fianancial state of affairs and to explain
its transactions.

5.The books of accounts shall be kept at a registered office of the association or at such other place
as the board may decide upon and shall always be open for inspections by the chairperson
board at all reasonable time during normal hours.

Source of finance:

Source of revenue shall include but not limited to:-

a)Subscription of members.

b)Economic activities of PWDS ASSOCIATION

c)Fundraising activities of the association

d)Grants and donations

e)Sale of services where possible by the association

f)Auditors shall be appointed during financial year meeting to give the audited report.


/Name: Mukasa/ Tittle; chairperson/homeaddress: Musubiiro/Contact:............./signature..........

Dated this 10th day of march 2019 witness the above signature..................

Names in full Joseph Mukaya Tel:..................


other members

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