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Course plan for the Academic Year 2021- Odd Semester

Department of Computer Science Class & Section: 5th SEM BSc

Name of the faculty: Roopa A Subject:- Object Oriented Programming using JAVA

UNIT-1: JAVA evolution, Java About basic concepts of Chalk and Talk Learn about java program history
Features, Difference Between Java .Tools Used to run and and features of java, Tools used to
java and c and c++, Java and execute a program Compile and execute a Java
internet, Java and www , java Program
and web browsers, Hardware
and Software Requirements,
Java Environment
Introduction to

Overview Of JAVA: Simple About Simple program and Chalk and Talk Learn to create simple program
Program, Program With Program with Multiple
Multiple Classes, Classes
Implementing a Java
Program, JVM, Command
Line Arguments

Constants variables and Data About constants, Variables Chalk and Talk Learn how to declare variable with
Type: Introduction to and Data Types DATA Type, Learn about constants
constants, Variables and Data
Types ,Declaration of a
Variable ,Giving Value to
Variable, Scope of variables.
Operators and Expressions: About Different Types of Chalk and Talk Simple Java Programs to perform
Arithmetic ,Relational, Operators and Evaluation of all operators Functionalities
Logical, Assignment, Expression ,Program for evaluation of
increment and decrement, Expression
Conditional ,Bitwise Operators
,Evaluation Of Expression

Decision Making and About different decision Write simple programs to illustrate
Branching: If Statements, The making statements decision making and Branching
if else statement, Nesting of If Statements
else statement, Switch

Decision Making and About different decision

Looping: The while statement making and Looping Write simple programs to illustrate
,The do statement, The for Statements decision making and Looping
statement, Jumps in Loops Statements
Labeled Loops.
UNIT-2: Introduction to classes, About Creating a class, Chalk and Talk Learn to write a program to
Classes, Arrays, objects and Methods: declaring a variables and declare a variable and methods,
Strings and Introduction, Defining a methods inside the class and to create a objects for the
Vectors and Class, Adding Variables, class,
Interfaces Adding Methods, Creating
Objects, Constructors,
Methods Overloading, Static
Members, Nesting of
Inheritance : Extending a Learn about Inheritance Chalk and Talk Learn to write a program for
class, Overriding Methods, Concepts illustrating inheritance
Final Variables and Methods,
Finalizer methods ,Abstract
Methods and Classes
Arrays , String and Vectors: About Arrays Chalk and Talk Learn to create
One -Dimensional Arrays, ,Strings and Program for one
Creating arrays, Two- Vectors and two
Dimensional arrays, Strings , Dimensional
Vectors ,Wrapper Classes. Array

Interfaces: Multiple About Interfaces, Learn to create

Inheritance: Introduction, Defining, program for
Defining Interfaces, Extending illustrating
Extending Interfaces, ,Implementing Interfaces
Implementing Interfaces, Interfaces
Accessing Interface Variables
UNIT–3: Packages: Putting Classes About Creating a Chalk and Talk Learn to create program
Packages and together: Introduction, Java package ,Accessing for illustrating Packages
Multithreaded API Packages, Using System a Package
Programming Packages, Naming
Conventions, Creating
Packages, Accessing a
Package, Using a Package,
Adding a Class to a Package,
Hiding Classes.

- Chalk and Talk

About Multithread Concepts Chalk and Talk Learn to create program to illustrate
Multithreaded Programming: like creating and extending multithreading concepts
Introduction, Creating threads
Threads, Extending the
Thread Class, Stopping and
Blocking a thread, Life Cycle
of a thread, Using Thread
Methods, Thread Exceptions,
Thread Priority,
Implementing the ‘Runnable’

Managing Errors and About Handling Chalk and Talk Learn program to illustrate
Exception: Introduction, Exceptions using different Exception Handling
Types of Exception Handling statements
Code, Multiple Catch
Statements, Using Finally
Statement, Throwing Our Own
Exceptions, Using Exceptions
for Debugging.
UNIT-4: Applet Programming: About creating Applets Chalk and Talk Learn to create Applet programs
Introduction, How Applets ,Designing Web Page, and design a web site using
Managing Exceptions Differ from Applications, applets Programming
and Applet Programming Preparing to Write Applets,
and Imput/Output Files Building Applet Code,
Applet Life Cycle, Creating
an Executable applet,
Designing a Web Page,
Applet Tag, Adding Applet
to HTML File, running the
Applet, More About HTML
Tags, Displaying Numerical
Values, Getting Input from
the User.
Introduction, The Graphics About drawing Lines Chalk and Talk Learn program to draw lines,
Class, Lines and rectangles, ,rectangles, circles, and rectangles, ellipse and polygons
circles, and Ellipses, Drawing Ellipse, and polygons
Arcs, Drawing Polygons,
Lines Graphs, Using Control
Loops in Applets, Drawing
Bar Charts.
Managing Input/Output Files About Input and Output Chalk and Talk Learn to write a program to
in JAVA: Introduction, Stream illustrate the operation of input
Concept of Streams, Stream and output Stream
Classes, Byte Stream Classes,
Character Stream Classes,
Using Streams, Other Useful
I/O Classes, Using the File
Class, Input / Output
Exceptions, Creation of Files,
Reading / Writing Characters,
Reading / Writing Bytes,
Handling Primitive Data
Types, Concatenating and
Buffering Files, Interactive
Input and output, Other
Stream Classes

Signature of the

faculty:- Principal:-


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