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First of all, this paper is aimed to fulfill one of the assignments of English Course in

Polytechnic State of Jakarta. Since the writer is majoring electrical, the writer decided to

come up with the topic which relates to the electrical major to avoid any theoretical mistake

regarding the wrong field discussed. Therefore, this paper deals with the title “Electrical

Elements: An Introduction of the Substantial Elements in Electrical World”.

The writer acknowledges that it is possible to find some mistakes in this paper since the

writer is still in the stage of learning. However, the writer believes that the writer has applied

the best effort to write this paper in order to give benefits for every reader that reads this

paper. After reading this paper, the readers are expected to have a better understanding and

knowledge about the substantial elements in electrical world.





1.1 Background

1.2 Research Aim

1.3 Research Question

1.4 Research Method

1.5 Data Source


2.1 Element Model

2.2 Element and Components

2.3 Three Things Passive Elements

2.4 Four Abstract Active Elements




1.1 Background

Electrical elements are conceptual abstractions representing idealized electrical

components, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, used in the analysis of electrical

networks. (Johnson, 1997), It can also mean an antenna radiator (either parasitic or

active). In circuitry, it can be used to specify a portion of an integrated circuit that

contributes directly to the IC's operation. (Engineers find 'missing link' of electronics,


From the explanation above, it is crystal clear that electrical elements are the ideology of

electrical components. It can be said that electrical components are the substantial

elements in electrical world. Since those components have an important role in electrical,

it means that those are the required knowledge that the electrical students should

acknowledge. Therefore, this paper will deal with the title “Electrical Elements: An

Introduction of the Substantial Elements in Electrical World”.

1.2 Research Aim

The main goal of this paper is to introduce and to understand in a deeper comprehension

of the electrical elements.

1.3 Research Question

To succeed the goal of this paper, the writer had formulated the research questions as


a. What kinds of element model are there in the electrical world?

b. What are the “Elements and Components”?

c. How can we differentiate the three things of passive elements?

d. What are the four abstract active elements?

1.4 Research Method

Based on the problem statement, this study can be classified as descriptive qualitative

research. In brief, descriptive qualitative research is research employing the method of

collecting, describing, classifying, and analyzing the data and then drawing conclusion.

By using the descriptive method, this research is aimed to introduce and to understand in

a deeper comprehension of the electrical elements.

1.5 Data Source

The data sources consist of the literary collection from different sources such as printed

materials (books and journal). In addition, the writer also uses related articles to the topics

which had been drawn from the internet.


2.1 Element Model

Only nine types of element, five passive and four active, are required to model any

electrical component or circuit. Each element is defined by a relation between the

state variables of the network: current, I; voltage, V, charge, Q; and magnetic flux, Φ.

Identifying the topic. The elements are:

• Current source, measured in amperes - produces a current in a wire.

Voltage source, measured in volts - produces a potential difference across two


• Resistance, measured in ohms - produces a voltage proportional to the current

flowing through it.

• Capacitance, measured in farads - produces a current proportional to the rate

of change of voltage across it.

• Inductance, measured in henries - produces a voltage proportional to the rate

of change of current through it. Any electrical circuit can be analyzed if the

circuit components are represented by the above elements. However, there is a

distinction between elements, and the components which the elements


2.2 Element and Components

There are two Current sources who are often absent from basic electric circuits, and

are more likely to be found in electronic circuits containing semiconductors. They are:

1. Current source, measured in amperes - produces a current in a conductor.

Affects charge according to the relation dQ = − Idt.

2. Voltage source, measured in volts - produces a potential difference between

two points. Affects magnetic flux according to the relationdΦ = Vdt.

Φ in this relationship does not necessarily represent anything physically

meaningful. In the case of the current generator, Q, the time integral of

current, represents the quantity of electric charge physically delivered by the

generator. Here Φ is the time integral of voltage but whether or not that

represents a physical quantity depends on the nature of the voltage source. For

a voltage generated by magnetic induction it is meaningful, but for an

electrochemical source, or a voltage that is the output of another circuit, no

physical meaning is attached to it.

2.3 Three Things Passive Elements

• A resistor is a component whose function is to regulate the current in the circuit. One

common kind is a little cylinder of graphite with metal wires coming out of either end.

These are painted with colored stripes that indicate the resistance, in ohms, and the

tolerance, in percent. This system is called the resistor color code.

• Another kind of resistor is a filament, which is a coil of metal wire that can withstand

high temperature but has a finite resistance. When a current is passed through a

filament, it heats up because of this resistance. Filaments are commonly used in light

bulbs and heaters. They are marked with the voltage that should be applied to them,

and the power, in watts, that they will then give off as light and heat. Due to the effect

of heating, a filament's resistance is higher when it is hot than when it is cold.

• An electric charge can be stored and then quickly released by a component called a

capacitor. A common type of capacitor consists of two pieces of metal foil (or plates)

with an insulator (the dielectric) such as waxed paper between them. If an electric

charge is placed on the plates of a capacitor, it will stay there because it can't cross the

insulator to the other plate. If a wire is then connected between the two plates, the

charge will flow through the wire to balance the charges on the opposite plates--the

capacitor is then said to be discharged. Some capacitors look like a cylinder or blob

with two wires coming out one end, and are marked to indicate their capacitance (the

charge that they store per volt) in microfarads (μF), nanofarads (nF) or picofarads

(pF). Inductance in a circuit is provided by components called inductors, which are

almost always built from coils of wire. Large values of inductance are obtained by

forming the coil around a magnetic core, such as a lump of iron or ferrite. Inductance

is also present in the windings of electric motors and generators, and to a lesser extent

in any piece of wire.

2.4 Four Abstract Active Elements

• Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) Generates a voltage based on another

voltage with respect to a specified gain. (Has infinite input impedance and zero output


• Voltage Controlled Current Source (VCCS) Generates a current based on a voltage

with respect to a specified gain, used to model Field and vacuum tubes (has infinite

input impedance and infinite output impedance).

• Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS) Generates a voltage based on an input

current with respect to a specified gain. (Has zero input impedance and zero output


• Current Controlled Current Source (CCCS) Generates a current based on an input

current and a specified gain. Used to model Bipolar Junction Transistors. (Has zero

input impedance and infinite output impedance).


This paper has discussed the substantial elements in electrical world including the Element

Model, Element and Components, Three Things Passive Elements, and Four Abstract Active

Elements. From the previous discussion, we have obtained that Element Model consists of

Current source, Resistance, Capacitance, and Inductance. It has also been acknowledged that

there are three things of passive elements and four abstract active elements. Those are the

elements that have an important role in electrical field.


Johnson, David E. 1997. Electric Circuit Analysis. London: Prentice Hall.

Lj. Trajković. 2005. "Nonlinear circuits". The Electrical Engineering Handbook. New York:

Elsevier, Academic Press.

Ramdhani, M. 2005. Rangkaian Listrik. Bandung: STT Telkom Bandung.

Marks, Paul. 2008. Engineers Find 'missing link' of Electronics. published on: April 30, 2008.

NewScientist Tech. accessed on: February 16, 2011.



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