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OXFORD Third Edition . Solutions Student’s Book Bitz) |) EM PUY} Third Edition Solutions Student’s Book OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Tim Falla Paul A Davies I 'p& Peronanforation ‘Alghabt and numbers 0-50) Counties geting, Trey ee) Speaing:ioaucbons (Greersintreducng theses ‘PBbeand hove gt 6Talking about bit and aking for permission ocabuby Action ves Gore ide a i etc) Vocabulary Muscles rine, rune ee) (Grammar can fer aby can for permison 7 Articles: the, on, Some this/the these] tore Voeabulny: nthe soo (porctcas rer ete) Speaking Asking about a 1 amity and fends 8 Foi Family members {aunt son stpresher te) eye haegot Speaking: Famoustariles quiz deer family photo 78 Daly routine Daly routine get dese wot pete) Schl subjects toy, mots etc) eye Using 0! ds form questions GTinstimetabe ‘0 Present simple {attentive Propaeston Tid person singular endings ‘9 Speling and pronunciation Stategy: Vowels sme spling ifort sounds Strategy: Distinguishing simi Sounds and Usingcontect to hepyeu oeabulany Housework Greens taking about houcenork p22 Present simple negative and interogative) GQanarpimentbetncen ‘hinge 2 Unasal schools ‘ying nner ates nd tes Strategy: entyingrumber, cates and tines Speaking Comparing your school with democratic col Gstusyng tthe Brootlyn Fee schoo! (a2 Adverbs of requency, ueston words G Adialgue about seo! bs p28 Exam Silene» Reading: Multiple cole + Ustening Multpe matching + Useof gli Mulpe-choice coe» Speaking: role sling / Roleplay Elothes foo, congan des et) Colours ra igh yew te) Recycle Advrts of reauony Speaing Oesrbg peopleclethes Bdsexsing other 82 resent continous Speling ing terms 8 Catwall fashion Srategy: entire vorstress ejctives to descibe lathes (onal sat etc) Speaking venting scauealkcorrnentay Garadieposramme auton Ditionay work 24 Contrast: present Simple and present ‘antinuous GA phene conversation bout shoppe p20 Areyou hong? Foo apps, read eats oes tc) Countable ad uneuntabe noun eyes on [some Gestng res Pal thew s/he Some an any (Pat wach [ow ‘many, nh many at of ofew/ etic GDrdiaoge bout eee. p43 Whata waste! Strategy: Recognising urstessea words Ganineniew with fegan p50 Exam Skil Taner?» Reading: Misingsentences« Usering Shor ext muitiplechoce » Useof Englsh: Open ote» Speaking: stationary 15 Places Faces in tows and ces air, an us station ee) Frepesitons of plaelbehind oppose et) Speaking ree! que Reece ees / ter oe GQreentakingaboutwheree ves 54 comparatives Comparate actives 155 Town or county? Strategy: Useringothe main ideas Vocabulary Tov and county (fm ake troffcete) {Gre monciogues about the town ad the county Speaking Advantages and asadvanages of Finginjourtown ail 56 Superatves Descrptionsusng sipaltive sects Gdiscssng travel options p62 Wid animals We animals ber shore) Farts nana la ae) ete: Camparive ard supeathe forms Gr pide our ofa waite par ips Pasta {atcmative rogue ‘ronunclaton-d ering: Past tens expressions (ae wee en yeasago. et) 965 sig sounds Strategy: Joned words in connected speech Gang aout ld experiences 66 Past simple: be and can Dasataiip P72 Exam Sls Tiner 3+ Reding Short text multiple choice + Usteing Te or false + Use of ngs Multiple choice coce + Speaking: Photo description PH Computng Eomputingnouns charger tablet) Computing verbs ete pit et) Technology clloctons ita web page cleo obuton ee) Reece sent contnunis Dialogues about technoogy 96 astsimple (afemative regular 57 Usteringto instructions Strategy: lentiying sequencing words Vocab Compute istration (omer, instoet} GDacomputer ep aes Grating abouts music Foss P84 Sports and hobbies Sperts crabs king ete) Vets (py. ardgo) Speaking: Oyics ui eg Past spe fate and rept) GMonsogues about pert 986 goingto w coring next Weck et) Dosseussing weekend lars aT Pediion| Sategy:Uiteing ahead to preicthow stencil finn (GBA ews story about Try Calder Kevnoresen| pee wil P94 Exam SilsTainer 4» Reading: Tie or fae + Ustening Short answers sentence completion) « Use of Engl Word formation + Speaking Neptition| 96 My home Furniture ed ght, wartbe et) Parts ofa tome athcom hier, te) "este Pest snp and contnsoscanrast BFamiy dscns 98 Posen perfect, {attemative pattorrcat overt 799 Univesity accommodation Strategy: Sound charges in conected ‘eect Speaking Dscussnguniversty econmodation Grindnga lacetotve @dvscusing housework 106 tam Sls ainer 5» Rening Multis matching hendingsto pagans) + Ustering Multiple choice + Use of English Open lene» Speaing:thatocomparso Er Vocabulary Sue pi Grammar ler Reference p12 1 Thefoal family 2 TheUniverstyof Oxfrd. 3 Teensand ther money 4 Bish food Era Speatng Tass (2 5 NewYork 6 YelowstonetaionaPark 7 Biishecentats 8 Footall 9 The White House | regular verbs ps3 1 Singular andpurl nouns Fura ae singult rms Dictionary work 123 Pepotions of ime Frepottons of tine fn onan) Frepenitons of time 2(befoe, after tng wrth fem 0) Spesling ing aout your ‘tool day and yar + iting: An announcement 5 Adjective: opposites Negatve refi un ocala Corson aiectves Braking sdoutbwying Sthes oa BM Sibling rival Brothel! Strategy: Goppetsentenc tasks Vocabulary: Adjectives and dependent reposts 24 Dangerous joumeys| strategy Matching sentences with texts Vocabulary Landscape (mount ert) p36 Teenage pressures Irpossbie mages? Stetegy Materrgheadings th eats Vocabulary Acjectie opposites Key pases: Expressrg opinions C2 tstenng 0 = ask rack 1/201 ask, track ete) G Speaking od 176 Describing people 17 Apesona protie Stategy esr nd itering sae Steg uaingcavctons aproptatey ecto Unf word force pope Step Utne inparagop Qoesebing ends YecablonePesonatyasectes Keypieases: Cngpetsoral nfoaton 22 Ar announcement ‘Stategp Viting notes to prepare tora task ‘Grammar soul/Sroua’ ‘Vocabulary School events pl. sc00 ca (eens ascnsing problems and ping ace gordo) amma irparatives p38 Making arangements 39 Anema Grammar Mesentcontruoustor ftir arangenents Statepp Yting an iformalemal ey phases: tsteg suggestions Grammar Using ining words to connect keypass: Agicengtoandceciningsuggestions eas nasentence Maing plans ter feetme setts Wocabulay Access boc wat etc) ey phases Begving andending at ems (Wear tof ove} as Adjective + preposition Dictionary work + ting: An itaton| 57 Wordsthatgotogether Toelcolecaons (6 Unum rextaurants Butoftheordary Strategy Deciding which part text contains the information you need Vocabulary Restaurants stoners see et) 5 Unusual es Gnas ties the god, the bad and the ugly Strategy Racing for overall meaning \oeabulary: Compass pints and continents p48 Inavestount 89 An ination Grammar vou ite Strategy: Checking for mistakes oeabuary Nouns thatcan be countable and keypass rttions weld joule on ‘countable hopeyoucan mae ete) ey phases: cng questions narestaurant (for youtcanwehone ete) (Bordering food at restaurant 60 Asking for and giving erections 61 Anarte Strategy: Akon the speaerto slowdown epeator —SrategeWringinporagrops| ‘laity oeabubay Adjectives to dscrbotowns Key phrases: hing rections (Gostaighton etc) andes eyphass:Losion Y's betwenthe ec) Gasxingtorandgieng directions P67 Prepositions of movement and place Prepon of ploe:on in andy Prepositions of movement (aces, down, unde} Speaking Survvalin the ‘anfxest story + Wing A postcard 79 Introduction ta pas verbs Pras vei comptrs (ptgin tt down ete) Dictionary work 68 Stranger than fin? Ral animal tht wereonce ath Strategy Multiple doce aks Vocabulary: Ocupations ot sab te) ‘80 Dancng Man Prope power Stuategy Capped sentence tasks: thing about the sequence of events eeabularynemet vases inteet fou, sexo meda.ct=) 70 Photo dexciption a Apostard Strategy Orsrbing photosingeverl and indi! _Sratepy Choosing he ight tense Vocabulary Nt world ea street) oeabuy Adverture hldy acts Vocabulary Actions mbing ting ete) eyphases:Desctinga photo (nthecnte etc) Key pases: Postcads wih you were hee Ghat desertion: thing fou ec) p82 inashop 983 Anaratie Wocabuany ices Strategy: ning tect speech ina ecablay: Cadets tourer We ete) nave ey phrases shop Wow cant hepyou ee) ay pirate: Time expressions or setting he GDevyng gadgets See andorering events (ost eden he rent aoyet) 89 Nounsufves Mating nouns rm verbs sn aipetves + wing: nora eter 101 dome, have, ake, bang Clacatins with de nae hve and tate tates bing + iting A description 790 Against the as Untogpabi Sategy Multiple chocetaks Vocabulary: atonal es anton, Spans ee) 102 Inthe ida of nowhere land home Strategy Checking ieterees tol gaps Vocabulary: colosstons 4a if, ny eae et) 992 Negotiating 2) Anlntormal leer Strategy Resting appropiate ways Strategy, Paring ard ating notes Vocabulary athletics events fighjump. rye) Weabuary-spsts equipment fe goggles, keyphrases: Rejecting a suggestion [dont eatyjoney et) ‘ich suggesting an atermatne Vpeerto.etc);_ Keyphrases:Apolopsing ung news and fexcirg making suggestions Goaingptansto meet 104 Photocomparion 05 & description Strategy Oesrbing and comparing photos Strategy: Using modifiers to mates Vocabulary Acjectie to dese roms ecepton sound ratrl ey phases: comparingand contrasting (ot photos Veabulayothough beau snd so sfow..,et Specuating tbotsas fc) Vocabulary Moaifers (ab extemed te) GPhats comparison Vocabulary 1 Complete the questions in the dialogue with the phrases below. areyoufrom doyou spell old areyou your name Woman Hello. Welcome to Europa Language School! Kadir Thankyou! Woman What's? ? Kadir Kadir Derit. Woman How? that? Kadir KA-D--R, Kadir. D-EM-L-2, Demir ‘Woman Thank you. Where? ? Kadir 'm from Turkey. Woman And how* Kadir? Kadir \meighteen, Woman Great! Thank you. You'te in room 53. Kadir Thanks. See you later! 2 Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat the dialogue. 3 Listen and repeat the alphabet. What sound do the blue letters share? abcdefghijkImnopqrstuywxyz 4 Now put the red letters into the correct category below, depending on the sound they share. 1 bec, 2th 5 SPEAKING Work in groups or as a class. Think of a famous person and stat spelling his or her name, Who an guess the person first? TAN. Taylor Swift! EEED troduction Personal information Ican exchange basic personal information. 6 GBD vocasuiany Listen and repeat the numbers (1-50). Then say the numbers backwards (50-1) around the class. 50 49 48 a ‘B+ Vocabulary Builder Numbers and ordinals: page 17 Listen to two dialogues. Complete the table with the names and ages ofthe four speakers. 8 VOCABULARY Which country are the students in exercise 7 from? Listen again and match them with countries from the list below. Countries Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China Croatia the Czech Republic Egypt France Germany Greece Hungary India Italy Japan Mexico Poland Russia Slovakia Spain Turkey theUK Ukraine the USA Antoine is from France. 9 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Test your partner’ spelling ofthe countries in exercise 8. How do you spell‘Spain'? _S-P-A\LN. How do you spell. 10 Answer the questions about the countries in exercise 8, 1. Which are in Europe? 2 Which are in Asia? 3 Which are in North and South America? 4 Which are English-speaking countties? 5 Which are near your own country? 11 Workin pairs. invent a new identity for yourself. Choose a new name, a new nationality and a different age. 12. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find out your partner's information. Ask and answer questions from the dialogue i exercise 1, What's your narne? Its How do you spel that? Grammar be and have got 1 can use be and have got. 1 @RND Read and listen tothe dialogue. How old is Joanna's sister? Max Have you got a brother? Joanna No, haven't. But 've got a sister. Here's a photo of us. Fim on the right. Max Are youtwins? Joanna Yes, we are, but we aren't identical. Emma's got black hair, ike me, but she hasn't got brown eyes. Max _ |s that your dog in the photo? Joanna Yes, itis. She's called Rosi. Rosie is Emma's dog, relly. Max How old is she? Joanna She's sixteen, of course ‘Max That's very old for a dog! Joanna No, Emma's sixteen. Rosie is six. 2 Find all the examples of bein the dialogue in exercise 1. Complete the Learn this! box. Use short forms. LEARN THIS! be Affirmative I Negative tim not he/she /itisn't you /we /they? Short answers Yes, lam. / No, 'm not. Yes, he /she /it® No, he /she /it isn’t. Yes, you /we / they” No, you /we / they aren't. he /she Jit? ‘you /we / they are Interrogative amp “he/she it? +__ you /we /they? 3. Write two sentences with the verb be, one affirmative and cone negative. Which is true for you? Which is false? Write T orf. 1 We___at school Weare at-school.T 2 Myteacher _very tall 3 |__ lo yearsold 4 Myfriends all girls 5 It___ very cold today, 6 My friends and! __inan English lesson. 4 SPEAKING Complete the questions with the correct form of the verb be. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1 __you hungry? 2 ___ourteacher male? 3 ___weat school? 4 your friends all at this school? 5 6 Wearen'tat school. F ‘youeighteen years old? from the UK? Are youhungry? | Yes, am./No,mnot. 1B Grammar Builder 18 page 122 5. Complete the Learn this! box. Use short forms. Use the dialogue in exercise 1to help you. What are the long forms? LEARN THIS! have got We use have got to talk about possessions and family, members, Affirmative | /you / we /they’ he / she /it? Negative | /you /we /they haven't got he / she /it? got Interrogative “I /you/we/they got? got got Has he /she /it got? Short answers Yes, Ihave. /'No, 8 Yes, he /she /it has. No,he /she /it hasn't. Yes, you / we / they have. No, you / we /they haven't. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got, affirmative or negative. Make them true for you. Vs ‘two brothers 2 We ‘a maths lesson next, 3 Ourteacher short hair, al blue eyes, 5 Ourteachers a big teachers’ room, 7 GRED Listen. Tick the things that Joe and Amy have got. Joe | Amy | You __| Your partner apet a skateboard a bike a smartphone alaptop awatch 8 Write sentences about Joe using the information in the table in exercise 7 Use the correct form of have got. Joes got... Hehasr't got 9 SPEAKING Complete the column for you in exercise 7. Then ask and answer in pairs and complete the column for your partner. Have you got..? 10 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner. ‘Marianne hasn't got a pet. ‘Be Grammar Builder 8 page 122 troduction Speaking Talking about ability and asking for permission I can talk about ability and ask for permission. 1 HED Read and listen tothe dialogue. whatis Alfie's ‘opinion ofthe gil in the photo? What s Rose's opinion? Alfie Let’s stop and listen. This s a great song, Rose Hmm. She isn't very good, She can’t sing. Alfie She can play the guitar really well. And her voice isn't bad. Rose |can'thear the words Alfie But she's really young, She's only fourteen or fifteen, Can you play the guitar lke that? Rose No, can't, But | can play the piano, Come on, let's go, Alfie No, wait. Rose What's the problem? Alfie | can't find my money. Can | borrow £1, please? Rose For her? Really? Oh, OK 2 Read the Learn this! box. Find an affirmative, negative and interrogative form of can in the dialogue in exercise 1 LEARN THIS! can j. a We use can totalk about ability b The form o she, we, etc) Affirmat nis the same forall persons (|, you, he, can play football, Negative: They can't hear yc Interrogative: Can you dance? Yes, can. /No, can't. We also use can to ask for permission, Can | use your phone? Yes, you can. /No, you can't 3 Complete the sentences about the dialogue in exercise 1. Use the affirmative or negative form of can. 1 Thegirl___ play the guitar well 2 Rose hear the words of the song, 3 Rose play the guitar 4 Rose___ play the piano. 5 Alfie find his money EEEED t:0cuction 4. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask permission to do the things below. Use Can ...? borrow your pencil useyourdictionary ask question share your book copy your answer Caniborrow..? Yes, you can. /No, you can't, ‘+ Grammar Bullder IC page 122 5 VOCABULARY Complete the list of musical instruments. ‘The missing words are in the dialogue in exercise. Then check the meaning of all the words. Instruments clarinet drums flute keyboard p. saxophone trumpet. violin 6 GREED listen and identity the instruments 5 6 7 16 Vocabulary Builder Musical instruments: page 177 7 VOCABULARY Check the meaning of the verbs below. Match four of them with pictures 1-4. Action verbs dance play basketball / football / tennis play the drums /clarinet ride a bike / horse skate skateboard sing ski speak Chinese / French / Spanish swim 8 Write a questionnaire about ability for your partner, Write six questions with can, Choose verbs from exercise 7 and include one musical instrument from exercise 5. 1 Can you play the violin? 2 Canyou....? 9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Do your questionnaires. Make a note of your partner's answers. Canyou play the violin? No, can’t. 10 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner. ‘Mina can’t play the violin. She can Grammar 1 VOCABULARY Match the pictures with eight of the words below. Check the meaning ofall the words. Inthe classroom bin blackboard calculator chair computer cupboard desk eraser exercise book interactive whiteboard pen pencil pencil case pencilsharpener ruler schoolbag shelf SitsHes >. DD Read and listen tothe dialogue. Whereis Ol pencil case? Charlie Have you gota perclandaneasat Ive got a pencil, but Ihaven't got anerase. “= I The pencil is on my desk Charlie. Thanks. Have you got a coloured pen? Olivia No, but 've got some coloured pencis Charlie What colours? Olivia Red, blue, geen, brown —lots of colours. They in my pencil case Charlie Is that your pencil case? Olivia No. That's lemma’s. My pencil case isin my schoolbag. Hangoon... Oh nol It’s at home. Sorry. Olivia 3. Read the Learn this! box. Underline all the examples of 4/an, some and the in the dialogue in exercise 2. LEARN THIS! Articles a The definite articles the. We can use it with singular and plural nouns, thechair the books bb The indefinite article is 0, or an ifthe noun begins with a vowel sound. We only use it with singular nouns. pen anexam ¢ We can use some with plural nouns when we don't, know, or we don't want to say, exactly how many. ‘ve gota pen and some pencils, 4 We use a/an and some when we mention things for the first time I've got a skateboard and some rollerblades. We use the when we mention them again. ve got a skateboard and some rollerblades. The skateboard is red and the rollerblades are blue. Articles: the, a / an, some; this / that / these / those 1 can use articles and this, that, these and those correctly. 4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the things in exercise I. Use a or an. Have you gota pen 4 inyour schoolbog? YESH have./No,| haven't Have we got an interactive | Yes, wehave./ whiteboard in ourclassroom? No, we haven't, ‘B+ GrammarBuilderID page 122 5 Put a, an or somein front of the nouns. 1 address 5 eye 9 cat 2___pens 6 ___bluepencils 10 ___ photos 3 oldcar 7 rollerblades 1 watch 4 dogs 8 teachers 12 __ skateboard 6 Complete the sentences with a, an, some or the. 1 Ivegot___redpenand___green pen. _red pen ison my desk.___green pens in my pencil case. 2 We've got__exams next week._first exarn is maths, second is history and third is science, 3 Mymum’s got___orange Fiat and my dad's got blue Renault. __ Fiat isrtew, but ___ Renault is very old 4 vegot___CDsand_DVDs, but I can't play DVDs because my DVD player is broken. 5 Wevvegot___cat,__dogand name is Sooty and mice, ___ cat's, dog's name is Freddy. LEARN THIS! this/ that /these / those ‘We use this singular) and these (plural for things that are ‘ose to us, and that (singular) and those (plural) for things that are further away. thischair these books that cat those dogs 7 Read the Learn this! box. Find an example ofthis, that, these of those in the dialogue in exercise 2. 8 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the pictures. AWS Yes, they are. this your..? Are these your coloured pencils? ‘2 GrammarBuilder0 page 22 Introduction @Vocabulary Family members Agjectives and prepositions Housework Describing people Personality adjectives @Word skis Singular and plural nouns Present simple (affirmative) Present simple (negative and interrogative) istening Spelling and pronunciation @ speaking Describing people « x @ Writing personal profile @ culture 2 The Royal Family a al @ Vocabulary Builder page 117 page 124 page 125 BED Units Family and trends Vocabulary Family Ian talk about family members. 1 VOCABULARY Workin pairs. Put the family members below ‘groups: a) female b) male c) male or female. Then listen and check. Family members aunt brother child /children cousin daughter father (dad) grandchild / grandchildren granddaughter grandfather (grandad) grandmother (grandma) grandparent gran usband mother (mum) nephew niece parent sister son uncle wife LEARN THIS! Possessive’s GG; # We add‘ toa name or noun to show possession ora family relationship. my cousin's husband bb We just add an apostrophe (' to plural nouns ending in. my parents friends (but his children’s school) 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the sentences, adding possessive s and the correct family member. 1 Harry is Tom's son. 2 MartinisTom 3 Nathan and Rosie are Sophie 4 Hanyistiz 5 Lisais Mia 6 Clare and Lizare lessica 7 Poppy, Harry and Mia are Rosie ‘Be Grammar Bullder 1A. page 12 Listen and check your answers to exercise 2. 8 Complete the quiz with words from exercise 1 Then do the quiz in pars 4 Work in pairs. Write four more sentences like the ones in exercise 2. LOOK ouT! J 2 We add in-law for relationships from a marriage. S\ _father-in-law = your husband's father / your wife's father brother-in-law = your sister's husband / your wife's brother b We add step for relationships from a remarriage, stepmother = your father's wife stepsister = your stepfather's daughter / ‘your stepmother’s daughter € We add great to refer to the generation before. great-grandfather = your mother’s grandfather / “your father’s grandfather ‘Those girla ha¢e got a great-uncle = your mother's uncle / your father’s uncle famous ____. Who is he? a Will Smith Read the Look out! box. Then listen to a dialogue about Ella's family photo. Complete the sentence with the correct family member: a, bor. b JayZ © Barack Obama This family photo includes Ella's a stepmother b greatgrandmother brother inlaw What is the relationship between these two Hollywood stars - Jon Voight and Angelina Jolie? a uncle and bb father and What relationship is this man to Queen Elizabeth II? ale RECYCLE! have got + We use have got to talk about possessions and family, = members Ive got three otepelsters. Have you gota brother? 9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find outif your partner has got. The third person singular form is has got / hasn't got. 1 astepbrother 4 agreatunde She's got two cousins. He hasn't got a sister 2 cousins 5 agreat-grandmother Has he got a stepsister? Yes, he has. /No, he 3 a brother-in-law 6 astep-grandfather 10 SPEAKING Ifthe answer is ‘yes, find out more information 6 Read the Recycle! box. Then complete the questions about _(for example, name and age). Ella's family, Use the correct form of have got. 1 Glas grandfather __a sister? Have you got a stepbrother? Yes, have. 2 Ellas great-aunt __ children? 3 Ellas sister_a husband? ‘What's his name? 4 Brunoand Maria__children? 5 Ella four nieces? 6 Ell’ parents__a son? epee Listen again. Answer the questions in exercise 6. Present simple (affirmative) I can use the present simple affirmative correctly. 1 Look at the photo below. Do you know this TV show? Can, you name any of the characters? 2 Read the text. Then answer the questions. 1. Which characters in the show work together? 2. Which characters live together? 3 Canyou name any other TV shows about friends? Pa oy Present simple (affirmative) We use the present simple to talk about: a something that happens regularly, always or never, bb a fact that is always true. 3 Read the box. Then complete the table below. ‘The missing words are in the text in exercise 2. work. ‘We work, You work, You work He/She /it They? 4 Find al the other examples of the present simple in the textin exercise 2. Which ones end in-s? Why? Unit Family and friends 5 Complete the sentences about The Big Bang Theory. Use ‘the present simple affirmative form of the verbs below. 1 Millions of people 2 Sheldon 3 Rajand Howard 4 Rajand Howard 5 In general, people ‘the show regularly. ina flat with Leonard. with Sheldon and Leonard Sheldon and Leonard regularly. shows about groups of friends, ‘a Some verbs change spelling when you add -sfor the third person singular form, (go she goes youwatch —_hewatches theystudy she studies b The verb haves regular. we have ithas 6 Read the box. Then complete the text with the present simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. My stepsister Rose isa scientist and she job. She (love) her — (rk at a urveriy a Clfomi ane ——_— (ti tas ad black hes Rasen Anse, bute realy (i) her fen Calf. xery yekerclshe* go) tothe beach She ——_ “reed rar thre and they" (G0) surg ogee Rose (har an apartment with one of her friends, Madison, Madison * i (work) inaestaurant and she's often at workin the evening. On hone evening, Rose (watch BVDsin he apartment or she" (have) dinner with friends in town, > 7D Listen and repeat these third person singular verb forms. Pay attention to the sound of ‘the endings. Asia! or Bei! Listen and repeat these third person singular verb forms. Do they have ending A or B? 9 SPEAKING Workin pars. Think of a TV show about a group of friends or a family, Tell your partner three facts about ‘the show. Use verbs from this lesson. Can your partner ntify it? The main characters are X and V.. They livein X loves school and she studies a lot. But Y Listening Spelling and pronunciation 5 1 SPEAKING Look at the photo of the Radford family. What is the relationship between the people, do you think? 2 Read the text and answer the questions. 1. Whats Noe'’s job? 2 How many people lve in the Radford family home? A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE RADFORD FAMILY! ‘Sue and Noel Radford live in a very big nouse in Morecambe In the north of England. The house is big because they've got nineteen children! Their oldest child is 28, and the youngest Is just a baby. The day starts at 4 a.m. when Noel, a baker, goes to work. Two hours later, he comes home and he wakes up the children. Sue prepares breakfast and makes twelve packed lunches! After breakfast, Noe! takes the children to school = in a minibus! Noel goes back to the bakery with his eldest daughter, Sophie. She works there too. Then Sue starts on the housework, She loads the dishwasher, cleans the house and. does the washing (nine times a day). After lunch she goes to the supermarket and she does the ironing. When Noel gets. home at 5 p.m.,he cooks dinner and the children set the table. After dinner, Sue helps the children with their homework. The day ends at 10 p.m. when all the children go to bed, 3 SPEAKING Would you like to have a very large family? Why? / Why not? 10 4 VOCABULARY Find seven of the housework activities below in the text in exercise 2. Housework clean the house cook dinner dotheironing do the washing gotothe supermarket load / unload the dishwasher set the table tidy my bedroom wash the dishes Listening Strategy 1 In English, you cannot always predict how a word sounds by looking at the spelling. Leaming how words are pronounced will allow you to understand them when you hear them, | can distinguish between words with very similar sounds in them. GEE ead Listening strategy 1. Which red vowel sound in each group of words is different? Listen and check. 1a school —_b too « look d cool 2a grandson b class father_— grandma 3 a wife china citaly dike 4a go b son photo d hello 5 a eat b meat cseat_ —d great 6a university buncle © ¢mum — d Hungary listening Strategy 2 Some words sound similar but have very different meanings. Being able to detect the small difference in pronunciation will help you to understand them when you hear them, Use the context to help you too Read Listening Strategy 2. Then listen and repeat the words. Which word in each pair do you hear fist? Pay attention tothe different vowel sounds. 3 far for 4 wet wait 1 men man 2 cap cup (ERED Listen. which word from exercise 6 does each sentence include? Which other words help you decide? 5 ive leave 6 match March 8 GREED tisten tonyan and Joana talking about housework. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F. Then correct the false ones, 1 Ryan thinks that his bedroom is tidy, 2 Joanna tidies her bedroom, 3 Ryan hasn't got time to tidy his bedroom every day. 4 Joanna's family shares the housework. 5 Joanna and Ryan like housework more than homework. 6 Joanna has got exams at the moment. Read these sentences from the conversation in ‘exercise 8, How are the red sounds pronounced? Listen and check, 1 Itidy my bedroom, 2 My mum does the washing 3 He's gat exams at the moment. 4 He goes to the supermarket too. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Tell your partner about housework inyour home. Use phrases from exercise 4. Note down what your partner says, | tidy my bedroom and set the table. ‘My dad cleans the house, SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner. Zak tidies his bedroom and sets the table Units Faryad ends Grammar Present simple (negative and interrogative) I can ask questions about facts and everyday events. 4 Make these sentences negative. 1 Myaunt works in London. My aunt: doesn't work in London, 2 ike rap music 3. My cousins Emma and Zoe speak Spanish. 4 My stepbrother Nick plays in a volleyball team, 5 Joe and | walk to school 6 You study Chinese. 5 Write the words in the correct order to make questions. You need to add Do or Does. 1 ive /you/the school / near? 2 football /your best fiend / like ? 3. both work / your parents ? 4 on Friday evenings / you / go out /and your friends? 5 wear /jeans / you /to school ? 6 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise s. Doyou live nearthe school? | Yes, Ido. /No,|dor't. 1 SPEAKING Look at the photo. Who are the people, do you think? What are they fighting over? 7 Write true sentences about yourself. Use the present simple affirmative or negative and the phrases below. 1 getup early on Saturdays Idon't get up early on Saturdays. Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your ideas from exercise 1. Sarah What's this on TV? 2 play ice hockey Jake [BOR'ERAGH: I's a sitcom, think. I’ eally funny. Ia Tom But Sarah andi want to watch the football it’s 3 walkto school every day Barcelona against Chelsea 4 use computers at school Jake [doll football 5 watch TV every evening Sarah But | hate sitcoms! And Tom GEREN sitcoms 6 argue a lot with my friends either 7 speak French Jake DBYBUIWAIE to record the football then? 8 like dancing Sarah Novidoait| We want to watch it vel Give me the 9 do alot of homework at weekends remote! mote a 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using jake Nol Getoff the phrases in exercise 7. Make a note of the answers 3. Read the dialogue again. Study the highlighted forms. Complete the examples in the Learn this! box. Doyou get up early on Saturdays? LEARN THIS! Present simple (negative and interrogative) a We form the present simple negative with don't or doesn't and the infinitive of the verb without to. 5 play football She play football No, don’t. Do you get up early on Saturdays? Yes, | do. 9 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner. Use the notes ‘you made in exercise 8, bb We form the present simple interrogative with do or does and the infinitive of the verb without to, We form short answers with do /does / don't /doesn't > you play football? Yes,1do./No, 14 Does he play football? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't, Claudia doesn’t get up early on Saturdays, ‘3+ Grammar Builder 1D page 124 BED rit Famiy and ends Word Skills 1. SPEAKING Workin pairs. Who are the people in the photo on the right? What do you know about them? Posh @ Becks ‘THE BECKHAMS area famous fil rom Britain. Becks is the niciname of David Beckham, ex Oot of Manchestor United, Real Madrid and England, Posh is the nickname of his Wi, Victoria, a member ofthe gic-band the Spice Gis Vctoriaiscalled Posh’ because sheloves posh expensive fetes. She says she really likes SuNgIGSHES too, because its easy to Jook colin them! Now she isa fashion designer. Her Goma makes very expensive SS, BEEBESOTIBS and [seller, but also ordinary clothes like jeans and jak David doesn't pay fetal now, bute owns a football {BBM in Miami, Florida. David has got 32 fait! He says they ae ll about the BBOBIG nis lio, his wite and BRR David Beckham isa ff to many English footall ans The Beckhams do a lot of Wik for BRBERIES and thoy appear alot on television, They have got four children, Their S018 are Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, and their QBUGHIER is called Harpe. The BO are footballers too, and hope to play for England one day 3. Read the Learn this! box. Match the nouns highlighted in ‘rage in the text with one of the rules (a-g). Give the singular and plural forms of each noun, LEARN THIS! Singular and plural forms 1a To make the plural of most nouns we adds. brother => brothers b ifthe noun endsin-s,-sh, -ch, 2,0, we add -es. bus > buses dass classes dish dishes church - churches watch watches box boxes € Ifthe noun ends in -o, we add -s or sometimes -es. photo > photos potato => potatoes d ifthe noun ends in a consonant +-y, we change -y t0-es. porty-> parties € Ifthe noun ends ina vowel + -y, we add -s holiday => holidays f Ifthe noun ends in for fe, we change -for fe to-ves. shelf > shelves g Some nouns have irregular plural forms. foot feet man-> men woman women Singular and plural nouns 1 can form the plural of a range of regular and irregular nouns. 4 DICTIONARY WORK Look at the dictionary entry. How does it show the plural form of the noun? baby Pbeibi! noun (plural babies) a very young child: She's going to havea baby. 0 a baby boy &a baby gil 5. What isthe plural form of these nouns? Use a dictionary to help you. 1 uncle 6 life 2 address 7 lady 3 day 8 tooth 4 video 9° mother 5 match 10. knife Look our! F@ Some nouns are always plural (eg. scissors, trousers) b Some nouns have no plural form. We call these uncountable nouns (eg. homework, information, fuggage, help, advice) 6 Read the Look out! box. Match the nouns highlighted in blue in the text with point a or point b. 7 There are mistakes in some of these sentences. Find them and correct them. 1 My jeans very ol 2 Put the knifes and forks on the table. 3 love babies 4 I'dlike some informations about trains 5 Can see some photoes of your family? 6 Ive got two watches, 7 She's got very big feets. 8 Ive got lots of homeworks this evening 8 Workin pairs. Write three questions about the Beckhams. Do not show your partner. Is Davie Beckham Americar? 9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Cover the text. Then ask and answer the questions \s David Beckham American? No, helsn't. He's British. Units Family and ends Sibling rivalry 1. SPEAKING Workin pairs. Read the quotations at the start of the text. Which are true for you or your partner? The first one is true forme. argue a lot with my brother! The second / third /fourth ones / isn’t true for me... Reading Strategy £ When you want to knowifa sentence fits a gap, read the sentences before and after the gap as wel asthe sentence itself, and ask yourself these questions ‘= Does it make sense? + Does it fit grammatically? (Think about tense, pronouns, singular and plural, this / that, etc) ‘© Does it match the topic ofthe paragraph? 2 Read the Reading Strategy. Then match gaps (1-4) in the text with sentences (AE). Use the questions in the Strategy to check that the sentences fit. There's one extra sentence which does not fit any of the gaps. ‘A According to the website, the answer is:around the age of 5, B But other brothers and sisters get on well rom an early age. € We get on well—and we don't argue. D Give your brother or sister some time alone when they needit. E Most teenagers have a difficult relationship with their brothers and sisters 3. Read and listen to the complete text. Check your answers toexercise 2. 4 Workin pairs. Choose the best summary of the text: b ‘orc. What is wrong with the other summaries? 1a Alotof teenagers do not get on well with their brothers and sisters, However, the relationship is usually good when they are adults b Some teenagers get on well with their brothers and sisters. These people usually get on well when they are adults too Alotof teenagers do not get on well with their brothers and sisters. The relationship is usually bad when they are adults too, because people don’t change. LEARN THIS! Adjectives and prepositions GF Some acjectivesare followed by certain prepositions Sometimes, more than one preposition is possible. famousfor frightened of pleasedabout/with — similarto excited about good at Unity Family and rends I can understand a text about brothers and sisters. 6 VOCABULARY Read the Learn this! box. Then look at the highlighted adjectives in the text. What prepositions follow ‘them? Complete the table. Adjectives and prepositions T angry 4 keen ] 2 different 5 proud | 3 interested 6 worried SPEAKING Interview a classmate who has a brother or sister. Complete these questions with the correct prepositions. Then ask and answer the questions. Give examples. 1 Are you similar to your brother or sister? 2 Areyou interested __ the same things? 3 Areyou good ___ the same school subjects? 4 Areyoukeen the same TV programmes? 5. Are your brother or sister's hobbies different __yours? Are you similar to your cyan smiaeay Yes Lam. / No, im no. Coe GForce kane eur ee ne According to the website, these problems are not unusual.’ They argue G lot. In general leenagers are not WEFTi6@ about their brothers and sisters when things go badly for them. And they ate not (SfSUd of them when things go welll But most adults are very KB@Ai on their brothers and sisters and have a good relationship. So when does the situation change? ?__ For example, Madison is 28 years old, Her brother Tyler, is 26. remember big fights, horrible fights with Tyler’ says Madison, "But now, our relationship is completely different,?__ We go out together two or three times a month and we have a great time. We're IRIEIEHIE in the same things: But for teenage brothers and sisters with dificult relationships, what can they do? How can they get on well? Here are a few ideas When your brother or sister uses your things, don't get AGI about it - learn fo share, Imagine your brother or sister is a friend - and be nice! Don't ell people your brother or sister's secrets Of course, the other answer is: just wait ten years! Unt Family and ends Speaking Describing people I can describe my friends. 1 VOCABULARY Look at the photos. What do the people look like? Complete the descriptions below. Describing people blue glasses fong moustache short straight wavy 1. She's good-looking with long dark hair 2. He's got medium-length fair hair and eyes. 3 He's got dark hair, abeard anda ‘>> Vocabulary Builder Describing people: page 17 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Identify Tom and Brendan in the photo above. Do you know Tor? No, don'ts he here? Yes, he’s over there, Amy Toby Amy Toby Where? What does he look like? Amy He's tall and he's got short dark hair. Toby Ishe next to Milly? ‘Amy No, that’s Brendan. Tom's got a white T-shirt Toby Oh, yes. see him. Is he your friend? ‘Amy Yes, he's really nice, Let's go and talk to him. Toby OK, BED rit Fam and ends 3. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose someone in your class. Describe him or her, but do not say the name. Can your partner guess who itis? She's tall. She's got long, straight brown hair pe Listen to three more dialogues atthe party. Cirle the correct answers. Dialogue 1 Marcus wants to ind Dan /Sally 2 sally isn't with Dan Dialogue 2 3 Ryan knows one person / lots of people atthe party 4 Georgeis /isnt Lisa's brother. Dialogue 3 5 Lucy thinks it’s a good / bad party 6 Lucy likes / doesn’ tlke Kate Listen again, Correct the mistakes inthe descriptions. 1 Danis quite short, with long red hai His T-shirts blue and he wears glasses 2 George has got a black actet and blue trousers. He's gat cry fair hairand green eyes. 3. kate stall with curly far hac Her dress blue 6 Imagine you are at a barbecue with your friends. Prepare a dialogue lke the one in exercise 2, Then complete the table below. Geno Pe Description Clothes Speaking Strategy Speakin aloud, clear voice * Look at the other person when he or she is speaking to you and when you are speaking tohim or her. * Listen very carefully to everything the other person says so that you can reply appropriately. 7 SPEAKING Read the Speaking Strategy. Then act out your dialogue, using the notes you made in exercise 6. Writing A personal profile 1 can write a personal profile. 1. Read the personal profiles from a student website. What information does each person include? Tick the correct, boxes inthe table. ed Family Home School subjects Hobbies ‘Ambition Meet hee ated eee Rieu Gace hcs Hil I'm Lauren, your friendly new Head Gir. I'm seventeen years ol, and I'm in ear twelve, Live in an apartment. I's very near the school, so | walk to school in five minutes every morning! | teally enjoy school: my favourite subjects are science and art. Im keen on languages too. {ove films and | watch DVDs with my friends every weekend. My other hobbies are dancing and reading. | like shopping too. Is that @ hobby?! I've got a dog and two cats. I love animals! My ‘ambition is to be a vet. | want to travel too, perhaps before university, Hello! My name's James. I'm sixteen years old and I'm in Year twelve, I've got a brother in Year nine. I've gota stepsister to0. She's at university, Music is important to me. | play the guitar and I write songs. | also listen to a lot of music, of course. My favourite singers are Ed Sheeran and Ellie Goulding, I'm also interested in sport. | play football and tennis at the weekend. 'm keen on surfing too, but I'm not very good at it! I'm creative and hard-working. My ambition is to become a songwriter and write songs for my favourite pop stars. 2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Student A: Ask about Lauren, Student B: Ask about James. 1. What years Lauren /James in? 2 What are Lauren's /James’s hobbies? 3 Whatis Lauren's /James's ambition? 3 VOCABULARY Which of the personality adjectives below do Lauren and James use to describe themselves? Choose two from the list to describe yourself. Personality adjectives creative friendly hard-working honest patient polite sensible ‘B+ Vocabulary Builder Personality adjectives: page 177 4. KEY PHRASES Complete these phrases from the profiles using the prepositions below. You need to use some prepositions more than once. at in to with Giving personal information Im'_Yeartwelve, Iwalk*__ school Iwatch DVDS?___my friends, She's*___ university Histen*__ music. * the weekend. Writing Strategy 1 You can use contractions (eg. ’m and she's) in letters to friends and family, emails and other informal texts. 5. Read Writing Strategy 1. What contractions can you find in the personal profiles in exercise 7 Say them in full Jam Lauren ...and Lam in Year twelve. Writing Strategy 2 Always write in paragraphs. A paragraph usually contains ‘two or more sentences about the same topic. When you prepare a piece of writing, make a paragraph plan. i 6 Read Writing Strategy 2. How many paragraphs does each profile in exercise 1 contain? Is each paragraph about one topic or more than one topic? 7 Plana personal profile about yourself. Look at the table in exercise 1 and choose three or four topics you want to include, Make a paragraph plan. Begin like thi Paragraph Topi Information 8 Write your personal profile following your plan from ‘exercise 7, Remember to use contractions. ‘CHECK YOUR WORK @ Haveyou * followed your paragraph plan? © used contractions? «© checked your spelling and grammar? Units Family and ends Vocabulary Daily routine Ican describe my daily routine at school and at home. Unit map ics Daly routine Daysof the week School subjects Fealngs Word sits Pepostinsoftime Have to Adverbs of frequency; question Schools without @ Reading Dangerous journeys @ speaking Giving advice \ VOCABULARY Work in pairs. Match the daily routine phrases with photos (A-H). aad Daily routine arriveat school getdressed gotobed akfa @ Writing An announcement @ Culture 2 The University of rd 2 Write the phrases in the order you do them on a normal school day. 1 wakeup, 2 J Learn THIS! Times &, 1000 =ten o'clock 1200= midday 2.55= fiveto three X eight aif pastsix _ 00.00= midnight @ Vocabulary Builder page 118 | rwenty past eleven uarter to five page 126 NNN page 127 3. Read the Learn this! box. Then say these times. hadaiacididiaiilbiaaial bss = 100d. 425 1058. FON quarter to nine Unit2 Schoo! days 4 GEE Listen to Sofia talking about her daily routine. At what time does she do these things? 1 getup720 5 leave school 2 have breakfast 6 have dinner. 3 arriveat school 7 go tobed 4 have lunch RECYCLE! doordoes Remember, we use do or does to form questions in the present simple. We put it before the subject (she, he, you, etc), We use the infinitive without to, Do you have lunch at: school? When does she wake up? 5. SPEAKING Work in pairs, Read the Recycle! box. Then check your answers to exercise 4 by asking about Sofia’s routine. What time does she get up? She gets up at... 6 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer questions about your, ‘own daily routines. Choose three days of the week from ‘the list (including at least one weekend day). Days ofthe week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ‘What time do you get upon saturday? Igetupat VOCABULARY Match ten ofthe schoo! subjects with the icons below. Then listen and repeat ll the words. School subjects art and design biology chemistry economics English French geography German history LCT. (information and communication technology) maths music PE. (physical education) physics RE (religious education) 8 SPEAKING In pairs, compare the subjects in exercise 7 with ‘your own school subjects. Answer the questions. 1 Which subjects from exercise 7:do you do? 2 Doyoudo any other subjects? ‘We do English. We don't do economics ‘At our school, we also do. ‘9 SPEAKING In pairs, compare your opinions of the schoo! subjects in exercise 7. Whatdoyou think I realy lke it. /t's OK. / I don't of maths? like it, What about you? 10 Listen and complete Tim’s timetable for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Write the correct school subjects. 1 Cero mmo Chemistry English English RE. PE SPEAKING Workin pairs. Student A: Look atthe timetable below. Student B: Look at the timetable on page 142. Imagine this is your timetable for Monday and Tuesday. ‘Ask and answer questions about the missing lessons. oy EEO History Peer TEC Chemistry Deen Economics What do we have at five French. past nine on Monday? unit schoo! days Grammar have to can talk about things that are necessary or compulsory. BRIT SCHOOL Q&A ‘The BRIT School near London is for students with one ambition: to {get a jod connected with performing arts (music, theatre, film, etc.) Q: How old do you have to be to go to the BRIT School? ‘A: You have to be between fourteen and nineteen years old to study at the BRIT School. You also have to lve in or ‘near London. 1: Do you have to pay to study there? ‘Az No, you don't. The BRIT School is a state school so the students don't have to pay. Q: Do the students have to study all the normal subjects? ‘A: Yes. As a state school, the BRIT School has to follow the National Curriculum. Casses in performing arts are extra 1 Read the questions and answers about the BRIT school. ‘Would you like to be a student there? Why? / Why not? LEARN THIS! have to We use have fo /has toto talk about things which are necessary or compulsory Wehave todo. at school We use dont / doesn’t have to to talk about things which are not necessary or compulsory. We don’t use it ‘to say something is against the rules ‘You can go home now. You don'thave to stay until 415, NOT Yoerdonithave tour soormobitephoneitelzee: K 2. Read the Learn this! box and then look atthe table. How many examples of have to can you find in exercise 7 Are they affirmative, negative or interrogative? rd i) 1/You / We / They have to study music. He/She /it has to arrive at 9 o'clock. fod 1/You / We / They don't have to take exams. He / She / tt doesn't have to be on time. ees Dol / you / we /they have to do homework? Yes, we do./No, they don't Does he / she /it have to help? No, he doesn't. /Yes, she does. 3 Listen to the text in exercise 1. How are have to ‘and has to pronounced? Practise saying them. Unit2 Senoot days Complete these sentences about your school. Use the affirmative or negative form of have to. 1 We do PE. every week 2 The head teacher be at school on Saturdays. 3 We wear school uniform, 4 The school stay open at the weekend 5 We doallour homework on computer. ‘B+ Grammar Builder 28 page 126 Look at the pictures of Millie's school day. Then write sentences using the affirmative or negative of have to and ‘the prompts below. 1 getup before 7 o'clock 2 make her own breakfast 3 walk to school 1 She ha to get up before 7 o'clock. 4 doPE. at school 5 takeexams 6 stay at school after 315 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer questions about what your partner has to do at weekends, Use Do you have to... ? and the phrases below. cook lunch /dinner dothe ironing do the washing, do your homework get dressed before lunch get up early setthetable take exams. tidy yourroom Doyouhavetocooklunch? | Yes,tdo. /No,| don't Listening Unusual schools Ican understand numbers, dates and times. 1. SPEAKING Workin pairs. Describe the photo of the classroom. Use the phrases and words below to help you. What is unusual about it? can see book desk student teacher whiteboard young /old lean't see 2 Complete the fact fle with the verbs below. Would you like ‘10 g0 toa ‘democratic school”? Why? / Why not? choose don't go have mark meet take TTY © students study. {© students don'thave to® © students don't usually have to? exams. ( teachers don't usually * work © classes are mixed-abilty and often * students of different ages. © allthe students and teachers ¢ to discuss the timetable, school rules, school trips, etc © theteachers? or give many punishments. the subjects they want to ery | pra i to lessons. o 4 real students! ‘make many rules LEARN THIS! Saying numbers, dates and times ‘We often say numbers, dates and times differently from how they are written, 110 =a hundred and ten or one hundred and ten 110 = one thousand, one hundred and ten 715 = quarter past seven or even fifteen 20 May = the twentieth of May April 15 = April the fifteenth 1997 = nineteen ninety-seven 2005 = two thousand and five 2012 = twenty twelve or two thousand and twelve (07072025 =the seventh of uly, twenty twenty five 3 (@IED Read the Lear ths! box. Then say these numbers, dates and times, Sometimes there is more than one way to say them. Then listen, check and repeat. 11055 6 Tune 1998 2 August 5 2016 7 645 3-430 8557 41390 9 20071990 5 150 Wo 3260 4 @RED Listen to the sentences AG. Write the number, date or time that you hear in each sentence, 5. GREED Listen to. radio interview with a student at the Brooklyn Free School. Which sentence is not true? 1 Classes at the school ae very small 2 They study the usual school subjects 3. Nathan doesn't enjoy school Lstening Strategy ‘Make sure you know how dates, times and numbers are spoken so that you can identify them when you hear them 6 (ERED Read the Listening strategy. Then listen again Choose the correct answers (a, b or ¢). 1 Nathanis years old ans bie cv 2 In Nathan's part ofthe school the students are aged aaa bas 248 3. Nathan's part of the school has about __ students, a6 b 60 66 4 Nathan _ sits next to students of his own age. a sometimes never, « always 5. The boy who helps Nathan with maths is an dB cB 6 Lessons are from a 8amto3pm. b 9am.to3pm, 7 Itcosts _a year to study at the school, a $2000 $12,000 ¢ $20,000 7. SPEAKING Workin pairs. Compare your school with the Brooklyn Free School. Write five sentences and tell the class. ¢ 9am.to4pm, ‘Qur schoo! has... students, but there are only about 120 students in the Brooklyn Free School ‘Atour school we have to.., but at ‘the Brooklyn Free Schoo! they Unit2 Schoo! days Grammar Adverbs of frequency; question words Ican use adverbs of frequency and question words. 1 GES Read and listen to the dialogue. Which clubs does. 5 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 never /Sally / the dishwasher / loads 2 tomy friends /| / text messages / often / send 3 is /ake /at school /hungry / hardly ever 4 Harry and Alex /after midnight / go / sometimes /to bed 5 tidies / Frank / usually / at the weekend / his bedroom 6 late / the school bus / often /in the morning /is 7 computer games / isa / after school / plays / always 6 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 450 that they are true foryou I never watch TV in my bedroom. Find five question words in the dialogue in exercise 1 and Maisie Are you a member ofa school club? add them to the Leam this! box. Ben No, mnot. But 'd lke to join one, Which clubs do you goto? LEARN THIS! Question words Maisie Toften go to photography club. i's always good fun. (We use question words to ask for information. We put ‘al sarietaries gots SERIO, ther at the beginning of questions. Ben Who takes photography club? How How many What What time Where Whose ‘Maisie Nir Carleton, the art teacher. _ Ben {lke him, How often does the club meet? =z: Maisie Once a week. We usually meet on Fridays, after What time doyou getup? school. But it’s sometimes on Thursday, in the lunch | Where do you lve? break. Why don’t you come along? Ben Good idea, Hey, when does the next lesson start? ‘Maisie In two minutes. Come on. Mr Baker is always cross - when students arrive late! Read the answers and circle the correct question words to complete the sentences. Whose book ie this? 2 Find four adverbs of frequency inthe dialoguein exercise | 6 when do you get to schoo” ‘by bus! Add them othe able below. 2 ‘Who / Where are you?’ ‘inthe kitchen’ 3 ‘How often / When do you do your homework?” ‘after dinner! ‘4 "Which / How many subjects do you do at school’ ‘Ten’ 5 ‘When / Where do you usually meet your friends?’ “On Friday evenings “Who's / Whose pencil case is this?” “My brother's’ 3 Complete the Learn this! box. Use before and after. 6 LEARN THIS! Adverbs of frequency a We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens. We usually put adverbs of frequency 9 Think of possible answers to questions 1-5 in exercise 8 using the other question words. 1 "When doyouget to school?’ ‘At 8:30am: \___ the verb, oes _—_eeee 10 Complete the questions with the correct question words. b We put adverbs of frequency? therebea brothers and sisters have you got? do you sit next toin maths lessons? do you travel to and from school? do you live? do you usually goto bed? do you usually eat for breakfast? do you prefer, pizza or pasta? Youre always latel ‘Be GrammarBullder 2D page 126 ovens 4 Putthe adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct place in the sentences. ‘>> Grammar Bullder 20 page 26 1 kate watches TV in her bedroom. (sometimes) 2 Joe is late for school. (often) TI SPEAKING Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in 3 Harry goes dancing. (never) exercise 10, 4 Hannah does sport at the weekend. hardly ever) 5 william listens to music in bed, (usually) How many brothers and Ive got one brother 6 Ryan is thirsty after football training, (always) sisters have you got? ‘and one sister. Unit2 school days

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