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Issue #2, May/June 2011

After some experimentation and call cyberspace. The hackers I knew of

growing pains, The Dvstonaut is back to during the 1980s engaged in one of two
its original newsletter format. Thank activities. They either reverse-
you for your patience and support. engineered or "cracked" commercial
-Tom software so they could find out how it
"So you must LEARN to THINK and to SEE. worked, and gain status in ,the hacking
Especially with your Third Eye."communlty, or they found varlOUS ways to
_ Chuck Hammill gain access into various mainframe
computers used by businesses so they
I came onto the scene in the early could learn how they work, explore the
1980s after reading a bunch of Ashida network, and gain status in the hacking
Kim books on Ninj i tsu and How to Survive communi ty. Most of it was pretty
a Nuclear Disaster, by Robert C. Smith. harmless for the most part, and they
The former was available in the martial made serious effort to avoid detection
arts section of any book store, and the and not damage the data stored on the
latter in a supermarket's paperback bookmachines. These days everyone who is
section, right next to the latest into computers calls themselves a
installment of Jerry Ahern's Survivalist hacker, and takes great pains to
pulp series. It was the same supermarket distinguish themselves from "crackers",
where a gentleman once showed me some who are the "bad guys" that today do
interesting things you can do with a what we thought of as hacking back
payphone, and it was that book that before many modern hackers were born.
introduced me to something called the
"2-meter band", a company called Phone phreaks were hackers who
Heathkit, and a hobby known as Hamspecialized in the phone company and its
Radio. Funny how things work like that. network. They too were into exploring
It was this beginning that brought me the various parts of the phone system,
out to the far edge of the bell curve both the networks and phone company
and on a long, strange, and often computers. As an added bonus they were
meandering trip. The most important often able to make "phree" phone calls,
function these books provided was to b u t that carried a risk of getting
further instill a certain mindset that busted that increased over the years.
began with the motto I learned as a Boy They had their roots in the Yippie
Scout: "Be prepared", and to provide amovement of the 1960s and 1970s, and
way of learning how to look at things were more street-smart in general than
outside the mainstream. Kim's books were hackers. The better phone phreaks I met
very instrumental in this regard. over the years were also good overall
Smi th I s book, in addition to showing a computer hackers and often had expertise
useful glimpse into the preparedness i n designing and building interesting
mindset and providing some useful electronics devices. Some of them were
information, had a very comprehensive also proto-survivalists of a sort. Phone
bibliography that was valuable in phreaking for the sake of making free
further studies. Not bad for something phone calls has been rendered moot with
that cost me $4 back in 1982! the various forms of inexpensive phone
services available from various common
I came across all sorts of carriers, but there remain a few
interesting types during this journey. telecommunications hobbyists who
The first types were computer hackers continue to explore the dark corners of
and their cousins the phone phreaks. the phone network. With the increase of
These were individuals who used VoIP services, much of this dovetails
technology In often sketchy ways andwith computer hacking.
existed on the fringes of what we now

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Issue #2, May/June 2011

Then there were the survivalists, they would pick a random one for each
the ~unorganized militia" types, and the system they were on. If you were friends
modern-day poli tically-correct wi th them, they used their real name.
survivalists who call themselves When you first met them, in was always
~preppers". They were the individuals in the real word, not online. And most
who were making preparations for when importantly, they were into both high-
society collapses from a nuclear war ortech and low-tech. They quietly prepared
other disaster. The militia types came for unforeseen circumstances and
later. They were like survivalists in interesting situations, but were not
that they were preparing for some caught up in that whole conspiracy
possible dark future, but were more theory, TSHTF, or TEOTWAWKI thing that
concerned that the United States would many so-called survivalists get bogged
be invaded by a foreign country (Russia, down in. It's funny that the father of
China, and the United Nations were the survivalist movement, Kurt Saxon,
considered the likely suspects) orwas not into all that TEOTWAWKI stuff
perhaps taken over from within by aand simply advocated living a self-
group of totalitarians planning a "New reliant lifestyle without getting bogged
World Order". Some of them even thought down in all that SHTF apocalypse
we were going to be invaded from outer nonsense.
space by intergalactic space aliens, h
Eac one of these rare individuals
al though everyone knows they only come . .
h f 1 t' 11 t t k I met over the years had a few t.h i.nq s In
ere or ou~ pane . s exce en ruc - common. The first was that they were
stop food, In partlcular the barbeque .
. , . exceptlonally good at what they were
(r Lbe , wh i t.e bread, and .i ce-r co Ld beer!). h d
lnto. T e secon was that they put
One interesting observation I made together their kit with their own
was that despite their shared personally determined specifications,
countercul ture roots, hackers and and that their choices often
survivalists never really came together. contradicted the popular choice. For
The closest I ever heard about such a example, back when everyone started
thing was when a famous hacker named moving over to IBM PCs and PC clones (or
Cheshire Catalyst mentioned that if the a Macintosh), these individuals still
US was ever invaded that hackers would ran older Apple lIs Commodores,
probably be best able to set up covert Ataris, TIs, TRS-80s and S-100 systems.
communications networks on hacked They could do more with those systems
computer systems for the resistance. (they usually wrote their own software)
Hackers were not very physical or real-than most people could do with the newer
world oriented, and generally avoided stuff. Likewise, their choices in
all the low-tech stuff. The survivalists firearms and survivalist-type gear were
were the same way in that they shied highly functional and often not
away from the high-tech stuff. Their reflective of the current fads in those
excuses were that the EMP from nuclear scenes. These people were the true
weapons detonations would wreck most if hackers and survivalists, although they
not all electronics, and that ~big didn't consider themselves such and they
brother" used all that stuff to track were certainly different than the
them. average self-proclaimed practitioner of
. either.
Desplte the stereotypes I would
usually encounter in both communities, l O v e r the years, I have worked on
would occasionally come across someone trying to define the essence that makes
who really got it. They never had a real those individuals stand apart and put it
online pseudonym or ~handle". On BBSes into words. While they are very good at

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Issue #2 , May / J une 2 011

both they cannot be defined as e i t he r incl udes reta i l o u t l e t s , tag sales , flea
hackers or surv iva lists based u po n ma r kets , h ardwa r e /h orne -improvement
ob s erva t ions of tho se who c a l l stores , and a rmy /navy stores . They buy
t hemselves such. I have c orne t o call common o f f - the -she l f items to modi fy,
the m dysto nau ts because that is the word kit -bash , and re -purpo se them. Modern
tha t I fee l b e st d efines them. The y ar e day n i n jas would probably be go i ng to
i ndi vidu als, who th r ough the i r uni q u e t h e mal l (OK, a de c ent shopp ing p laza
ski ll -sets , have become adep t at the n ) t o o u tf i t themse l ves . Fo rtun a t el y ,
n a v i g ating aro u n d t h e cur re n t d y sto pi a mo s t of the s e toys a re pretty
ma ny peopl e feel were are e x pe r ienc i n g ine xp e n si ve. Some of t h e m a c tuall y are
the se days. Howe v e r I ha r d l y e x pe c t them t o y s. I al so c ann ot di s p ar age ma ll s t o o
t o se l f - i d e n t i f y thems e lves as such . mu ch becau se whe n I g ot my start they
. hi we re a o n e - s top so u r c e of e d u c a t iona l
On e o f the mo s t amaz lng t l ngs . .
readln g ma t e rl al (b ookst ore s),
I I v e ob se r v e d of d yst onauts o v e r t he e lectroni c s u p pli e s (Radi o Shack ) ,
y ears wa s tha t t h ey . were compl ete ly and c h eml. c a 1 s (p h armac y ) , p h rea k ilng access
t otal
. l y aw are o f Just how
. s cre we d- u p (payp h ) ,
o nes an d r e cr e a t l' on (0
r eam
t.h i.nq s a re , a c t ed a coo r d i.nq Ly , . and yet . M h i A
ac l ne r ca e .d )
they we r e total ly un fazed by l t . 'I'h i. s
attitude comes from having that un ique
ski l l -s e t , and having the con f idence
t h a t comes fr om b eing aware of one's
competency in that skill -set. You can
t el l the d y s t o n a u t s fr om eve ryone els e
tha t way. Take any news s t o r y that would
have the ave rage su rv iva list-type
wri ng ing hi s or h er hands in worry . A
d y s t o n aut u s u all y laug hs when hearing
it; o f te n at both the sto ry and t he
indivi d u al wr i ng ing t he ir hands over it.
Of te n t he y wi l l exp la in s imp l e
c o unt ermeasu re s based upon the i r unique
sk i l l - s e t and common l y - ava i lab l e
techn o logy.
An i n teres t ing as pe c t of t hi s is
~ha t most ~f th e. t e~hn Ol Ogy use~ bi Funny s t or y t ime. I wa s wal k i ng
ystonau ts lS ava i La b ~ a t you r oca th rough a Toys I R Us with Merc e nary/ I IRG
Ta rget, Wal -Mar . t or Ra dl o Sha ck , and can many yea r s b ack. We were l o o k i n g f or
b e bou gh t Wl th untr a c e abl e ca s h. I have ' .
. some r.rie x perie i v e commo gear t o use a t
me rrt i.o n e d the concep t of t h e Wal - Mart the second HOPE hacker confe rence. We
Nh injda P hrev iouS lY: alnld ~an'y " Of ::,OU hav e sett led on t hese 900 MHz. walkie -talkies
ear t e t. e r m , ' rna n i.n. j a b e i. n q u se d
f ' 1 rna d e b y Vt ec h . Th e y were o n l y $30 each,
as a p eJora tlve. agalns t anatlca o p e r a t e d on the 90 2 -9 28 MHz. Pa r t 15
collecto. rs o f t i..c a L gea r. What . fe w b an, d h a d s e 1 ec t lve
' ca I I'l n g so you cou Ld
reallz~ however lS . t~at guerr~l la speak " p ri v a t e l y " t o an other unit, and
operatlves fr o m ~he Nln Ja of anclent we r e frequency ag i l e . They ran l e s s than
J a p a n to modern t l mes use local so~r~esa watt o f power , bu t i t was enough for
to ou tfi t thei r k i~ . With t h e Nln Ja, u s to t al k fr om on e e n d of the Puck
common far mi n g lmpl e men ts became Bu i ldi n g t o a no t h er. You had t o be a few
weapons . To d a y, dys
tona u .
ts u s
e l o c al.
. h
.Lfl C es aw a y Wl. th th e rlg . h t a n t enna t 0
sou rces to o u t f i, t t.h e .i r k i, t . 'I'h i s t a g them wi t h a fr e q uency cou n te r , so

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Issue #2, May/June 2011

near-field frequency determination was regardless of frequency. I am also

unlikely. Third-parties could listen to getting a feel for the location, and I
us if they stumbled across the trust that my sixth sense will clue me
frequency, but we were high enough that in if something seems interesting on a
we didn't have to worry about some quantum level. I was listening to a
hacker-wannabe jamming us with his ham talk-radio show, but the host's whining
HT. They worked well and served their was too distracting and interfered with
purpose. Anyway, Merc commented how thatmy observation exercise.
if we as kids had the technology
To what end all of this? Despite
available (at that time) in a mere toy h
w at you may have been taught, ignorance
store, we~d probably would have taken i s not bliss. Observation skills and
over a thlrd-world country. These days, 1 d
't' b ' re ate support equipment are an
l s gotten even etter. More lmportant , 1
, ,essentla part of your personal
than the technology however lS the sklll , , ,
t T h d b t th k'll lnfrastructure. Observatlon lS the first
se. ec, com,es an goes, u e s l step of the OODA loop. Without it you
set r ema i.n s Wlth you forever. If' 1
can t e fectlve y orient, decide, or
Everybody's unique skill-set isact. Assorted bad actors and other
different. Note the adj ective "unique", members of the opposition will want to
meaning one-of-a-kind. The more diverse get inside your OODA loop in order to
the better because the level of gain an advantage over you for any
diversity is directly proportional tonumber of nefarious reasons. As a matter
the success of a voluntary association of self-defense, you want to prevent
of dystonauts gathered together for a this and get inside their's if possible.
common purpose. With that said, there Much of the opposition I s game plan is
are some common skills that are based on FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and
essential. One of these is broadly Doubt) Proper observation technique
defined as observation. For the sake of helps reduce or eliminate FUD.
this exercise, observation is using your 'h
SlX, senses to d .ii r e ot; 1 y an d persona 11 y Wlth ht i e exception of the police
, ,scanner t lS exercise was conducted
p.i c k-rup on events happen i.nq around you. i t.h ' , bi 1 ' 1
h i 1" d i d Wl t o r qan i.c lO oqi.c a assets that
Wa t c lng or lstenlng to pun ltS an , ,
ta Lk i
lng h d '
ea s Vla mass me la ou e s d i tl t every, person who a s n t both profoundly
d 't t' I h b d th t t b I i nd and deaf has access to. If one of
oesn coun. ave 0 serve ~ 00 your senses is handicapped on some
many people these days look Wlthout I I I d 't h t 11 that
seelng,, an d t h ilS lS a b a d t h ilng. I h ave eve, on ave 0 te you
your other ones become more acute to
a 1 so 0 b serve d th a t t 00 many peop 1 e ,
b I iIn dl y accep t t.h ia r d -par t y 0 b serva t'.i on s compensate for your" harid i.c ap , Just about
f rom In i nd il Vli d ua 1 s Wli t.h an agen d a wh 0 are anyone can , try t.h i s , e xe r c a s e , and come
pali d t 0 en t er t.a a ii.n an d br 'i nq In , LilS t ener away, Le a,r n i nq s ome t.h i.nq . All you have to
'I'h i , 1 b d do lS f i.nd a comfortable place that has
revenue. lS lS a so a . , ,
some form of actlvlty, and use what God
As I write this, I am parked in agave you. The more you do it, the better
shopping plaza with line of site to the you become at it. There are even little
street intersection where the plaza I s exercises you can do that will help you
entrance is located. My window is rolled improve different facets of your
down a bit, and I have a Signal Stalker observation abilities.
police scanner running. I can see, hear,
The first exercise requires is a
and smell my immediate environment. The b h f 11
, k' , d f 1 1 unc 0 sma random obj ects and a
scanner lS eeplng me apprlse 0 oca 11 bl k
b.l i f . f f i d ' 11 sma an et or towel. Arrange the
pu lC sa ety r ad i o tra r.c , an Wl b' bl
, o J ects on a ta e and give yourself a
alert me of any nearby RF s Lqna Ls l' '
coup e mi.riu t.e s to "memorize" what you

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Issue #2, May/June 2011

see. Cover the objects over, write down When you conduct an observation
what you've seen, and then remove the activity, what are you specifically
covering to see how accurate you are. looking for? If you are in the field
You can adjust the difficulty by keeping tabs on the opposition, you will
shortening the observation time, using likely be making use of the acronym
similar obj ects, and requiring more SALUTE. This breaks down into the
detail. You will notice your improvement following:
as you begin to remember more detail inS _
SIZE: How many people and vehicles.
a shorter amount of time. After you have
done some visual work for a while, pickA - ACTIVITY: What they are doing.
up a familiar obj ect, close your eyes,
and let your sense of touch ascertain L - LOCATION: Where they were located.
the shape, texture, temperature, andu UNIT (OR UNIFORM) Distinctive
other tactile aspects of the item. Try clothing, uniforms, and markings on
it with different things. Now just kick clothing and vehicles.
back with your eyes closed, and
concentrate on the sounds smells and T TIME: The date and time that the
the overall "vibe" of the ~cene. wr:at doactivity occurred.
you now notice with your other senses E EQUIPMENT: What they are carrying
when you eliminated vision? If you and using.
haven't done it already, spend some time
walking around your house and property All of this goes together in a log file
in the dark without a light source. you keep on observed activity.
Eventually you will note increasing
Once you've tackled those stages, detail of your observations and see
set yourself up in a secure and safe patterns develop. SALUTE is good for
outside location where there is some direct observation of people conducting
acti vi ty going on. After you've an activi ty. What about a location or
conducted a little visual observation, general area? In that case, OCOKA will
close your eyes. Again, concentrate on be of use. Fellow dystonaut MKORION
the sounds, smells, and the overall breaks it down quite succinctly:
"vibe" of the scene. Try this in your
back yard first, and then in a public This is not only for selecting
place. Conduct a reconnaissance first to terrain, say from a map
find somewhere where random people won't reconnaissance, it's also for
be likely to notice you hanging around assessing whatever terrain you
wi th your eyes closed and think you're happen to be in. It requires
sleeping, passed out, or dead. Most absolutely no tools, and provides
people walk around with blinders on, and you with a tested and reasoned
something has to be right in their face approach to simple terrain
for them to notice it. You don't have to analysis-that alone puts you one
worry about them. You do have to worry up on everyone else not doing it.
about the individual much like yourself Try it.
who is going to notice your
experimentation. He or she may leave it Get up from your computer, walk
alone, or they may call 911 because they into your living room and begin
think you just had a stroke OT heart your OCOKA analysis. Practice it
attack in your car. Been there, done next time your in a checkout line,
that to a traveling salesman who decided or idling in a parking lot. Do it
that the back end of an employer's from your desk at the office.
parking lot was a good place to take a Here are some considerations:

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Issue #2, May/June 2011

o Observation and Fields of about requires no equipment other than

Fire: Observation from unaidedwhat nature and evolution provided you.
vision or vision enhanced wi th an Besides using your organic observation
electro-optical device. In the assets, you can take this to a different
defense, consider how and with level with various technological aids. I
what you will be engaged wi th. In already mentioned the police scanner.
the offense, how and wi th wha t you Small radio communications recei vers
will engage. extend your observation ability into the
- Cit C ether and enable you to keep track of
C Cover and oncea men: over ,,' h h '
actlvltles t at you are p ySlcally
is protection f rom weapons
' f ' separated from by a few miles. A small
concealment is pro t ec t.i.on rom, f' '10 2 '
t.i Wh id ' palr 0 a nexperis x 5 b.i nocu La r s
o b serva z orr . en cone i: e r i iiq h 1 bri th 1 t
this, ask what wea ons ou have e p rlng" e s,cene, c ose,r 0 you.
P Y Those amp Li f i.e d Li s t.en i.nq a i.ds do the
cover f rom an d wh at sensors you ,
" same wlth sounds, and help clear up
have concea 1ment f rom. Th i s i s , 11" bl ' , ,
tec h nlca an d ' i
s c i erit.i: lC i i un i n t e 19l e vo i ce s . Dlgl tal cameras,
, ,
,t h f t.tie i both s t Ll.L and v i de o , can save what you
1 l eracy ave some 0 elr ,
, , " see for future ana l ys i s . The same
greatest, u t i I i t.y . , Iii s qu i s e and app Li.i e s t 0 au d ilO recor d ers. CCD cameras
eppropr i e t:e dress i s a type of corub'.i.rie d Wli t.h IR LED l'11 ' t ors, or
concea 1 ment. t 1 i.o h " ,
ac ua nlg t-vlSlon devlces help you see
o Obstacles (man made and in the dark. Network carns, wireless
natural): Consider obstacles like cameras, and baby monitors let you
police operations. If you're directly observe from a distance.
attempting it? remain undet~cted, Your starter-level observation kit
then a po lce presence lS an ,
ti f doesn I t have to be e xpe n s i. ve. My most-
obstacle. A sec Lon 0 your town d' f ' , ,
fuse p i.e oe 0 e qu i.pmerit; lS a pa i r of
may be utuievi ureb
qa l. e b
ecause 0 ,
, 1 it 1 d'ff 10x25 blnoculars I bought for less than
SOCla o~ cu ura i. er~nces. $20 at the local spy shop about ten
Intersectlons that are navlgable , years ago. Se r i ' ous 1 y. Th ey f't l in a
may become obstacles when v eh i c Le s h b ' ht t t
are abandoned near them. p~u~ on my go- ag, ,rlg, nex ~ my
d i.q i. tal camera. The s i z e lS oorrve n i.e n t ,
K - Key or Decisive Terrain: In and the optics are more than adequate
our application, we're not usually for discrete daytime observation. It was
going to seize or hold terrain, so unfortunate when the owner moved his
think of key terrain as those business down south, as the place was
areas that support your Courses of good for inexpensive useful toys and
Action. People are also terrain. business leads. They still sell the same
binoculars, but the price is now $20.
A - Avenues of Approach: On foot, The 25mm objective lens is a little on
bicycle, water, sewers, windows, th e sma 1 1Sl ' d e f or nlg 'h '
t tlme use. GOlng ,
"mouse holes"? Urban terrain is ' ,
up to a palr of 10x50s wlll greatly
three dimensional.
, Always try for, r ove your 0 b serva t'Lon capa b il Lil t Y In '
three ways In or out. Urban evenlng ' s tree
t l '19 ht an d brlg ' ht moon Li19 h t
terrain also allows for easy con d il t .i' orrs . My f'.i r s t pa i.r 'f 0
b .i.noou 1 ars
vertical movement (i.e. fire
was a set of Tasco 10x50s from a
escapes, storm drains). sporting goods store. They're
Use OCOKA as a template and apply approaching 20 years old now, and still
it fluidly. work great when I need a little more
light gathering capability than the
So far, everything we've talked10x25s provide.

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Issue #2, May/June 2011

So far we're talking entry-level Gen3 and newer equipment. I like the
optics. For the beginner, a pair ofAN/PVS-4 (weapons sight) and AN/PVS-5
binoculars from Tasco or Bushnell will (goggles) units. They are familiar,
get the job done and not stress your reliable, and fairly idiot-proof. A
budget. You do get what you pay fordecent set on Ebay is in the $1000-$1500
however and my next set of optics were arange. If you look around, you can find
pair of post-World War II East German one in good condition for under $1000.
military surplus 8x30 field glasses made For night-time observation, I prefer the
by Zeiss. Not too many people know are AN/PVS-4. The PVS-4 is also a nice
aware of who made optics for the Warsaw weapon sight.
Pact right after the war, and this bit
For those on a budget, you can go
of information can help you get some '" ,
,t t d' N t the poor man s n i.qht.e-vi.s i.on route. CCD
rea 1 qua 1 l y a a goo prlce. 0 as , , ,
muc h maqn.ii f ia ca t'.i.ori or I'19 ht -ga th e r i' nq cameras are s en s i t to "near-IR .l i qh t.,
a bl' I'
l t y as a palr 'f 0
10 x 50 s, b u t th e and ,can be, used to see In the dark , If
,.i ric r e a s e d carl
1 ' t y 0 f th e op t'lCS ma d e ucomb , d Wlth an
p , array
, of IR LEDs. I ve
f or ri t;t , Th e 1 esson h ere lS ' t 0 b uy th e e xpe r i.merit.e d wi.t.h t.h i s , and have found
that you need an IR LED array that's
b es t you can a ff or d .
t.wi, ce t he s'i.z e of wh at you t h .ii n k you
I've found that lOx is the maximum need. Start with an array of about 20
magnification that can be used freehand LEDs and go from there. This is an
in a practical manner. Beyond that, the acti ve system, and that LED array is
field of view jumps around too much to going to shine like a beacon to anyone
be useful. For greater magnification, with NOD capability. Also be aware of
you need a spotting scope with a tripod. the fact that many "night vision"
Spotting scopes are better sui ted for cameras that use CCDs wi th LED
fixed observation posts when you need toillumination don't use IR LEDs. They
observe detail on a specific area. Back instead use low-power visible red LEDs
in my "industrial security" days, I made that can be seen with the naked eye.
good use of a 15-45x50 Bushnell to read IR illuminators can also be used
the names and registration numbers of
to enhance the operation of regular
various vessels on. the Hudson River from,
a half-mile lmage ~ntensifie~ NODs. The AN/PVS-5
away. comes wi t h a bu i Lt; in illuminator for
Night vision gear, a/k/a NODs close-in work. Many tactical flashlight
(Night Observation Devices) is another brands offer IR filters for the various
one of those handy observation aids that models of their lights. The use of an IR
most people never get because they feel illuminator will significantly increase
the equipment is unaffordable. A decent the observation range of your NOD,
NOD should be one of the first things especially on cloudy or moonless nights.
you purchase for your kit, because in
The optics are nice when you are
this day and age you can't afford to not d ' 'II
olng survel ance and reconnaissance,
have one. Some individuals who opt for a h
i ch b ut
set 0 f NODs go Wli t.h t t h e Ru s s i-, an N'i.q t ow
" are you going to know when
o 1 b d th t' Id t S t' G d somethlng lS out there worth watching? I
w ran a s so a por lng 0,0 s p r ev i. ously merit.i, oned Sl'gnal Stalker
stores. They are better than not.h i.nq , , , I
' NOD po Li ce scanners. For what l t s worth,
b u t you are b e tt er 0 ff t rea t lng your , " , ,
i nve
purc h ase as an lnves men s t; t f or th e f u ure de t.i.nq nearby
t , r-ad i.o ac t i.v i t.y that , lS
' 1 G 1 G 2 out of sync Wlth the normal t.r a f f Lc In
an d ,b uy i nq some surp , us " en or en your i.mme d
lmme latei
area, especla y, 11
Amer i can Gear. The ava i Lab i Li, ty has gone d " d fi , 1
, ,encrypte ac t i. Vl ty is e .i n i. te y a
up and prlces have gone down Slnce they , "
' th '1' t i t.h Buffalo Sp r i.nq f i e Ld moment. Many
h ave b een rep 1 ace d In e ml l ary Wl
advanced operators upgrade from the

Page 7
...- '. _.

Issue *2 , May/June 20 1 1

Radi o Sh a c k so l u ti o n and get bro a db and So to what e nd all thi s? Ign or ance
near -field r e cei vers su ch a s the NF- 3Kmay be b l i s s , but (a p pl i e d ) knowl edge i s
uni t s ol d b y man y spy s hops, o r a n o ld powe r . I f you wan t to take mor e con t ro l
Optoelectroni cs R-10 . Aft er e s tabli s hing o f you r l i f e , you ne e d to s t art by
an RF bas eline, the y consi der any opening yo u r eyes , especially yo ur t hi r d
increase in the l o c al noise f l o o r or one. As yo u n o ti c e more of wha t 's going
weird no i se they h ear a s g rounds f or on a round you , you beg in to connect the
f u rthe r i nv e st iga t i on. Thi s eventual ly dots and no t ice patterns . Th i s g e t s in t o
gr a du at e s to a b lack art known as TSCM: the f ie l d of inte llig ence ana lys is . You
Te c hni cal Surv eilla nce Cou n te r mea su res . will be able t o predict t he fut ure on a
Fo r t hose who a re j u s t sta r ting out limi te d ba s is , a nd mast er your own aa DA
how ever, one o f those li t t le $100 Ra t l oop. This puts you at a distin ct
Sha ck s pecials is handy f or knowi ng when adv a ntage over those who r emain blind to
the loca l g e ndarmes a re ne xt d o o r what 's g oing on a round them, a nd more
de a li ng wi t h a d omesti c d isp u te . impo rtant l y provides a d efe nse a ga inst
those who have been d o i ng exac tly wha t
yo u just l e a r ne d i n order t o take
advantage of you . What you dec ide t o do
with this new found p owe r is u p to you.
I wou ld hope you pu t i t to goo d u s e.

The Dystonaut i s p ub l is h e d b y :
Homes te a d Des i gn Wor ks
PO Bo x 96
Pl ymou t h, CT 06782 .
We can b e reached v ia ema il thro ugh
ti com
Copyr ight 201 1 by Home stead Design
Works . All Rights Res e r v ed.
Su b s c rip ti on s ar e as f o ll ows:
I n foll owing th i s particular path, $25 - I nd i vidual, Che c k/MO
you'll find that having deve loped a n $ 2 0 - I ndivi d ua l, Ca s h
el e ctronics s k i ll -set c ome s in handy. 60 Cents pre -1964 90% Si lve r US co i n -
Ant e n na s c a n be bui l t t hat e nab le you to Spe c i a l Individual Barter Subscription
mon itor signa ls f a r t he r ou t and in$ 5 0 - Inst it utiona l , Corpo ra t e , or
s p e cifi c dire cti on s. Remot e se nsors c a n Government
be fab r icated from o ld garage door Please mak e ne gotiable instruments
op eners and alarm s y stem parts . So me (che c ks and money o rder s ) p a ya ble t o
pa r t icu la r ly astute t yp e s a d d s imp l e "Home ste ad Des i g n Works".
wirele ss micropho nes into the mix so
they c a n listen in to dete rmine if wh a t The Dvstonaut is pub l ished f or
t r i p p e d the s ens or has four legs or two. edu cat i onal purposes only. No i l l e g a l
Us ed b aby moni t o r s are a dime a d oz en a t u s e i s impl i ed o r i n t e nd e d . Use c ommon
t ag s a le s . With a little app l ied sense in s te ad. Your mil e a ge ma y vary.
t e chn i cal knowle d ge , anyone can
i mpl e men t t h e i r own To t al Informati on ~
Aware n e s s p rog r am f r om ca s t -o f f and 'Et:B!
dump s t er - di ve d componen ts .

Page 8

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